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An Idea Whose Time Has Come

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

June 25 (EIRNS) – Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued a “Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System,” which is now circulating and gathering signatures from prominent leaders around the world, and will shortly be made public. In it, she calls for the “immediate convening of an emergency international conference which mandates: First: The reorganization of the bankrupt world financial system and replacing it with a New Bretton Woods system. The declared goal of this new credit system must be overcoming poverty and underdevelopment in the entire world, but above all raising living standards in developing countries, making it possible for all people on this planet to fully develop their potential capabilities.”

Other crucial points follow, but that first point summarizes the central idea of the document, an idea whose time has come.

The June 18-19 Schiller Institute international conference elaborated on the strategic situation which cries out for such a solution, and presented the essential features of the LaRouche policies in economics, science, culture and statecraft that must be taken up around the world. It is of note that China’s CGTN issued a Tweet yesterday with a two-minute video clip from Zepp-LaRouche’s speech at that conference, which they also made available to millions upon millions of viewers on Weibo (China’s Twitter-like online networking tool). 

In it, Zepp-LaRouche states:

“According to Duma President Volodin, the Emerging G8, of Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, and Turkey, already has bypassed the G7 in terms of the GDP. Other organizations and nations are working toward a new model of a global order, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, ASEAN, and many nations in the Global South. “What all of these countries are aiming at, is the wish for common poverty alleviation, real development of their physical economies, national sovereignty, the right to choose their own model of social and economic development, and cooperation in their mutual interests…

“So, the `democracies’ are really only the U.S., Great Britain, the EU (which, however, is divided), Japan, Australia, and South Korea. So when, at the end of this month, the annual NATO Summit meets in Madrid to present a plan for a Global NATO and a new security doctrine, without a real economic development plan, naturally, which it certainly will not have, it will fail to address the actual needs of a world faced with famine, pandemic, and economic chaos. It will have a big posture, but it will be a colossus on clay feet.”

The just-concluded BRICS summit also discussed ideas of how to construct a new international economic system to replace the current bankrupt trans-Atlantic colossus, as seen clearly in Russian President Putin’s remarks at that event. The key to the strategic situation remains whether sufficient forces for sanity, development, and war-avoidance can be rallied within the United States, to bring the U.S. into a working relationship with China, Russia and other great powers, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly called for. That specific task will be taken up this coming July 3, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, when Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be joined by Diane Sare, LaRouche Party candidate for Senator from New York, to celebrate the true meaning of the U.S.’s July 4 Independence Day, and thereby catalyze a return to the best tradition of American System economics of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon LaRouche.

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