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On the 100th Anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty, April 16

On the 100th Anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty, April 16

On the eve of the 100th anniversary of the Rapallo Treaty April 16, Alexander Hartmann, Editor of the weekly Neue Solidaritaet   released this statement (computer translated from the German,) instructive for resolving today’s crisis, by presenting the principle of the common interest among nations for mutual economic development.

Apr. 14, 2022 (EIRNS)–100 years ago, on April 16, 1922, Germany, represented by Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau, and the Russian Soviet Federative Republic, represented by Foreign Minister Georgi Chicherin, concluded the Treaty of Rapallo, in which they agreed to resume diplomatic and economic relations according to the principle of most-favored-nation treatment.
            At that time, Germany’s economic livelihood, with the help of the Treaty of Versailles, was to be “destroyed,” in order to keep the Anglo-American financial system alive with the help of reparations payments imposed on Germany. Like Russia today, Russia and Germany were economically “isolated” at that time. Both sides tried to escape this isolation through economic cooperation.
            Similarly, there were efforts from German industry at that time, led by the industrialist Otto Wolff, to cooperate with the young Chinese republic then led by Sun Yat-Sen, especially in the construction of a Chinese railroad network as conceived by Sun Yat-Sen in his writing {The International Development of China}.
            The opportunity for a peaceful way out of the crisis was missed in 1922. Walter Rathenau was assassinated, only two months after the conclusion of the Rapallo Treaty. The attempt to pay Germany’s reparation debts with the help of the money presses, failed in 1923, with the infamous hyperinflation. The German population became impoverished and thus became the plaything of extremist forces. The same forces that had already imposed the Treaty of Versailles on Germany, now helped install fascist regimes in Italy, Germany, Spain and France, paving the way for World War II, which cost the lives of between 60 and 100 million people worldwide, depending on estimates. Economic policies amounted to imposing austerity on the population, while at the same time, beginning the buildup of arms for World War II.
            Of course, the situation today, in many respects, is quite different. The attempt to isolate Russia, today, is doomed to failure because of its close cooperation with China. In fact, outside the EU, only seven countries participate in the sanctions against Russia, and it is rather the West that is increasingly isolating itself.
            But there are quite a few, fatal parallels from which we urgently need to draw lessons and consequences if history is not to repeat itself. The money-printing policies of recent years (especially since 2019) have prepared the ground for hyperinflation, which is now beginning to

sweep over the world in a huge wave after the Russia sanctions have given financial speculators a way into commodity speculation. As in 1922, the economic perspective as championed by Brussels and Washington -– today, not as a Versailles diktat, but under the pretext of combating climate change–amounts to drastically lowering the standard of living of its own people. And today, rearmament is even initiated even before popular protest has brought extremist governments to power. These protests are not likely to be long in coming, given the impending energy price hikes, only this time they are threatening not just Germany, but all countries that will be hit by the consequences of this policy.
            In fact, Rapallo shows us the way out of the crisis: that of international cooperation. This approach is already being pursued, by Russia and China, in the form of the Belt and Road Initiative, in which more than 100 nations are already participating. So it would be very easy to seize the 2022 opportunity by the scruff of the neck and join this initiative.
            Instead of artificially creating new Iron Curtains that block our way out of the crisis, we should break with the policy of murderous and suicidal sanctions that can only lead to economic and probably military doom. We should subject the speculators’ bogus assets, based on financial claims that are only apparently “kept alive” by printing money, to a well-deserved insolvency procedure, and create a credit system that enables global economic construction; and we should turn together to solving the world’s common problems, thus creating the basis for lasting peace.
            If we do that, we will have learned the right lessons from Rapallo.

Poland Urges Citizens to Gather Firewood, Due To Coal Shortage

June 8 (EIRNS) – If it weren’t so tragic, this would sound like a bad Polish joke: After banning all imports of Russian coal, Poland is now suffering such a severe energy shortage combined with soaring prices, that the government has “authorized” citizens to forage for firewood in the forests.

RT reported: “It is always possible, with the consent of foresters, to collect branches for fuel,” Deputy Minister of Climate and Energy Edward Siarka was quoted by Next Gazeta as saying on Monday. However, desperate citizens will first have to be trained in such medieval technologies: “Those wishing to gather wood must first undergo training and obtain permission from the local forestry unit. The report went on to clarify that people can only take branches already lying on the ground, and cannot cut down trees.”

How to Survive a Systemic Breakdown Crisis

Your daily update for April 14, 2022 from Harley Schlanger.

Accelerating Financial Collapse Behind Anglo-American Support for Endless Wars

Your daily update for April 13, 2022 from Harley Schlanger.

The World Changed Over the Weekend

Your daily update for April 12, 2022 from Harley Schlanger.

Conference: For a Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

International Schiller Institute online conference
April 9, 2022

Plenary Session

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, The Schiller Institute; Welcome and Keynote Address: “The Need for a New Paradigm.”
  2. H.E. Ambassador Anatoly Antonov, Ambassador of The Russian Federation to the United States: “Prospects for Building a New International Security Architecture.”
  3. Sam Pitroda (U.S./India), Innovator, Entrepreneur and Policy Maker: “The Need to Redesign the World”
  4. Jay Naidoo (South Africa), Cabinet Minister under President Nelson Mandela: “The African Perspective”
  5. Chen Xiaohan (China), Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament: “A Shared Future for Mankind”
  6. Alessia Ruggeri (Italy), Spokeswoman of the Comitato per le Repubblica, trade  unionist: “For a Europe of the Fatherlands with the Peace of Westphalia”
  7. Amb. P. S. Raghavan (India), former Indian Ambassador to The Russian Federation: “The Indian Perspective.” 

Discussion among the Panelists

Panel 2 — Economy

Moderator: Harley Schlanger (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Dennis Small (U.S.), Ibero-American Editor, Executive Intelligence Review: “The New Architecture: A Program to Prevent the Starvation of One Billion People Due to the Sanctions”
  2. Prof. Justin Yifu Lin (China), Dean, Institute of New Structural Economics; Dean, Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development; Honorary Dean, School of National Development, Peking University: “China’s BRI: The Rationale and Likely Impacts”
  3. Saeed Naqvi (India), Indian journalist, television commentator and interviewer: “Media Role and Responsibility”
  4. Dr. George Koo (U.S.), retired Business Consultant; Chairman, Burlingame Foundation: “U.S. Sanctions on Russia and China Are Suicide for the Dollar”
  5. Fraydique Alexander Gaitán (Colombia), President of USCTRAB Trade Union Confederation of Colombia, and Pedro Rubio, Colombian trade union leader: “South America and the New Development Architecture” 

Public Discussion

—    BREAK: 30 minutes   —

Panel 3 — Security

Moderator: Harley Schlanger (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Jacques Cheminade (France) President, Solidarite et Progres: “The Peace of Westphalia to Escape the Thucydides Trap”
  2. Diogene Senny (Republic of Congo), President of the Pan African League UMOJA Congo: “What Africa Expects from the World” 
  3. Caleb Maupin (U.S.), Founder and Director, Center for Political Innovation: “Security Effects of Unilateral Sanctions by the U.S. and the West” 
  4. Mike Callicrate (U.S.), Kansas cattleman, policy advocate and founder and owner of Ranch Foods Direct: “The Cartel Era is Over – More Sovereign Farmers, Food for All – Double World Food Production”

Public Discussion

Panel 4 — Development

Moderator: Jason Ross (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Dennis Speed (U.S.), Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites, author and long-time leader of the LaRouche movement: “The Urgent Need for a World Health System”
  2. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder, The Schiller Institute: “Operation Ibn Sina”, and Dipl. Ing. Daud Azimi (Afghanistan), Board Member, Peace National Front of Afghanistan: “Afghanistan: Today’s Urgent Economic and Political Imperatives”
  3. Princy Mthombeni (South Africa), Communication Specialist,  Founder, Africa4Nuclear: “Energy Security for Africa”

Public Discussion

Concluding Remarks: Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Sam Pitroda

March 16 update

U.S. Media Admits It’s Running Fraudulent “Narratives”

Your daily update with Harley Schlanger for April 8.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche on CGTN Think Tank special:

The CGTN Think Tank aired a program on April 7, about the “Ripple Effect of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict—Global Food Security.” Among the panel of six was be Helga Zepp-LaRouche the founder of the Schiller Institute, and Marcia Merry-Baker, the agriculture editor for EIR.

March 16 update

Why We Are Facing a Nuclear World War III

Your daily update for April 7 from Harley Schlanger.

Webcast: Can We Get the U.S. to Cooperate to Set Up a New Global Credit System?

Given that the ongoing economic/financial collapse is a key driver for the global war being pushed by geopolitical ideologues, it should be possible to mobilize a coalition of people among all nations who recognize the danger, and can be rallied to adopt the unique solutions developed by Lyndon LaRouche and promoted by the Schiller Institute. This idea of creating a momentum for a New Paradigm was the recurring theme of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s webcast today.

The war hawks will attack anyone who even speaks of negotiation to end the war. But voices are being raised against this, including in the U.S.. Among those she mentioned were Col. Richard Black, VIPS leader Ray McGovern and LaRouche Independent candidate for Senate in New York, Diane Sare. She highlighted the role that Sare can play between now and November, including as a faeatured speaker at the Schiller Institute conference. The June 18-9 SI conference will provide direction for those who wish to move away from geopolitics and build a new system which takes up the interests of all people. She spoke of the growing strength of former Non-Aligned nations from Asia, Africa and Ibero-America, and the economic ideas coming from Eurasia, as evidence that the world is turning away from the Anglo-American war drive.

In the end, it is a battle of reality versus narratives, of truth versus increasingly blatant attempts at mind control. As reality hits harder, in the form of a hyperinflationary blowout, more people will be open to take up new ideas. She appealed to viewers to help us build the conference, to bring humanity into a New Paradigm.

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