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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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China’s and Germany’s Prospects: Global Times Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Oct. 9 (EIRNS) – Ahead of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China which convenes Oct. `16, Global Times has published an extensive interview with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, “the second piece of a series of GT‘s interviews with influential scholars” on China’s economy and the BRI.

In answer to one of many question in the interview, Zepp-LaRouche warned, “The neoliberal financial system may disintegrate, either in a hyperinflationary disintegration – it would not happen in only one country – or if the central banks try to curb inflation through a ‘Paul Volcker style’ high interest rate policy, there could be a sudden chain reaction of bankruptcies of both emerging markets and over-indebted firms. While this will obviously affect China, its economic blueprint approach of caring for each segment of the economy with appropriate incentives will be invaluable.”

And to another, on Germany’s predicament, she answered: “Top executives are already ringing the alarm bells, warning that Germany is about to crash into a wall and that its identity as an industrial nation is at stake. The straw that is about to break the camel’s back is the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines. The destruction of these pipelines means they cannot be re-opened as a fallback source, which means the energy crisis in Germany will get extremely serious in the short term with a great deal of social upheaval. The only way to solve the situation would be for all European nations to put an end to the sanctions against Russia, and throw all their weight into insisting on a negotiated solution for the Ukraine situation. This situation has moved beyond an energy crisis. A comprehensive approach is needed, which is why the Schiller Institute has called for a completely new international security and development architecture, which takes into account the interest of every single country on the planet.” [The entire interview is available here.]

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

June 25 (EIRNS) – Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued a “Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System,” which is now circulating and gathering signatures from prominent leaders around the world, and will shortly be made public. In it, she calls for the “immediate convening of an emergency international conference which mandates: First: The reorganization of the bankrupt world financial system and replacing it with a New Bretton Woods system. The declared goal of this new credit system must be overcoming poverty and underdevelopment in the entire world, but above all raising living standards in developing countries, making it possible for all people on this planet to fully develop their potential capabilities.”

Other crucial points follow, but that first point summarizes the central idea of the document, an idea whose time has come.

The June 18-19 Schiller Institute international conference elaborated on the strategic situation which cries out for such a solution, and presented the essential features of the LaRouche policies in economics, science, culture and statecraft that must be taken up around the world. It is of note that China’s CGTN issued a Tweet yesterday with a two-minute video clip from Zepp-LaRouche’s speech at that conference, which they also made available to millions upon millions of viewers on Weibo (China’s Twitter-like online networking tool). 

In it, Zepp-LaRouche states:

“According to Duma President Volodin, the Emerging G8, of Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, and Turkey, already has bypassed the G7 in terms of the GDP. Other organizations and nations are working toward a new model of a global order, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, ASEAN, and many nations in the Global South. “What all of these countries are aiming at, is the wish for common poverty alleviation, real development of their physical economies, national sovereignty, the right to choose their own model of social and economic development, and cooperation in their mutual interests…

“So, the `democracies’ are really only the U.S., Great Britain, the EU (which, however, is divided), Japan, Australia, and South Korea. So when, at the end of this month, the annual NATO Summit meets in Madrid to present a plan for a Global NATO and a new security doctrine, without a real economic development plan, naturally, which it certainly will not have, it will fail to address the actual needs of a world faced with famine, pandemic, and economic chaos. It will have a big posture, but it will be a colossus on clay feet.”

The just-concluded BRICS summit also discussed ideas of how to construct a new international economic system to replace the current bankrupt trans-Atlantic colossus, as seen clearly in Russian President Putin’s remarks at that event. The key to the strategic situation remains whether sufficient forces for sanity, development, and war-avoidance can be rallied within the United States, to bring the U.S. into a working relationship with China, Russia and other great powers, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly called for. That specific task will be taken up this coming July 3, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, when Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be joined by Diane Sare, LaRouche Party candidate for Senator from New York, to celebrate the true meaning of the U.S.’s July 4 Independence Day, and thereby catalyze a return to the best tradition of American System economics of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon LaRouche.

Sanctions Crippling the Syria that Was Once Proudly and Steadily Growing

Aug. 9, 2022 (EIRNS)—The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) released a study, “Syrian Arab Republic: Access to Electricity and Humanitarian Needs,” in March 2022, documenting meticulously, respecting Syria, what Helga Zepp-LaRouche contends in her July 12, 2022 statement, “Lift Sanctions Against Russia Immediately!”: that sanctions are a “brutal form of warfare” that kill, and must be lifted everywhere they are currently enforced.

In 2011, the European Union enforced sanctions against Syria with the intent to overthrow the country’s President, Bashar al-Assad, following the Bernard Lewis Plan overthrow and eventual killing of the leaders of Iraq and Libya. Britain, the U.S., and other nations joined the sanctions regime, and the range of sectors of the Syrian economy against which they were applied was expanded. The U.S. and other nations carried out military intervention in Syria in 2011, first using proxy terrorist groups, then directly.

Syria’s electricity sector was brutally targeted. The OCHA study reports, “Two of the country’s 13 major power plants were fully destroyed: the Zeyzoun Power Plant in Idlib governate (487 MW installed capacity) and the Aleppo Thermal Power Station (1,065 MW installed capacity).” The World Bank reported that six other power plants were partially destroyed.

“As a result of this damage, the country’s electricity generation capacity fell from 5,800 MW in 2010… to 4,000 MW in 2018.”  The further tightening of sanctions caused Syria’s installed electricity generation capacity to fall to 2,000 MW in 2021, a collapse of 63%! Obtaining replacement parts and maintaining the surviving plants, due to sanctions, has become even more acute. Whereas, in 2010, “93% of the country had access to electricity,” that is sharply down today. Compared to 2010 standards, today’s Syrian population consumes 85% less electricity per capita, twelve years later. Thirty percent of Syria’s population has access to electricity for only 2 hours per day. That slashes electricity to industry, and households, and all the equipment that goes with that.

But electricity is the source for powering all other features of society. Around 2010, “access to safe drinking water in Syria was estimated at 92% in rural communities and 98% in urban centers. Seven major water systems serve the country’s eight largest cities…. However,” the study emphasizes, “by 2019 annual public water production in Syria had fallen by 40% relative to pre-crisis levels (from 1,700 Mn cubic meters in 2010 to 1,020 Mn cubic meters in 2019.” But to use water from groundwater and springs, or most rivers, requires continuous electricity to pump water and distribute it, a commodity Syria now lacks as the study highlights.

The lack of electricity (and water) also means there is sometimes insufficient power to run medical facilities and health clinics. Because of damage to infrastructure, Syria runs its schools on two shifts. In the second shift, in particular, often there is no clean water in the bathrooms, and not enough electricity to heat the schools. Some students study at home by candlelight.

The OCHA’s ReliefWeb website reported March 12, 2022, “this year, 90 percent of Syrians live below the poverty line, and more than 80 percent are food insecure. Families say they are eating less, cutting meals, and going into debt to meet their basic needs.” {Emphasis added.}

As Zepp-LaRouche says in her July 12 statement, sanctions “are a brutal form of warfare against the respective populations of the sanctioned states with the aim of making their living conditions so intolerable that they rise up against their respective leaderships, and overthrow them. But the victims are always the people.” It is past time to lift them in Russia, Syria, and everywhere.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Pakistani TV – Security Depends on Development

EIRNS, June 23–Pakistan’s PTV World program Views on News, hosted by Faisal Rehman who spoke with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and other guests concerning security and development issues facing the new Pakistani government. Zepp-LaRouche’s theme was that there must be peace and development for Afghanistan. She asked, “How long do you want to keep fighting? The grievances of the past are not the starting point for defining the future.” Mrs. LaRouche called for the integration of Afghanistan with the Belt and Road initiative.  The full program can be viewed here.

India’s The Hindu Features Interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute Call for a New Bretton Woods

Aug. 6 (EIRNS)—Under the striking headline, “Schiller Institute Calls for New Bretton Woods To End War, Economic Crisis,” one of India’s leading dailies, The Hindu, today published a thorough article on its interview with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, who detailed the role played by her late husband Lyndon LaRouche in shaping the policies for a New International Economic Order and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), as well as his close relationship to India dating back to the time of his World War II service in the China-India-Myanmar theater, and his and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s personal friendship with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The Hindu article was illustrated with a prominent photograph of a 2001 meeting of Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche with then President K.R. Narayanan at the presidential offices.

 The Hindu began by pointing out that the “global thinktank, Schiller Institute, that recently hit the headlines for organizing an international conference on the Ukraine war and economic crisis,” was shaped by the late economist Lyndon LaRouche. The Schiller Institute’s global conference last April 9 included three prominent Indians among its speakers: retired diplomat P.S. Raghavan (who was scheduled to speak but was unable to attend), journalist Saeed Naqvi, and Sam Pitroda. Subsequently, “it came under attack from Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation that fights online Russian propaganda, [which] released a list of 75 commentators, including the three Indians, whom they accused of promoting Russian propaganda.”

 Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche elaborated in some detail her late husband’s role in shaping policy debate in the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM). She reported that, after Richard Nixon dismantled the Bretton Woods system in August 1971, her husband warned that the so-called “Nixon Shock” would encourage speculation-driven economic activities and greater inequality, and that he “wrote in favor of the developing economies. Some of those ideas found expression in the 1976 Colombo resolution of the fifth NAM summit that called for a New International Economic Order (NIEO) to help the non-aligned countries,” The Hindu reported. The effects of that “Nixon shock” are still being felt today, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche asserted.

 That the New International Order didn’t come into being was due to many factors, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche explained, but stressed that when she and her husband met with Indira Gandhi, the Prime Minister showed great interest in “having economic ideas that would safeguard India from the volatilities of international finances” that had affected so many other developing countries. Following Mrs. Gandhi’s assassination in 1984, Mr. LaRouche authored the book Derivative Assassination examining the global dimensions of Khalistani terrorism that might have played a role in her murder. Even after her death, the LaRouches visited India on several occasions and met with such prominent economists as the late Arjun Sengupta and with President K.R. Narayanan in 2001.

 In the interview, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche remarked that the “LaRouche tradition” within the NAM didn’t progress for a number of reasons, including the assassinations of Mrs. Gandhi in 1984 and of her son and successor Rajiv Gandhi in 1991, and the “interventionist wars” launched by the West in Syria, Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, whose chief architect was U.S. President George H.W. Bush, were largely responsible for the global turmoil that made such progress impossible.

 Despite the crisis in Ukraine and the global financial crisis, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche is hopeful that there is now a reemergence of non-alignment and other positive traditions, The Hindu reported, while warning that Western leaders failed to deal with earlier crises such as the 2008 Lehman Brothers crash, and that the crisis today is such that it could lead to a “blowout of the neoliberal system.”

 Look at the West’s treatment of Russia, she said. When the U.S.S.R. collapsed, the Schiller Institute proposed a development corridor—the Eurasian Land-Bridge—that would have helped in economic development. Instead, Western powers adopted a strategy of destroying Russia, treating it as a “regional power,” planning to reduce it to the status of a raw-materials producing “ex-superpower.” These Western policy errors continue to this day, she warned, telling The Hindu, “If we don’t get the United States and Europe onto a new track, toward a new system [New Bretton Woods,] the war danger only worsens.”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche on CGTN’s “World Today” Show; Denounces Decoupling of Germany and Europe From China

Aug. 9, 2022 (EIRNS)—The following interview with Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche was included in CGTN’s “World Today” podcast.

The World Today host began a segment: “Decoupling of the EU and Germany from China could cost Germany almost six times as much as Brexit. This is the finding of a scenario analysis conducted by the Info Institute on behalf of the Bavarian Industry Association. The report shows that automotive industry companies producing transportation equipment and manufacturers of machinery and equipment would be hurt the most if the decoupling happens.

So, for this and more on EU-China and Germany-China relations, let’s have Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, a Germany-based political and economic think tank. Thanks for joining us, Ms. Zepp-LaRouche.


CGTN: Germany would face costs almost six times as high as Brexit if Germany and the European Union were to shut China out of their economies. What do you make of the projections?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s much worse, because as you have mentioned already, there is right now an effort to push Germany and all of Europe into a decoupling from Russia and China. This, in my view, would mean economic suicide. You already have an almost total decoupling from Russia that has led to an explosion of energy prices. You have hyperinflation going on, which is not due to anything having to do with Ukraine or Russia’s war with Ukraine. It has to do with the quantitative easing and pumping of money for many years. So, you have hyperinflation; you have an energy crisis. And now on top of that, if you also would decouple from China, the most important trading partner for Germany, this would mean economic suicide. I think this is something people should review and really step back away from, because it would lead to complete social chaos in Germany and Europe, with unpredictable consequences.

CGTN: The report said the biggest loser of a trade war with China would be the automotive industry, manufacturers of transport equipment and mechanical engineering which have had strong ties with China over the years. With the domestic argument for decoupling getting louder in Germany and the European Union, do we hear any voices from those industries?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, my personal experience in talking to many of those, is that the individual firms really want to stay in China, but they are being pressured by the banks with their credit policies, the financial sector, and that is all hanging together with Wall Street and the City of London. They have geopolitical motives to push this decoupling. I think if German industry wants to survive, and I really mean survive, because it’s an existential situation which most of them are in, they have to stand up and defend their own interests. They have to fight for the jobs of the people; they have to stand up for German interests and the common good of the people.

I think we are heading into an incredible social crisis in the coming weeks and months. The question is, will Germany economically survive this assault? It’s time for Germany to define its own interests and not be the instrument of NATO.

CGTN: Speaking of that, we heard from Volkswagen’s CEO, who defended [inaud] in China in Xinjiang. What do you make of this, because there are two different opinions nowadays? On the one hand, people say their insistence is only about profit and making money. On the other hand, people believe they see a different Xinjiang in China from the ones mirrored in the Western media. What’s your take?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, we had two members of the Schiller Institute traveling to Xinjiang and visiting many locations. And many diplomats from many countries also have traveled there to investigate the situation. What all of these people report is that China has brought development into one of the previously poorest areas, and given people jobs, bringing prosperity, infrastructure. So, a lot of people who turned from the Uighurs to terrorism before now have a perspective and a future, and have stopped being terrorists. I think to overcome terrorism through development is a much better method than throwing bombs and drones and having civilian casualties you don’t care about, like it happened so many times in Afghanistan or Iraq, where the United States conducted these things. I think people should not listen to this guy Adrian Zenz, who recently came out with a study. He’s a right-wing Christian fundamentalist who has very dubious beliefs, because he thinks that God gave him a mission to destroy China. All of this anti-Xinjiang propaganda is mainly based on this extremely dubious source. People should not fall for it.

CGTN: Given what we have been talking about, if you also ask a lot of experts in Germany, they suggest that companies should find more countries to reduce dependency on China. How do you look at this suggestion? Can China, as the top trading partner of Germany, be replaced at least in the short term?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: In the short term, for sure not, because the idea to diversify and have partnerships with so-called “like-minded democracies,” if you really look at it, it’s only the U.S., the British, the countries of the Five Eyes, Japan, New Zealand. But the overwhelming majority is going with China’s BRI. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, most countries of the Global South want to have development. There is a revival of the spirit of Bandung, which is the Non-Aligned Movement. I think it would be complete suicide for countries like Germany that are very export-dependent to cut off these markets which are the future. The only growth which occurred in the recent period was in Asia, and not in the Atlantic sector. So, Germany should really redefine its own interest.

CGTN: Thank you very much. That’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, a Germany-based political and economic think tank.

Here is the link to the interview; this segment is with Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche: ④ Decoupling with China could cost Germany six times as much as Brexit, a study shows at 33:55 min.

Ukraine Labels Schiller Institute Leaders and Others as ‘War Criminals’

July 31—Although the Nazi-like blacklist published by Ukraine’s Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) on July 14, fingering 78 prominent international individuals as purveyors of alleged “Russian propaganda,” has received wide coverage in western news outlets, including leading corporate media, all the coverage, with the single exception of that of Executive Intelligence Review.

The reportage has left out the most important truths behind this despicable attack by the U.S., UK and NATO funded operation in Ukraine: first, that the primary target is the Schiller Institute, given that the first thirty names on the list were speakers at Schiller Institute conferences in 2022, with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, appearing prominently on the list; and, secondly, that on the same day the list was released, the acting head of the CCD, Andriy Shapovalov, in an address to a round table on countering disinformation, said that those on the list were “information terrorists,” and that “Information terrorists should know that they will have to answer to the law as war criminals.” That roundtable was organized in part by the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation with the support of the U.S. State Department. 

The Danger to Those Targeted

This is not only a threat to the safety and even the lives of those placed on the list, it also opens the door for the British and U.S. governments and their human rights mafia to bring the International Criminal Court and other imperial legal institutions to bear. 

Scott Ritter, the outspoken former Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector, who also appeared on the CCD list, wrote an open letter to his Congressional representatives (U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) and Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), and Rep. Paul Tonko (N.Y.)), demanding they “take the appropriate action necessary to ensure that funds appropriated by the United States Congress are not used to suppress the free speech rights afforded to citizens of the United States, including myself, by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.” Ritter notes that all three of them supported H.R. 7691, “The Additional Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022,” which provides funding for the Ukrainian government and its Center for Countering Disinformation that has targeted him.

Ritter writes: “As a constituent whose name has appeared on a so-called ‘blacklist’ published by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation, my personal and professional life has been, and continues to be, detrimentally impacted by the chilling effect of being labeled a ‘Russian propagandist’ for simply exercising the right to free speech guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Moreover, Ukraine has a history of converting ‘blacklists’ of this nature into ‘kill lists,’ where those who speak out against the policies of the Ukrainian government are being murdered or threatened with violence. I am certain you agree with me that Congress cannot be in a position where, through its actions, foreign governments are provided the means to intimidate citizens of the United States from exercising their Constitutionally protected rights regarding free speech.”

Schumer’s Role in Targeting his Opponent Through Ukrainian Nazi Lies

Even more threatening to U.S. law and the rights of its citizens is the fact that Diane Sare, officially on the ballot as a LaRouche candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in New York State, now held by Chuck Schumer, is also targeted on the Ukraine hit list. Thus, Schumer is openly supporting the funding of a foreign organization which is dangerously targeting his opponent in an extremely important political election in the United States—an interference in the American electoral process that puts to shame Schumer’s discredited claim of Russian interference in U.S. elections. 

In a personal response issued by Sare on July 31, she states: “I would like to underscore what Scott Ritter has said, and ask the additional question of Senate Majority Leader Schumer, ‘Is it your intent to silence my voice in an indirect, but menacing fashion, by voting to fund Ukrainian civil servants who have stated that I should be arrested for war crimes?’ ” 

According to the CCD, the July 14 conference was “supported”—that is, funded—by the State Department, while the Ukrainian office of the U.S.-headquartered Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global) was responsible for organizing the event, along with several Ukrainian outfits. Funders of CRDF Global, a public-private organization “founded in 1995 in response to the collapse of the Soviet Union,” include the State Department, State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Defense Department and its Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the UK government and its Counter Proliferation and Arms Control Centre. CRDF Global, led and staffed primarily by people with long careers in the U.S. MICIMATT (Military-Industrial-Congressional-Intelligence-Media-Academia-Think-Tank complex), has “Countering Disinformation and Cyber Security” as one of its “strategic areas,” along with nuclear proliferation, bioweapons lab operations, and a few other areas. CRDF Global’s Eastern Europe and Eurasia Hub has operated out of Kiev since 1997.

In April 2022, U.S. Department of State Senior Assistance Coordinator for Ukrainian Affairs, David Schlaefer, played a leading role in a meeting of the “national cybersecurity cluster” held by the National Cybersecurity Coordinating Center of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, with support from CRDF Global and the U.S. State Department Office of the Coordinator for Assistance to Europe and Eurasia, according to CRDF Global. See this CRDF Global news release.

Thus, the State Department “knew or should have known” of the threats issued at the event they sponsored. The question arises: Were any State Department officials involved in drawing up the hit list and encouraging its publication? It is clear that, should anything happen to any of the 78 people included on the Ukrainian hit list, the U.S. State Department could be held co-responsible for that harm.

Zepp-LaRouche on CGTN Radio: Immorality of Sanctions & Import of Russia-Ukraine Grain Deal

Found here is a segment of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s interview with Ge Anna at CGTN World Today done July 25 in which Zepp-LaRouche insists on the immorality of sanctions for all countries. This segment was Tweeted out by Ms. Ge Anna which can be heard at the link.

In the longer interview with Ms. Ge Anna, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche also takes up the multi-layered importance of the just concluded Russia-Ukraine grain deal which can be heard here in the second segment start minute 15:12″ to 26:58″ using the play button at the left.

Schiller Institute Conference: Call for ‘New Bretton Woods’ Initiative For Economic Security, Peace For All Nations

June 19, 2022 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute international conference June 18-19, titled, “There Can Be No Peace without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” was an extraordinary process of dialogue, on the focus of initiating the actions to mobilize world citizen leadership to bring about a new economic and security architecture as early as possible, given the present breakdown spiral, and war danger.

Participating in the conference were 31 speakers, from 12 countries, including Russia, China, Brazil, and Afghanistan. The presentations were grouped into four panels, including opening with classical music offerings, moderated by Schiller Institute activists from the United States and Germany.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, who convened the conference, stressed the point that the views expressed by the speakers are critical to circulate widely because they are “a counter pole to the synchronized media” which present narratives based on a complete “discrepancy” with reality.

The live viewership of the conference numbered in the thousands at different points over the two days, and the advance registration of 1300, represented dozens of nations. Simultaneous translation was provided in English, Spanish, French, and German. Short video clips are in preparation for the most rapid circulation of key ideas. The conference is already archived, by panel; and will soon be available by speaker.

A special feature throughout the conference, were the selected historical video clips opening each panel, by economist, statesman Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr., whose birth centennial is celebrated this year.

The conference came about, as part of an ongoing mobilization process, including an international petition, issued by the Schiller Institute in February, 2022—”Convoke an International Conference To Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” which as of mid-June has nearly 5,000 signatures, from dozens of nations. On April 9, a prior Schiller Institute international conference, with attendance representing 65 nations, laid the groundwork for this month’s two-day event.

Zepp-LaRouche raised the point, during the first day’s discussion periods, that in the weeks since April, the Western governing elites are taking no action in the right direction at all. She posed the question point-blank to many fellow speakers and the audience, during the discussion periods the first day: what should be our next step? She raised as a specific proposal for consideration, the question of a new international petition calling for a “New Bretton Woods” financial framework, for a just credit system serving the development interests of all nations, in the tradition of the original intention of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The Schiller Institute has initiated attention to this through petitions in the past, in 1997, 2000, and 2006, with thousands of backers, including lawmakers. Aspects of a New Bretton Woods were discussed, including the need for fixed exchange rates, to accommodate stable trade relations and implementing large-scale, mutual-benefit infrastructure projects, to advance the world productive platform.

The critical role of the Schiller Institute, for coalescing the ideas and forces for an emergency shift in policy is underscored by the menacing events on the eve of the conference itself. Ministers of NATO’s 30 member nations met June 15-16, to confirm their Global NATO agenda for the June 29 NATO Summit of heads of state, identifying China as a threat, and deploying still more forces in Eastern Europe. At the same time, officials in the Trans-Atlantic are backing energy-austerity and similar measures killing their own economies, and furthering famine and disease around the globe.

In contrast, the pro-development international activities are continuing, by the Belt and Road Initiative, and collaborative allied nations and groupings, including the Eurasian Economic Union. The St. Petersburg Economic Forum in Russia June 14-17 had 14,000 attending, with 130 nations represented, and multiple economic agreements adding up to $100 billion.

Zepp-LaRouche stressed at the conclusion of the conference, that, “we are heading for a perfect storm…[of crises right now] This is the moment we can inject new ideas” that can change course of history. The Schiller Institute will re-issue an international call for a New Bretton Woods, she said, asking for contingents of activists in all countries to put this forward. “This is not a moment to sit on the fence!”

Panel  I: A Decoupling of the Two Systems or a New Paradigm for Humanity?

Leading speakers from Russia, China, India, Germany and the United States presented on the first panel, a powerful picture of the global crisis facing mankind today, described by Zepp-LaRouche as the worst crisis in the history of civilization. They conveyed the urgency for a new paradigm to be negotiated and implemented through the cooperation of all the leading nations, including the U.S., Russia, China and India.

Zepp-LaRouche, in her keynote, “Let’s Win Mission Impossible or Find Another Planet!” posed the image of a high-speed train approaching a cliff at top speed, with an engineer at the controls who has gone mad, and will do nothing to stop the train. In effect, she called on people to “pull the emergency brake.” She described how the massive sanctions on Russia and the ongoing “decoupling” from China are proving to be self-destructive, interesting the already collapsing Western financial/economic system, and threatening 1.7 billion people with starvation. Lyndon LaRouche warned in 1971 that Nixon’s destruction of the FDR’s Bretton Woods System would lead to precisely this breakdown crisis, and the threat of global war we see today.

Speakers from Russia and China added to the picture. Andrey Kortunov, Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council (RIAC) spoke on the “Indivisible Security of All Nations.” The current severe economic and military actions against Russia are not a reaction to the deployment in Ukraine, but have been building for years. Most recently, look at AUKUS, the Quad, the Biden Summit of Democracies and many other things. However, what has been presented by imperial geopolitical forces as historic difference between East and West, North and South, are fast losing their relative importance. The new coalition of forces with China and China are uniting nations from all parts of the world.

Wang Wen, the Executive Dean of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, and Deputy Dean of the Silk Road School at Renmin University in China, spoke on “Why China’s Rise Is Beneficial to the World.” He reviewed the miraculous rise of China over the past 40 years. Today China accounts for 30% of annual world economic growth. In Africa, China accounts for 60% of the investment. China sees its strength as a benefit for world development, and peace.

Co. Richard Black (ret.), former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon and former Virginia State Senator: “”Ukraine Has Lost the War: But Thermonuclear War Still Threatens.” Black reviewed the situation in Ukraine, pointing out that, “The war is not over, but Ukraine has lost.” He called for a resolution, perhaps using the Austrian “neutrality: model, and denounced as madness, those Western voices raising the prospect of using nuclear weapons.

Three more speakers completed the panel. Sam Pitroda, a former cabinet minister or advisor to seven Indian prime ministers, spoke from Chicago, on “India and the Emerging New World Architecture.” He called for a thorough-going re-design of the world’s economy and society.

Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, a doctor of law and a prolific author, spoke on “The West-East Conflict—An Orchestration.” He blew apart myths of “Western values” being defended in Ukraine, where neo-Nazis are openly part of the military. Europe is subservient to U.S. policy. Look at Germany, where there are 11 U.S. military bases.

Dr. Cliff Kiracofe, a former Senior Staff Member of the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs, and President of the Washington Institute for Peace and Development, decried the U.S. leading the West back to a Cold War “crusade” against the reality of a world of multipolarity and the rise of China. His topic was, “Diplomacy and Cooperation in a Time of Crisis.”

Panel II. Runaway Inflation or Glass-Steagall?

The exciting second panel had presentations from 15 speakers—nine as part of a Food Producers Roundtable, who know what it takes to solve the current economic breakdown crisis, and have been mobilizing for solutions. Harley Schlanger of the Schiller Institute was the moderator.

Fittingly, the panel started with a video excerpt from Lyndon LaRouche, speaking on Sept. 4, 1994, about how to generate credit, even during a breakdown crisis, as we have today. He stressed there must be “trillions of dollars in projects” of new infrastructure, meaning “trillions of dollars of work.”

Diane Sare, LaRouche Party independent candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, spoke on “The Collapse of the West and the Urgent Need to Join the Belt and Road Initiative.” She gave an illustrated presentation, showing four great infrastructure corridor projects, achieved through American System credit practices: 1) Erie Canal; 2) Trans-Continental Railroad; 3) Tennessee Valley Authority; and 4) the Apollo Project.

Geoff Young, the Democratic Party nominee for Kentucky’s 6th CD, is a long-time supporter of the Glass-Steagall Act and other core measures. He spoke of his winning his party primary recently, using the slogan, “Unlike [Republican Rep. Andy Barr–R] I will never vote to send billions of dollars to Nazis.”

Three speakers—from Japan, Germany, and Greece–provided important international perspective. Daisuke Kotegawa, Japan’s former Finance Ministry reorganizer of bankrupt banks, and IMF Executive Director for Japan, gave a punchy talk on, “XX.” He said that unlike in past swindles by the City of London in 1985 and since, this time we should use the principles or bankruptcy reorganization effectively to deal with them. Don’t let false “respect” get in the way of what these arrogant and criminal bankers deserve.

Dr. Uwe Behrens, a logistics expert and author from Germany, spoke on the subject, “The Non-Rival Doctrine.” He reviewed how the so-called “unipolar world” of London and Washington are challenged by China and the BRI.

Amb. Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos, former Greek Ambassador to Poland, Canada and Armenia, and former Secretary General of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) spoke on “The Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Belt and Road Initiative.”

The other panelists focused on agriculture and the world food crisis. Italian economist Nino Galloni, former Director General of the Italian Labor Ministry zeroed in on policies for Africa, in his presentation, “Make Africa Self-Sufficient Again.” He reviewed how Western cartels had undermined agriculture in Africa by making the continent grain-import dependent, and preventing development, including even preferred regional cereal grains. This must change.

The kick-off speaker in the Food Producers Roundtable was outspoken about the same point. Mike Callicrate, from Colorado and Kansas, who is the founder and president of Ranch Foods Direct, raising and processing cattle, denounced the nonsense that, “America will feed the world—America can’t even feed itself!” Callicrate called for busting up the food cartels, and ending the financialization of food. He presented a model of region-serving production and processing. The speakers called for restoring Glass-Steagall, and breaking up the food conglomerates, as well as the biggest banks and other commodity cartels, or face mass hunger. They denounced the hopelessness of the green outlook that people and food production endanger the planet. They stressed family scale fishing and farming, for “generational knowledge” and commitment.

The Roundtable was titled, “Science and Culture to End Famine—Principles of Agriculture Productivity.” Bob Baker (Schiller Institute Agriculture Liaison) introduced the speakers. They included from Iowa, the Kehrli family livestock and crops producers, three generations, Wilbur, Ken and Kyle. Also from Iowa Jon Baker, cattleman and farm community banker. From California, Frank Endres, wheat and cattleman in the Sacramento Valley, longtime National Farmers Organization leader. James Benham spoke, who is the President of the Indiana Farmers Union, and on the National Board of the National Farmers Union. James Moore spoke from Sitka, who is past President of the Alaska Trollers Association.

Panel III. Principles of Science for Durable Economic Progress

The five speakers presented many aspects of science from the perspective of economic progress, and the necessity for creative breakthroughs to advance both. Moderator Stephan Ossenkopp, speaking from Berlin, began with an update on the latest insanity on energy policy in Europe, where German and other officials are extolling rationing of fuel and electricity.

The opening presentation was on “Vernadskian Time—Time for Humanity,” by Jason Ross, the Secretary-Treasurer of The LaRouche Organization, and former Science Adviser to Lyndon LaRouche. Speaking of the “arrow of time” to mean that time and development are directional, he explained that principle as expounded by Vladimir Vernadsky, who developed the division of three main domains of processes on Earth: the non-living, the living, and the “noosphere.” Ross further discussed the coherence between living processes and a human economy as defined by Lyndon LaRouche.

Three scientists—from Italy, Russia and the United States–presented aspects of their specialties. Francesco Battaglia, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Modena, spoke on the “Fraud of Climate/Energy Transition.” With illustrations, he blasted the fraud of the CO2 climate change narrative, and the terrible damage to society caused by degrading energy provision to the economy.

Dr. Ed Calabrese, Professor of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts/Amherst; Co-Editor of Hormesis: A Revolution in Biology, Toxicology and Medicine, also debunked another fraud, which is that all radiation is harmful. He spoke on the topic, “Real Science Disproves the Linear Non-Threshold (LNT) Radiation Myth.” He reported, for example, the benefits of bone healing from targeted doses of radiation.

From Russia, Professor Sergei Pulinets spoke on, “A Vernadskian Approach to Earthquake Forecasting.” He is the Principal Scientific Researcher of the Space Research Institute, of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. The subtitle of his talk was, “We Should Unite and Survive!” Crediting Vernadsky as laying the groundwork for his work today, Pulinets presented, with many illustrations, his work, giving the audience a sense of the three-dimensial dynamics of the Earth’s atmosphere. He called for extended international cooperation, in scientific work based on a holistic approach to climate, weather and seismic activity.

William C. Jones, formerly EIR White House correspondent, rounded out the picture of Vernadksy’s life, including political history, scientific advances and the great cultural contributions. His topic was “V.I Vernadsky, Scientific Thought as a Geological Force.”

Panel IV. Classical Culture and the Dialogue of Civilizations

The stage was set for this panel’s discussion by two musical examples of classical beauty—a performance of the Kyrie from Wolfgang Mozart’s Requiem, by the Schiller Institute chorus from 2014; and a 1990s performance by the late operatic tenor George Shirley of the spiritual “Little Boy,” arranged by Roland Hayes, accompanied by Sylvia Olden Lee. Shirley described the “classical principle” in the Negro spiritual, and Mozart and Schubert as “universal.” This music was introduced by Dennis Speed, of the Schiller Institute, who moderated this and the first panel of the conference.

Four speakers, each from a different country, then followed, on differing aspects of culture, but all sharing the imperative that people must activate on behalf of humanity in today’s crisis. The fifth speaker gave an update on various anti-culture, dehumanizing campaigns that must be defeated.

Jacques Cheminade, from France, gave the keynote, on the topic “A Culture of Curiosity and Perseverance to Explore the Impossible.” He is the President of Solidarity & Progress. Beginning with reference to the U.S. and how NASA is a “treasury of optimism” still in that nation, Cheminade said that putting the dying, but still kicking financial system into bankruptcy reorganization requires both “curiosity and perseverance”—the names U.S. children gave to space rovers in a NASA contest. Cheminade stressed that time is short, but we must find it in ourselves to meet the challenge.

Prof. Felipe Maruf Quintas, from Brazil, spoke on “The Role of Brazil in the Dialogue of Civilizations and in the World’s Physical Economy.” He is Professor of Political Science, Fluminense Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, and a columnist for Monitor Mercantil. Quintas reviewed both the resource riches and mission of Brazil for “breaking the South Atlantic from Anglo-Saxon imperialism” and the beneficial relations already in motion through the BRICS and relations with Asia and Africa.

Dr. Zaher Wahab, Emeritus Professor of Education, and former advisor to the Afghan Ministry of Higher Education, and teacher at the American University of Afghanistan (AUAF) from 2013-2020, spoke on the topic, “Dialogue, Not Clash, of Civilizations.” Dr. Wahab’s homeland was Afghanistan, but now resident in Oregon, he denounced Samuel Huntington’s thesis of a “clash of civilizations” and called for an end to the Western policy of arrogant domination and mis-use of power.

A view of what U.S.-China relations ought to be was presented by Dr. George Koo, a retired business consultant in bilateral trade of these nations and Chairman of the Burlingame Foundation. His topic was, “U.S.-China Cultural Relations Are Critical to Prevent War.” He particularly warned that Washington is encouraging Taipei toward what are red lines for Beijing. This is a course for disaster.

A dramatic description of the enemy of culture and civilization was given by Mike Robinson from Britain. He is the Editor of The UK Column, and spoke on the topic, “The Dehumanizing Meta-Sphere.” Showing headlines of articles such as, “Is Nanotech Making Humans Unnecessary,” Robinson covered the spectrum of such threats as “transhumanism”—promotion of a brain-computer hook-up, to notions in the metaverse of the equivalence of a computer avatar with a real human.

The final conference Question and Answer session included Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Diane Sare, and came to the consensus that, despite, the dark menace just described, the old paradigm of suffering and geopolitics is in the process of being replaced by one concerned with mutual development and problem-solving among equal nations.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Discusses China-EU Meeting on CGTN ‘Dialogue’

April 1 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche was interviewed on CGTN’s broadcast “The Dialogue” this morning with host Xu Qinduo and a second guest Prof. John Gong, who frequently appears on CGTN’s shows. The discussion was on the EU-China meeting by videoconference today, which included President Xi Jinping (in what Xinhua dubbed “Xiplomacy”) and EU Council President Charles Michel and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.

XU: That’s a good point, John. Helga, what do you think about this Ukraine issue somehow playing a part in the relationship between China and the European Union? Is there a way they can deal with the issue that will enhance or bring the two sides together? Is that affecting their relationship?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Obviously. The EU had on their website beforehand that they wanted to have the Ukraine issue practically the only issue. They want China to mediate and influence Russia. But I think it is very clear that China did not want to take a side. However, given the fact that EU economy is in free fall; as a matter of fact, the accumulation of COVID, the sanctions, Europe is not in a strong position at all. And I think China has a conception which I think lends itself to a mediation role, and that is President Xi Jinping’s idea of a shared future for a joint humanity. I think that is the most important conception right now, given the fact that we are in a situation strategically which is more dangerous than during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Therefore, what we really need, and I think China would be uniquely in a position to do that, is to propose a new international security architecture which would take into account the interests of every single country on the planet. Because the reason why we have the Ukraine crisis is because NATO expansion to the East for 30 years, which the West does not want to even discuss anymore. But the question is, how do we get out of it? We need a new security architecture, and I have proposed it to be in the tradition of the Peace of Westphalia, which ended the 150 years of religious wars in Europe. The situation today in face of the danger of nuclear war is much more dangerous than even then.

I think the Europeans, they totally are ignoring the fact that a new system is emerging, based on the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS, the Russia-India-China combination. India refused to be drawn into the camp of the United States, but wants to stay neutral, also. I think the only way how we will get out of this is if the Europeans—and finally also the United States—would understand that it is in their best interest to cooperate with the Belt and Road Initiative, in addressing the real issues which concern all of humanity: Which is, the pandemic is not over, we have a hunger crisis. I think one Chinese economist recently said that as a result of the sanctions against Russia, 1 billion people are in danger of dying of hunger this year. So, I think if China would play a mediating role, and say that all of these issues have to be addressed simultaneously. And then, Ukraine could become a bridge rather than being a geopolitical tool between the EU and Russia, it could become a bridge in the cooperation on the Eurasian continent.

XU: That’s a good point, Helga. China stressed very much cooperation, win-win cooperation. China also takes pride in being the source of peace and stability. When it comes to China-EU cooperation, we know the two sides are great civilizations, they are two of the largest economies. They represent the two largest markets. So, if you look at their cooperation against this background with emerging ascendity, even an emerging Cold War. How important it is, Helga, for the EU and China to further cooperate in multiple fields?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think for the EU it is much more existential than they admit, because there are two possibilities. Either the EU finds a way of cooperating with China, and that way the conflict can be solved; or, there are some people in the West—especially in Great Britain and in the United States—who want a complete decoupling of the West and the so-called authoritarian regimes. In this case, I think the West would suffer, because their values are much more based on monetarist values, as let’s say China and the countries cooperating with the BRI, because they are putting much more focus on physical economy. So, if they would go for a complete decoupling, the West would suffer. Hopefully, the European Union understands that it is not in their own interest to go this way, even if Victoria Nuland was just there and told Europe to side with the U.S. completely.

So, I think that a lot depends on the initiatives proposed by China, because China right now has the only policy which is a way out: And that is the shared community of the one future of humanity. And I think more and more people realize that.


XU: Helga, to further cooperation, we know there is a very important trade agreement, a comprehensive investment agreement between China and the EU. So, are we going to see any headway during the summit, or after the summit? Should we probably re-energize that kind of cooperation?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think obviously it is an agreement which would benefit both sides, so it should be pushed. But I’m not so hopeful that, given the geopolitical tension right now that that will be accomplished at this summit. However, I think the fact that the trans-Atlantic financial system is collapsing—look at the hyperinflation; this was there long before the Ukraine crisis erupted. So, the question of a new financial system, a new credit system maybe in the tradition of the New Bretton Woods system, should be put on the agenda; because there is the danger of a repetition of the 2008 crisis, but much larger. The Federal Reserve does not dare to increase the interest rate much to fight the inflation, because of the indebtedness of the whole system. So, a new credit policy should be put on the agenda, and in that context, then you can increase the EU-China trade agreement, and that will all be beneficial. But I think the problem is much more fundamental than it even can be addressed through that agreement.

XU: Well, many thanks to you, Helga.

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