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Los Angeles Conference • November 2nd, 2013

The Second American Revolution:
Developing the Pacific and Ending the Grip of Empire

Conference Program

Panel 1 • The Future of Mankind

Conference Opening
»My Country ’tis of Thee«
Michael Steger, Schiller Institute Chorus

We Can Turn the Tide: Get Obama Out, Get Glass-Steagall In; Launch a Thermonuclear Fusion Driver with Asia as Our Ally
Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., Intellectual Author of the SDI, Economist and Statesman

Sound a Certain Trumpet to Assemble the Warrior Angels and Effect the Necessary Miracle To Save Mankind
Helga Zepp LaRouche, Founder of the international Schiller Institute

Contributions from China and Japan


Musical Offering
Selections from “Jesu Meine Freude” by J.S. Bach
The S.I. Pacific Chamber Chorus
Conducted By My-Hoa Steger


Panel 2 • The Power of Pacific Development

The Eurasian Landbridge Today
Leni Rubinstein

Water for the Future
Dr. Howard Chang

Developments in Asia
Michael Billington, Advisor to LaRouche on Asia, USA

Video Contributions from Thailand and India



Panel 3 • The Science of Human Culture

Biogeochemical Effect of Culture
Megan Beets

Bach to the Future
My-Hoa Steger

The Sense-Uncertainty of Truth
Megan Beets, LaRouchePAC Basement Team

The Strategic Nature of Creativity
Phil Rubinstein

Questions and Discussion

Musical Offering
Selections from “The Requiem Mass” by W.A. Mozart
The S.I. Pacific Chorus
Conducted By Mindy Pechenuk

Panel 4 • The Legacy and Future of JFK

Musical Offering
“Ave Verum Corpus” by W.A. Mozart
The S.I. Pacific Chorus
Conducted By Mindy Pechenuk, Accompanied by My-Hoa Steger

The Universal Fight of JFK
Harley Schlanger

Engineering the Future
Hal Cooper

The Thermonuclear Future
Benjamin Deniston, LaRouchePAC Basement Team

Video Contribution From the Philippines

Questions and Discussion

Musical Offering
“Traumerei” By Robert Schumann for Solo Piano
Performed By My-Hoa Steger

The Schiller Institute