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Top Renewable Energy Co. Fails

Leading Renewable Energy Company Abengoa, Once the Cat’s Meow, Fails

March 5 (EIRNS)–A leading renewable energy firm, Abengoa SA, which has been the darling of the City of London and Wall Street financiers, and green Malthusians, filed for bankruptcy, on Feb. 23. The Spanish company has carried out projects in the United States, and in 2010, it received a large United States loan guarantee from the Barrack Obama-Joe Biden administration to build a solar energy plant in Arizona. This is the second largest bankruptcy in Spanish history, according to the El Pais newspaper, and has global implications. This represents a snap shot of the significant vulnerability of a planned $40 trillion green speculative bubble in “renewables,” even before it is built.

This will be the third failure of Abengoa; having cooked its books in 2015—it was later found out—in order to present a picture of functionality, it collapsed in 2016 (wiping out almost all the value of its stockholders). It restructured its debt in 2018, and was in the process of attempting to restructure its current 6 billion euro/US$7.3 billion debt load, when the Spanish regional government of Andalusia unravelled a larger bail-out package by withdrawing its part of the package: an offer of a 20 million euro loan to the failing Abengoa.

The July 5, 2010 GreenTechMedia reported that in 2008, Abengoa ‘negotiated with the Obama-Biden administration, along with Energy Secretary Steven Chu, that the U.S. government would extend to Abengoa a $1.4 billion U.S. federal loan guarantee—a very large sum at that time for renewables—to build a “250 megawatt “Solana solar concentrating power plant near Gila Bend, 70 miles southwest of Phoenix, Arizona. It would be a parabolic trough plant, that would supposedly be able to store some of the solar rays in the form of thermal energy. But the trick was that the plant would generate about 38% of its rated capacity, meaning that it would generate almost two-thirds below what its rated capacity said.

Abengoa also built in Hugoton, Kansas a hybrid biomass plant, which would convert 350,000 tons of biomass/year into 25 million gallons per year of liquid fuel. Abengoa opened this plant in October 2014; the plant shut down operations in December 2015. Abenoga sold the plant, which cost more than $110 billion to build, to another company for $43 billion.

It has not been made known what will happen to the $1.4 billion Obama-Biden loan guarantee that was made to Abengoa.

It should be noted that many solar and wind turbine companies survive only through U.S. government tax breaks and subsidies. According to the America’s Power organization, solar and wind have received $82.1 billion in tax subsidies just between 2010 and 2018.

The failure of Abengoa is a cautionary tale of what may unfold from a $40 trillion geen speculative bubble. That would take down the energy and electricity generating process, and slash agro-manufacturing processes, and human population. It would also, through its insanity, collapse financially.

U.S.-China: A Shared Humanity

U.S.-China State Legislators Meet for 5th Forum; Amb. Cui Lauds Cooperation

March 4, 2021 (EIRNS)–The 5th China-U.S. Sub-national Legislatures Cooperation Forum met online on March 2. Attending were state legislators from the states of Alabama, Hawaii, California, Delaware, Iowa, Michigan, and Tennessee. On the Chinese side were leaders of the standing committees of provincial or municipal people’s congresses of Beijing, Hebei, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Hubei, Guangdong and Yunnan. The forum was the outcome of President Xi’s state visit to the United States in 2015. 

During the course of the Forum, the two sides had extensive discussions on the theme of “Win-win Cooperation for a New Chapter.” The U.S. legislators’ organization participating in the meeting is the State Legislative Leaders Foundation, whose president is Stephen Lakis.

China’s Ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai addressed the group. He  underlined that this was the first such event since the change of administrations, and he emphasized the importance of U.S.-China cooperation, particularly in a year in which the world is still in a major fight against COVID-19. Cui referred to the call that the two presidents had made in February as the possible beginning of an improved relationship between the two countries.
            “A China-U.S. relationship based on coordination, cooperation, and stability is both in the fundamental interests of the two peoples, and meets the shared aspiration of the international community,” he said. “The two countries need to work together under the principle of no conflict, no confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation, focusing on cooperation and managing differences, to promote the healthy and stable development of China-U.S. relations, to bring more tangible benefits to the two peoples, and contribute to peace and development of humanity.”

Great Leap Backwards: the Green Deal

Biden Drops a `Green’ Hammer on American Industry

March 1 (EIRNS) – The Biden White House on Feb. 26 announced that it would multiply the “price of carbon” by more than seven times, to $51 per ton of CO2, for all cost-benefit analyses of industrial technologies – and was likely to more than double that again after “further analysis”. The “carbon price” set by the Federal government since the Bush 43 Administration in 2004 is not a purchase price but rather the price assumed for all use of carbon in materials – energetic, chemical, industrial, agricultural – whose use can form CO2, and is supposed to govern the valuation of bids for government contracts of all kinds. Obviously it would also then affect the valuation of industrial and agricultural products and even the valuation of capital goods and/or entire companies for investment.

The Biden Administration’s proposed price announced by the Department of Energy under new Secretary Jennifer Granholm is supposed to be the price that greenhouse gas emissions impose on society. The $51/ton of CO2 is not only seven-plus times the Trump Administration’s “price”, but double that of the Obama Administration. And it is likely soon to be adjusted to the “price” the Andrew Cuomo government of New York State adopted in 2020, which is a range of $79-125/ton.

A UC-Santa Barbara Environmental Science assistant professor, Tamma Carleton, responded giddily, “A new social cost of carbon can tip the scales for hundreds of policy decisions facing the Federal government. Any policy, project or regulation that lowers emissions will now have a higher dollar value.” And any decision to use carbon products, a lower one. This will hit all industries, not just the energy and power production sector.

Great Leap Backwards: the Green Deal

UK Proposes Climate Change Have UNSC Veto

March 1 (EIRNS) — In typical “snow is black” fashion, the United Kingdom is attempting to declare the “fake news” Climate Change hoax as the biggest threat to global security, today. To argue their case, London resurrected the 90 year-old serial Malthusian Sir David Attenborough, who addressed the UN Security Council on Feb. 23. Although the virtual meeting was opened with a keynote by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, it was clearly organized by the UK — which held the rotating chair of the UNSC during February — and was intended as a primer for the COP 26 Climate talks, now (re)scheduled to take place in Glasgow in November, 2021.

Chaired by Boris Johnson, who presented the issue as “a matter of when, not if,” the central feature was an 8 minute video by Attenborough, who — speaking as a member of the “public” — likened the crisis to that of World War Two (“the Great War that took place during my youth”). Unlike WWII, however, {this} crisis is one “which should unite us,” said the voice from the crypt, since the threat is not rising global fascism, but “rising global temperatures!” Growing threats of wars, collapsing food supplies (from both land and sea), all was the product of our species’ failure to address Climate Change. “No matter what we do, it’s too late … and the poorest among us are(now certain to suffer,” Sir David told the united global security representatives. Climate Change is, he said, “{the biggest threat to security that modern humans have ever faced}” and only by recognizing this can we unite to avoid the worst. [emphasis added]

Also addressing the ministers was young Sudanese “activist” Nisreen Elsaim, who has been chosen as chair of the UN Youth Advisory Group on Climate Change. A very well-briefed Elsaim gave “on the ground” affirmation to the destruction that the elders had warned of.

Italian PM Conte Outflanks EU in Parliament Speech on China Policy

In the foreign policy debate in the Chamber of Deputies Tuesday morning, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte judoed all critics of the upcoming agreement between Italy and China on the Belt and Road by describing the upcoming MOU as so pro-European that it complies with EU guidelines and principles and values as “nobody has so far done in Europe.”

Conte said that the EU “will be strengthened by the Italian approach.” The MOU is not a treaty but a “programmatic agreement outlining targets in the framework of the BRI, which is a large project of international connectivity that Italy has expressed interest for, already back in 2016.” Italy’s interest “is legitimate” and responds to its “national interests.” Italy wants to increase its export in a “market of giant dimensions,” increase investments in infrastructures and “enjoy the natural economic advantages of the New Silk Road.”

The negotiations for the MOU have lasted many months and the text is “fully in line with the EU strategy.” Furthermore: “Nobody in the EU has done as much as we have” to advance EU policy vis-à-vis China. The MOU promotes European principles of mutual advantages, reciprocity, intellectual property, level playing field, etc. “Our approach to the BRI is the most far-sighted and effective ever adopted in the EU.”

In his reply, after a debate in which the opposition distinguished itself in hysteria, infantilism and incompetence, Conte reiterated the “finalities” of the MOU with China:  “First, balance trade relations. Our exports to China are far behind exports of our partners in the EU. Second, the BRI is a big project of infrastructure connectivity which offers opportunities to our companies. We have leading companies in know-how and technology which will be able to participate. Third, the BRI is of such a significance as to redefine major trade routes and we don’t want to miss any chance to be part of them. Fourth, protecting our strategic infrastructure is a primary, non-negotiable objective.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Jacques Cheminade Interviewed on China’s CCTV-13

Interviews with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Jacques Cheminade appeared on a newscast by CCTV-13 reporting on U.S. reactions to the just-concluded National People’s Congress. CCTV journalist Wang Guang reported on the reaction of U.S. think tanks to the ideas presented during the Two Sessions with regard to U.S.-China trade and the Belt and Road Initiative.

The broadcast then shifted to an interview done with Helga at the Morristown Schiller Institute conference. Zepp-LaRouche said:

“I personally think it is the most important strategic initiative, because it is a concept with which you can overcome geopolitics. Geopolitics has been the cause of two wars in the 20th Century, and the idea that you can not have blocs of countries or nations against nations, but that you have what Xi Jinping always calls the ‘community of the shared future of humanity,’ that you put the one humanity first, is a strategic concept which allows you to overcome the divisions which existed in previous centuries.”

This was followed by Cheminade, who said,

“The Chinese way is to a world integration through common development, what President Xi Jinping calls a ‘win-win’ system. So that is a future. The Chinese want a world development. They don’t want to impose their model, but they don’t want the other models to impose upon them.”

Helga’s clip was also aired on CCTV Plus, an English-language CCTV site, on a program entitled “Foreign Experts Applaud Development Concepts.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Makes ‘An Appeal to American Citizens: What the World Needs from America!’

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

We have come to the point where the citizens of the United States need to recall the best tradition of their history: the American Revolution, the War of Independence against the British Empire, the principles expressed in the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, and the principles of the American System of economics as developed by Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Henry C. Carey.

The essence of all these aspects of U.S. history is very clearly stated in the Preamble to the Constitution:

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. “

This intention of the Constitution, expressed in the preamble, to promote the general Welfare not only for the present generation, but also for all future generations, contains an implicit rejection of the so-called “shareholder value” policy and the unbridled free trade of globalization, promoted then and now by the British Empire, which has not only widened the gap in the United States itself between a caste of increasingly rich billionaires and the growing numbers of the impoverished, but is also responsible for the catastrophic underdevelopment in so-called developing countries.

Clearly, the world will never return to the status quo that existed before the coronavirus pandemic broke out. We are at an absolute turning point in history, where we will either be able to put the world in order with the program we have outlined in these pages, to defeat underdevelopment, or we are threatened with plunging into a dark age. The phase of unrestricted globalization, which the protagonists of a unipolar world have attempted to implement, in particular after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, and which led to a global wave of protests, including the election of Donald Trump, is over for good.

Lyndon LaRouche had forecast the catastrophe now unfolding before our eyes in all its aspects, from his characterization of President Nixon’s disastrous destruction of the Bretton Woods system in 1971 and his forecasts of the danger of pandemics resulting from the monetarist policy, to the systemic collapse of the financial system. During the same time, spanning half a century, he presented an unprecedented number of solutions for overcoming the crises in the United States and internationally, and it is in that same spirit that the program herein has been conceived.

Any honest person who reads these analyses and programmatic proposals today, in light of the current pandemic and the destruction of the real economy, will conclude that Lyndon LaRouche was a man of providence. The idea of providence is not meant here in a strictly religious sense, but in that his entire method of thinking was so highly in accordance with the principles of the physical universe, that his analyses and creative proposals were of a tremendous, almost prophetic precision. He thought and worked “in tune” with the intention of the universe, and if correctly understood, of the Creator.

Therefore, the greatest crime committed against LaRouche by his unjust jailing and lifelong vilification by that same McCarthyite apparatus that is responsible for the ongoing coup attempt against President Trump, is not only the outrageous injustice done to LaRouche personally, but above all that it has made it extremely difficult for Americans and others around the world to have access to these solutions. In many ways, the enormous hardships that the population now endures due to the combination of pandemics and the economic crisis are the result of the political persecution of this extraordinary thinker. And unfortunately, his warning that no one would be safe if his persecution were tolerated has been borne out. When one considers, for example, how General Flynn has been and will be prosecuted, the famous quote by Martin Niemöller comes to mind: “When the Nazis came for the Communists, I was silent; I wasn’t a communist. When they locked up the Social Democrats, I was silent; I wasn’t a social democrat. When they came for the trade-unionists, I was silent; I wasn’t a trade unionist.”

It is past time for Lyndon LaRouche, the man and his ideas, to be fully exonerated, and I personally call on President Trump to do so.

But Lyndon LaRouche’s ideas are alive, as this program for the creation of 1.5 billion new, productive jobs worldwide underscores. The United States has now reached a breaking point in its history, where the ideas in the tradition of the pledge of the U.S. Constitution will be realized, or the financial reconquest of the American colony by the British Empire will plunge the entire world, together with the United States, into a dark age. This is the time when the demand that Nicholas of Cusa, who had already laid the foundation for the American Republic back in the 15th century with his works, set out in his Concordantia Catholica, has become a question of survival for the entire world. He established that the only legitimate basis for a nation’s existence is its commitment to the common good of all nations, and to such a relationship among all nations. Precisely that was the intention of Benjamin Franklin, of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence against the British Empire. It was also the foreign policy conception of President John Quincy Adams, that the United States should be part of an alliance of completely independent sovereign republics, linked together by a common idea, and that America was not called upon to “go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.”

The key to building such an urgently needed alliance today is positive cooperation between the United States and China. The coronavirus pandemic has made it undeniably clear that the hollowed-out combined industrial capacity of the global economy is nowhere near sufficient to feed and to sustain in dignity the world population today. Cooperation between the two largest economies in the world is therefore an essential prerequisite for overcoming the impact of pandemics, starvation and poverty in Africa, Latin America, parts of Asia and even regions in Europe and the United States.

Although, thanks to the manipulations of the British secret services and Anglophile politicians in the U.S., a great deal of damage has been done to the U.S.-China relation through the “blame game” regarding the origin and handling of the coronavirus, and although the current “China-bashing” evokes the darkest memories of the McCarthy period, constructive cooperation between the United States and China not only is absolutely possible, but also points the way toward a new era in human history. This era must be characterized by the overcoming of geopolitics and the promotion of the general welfare of all nations on this planet.

Given the existential problems that many people in America are facing due to the pandemic, there may not be much public awareness of the huge gap that exists between the image the United States enjoyed in the world at the time of the American Revolution and during the presidencies of George Washington, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln or Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and the United States that has waged endless wars throughout the world since the end of the Soviet Union under the Bush and Obama Administrations. America was once regarded by all republican circles around the world as a temple of liberty and a beacon of hope, as a country whose Constitution served as a model for republican aspirations in many countries around the world. But the admiration and friendship gave way during the Bush and Obama Administrations to fear, or worse, U.S. military power.

It is five minutes to midnight to deliver on the promise for a constructive relationship with President Xi Jinping and China that emerged in the early days of the Trump Administration. Given the complete discrediting of “Russiagate” and the likely legal proceedings against the British-inspired coup plotters, nothing stands in the way of constructive cooperation between the United States and Russia, as has been indicated between NASA and Roscosmos. If the U.S. now takes the lead in the economic reconstruction program and the creation of 1.5 billion productive jobs in the world, and helps to make the New Silk Road become the World Land-Bridge, then the United States will regain the place it once had in the eyes of the whole world: as a pioneer of freedom and hope for all mankind.

— Helga Zepp-LaRouche
May 25, 2020

Webcast — America’s Historic Enemies (and Trump’s Russiagate Enemies) Are Behind the Escalation Against China

The major point emphasized repeatedly by Helga Zepp LaRouche in today’s webcast is the importance of exposing the British role in the increasingly shrill anti-China operation, and contrasting that with the history of Lyndon LaRouche’s intervention on behalf of global cooperation for economic development.  The pressure on President Trump to adopt a posture against the WHO is a dangerous escalation, run by the same people responsible for the attacks against him with Russiagate.  Helga said she doubts that Trump wrote the letter to WHO President Tedros himself, but reflects instead the hysteria coming from Pompeo, Navarro, Esper and Tucker Carlson.  The lies against China over the coronavirus are “geopolitical” in nature.

If the two largest economies can work together, for the benefit of mankind, there is no problem which cannot be solved.  She used the example of the CGTN tv program on China’s fusion program, and the cooperation with ITER on it, as an example of how that could proceed.  This is in the tradition of the development programs written by Lyndon LaRouche for every part of the world.  It is in sharp contrast with the Green lunacy being pushed in Europe and the U.S., exemplified by the role being given to BlackRock for the bailout of speculators.

Sign the Petition for a Global Health Infrastructure Program

Webcast—”This is the Big One”

Helga expanded on her discussion of why she is insisting that the present crisis is “The Big One”, and not a prelude to a bigger crisis to come. The problem, she said, is that people focus on aspects of the crisis, such as the pandemic, the financial crisis, global famine, the war danger, but miss the overall cause—that we are in a breakdown crisis fifty years in the making. There is no solution to the individual crises without addressing all crises at once.


This is possible today, because of the work done by Lyndon LaRouche, who identified that we are heading to an overall crash of the system, which is causing a chain reaction collapse into a Dark Age. By understanding this, we can begin to provide solutions, beginning with breaking from geopolitics and adopting a policy of agreement among the four great powers. Such an agreement for cooperation is the only way in which the individual crises can be addressed.

She spoke of the events held by the Schiller Institute over the last two weeks as representative of the kind of work we can do, to bring people to the level of thinking needed to succeed. In the end, she said that we must as a civilization go back to principle. She used the example of how the German Economic Miracle after World War II was based on a government applying the principle of physical economy as the basis for rebuilding. Such solutions are available today, so the viewers should join with the Schiller Institute to make such a miracle.

Coronavirus Petition: For Global Health Infrastructure

We, the undersigned, support Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s call for global health and economic infrastructure to address the coronavirus pandemic and the conditions of underdevelopment (both economic and scientific) that caused us to be vulnerable to it.

Sign the Petition

The coronavirus pandemic sweeping the world — and the economic effects of the health measures taken to crush it — reveal the inexcusable lack of development of the human species, and demand a global approach to curing, not only the coronavirus presently menacing us, but that underdevelopment that leaves us susceptible to the pandemic’s taking a terrible toll.

When health systems even in developed regions, such as Northern Italy, have been filled beyond capacity, what is the outlook for less developed nations that have an immense shortage of health infrastructure and lack secure access to clean water, sanitation, and nutritious food? How can a person who relies on daily income to support the family remain at home for weeks on end? How can people without clean water practice good hand hygiene? If no ICU beds are available, can doctors save the life of a victim of severe Covid-19 symptoms?

While the acute suffering from the coronavirus claims our attention, what of the 800,000 children under the age of 5 who die from diarrheal diseases every year? How can the health of the hundreds of millions of people currently afflicted with food insecurity be ensured?

We call for a global health infrastructure, in its fullest sense. The world requires more hospitals, new ICU beds, additional ventilators, many more trained physicians, increased manufacturing capacity for PPE, and orders of magnitude more testing equipment than existed at the beginning of this outbreak. But it also needs much more. Poverty, malnutrition, lack of access to improved water and sanitation — these are health issues too. Our shared dignity as members of the human race calls upon us to cooperate in eliminating poverty, through development. The entire world must be made safe from diseases that threaten us all.

Barriers to the cooperation of the United States, China, Russia, and India must be overcome to ensure that the world is never again terrorized by such a threat.

To make all of this possible requires a New Bretton Woods — international agreements on economic development in the model of Franklin Roosevelt’s outlook at the end of World War II, as advanced by the studies and proposals of Lyndon LaRouche.

Sign the Petition

For more detail on the Schiller Institute’s proposals, see
“LaRouche’s ‘Apollo Mission’ to Defeat the Pandemic: Build a World Health System Now!”

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