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Climate Scientist Asserts ‘Climate Emergency’ Is All About Finance

Nicola Scafetta, an Italian scientist and world leader in climate models based on astronomic oscillations, has exposed climate policies as a pretext to build a financial business in an earlier interview with Italian media.  Speaking to the Italian daily Il Libero Quotidiano for Jan. 21, 2020, Scafetta said he suspects “that there is an effort to exploit climate fears to generate a catastrophism aimed at allowing a changed economic and social model in a direction promoted by big finance and multinationals. They created a demand to make money: They must have people accept costly and disadvantageous policies, which are profitable for some investors. Catastrophism is more for business rather than for the environment.”

Read the article in Italien.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche at CGTN event: “Party building and the new generation”

The dialogue appeared live on Youtube, the CGTN website and different social media accounts. See here:

CGTN on Facebook
CGTN on Twitter
CGTN’s Webseite CGTN on Weibo

Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche added a profound call for sanity in an interview on China’s CGTN TV today. Asked to make suggestions for today’s youth in a moment of great peril, she responded that the fundamental issue is the image of mankind, with two opposite views being contested. The one is that of the Malthusian and oligarchical view, that man is a parasite, polluting Mother Nature, and the fewer people the better, a view most evident in those promoting the climate scare. The other view is that which perceives that every person is sacred, blessed with the power of reason, capable of making discoveries of new principles of nature which can be applied to enhanced production and higher standards of living for all. She said that it is time for all of humanity to unite behind this elevated view, to form a common party of mankind which unites citizens of all countries in a common mission, without contradicting the interests of the diverse and beautiful cultures of the world. To start this process, she said, mankind must unite behind the urgent need to end the pandemic, and all future pandemics, by building modern health facilities in every country. This would create a potential branching point for the human race, building the basic infrastructure required for the health of all people, and ending once and for all the idea that poverty is an unavoidable part of civilization which can not be eliminated. In 100 years, she added, when we have become a space faring species, national boundaries will be less important.

Intense Round of Diplomacy Underway to Outflank the War Hawks

In the last ten days, there has been a flurry of diplomatic discussion prompted by the U.S.-U.K.-NATO insistence that Russia is about to invade Ukraine.  Putin has been busy, making the case that it is the Trans-Atlantic nations which are the aggressors, that they are launching provocations in the Ukraine-Black Sea region, and in the Indo-Pacific.  The dream of some deranged geopoliticians, that they could replay the efforts of Henry Kissinger in the 1974-76 period, to pit Russia and China against each other, suffered a probable fatal blow with the Putin-Xi summit yesterday.  While Blinken, Stoltenberg and Truss are huffing and bluffing, an alliance of sovereign nations, committed to peaceful economic cooperation, is growing.   Can the American people outflank the London-Wall St. corporate geopoliticians, and bring the U.S. in on the side of the alliance of sovereign states?

Ibero-America Looks to Eurasian Economic Union for Economic Ties

Today’s St. Petersburg Forum Russia-Latin America panel made clear that the potential for the expansion of economic ties between those countries “is huge,” because Russia proved itself a reliable partner in securing vaccine supplies and production for the region. Vaccine cooperation, prospects for increasing trade and investment flows, bilaterally and with the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), and the possibility of doing so without using the dollar, dominated the discussion.

High-level ministry officials from Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Guatemala, Guyana, and Venezuela, the Secretary General of the Andean Community (of Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru), the President of the Central American Parliament, and the head of the leading Brazilian pharmaceutical company, Uniao Quimica, were the speakers scheduled from the Ibero-American side.

Sergei Glazyev, Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, dominated the panel discussion from the Russian side. He was joined by the head of Russia’s Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) and the panel’s excellent moderator, Sergey Brilev, knowledgeable about both sides as the anchor of the “Vesti v subbotu” program on TV Channel “Russia” and head of the Bering-Bellingshausen Institute for the Americas in Uruguay.

Uniao Quimica head Fernando De Castro Marques reported that production of Sputnik V in Brazil is underway. UQ has produced its first batch, and once it clears the Russian Gamaleya Institute’s quality checks, it will start producing 8 million Sputnik V doses per month—for both Brazil and its Ibero-American neighbors. Between the Brazilian-produced Sputnik doses and 100 million vaccine doses imported from China and India, he said Brazil could have 70% of its people vaccinated by the end of this year—while exporting vaccines to the region, he emphasized.

Guatemalan Minister of Economics Roberto Antonio Malouf Morales jumped: how long did you say it will take to produce 8 million doses? One month! Guatemala has eight million people! We have suffered a 15% drop in our economy in the pandemic; with those vaccines we can recover faster!

Malouf Morales, Chile’s Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs for International Economic Relations Rodrigo Yanez Benitez, and Andean Community head Jorge Hernando Pedraza Gutierrez, all spoke of working out trade agreements with the EAEU. The Guatemalan and Chilean officials specified that they want to expand economic relations with Armenia and, yes, Belarus, through the EAEU, of which both are members.

Both noted that they had met separately with Sergey Glazyev before the panel. More than any details, the scope of the EAEU discussions in the region was best indicated by the Guatemalan Minister’s statement that if you say “Sergey” in Ibero-America today, everyone knows whom you are talking about.

The MOU’s being signed between Ibero-America and the EAEU reflect the restructuring towards a polycentric world underway, Glazyev said, but the question is how to turn them into actual business. He raised, in some detail, the need to create mechanisms to carry out this trade outside the U.S. dollar, “which has become toxic for us.” His remarks made clear that discussions are underway both nationally and at the level of businesses, of how to create a digital currency for trade between the EAEU and Ibero-America.

Valdai Club at SPIEF: “Weaponized Dollar” Forcing World To Flee the Dollar

One panel at today’s opening day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) was chaired by the Valdai Discussion Club, moderated by the Club’s Programme Director, Ivan Timofeev, on the global impact of sanctions. The title: “The Risks Sanctions Pose to the Global FInancial System and International Business.” The program description included the following: 

“Sanctions present a threat to both the financial infrastructure of the ‘target country’ and foreign banks…. The transformation of the dollar into a weapon carries the threat of unforeseen shocks. Restrictions on the financial sector are also associated with human rights issues, particularly a lack of access to financial services (underbanking) for large groups of citizens…. The intensity and indiscriminate nature with which sanctions are deployed suggests that a targeted political tool is now becoming all-encompassing.”

The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, Alena Douhan (a former professor of international law at Belarus State University), spelled out the unilateral sanctions from the US and EU are illegal under international law, and are imposed “without any attempt at legal proceedings, without due process.” Due especially to the use of “secondary sanctions,” they create fear in businesses and banks to do any business with sanctioned countries or businesses or individuals. The impact is severe on a nation’s “health system, water and electricity, transportation — people can not get to the hospitals.” She named Venezuela, Syria, and Yemen as countries in which the hospitals have practically no medicine, no vaccines, high unemployment, and a consequent vast increase in crime and trafficking of people and drugs. 

Vladimir Kolychev, Russia’s Deputy Finance Minister, said that as the result of these crimes, “a new global financial system is coming into being. It won’t come overnight, but it is inevitable. The sanctioned countries will do it.” There is an ongoing withdrawal from  the existing structures, he said, since it is not safe to use US dollars. Russia’s trade was 80% in dollars as recently as 2019, but is now less than 50%. Reserves in Russia are now only 20% in US dollars. Russia and others under sanctions are also moving to produce goods domestically in critical areas, such as health care. 

Vladimir Chizhov, the Russian Ambassador to the EU, said we are living through a “sanctions pandemic.” The EU now has sanctions against 32 countries, including three which are applying to join the EU (Turkey, Bosnia Herzegovina, and Montenegro). The EU says it only uses sanctions as a “last resort,” Chizhov said, “but alas, this is not a fact, far from a fact — it is their first choice.” Only sanctions approved by the UN Security Council are legal under international law, he added. “Smart sanctions,” he said, “are stupid. Above all sanctions don’t work, “even legal ones — look at the Taliban.”

Sanctions, the Rules-Based Order, and Dangerous Hypocrisy

Friday Questions: With the upcoming Putin-Biden summit, there were several questions about what we can expect: Will anything be accomplished?   What would you consider a successful summit?  Will there be efforts to sabotage it?  A second question referred to the idea of a “Clean Green Initiative” put forward to counter China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, asking if it is designed to split the world into two camps, as was done after World War II, with the Cold War.  A third question asked about how to make more clear to the general public the degree of evil represented by today’s neo-Malthusian elites.

Sicily Daily Runs Call by Committee for Coincidence of Opposites on Afghanistan Emergency

Under the headline “Afghanistan, the Committee for the Republic: Let Us Help It,” the daily Il Corriere di Sicilia published the Dec. 10 call by the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites with an endorsement by Alessia Ruggeri.

The paper quotes Ruggeri saying: “I join the declaration by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institute, which has highlighted that for more than two months no one has talked about Afghanistan, totally ignoring the emergency and the fact that, with the confiscation of funds, the population is likely to die of hunger and hardship,” and it continues: “These are the words of Alessia Ruggeri, spokesperson of the political movement ‘Committee for the Republic’ member of the Committee for the Coincidence of the Opposites that supports the call by David Beasley, director of the WFP, which states that immediate support from the West is needed, defining it as a moral test for the West.” See the Italian original.

Pre-Summit Events Target Russia, China

Before the June 16 summit between Presidents Putin and Biden, there will be summits of the G7 in the UK and NATO in Brussels. The main topic of these summits, announced in ongoing pre-summit meetings, will be coordination to “confront systemic challenges from Russia and China”. This was the message of British Foreign Minister Dominic Raab, and seconded by U.S. officials Lloyd Austin, the U.S. Defense Secretary, and Secretary of State Blinken. The G7 is expected to unveil its “alternative” to China’s global Belt-and-Road infrastructure initiative, the “Clean Green Initiative”, and its new “Alliance of Democratic States”, which Blinken said will provide robust support for the phony “Rules-Based Order”. These are a public relations cover for geopolitical provocations of the War Hawks, to defend their highly unpopular “Great Reset”; keep an eye out for Fake News and False Flags, designed to disrupt any serious effort in the Putin-Biden summit, to move toward cooperative agreements on addressing the systemic breakdown underway.

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Will the Biden Administration Proceed with the Judicial Murder of Julian Assange?

There is no better example of the fraud behind the Biden administration’s “Summit for Democracy” than the attempt to murder whistleblower publisher Julian Assange.  His crime?  Publishing documents exposing war crimes committed by U.S. forces in Iraq, and covered up by U.S. officials.  The U.S. is proceeding with the case to extradite Assange from the U.K., where he continues to be held in Belmarsh prison.  As Assange awaits a predetermined guilty verdict if he is extradited to the U.S., the same networks he exposed for war crimes in Iraq are running yellow-journalist reports on Russia’s alleged plans for a military attack on Ukraine, risking the danger of triggering World War III.

Webcast: Increasing Density of False Narratives from War Party Proliferate Preceding Upcoming Summits

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp-LaRouche details the array of fake stories and fabricated narratives unleashed by imperial geopolitical war hawks in preparation for upcoming summits of the G7, NATO and between Presidents Putin and Biden. Among those she dissected are the Wuhan lab leak story, published May 23 in the Wall Street Journal by Michael Gordon, who wrote the original lies about Iraq’s WMDs for the NY Times in 2002, and Chatham House/Brit intelligence re-writing of the history of the post-Cold War relations with Russia.

She also spoke of the revival of the accurate charges against the NSA and Danish intelligence for spying on European leaders, first exposed in 2013, but never stopped; and of the scandal around the Green New Deal, with Mark Carney pushing a brutal form of new colonialism, to prevent development of Third World economies, allegedly to halt global warming! The final outrage she discussed is that of German Green leader Habeck, calling for the delivery by Germany of weapons to Ukraine.

The antidote to this escalating insanity is for viewers of her weekly dialogue to study these issues, and join with the Schiller Institute to build a global anti-Malthusian movement. This is the task over the next weeks, leading to the June 26–27 Schiller Institute conference, where these outrages will be fully exposed, and the policy alternatives to them presented.

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