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“China Speed” in the Vaccination Effort

“China Speed” in the Vaccination Effort

May 27, 2021 (EIRNS) – China has administered over 500 million doses of COVID vaccines as of May 23, according to a report in the May 26 Xinhua headlined “`China speed’ of vaccination highlights determination to beat COVID-19.” The first 100 million doses were administered as of March 27. Xinhua commented:

“Such stepped-up moves have once again demonstrated China’s strong mobilization ability, which has been proven by the country’s response to the virus since the outbreak of the epidemic… China’s vaccination speed has potential to further accelerate.” The article went on to restate the official policy:

“No one is safe until everyone is safe. Human society must ensure that the speed of COVID-19 vaccination is faster than the pace of mutation. The challenge of realizing herd immunity for the world’s most populous country is obvious, but the `China speed’ of vaccination has lit the light at the end of the tunnel. Until a final victory over the virus is secured, China will not stop its efforts to make contributions to the battle against COVID-19.”

Webcast: There Is Still Time to Defeat the Pandemic!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s prescient comments in March 2020 about the danger that the COVID pandemic will get out of control if we fail to build a modern health-care system in every nation to combat it, has proven to be prescient, as nations are now facing the 4th and 5th waves, and new variations are emerging, especially in the poorer, former colonial nations. In her weekly webcast today, she pointed to geopolitics and neoliberalism as twin diseases in the Trans-Atlantic nations, as the ideological problems which have led to the breakdown of the system. This is seen not only in relation to health care, but the dangers of new wars targeting Russia and China; hyperinflation, which is eating into peoples’ savings; and the likelihood of blackouts throughout Europe this winter, due to the idiocy of the Green New Deal.

But this breakdown of the system offers those who can think outside the blinders of geopolitics and neoliberalism an opportunity to intervene, to overcome the errors — some of which were introduced deliberately — which now threaten humanity. She urged viewers to join the Schiller Institute this Saturday at 1 PM EST, for an emergency session of the Manhattan Project, titled “The Urgent Need for a World Health System”.

The Usual Suspects Are Behind the NATO Mobilization Targeting Russia

Amidst talk of a person-to-person summit between Presidents Biden and Putin in early 2022, U.S. officials are unleashing wild charges that Russia may invade Ukraine in January or February.  The prospect of a summit was raised during a visit to Moscow by CIA Director William Burns.  At the same time, U.S. spokesmen are calling on NATO allies to build up forces on Russia’s borders to “deter” Putin, and the U.S. committed to NATO expansion to include Georgia and Ukraine as members in the near term, at a meeting in Latvia.  Who benefits from the schizophrenic quality of U.S. policy, when cooperation from the two nuclear superpowers is more urgent than ever?

WHO Dir. Denounces “Scandalous” Vaccine Inequity, Warns the Pandemic Is Not Over

WHO Director Denounces “Scandalous” Vaccine Inequity, Warns the Pandemic Is Not Over

May 25 (EIRNS)–Addressing the 74th annual meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA), on May 24, World Health Organization director, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, delivered a stark message. “Make no mistake,” he said. “This will not be the last time the world faces the threat of a pandemic. It’s an evolutionary certainty that there will be another virus with the potential to be more transmittable and more deadly than this one..” Even though global COVID-19 cases have been decreasing for three consecutive weeks, he warned, the world is still in “a fragile situation…. No country is out of the woods. We must be very clear: the pandemic is not over and it will not be over until and unless transmission is controlled in every last country.” 

In this context, Dr. Tedros denounced the “scandalous” inequity in vaccine distribution, which, he charged, “is perpetuating the pandemic.” He pointed out that 75% of all the vaccines that have been administered were in only ten wealthy countries. There is “no diplomatic way to say it: a small group of countries that make and buy the majority of the world’s vaccines, control the fate of the rest of the world.” Now, he admonished, it is incumbent on wealthier countries to share their vaccines with the WHO’s COVAX mechanism, which provides vaccines to poorer nations. He also announced a “Drive to December” campaign, in which countries should aim to vaccinate at least 10% of their populations by September, and at least 30% by the end of this year. But, in order to reach the September goal, he said, 250 million more people in low- and middle-income countries have to get vaccinated, “including all health workers and the most at-risk groups as the first priority. Vaccine manufacturing must be scaled up, he argued, and questioned why some companies won’t share their licenses and technologies with those manufacturers who want to help produce vaccines. 

“This is crucial to stop severe disease and death, keep our health workers safe and reopen our economies,” Dr. Tedros elaborated. He warned that “those countries that vaccinate children and other low-risk groups now, do so at the expense of health workers and high-risk groups in other countries. That’s the reality.” He noted that while virus variants don’t seem to have undermined current vaccines, variants are “changing constantly,” and that any future ones could “render our tools ineffective and drag us back to square one.”

Video – There Are No Limits to Growth in the Universe — Conference excerpts

Speakers include: Jason Ross, Dr. Augustinus Berkhout, Prof. Carl Otto Weiss, State Senator Mike Thompson, Adrian Badescu, Prof. Franco Battaglia, Dr. Kelvin Kemm.

Watch the full conference here.

Cuba Vaccinated One Million People With COVID Vaccine; Plans to Immunize Entire Adult Population This Year

Cuba Has Vaccinated One Million People With Its COVID Vaccine; Plans to Immunize Entire Adult Population This Year

May 26 (EIRNS)–Cuba has now vaccinated one million people with its Soberana 2 and Abdala COVID vaccines, both of which are in late-stages of Phase 3 trials, and are two of five vaccines being developed. A sixth vaccine, known as Pan-Corona, is being developed with the Chinese, described as a next-generation vaccine which is more effective against various SARS-CoV-2 strains, Telam news agency reported May 22. Both vaccines require 3 doses. Soberana 2 was developed by Cuba’s prestigious Finley Vaccine Institute which in 1989 developed a vaccine for Meningitis-B. BioCubaPharma, Cuba’s state-run biomedical company, developed Abdala, and its president Eduardo Martinez Diaz estimates that all of Cuba’s adult population will have been vaccinated by the end of this year.

Cuba is experiencing a surge in cases, as are many Caribbean and Central American nations. Health Minister Jose Angel Portal estimates that by the end of June, 22.6% of the population will have been vaccinated; 33.5% by the end of July, and 70% by the end of August. Cuba’s regulatory agency is expected to approve emergency use authorization, at least for Soberana 2, in June, at which point the government can begin its mass vaccination program. Those currently being vaccinated are volunteers from high-risk groups, healthcare workers or residents of those regions most severely affected by COVID. This achievement has provoked the ire of the {New York Times} which published a teeth-gnashing article May 12 complaining that the island government is administering “home grown vaccines that have not been shown to work.”

Other developing nations have no such qualms about obtaining Cuban vaccines, which are the product of its state-of-the-art biomedical/biotechnology industry which has been developed over decades. Iran, Argentina, Mexico, Jamaica and Vietnam, among others, are interested in obtaining the vaccine. Today, Argentina’s Health Minister Carla Vizzotti and presidential adviser Cecilia Nicolini arrived in Havana, to meet with officials to discuss how the Soberana 2 and Abdala vaccines were developed and whether they can be mass-produced, the daily {Infobae} reported today. The Argentine government is already in negotiations with Cuban officials on purchasing the vaccines, once Phase 3 trials are completed, and is interested in determining whether Argentina can eventually participate in producing them. Because the Soberana 2 vaccine doesn’t require refrigeration, it is especially attractive to developing countries.

Why a Modern Health Care System in Each Nation Is Necessary to Defeat COVID19

Former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Jocelyn Elders has drafted an open letter to virologists, medical professionals and those in the front lines of the battle to save lives, to join in an “international, coordinated and integrated educational campaign to establish a sane approach” to address the continuing threat from COVID 19 and the potential of future pandemics.  The politicization of the disease has stoked panic and hysteria, heightening polarization, which has undermined adopting a competent approach to public health.  The takedown of the health care system in the industrialized world — typified by privatization and disastrous legislation such as Obama-care — left nations unprepared to deal with a pandemic.  Dr. Elders’ statement can be found at the link below; Read it, discuss it, and join us in circulating it.  Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts Around the World to Address the COVID-19 Pandemic | The Schiller Institute

Interview with Mayor Amable de Jesús Hernández, San José Colinas, Honduras

Watch the May 17 Schiller Institute interview with Mayor Amable De Jesus Hernandez of San Jose Colinas, Honduras on the existence, purpose, and method of Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites after his participation with a group of Mayors in taking extraordinary actions to get  COVID-19 vaccines for the people in their municipalities. 

Italian Endorsements of Schiller Institute’s Operation Ibn Sina

MILAN, Nov. 23, 2021 (EIRNS)—Alessia Ruggeri, chairwoman of UPI Italia, an association of small and medium-sized enterprises, and a renowned trade unionist in Sicily, today endorsed Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s proposed “Operation Ibn Sina” for Afghanistan with a press release which was published today in Il Corriere di Sicilia, a daily read in all of Sicily and is expected to be published in the next days in other Southern Italian papers. {Read the article here.} The press release is entitled “Helga Zepp-LaRouche launches Operation Ibn Sina to save the Afghan people” and reads:

“The Committee for the Republic, through its spokeswoman Alessia Ruggeri, endorsed the Ibn Sina initiative of the Schiller Institute. ’I believe that the world is experiencing a quite sad political, economic and social moment, with the complicity of mainstream media. We have to regain the lucidity and ability to intervene in support of a right cause. The Afghan people are paying the price of international geopolitical strategies which deny their inalienable rights guaranteed by the UN Charter.

“ ‘I therefore accept with great honor the invitation of the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites to be a part of it and give a significant European contribution,’ Alessia Ruggeri concludes, thanking Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of Movisol, an Italian political party inspired by Lyndon LaRouche.

“Also the lawyer Roberto Zappia endorses the appeal in support of the Afghan people, first exploited for the affirmation of the territorial and political hegemony of the world powers and subsequently abandoned to the voracity of the finance and to its cynical ruthless logics.”

The press release goes on to quote Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Operation Ibn Sina from the recent Schiller Institute conference and Dr. Joycelyn Elders on the recent activities of the Committee Coincidence of Opposites, particularly in Africa. {See Dr. Elders’ call, Open Letter to Virologists and Medical Experts.}

Harley Schlanger Update: The Insanity of the “Infrastructure Debate” in the U.S.

While the White House is quibbling with members of both parties in Congress over the size of the proposed infrastructure bill, what is clear is that the debate has nothing to do with building modern platforms of infrastructure. Instead, it represents a defense of the bankrupt ideologies governing both parties: while the Republicans want to limit spending, many Democrats — including Biden — are committed to an insane “Green” agenda, which includes destroying the existing energy grid in pursuit of the lunacy of a “zero-carbon footprint.” But the proposal to tear down hydroelectric dams to prevent “human interference with the rights of free-flowing rivers” is a sign of the intellectual degeneracy and dishonesty of the debate, as is the neo-liberal insistence that “cheaper is better” and preference for “pay as you go” schemes when it comes to upgrading the national platform of infrastructure.

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