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March 16 update

Biden “Blurts Out” the Truth — Goal of NATO Is Regime Change in Russia

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for Monday, March 28.

Conference: We Need a New Security And Development Architecture for All Nations, Not a Strengthening of Geopolitical Blocs

Join us LIVE Wednesday, May 25 at 7:30am Eastern.

The Schiller Institute seminar will discuss:

What caused the current extremely dangerous military, and economic crisis. Why strengthening the EU military arm with Danish participation, and Sweden and Finland joining NATO would only exacerbate geopolitical conflict, and What are the principles upon which we can create a new security and development architecture, for the benefit of all nations and people.


The World Need a New Security and Development Architecture
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the Schiller Institute founder and international president.

Background to the Ukraine-NATO-Russia War
Jens Jørgen Nielsen, degrees in the history of ideas and communication, a Moscow correspondent for the major Danish daily Politiken in the late 1990s, author of several books about Russia and Ukraine, a leader of the Russian-Danish Dialogue organization, and an associate professor of communication and cultural differences at the Niels Brock Business College in Denmark.

Why We Need a New Security Architecture
Jan Øberg, PhD, peace and future researcher and art photographer, PhD in sociology, visiting professor in peace and conflict studies in Japan, Spain, Austria, and Switzerland, co-founder and director of the independent TFF, the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, in Lund, Sweden, and author.

Chinese President Xi Jinping’s April 21, 2022 Proposal for a New International Security Architecture
Prof. Li Xing, PhD, professor of Development and International Relations in the Department of Politics and Society, Faculty in Humanities and Social Sciences, Aalborg University, and author.

Why Sweden and Finland Should Not Join NATO
Ulf Sandmark, chairman, the Schiller Institute in Sweden

March 16 update

The Fabric of Lies Is Coming Undone

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 24, 2022.

March 16 update

The Fight For Sovereignty

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 20, 2022.

Webcast: This is “The Most Dangerous Moment” in Human History

At the end of a thorough review of the escalation of the war drive against Russia coming from the leaders of the bankrupt western “powers”, Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated that she believes this is the “most dangerous moment” in human history.  The relentless push against Russia, which has led top Russia security officials to state that they believe the existence of Russia is being threatened, was escalated this week with the request of Finland and Sweden to join NATO.  The western media is dominated by Russophobia.

There is resistance emerging, especially as the real reason behind the drive, the ongoing collapse of the global financial system, is hitting people hard, with inflation and shortages.  The Schiller Institute will be holding special emergency events next week, to counter the blatant lies in the propaganda war in the media, and to provide solutions.  She called on viewers to study the real causes for this crisis, and join with us to ensure that a new financial and security architecture can be created, to move the world away from destruction.

May 25 Conference: We Need a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations, Not a Strengthening of Geopolitical Blocs

May 26 Conference: US and European Military and Security Experts Warn: The Insanity of Politicians Threatens Nuclear War

March 16 update

Biden in Europe: Doubling Down on Insanity!

Your March 25 daily update from Harley Schlanger.

March 16 update

When Support for Violence Overseas Comes Home!

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 16, 2022.

March 16 update

Why Sovereign Nation States Are the Key to Peace and Prosperity

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 13, 2022.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Pakistani TV: We Must Find a Way To Get Peace, Immediately!

May 10, 2022 (EIRNS)—Two diametrically opposed views on what could happen in the Russia-Ukraine conflict were presented on yesterday’s “Views on News” program on Pakistan’s PTV public television channel. One, presented by a guest Pakistani columnist, was the dominant “narrative” of Russia, the sole aggressor, the sole party responsible for a war which will last for a long time, devastating Ukraine in the process, but that’s the way it is, because Putin won’t give in.

Schiller Institute founder and chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche countered forcefully, when given the floor:

“Most important, is to find a way to get peace, immediately, to not accept the idea that this will be a war which will go on for very long, because if that would happen— There are some people who think this war should go on until the last Ukrainian. This is a very cynical approach, because the main suffering people will be the Ukrainians.

“There is right now in Germany a huge debate which erupted because there were several open letters directed to Chancellor Scholtz, one coming from a group of intellectuals who warned that Germany should not send heavy weapons to Ukraine, because that implies the danger of the conflict going out of control and leading to World War III, and there is generally a recognition that if this comes to WW III, nobody will be left—nobody in Germany, nobody in Pakistan, nobody in the United States! So there is a growing momentum of people who say, ‘We must have a negotiated, diplomatic solution, immediately’.”

Geopolitical thinking, the idea of exhausting, of crushing Russia, of finishing off Putin, or that you keep fighting until your enemy is completely destroyed—this will lead to World War III! People should really think about that, Zepp-LaRouche insisted.

Nor is how the war came about as simple as the last speaker made it look, she noted. For 30 years, the Schiller Institute has been trying to shape events so as to bring about a new peace order, not commenting on what happens, but presenting such ideas as the Eurasian Land-bridge as the basis of peace. That potential for peace was destroyed by the drive for a unipolar world, with its color revolutions and regime changes against any government which would not accept that unipolar order. The West does have a share of responsibility for this crisis, in which, if Sweden and Finland join NATO, we could face again a reverse Cuban missile crisis.

Asked later by the host about such consequences from the war as growing malnourishment worldwide, Zepp-LaRouche urged governments to get together to set about doubling food production, to end the threat that 20% of the world’s people—1.7 billion souls— may fall into food insecurity and famine.

She counterposed the two systems developing in the world: the trans-Atlantic sector and those governments with neoliberal economic systems, which is blowing out, as Germany did in 1923; and Russia and China, which are responding to the West’s confrontational policy by trading in national currencies, setting up new banks and credit mechanisms. Much of the rest of the world —India, Indonesia, South Africa, even Brazil under Bolsonaro, Nigeria, among them—also refuse to go along with the West’s confrontation.

The danger, Zepp-LaRouche warned, is that if the West continues its confrontation, it may come to a break between the Western world and the countries gathered around Russia and China, which would be very dangerous, and an economic catastrophe, for Europe, for example. A different approach is needed! Governments must get together and agree to double food production. The U.S. could compensate for the loss of all Ukraine’s grain simply by cutting the amount of grain it burns in ethanol in half, and it should do that. Governments simply have to make available to farmers the credits, fertilizers, machinery they require to produce, and food production can be doubled.

The “Views on News” host, who had listened carefully, responded wholeheartedly: “absolutely.” The interview can be found here.

Webcast: As Biden Does Europe, the Question is, “What is Going On In Their Minds?”

As Biden left for Europe yesterday for meetings with “allied” leaders in NATO, G7 and the EU, there were numerous statements from U.S. officials, including Biden, announcing an escalation against Russia.  With talk of Russian “war crimes”, and nuclear war as a “possible contingency”, what is reflected, Zepp-LaRouche remarked today, “is zero capacity” to think through the strategic crisis.
Zepp-LaRouche countered the “lock-step” narrative which dominates the west by identifying the goal of this language as regime change against Putin — but toward what end?  As a result of the escalation of sanctions, it is now estimated that food shortages will soon threaten 1 billion people — Who is actually committing war crimes, and violating human rights??
She discussed the irony of the nuclear war talk breaking out on the day of the 39th anniversary of Ronald Reagan’s promotion of the SDI, for which her husband Lyndon LaRouche had been a leading architect.  LaRouche’s idea, which was the kernel of Reagan’s proposal, was not simply a military policy of defense against nuclear war, but an economic approach of sharing the most advanced technologies, for the benefit of all nations.  This idea is at the center of the upcoming Schiller Institute conference for the creation of a new security and financial architecture, to replace the neocon, neoliberal system which is imploding today. 

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