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Friday Questions: How Does the Trans-Atlantic Oligarchy Believe It Can Remain in Control?

In the face of growing global discontent, the globalist, corporatist oligarchy is plowing ahead, convinced that the opposition to its policies will soon peak, become tired, depressed, and disengaged, and ultimately submit to the deadly intent behind their arbitrary “Rules-Based Order”. There is an unbroken continuity behind the policies they have imposed since they murdered President Kennedy and covered it up, which is leading to systemic economic and social collapse, and new wars — while their destruction of education and imposition of brutal cultural “norms”, such as “identity politics”, keeps us divided. The Schiller Institute has launched new initiatives to counter this “new normal”. Join us to restore the best traditions of the American System and classical culture.

Putin and Xi Jointly Launch Construction of Four Nuclear Plants in China, Emphasize “Innovation-Based Development”

May 20, 2021 (EIRNS) – The presidents of Russia and China, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, both participated in a videoconference hookup yesterday to launch the beginning of construction of four new nuclear plants in China, based on Russian technology. These are two units each at the Tianwan nuclear power plant in the city of Lianyungang, and at the Xudapu nuclear plant in Huludao district in northeastern China.

The two presidents chose to make this a major policy-shaping occasion for their two countries, as well as one globally focused on the role of innovation and scientific and technological cooperation in achieving development. “It is necessary to strive for innovation-based development and to strengthen scientific and technical cooperation in the nuclear sphere,” Xi Jinping stated, reiterating that the two countries had agreed “to make a sizable intellectual contribution to the innovation-driven development of the global nuclear sphere.” The Chinese president asserted that “our countries have been providing each other with solid support and have been engaged in close and effective cooperation” in many areas, and that “energy has always been the biggest and most successful branch in our practical cooperation while nuclear energy cooperation has been its strategic priority. We are jointly upgrading our cooperation in this area and have already put into operation a host of major projects.”

Through their joint work, Russia and China will “make a sizable contribution to the global development of nuclear energy,” Xi stated.

Putin responded by effusively greeting “President Xi Jinping, my dear friend,” emphasizing that “Russian and Chinese specialists are working on this flagship joint project which is truly a milestone. They are building powerful, modern Russian-designed nuclear reactors that meet all safety and environmental standards. It is planned that they will start operating as soon as in 2026–2028, which, as President Xi just said, will be a solid contribution to China’s energy security.”

Putin emphasized “Russia’s unique high technology capabilities in industrial production,” adding that “President Xi and I determined the main areas of our genuinely close partnership, the cooperation between Russia and China on nuclear technology, during my state visit to China in 2018… It can be said that Russia-China relations have reached their highest level in history.”

The Russian President then stated: “Returning to the topic of nuclear energy cooperation, I would like to note, with great satisfaction, that all the agreements reached at the highest level are being consistently and unfailingly fulfilled. In addition to the construction of new power units at the Tianwan and Xudapu nuclear power plants, there are many other large Russian-Chinese initiatives that have been and are being implemented. These initiatives include an experimental fast neutron reactor built in China with Russia’s participation… Russia also supplied China with radionuclide heating blocks for the spacecraft that was the first in history to land on the far side of the Moon in 2019. We were extremely happy about your success, dear Chinese friends.”

“I am convinced that Russia and China will have many more ambitious and successful projects together. We are ready to develop our cooperation in the construction of nuclear power plants, and innovative partnership in the development and implementation of low-carbon and other technologies.”

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that the project is the biggest China-Russia nuclear energy cooperation project to date.

Facing U.S. Sanctions Threat, El Salvador Turns to China and Russia for Support For Its Sovereign Development

May 20, 2021—All over the world, nations are beginning to recognize that an alternative to the dying Old Order of geopolitics, colonialism, and usury is coming into being, with sovereign nations joining together for mutual development. Central America is no exception to this process.

“We are very enthusiastic about strengthening the relationship with Russia, we are facing a world with new challenges and opportunities, and we want to take advantage of those opportunities,” Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele told Russian Ambassador Alexander Khokholikov yesterday, in receiving the new Ambassador’s credentials. Bukele noted that El Salvador recognizes “the importance of Russia in the world.” Khokholikov responded in the same spirit, assuring him that the Russian government also wishes to increase cooperation. “We are going to work bilaterally and multilaterally,” he said, “because that is how it should be to maximize mutual benefit, both of Russia and El Salvador.”

Today China’s Embassy in El Salvador issued an important communiqué, reiterating that the agreement signed with El Salvador for China to oversee the construction of four development projects requested by the Salvadoran government spells out that China is covering the costs of the projects. President Bukele immediately posted the communiqué to his Twitter, much followed by others in the region, as well as Salvadorans at home and abroad.  

The Biden administration, which has supplied neither vaccines nor economic development aid to the region, is publicly threatening to overthrow the governments of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras if they break with the old order.

This is being done in the name of “fighting corruption” in Central America. The State Department included in its list of corrupt officials in those countries which it released on Tuesday, for example, two top Bukele administration officials: the President’s Chief of Cabinet, Carolina Recinos, and Minister of Security and Justice Rogelio Rivas. The charges are preposterous: Recinos is accused of engaging in “significant acts of corruption during her term in office” (no further details), while Rivas’s alleged “significant acts of corruption” were supposedly that he “awarded his own private construction company several noncompetitive and unadvertised contracts to build police stations and other buildings that fall under his official capacity and inflated the cost of materials.”

American Democratic Congresswoman Norma Torres, head of the Central American Caucus in the House of Representatives and a close ally of Vice President Kamala Harris, proclaimed on Tuesday as she released the list: “I will be relentless in demanding accountability from our government – if we know someone is corrupt, I expect our government to use all levers at our disposal, including sanctions, visa restrictions, withholding support to deter future acts of corruption, and dismantling the systems that allow corruption to occur.”

Webcast: A “Different Approach” from Russia and China Threatens the Globalist Oligarch’s Great Reset and Green New Deal

Helga Zepp LaRouche opened this week’s dialogue with a discussion of how several recent events featuring the leaders of Russia and China exhibit a “different approach”, which is what the global oligarchs really fear about their collaboration. As they speak of collaboration in technological advances, and sharing those breakthroughs with people of all nations, Mark Carney, a spokesman for the Davos Malthusian crowd, is insisting that Africa set aside its land and ts resources — and its hopes for development — to sell carbon “set asides”, designed to fuel a new green bubble.

Another promoter of Green lunacy, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, has launched a new assault on classical art and science, with his call for a “New Bauhaus World Initiative”, replacing virtually all construction materials with wood and bamboo. Zepp LaRouche emphasized that the decision to launch this in Weimar, which is associated with the Weimar classical period of Friedrich Schiller, reveals the evil intent behind such nonsense.

Friday Questions: Can the method of the Coincidence of Opposites Be Applied to Bring Peace to Southwest Asia?

Can the idea of the New Paradigm succeed in bringing real peace between Israel and the Palestinians?  What can be done to end the revolving door between military/intelligence personnel and employment as lobbyists for corporations in the Military Industrial Complex?  What role does art play in moral education? 

Are We Deserving of the Future’s Gratitude?

May 19 (EIRNS)—Educating and Challenging the Resistance to Malthusianism and War Grow; Challenge Axioms To Create the Alternative

The legitimacy of a government in the eyes of history — its “mandate from Heaven” — is to promote the common good of its people and of humanity in general. Which governments in the world today can be said to deserve this legitimacy?

In welcoming ambassadors from two dozen countries to Russia, President Putin identified, in his own way, the fundamental principle that Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has emphasized is required for human survival — agapē: “The epidemic has proved a real test for such universal human values as solidarity, mutual assistance, and love for humanity…. It is possible to ensure peace, stability and sustainable global development only through the efforts of the entire international community…. We are convinced that everything must be done to prevent the tragedy of World War II from repeating itself, so that its lessons will not be forgotten. All of us must cherish the priceless experience and spirit of allied relations during the struggle against common challenges and threats…. We must ensure the well-being and prosperity of all human beings.”

The Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, which Zepp-LaRouche co-founded, insists in its recent statement that “Health security is possible anywhere, only by provision everywhere of sufficient public health infrastructure and medical treatment capacity. This, in turn, depends directly on expanding water, power and food, which is associated with building up industrial capacity, as well as providing for adequate transportation, housing and other basics.”

Against this humanist outlook stands the imperial, Malthusian model for society. It is represented in its more historical form in the City of London and Wall Street — whose increasing power over the nominally sovereign governments of the trans-Atlantic world recalls the earlier “privatization” of the British government under the British East India Company. And it has also adopted a new guise in the “synthetic left” which calls for an end to development and a redefinition of progress in identitarian and environmentalist terms — of “progressives” who think there should be fewer people, “progressives” taken in by uncontextualized appeals to effectively support fascist policies under the rubric of defending human rights.

This Malthusian monster seeks to implement a worldwide Great Reset that will reduce the potential human population of the world: dramatically increasing the physical cost of providing and consuming energy (through drastically reducing the use of hydrocarbons while demanding greatly expanded mining to produce rare earth elements necessary for batteries and motors) while pointlessly and perilously heightening the danger of deadly military conflict with Russia and China, to prevent any other paradigm from taking hold. Rather than moving for the development of low-income nations in Africa, the Malthusian beast seeks to pay these nations not to develop, by essentially allowing developed nations to pay for carbon offsets, which would be transferred to poor nations to leave their resources (at least those for domestic consumption rather than export) in the ground.

But human beings are resource creators, not merely resource consumers. The climate change catastrophism promoted today as a new secular (or Satanic?) religion, like such earlier studies as the 1980 Global 2000 Report, relies on the same old discredited Malthusian theorizing that has led its predecessors to make terrifying forecasts that were soon falsified by reality.

Human beings are resource creators, not merely resource consumers. Every new “mouth to feed” is associated with a new “mind to educate.” It is the ability of each human individual to make enduring contributions to human history that demands peace and development throughout the world.

It is for the sake of past, present, and future humanity that this view of the human individual be brought forward to guide policy, rejecting the depraved outlooks that would tolerate Israeli murder, Green destruction of productivity, and the drive to draw the United States into war with Russia and China.

Will we become deserving of the praise of the future?

Webcast: As the Oligarchy Threatens War/Chaos, We Steer the World Toward Scientific/Economic Cooperation

In her weekly dialogue, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the leading developments from the perspective of the Schiller Institute’s initiatives to shift the direction from chaos and war, to strategic, scientific and economic cooperation. She reported on the exciting conference in Yemen, to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the founding of the BRICS Youth initiative; the urgency of Operation Ibn Sina for Afghanistan and motion to support it in Italy; and the open letter from former U.S. Surgeon General Elders to medical professionals and others, to launch an educational campaign on COVID, to counter the confusion coming from governmental mistakes and inaction, and anti-vaxxers and others on social media.

She also reported on the dangerous provocations coming from the U.S.-U.K.-NATO War Hawks against Russia and China, and concluded with presenting the LaRouche alternative to hyperinflation — beginning with Glass Steagall and Hamiltonian credit policy — and examining the farce emerging with the likely coalition government to be announced in Germany today.

Video: The Schiller Institute: Peace through development

Stay in touch with the Schiller Institute:

Video: The Art of Aesthetical Education

Excerpts from the fourth panel of the Nov 13-14 conference, “The Beauty of True Human Culture.”

Speakers include:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and President of The Schiller Institute
Diane Sare (U.S.), The Schiller Institute
Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarité et Progrès
Xu Wang (China), Executive Dean of Boao Culture and Creativity Institute
Prof. Zaher Wahab (Afghanistan), Professor Emeritus of Education; Former Advisor to the Afghanistan Minister of Higher Education
Denise Rainey (U.S.), retired educator and principal, Rochester, N.Y.

Join Us to Defeat the Global Oligarchy’s Anti-Human Agenda

As it is becoming more obvious that those running the governments in the Trans-Atlantic region are committed to imposing a deadly Malthusian population reduction, using a banker’s dictatorship and war as their chief tools to implement it, the Schiller Institute has set in motion an organizing process to defeat them.  This is not a timeless matter.  With many of their initiatives running into growing opposition — for example, the FLOP26 fiasco — war is becoming more likely, with a dangerous escalation aimed at Russia.  Find more information on our initiatives, here at

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