International Schiller Institute Conferences
‘Dialogue of Civilizations’ : Creating a ‘New Paradigm’ for All Mankind
“…Our goals should be chiefly three.
First, we must define that ecumenical conception of man, avoiding conflict respecting other matters of religious beliefs, man as made in the image of the Creator of the universe, from which all notions of rational law are rightly derived.
“Second, we must establish a secular agreement of principle among a newly defined community of perfectly sovereign nation-states.
“These two policies must be expressed by a third, a commitment to broadly defined physical-economic and related missions, of not less than a quarter-century’s span. These missions are of three general types. The first is typified by those kinds of great infrastructure developments on which depends the ability of peoples to develop their nation’s land-areas as a whole. The second, typified by education and public health programs, is the development of the potential productivities that their populations as a whole, requires. The third, is the commitment to selected common goals of fundamental scientific and technological progress, to which all peoples shall have the equal right to access.
Such an understanding of the nature of man, matched by such a commitment to a mission for practice, is the foundation upon which a successful dialogue among cultures depends.”
– Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Excerpts from Dialogue Among Cultures: The Road To Peace

The Ratification of the Treaty of Münster, 15 May 1648 (1648) by Gerard ter Borch: The Treaty of Münster(Westphalia) brought an end to the bloody Thirty Years’ War that devastated the entire Europe. A quote from the Article I reads as follows:
“…And this Peace must be so honest and seriously guarded and nourished that each part furthers the advantage, honor, and benefit of the other…. A faithful neighborliness should be renewed and flourish for peace and friendship, and flourish again.”
The International Schiller Institute has been sponsoring and participating in hundreds of conferences around the globe in order to bring together the moral and intellectual forces and to realize the true dialogues among civilizations, which are needed more urgently than perhaps ever before in our history. You will find below many exchanges of ideas that are already shaping the course of the present history.
* Coming soon…
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Let Us Create a New, More Human Epoch for Mankind
February 16, 2019, Morristown, NJ

Presentations by Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité & Progrès, John Gong, Professor of Economics at the University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, remarks from H.E. Ambassador Vassily A. Nebenzia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations, William Binney, Former Technical Director, NSA, and more.
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How to Overcome Geopolitics and the Danger of a New World War
June 30 – July 1, 2018, Bad Soden, Germany
Presentations by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute, Vladimir Morozov, Program Coordinator of the Russian International Affairs Council, Dr. Xu Jian, Vice President of China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) and Senior Research Fellow and Director of the CIIS Academic Council, U.S. State Senator Richard Black, Roger Stone, political strategist from the Trump faction in the Republican Party, and many, more.
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Fulfilling the Dream of Mankind
November 25-26, 2017, Bad Soden, Germany
Presentations by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute, Prof. He Wenping, Chinese Academy of Social Science, Director of African Studies, Dr. Saad Mohamed Mahmoud Elgioshy, Former Transport Minister, Marco Zanni, Member of the Economic and Monetary Committee of the European Parliament, Fouad Al-Ghaffari, founder of the Office for Coordination with the BRICS & President of the Yemeni BRICS Youth Cabinet, Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics, MP (1994-2002) and Chairwoman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, and many more.
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U.S.-China Cooperation on the Belt & Road Initiative
April 13-14, 2017, New York
Presentations by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder of the Schiller Institute, Ms. Meifang Zhang, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China in NY, Senator Mike Gravel, Former U.S. Senator, Alaska, Mr. Petr Iliichev, Chargé d’affaires, the Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN, Richard Trifan, Vice President, Gobernment Relations and Trade, The Eurasia Center, Washington, D.C., and many more.
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Realizing Krafft Ehricke’s Vision for the Future of Mankind
March 25, 2017, Munich
Presentations by Marsha Freeman, Science Editor of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), and Prof. Claude Nicolier, First astronaut from Switzerland, Part of two servicing missions to Hubble Space Telescope,
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The Win-Win Solution: One Belt, One Road
February 4, 2017, New York
The Win-Win Solution: One Belt, One Road
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute (via live video hookup);
Dr. Patrick Ho, Chairman, China Energy Fund Committee; Former Secretary for Home Affairs of the Government of Hong Kong
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Conference in Stockholm
11 January, 2017
Helga Zepp LaRouche Lifts Stockholm Audience to the Sublime at Schiller Institute/EIR seminar
Sublime, is the only fitting word to describe the deep and beautiful presentation by International Schiller Institute chair Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the atmosphere she created in the audience of 60 participants at the Schiller Institute/EIR seminar held in Stockholm on January 11th, under the title “Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm.”
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Conference in Dubna, Russia
19-20 December, 2016
“End of Globalization”
Video statement by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president and founder of the International Schiller Institute, presented at the VI International Conference on fundamental and applied problems of sustainable development in the system, titled “Nature – Society – Man: Designing the Future of the World” held at the University of Dubna, Dubna, Russian Federation.
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Conference in Copenhagen
12 December, 2016
Zepp-LaRouche in Copenhagen: Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm
On Monday, December 12, Helga Zepp-LaRouche was the special guest speaker at a Schiller Institute/EIR seminar in Copenhagen entitled, “Donald Trump and the New International Paradigm.” Eight diplomats from six countries attended, including two ambassadors. There were nations from Western Europe, Southwest Asia, Western and Eastern Asia, and Africa. In addition, there were around 30 Schiller Institute members and contacts, as well as a few representatives of various Danish and international institutions.
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Conference in Peru
17-19 November, 2016
Helga Zepp-LaRouche Keynote to 23rd National Congress of the Association of Economists of Peru
Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche delivered the following keynote address to the XXIII National Congress of the Association of Economists of Peru, held in Pucallpa, Ucayali, in the Amazon region of Peru.
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Conference in New York
10 September, 2016
Schiller Institute Leads Living Memorial to Victims of 9/11
On the 15th Anniversary of the terror attack on New York City and Washington DC, the Schiller Institute, founded by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, intervened across the five Boroughs of New York to lift the remembrance of that tragic day to a higher level, a “Living Memorial,” through the use of great art to lift the minds and souls of all men and women away from fear and thoughts of vengeance to that of creativity and the future of Mankind.
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Conference in Beijing, China
29-30 July, 2016
Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses T20 Summit in Beijing, China
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and president of The Schiller Institute addressed at the international conference, “Think 20 (T20) Summit”, held in Beijing, China. About 500 think tank experts, politicians and representatives of international organizations from 25 countries worldwide gathered in Beijing to contribute their wisdom to the G20 Hangzhou Summit on building new global relationships.
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Conference in Berlin
25-26 June, 2016
Creating A Common Future For Mankind And A Renaissance Of Classical Culture
The Schiller Institute’s international two-day conference gathered more than 300 guests from 24 nations and four continents for an intense and profound dialogue on how to stop the immediate danger of world war, by creating instead a new paradigm of global cooperation and development, based on a dialogue of civilizations and the unique creativity of mankind.
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Conference in San Francisco
8 June, 2016
Strategic Seminar in San Francisco
The Schiller Institute’s Strategic Seminar in San Franciso on June 8, drew 70 guests and experts to discuss the urgent topic “Will the U.S. Join the New Silk Road? Global Scientific Development or Nuclear War.” That question is to join the One Belt, One Road world infrastructure plan put forward by China, or stick with the collapsing Western economies, whose bankruptcy is fueling the danger of a global nuclear war.
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Conference in New York
7 April, 2016
Building a World Land-Bridge – Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity
On Thursday, April 7, the Schiller Institute will be hosting an all-day conference in Manhattan on the theme “Building A World Land-Bridge: Realizing Mankind’s True Humanity.” With the tremendous international successes recently achieved by Helga & Lyndon LaRouche and their associates, including Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s recent trip to India and LaRouche collaborator Hussein Askary’s participation in Cairo with the Egyptian Transportation Minister, launching the Arabic edition of the World Land-Bridge report, it is time to bring the spirit of “win-win” cooperation to the United States! Join in this opportunity to dialogue on the necessary (and beautiful) outlook needed to give the United States a new orientation.
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Conference in Frankfurt
23 March, 2016
Seminar in Frankfurt on New Silk Road for Mideast and Africa
The seminar, “Solving the Economic and Refugee Crises with the New Silk Road!” organized by EIR in cooperation with the Consulate General of Ethiopia in Frankfurt, was attended by an audience of 75, consisting of representatives of several diplomatic offices, of subscribers and contacts of EIRin the region, and about 10 Syrians (students as well as refugees waiting for enrollment at universities).
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Conference in New Delhi, India
3 March, 2016
Helga Zepp-LaRouche in India
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, spoke today in New Delhi at the Raisina Dialogue, co-sponsored by the Indian Ministry of External Affairs and the Observer Research Foundation. The two-day conference is described by its organizers as being “designed to explore prospects and opportunities for Asian integration as well as Asia’s integration with the larger world.” The event hosted more than 100 speakers from over 40 countries.
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Conference in Tokyo
2 December, 2015
The Need of Global Public Works: The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge
“Asia Innovation Forum 2015” in Tokyo
Schiller Institute founder and chair Helga Zepp-LaRouche addressed two Tokyo events on Dec. 2, delivering a clear message to 400 Japanese business leaders that the World Land-Bridge is the only way to end the tyranny of war and geopolitics and solve the ongoing Middle East crisis.
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Conference in Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China
18-19 June, 2015
International Forum of the Cities of the Economic Belt along the New Silk Road
Speaking on June 19 at the Silk Road Economic Belt Cities International Forum in Yiwu, China, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institute, warned of the dangers facing the world of possible financial blowout and global war, and underlined the importance of the Silk Road Economic Belt, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, as the way out of the crisis.
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Conference in Paris
13-14 June, 2015
Rebuilding the World in the BRICS Ara
On June 13 and 14, eminent representatives from three of the five countries which make up the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), and countries associated to them, were featured speakers of an exceptional international conference of the Schiller Institute in Paris, France, titled “Rebuilding the World in the BRICS era”.
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December, 2014 – Massachusetts

October, 2014 – Frankfurt

June, 2014 – New York

November, 2013 – Los Angeles
San Francisco Resolution:
“The totally over indebted world financial system is so fragile, it could evaporate at any moment, like a supernova. Rather than admitting that their monetarist system of high risk speculation is bankrupt, the financial oligarchy intends to put the burden on the population, through the so called ‘bail-in’ policy! They intend a ‘hair cut’ reduction of the real economy and the living standard with the immediate result the death of millions of people, and they are now openly calling for the return of fascist regimes as in the 1930s.
“We, therefore, commit to mobilize for a national campaign, demanding the U.S. Congress implement Glass-Steagall immediately, exactly as Franklin D. Roosevelt did in 1933.
“We also pledge to revive the principles of the American Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, by initiating, today, a Second American Revolution and committing ourselves to turn America once again into a Beacon of Hope and Temple of Liberty, creating an alliance of perfectly sovereign nation states in the tradition of John Quincy Adams, and establishing the foundation of true peace through development.
“The implementation of Glass-Steagall is the first and indispensable step! Therefore, we call on every citizen to join the movement to establish this law, as well as a new international credit system modeled on Alexander Hamilton’s U.S. credit system, not only for the U.S., but for the whole world, so that that whole world can again become livable.”

June, 2013 – San Francisco
Conference Program
Morning Panel • The World Crisis and the Solution: A New World Economic System
Keynote: Helga Zepp-LaRouche Appeals to the American People
To Once Again Save the World from Fascism: “Never Again!”
Helga Zepp LaRouche, Founder of the international Schiller Institute
Glass-Steagall Will Revive The Economy of Living People
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Intellectual Author of the SDI, Economist and Statesman
The President Must Consult Congress Before Going to War
Walter Jones, U.S. Representative from North Carolina
The Global Food Crisis and the New Paradigm
Marcia Merry Baker, EIR Economics Intelligence director
Keeping the Farmer on the Land
Frank Endres
NAWAPA and Canada
Dr. Robert Hux, Committee for the Republic of Canada
Afternoon Panel • Ending the Threat of Nuclear World War: The Pacific Century
Selections from Bach’s B Minor Mass
Schiller Institute San Francisco Chorus and Orchestra
Directed by My-hoa Steger
The Role of the Phillipines and the U.S.
Butch Valdes, Chairman of the Phillipines LaRouche Movement
The Extended NAWAPA: World Rail and Nuclear Power
Dr. Hal Cooper, engineer and infrastructure expert
The Historic Potential of the Pacific
Michael Billington, Advisor to LaRouche on Asia, USA
China and the U.S. — Inevitable Partners
Victor Chang
Australia: Free from the British Empire
Robert Barwick
California, the Pacific, and the Fight for Glass-Steagall
Harley Schlanger, Schiller Institute Board Member, Western States Spokesman for LaRouche
Evening Panel • The Role of Creativity in Development
Mozart “Dissonance Quartet” K. 465 – The Dirichlet Quartet
Nancy Shavin – Violin
David Shavin – Viola
My-Hoa Steger – Violin
Jean-Sebastién Tremblay – Cello
The Science of Creativity
Phil Rubinstein
Man and the Biosphere: Occupying It as Human Civilization
Omar Pensado
The Sense-Uncertainty of Truth
Megan Beets, LaRouchePAC Basement Team
Beethoven Cello Sonata Op. 69
Jean-Sebastién Tremblay – Cello My-Hoa Steger – Piano
Questions and Discussion

April, 2013 – Frankfurt
Frankfurt Resolution:
Frankfurt Resolution: “Either Glass-Steagall, or Chaos and Genocide”
The following resolution was adopted on April 14, at the conclusion of a two-day conference by the Schiller Institute, which was dedicated to the creation of a New Paradigm to Save Civilization.
“We, gathered here near Frankfurt, Germany, representing countries from all continents, give our full support to the immediate voting up of a Glass-Steagall Act in the United States, both in the House of Representatives and the Senate, in line with the bill introduced by Rep. Marcy Kaptur and Rep. Walter Jones called the “Return to Prudent Banking Act” (HR 129).
“We are all convinced that it is a matter of life or death, and that it is only a Glass-Steagall Act in the United States that can stop the genocidal policies of the worldwide monetarist system. It is the necessary weapon to break the chains of the British Empire. In a word: It is either Glass-Steagall, or chaos and genocide.
“We in our respective countries are committed to lead that fight for a Glass-Steagall principle, both in the United States and within each of our nations. Glass-Steagall is only the first step. We must also replace the present monetary system with a public credit system in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, based on national banking, in order to finance reconstruction of the world economy. That implies each country’s sovereignty over its own currency.
“If mankind is to have a future, we must end the present policies of conflict resolution through war, and agree on the common aims of mankind, such as overcoming poverty on Earth, and defending the planet against the very real dangers from outer space through the policies of the Strategic Defense of Earth.
“The immediate implementation of Glass-Steagall, however, is the absolutely irreplaceable mandatory first step, without which none of the other objectives has any chance of realization.
“Our common development is the new name of peace and the only alternative to thermonuclear war.”
The Resolution can be forwarded from this page!
Conference participants hailed from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, China, Denmark, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Germany, Greece, Irak, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kosova, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Sweden, Ukraine, USA, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe.
In addition, greeting messages from Egypt, Iceland and Cyprus were submitted to the conference.

March, 2013 – Virginia

January, 2013 – New York

November, 2012 – Frankfurt