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China’s High-Speed Rail Investment Would Cover the U.S.A.

Brookings’ Africa in Focus online magazine published an article Sept. 25 on “The Expansion of Chinese Railways in Africa,” which made clear that Chinese President Xi Jinping’s expressed wish to “link all the capitals in Africa with high-speed rail” is well underway.

China has projects in progress all over the continent, the magazine reports, totaling tens of billions of dollars in investments, and providing the African continent with the connectivity of a standard (Chinese) gauge in replacement of the half-dozen gauges of the old railroad fragments built under well-forgotten colonial empires.  One of the most important, the rail corridor across Kenya which will then connect north to the Mediterranean coast, is scheduled to start construction in October, financed by the China Export-Import Bank and the Kenyan government.

But the article’s observation that China’s rail building abroad is expanding rapidly while it slows at home, is not true.  The nation’s investment through China Railways in high-speed rail within the country, has increased by 20% in the past year and is running at nearly $100 billion a year (430 billion yuan, or $65 billion, through August in 2014, as reported in Xinhua).

This is a very large investment; it would build a nationwide network of high-speed electrified corridors in the United States in less than five years, according to a thorough EIR study of requirements published in 2002, although U.S. landmass is greater than China’s. Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-OR), when he publicly slammed Obama in 2011 for deliberately failing on economic infrastructure, had introduced legislation for $300 billion in high-speed rail funding over six years — a very serious level but only half that of China now.

A Reuters article Sept. 29 quotes Xinhua that so far the increase has been accomplished solely with state banks — Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Agricultural Bank of China, China Construction Bank Corp., and Industrial Bank Co. — all contracting with China Railways Corporation. The government’s targeted investment level is even higher than this $100 billion annual rate, intending to bring private banks and funds into the investments through China Railways.

Bolivia Asks China for $3 Billion for Major Infrastructure

Bolivian President Evo Morales met with Chinese Vice Prime Minister Zhang Gaoli on Sept. 22 in New York City, where both are attending the UN General Assembly. According to Bolivian Development Planning Minister Viviana Caro, Chinese President Xi Jinping had offered $10 billion in financing for Ibero-American development projects at the BRICS summit in Brazil, “and we are going to take up China’s offer” with a request for a $3 billion credit for four projects.

Among the projects Morales presented to Zhang are the industrialization of the giant iron ore deposits in Mutun, in eastern Bolivia — meaning using them to produce steel, as opposed to simply exporting them as raw materials. He also requested Chinese help in building the Puerto Busch-Motacusito railroad, which would also run past the Mutun mine. Mutun is one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world, with an estimated 40 billion tons of iron ore and 10 billion tons of manganese. This is a geographically critical area, and series of projects, for all of South America.


Natural Ore deposits in Bolivia. By utilizing this credit investment from China, Bolivia would be able to advance its own industrial productive capabalities for long term economic development.


The Bolivian government is already building a major inland port at Puerto Busch, which is on the Paraguay River, which will give landlocked Bolivia access to the Atlantic Ocean via Paraguay and Argentina. Just north of Puerto Busch is Puerto Suarez, another Bolivian river port which is only 10 km from the Brazilian border, and is situated by Laguna Caceres, which is connected to the important Paraguay and Parana river waterways by the Tamengo Canal. This is also close to Corumba, Brazil, one of the locations where the great Amazon River system and the Paraguay/Parana/Rio de la Plata river system meet, and could be interconnected with a navigable canal, as has been proposed as far back as Alexander von Humboldt in the 19th century.

The interconnection of South America’s three major river basins — the Orinoco, the Amazon, and the Rio de la Plata — along with high-speed rail corridors traversing South America from the Atlantic to the Pacific, connected into the World Land-Bridge via the Darien Gap, were proposed in detail in the 1988 Schiller Institute book, Ibero-American Integration.

Webcast: Could Man’s Future in Space Be the Key to Defeat the Deadly Pessimism of Empire?

Helga Zepp LaRouche opened today’s webcast by discussing “bright spots” in the strategic situation, coming from the diplomacy at the G20 summit and the Trump-Kim DMZ meeting. Yet the potential which is emerging to break from the unipolar world of geopolitics is threatened by the enemy of mankind, the British Empire, which is engaged in military provocations, against Iran and China, but more significantly, through its role in spreading pessimism about the future, through the imposition of anti-human Green ideology.

As the West is destroying itself, Asia is rising, and a key feature of Asia’s emergence is the emphasis on space exploration. China and India are both engaged in lunar projects, and Trump’s intent for the U.S. to be back on the Moon by 2024, defines a potential for broad scientific cooperation. This is the antidote to the pessimism of “limits to growth”, etc., around which the Green movement was launched—human creativity can always open new horizons, she emphasized, as Krafft Ehricke emphasized, with his visionary idea of the “extraterrestrial imperative”, and Lyndon LaRouche demonstrated in his writings.

We can use the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing to bring renewed optimism to people, something which is greatly feared by the neo-liberal imperial networks centered in London.

President Xi Calls for a ‘Dialogue of Cultures’ at Confucius Celebration

In a key-note speech at the International Conference Commemorating the 2565th Anniversary of the birth of Confucius and the fifth Congress of the International Confucian Association, President Xi Jinping called for a dialogue among cultures. “Culture is the soul of a nation,” President Xi said.

“If a country or a nation does not cherish its own thinking and culture, if they lose their soul, no matter which country or which nation, it will not be able to stand..Countries must value and maintain their own thinking and culture, while recognizing and respecting others,..

Individual modes of thought are special in their different ways and there is no culture or thinking that is superior to others..And irrespective of their size and strength, all countries’ thinking and cultures deserve to be recognized and respected.’

All countries and nations should learn and draw on the strength and quintessence of others’ ideology and culture. This is an important condition to encourage dignity, confidence and strength of native ideology and culture.”

he said, while stressing that every nation should value and maintain its own ideology and culture.

“Any kind of civilization, no matter which country or nation it originated from, is fluid and open,”

Xi said, noting that such a flow is an important rule for the spread and development of civilizations.

“Chinese civilization has become more rich and colorful through exchanges with others and in return made great contributions to human civilization in history,”

Xi said, citing the opening of the ancient Silk Road and the foreign diplomats sent to China in the Tang Dynasty (618-907), among other developments.

“Confucianism originated from China and it has long been part of human civilization.”‘


Conference: APOLLO +50


A Dialogue of Cultures on How to Develop the Population and the Productive Workforce for Earth’s Next Fifty Years

Saturday, July 20, 2019, 1 PM – 5 PM

New York City

Full Conference

Keynote: Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Andrea Jones, Goddard Space Flight Center, LIVE from Washington, DC

Dr. Xing Jijun,  Counsellor, Head of Science and Technology Section, Consulate General of the People’s Republic of China

 Ben Deniston — Solar System’s Next 50 Years

Thermonuclear fusion, applied as a commercial power source, not only supersedes any other available power source, and is non-polluting—it would supply the only efficient power source for travel throughout the solar system. Humanity—not merely China, or the United States, or Russia, but all humanity—has always looked up to the stars, because we have an extra-terrestrial imperative, to know the secrets of the universe. Eliminating war through the joint investigation of the solar system and galaxy—the local neighborhood in which we reside—is our first next step toward the adulthood of the human race.

On this 50th anniversary of mankind’s greatest scientific achievement, let us take a page from the same President John F. Kennedy, who had proposed the Apollo Project to an inspired America, and who, together with America’s “mortal enemy,” the Soviet Union pulled the world away from the brink of extinction in October 1962. In September of 1963, Kennedy told the United Nations:

Finally, in a field where the United States and the Soviet Union have a special capacity-in the field of space—there is room for new cooperation, for further joint efforts in the regulation and exploration of space. I include among these possibilities a joint expedition to the moon. Space offers no problems of sovereignty; …Surely we should explore whether the scientists and astronauts of our two countries—indeed of all the world—cannot work together in the conquest of space, sending some day in this decade to the moon not the representatives of a single nation, but the representatives of all of our countries.

Now, many other nations—India, China, Brazil, several European nations—possess capabilities far more advanced than those of the 1960s Soviet Union or United States. If a mere fraction of the wealth now wasted on war, or foolishly misspent on global warming, were pooled and deployed in a joint space effort, we could in fifteen years create an entirely new economic platform for all of humanity—a worldwide cultural “paradigm shift” as has been proposed by Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche—that propels the human race forward, in the spirit of what has been called by China “win-win cooperation,” in the form of its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI.) Lyndon LaRouche in his 1984 “Draft Memorandum of Agreement Between the US and USSR” provided a model for a durable survival solution to potentially lethal conflicts among nations, by elevating the discussion to the higher self-interest of humanity, thereby dissolving the basis for conflict.

President Donald Trump has recently met with Presidents Xi of China, Putin of Russia, and Chairman Kim of North Korea, as well as others, to avert war. President Trump has also proposed a return of the United States to the Moon in five years, by 2024. Might the United States take the occasion of the July 20 commemoration to propose a joint Moon-Mars mission, involving Russia, China, India, the European Space Agency, and nations in the continents of Africa and South America, both essential launch sites for the continuous and permanent missions required?

Why permanent? Because mankind will now permanently move to the first level of human civilization, which is expressed in the ability to navigate the solar system as a whole. The higher, galactic level (the second stage), and the yet higher intergalactic level, are what we are now only able to observe, in part. For these, we yet “see as through a glass, darkly.” But we know that it takes humanity as a whole, in the tens and hundreds of billions, to develop the scientific competence to investigate and explore the more than two trillion galaxies we now know to exist. We need the creative potential of every single person on the planet to accomplish this.

To prepare for this, the new space program must be part of a broader commitment to simultaneously revolutionize the labor process on Earth as well as in space, through new stages of technologies, and through ending poverty on the planet in the next years through the cooperative arrangements and economic development made possible through the World Land Bridge. Both tasks require mastery of the concept of increasing the energy flux-density of power systems. Lyndon LaRouche’s book, Earth’s Next Fifty Years, outlines how more than one billion jobs in mining, manufacturing and agriculture, of the highest skill levels, must be created now, to fulfill mankind’s “extraterrestrial imperative” to investigate the solar system, the galaxy, and beyond.

It is the power of this vision, the potential of what the astronauts saw when they watched the Earth rise from the Moon, which we of the Schiller Institute must seek to invoke in our fellow citizens, the nation, and the world, this July 20. Join us in this mission, for which “failure is not an option.”

China Expands Its Plans To Move Away from The Dollar Currency

On Sept. 15, coinciding with a visit to Paris by Chinese Vice Premier Ma Kai, the Bank of China (BOC) was appointed as a yuan clearing service in Paris, and two French groups, BNP Paribas Investment Partners (the asset management arm of BNP Paribas) and Carmignac, were awarded licenses enabling them to invest in China’s mainland securities, in moves to expand yuan markets. In another move by Beijing to expand the offshore yuan market, a BOC spokesman told Xinhua the mechanism of renbinmi (RMB) clearing business in Paris will help Chinese and French companies and financial institutions use the yuan for cross-border transactions and facilitate free trade and investment between the two countries.

The BRICS Post said today that Beijing is keen on substituting the U.S. dollar with the yuan in all of China’s trade with other countries. The Chinese currency now trades directly with the Japanese yen, the Australian dollar, the Brazilian real, the euro, the New Zealand dollar, and many other currencies. The BOC became the renminbi clearing bank in Frankfurt in June, and China Construction Bank got authorization to be the renminbi clearing bank in London. China stepped up its plans to boost international use of its currency in October 2013 by signing an agreement between the European Central Bank and the People’s Bank of China (the central bank) to swap euros with yuan. The BRICS Post also noted that competition is fierce among Europe’s major financial centers, Frankfurt, London, and Luxembourg, to trade in China’s currency.

In a major highlight of an investment meeting earlier this month, Moscow and Beijing have entered into a pact to boost use of the ruble and yuan for trade transactions.

“We’re going to encourage companies from the two countries to settle more in local currencies, to avoid using a currency from a third country,”


Igor Shuvalov

Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov said, referring to the U.S. dollar. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom will become the first Western country to issue an offshore bond in the Chinese renbinmi. This was announced after discussions between Vice Premier Ma Kai and U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne earlier last week.

Schiller Institute participates in Symposium with Egyptian Consulate in Houston

On Thursday evening, June 27, 2019, the Egyptian Consulate of Houston sponsored a symposium at the Arab American Cultural & Community Center in Houston, Texas. The Egyptian Consulate requested that the Schiller Institute co-sponsor the event with them. The theme of the Symposium was “Egypt after the Revolution.” The guests in attendance for the event included Consulates from several countries, including Mexico, Greece, and Russia. There were several friends and guest of the Schiller Institute, and representatives from the World Affairs Council, the Arab community in Houston, the Caribbean American Chamber, and a number of people representing the Houston’s energy sector.

Kesha Rogers, Egyptian Consul General Khaled Rizk, and Brian Lantz of the Schiller Institute.

Kesha Rogers, Egyptian Consul General Khaled Rizk, and Brian Lantz of the Schiller Institute.

Joining Houston Consul General of Egypt, the Honorable Khaled Rizk, was Brian Lantz, speaking for the Schiller Institute.  Brian and the Schiller Institute’s bold perspective uplifted both the audience and the conference organizers.

Following an introduction, Consul General Rizk spoke and gave prepared remarks which reviewed the efforts of Egypt’s government, led by President El-Sisi to stabilize and rapidly grow Egypt’s economy after the “second revolution.” Consul General Rizk reviewed the ensuing rapid pace of developments since 2013, including future projects now underway, which include the new administrative capital, the industrial zones along the Suez.  He also highlighted the new offshore natural gas discoveries and prospects for natural gas exports.

Brian Lantz took up the role of Egypt as a key leader in the development of the New Silk Road into West Asia and Africa—the emerging new center of world economic development. The Schiller Institute’s reports were featured.  In the spirit of Egypt’s earlier role in Bandung Conference and the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement, Egypt is once again playing a leading role in south-south relations and world affairs, Lantz said. Lantz also pointed out the importance of Egypt’s diplomatic efforts, working among all the countries in West Asia and North Africa in particular, for peace and economic development.  Lantz cited some of Egypt’s initiatives in Africa, and El-Sisi’s role as the new chairman of the African Union. The African Union is deeply involved in cooperation with the Belt and Road and promoting African integration.  Now getting the economics right was stressed by Brian, with an outline of Lyndon LaRouche’s principles of physical economy.  Africa’s emerging renaissance was thereby highlighted, with its population potential and such mega projects as Grand Inga and Transaqua.

Prior to the presentations there was a reception where people were given the opportunity to talk informally. Likewise, there was a great deal of lively discussion following the presentations.  There was recognition and great respect for Lyn expressed by a number of people. A leader of the Arabic community told Brian he had been reading LaRouche’s material for years, exclaiming, “He is a genius. ”  Another person, an Indian-American engineer, was very happy to hear of our work in support of the BRI and also volunteered his respect for LaRouche over the years. An Hispanic business women who saw our Silk Road report was so excited: she participated in an art contest as a student, and won first prize for a drawing of the original photograph of the Silk Road and camels, pictured on our original report.


The Schiller Institute participation in the event was very important and timely given the rapid pace of developments around the BRI and the growing recognition of Lyndon and Helga’s role in bringing about this beautiful new paradigm, as we have seen also with the recent events in San Francisco.  The Schiller Institute was also an invited speaker at a Chinese consular event in Houston last week, for an audience high school students, with teachers, some media, and consular officials attending.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: China, Contrary to the West, Is Not Operating on the Basis of Geopolitics

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in her Sept. 11 webcast on the BüSo website was, asked about the alternative to Western policy that is developing around the BRICS. In her reply, she also went into her impressions of her visit to China in late August-early September.

Not only does China continue to make spectacular progress in building infrastructure throughout the country — at a pace unheard of today in Europe, she stressed, but the government is simultaneously striving to make sure that the population remains conscious of its long and rich cultural heritage, such as the Great Wall and the Silk Road. She, herself, got a sense of that during the “fact-finding tour” of the Old Silk Road that she and others took in the West of China.

Her two-week visit was packed with meetings and conferences, but she wanted to summarize the sum of her experiences.

“This is of great importance: We have to make sure that the German population and others in Europe and America acquire a correct understanding of what is going on in China with the Silk Road and its space policy.”

What one generally hears from think-tanks in the West, Zepp-LaRouche said, is that China just wants to extend its influence, and further its imperial expansion. “Nothing could be more wrong,” she commented. But these Westerners judge China’s economic and space policies by projecting onto China what they themselves do when they pursue geostrategic interests, just as the EU is pursuing, and want to expand the EU ever further. Both former EU foreign policy representative Solana and EU Commission President Barroso have said there is no limit to EU expansion.

“The EU is a neo-imperialist entity which pursues geopolitical interests and considers them to be in blatant contradiction with the alleged geopolitical interests of others countries, such as the U.S., Russia, China, the BRICS group. And that is what is wrong.”

But what is motivating Chinese policy and what has become the guiding light for the BRICS and for a growing number of countries around them, Zepp-LaRouche went on,”is not geopolitics. People in the West cannot even imagine that there are countries which are not operating on the basis of neo-liberalism, monetarism, positivism, and geopolitics, and whose axiomatics are perhaps not identical with, but are very similar to, the thinking and principles that Gottfried Leibniz put forward at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries — that is, a true development perspective for the universal history of mankind which is completely comparable to the policy of the American Revolution or of John Quincy Adams, one of the earliest Presidents who said:

“That is emphatically what China is doing today.”

Many people may not understand that, or believe it, Zepp-LaRouche said. But she can assure them that China is operating for the moment on the basis of 5,000 years of Chinese history, more than that of any other country. That is manifest, for example, in the role that Confucianism still plays today in China’s identity, and also in other “nice things” such as Chinese cuisine, which is famous worldwide.

China “is a cultural nation which is not imperialist, and whose interest is to further develop mankind,” which is the concept of the New Silk Road.”Since the reforms of Deng Xiaoping at the latest, by applying the correct scientific principles, China has realized the greatest economic transformation of any country on this planet. And they are now at the point where they are saying: We will transform the other, still-undeveloped regions of China, and raise the population’s living standards, and above all we will make this model of development available to all, in the form of the New Silk Road being in the tradition of the old Silk Road. This is an open concept. Everybody is invited to join in and contribute. It is explicitly inclusive and not directed against the alleged geostrategic interests of other nations or groups of nations.

“That is a very important difference. It is not geopolitics, but a dynamic concept of the upward development of the human species. And I would ask all our viewers’ who do not believe me to send me their questions. I am more than willing to engage in a dialogue with you, because it is crucially important for Germany that we understand this.”


Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Amidst US/China Tensions, Schiller Institute Holds “Win-Win” Forum on BRI in Los Angeles

In the midst of a flare-up of tensions between the US and China, sparked by the Anglo-American establishment’s fierce commitment to drive a wedge between the two nations, the Schiller Institute held a forum on June 15 in the Los Angeles area to promote the idea of cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

The session was opened by a movement from a composition for unaccompanied violin by J.S. Bach, performed by a student from the Los Angeles County High School of the Arts. This was followed by a five minute video of Schiller Institute founder and chairperson Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who greeted the attendees and provided a strategic context for the meeting. She deplored the recent nasty provocations being directed at China by some notorious political factions in the US, and presented a vision of an alternative path, where the US and China lead the world into the future based on the highest cultural and scientific principles, and the most ambitious infrastructure scheme in human history, the BRI.

Zepp-LaRouche was followed by Shi Yuanqiang, deputy consul general for the People’s Republic of China in Los Angeles. Shi provided a very thorough explication of the goals and structure of the BRI, stressing that there is extensive consultation between China and the other nations participating in the project, that all parties participate as equals and share in the benefits. He provided examples of the projects that are being built with Chinese collaboration in Africa and Central Asia, and elaborated on President Xi Jinping’s vision of a “Community of Common Destiny”, a mutually beneficial, “Win-Win” relationship among nations. Shi emphasized that there was a place at the table for the United States.


Following Shi’s presentation, there were remarks by Richard Chen, a board member of the US-China Forum who had acted as an interpreter for Chairman Deng Xiaoping during his historic visit to the US in 1979. Chen said that the two great accomplishments of the US after the end of World War II were the establishment of the United Nations, and the Marshall Plan. He compared China’s current role with respect to the developing nations, to the Marshall Plan.


The concluding presentation was by Schiller Institute representative Daniel Platt. He opened with an image that juxtaposed two historic paintings, showing Americans and Chinese fighting their respective battles against British colonialism during the American Revolution and the Opium Wars. Platt asserted that the methodology of the Empire, typified by the “Zero-Sum Game” approach of geopolitics, is an “article of faith” for today’s neoconservative movement. To this he contrasted President Xi’s concept of “Win-Win”, or Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s vision of humanity entering adulthood. He discussed the historical parallels between the US and China with Dr. Sun Yat-Sen’s embrace of the economic conceptions of Abraham Lincoln, and their shared approach to infrastructure development. He then reviewed the history of the proposals made by Lyndon LaRouche in the years following the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, culminating in the World Landbridge.


Among the eminent personalities who took part in the forum were the consul generals of Kenya and Belgium, as well as consular officials from Armenia and Malaysia, and a large delegation from the PRC consulate.

Webcast: Trump-Kim Meeting Revives ‘Singapore Spirit’

Helga Zepp LaRouche said in her webcast on July 1 that the Trump-Kim meeting in the DMZ “revived the ‘Singapore Spirit'”, and demonstrated the potential when presidents of leading nations act together. The meeting, following discussions at the sidelines of the G20 summit involving Trump, Putin, Xi, Abe, and Moon, gets back to the idea of policy making on the level of presidents. Trump outflanked the British-oriented neocon warhawks in his own administration to set up the meeting and, from the ridiculously hostile reaction of Democrats, outflanked them as well.

While the G20 summit failed to address the burgeoning economic/financial crisis — she said it is not really designed to do so — the latest BIS report on the dangers of debt, especially corporate debt, and the effect defaults on such debt will have on banks, the potential still exists for applying Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws, to stop the danger of a crash. The positive signs from the Trump-Xi meeting, and the Trump-Putin meeting, point to the importance of taking up LaRouche’s Four Power agreement to set up a new financial system.

She called on Americans to take advantage of the July 4 holiday to reflect on the importance of restoring the spirit of the American republic, which was created in opposition to the British Empire.


Harley SCHLANGER: Hello! I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute, welcome to our webcast with our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. It’s July 1, 2019. There’s been a lot of developments on the strategic side of things, and Helga, why don’t we start with the Trump-Kim meeting in Panmunjom at the DMZ. What’s your assessment of this meeting?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think that is definitely going back to what I called the “Singapore Spirit,” referring to the first summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, and I think this is potentially, the real thing. Because, as we had observed, the summit in Hanoi was sabotaged essentially by, I think, Pompeo and Bolton. But this time, I think the fact that in Osaka, on the sidelines of the G20 meetings, there were these meetings between Trump and Putin, Trump and Xi Jinping, Trump and Abe, which is in the background, also, and also with South Korean President Moon Jae-in — I think this is all back to the idea that policy is being made on the level of the presidents. There was this summit between President Trump and Xi Jinping, but they also had a dinner about which very little is being reported; but Trump’s spontaneous decision was that he would go to the DMZ, meet with Kim, which was sort of a surprise; then he went earlier than even announced, and he stepped symbolically over this very important border [into North Korea].

Now, the interesting thing about it, is that it is very unusual is that the North Korean media, all, instantly, very broadly reported about this, calling it a “historic meeting,” “bold,” and “efficient” and that the two leaders will stay in person close contact from now on. And this is all really a sign that the chickenhawks in the Trump cabinet were outflanked. And the policy is back to being made by Trump. I think especially for the viewers outside of the United States, who generally, at least in the West, only have an extremely negative picture of Trump from the media, it’s really important to see this difference: When President Trump has the freedom to act, he tends to do very important things, and I think this is very, very promising.

Unlike with the previous summit follow-up, this time it will not just be Pompeo who will do the follow-up, but there are supposed to be working groups, entire teams from the State Department and the North Koreans, and they’re supposed to follow this up.

The Italian politician Michele Geraci made a very important characterization which I tend to agree with, where he said this event is probably the event of the year and it may be [i]the[/i] event of the first term of the Trump Presidency. So I think there is all reason to be really optimistic, because, with Russia and China in the background, and it seems to be that also South Korean President Moon was in the environment; he was on the video together at the press conference with these other two leaders, that all means that a potential for the solution for the North Korean denuclearization is shaping up on the horizon: Because only if there are security guarantees for North Korea, whereby they could denuclearize, and not fear that Kim Jong Un would face the same fate as Saddam Hussein and Muammar Qaddafi — which is the main reason why North Korea insisted on their nuclear program — but with Russia and China being in the picture, maybe an entire Asian security architecture which could solve the North Korea situation can be made possible. And if that would come together, and all signs right now speak for it, naturally, with the Belt and Road Initiative, the New Silk Road as the economic dimension of this whole program, I think this is a very hopeful sign, and it would mean that one of the most dangerous crisis spots in the world strategic picture could be resolved.

So, I think this is very, very promising, and it really shows that on the level of the Presidents Xi Jinping, Putin, Trump, solutions can be found. And in this case, also, the Japanese government is in a supportive role. There are many Japanese and Chinese scholars who want to improve the relationship between China and Japan. Naturally, South Korea has all the interest that this problem should get resolved. So, I think this shows you the incredible potential of the New Silk Road to be the inspiration for peaceful solutions and a durable peace.

SCHLANGER: Helga, you mentioned the outflanking of the chickenhawks within the administration: It appears from the hysterical reaction of the Democrats that they were also caught off-guard by this meeting.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Oh, yes. The Democratic reaction just, absolutely, they lost it. Tim Ryan, for example, compared the meeting between Trump and Kim with the meeting between Neville Chamberlain meeting with Hitler in Munich in 1938. That shows you that they really have fallen off the deep-end, so to speak. I don’t see Kim Jong Un taking over all of Asia. But it just shows you that the Democrats are really the war party, and the only very good exception in this chorus of insanity, was in the first Democratic debate, where Democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard spent the entire seven minutes she had to participate in the debate in denouncing the danger of nuclear war, saying it’s closer than at any time since the end of the Cold War. She denounced the endless regime-change wars, [i]and[/i] she also attacked Trump that he had let the conflict with Iran get as close as 10 minutes to war. So, Tulsi Gabbard, at least on the war issue, she is a very good exception in the chorus of Democrats, and it’s quite good that the population have increased their support for her after this debate, in the polls. That shows you that once you have leaders who speak to the issue of war and peace, the American people are not for war and that is a very important lesson in this Presidential campaign.

SCHLANGER: Let’s look briefly at the G20 summit, because it itself seemed to be a waste of time, although there were all the side meetings that were quite significant.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes. The important fact is that the meeting between Trump and Putin did take place. Remember, that previous such summits there were last minute sabotage actions. This did not happen. The Trump-Xi Jinping meeting was also very important, and naturally, many other bilateral meetings. But essentially all around Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping, while the EU was completely irrelevant.

Now, as a criticism, I must say that the G20 [i]should[/i] have addressed the danger of a coming financial crash, and they did not do that. But that has probably to do with the fact that the G20 is not a format which is capable of addressing this issue.

On the more positive side was a definite improvement in the relationship between the United States and China. Trump and Xi Jinping got the trade war at least stalled, so that there is room for new negotiations. The Huawei ban was lifted, at least for the time being, so that American products can be sold to Huawei, and also China agreed to import a large quantity of U.S. agricultural products, so, that hopefully now this can get now get on a better track. I’m not giving de-warning sign yet, but I think this was definitely a step in the right direction.

But I said that the big one, that the G20 should have addressed the pending danger of a financial collapse did not take place, and that shows you that our proposal, that you need a different combination, preferably the combination of Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping, and Narendra Modi of India, to address these issues is a viable idea, because the G20 failed again to do what really would be their responsibility to the world population.

SCHLANGER: There was a report that came out from the Bank for International Settlements which said that we are, as a result of overleveraged corporate debt, heading for a potential crash. What do you make of this report?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, first of all, that’s not the only voice which is warning of that, but the BIS, after all, is the so-called “central bank of central banks.” They have basically reiterated that the corporate debt crisis and their engagement in derivatives is the equivalent of what the subprime mortgage crisis was in 2008.

Now, that obviously has been building up for a while, and now, all the data for the first and second quarter of this year show that the world economy, with very few exceptions, mainly of countries which are working with the Belt and Road Initiative, but all the European countries, most of the Asian countries and the United States, have actually all signs of a recession or zero growth, all the figures are negative; so I think we are in for a very big crisis.

Our related [i]EIR[/i] publications or that of our colleagues in the United States, they basically just published a new study, “The Bitter Truth about the Economic Recovery,” referring to the supposed recovery in the United States. We have there analyzed the different segments of the U.S. economy, everything from collapse of infrastructure, unemployment, homelessness, the drug epidemic, the negative life expectancy in the United States — and the U.K., one should add — so all these parameters of the physical economy show that there is no recovery. We have warned all the time that the increase in the price of shares on the stock market is rather an alarming sign, rather than an indicator of the real economy. For example, Deutsche Bank just announced, or is rumored to be having major layoffs and the stocks went up significantly.

So I think we are in an urgent situation, where the economic package which was designed by Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, some years ago, the Four Laws — Glass-Steagall banking separation; a National Bank in every country; a new credit system, a New Bretton Woods system, and the United States and Europe joining with the New Silk Road — [i]is[/i] an urgent, urgent question. We need to have a mobilization: So, I’m asking you our viewers and listeners to help us. Contact us, because this crisis is coming on fast, and it would be almost a miracle if it wouldn’t take place very soon this year.

SCHLANGER: One of the important developments was the meeting of Trump and Putin, coming as it did, especially after the danger that we saw over the weekend before last, over Iran. What’s your assessment of where things stand now between the United States and Russia?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It’s not yet a situation where one could be satisfied with, but, according to the Russian Defense Ministry, there were some inspections involving what they call the New START agreement, Russian and U.S. military talking in this context, and Russian specialists doing investigations in Turkey and in Romania, according to the OSCE document. So, I think that there are clearly signs in the aftermath of the Putin-Trump meeting, that a normalization could occur. There was also an agreement between Russia and NATO: They agreed on some non-escalation agreement, and that is not much, yet, but it means that for the time being that there will not be not an increase of troops into the East on the borders of Russia, and no increase of equipment. So that is not yet a solution, but at least these are very tiny, baby steps which show some hope. And also the fact that President Trump accepted the invitation by President Putin to attend the 75th anniversary next year in Moscow, celebrating the end of World War II, which is a good sign.

And also Macron obviously, after it’s not going so well for him, in general, accepted such an invitation from Moscow which is a good step in the right direction — unlike, unfortunately, I have to say, the new head of the CDU in Germany, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (or AKK, as she is called) who made another one of her really mindless, Cold War speeches, defending the sanctions at a family-entrepreneur conference in Germany.

So the dividing line is really those people who try to get in a very dangerous strategic situation, some new discussion, dialogue, rapprochement with Russia, with China, and the West; and those who are in the old paradigm and are backward oriented. I think that that is an important difference.

SCHLANGER: Many Americans are wanting to know what actually is going on with the European Union. They seemed to play almost no role in Osaka, at the G20, and they couldn’t even elect a new leadership. Where is this headed?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the EU is essentially finished: This organization which basically is a large bureaucracy, modeled on the principles of the British Empire, have completely moved away from the interest of their member-states, of the populations they’re supposed to be representing, and I think it’s falling apart. I mean, the fact that they couldn’t agree on the successor of Jean-Claude Juncker for European Commission President; Manfred Weber, the candidate of Germany was completely rejected, and Macron made intrigues against him. Then, for the time being, the Dutch social democrat Frans Timmermans was mooted — he was opposed by the Visegrad Group [Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland] and Ireland, and I think Bulgaria. Naturally, then there is wheeling and dealing that we will give that post to this one, and then the other one gets this post — this is all very much without any dignity, and that becomes visible to the public eye, so they had to break off the EU summit because they couldn’t find a solution as a joint leadership. Now, that, in my view is a reflection of the fact that there is no unity in the EU, and naturally, the EU policies overall are completely unfit for any of the crises which exist.

So it’s high time to replace the EU with something different, and again, I have to quote Michele Geraci, who also commented on the fact that the EU has completely become superfluous, and will vanish in a larger Eurasian kind of combination. And that actually makes a lot of sense, because you already have the integration of the Belt and Road Initiative, Eurasian Economic Union, and if European countries would start to associate with that, in the context of the joint building of the New Silk Road, then all of these problems could be addressed.

And since I’m quoting Geraci, let me just mention one other important, interesting thing he said, namely, that the West has completely underestimated the rapid growth of China, and that China is now a leader, not only in 5G technology with Huawei, but also e-cars, e-batteries, DNA mapping, quantum particles, one could add fast train systems, fusion energy research, Moon exploration. So I think China is on a very good trajectory, and countries who really want to solve their problems should cooperate. Xi Jinping offered again, at the G20 in his speech, that the BRI is an open concept for international cooperation. And I think the countries of the West would be well-advised to take up this offer.

SCHLANGER: One exception to the dysfunction of the European Union seems to be Italy. There’s a very significant statement issued by prominent Italian scientists, from the Italian Association of Research Scientists and Technologists (ASTRI), attacking this climate hoax. What do you know about that, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: It’s very important. This is a group of extremely well-known and prestigious scientists who made an appeal to the Italian President, the Italian government, and the parliament, not to adopt policies of reducing CO2 emissions, with the argument that CO2 is not a pollutant, that to the contrary, CO2 is extremely important for life on the planet. And that in any case, all of these claims about control of the climate by reducing this CO2 emissions is a complete hoax, that there is not one, single fact for that, and that in science, facts cannot be replaced by the number of people who claim to have the same opinion. And basically, that all of these predictions are based on computer simulation models and not on any true physical science.

So, I think this is very important. There were about 70 original signers, and then one signer, who is very famous, Prof. Antonino Zichichi, who was the leader for many decades of the famous Erice center in Sicily. And I think this is something which deserves support by many people in other countries as well, so we are planning to publish this appeal. And actually, if people are interested to have an honest debate, they should sign this appeal, so that reason is being brought back into the debate.

They also note in this resolution, by the way, that the consensus among the scientists on this issue, does not exist at all, but that there is a growing number and a large number of scientists who are absolutely opposing the findings of these models, and naturally, also say it’s a complete illusion to think that you can control climate by CO2 reduction. Climate change is obviously taking place, but it’s almost a fakery to claim that you can influence the climate by such measures, because it’s not anthropogenic, it has to do with quite different phenomena in our Milky Way, in the galaxy, on the Sun — all things which man cannot influence as such.

Now, talking about fakery, just to mention, that we will probably pick this up in the next program next week, a group of journalists has just documented that the OPCW completely faked their report on the supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma, Syria in 2018, and the initial report which the OPCW had, actually said it was staged event! So this is all now coming out, and the role of the British in that fakery, as well. But that we will deal with more next week.

SCHLANGER: We are coming up to the moment where the British Empire is increasing exposed as not just corrupt, but is the continuing dominant force in the old paradigm. This week is the week of July Fourth, the founding of the American republic. How should people think about this situation, by reflecting both on what the American Founding Fathers did, and the upgrading of the American Revolutionary ideal by your husband, Lyndon LaRouche?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think the July Fourth celebration is not just for barbecues: People should remember the proud history of the American War of Independence against the British Empire, the Declaration of Independence, and the principles declared there. The idea of Benjamin Franklin, of Alexander Hamilton, and the Founding Fathers in general, to declare a republic, to give the United States a Constitution devoted to the common good, not only of the present generation, but of posterity, is an extremely important inflection point in all of human history. And if the United States could go back, and with the present policies of Trump, at least in the first steps, there is the hope that America can become a republic again.

Now, I’ve said this many times: If the United States would remind itself of the ideals of its origins, and actually start to implement that and go away from being the junior partner of the British Empire, then America would have all the friends in the world. And this [i]is[/i] the crucial step which will decide over world war or world peace: So, I hope that people on this Fourth of July reflect on that, and make a step in this direction — especially, because shortly after the Fourth of July will be the 50th anniversary celebration of the Apollo Moon landing. There will be many events, and the Schiller Institute will also have major events on that day, especially focusing not on the last 50 years, but on the next 50 years, and what kind of economic crash programs are needed to make possible what President Trump had promised, when he said that by 2024 there will be again a man, and this time hopefully also a woman, on the Moon: But that requires to go into the kind of economic crash mobilization as it was defined by the Four Laws of Lyndon LaRouche. And it’s actually the absolute mandate to be implemented in the near future.

So, I think we have an incredibly — what Friedrich Schiller would call “a pregnant moment” in history. I think a great catastrophe has been barely avoided with the situation with Iran. And now with talks again between the U.S. and China and Russia, there is actually hope, but that is just the first baby step. And we need the full New Paradigm, a new system of international relations, and especially a new economic system based on the physical principles developed by Lyndon LaRouche. So therefore, I can only appeal to you, as I have done in the past: Help us with the exoneration, and the “Case of Lyndon LaRouche” which describes exactly what was done against him and why, and why it is so absolutely crucial to exonerate him, to make the way free for his solutions.

So, please watch these two videos, help us to circulate them as widely as possible, and join the Schiller Institute.

SCHLANGER: Well, Helga, thank you for joining us, and we’ll see you maybe even later this week, as events are happening so rapidly.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yes, till soon.

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