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Chas Freeman Argues To Return to the Approach of the Peace of Westphalia

Chas Freeman gave an interview to the “Douglas Macgregor Today” podcast on July 21, in which he used his years of diplomatic experience to give an accurate historical assessment of the world’s problems, and used his wisdom to provide a path out of the crisis.

Citing his July 10 address to the Chinese-Cambridge Executive Leadership Program, among Freeman’s main points was that the G7 nations, which he calls a “club of the imperial powers,” no longer follow UN mandates or guidelines from international agreements. This club of imperial powers has created the “rules-based order,” but the club will create the rules, alter the rules, exempt themselves from the rules, and decide which countries will be required to follow the rules. He says that this is not the “rule of law,” but the “rule by law.” The Global Majority prefers the UN Charter and international agreements, and views the “rules- based order” as hypocritical, arbitrary, fraught with double standards, and based on a narrative that denies reality.

The Global Majority is creating a new order that is not restricted to a “multipolar” concept, but is “multi-nodal,” meaning that countries interact differently at different levels with a vast variety of other countries. He also made the point that countries like the U.S. and China may not interact well politically, but have very large economic interactions. He was encouraged by the great diversity of medium and regional powers like Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Nigeria, Mexico, Poland, and Indonesia which may lack great clout on the global stage, but have growing influence, especially in their regions. Each country has sufficient power to make a difference in the world. These countries are independent and will not submit to some overlord. Freeman said that China dominates Pacific Asia, but also has become a global power like the U.S.. He said that there are no other global powers. Freeman compared it to Russia which has a global military reach, but Russia does not have the economic influence with the exception of the issue of energy.

He said that the U.S. has lost its dominance in every field except military. The U.S. is obsessed with a democratic ideology, yet it is becoming more authoritarian. However, the loss of democracy in the U.S. is not from meddling by Russia, China, or some other power, but rather it has been a self-inflicted wound. It has been the U.S. which has made the world a less democratic place by denigrating the UN, paralyzing the UN Security Council, and ignoring international agreements. If the UN cannot be rebuilt, then it should be replaced, but it will not by the U.S. which will lead any reform effort. The U.S. does not use diplomacy or dialogue, but rather sanctions and ostracism. But knowing yourself and knowing your adversary is critical whether in diplomacy or on the battlefield. The West now divides the world into blocs and uses economic, trade, and technology embargoes against foes. The U.S. foreign policy now relies on the military, and the economy relies on protectionism. If the U.S. is unable to compete with China, it merely bans selected imports.

But Freeman warns that self-reliance can go too far and used the example of China in 1793 which rejected all of the innovations presented by a British trade delegation which condemned China to backwardness for 150 years. The G7 countries used to be at the center of human progress, but now it is retreating. China now has rejected this self-imposed isolation and engages the world making itself into a dynamic scientific and industrial powerhouse. The policies of sanctions and intimidation merely creates resentments that will last for generations. This is not solving problems, but entrenching us into the problem. The Thirty Years’ War was ended by the Treaty of Westphalia which included mutual respect and we risk total war if we do not return to this approach.

On the Issue of Struggling Against Neocolonial Practices

July 18, 2024—Ambassador Anatoly I. Antonov, the Russian Federation ambassador to the United States, offered the following article on July 11, for exclusive publication, to the Schiller Institute, Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) weekly magazine and its daily The ambassador refers to a “Russian initiative to create a new international anti-colonial movement, ‘For the Freedom of Nations!’, to eradicate modern practices of exploitation and hegemony.”  EIR Editor-in-Chief, Helga Zepp-LaRouche offers a short response to the ambassador in the context of the attempted assassination of former President Trump, which follows after his article.

On the Issue of Struggling Against Neocolonial Practices

by His Excellency Ambassador Anatoly I. Antonov

July 11, 2024—Russia stands for the formation of a fairer and more stable multipolar system of international relations, based on the U.N. Charter and, above all, on the principle of sovereign equality of states. We advocate the emergence of a global order that will reflect the cultural and civilizational diversity of the modern world, and take into account the right of every nation to determine its own destiny.

This approach is gaining increasing support within the international community that seeks to eradicate vestiges of the colonial system.

Meanwhile, the collective West is still actively resisting such efforts, trying hard to retain the “reins of power” and the status of “master of destinies.” The current dynamic in Ukraine, and restless attempts by Western capitals to destabilize the situation in the post-Soviet space, are illustrative examples of the “global hegemon’s” desperate struggle to preserve its dominance and an opportunity to impose the unipolar model on the international community.

The world majority clearly understands that the Western colonial practices don’t lead to anything good. A bitter confirmation to this is the use of force by an aggressive minority under the leadership of the U.S. in a number of countries, including Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and some states in Asia and Africa. Experts estimate that since 1945, Washington has made more than 50 attempts at coups d’etat and military interventions.

In the same line is the imposition of illegitimate economic barriers. These include limitation of opportunities for independent development, coercion to conclude unfair contracts, extracting resources for nothing, as well as relocation of dirty industries to countries of the South. Of special note is the unlawful practice of the West, aimed at unleashing sanctions pressure on the states that refuse to submit to the dictates and sacrifice their sovereignty and national identity. Examples of such illegal restrictive measures include the long-term economic blockade of Cuba, and unilateral restrictions against Iran and Venezuela.

In order to preserve their geopolitical presence in various regions of the world, Western capitals actively resort to the mechanisms of “debt neocolonialism.” Under the disguise of environmental protection and fight against climate change, they hypocritically promote the concepts of “green imperialism” which only benefit the so-called “golden billion.” The technological divide is being deliberately enhanced to consolidate the monopoly of Western IT corporations. There is a taboo on any publications contradicting the established Western narrative in the information space controlled by them.

An illustrative example is unequal distribution of vaccines during the COVID-19 [pandemic], with simultaneous Western efforts to artificially delay certification of the Russian Sputnik vaccine which could save millions of lives in developing countries. At the same time, no one was held responsible for cases of severe side effects from the use of hastily certified Western vaccines.

Another symptom of neocolonialism is the aggressive imposition of neoliberal attitudes to the detriment of traditional spiritual and moral values. It’s about pushing a destructive agenda, including gender diversity and legalization of drugs. Among other things, the so-called “summits for democracy” organized under the auspices of Washington in order to update the U.S. toolkit of external control and interference into the internal affairs of sovereign states, as well as the fight against those who are labeled here in the United States as “autocracies.”

These facts clearly point at who remains the true colonizer. It is high time for the Western camp, representing the minority, to understand the futility of imposing neocolonial practices (including the so-called “rules-based order”), and any attempts to lay the blame on someone else.

Based on the experience of our country in promoting the people’s liberation movements in the 1960s, nations of the world majority demonstrate their strong commitment to the struggle aimed at establishing an equal and mutually respectful dialogue. A vivid example of this is a disagreement of our partners representing the countries of the Global South and East with Western interpretations of the situation in Ukraine and their understanding of the goals and objectives of a special military operation.

In the same line is the support of the Russian initiative to create an international anti-colonial movement “For the Freedom of Nations!”, to eradicate modern practices of exploitation and hegemony.

We Must Revive the Art of Diplomacy!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Editor-in-Chief

July 16, 2024—The barely failed assassination attempt against now-Presidential candidate Donald Trump shocked the world into the reality of how fragile the international situation has become. It should be a wakeup call for all: We have no choice but to resort to diplomacy as a way of conflict resolution in the age of thermonuclear weapons. That means one always has to take into account the interest of the other—all others; that is the foremost lesson of the Peace of Westphalia, which ended 150 years of religious war in Europe. At that time the war parties agreed to sit down at the negotiating table. They realized that if the fighting were to continue, there soon would be nobody left alive to enjoy the victory. That is exactly the situation we are confronted with today.

The demonization of Russia is not working in the Global South, because it does not correspond to the experience of these countries, who represent the Global Majority by far. The recent NATO declaration claims that Russia and China represent a challenge to the Euro-Atlantic order. That declaration will be read as praise for these two countries in the Global South, because those NATO countries are regarded, by what were formerly called the developing countries, as the forces still carrying out a continuing neocolonial policy.

It is not too late to resolve the most dangerous strategic situation the world has ever experienced. President Putin’s offer for a new Eurasian Security Order should find a positive response in the West, and should be even expanded into a new global security and development architecture, taking into account the interest of every single country on the planet.

Webcast: The Trump Assassination Attempt — Less than an Inch Away from Total Chaos

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following brief statement Mondy, July 15:

“The world is still in a state of shock. The July 13 assassination attempt on Donald Trump failed by only an inch. Had the assassin’s bullet struck its mark, the shot could have been Sarajevo 2.0 for throwing the US and subsequently the world into chaos, followed by a global nuclear war.

“The next three and a half months will be a period of maximum danger, escalation of military conflict around Ukraine and Southwest Asia, increasing ungovernability in France and possibly other countries, increasing financial turbulence, and above all the escalating danger of a direct military confrontation between `Global NATO’ and Russia and China.

“Prime Minister Viktor Orbán of Hungary started an exploratory mission to Kyiv, Moscow and Beijing, and found that the road to diplomacy does exist. We therefore call on Elder Statesmen, religious leaders, former diplomats and elected officials, retired military and other civilian leaders—from all nations—to step forward and create a Council of Reason to explore the potential for a new international security and development architecture, which can take into account the interests of every single country on the planet.”


In a discussion with international associates today, Zepp-LaRouche discussed the organizing challenges posed by the global crisis, including the shocking attempted assassination of Trump. “I think this is a very good image for people to reflect on. That may be how far we are from the total annihilation of the human species.… The world’s fate is as fragile as this accidental movement by Trump’s head. If one reflects on that, it should send shivers down your back. Because that is the reality, and it should help people wake up from their complacency about what is obviously the most dangerous moment in history ever.”

The attempted assassination of Trump occurred scarcely 48 hours after the July 9-11 NATO summit concluded in Washington, D.C. That meeting activated a policy of replacing all sovereign governments—including that of the United States—with a supranational military structure under NATO command, with the British in the catbird seat. A major feature of their gameplan is to render the United States itself ungovernable, to unleash a “strategy of tension,” including orchestrated violence and chaos.

Was the assassination of Donald Trump intended to kick that off? Was there deliberate security-stripping at the Butler, Pennsylvania event to facilitate the job?

We don’t yet know the answers to those questions. But what we do know is that the “Global NATO” policy is consistent with that; and we also know that the only way to stop their policy of destroying all semblance of sovereignty and development is to organize a new international security and development architecture. The International Peace Coalition’s Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations for Peace Now lays out a pathway to bring that about, beginning with initiating discussions and then negotiations along the lines proposed by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his June 14 peace proffer.

A “Council of Reason” of Elder Statesmen from around the world can be a decisive catalytic force in furthering that process.

Zepp-LaRouche concluded her discussion with associates today by stressing that such a new approach is urgently needed if mankind is to be saved. “If we stay within the confines of `I belong to this party and can only talk to this person and think this,’ as long as you are staying within that kind of a corset, we are all doomed. We somehow have to catalyze this discussion about what a new paradigm really means in terms of sovereignty, elimination of poverty, health systems, infrastructure, credit system, education—a different way of thinking.” She insisted that “these are the issues which are important, and people have to be organized to think along these lines. And that coincides with what the Global Majority is attempting to do.” It is the methodology of Lyndon LaRouche that has provided us with a way of thinking, which breaks with the axioms of reductionist thinking and “has taught us not to believe any one doctrine, but how the progress of science has moved forward from one thinker to the next, and how that became the self-enriching manifold of which there is no end. That’s the beauty of it.”

Zepp-LaRouche concluded: “We are at the end of an epoch: 500 years of colonialism are coming to an end irreversibly. At the end of it, it’s either a new paradigm or World War III. And I don’t see any middle ground to that.”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 18, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

PETITION: International Peace Coalition — Declaration of Independence from Imminent Nuclear War: Begin Negotiations for Peace Now

July 4—We, the undersigned, welcome the renewed peace initiative of the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, as currently presented in his speech at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, 2024. We urge the commencement of a diplomatic process forthwith, not withstanding the present state of hostilities between NATO/Ukraine and Russia. 

Time is of the essence. Any further escalation heightens the danger that the present conflagration will escalate to the level of region-wide war, or even thermonuclear confrontation, and that far more quickly than might be imagined. To ensure that this does not happen, we should follow this advice: “Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us, instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.” 

Those words, of American President John F. Kennedy, were echoed by his adversary, Russian Premier Nikita Khrushchev, in a letter he wrote to JFK:”I have participated in two world wars, and know that war only ends when it has carved its way across cities and villages, bringing death and destruction in its wake.” That has been the unnecessary toll in this war, a war that could have concluded over two years ago, by the end of March, 2022. Instead, through the clearly-documented intervention of the UK’s Boris Johnson and NATO, the already-negotiated proposal for peace between Russia and Ukraine was scuttled. Hundreds of thousands of lives were unnecessarily sacrificed as a result. 

The Putin June 14, 2024 proposal is the world’s opportunity to “get back on track.” It could prove the first step in creating a new international strategic architecture, to replace the now-dead post-1989/91 “unipolar” construct. This June 14 peace initiative is a successor to a series of failed, sabotaged, but persistent peace attempts, as openly documented to the world in the conclusion and attempted implementation of Minsk-2 in 2015, as well as in the willingness to negotiate even after the commencement of Russia’s Special Military Operation, February 24, 2022. It was seen in the March, 2022 treaty that was initialed by both Russian and Ukrainian official representatives, but never adopted, because of Boris Johnson’s imperial intervention.

We here declare, emphatically, that the goal of dismembering Russia by using the Ukraine conflict as a springboard for regime change there, is clearly a madman’s enterprise in the era of thermonuclear weapons. In view of the suffering caused by war and aggression, and the danger of this conflict escalating into a Third World War, broad support for this initiative is an important expression of the will of all rational people to survive.

The war-mongering, and profit and revenge-driven calls for Russia to be defeated, are based on the mistaken assumption that the theater of war—including nuclear war—can be limited. This was not, however, the case in either the First or Second World Wars. Through today’s military capabilities, which can reach any target in the world in the shortest possible time, such a “limited war” assumption is evidence of a huge misjudgment of the reality of our time. Those calling for war, and against negotiations, mistakenly believe that they might have a safe chance of survival. In thermonuclear war, there is no hiding place.

To repeat: We urge the commencement of a diplomatic process forthwith, not withstanding the present state of war between NATO/Ukraine and Russia. To this end, we urge the Ukraine Rada to rescind the order preventing direct negotiations with Russia. We fully support the construction of a new security architecture for Europe and indeed for the world. We urge the warring parties – and those in supporting roles – to come together in good faith to negotiate a lasting peace based upon mutually beneficial economic relationships among the countries involved.

    Specifically, we recommend the following steps: 

    First, to begin initial discussions, based upon the Russian peace proposal of June 14, 2024. 

    Second, based on progress in those initial discussions, to seek the earliest possible declaration of an agreed upon ceasefire in the conflict. 

    Third, once an agreed-upon ceasefire’s terms have been set to paper, reinforce and strengthen trust through a new economic architecture, including forces from outside of the conflict that have advanced various proposals for advancing peace. 

We must, with regard to these negotiations, not only remember, but re-commit to the lessons of the Peace of Westphalia that ended the Thirty Years War: a lasting peace requires that one take into account “the interest of the other, ” and all others, for that matter. “No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” That was the conviction of Kennedy and Khrushchev, who as leaders, faced a moment when they, together, might have destroyed all human life, perhaps forever. They negotiated, and humanity prevailed. We stand, perhaps not yet in, but very close to that very same place now. We must not fail.

  • -Col. (ret.) Lawrence B. Wilkerson, Former Special Assistant to the U.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Former Chief of Staff to the U.S. Secretary of State
  • -Scott Ritter, former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer
  • -Lt. Col (ret.) Earl Rasmussen, Lt. Col, U.S. Army
  • -Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black, former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon;
  • -Kirk Wiebe, Member of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), and a former senior analyst with the National Security Agency. He’s also a partner in the prevention of crimes of the intelligence community with Bill Binney
  • Dr. Clifford Kiracofe, Former Senior Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and President, Washington Institute for Peace and Development
  • -E. Martin Schotz, MD, Member of JFK Peace Speech Committee
  • -Muhammad Salim Akhtar, National Director, American Muslim Alliance
  • -Alessia Ruggeri, trade unionist, Italy
  • -Claudio Giudici, chairman, Unitaxi, national trade union of taxi drivers, Italy
  • -Lorin Peters, Pax Christi, N Cal Moderator
  • -Nelson Borelli, Ret. Prof. of Psychiatry Northwestern University Evansville, Il
  • -Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder Schiller Institute

The Accelerating Pace Of World Events – 57th Meeting of the International Peace Coalition

by Daniel Platt

Today, July 5, the 57th consecutive weekly online meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) focused on a number of striking developments which had occurred in the preceding days.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute and initiator of the IPC process, pointed out that the most interesting and positive recent development is the visit to Russia of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who just began a six-month term as the rotating President of the Council of the European Union. Orbán assumed that office July 1, and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy the following day. Now he is in Moscow meeting with Russian President Putin. As Zepp-LaRouche put it, “We absolutely have to return to diplomacy…. That doesn’t mean we have to say who is right and who is wrong” beforehand about every detail under negotiation. She took note of the fact that the neocons of the EU are in high dudgeon over the Orbán trip: “In Brussels, all kinds of people are starting to hyperventilate.” She added, “I want to congratulate Mr. Orbán for taking the initiative.”

The recent elections in France and the U.K. elicited much discussion. Zepp-LaRouche reported that the return to power of the Labour Party in the U.K. is generally seen as “an earthquake,” attributing this shift to the British electorate rejecting Schachtian austerity “very forcefully.” During the discussion period, a representative of the U.K.’s Unity News pointed out that, while it is true that the Tories have destroyed the domestic economy, Labour has destroyed the world by advocating neocon wars of “regime change.” Of course, the Conservatives support these as well, but with candidly imperial intentions, while Labour does it slyly. The Unity News reporter reminded participants that only 34% voted for Labour, but it was couched as a “landslide.”

There was discussion of the changes in the composition of the British Parliament. An important leader, George Galloway, lost his seat, but four other openly pro-Palestine MPs were elected. LaRouche Organization leader Dennis Speed observed that with the ascension to power of Keir Starmer as the new Prime Minister, Tony Blair is effectively back in power. Speed reminded the participants that Blair was the driver behind the “Responsibility To Protect” rationale for neocon aggression against sovereign states, ushered in as the “Blair Doctrine” pronounced in Blair’s 1999 speech overturning the concept of Westphalian sovereignty.

Zepp-LaRouche raised the Biden/Trump debate, and subsequent talk of a replacement for Biden, noting that the interesting question is not who will be the candidate for the next election, but rather, who is running the White House right now; who has his finger on the nuclear button? She described a recent article in EIR providing insights into who that might be. She argued that the feverish preparation for war throughout the Anglosphere hangs on the narrative that Putin is preparing to reconstitute the Soviet Union and invade Europe. She went on to warn that “The narrative that no peace option exists must be defeated.”

A number of reports were given. Dr. E. Martin Schotz, a member of the JFK Peace Speech Committee, spoke about their monthly screening of the speech which President Kennedy delivered at American University on June 10, 1963, with each screening featuring a guest commentator. Yesterday’s guest was Col. (ret.) Lawrence Wilkerson, who recently spoke at the Emergency Press Conference with Zepp-LaRouche and others.

Jose Vega, Independent Bronx Congressional candidate, described his recent intervention at an appearance by neocon zealot Matt Pottinger at the Asia Society in New York City. Vega confronted Pottinger, shouting, “I’m supposed to believe that Xi Jinping is this evil dictator, when the United States is actually responsible for a three-front world war … Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan?” One million people have seen it to date on X/Twitter, but after the video was translated into Chinese, and appeared on the Chinese version of TikTok, it received 2.5 million additional views. RT interviewed Vega and aired his intervention. After Vega was dragged from the hall, others also intervened and shut down the event. Helga Zepp-LaRouche congratulated Vega, comparing his intervention to that of Viktor Orbán.

George Koo, a China expert, who had seen the Vega intervention live, related that Alexander Hamilton at the time of the American Revolution had sent spies to England to learn about their industrial technologies. He noted that China, however, has now taken the lead in 47 technology sectors, and you can’t be in the lead by simply stealing intellectual property; you have to develop it yourself. These things should be pointed out “when the Pottingers on stage spout nonsense.” In response to Koo, EIR editor Dennis Small asserted that China’s greatest achievement was to lift 850 million people out of extreme poverty, a feat without parallel in world history.

An activist from Bavaria reported on upcoming interventions there. She said that under the German Basic Law (Grundgesetz), citizens are able to ask German officials questions about what they are doing, and if they don’t answer, there can be criminal proceedings. A criminal lawyer from Mexico spoke on the right to protest, which is being suppressed internationally, particularly campus protests on Palestine. She plans to protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico tomorrow. A Swedish peace activist said they celebrate July 4 in ways the U.S. government may not like, talking about all the ways the U.S. has violated its own Constitution. She said that the U.S. spies on the entire world. Sweden has acknowledged that the NSA monitors all military communications from Russia via undersea cables.

EIR editor Dennis Small reported on a recent visit to China by former Guyanese President and IPC activist Donald Ramotar to attend a major international conference on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. President Xi Jinping delivered the keynote speech, and presented the need for the whole world to support Putin’s peace initiative—much as the IPC is doing with its new Declaration of Independence from the Imminent Danger of Nuclear War, to 600 international participants. Dennis Speed reported on a recent X post by El Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, saying:

“Congratulations to the people of the United States of America on your Independence Day.

“We are inspired by you, not by the ideals you hold now, but by the ideals you had in 1776 when you gained your freedom and built the foundations of your great country.”

In her concluding comments, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said that,apart from mobilizing for peace negotiations, we need to do some in-depth work. There is a gigantic effort underway to replace reality with “narratives,” and “the truth gets lost.” We suffer from “decontextualization,” what we used to call “fallacy of composition.” In Germany, you can be legally punished for saying that the war in Ukraine is not an unprovoked war of aggression by Russia. We need to challenge historians and journalists to reconstruct how we went from the wonderful opportunity of 30 years ago, with the end of the Cold War, to the brink of World War III where we are today. Only if you look at what went wrong can you begin to come up with a remedy. She urged participants to continue to mobilize for peace and support Putin’s June 14 initiative as a good starting point.

Webcast: The Old System is Dying, The New Paradigm Is Emerging

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

Last week’s U.S. presidential debate showed beyond the shadow of a doubt that the post-World War II order is in a state of final collapse. The show might go on for a while longer, like the chicken whose head has been severed yet continues to run around, but there is little life left in the corpse to do much more than keep up appearances. Not only is there clearly no one home in the person of the President of the United States, but the entire political and otherwise ruling establishment has covered this up for months and even years, all the while preaching about such platitudes as “democracy,” “accountability,” and “honesty” to the rest of the world.

Only days later, the Western establishment suffered another major defeat in France, as Macron’s party was walloped in Sunday’s first round legislative elections. No amount of “fighting disinformation” was enough to prevent the French public from coming out in record numbers to vote against the ruling establishment. Taken together with the failing proxy war in Ukraine and the evident disaster Western nations have condoned in Gaza, it’s not hard to see how the “empire of lies” is quickly unraveling.

However, this alone is not enough. As Jacques Cheminade, president of Solidarité & Progrès party in France, put it in a statement on July 1: “The first round of the French legislative elections was a groundswell of opposition against the old regime’s policy of subservience to financial globalism. However, the political forces claiming to represent this popular will to break with the past are themselves trapped in the straitjacket that has been imposed on us since 1946.” Similar to Donald Trump, who has on one hand criticized and on the other hand fully embraced the policies of the military-financial complex, most if not all of the opposition candidates emerging across the trans-Atlantic have not yet raised their sights to take on the financial oligarchy of the City of London, Wall Street, and BlackRock. Can enough voices of clarity intervene to transform this debate?

A new system is in fact emerging which is pointing the way forward for the world to get out of its current crisis, and it’s important to keep in mind that those pundits who attack it as “communist” or “authoritarian” trickery, are the same people who were telling you just last week that Joe Biden has a sharp mind but suffers from a stutter. So the veil is falling, and it’s past time that the citizens of the trans-Atlantic choose a beautiful and free future alongside their global neighbors over the creepy and macabre machinations of today’s military-financial Frankenstein dragging into a world war.

In discussion with associates today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche pointed out that the obvious mental incapacity of Biden in last week’s debate implicitly raises the question of this military-financial “deep state,” because if Biden is in this condition, who is really running the United States? It therefore presents an opportunity to organize people around what is truly happening in the U.S. and the world, and why they have allowed themselves to give up on the idea of a republic and their role as a citizen.

The West must cooperate with this new emerging order if it is to get out of this crisis without a global war, and this is why the offer by Russian President Putin is extremely important. It represents an off-ramp that must urgently be taken.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche July 3, 11am Eastern/5pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to or ask them in the live stream.

PETITION: Support the Declaration of the Presidium of the East German Board of Trustees of Associations on President Putin’s Peace Initiative

Declaration of the Presidium of the East German Board of Trustees of Associations
on President Putin’s Peace Initiative

The appeal, translated into English, reads as follows:

Our contribution is to support the peace initiative of the Russian President in such a way that it gains a broad echo and helps to help reason prevail in the interests of humanity.

From the Presidium of the OKV e.V.
June 15, 2024

We welcome the renewed peace initiative of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, currently presented in his speech at the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, 2024. His peace proposals are based on the vote of the population of the four new regions as well as the multiple votes of the people of Crimea. They are also based on the facts on the battlefield. They show the genesis of the Ukraine conflict.

This peace initiative is based on the continuity of Russia’s desire for peace, which was openly documented to the world in the conclusion and attempted implementation of Minsk-2 as well as in the willingness to negotiate and the treaty that is therefore about to be concluded in spring 2022. Responses from the various sides reveal to the world who the aggressor is, who is constantly escalating, who is indifferent to countless human lives and also what intentions lie behind it.

In view of the suffering caused by war and aggression and the danger of this conflict escalating into a third world war, broad support for this initiative is an expression of the will of all rational people to survive.

The war-mongering, profit- and revenge-driven calls for Russia to be defeated are based on the mistaken assumption that the theater of war can be limited. This was not the case in the First and Second World Wars. With today’s means, which can reach any target in the world in the shortest possible time, such an assumption is also evidence of a huge misjudgment and negligence of reality. Those calling for war and against negotiations believe that they themselves may have a safe chance of survival.

Our contribution is to support the Russian President’s peace initiative in such a way that it gains a broad echo and helps reason to prevail in the interests of humanity. We call on everyone we can reach to do so.

This idea was the basis of our conference “Dialogue instead of Weapons” in March 2023. This idea was also the basis of the international conference of the German Peace Council e.V. and the OKV e.V. with the participation of representatives of European members of the World Peace Council in September 2023, which we actively supported.

Regardless of party affiliation, faith or nationality, we call on everyone to join us in supporting V. Putin’s peace initiative.

Dr. Matthias Werner
President of the OKV e.V.

International Peace Coalition Meeting June 21: Is Putin’s Peace Proposal the Last Chance for Humanity?

by Kevin Gribbroek

“If we would come out of this discussion with a clarion call to spread the news about the Putin peace proposal—because it’s not discussed in the media—if we would come out with some endorsement of this proposal, I think we would take a giant step forward.”—Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The 55th consecutive meeting of the International Peace Coalition (IPC) was convened today with a major focus on the June 14 proposal that Russian President Vladimir Putin presented before Foreign Ministry senior staff, for a new Eurasian security architecture as the foundation for global peace. His proposal is not exclusive in any way—NATO members are welcome to join—and is based on China’s Five Principles of Peaceful Co-Existence. Given the deafening silence of the mainstream media regarding the true content of the proposal, which to date has been scoffed at by Western “leaders,” the intention of the IPC meeting was to serve as a platform to launch a worldwide campaign to bring awareness to the international community that this proposal may be the last chance to derail World War III.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute and initiator of the IPC, opened the meeting with her observation that a growing number of people have a terrible feeling that the “war machine is coming closer and closer, and that the situation is escalating by the day.” People such as Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić have warned that war may break out within 3 to 5 months. Zepp-LaRouche expressed her belief that this is one of the most dangerous periods in history, and in that context presented an elaboration of Putin’s proposal. She cited a statement by Russia’s Permanent Representative to the UN Office in Geneva Gennady Gatilov, who said that the Euro-Atlantic security system has completely failed, and that Putin’s June 14 proposal is the foundation for a new global security architecture in the era of multipolarity.

Zepp-LaRouche continued by pointing out the fact that there is a remarkable “affinity” between what President Putin is proposing, and what she herself and the Schiller Institute have been fighting for since the outbreak of the special military operation: namely her Ten Principles of a New International Security and Development Architecture. Commenting on a recent statement by Russian economist Sergey Glazyev, in which he says that “the cause of the military escalation is the bankruptcy of the Western financial system, which will sooner or later erupt in a full-scale social and economic catastrophe if the United States insists to keep the system up at all costs,” she noted that this is exactly what American physical economist Lyndon LaRouche had been forecasting since 1971: that Nixon’s abandonment of the fixed exchange rate system would lead to a new depression, a new fascism and the danger of world war. Were war to break out with Russia, Europe would have no way to survive, and therefore the population must be mobilized to stand against this.

An appeal to support Putin’s peace initiative, drafted by the East German Board of Trustees of Associations (Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden, or OKV), was read to the meeting participants by IPC co-moderator Anastasia Battle. Helga Zepp-LaRouche voiced her full support for this initiative and at the conclusion of today’s meeting, the participants in the meeting overwhelmingly supported the OKV appeal. The IPC will shortly be releasing a full statement of support.

Joachim Bonatz, Vice President of the OKV, followed by expressing his conviction that only Russia and the NATO block can stop the conflict, and that is why the OKV is supporting Putin’s proposal. President Putin has warned that if the West continues its objective of a strategic defeat of Russia, Russia may be forced to change its no-first-use nuclear doctrine. Thus, a unified approach is necessary to build support for the Putin initiative to prevent an escalation of the war.

Ray McGovern, a former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS), began his remarks by stating that Putin, in his speech of June 14, “took off the rhetorical gloves”: “We have come dangerously close to the point of no return. Calls to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia … despite the fact that Russia possesses the largest arsenal of nuclear weapons may demonstrate the extreme recklessness of Western politicians,” said Putin. McGovern’s assessment is that the intention of Russia’s recently signed mutual defense pact with North Korea is deterrence: If the Biden administration, in a last ditch gambit, tries to escalate the war before the U.S. Presidential election—perhaps with the use of low-yield nuclear weapons—Russia can respond not only in the West, but in the East as well.

Donald Ramotar, former President of Guyana (2011-2015), stated his belief that the loss of international influence by the West is driving its actions, including the seizing of Russia’s assets, and that this is causing a growing number of nations to “migrate” towards the BRICS. These nations want to have greater freedom to deal with their own affairs without fear of sanctions. He voiced his full support for Putin’s proposal, characterizing it as the only sensible proposal at this time that has the potential to prevent a third world war.

Colonel Alain Corvez (ret.), former advisor to the French Ministry of the Interior, in agreement with prior speakers, stressed the importance of the Putin proposal, and the potential it has to open the door for negotiations. The problem is that the leaders of the West, particularly the United States, are “nihilists” who want to preserve their hegemony. This is the root of both the conflict in Gaza and in Ukraine. Because the leaders are irrational and corrupt, therefore it is up to the people to act.

Jacques Cheminade, President of the Solidarité et Progrès political party in France, began by commenting on the recent EU Parliament elections, characterizing the outcome as a “wave of discontent against Macron.” French President Macron is finished, but the question is, what’s next? The problem is that all the other parties are for war. That is why Cheminade has decided to run as a candidate in the upcoming French legislative elections—his campaign fully endorsed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Cheminade stated his intention to put pressure on all other candidates in France to agree on three fundamental points: no more delivery of weapons to Ukraine; dissolution of NATO; and peace based on common development.

Zepp-LaRouche, in response to a question during the discussion period, warned that we are dangerously close to a “tipping point”: Experts such as Steven Starr and Ted Postol have stated that the time leaders have to make decisions on the launching of nuclear weapons has shortened to such an extent that “we are hanging by a thin thread.” Her belief is that one of the most dangerous mythologies in the West is that “Putin is bluffing.” Putin has shown remarkable patience, but that does not mean that Russia does not have red lines. If people were aware of “how few minutes there are between us and extinction, people would not sleep anymore.”

In her closing remarks, Zepp-LaRouche once again emphasized the importance of supporting the OKV’s appeal to endorse Putin’s peace initiative. She expressed her conviction that only if there is a move to the spirit of the Treaty of Westphalia, based on securing the interests of every single country on the planet, will there be a chance for peace: “Putin’s proposal is the greatest approximation to [the Treaty of Westphalia]…. It’s a suggestion to go back to diplomacy; a very serious suggestion to go back to negotiations instead of war.” And that is why his proposal could be the last chance to save civilization.

Emergency Press Conference: The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped



Wednesday, June 12, 2024; 1:00—3:00 p.m. ET
National Press Club, Washington, D.C.; and on-line via Zoom
· Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer
· Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia (Speaker’s views are not those of DOD or its agencies)
· Lawrence Wilkerson: Senior Fellow at the Eisenhower Media Network, Chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell, 2002–2005
· Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder of the Schiller Institute
Schiller Institute


IN PERSON PARTICIPATION: Seating is limited, if you wish to attend you must RSVP at

ONLINE JOURNALISTS PARTICIPATION: Journalists wishing to participate on-line, please send an email to indicating your name, media you represent, and language preference (English, German, French and Spanish can be accommodated), and you will receive a link by email.

The public in general can view the online English-language live stream here:

On June 3, the U.S. State Department prevented U.S. citizen Scott Ritter from boarding his flight to St. Petersburg, Russia, and seized his passport. Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and United Nations weapons inspector who has become a prominent opponent of the current war policy, was traveling to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which is being attended by an estimated 19,000 people and 3,400 media representatives from some 130 countries. Ritter was subsequently able to participate in the SPIEF panel via Zoom.

In addition to the clear First and Fourth Amendment Constitutional issues raised by the Ritter case, the content of what Ritter was going to discuss is key: the need to improve U.S.-Russian relations and stop the escalating danger arising from NATO’s current posture towards Russia, as seen most starkly in Ukraine, which is dragging the world towards a nuclear World War III.

The May 22 attack on a critical Russian early-warning radar system at Armavir, purportedly by “Ukrainian” drones, could have been the event which tipped the balance towards war—because it could have confirmed for Russia their stated belief that NATO and the West are intent on “blinding” Russia’s early-warning system in preparation for a possible “preemptive decapitation” strike by the U.S. and NATO against them. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated exactly this concern, publically, and it is the height of arrogant foolishness of the West to dismiss this as a “bluff,” as so many in Washington, London and other NATO capitals are now doing.

As dangerous as attempting to blind Russia’s early-warning radar, are the efforts to silence opposition voices who function as a kind of “early-warning” system in the domain of policy deliberation—those who are warning of the danger of nuclear war, and are presenting alternatives to a policy of confrontation.

On Wednesday, June 12 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a distinguished panel of four experts will each make brief presentations on these topics, and will respond to questions from the media, both in person and over an international Zoom link (with simultaneous interpretation into German, French and Spanish for audiences in those countries).

Recent comments by the panelists:

Scott Ritter: “The command centers that Russia uses were conceptualized and constructed during the Soviet Union, when Ukraine was part of the Union, and, from a Russian perspective, they were deep in the Russian rear, protected. But if Ukraine now is carved out and made part of NATO, and you insert American missiles there, all of these places that were thought to be safe in the rear are now reachable. And if America allows Ukraine to use ATACMS missiles to strike these facilities, Russia will nuke NATO! Not Ukraine—NATO!… The Ukrainians are complaining that the United States will only allow them to use the HIMARS, that they won’t be allowed to use the ATACMS to strike Russia yet. But, just so everybody in your audience understands, we are one ATACMS launch away from everybody dying. The Russians aren’t playing games here.” [June 4, 2024, on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s “Judging Freedom” show]

Senator Richard Black: “Now, if you look at where we are right now with the three drone attacks directed at their eyes and ears against nuclear attacks, this clearly would trigger the nuclear doctrine of the Russian state. Now, in addition, if there’s actually a cohesive movement towards preparation for nuclear war—I’m not saying that we have made some sort of a decision, but we certainly are laying all the groundwork in case a decision was to be made. We’re attacking their early warning systems by blinding them. We have significant drone attacks against the nuclear bomber base in Russia, deep within Russia. Keep in mind that, from the Russian perspective, if you put yourself in their shoes, what do they see? They see that Russia is being blinded to where it can’t detect incoming attacks. Also, its nuclear bomber fleet is being attacked, repeatedly attacked. Now we see NATO moving nuclear capable F-16 jets into the country. You put all those together, and it is a very nerve-wracking situation for Russia, where they have such a short period between a nuclear launch against them and a decision being made to counter that launch. What do they do? How do they respond?” [May 30, 2024, interview with Executive Intelligence Review (EIR)]

Ray McGovern: “Russia views the U.S./NATO proxy war in Ukraine as the kind of existential threat that President John Kennedy perceived, when Moscow installed nuclear missiles in Cuba. Those missiles were capable of hitting, within minutes—Washington, D.C. and the Strategic Air Command in Omaha. For readers who have missed this, U.S. missile capsules already emplaced in Romania and Poland (ostensibly for ‘ABMs’) can accommodate overnight what Russia calls ‘offensive strike missiles’—with even shorter launch-to-target time—than those Kennedy strong-armed Khrushchev to remove from Cuba, under threat of nuclear war.” [Dec. 12, 2022,]

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “I can only say that the judgment of Scott Ritter is that once they start to use the ATACMS missiles, which have a much longer-range and could actually reach deep into Russian territory; or if German Chancellor Scholz capitulates again, which he is doing, and allows the Taurus cruise missiles to be deployed [to Ukraine], that could lead to the absolute destruction of Moscow, of the Kremlin, and would mean a guaranteed World War III. And we are absolutely sitting on that powder keg. Therefore, one ATACMS away from Armageddon is exactly where we are. And we have to really get the population mobilized… We have to convince the people of Western Europe and the United States that the countries of the Global South are not their enemy. What the BRICS-Plus countries are attempting to do is to straighten out the world order… [It is] eminently possible to establish a new security and development architecture.” [June 5, 2024, Weekly Schiller Institute webcast]

International Peace Coalition: ‘It May Alter Your Servility Toward the Hegemon’

The International Peace Coalition (IPC) continued its second year of weekly international online meetings today, with opening comments by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, who reported on the Emergency Press Conference that was held in Washington, D.C. on June 12. She had monitored the responses to the conference, and noted the worldwide concern about the decline of diplomacy, which has been superseded by violence and extortion as instruments of foreign policy.

Even Western media have been completely cynical about the recent G7 meeting, held in a luxury resort in Italy’s southern Puglia region. Except for hosting Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, every participating head of state was a lame duck of one sort or another. The tone of the meeting was uniformly bellicose, and Zepp-LaRouche presented her assessment of the plan to use the interest on frozen Russian financial holdings to leverage a $50 billion bond to arm Ukraine (because confiscating the entire $300 billion in frozen assets would be the “death knell for the financial system”): “This is obviously very good for the pockets of the military-industrial complex,” she said, but “given the fragility of the financial system, all of these things could trigger reactions which are not part of the calculation.” She discussed the almost surreal nature of how the Western media are covering international relations, such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s vaunted “Peace Formula” conference in Switzerland, which excludes Russia and therefore can’t possibly work. “You can see how all the news is being twisted,” she said, and stressed the importance of the June 15-16 Schiller Institute conference.

Advice for Peace Activists

Political analyst Garland Nixon provocatively asserted that, in a sense, nuclear weapons are already in use; he gave the example of the use of depleted uranium rounds, and urged his listeners to “research Fallujah.” He added that similar weapons were sent to Ukraine, but many were apparently blown up in a weapons depot before they could be used. He told the participants that the ruling elites will not respond to reason, so they must be forced by the masses to act. He referred to “the puppet avatars whom they put out, such as Joe Biden.” He recommended to peace activists that they build a long-term infrastructure for activism, because “they’re planning their next conflict…. This is about getting Russia out of the way, so they can get to China.”

Jack Gilroy, a long-time peace activist and member of Pax Christi, described how that organization started in March 1945. He said that the religion of Christianity preaches nonviolence, but regrettably “has become the greatest killer of any religion in the world.” He emphasized the importance of maintaining the intensity of the recent student activism in the U.S., saying that students “may be away from their campuses, but they’re not away from their phones.” He recommended a focus on social media, where there are now 25-30 major platforms. Although there is good work being done on stopping the genocide in Gaza, “even the students are not awake on the issue of nuclear weapons.”

Gilroy provided colorful anecdotes from his life of peace activism. He described life as a school teacher during the 1960s, when people were more conscious of the threat posed by nuclear weapons. His young students who participated in “duck and cover” drills knew that these were nonsensical and were offering no real protection; one of his students became so frightened that she swallowed a bottle of aspirin in the restroom and had to be rushed to the hospital. But in those days, at least there was an open channel of communication between the U.S. and the Soviet Union; today we don’t have the red phone, nor any cultural exchange.

Disillusioned by the U.S. government, Gilroy’s family moved to Australia, where Jack found himself organizing students to protest French nuclear testing in the Pacific. He later resumed his work in the U.S., where Jack was videotaped dressed as Santa Claus, climbing over the fence at an armaments factory with a bag of gifts for defense workers. He concluded by praising the Schiller Institute’s June 12 emergency press conference and urging the widest possible circulation of its press release.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche responded to Garland Nixon by saying that we must convince the people of the U.S. and Europe that the nations of the Global South are our natural allies. If we can work with the BRICS, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and related bodies, then there is reason for optimism. She then invited Jack Gilroy to come to Germany and straighten out the wayward Catholics and Protestants there, including many of their top leaders.

During the discussion period, one guest who described himself as a “Simple German” reported that he has become remoralized to learn that he has co-thinkers around the world.

New York independent congressional candidate Jose Vega gave a report on the Nov. 5 elections. He mentioned that in the Bronx congressional district that borders his own, AIPAC is spending over $11 million in an effort to “primary” Rep. Jamaal Bowman. Vega stressed that he is not endorsing Bowman, who is very wrong on Ukraine, but praised him for taking a stand on Gaza. “Nobody should be allowed to just buy a congressional district.” said Vega. “These elections should be decided by voters, not by people who have deep pockets.”

A report came from a German participant who had worked in a senior position for the NATO political affairs division, during which he had participated, beginning in 1979, in the Wintex “crisis management” exercises, which included nuclear war gaming. He reported that each time the scenarios were “gamed,” Europe was always destroyed. He recalled one exercise where an American general was heard to say, “Unfortunately, in the Fulda Gap, the German villages are only half a kiloton away from each other.”

A correspondent for Unity News in the U.K. reported that the mainstream media and government all say that soon there will be conscription there, and British youth will go to Ukraine to fight. She said that the majority of Britons have no idea and think that this is a joke. “As independent media, we find it very difficult to speak outside of our bubble … to get any traction,” she said, and she also praised the June 12 press conference.

IPC co-moderator Dennis Small recommended that everyone watch the 22-minute exchange between Putin and the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) moderator Sergey Karaganov on the issue of Russia’s nuclear arms policy. He added that the greatest danger is that if nuclear war proceeds, everything beautiful that humanity has created will disappear. He quoted from Nikolai Ostrovsky’s book, How the Steel Was Tempered: “Man’s dearest possession is his life, and since it is given him but once, he must live so as to feel no regrets for years without purpose; so live as not to be with shame of a cowardly and trivial past.”

In her concluding remarks, Helga Zepp-LaRouche underscored the importance of the report given by a German, who had participated in NATO war games in Europe, describing the actual thinking in these nuclear games that Europe does not play a role. “That is absolutely something which people should really come to grips with, because once you realize that you are just a pawn on a chessboard, dispensable to be thrown away, it may alter your servility towards the hegemon.” She added that because nuclear war threatens everyone in the world, “it makes everyone automatically a world citizen.”

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