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“There They Go Again”: British Intelligence Launches New Smear Against Putin, Trump

Friday Questions: Why does The LaRouche Organization talk so much about “Geopolitics”?  The {Guardian} yesterday published new Fake News, claiming they have documents which “suggest” that Putin ordered Russian intelligence to elect Donald Trump.  Why resurrect these lies again, now?  With the U.S. withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, it is possible to break away from the imperial geopolitical doctrines which have controlled U.S. foreign policy since the assassination of JFK.  The era of endless wars, to defend City of London and Wall Street financial swindlers, could be brought to an end — that’s why it is crucial that Americans understand what the Geopolitical doctrine is, to know who our enemies are, and what they are trying to do — and how to defeat them!

Great Leap Backwards: Pushback to Biden’s “30×30” Cuts in Food, Water …

Pushback Against Biden’s “30×30” Move to Cut Agriculture and All Human Use on 30% of U.S. Land, Water by 2030

Mar. 10 (EIRNS)–A key part of the Great Leap Backward is that land and water use must be dictated, first, by greening the environment, and only secondly, for agriculture use, which will produce far less food. This is explicit in the EU “Farm to Fork and Biodiversity Strategies” May, 2020 document; and in the 2020 Agriculture Law of Britain. For the U.S., this green dictate appears in the “30 x 30” scheme, which says that by 2030, human use of any kind—agriculture, forestry, transportation, energy, minerals–must be reduced on 30 percent of U.S. land and water, including oceans.

Biden was programmed to say this during his 2020 campaign, and it was formally announced Jan. 27, in his Executive Order 14008, “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” (86 Fed. Reg. 7,619).

A huge pushback is underway. On Feb. 22, 17 state governors signed a letter to Biden, opposing the Federal government overreach on this. Many also issued their own press releases. The states include most of the farmbelt, e.g. the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska, Idaho and others.

There are local meetings of all kinds in opposition. For example, March 2 in Wyoming, a resolution opposing the 30×30 plan, and calling for local consultation, was introduced in the Uinta County Commissioners meeting, by the county’s Citizens Coalition for Sound Resource Use. The Commissioners will take it up March 16.

Last night in the small town of Valentine, Nebraska, a public briefing was held by Margaret Byfield, who has been holding meetings across the Plains states to mobilize people. Her organization is the American Stewards of Liberty, based in Texas. See

The usual citation is made that 12 percent of U.S. land area is already currently in Federal control. Most of it is in the Western states, and varies widely state by state. However a 2020 estimate by the Federation of American Scientists is much higher.

The text of the EO 14008, in Section 216, directs various Federal departments to provide a report within 90 days of Jan. 27, “recommending steps that the United States should take, working with state, local, tribal and territorial governments, agricultural and forest landowners, fishermen, and other key stakeholders, to achieve the goal of conserving at least 30% of our lands and waters by 2030.”

The save-nature groups are all issuing specifics on where human uses should be locked out first—Sierra Club, National Geographic, Conservation Foundation and others. The National Wildlife Federation, for example, has put out, through its Associate VP for Public lands Tracy Stone-Manning, a starter list of which lands to lock up: 80,000 acres in Montana; 1.3 million acres of the Mojave Desert in Nevada; 250,000 acres in California of redwood forest and river rapids; and over 400,000 acres in Colorado.

The 30×30 catchy concept is also pushed in other nations, as a benchmark on the way to “50×50,” the crazed idea—also called “half Earth”—that by 2050, half of the land and water area of the Earth should be in a state of nature, minus people, so that biodiversity can prevail, and this, it is asserted, will keep creature life in balance, so that zoonotic diseases won’t happen, and life will be peachy.

The “half Earth” lunacy was promoted a few years back in a book by E.O. Wilson, the so called biologist. The Center for American Progress has backed it; and it was in the 2020 Democratic Party Platform, it is reported. A resolution was introduced in Congress on this. There is a 30×30 Ocean Alliance.

On October 4, 2020, Scientific American carried an article sub-titled, “The so-called 30 by 30 plan would protect 30 percent of U.S. lands and waters from development by 2030.” Under the main headline, “An Ambitious Strategy to Preserve Biodiversity,” the author is David Shiffman. He wrote,  “Scientific American’s historic endorsement of Joe Biden noted that Biden ‘has a record of following the data and being guided by science.’ With his campaign’s incorporation of 30 by 30 goals, that’s also true when it comes to biodiversity conservation…”

In May, the U.N. Biodiversity Summit will be in China in Kunming.

U.S.-China High Level Meeting March 18

U.S. Sec. of State Blinken and National Security Advisor Sullivan to Hold First in-Person Meeting With Chinese Counterparts Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi In Alaska March 18

March 10 (EIRNS)–The State Department today confirmed that on March 18, Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will meet in Anchorage, Alaska, with high-level Chinese officials Yang Jiechi, Director of the Central Commission of Foreign Affairs, and Wang Yi, Foreign Minister and State Councilor to discuss what Blinken called a “range of issues” including those on which there is “deep disagreement.” 

The Anchorage meeting will follow the March15-18 trip to Japan and South Korea, by Blinken and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. According to a Pentagon press release, the meetings with both governments are intended to bolster relations with allies in the region “in the face of long-term competition with China.” The State Department added that the meetings will “highlight cooperation that promotes peace, security and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region and around the world.” Just prior to these meetings, President Biden will hold a virtual meeting on March 12 with his “Quad” allies–India, Japan and Australia.

Blinken will return from Asia directly to Anchorage where he will be joined by Jake Sullivan. Austin will go on to India, to meet with his counterpart and other national security officials, to also focus on “free, prosperous and open Indo-Pacific and Western Indian Ocean Region,” as reported by the Pentagon.

Conference: There Is No ‘Climate Emergency’—Apply the Science and Economics of Development to Stop Blackouts and Death

Panel 1: The Economic Effects of Green MAD — Mutually Assured Destruction
Sat., July 24, 9:00 am EDT; 15:00 hrs. CET

We welcome questions during the conference. Please send them to

Moderator: Dennis Speed (US), The Schiller Institute

Lyndon LaRouche (1922-2019)

Jason Ross (US): Science Liaison, Schiller Institute
Topic: “There Is a Limit to Renewable Energy, Prologue”

Guus Berkhout, emeritus professor of geophysics, member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences , senior member of the Dutch Academy of Engineering, and president of CLINTEL Topic: “Stop Blaming Climate Change For Your Failures”

State Senator Mike Thompson (US-Kansas): Chairman, Kansas Senate Committee on Utilities
Topic: “Reverse Course on Wind and Solar — Report from the U.S. Central States”

Prof. Franco Battaglia (Italy): Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Modena; Member of the Initiating Committee of the Petition on Anthropogenic Global Warming of June 2019
Topic: “The IPCC Is Wrong; the Consequences Are Deadly”

Angel Cushing (US-Kansas): Goat Farmer; County Action Leader
Topic: “Stop the Green Land Grab; Protect Food Production and People”

Christian Lohmeyer (Germany): farm leader, Christian Lohmeyer is also Board Member of the Landvolk Mittelweser, Lower Saxony; video report filmed near the Weser River on July 15
Topic: “Flooding Disaster Is Not Caused by ‘Climate,’ It’s Immoral Negligence”

Prof. (Emeritus) Alwin Burgholte (Germany): GADE-Hochschule Wilhelmshaven (emeritus)
Topic: “How Future Electricity Security Is Threatened by Wind and Solar Technology and Blackouts”

Paul Driessen, author, Eco-Imperialism: Green Power, Black Death
Topic: Extreme Weather Events: Myth and Reality”

Jason Ross, “There Is a Limit to Renewable Energy: Epilogue”

Panel 2: Energy, World Health and the End of War: The Power of Energy Flux Density
Sat., July 24, 2:00 pm; 20:00 hrs. CET

Moderator: Dennis Speed (US), The Schiller Institute

Dr. Walter Faggett (U.S.): former Chief Medical Officer, Dept. of Health, Washington, D.C., Co-chairman D.C. Ward 8 Health Council
Greetings to the conference

Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany): Founder and President of the Schiller Institute
Keynote address

Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa): nuclear physicist, former Chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
Topic: “The Necessity of Nuclear Power for Africa”

Admiral Marc Pelaez (ret.) (U.S.): (Ret.) Rear Admiral, U.S. Navy; previously Vice Pres. of Engineering and Business and Technology Development for Newport News Shipbuilding; Chief of Naval Research
Topic: “A Military Perspective”

Alberto Vizcarra (Mexico): Director, Citizens Movement for Water
Topic: “Drought: A Challenge, Not Fate”

Richard McPherson (U.S.): Retired U.S. Navy nuclear engineering officer; Navy Board of Inspection and Survey, Propulsion Examining Board; U.S. rep. on the International Atomic Energy Agency six-nation panel, following the Chernobyl accident.
Topic: “The Truth About Nuclear Power, Ending War, Beginning World Development.”

Vincenzo Romanello (Italy): PhD (Italy), Nuclear Engineer, Research Center Rez, Founder, “Atoms for Peace” Czech Republic
Topic: “Building a Nuclear Power Platform for the World”

John Shanahan, civil engineer, editor
Topic: TBA


Seminar Invitation: So, Are You Finally Willing to Learn Economics?

On the 50th Anniversary of LaRouche’s Stunning Forecast of August 15, 1971

August 14, 2021

9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT

The LaRouche Legacy Foundation is pleased to invite you to an online seminar with leading international experts to examine the unique contributions of Lyndon LaRouche (1922–2019) to the science of physical economy. The seminar will consist of a morning and an afternoon panel, and it will be held on the 50th anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s fateful announcement of the end of the Bretton Woods system on August 15, 1971.

This is also an urgent invitation to reflect on what went wrong with economic policy in the trans-Atlantic sector over the last five decades, in order to correct those persisting policy blunders and change course before we plunge into a breakdown crisis comparable only to the 14th century New Dark Age.

Some background:

On August 15, 1971, Nixon delivered a dramatic 18-minute national television address in which he announced:

  1. The dollar was being taken off the gold standard: the dollar would no longer be redeemable in gold;
  2. A floating exchange rate system would replace the existing fixed exchange rate international monetary system;
  3. A temporary wage and price freeze would be instituted in the U.S., which quickly became Phase I, II and III drastic austerity measures.

Although Nixon announced these measures purportedly to rein in financial speculation against the dollar, they in fact opened the floodgates to the most massive, lengthy speculative binge in the history of mankind, coupled with physical economic collapse— which continues to this day.

The August 15, 1971 announcement was the most far-reaching and catastrophic economic policy decision of the 20th century in terms of its consequences down to the present. One economist, and one economist alone, called it. He warned that it was coming and explained what it meant within hours of its announcement.

That man was Lyndon LaRouche.

LaRouche spent the next five decades warning that, if those policies were continued, the world would head into a systemic breakdown crisis and the likelihood of fascist economic policies. All the while he presented detailed programs to reverse the crisis, based on the idea of peace through development and on fostering the productive powers of labor of every person on the planet.

For this, LaRouche was reviled and unjustly imprisoned for five years. His policies were not implemented in the trans-Atlantic sector, and the planet today is paying the price for that folly in the form of a hyperinflationary blowout, an uncontrolled and deadly pandemic, and the danger of thermonuclear war. As a result of the campaign to defame LaRouche and silence his ideas, most people in the United States and elsewhere have never studied his writings.

But some people, leading scientists and political leaders in different parts of the world, did listen to LaRouche and did study his works— such as the Russian scientific giant Pobisk Kuznetsov and former Mexican President José López Portillo.

Other specialists and students of LaRouche’s works will participate in the Aug. 14 seminar, and you will be able to hear from them directly about LaRouche’s economic breakthroughs, about his unmatched record of forecasts, and about his programmatic proposals to develop every corner of the planet—and the solar system.  The seminar will help you understand why it is past time to exonerate LaRouche’s ideas, both for reasons of simple justice and to be able to at last implement his policies.

As José López Portillo, the former President of Mexico, stated in 1998 in a joint seminar with Helga Zepp-LaRouche: “It is now necessary for the world to listen to the wise words of Lyndon LaRouche.”

U.S. States File Lawsuit To Stop Biden’s Climate Fraud

U.S. States File Lawsuit To Stop Biden’s Climate Fraud; Defend Jobs, Food, and Energy for Americans and Millions of Poor Worldwide

March 9, 2021 (EIRNS)– Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, joined by the Attorneys General of the states of Arizona, Arkansas, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah, filed suit yesterday in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, Eastern Division, challenging the constitutionality of Section 5 of President Biden’s Executive Order 13990, issued on his first day in office under the title “Protecting Public Health and the Environment and Restoring Science to Tackle the Climate Crisis.”

The twelve states intend to stop implementation of regulatory measures which they rightly contend will not only destroy U.S. jobs, energy production, energy independence, agriculture, and innovation, and impoverish its working families, but which will also deprive millions of people around the world of the affordable food and energy they urgently need to escape from poverty and hunger. And they are feeling pretty frisky about doing so. Schmitt proudly tweeted that “JoeBiden recently took executive action that will cost hardworking families, farmers & businesses trillions — crushing jobs & innovation. It’s a Trojan Horse for the #GreenNewDeal. Today we led a coalition to stop it. Missouri is fighting back.”

The states recognized the deadly ramifications of Section 5’s seeming gobbledygook. Titled, “Accounting for the Benefits of Reducing Climate Pollution,” the section establishes a federal interagency Working Group which is charged with estimating the “social cost,” or “monetized damages,” allegedly incurred from incremental emissions of three so-called “greenhouse gases,” carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. Those estimates, which supposedly will “capture the full costs of greenhouse gas emissions as accurately as possible … taking global damages into account,” then are to become the basis for regulating the activities producing those “emissions” out of existence, using rigged “cost-benefit analyses.”

 According to the lawsuit, the interim report issued by that Working Group, came up with the incredible figure of $9.5 trillion a year in “social costs” from those three gases, but repeatedly indicated that the group believes that these numbers “likely understate” the true costs of these gases and that higher numbers are likely in future calculations. “The potential regulatory impact of such numbers is enormous,” the suit warns. “These numbers are high enough to justify massive increases in regulatory restrictions on agricultural practices, energy production, energy use, or any other economic activity that results in the emission of such gases.”

The lawsuit summarizes the real world consequences if this EO is allowed to stand:

“In practice, President Biden’s order directs federal agencies to use this enormous figure to justify an equally enormous expansion of federal regulatory power that will intrude into every aspect of Americans’ lives—from their cars, to their refrigerators and homes, to their grocery and electric bills. If the Executive Order stands, it will inflict hundreds of billions or trillions of dollars of damage to the U.S. economy for decades to come. It will destroy jobs, stifle energy production, strangle America’s energy independence, suppress agriculture, deter innovation, and impoverish working families. It undermines the sovereignty of the States and tears at the fabric of liberty.

“The Biden Administration’s calculation of such `social costs’ of gases such as carbon dioxide and methane is also arbitrary and capricious. Affordable and reliable methods of agricultural and energy production—which these actions would stifle—have global benefits that the Biden Administration studiously ignores. Affordable food and energy production lift millions of people out of poverty, eliminate hunger, promote economic development and opportunity, create millions of jobs, enable innovation and entrepreneurship, encourage industry and manufacturing, promote America’s energy independence, and create the conditions for liberty to flourish. These benefits enrich the entire world, and yet the Biden Administration gave them little or no weight in its calculation of the `social cost’ of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.”

The defendants named in the suit start with President Biden, and continue with ten cabinet secretaries and agencies, plus the members of the interagency Working Group.

Putin: Developing Coal; Learn From Texas Crisis

Putin: Russia Will Develop Its Coal Industry; Suggests Others Learn the Lessons of the Texas Crisis

March 9, 2021 (EIRNS)—Russia has no intention of committing suicide by submitting to the “Great Reset” hoax. On March 2, President Vladimir Putin chaired a meeting of government officials and the leaders of the coal regions and industries to review the country’s drive to develop its coal industry. He pressed the participants to provide answers, set deadlines, and get results in order to guarantee the steady development of the coal-mining industry, and increase exports, especially to the Asia-Pacific region, to gain the revenues needed to “improve the well-being of people and to create modern, comfortable living conditions” in the coal-mining regions, while ensuring environmental protection.

Participating with Putin were the Prime Minister, four Vice Prime Ministers, the Chiefs of Staff of the Presidency and the Government, five cabinet ministers (Industry and Trade, Economic Development, Transport, Finance, and Energy), the heads of various coal regions, and the CEO’s of the major Russian coal industries and transport sector companies.

Coal is not going to be shut down in Russia. Putin opened: “The national coal industry [is] a key pillar of the national fuel and energy sector. It has great significance for the socioeconomic development of entire Russian regions; we have five coal-mining regions. It is also important for the labor market, for securing employment to hundreds of thousands of Russian citizens and securing their incomes. We have a total of 11 million residents in these regions. Of course, the industry employs far less. However, a total of 11 million people live in these regions….

“Russia’s traditional and new coal-mining centers have substantial capabilities… Russia has been producing over 400 million tons of coal per year since 2017. Over 50% of this amount is exported elsewhere. Coal export volumes have soared by over 33% in the past eight years… Today, the main coal sales are happening in the Asia-Pacific. Last year, 122 million tons of Russian coal were supplied to that region. At the same time, there is an additional demand in the Asia-Pacific that Russian companies could meet. And it is important not to pass up this opportunity….” (Putin specified at the end of the meeting that coal exports from the Kuzbass region to the East should increase by at least 30% over 2020 levels, by 2024.)

Putin never said “Great Reset” or “climate hoax,” but his reference was unmistakable:

“As for the long-term prospects of the global coal market beyond the current decade,” he told participants, “I know that there are different forecasts in this regard. It is no secret that some of them suggest a significant market contraction, including due to technological changes in the global fuel and energy sector, as well as the active use of alternative fuels.

“We also know what is happening with this: Texas froze because of the cold weather. And the windmills had to be thawed in ways that are far from environmentally friendly. Maybe this will also cause adjustments.

“In any case, it is necessary to carefully study all possible scenarios in order to guarantee the steady development of our coal-mining regions even with a decrease in global demand for coal and with a decline in the global situation.”

What Does a Global Systemic Collapse Look Like?

Poverty, and the chaos it causes, are spreading worldwide, from Afghanistan and Myanmar to South Africa and Cuba. The specifics vary from country to country, but the root cause is the enforcement of neoliberal economic policies, which serve the interests of the U.S.-UK-NATO Military Industrial Complex. This was forecast by Lyndon LaRouche following Nixon’s break with the Bretton Woods system on August 15, 1971. It is now affecting “advanced sector” countries, in the form of hyperinflation. LaRouche also proposed a solution, which is still waiting to be implemented. It begins with rejecting British neoliberal economic policies, and replacing them with national banking credit systems of sovereign nations, cooperating for mutual benefit. As this breakdown accelerates, the time is now for the LaRouche solution.

Russian Academic Identifies Mackinder Geopolitics as Enemy of Russia and China

Russian Academic Identifies Mackinder Geopolitics as Enemy of Russia and China

July 13, 2021 (EIRNS)—Global Times yesterday published an interview with Alexander Lukin, head of the Department of International Relations at the Higher School of Economics and director of the Center for East Asian and SCO Studies at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations. In a brief editorial note at the beginning, GT notes that China and Russia have witnessed stronger ties, especially given the US’s continued pursuit of ideological confrontation in the world. The question to be addressed is, “How will the trilateral relations among China, Russia, and the US develop and shape the world?”

The interview is extensive, covering a wide range of topics within the China-Russia relationship, but particularly notable is the matter of geopolitics, which the GT interviewers introduced by citing Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “The Grand Chessboard,” in which he warned “that potentially, the most dangerous scenario [for the United States] would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances [toward the United States].”

“This line of thought agrees that basically the main task of American policy in the new Eurasia should be avoiding the emergence of a single power or alliance of powers hostile to American interests that would control the Eurasian space,” Lukin replied. “This idea has a very long history. In the first half of the 20th century, many Western experts, beginning with the founders of geopolitics, Halford Mackinder and Nicholas John Spykman, said that control over Eurasia was very important. If an anti-Western force gains control over Eurasia, it would be very dangerous for the US and Western Europe.”

Lukin argues that after the fall of the Soviet Union, the US became “too proud” of itself and overestimated its influence in the world. “However, the collapse of the Soviet Union did not stop the general tendencies of world history, including in international relations in many countries which contributed to their becoming stronger, like China, India, Brazil, and others,” he said. “Russia also reemerged as a strong power. India and several other countries also became stronger. But American politicians did not want to see this trend. They thought that they could still control the entire world and punish those who did not conform to their position. Their policy of pressure and containment has only stimulated the coordination between Russia and China, and made their strategic partnerships stronger.”

Compared to Kissinger and Brzezinski, says Lukin, American politicians today don’t really know what they are doing. “Trump wanted to improve relations with Russia, but he could not for domestic reasons,” Lukin continued. “Now you see some articles written by influential American experts, who seem to begin to understand that Russian-Chinese rapprochement is a kind of problem for the US. But they still don’t know what to do about it. They are discussing how to break the Russia-China de facto alliance without giving either Russia or China anything. So that’s also not a very smart position, I would say. They are not going to get anything for nothing. I don’t think they can.

“Contrary to what they might believe, they cannot break our strategic partnership, because it’s based on Russia and China’s national interests.” Full interview is here.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy – King Stephen Overture, Op. 117

In 1811, Beethoven was commissioned to provide music for two stage works written by the playwright August von Kotzebue. The occasion was the dedication of a new German-language theatre in Pest (part of today’s Budapest), built to alleviate the nationalist feelings incipient in Hungary and to celebrate the loyalty of Hungary to the Austrian monarch.
“King Stephen, or Hungary’s First Benefactor” relates events in the life of Hungary’s founder. Although the Overture remains popular today, the remaining nine musical numbers that Beethoven composed are rarely heard. 
Here is the complete performance with full score, performed by the Orchestra dell’Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

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