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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Webcast⁠—Zepp-LaRouche: A Financial Crash is Coming Like a Big Tsunami

In this week’s webcast, Schiller Institute leader Helga Zepp LaRouche reviewed the latest financial swindle coming from the Black Rock group as an example of the desperate efforts to buy some time to defend a crashing system. While its promoters refer to this plan as a “regime change” in financial policy, it is just another effort to flood the system with “helicopter money”, to protect $1.5 quadrillion of worthless assets. This was exposed in the 1990s by Lyndon LaRouche, who developed the pedagogy of his “Triple Curve” to show why this approach will destroy the physical economy, and will lead to chaos.

This is the backdrop to the escalated destabilization of China, which shows the British hand, and that of their allies such as Bolton and Pompeo, in a vain effort to prevent the rise of China, and its BRI policy. While Trump wants a deal with China, his opponents, both within and outside his administration, are putting the world on a dangerous course.

One significant, positive development she identified is the coverage, in the Guardian, the Washington Post, and the Financial Times, of the Dark Age ideology behind eco-fascism, and how it is being used to create a green bonanza for otherwise bankrupt financiers.

These developments are part of an incredible process, which shows that the system is not working, and opens the prospect that growing numbers of people can be brought to see that the solution depends on the proliferation of scientific ideas and great culture — and that is the basis of optimism.


HARLEY SCHLANGER: Hello, I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute. Welcome to our webcast today with our founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  It’s Aug. 21, 2019.

And we’re in the midst of an extremely turbulent world situation, with things flying all over the place, events taking place, some surprising developments.  And Helga, I guess the place to start is the financial situation, where there are some completely crazy proposals being floated which show that the crash is coming.  So why don’t you start there?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think the next financial crash is coming with absolute certainty.  It’s coming on like a big tsunami.  The only question which is not yet decided is will it be this year, which could very well happen, or will the measures proposed by the central banks and the G7 governments, will that be sufficient to stop a blowout this year and bring it into the next year — but for sure, before the Presidential election in the United States 2020.

So, the signs a many-fold, but I think one of the more telling proposals, is that now the question of “helicopter money” has come out quite openly, and this in the form of a paper proposed by BlackRock.  This is the largest private equity firm in the world, and they’re involved in all kinds of things.  They have produced this paper for the Jackson Hole meeting which takes place at the end of this week [Aug. 22-24].  This is the meeting where all the top bankers and financial government officials of the world, once a year gather.

What this proposal is, they call it a paper for “regime change,” to abandon the so-called “independence” of the central banks.  Now, if you think this is sounding like what we say, that we should go back to a national banking system, that’s quite the opposite, because what they propose is to sort of merge the governments and the central banks, and go to what they call “direct investment” or direct delivery of money to anybody who needs it.  And when they talk about meeting the inflation requirements, they don’t mean physical goods, or anything like that, but what they’re talking about is to keep the altogether, estimated $1.5 quadrillion derivative bubble going.

And if people remember the famous “Triple Curve” of Lyndon LaRouche, a pedagogical device which he developed in 1995, for a conference in Rome, in the Vatican, where he in a very astounding but simple and convincing way, showed how the financial and the monetary aggregates are moving in a hyperbolic direction upwards to a certain point, while the real economy is moving downwards, and going down.  And we have now reached the point where any kind of liquidity pumping you can imagine is not going to be sufficient to maintain this bubble.  So, we are heading toward the storm of storms, and there is absolutely not going to be any solution, except those which were proposed by Lyndon LaRouche:  Glass-Steagall; nationalize the central bank, making it a National Bank in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton or for that matter the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in the postwar reconstruction plan in Germany; and then establish a new, international credit system, a New Bretton Woods system; and then go into a crash program for fusion, for space research cooperation, and cooperate with China on the New Silk Road.

Unless this package is being put on the table, there is nothing going to stop this crisis. But I’m optimistic that things are actually moving in a direction that the implementation of the LaRouche solution is not impossible at all.

SCHLANGER: Helga, just to make it clear to our viewers: The proposal that’s being made is not to deal with the debt situation in any sane way, but to allow the debt to continue to be carried by creating more debt, by pumping more money in.  Is that what the BlackRock proposal ultimately boils down to?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Yeah.  They’re doing already everything you can imagine.  Since 2008, they’re doing quantitative easing, pumping money; then they went to zero interest rates, now they’re going into negative interest rates, and not only for the larger accounts, but there is now a move to even go to negative interest rates for savings and loans banks, and that is pure, simple stealing out of the pocket of the so-called small people.  If you have any savings for your pension, they’re just going to take that, step by step, away. So even the Bavarian Minister President Söder is now proposing legislation prohibiting negative interest rates for accounts which are below EU100,000.  So, he obviously knows this is an issue where the population really gets completely mad, because it directly affects them in the most direct way.

So I think that the central banks have lost all ability to actually intervene, because they have used up all the instruments, they have all not worked, and this is why we are pushing the LaRouche solution, as the only way to solve this problem.

SCHLANGER:  And while they’re trying to deal with this, what we’re seeing is a worsening of the situation.  We’ve talked before on this webcast about Deutsche Bank. Now there’s new evidence that Commerzbank is following in the same path.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah, Commerzbank, they are talking about closing 400 of their 1,000 branches, laying 9,500 employees, and their stock has dropped in the last several months, from EU24 to around EU6.  So this is really another case, just like Deutsche Bank, where you see the absolute inability of the present liberal system to solve these problems, and Commerzbank is half-owned by the state, so this is also a sign of the times.  And these are not the only banks are in this condition:  This is just the thing which is out in the news in Germany, but that is the condition of more or less the entire Western banking system.

SCHLANGER:  Another example of failing to learn the lessons is Argentina, where the present government of Macri followed the IMF policies — austerity, bailouts; and they were just completely crushed in the primary elections, and then they come out and announce they’re going to continue doing the same thing. This could be a trigger for the crash, couldn’t it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  Because this is highly contagious.  I think the inflation, the collapse of production, all of this the result of the Macri policy, is throwing a bond crisis in Argentina on the table, and that could go to any emerging country — Turkey, Brazil, it would even take larger countries.  So, it’s really one more element of this pending blowout.

SCHLANGER:  Partly what we’re seeing also as this financial crisis is coming down the pike, is an escalation of destabilization, largely run by the same people who created the financial crisis, the City of London and others.  The situation in China, as we covered it last week, has continued to worsen, with other aspects of encirclement.  Where does that stand now?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, I think there is an enormous amount of black propaganda, transmitted by the media in Europe and in the United States, who all claim that the demonstrations in Hong Kong are all so peaceful, and people are so freedom loving and so forth.  But this is really — I’m not saying there are not some local issues; if you have a liberal society, which Hong Kong was under the British governorship for many decades, it is quite natural that you would have such a reaction.  But this was far from being peaceful:  You had these acts of violence, which were documented in videos, police stations being attacked, the airport occupied, the local parliament being violently attacked, so this is not that peaceful at all.  And that this is also showing some British manipulation, which the Chinese media have published in the meantime, quite a bit, that all of this goes back to the British hand, the Opium Wars: The fact that Hong Kong at all became British, is the result of the Opium Wars!

Now, in that light, this is really absolutely scandalous, that two students went to the British Parliament and were given the floor, to demand the reinstitution of the Treaty of Nanjing and the Treaty of Tientsin.  These were the infamous British-imposed treaties after the Opium War, which made Hong Kong a British Crown Colony and which allowed the sale of opium in China.  So if you have students demanding the reincarnation of these legislations, if that’s not giving the show away, I don’t know what is.

And it’s quite interesting that there was an article in the American paper The Hill, which points to the fact that everybody in the United States supports these “freedom-loving people” — Congress, Lindsey Graham, Nancy Pelosi, Bolton — but that one voice is missing in the chorus, and that is the voice of Donald Trump.

So, I think this is important, because you have otherwise an enormous effort, and unfortunately, Trump seems not to be in control of all of what is happening in the name of the U.S. administration around the world, but you have a complete escalation against China.  The effort to contain the rise of China, with many operation, Taiwan being one of them.  There was just the sale of $2.2 billion worth of military equipment to Taiwan. The Taiwan government offered asylum to the protesters from Hong Kong, and the Chinese Foreign Ministry basically said Hong Kong and Taiwan touch the “core interests” of China, and therefore there will be absolutely no capitulation on the side of mainland China on these two points.  But then, you also have the orchestration of the so-called Uighur in Xinjiang; then you have the Huawei case.  Pompeo is continuing, even so Trump obviously wants to get the deal with China, for sure, before next year’s election, but Pompeo is making bellicose statements despite that.

So you have an atmosphere of, really, very, very negative — I forgot to mention the South China Sea — so I think from the standpoint of China, which has tried to change the policy in the direction of a New Paradigm, new international relations — they are being bombarded right now with a quite significant assault. And this is very dangerous, because there is no solution to the present world crisis without China. And that’s a fact.  So, we have to see, but I think the record of who is doing this geopolitical manipulation has to be published, and that hopefully will help to stop it.

SCHLANGER:  And sticking with this strategic picture, the Russians and the Chinese have issued a couple of statements, including warning against the attempt to do regime change against both them.  Then, there’s a very significant meeting between President Putin and President Macron which just took place, leading up to the G7 meeting.  How do you assess that meeting, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think that was quite good.  It was in preparing the G7 meeting in Biarritz [Aug. 24-26], which Putin is obviously not attending, because Russia was kicked out of the G8. But I think the fact that Putin and Macron met in France at the summer residence of Macron, and Macron basically said that France wants to play a role to reopen ties between the European Union and Russia, because there would be no solution to the world’s problems without Russia, I think this is very positive.

Putin on his part, said some very interesting things:  They obviously discussed Syria, Ukraine, Libya, and so forth.  But then somebody mentioned the idea of a Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok.  And then Putin said, “Well, this is not an idea which comes from us.  This is actually an idea which comes from Charles de Gaulle, who talked about “Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals,” but Russia is much larger, it goes to the Pacific; it’s a European civilization and culture, and this idea of a “Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok” may sound impossible today, but sometimes the impossible becomes the inevitable very quickly.

And I think that is very interesting, because I think — I don’t know, I didn’t talk to Putin — but I think this is a prophetic foresight, that once you go into an absolute upheaval and a collapse of the present order, then naturally, one resorts to the only concepts available.  So I think this idea is quite interesting, and I don’t want to comment on it any further, but it’s for sure, food for thought.

SCHLANGER:  Also it’s interesting, Macron and then joined by Trump, emphasized that Russia should be brought back in to make it the G8 again.

Helga the other situation in Europe, that’s really quite explosive, is Italy, where the government was brought down yesterday.  What do you think is going to happen there?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  First of all, there is a wide discussion that this is the result of “Ursula,” referring to [EU Commission President-elect] Ursula von der Leyen, because she met with Prime Minister Conte and people really think that that idea, to cause a fait accompli where Deputy Prime Minister Salvini was basically forced to force this crisis, anyway, that remains to be seen.

Now, you have a situation:  Conte made a speech yesterday in the Senate, where he accused Salvini of not obeying the rules of the EU.  Salvini said something more interesting — he actually talked about his vision for Italy for 2050, so that idea of Lyndon LaRouche about the next 30, 40, 50 years, the idea of the Chinese thinking in terms of 2050, it’s good if politicians start to have a little longer vision than the next election for their own post.  So he, among other things, talked about infrastructure, and the American Constitution, that the people have a right for the “pursuit of happiness.”  So this is quite good.

Where this thing will go is completely open.  Conte went to the State President Mattarella [to offer his resignation], and he will now see if another combination can be formed for a government, and if that doesn’t function, there will be new elections. Now, on some other combination, the only way how the Five Star party could form a government with the Democratic Party (PD) would be with the help of Berlusconi’s party Forza Italia which is completely split.  So it’s impossible at this point to say how this will turn out — will it be a short-lived new government, with many factors in it?  or will it be new elections?  We will see.

But it just is one more sign that Europe is in a complete turmoil.  We will have the Brexit in October, and the outcome of the elections in Germany also for sure, will change the landscape, because of the rise of the AfD which is expected in the new local elections.  So Europe is in a turmoil and it definitely would need completely different unifying principle that that of cooperating with the New Silk Road.

SCHLANGER:  To shift to the United States, I think it’s impossible to talk about the U.S. situation without talking about the work of the LaRouche organization, and this became clear in two ways:  One was a Washington Times attack on Lyndon LaRouche and his organization which came out Aug. 19.  And the other was the exposure of “ecofascism” in the Washington Post.  What do you make of this, Helga?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, first of all, there have been quite a number of attacks on our international movement, which in one sense means we’re doing something well, because if we wouldn’t be doing important things, they wouldn’t find it necessary to attack us.  So there was a one-hour slander on the Swedish radio; then earlier a London Times article; and now in the Washington Times, complaining that despite the fact that my husband has died, that we are still moving.  And I think that is a very good sign.

Now, the exposure of “ecofascism,” is really very interesting, because for a very long time, we were practically the only ones who went into the historical roots of where all this is coming from, who is financing it, and that is now coming out, and I think it’s very useful.  There was an article in the Guardian and then in a different form in the Washington Post, and what these articles basically admit is that the recent mass shootings in the United States, really go back to the absolute despair and pessimistic world outlook of the ecological movement, by basically saying that if the world is so overpopulated and polluted, then killing people is the only thing one can resort to.

Now, that is quite an admission.  And then, some of these articles, go into quite some length of the eugenics movement of the ’20s and ’30s, which we have documented in large part; the fact that out of the eugenics movement, which obviously was the basis in connection with the race policy of the National Socialists, that was obviously discredited with the collapse of the Nazi government; and then Julian Huxley basically, in his position as head of UNESCO in 1946 said it quite openly:  He said, now this eugenics is discredited for many years, so we have to basically rename it, conservation movement, protection of nature.  So that is all mentioned, and also the role of something called “Federation for American Immigration Reform” (FAIR), whose founder is a guy called John Tanton — whom we attacked already, I would say 30, 40 years ago, because he was part of the so-called Paddock Plan of ’70s, which was the idea to halve the population of Mexico.  So this is really coming out very, very openly, but basically making the connection, even saying “ecofascism” — that already is a major important characterization, because that is what it is; then these historical ties are also covered, people should really look at our documentation, because we have published a lot of this over the years.

SCHLANGER:  People can go to our website, there’s a lot of material that we’ve put out, developing in depth this whole question of where this ecological fascism comes from; and that this in fact is what’s behind the Green New Deal, the FridaysForFuture.  You have this publicity stunt now with Greta Thunberg on a millionaire’s yacht coming over to the United States.  But this is being exposed:  In fact, Helga, you brought up the craziness of the woman who founded the Extinction Rebellion.  It’s hard to believe that she’s openly calling for use of psychotropic mushrooms to discover how to save the planet. This is probably some of the reason people are publishing this, because it’s so hard to believe.

But it does bring up the bigger question, which is science versus fascist ideology.  And we see this on many fronts, but I think it’s important for you to lay out for people why this is the real fight.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, before I say something to that, I should mention that there is an amazing article in The Sunday Times of London on Aug. 18, illustrating another aspect of Greta Thunberg, basically saying that this is designed to cause the biggest bonanza for the financiers — that coming from The Times, I find quite interesting.  And they basically say, there is one narrative, that Greta, the teenager, was sitting for a year in front of the Swedish parliament and all of this was innocently triggering this whole change.

But then, they actually reveal quite a different story, namely, that this guy Ingmar Rentzhog, who is her manager, so to speak, was actually trained by Al Gore, that he is connected to the top think-tank in Sweden, Global Challenge, which in turn, is both connected to a former Swedish minister who is absolutely identical with the Swedish oil and energy industry, and that they’re going to make the biggest bonanza ever by getting everybody to go into green financing.  Now, that is really, absolutely the case, and I think the real narrative of Greta Thunberg — she may not even know all of this; maybe she does, may she doesn’t — but this really shows that this poor girl is completely instrumentalized.  And that the idea to go now for green financing, is the last effort to prevent, or postpone the collapse of the financial system by causing a straw fire, by causing a last phase boom.  But obviously, this would completely destroy the real economy, and therefore it’s very good that these stories are now coming out, because maybe there is a return to reason in time, before disaster is complete.

SCHLANGER:  And as you pointed out in a discussion with our colleagues yesterday, this makes the issue very clear, real science versus fascist ideology.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah.  What this article which I just mentioned also says, it shows the Club of Rome, they had put out recently an emergency action plan, and that the so-called “talking points” of Greta are exactly identical according to these talking points of the Club of Rome!  This is really incredible, because the Club of Rome are not scientists, they are quacks, they are fraudsters, who in 1972 had computers with the end result of what they wanted to say, and then programmed the computer in such a way it would produce this result: namely that the limits to growth had been reach, that the Earth is finite, and then the whole ecology movement grew out of this wrong conception.

So, I think it’s not decided at all, because there is on the other side, now, a growing number of scientists, in 20 countries already, who have basically picked up on the petition of the Italian scientists, who some weeks ago denied the idea that there is any connection between CO2 emission and climate change, and therefore, they called on the Italian government not to go into these completely costly, and completely ineffective measures.  If you want to change the climate, well, first of all, man can probably not do that at all, because the causes of climate change are not the result of his activities, and you cannot influence the millennia old cycles of the Solar System in the Milky Way, the galaxy, the processes on the Sun, the cosmic radiation resulting out of all of this.

So, it is very important that there is now a growing movement of scientists who basically challenge manmade climate change, and they are appealing to the governments, especially in Europe  — maybe Trump, who has in any case left the Paris Climate Accord — to reestablish a scientific debate on this issue.  And I think people should spread this idea, and contact scientists and get them to get in touch with these scientists. Once we have this resolution — and the Italian one is known — but I think the international one is being circulated right now for many signatures, and it’s supposed to come out in a few weeks. But help to support this campaign, if you agree, that we should really not go into a New Dark Age, which would really extinguish civilization, but not the way the Extinction Rebellion people are talking about it, but because of a lack of production, food, water, and all of these things.

SCHLANGER:  It would seem that the Extinction Rebellion is actually for extinction: They just want it through a New Dark Age, through phony attacks on science.

So, Helga, is there anything else you want to cover?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yeah:  I think we are in an incredible process, where many, many people realize that this system is not working.  It’s not working in Europe, it’s not working in the United States.  Our colleagues in the United States report a very interesting pattern, that many people don’t want to hear about parties any more, which I find very good, because party politics is really evil, because it has completely degenerated into lobbyism for particular interests.  So I think to go for the common interest, the common aims of mankind, the common good of nations is a much better approach.  And we will fight to have a return to the scientific ideas of the physical universe, of natural science, of great Classical art, basically the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche which I can only encourage people to study.  If you go to the archives, you can read an enormous amount of articles by Lyndon LaRouche, and it will blow your mind, because these are the most profound conceptions which have developed by anybody to the present time.  And therefore, I again ask you to join the fight for the exoneration of my husband, and join our effort to, in time, get the European nations and the United States to cooperate with Russia and China, in a New Paradigm. Because if we do not change the present lunacy of geopolitical confrontation, the world can actually end up in catastrophe, because the crisis points are many, triggers could easily develop into larger conflicts:  So we have to have a new cooperation between the United States, Russia, China, and India;  and we should not give up the European nations that they can be brought back to reason. So join our effort.

SCHLANGER: Helga on behalf of our viewers, thank you for making this situation coherent and understandable.  And now it’s up to people to act on it.  So, we’ll see you again next week.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche in China

“International Forum of the Cities of the Economic Belt along the New Silk Road”

June 18-19, 2015, the city of Yiwu, Zhejiang Province, China

Presentation given by Helga Zepp-LaRouche on the global strategic situation in front of large delegations from around the world.

Silk Road Can Lead World Out of Collapse and War

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche
June, 2015

The New Silk Road is not only an extremely important economic initiative. Because it is a win-win perspective, it also addresses the two biggest dangers in the world today: the danger of a financial blowout of the trans-Atlantic sector and the danger of global war. I have to address the fact that if the hardline of the Troika insists that Greece should pay the debt, a debt of 360 billion euros which is completely unpayable, this will blow out the derivatives of the European and American banking system.

Two days ago, the Debt Truth Commission of the Greek Parliament found the Greek debt to be illegitimate, odious, and unpayable. Now, the debt blowout can be prevented if there is a European debt conference in the tradition of the 1953 Debt Conference for Germany, which was the precondition for the economic miracle of Germany to occur. If there is a credit policy adopted in the tradition of the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau [Credit Institution for Reconstruction], given the importance of its role in the reconstruction of Germany in the postwar period, this would mean going back to industrial banking in the tradition of Hermann Abs or Alfred Herrhausen, who were in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton, the founder of the American System of Economy in the United States.

The German economy is key to the situation, because there are many people in Germany—including retired members of the military, industrialists, and two former Chancellors, Helmut Schmidt and Gerhard Schröder, and Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier—who realize that the G7 has been turned into a geopolitical tool of confrontation against Russia. And they also realize, many of them, that Germany is as much a target of this geopolitical confrontation as Russia.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche being interviewed after her intervention at the Yiwu Silk Road Forum (EIRNS)

For German industry is collapsing right now, losing 28% of its exports to Russia in the first quarter of this year. But in spite of the erosion of the German economy due to the nuclear “exit” three or four years ago, Germany still remains the economic powerhouse of Europe. And if Germany would now end the sanctions by admitting that the reason for the crisis is not Russia, but the EU itself, by pushing the EU Association Agreement, then this crisis could be overcome.

Now with the upcoming summit of the European Fund for Strategic Investment on the 29th of June which China’s Premier of the State Council Li Keqiang will attend, this could become a venue to co-finance the extension of the New Silk Road to Southern Europe, and in that way address this problem.

Already in 2012, the Schiller Institute produced a comprehensive program for the development of the Mediterranean Basin Great Infrastructure Projects, which would extend the New Silk Road to all of southern Europe. It was based essentially on the proposal which the EU had already agreed upon at its conference in Crete in 1994: that ten transportation corridors be built. But they were never created because of the austerity policy of the EU.

This was also the subject at the big conferences in Bucharest and Belgrade which Li Keqiang attended in 2013 and 2014. If this program were to be implemented, then Greece would become the bridge between Europe and the BRICS, and build on the ancient collaboration of Greece and China, at a time when Greece was the transport hub for the ancient Silk Road, and would build on the old ties of the two great cultures of Greece and China.

50%-Plus of Expenditure on Infrastructure

Now the quality and density of infrastructure is a precondition for the productivity of the economy. A modern economy should invest at least 50% of its total expenditure in infrastructure. We are not talking about connections between point A and point B, but we are talking about corridors which will consist of high-speed rail, waterways, highways, energy production and distribution, and communications, because this is what governs the conditions for optimally locating industrial production and agriculture.

The purpose of these corridors is to increase the productivity of the population. The connection between the many ends of the New Silk Road in Yiwu, but also in Lianyungang and other places, to Duisburg, is one good example to show that the higher the development and productivity of an economy, the more important the speed and efficiency of transport. Because then the finished and semi-finished goods work together like a complex machine where each part functions as a part of a harmonious whole. The density of infrastructure in the Ruhr and Baden-Württemberg and in Rhein-Main should become the model for the Balkans and southern Italy and the Aegean Peninsula.

To get the world out of the geostrategic confrontation with Xi Jinping’s “win-win” Silk Road policy, the integration of the German economy is absolutely crucial. For Germany presently ranks as number four in the number of registered patents in the world; and this with a population of only 80 million people. And the high ratio of the so-called Mittelstand, mid-level German industries, which are largely innovation-based firms using essential machine tools and machine-tool designs, is crucial for bringing the world out of its present crisis.

The Schiller Institute has produced a study of 370 pages entitled “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge,” which is essentially an outline for the next decade of how to overcome the underdevelopment of large areas of the world. These are the corridors which will connect the world from the southern tip of Chile, all the way through the Americas to the Bering Strait, and then to the tip of South Africa.

This would mean cooperation in the areas of high energy-flux density industries like biophysics and space exploration. This project presents limitless possibilities for a “win-win” cooperation of the whole world.

Gottfried Leibniz in Novissima Sinica wrote more than 300 years ago:

The two most advanced cultures on the planet are located at opposite poles of the Eurasian continent, and that if these two poles join hands, then every region in between can be uplifted.

Now this vision today is true for the whole world. Together we can create a new era in human history where the human species is able to overcome geopolitics forever, and develop its true identity as the only creative species so far known in the universe.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Yiwu Forum Focus on Promise of Silk Road

by William Jones
June, 2015

June 26—Speaking on June 19 at the Silk Road Economic Belt Cities International Forum in Yiwu, China, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, president of the Schiller Institute, warned of the dangers facing the world of possible financial blowout and global war, and underlined the importance of the Silk Road Economic Belt, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, as the way out of the crisis.

The June 18-19 forum had been organized by the Chongyang Institute of Financial Studies at Renmin University,—a division of Global Times newspaper, and the Yiwu City Peoples Government. While the conference focused on Yiwu, a growing city south of Shanghai, as a hub at the end of the new train corridor between Asia and Europe, the conference organizers had brought together an impressive group of people internationally to underline the importance of this project for the world as a whole.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche, third from the right, with her fellow panelists at the Silk Road Economic Belt Cities International Forum in Yiwu, China, June 19, 2015 (EIRNS)

Pointing to the dangers stemming from a possible Greek default, Zepp-LaRouche told the several hundred people gathered there:

A chaotic collapse can be prevented only if the EU and European nations agree to convene a European debt conference in the tradition of the 1953 Debt Conference for Germany, which laid the basis for the German miracle of the postwar period.

She pointed to the need for a return to the policy of industrial banking of German bankers Hermann Abs and Alfred Herrhausen, who followed in the tradition of the American System of Economy of Alexander Hamilton.

She noted the importance of German industrial capabilities, especially the innovative small and middle-sized firms, the Mittelstand, in bringing the world out of the financial crisis. Germany is also crucial diplomatically. If Germany were to reject the push to war emanating from the policy of the United States and NATO, there would be no war. Leading politicians in Germany, she said, realize that the sanctions are aimed against Germany as well as Russia, with German exports to Russia falling by 28% in the first quarter of this year.

If Germany would now end the sanctions by admitting that the reason for the crisis is not Russia but the EU itself in its pushing the EU Association Agreement on Ukraine, then this crisis could be overcome.

She referred to the comments of Gottfried Leibniz in one of his major writings on China, Novissima Sinica, that if Europe and China, those two great cultures at opposite sides of Eurasia, would come together in cooperation, all the countries in the world would benefit.

Her speech, which stood out starkly from the other presentations from representatives of other European countries who were to discuss their role in the Silk Road Economic Belt, created a flurry of interest, not least of all in the new report which, as she noted in her speech, had been put out by the Schiller Institute and EIR, entitled The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge.

In introducing Zepp-LaRouche, the moderator of the panel noted that in Europe she is widely considered the initiator of the New Silk Road concept.

After the forum, many people came up to talk, and to view the report. Her speech also garnered wide-spread attention by the media, with one article circulating on, an equivalent to Yahoo or Google in the U.S., translating and quoting almost all of her ten-minute speech.

Many other websites and papers borrowed extensively from the article in their comments in the following days. Others noted her response in the Q&A session, where she succinctly noted the need for high-speed rail—as opposed to sea transport—since in a high-tech, high-value economy, speed of transport of goods becomes a premium.

High-Level Presence Draws Attention

While Yiwu is only one of a number of cities in China holding conferences on the Silk Road Economic Belt in an effort to profile their importance in the project, Yiwu’s geographical location, less than one hundred miles from Ningbo, the nearest port, and at the terminal of the European rail line, served to spark more than local interest. Also, since the organizers had assembled a high-level presence at the conference—including two former prime ministers, and a former foreign minister, as well as a representative from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the National Peoples Congress, and numerous ambassadors to the Peoples Republic of China—there was considerable nationwide media attention focused on this conference. A short interview with EIR‘s Washington correspondent Bill Jones, given to the local Yiwu TV, was also aired nationally by CCTV in its coverage of the forum.

While Yiwu is not a major industrial center, it has transformed itself into a major commodities port, with goods coming in from all of Southeast Asia through the port of Ningbo for shipment and transfer through Yiwu to Central Asia and Europe, over the new rail lines. So too, goods from Europe are brought by rail to the Yiwu land port before shipment by sea to other parts of the Asia-Pacific.


EIR’s Washington Bureau Chief William Jones intervenes in the Silk Road Forum (EIRNS)

The two-day event also featured numerous panels on various aspects of the Silk Road project. At a panel on “The Silk Road: New Starting Point”, EIR‘s Bill Jones was quizzed on the attitude of the United States to this project. Jones noted the need for bringing the United States on board the project for its own sake. When one Chinese scholar expressed skepticism that the United States would ever be willing to cooperate in this project by China, Jones described the devastation to the U.S. economy as a result of the failed economic policies of the Bush and Obama Administrations, starkly underlined by the absolute failure to respond effectively to the tremendous drought in California. “Our infrastructure is in a shambles,” Jones said, “and people understand that only with the orientation toward massive infrastructural investment as expressed by the Silk Road project can the United States survive,” he said. “And even now, many states of the Union are coming to China to encourage China to invest in their infrastructure as well.”

It was clear that the organizers of the conference considered the presence of the Schiller Institute very prestigious for their event. While the ex-ministers and the ambassadors might have helped to bring added media attention to the conference, the intellectual rigor exhibited by Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her speech, really placed her in a category of her own. This was evident to all who heard her remarks, bringing a clear—and stark—note of reality to an event which otherwise might have been simply a worthwhile rally for a praiseworthy project. Her short speech and the media coverage of it, as well as the separate interviews she gave during the conference, will reverberate widely in China and beyond.


Webcast: Desperate Anglo-American Financial Elites Behind Push Regime Change, Eco-Terrorism

With all signs pointing toward a new financial crash, one which would be bigger than that of 2008, a desperate push is underway by Anglo-American elites to derail the Belt-and-Road Initiative, through targeting China and Russia, and to use the fraud of man-made climate change to convince people there is no alternative but to passively accept brutal austerity and radical population reduction. This is what is driving the Color Revolution in Hong Kong, the dangerous escalation of tensions between India and Pakistan, demonstrations in Moscow, and a geared-up mobilization of climate radicals, moving toward terrorism against industrial society.

But there is another alternative, as developed by Helga Zepp LaRouche, in today’s Schiller Institute webcast. The war dangers can be resolved by Four Power agreements, which would include cooperation in space, and by the adoption of Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws, which is a pre-condition for making a leap in the physical economic development of mankind. This involves a decisive break from geopolitics and neoliberalism, and moving the U.S. and western Europe into full support for the New Paradigm which is emerging in Eurasia.

Mrs. LaRouche called for an honest debate on climate, along with a campaign to win support for a full Moon-Mars mission, such as that presently supported by President Trump, and as developed originally by her husband, Lyndon LaRouche. We are at a decisive moment in history. Our mobilization can succeed, turning an existential crisis into a new opportunity for the peaceful advance of mankind.

Zepp-LaRouche—Mega-Manipulation: Rescuing the Bankrupt Financial System with Climate Hysteria!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche,

As the storm signals of the impending financial crisis become more alarming, we are witnessing what is probably the largest social engineering experiment that has ever taken place. The aim of this trans-Atlantic campaign is to make the population—with the help of orchestrated climate hysteria (“We only have 18 months left!”)—voluntarily accept a collapse of its standard of living while directing all investments into “green” projects.

At the same time, the “Great Transformation of the World Economy” is supposed to give “green” investors huge profits and—together with the miraculous increase in money supply via endless “Quantitative Easing”—postpone the collapse of the hopelessly bankrupt financial system once again.

Sixteen-year-old climate star Greta Thunberg, the FridaysForFuture (F4F) student movement, and the Extinction Rebellion (XR) are being strategically exploited by the neoliberal financial oligarchy through a whole complex of institutions and organizations—including investment bankers, consulting firms, the Tavistock Institute, entire battalions of psychologists and behavioral therapists, the World Bank, the European Union (EU), and several billionaires, as well as internet platforms and veterans of the population reduction lobby.

‘Green New Deal’ is a Bad Deal

It uses the whole gamut—from panic-stricken children to “Green New Deal”-advocating “internet personalities,” to groups that are also willing to cross the boundaries from civil resistance to more violent forms—to enforce the demands of the Paris Climate Agreement well before the agreed-upon date of 2050. It includes all the green cadres, from Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project to the internet platform, “We don’t have time,” on whose advisory board sits, among others, Greta Thunberg.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel who, along with Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, had previously praised the F4F movement, commented in her summer press conference that Thunberg’s demonstrations had certainly accelerated the government’s decision-making process toward implementing efficient measures to reduce CO₂ emissions. The German “Climate Cabinet” will announce a whole series of measures on September 20, among which the determination of a “carbon price” will be of central importance. Whoever “pollutes” the atmosphere with carbon dioxide will have to pay a price in the future.

Thus, Mrs. Merkel has finally joined the camp of the ideological climate lobby that wants to “nudge” the population, via an increase in prices for energy and transport, to change its behavior. In practical terms, this will mean that a majority of people will no longer be able to afford to use cars or planes, or have adequate heating or power supply.

It means a bonanza for investors, on the other hand, should this measure become policy. This point was made at a June 7 event on “Sustainable Financing” at the House of Finance in Frankfurt by Dr. Christian Thimann, Chairman of the Executive Board of Athene Deutschland Holding, a subsidiary of the insurance company Athora and a long-time employee of the IMF and European Central Bank.

Often one strives unsuccessfully for years for something, and then suddenly something surprising happens, which changes everything. For example, the topics of the “limits to growth” of the Club of Rome, and climate protection, have been under discussion for decades, but only after the notable phrase, “The climate goals will only be achieved if we direct the capital flows into sectors with low emissions,” was formulated in the Paris Climate Agreement, did the climate for the financial sector change completely. Suddenly the issue of “sustainable investment” became central to the economy; suddenly twelve million young people took to the streets, and suddenly this became a “big thing.”

The EU is working on guidelines on emissions trading and climate protection, and legislation that is designed to make these guidelines binding for investment in green technology. For an industrialized nation like Germany, but also for the whole of Europe, this is nothing less than a pre-programmed course for economic suicide.

For what neither the EU bureaucrats nor the sharks of the financial sector understand, are the principles upon which the real, physical economy is built: There is a direct correlation between the energy-flux density applied in the production process, the productivity of the economy, and the number of people whose lives can be supported through these parameters. A diversion of investments exclusively into so-called “sustainable” areas, e.g., “renewable” energy sources such as electricity generated by wind turbines and solar cells, as well as carbon emissions trading, and mandating that the transport, construction, and agriculture sectors must comply with climate regulations, in fact means devolution back to pre-industrial society. For Germany it effectively means the emigration of young workers, more of the aging population left without adequate care, and general impoverishment.

Scientists Dispute Anthropogenic Climate Change

This “Great Transformation,” the complete decarbonization of the world economy, which has long been propagated by German climatologist Hans Joachim “John” Schellnhuber, CBE, is all the more criminal, because the alleged scientific consensus on the thesis of anthropogenic climate change is a fiction. There are many declarations worldwide that have been signed by thousands of scientists, including the late Frederick Seitz, the former president of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences; scientists and scholars associated with the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC); and hundreds of Italian, Scandinavian, and Japanese scientists addressing this very problem.

Contested by all these experts, is the claim that the anthropogenic contribution to climate change plays any noteworthy role. They argue that the causes of changes in the Earth’s climate are, above all, natural fluctuations that have to do with processes on the Sun, cosmic radiation influences on cloud formation, the Solar system’s changing position in the Milky Way galaxy, and other cosmic phenomena.

They also stress that climate simulation models do not reflect the actual climatic fluctuations of the past 10,000 years, and that nature—not man—determines the climate. As the recent petition by the Committee of Italian Scientists led by the renowned Professor Uberto Crescenti highlights, it is therefore illusory to suggest that a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions could control the climate.

However, Christoph M. Schmidt, the chairman of the so-called economic “Five Wise Men” of Germany, the top advisory body of the German government, did not refrain from praising the F4F movement at its Congress in Dortmund, for allegedly making it clear to the public that present policies cannot continue. Schmidt also fully supported an increase in the CO₂ emission allowance price as a “basic tool” in the fight against climate change. His appearance in Dortmund and his statement are equally scandalous in view of the consequences of this policy and raise the question of whether he should resign because of incompetence, or because of profiteering.

Banks and Foundations in the Climate Line-Up

In the financial markets, initiatives are popping up such as the Climate Bond Initiative, which seeks to turn the $100 trillion global bond market into a giant new platform for investing in sustainable economic activity of all kinds. (The EU has so far provided “only” $360 billion.) Participants in this initiative include the Rockefeller Foundation, Bank of America, HSBC, the Inter-American Development Bank, Bloomberg Philanthropies, the government of Switzerland, the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, the Frederick Mulder Foundation, OAK Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, FSD Africa, NAB (Australia), European Climate Foundation, the Sainsbury Family Charitable Trust, the EU’s Horizon 2020 Program, Climate Works Foundation, UNDP, Climate KIC, KR Foundation, and Martin International. Equally active are the World Economic Forum, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), The Economist magazine, and the Green Climate Fund, to name but a few.

Ironically, it is clear to Greta Thunberg herself that wealthy interests are involved in the controversy. In a speech to schoolchildren in Katowice, Poland, she said:

“I do not care about being known. My concern is climate justice and a livable planet. Our civilization is being sacrificed for the opportunities of a small group of people who want to make more and more money.”

However, exactly these sentences were deleted in the publication of this speech by the Internet platform Avaaz. Avaaz, a product of the George Soros-related platform, specializes in collecting personal information on every conceivable topic by organizing petitions around the world.

Will the Real Economy Survive?

This is precisely the point: At a time when the real economy in Europe and the United States is crumbling and the next collapse of the financial system can be delayed only by a new flood of liquidity, a new gold rush for green investment is being generated, which perhaps may enable speculators to make a large amount of money for a short time. The effect on the developing countries will be catastrophic, the non-affluent part of the population in our country will be clobbered, and after a super-short boom in the monetary area, Germany will be destroyed as an industrial location.

It is high time to pull the emergency brake. But who will do this if the EU and the Berlin government are part of the problem, and the Greens obviously represent the same thing, only colored in green? It can only come from the parts of society that are the victims of that policy: the middle class, the productive part of the working population, parents, teachers and all thinking people.

We urgently need a public debate on these issues. Germany is currently driving at full speed off the cliff!

Webcast: British Launch Global Destabilization Operations—Scientific Cooperation in Space is the Antidote

From protests in Hong Kong to Moscow; from shootings in El Paso, Texas to Dayton, Ohio; from the endangered U.S.-China trade talks to the ending of the nuclear arms control INF treaty—the London-centered forces seeing the collapse of their system have launched a series of destabilizations, designed to induce overwhelming pessimism about the future of mankind.

While the chaos they are unleashing is dangerous, it must be viewed from a strategic perspective. Their goal is to spread a culture of death and violence, while financial swindles associated with decarbonization are designed to create a flow of cash to bail out, at least temporarily, their bankrupt system.

In reviewing this densely complex global crisis, Helga Zepp LaRouche said that while there are no simple explanations, we can identify the fostering of cultural pessimism as a leading problem, reflected in the anti-scientific lies of “man-made climate change,” geopolitics, and neoliberal economics. The best antidote, she emphasized, is for every space-faring nation to cooperate in the positive expansion of mankind into space, proving that the Earth is not a closed system. In this way, we can move from confrontation to cooperation, demonstrating, as her husband Lyndon LaRouche always insisted, that the unique human quality of willful creativity offers a solution to all these crises.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Bring America Into the BRICS Paradigm!

Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, prepared a video address on Dec. 6 to be played at the Schiller Institute’s Dec. 13 conference in New York City, as well as other meetings in Boston, Detroit, San Francisco and Houston. The following is a transcript of her remarks.

I think that if the average American knew how close we are to World War III, people would be out in the streets, and they would demand a change of the present policy of the Obama Administration.

The former Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Army, Gen. Yuri Baluyevskiy, a couple of days ago gave an interview in which he said that he believes the conflict between NATO and Russia is already underway, that it began with an information war, with a tremendous psychological campaign, pressuring the minds of the population, and that military force proper will only be the final phase of this. When he was asked if he thought it still could be stopped, he said, unfortunately, he believes that it is no longer possible; that the mechanism has been set into motion; that our adversaries’ aim has been clearly defined: They will try to prevent Russia from becoming their equal partner, militarily or economically.

At a recent conference in Slovakia, Prime Minister [robert] Fico said that he believes that the likelihood of a thermonuclear war, involving more countries than just Ukraine and Russia, is 70%.

Yesterday, there was a group of people in Germany, very important dignitaries, who issued an appeal to the German government and the German Parliament, with the headline “War Again in Europe? Not in Our Name!” [See EIR, Dec. 12, 2014] They outlined why they think the present course of policy is going to go to war with Russia in the short term, and they appealed to the German government and to the media to stop the disinformation campaign, the demonization of Russia and China. It was signed by former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder, by former President Roman Herzog, by the former head of the Munich Security Conference, Horst Teltschik, and many important people from industry, politics, the media, and the cultural world.

Now, that is very good, because we are right now on a confrontation with Russia in the short term, which can only mean the extinction of civilization.

All of this really started with the neo-con policy at the time of the collapse of the Soviet Union, when the neo-cons decided to create a world empire with the British, based on the model of the British Empire and based on the “special relationship” between Great Britain and the United States. And all the steps that have been taken since—the color revolutions against Ukraine and Georgia; the attempt to do so in many other countries in the world, to cause regime change among all countries which would not submit to this idea of the empire. The promise at the time of the German unification, not to expand the borders of NATO to the Russian border, was obviously broken.

The sanctions against Russia, as Foreign Minister [sergei] Lavrov recently said, are not really aimed to force Russia to change its policy, but to create such havoc economically in Russia, that the Russian population would turn against Putin and topple his government, and then go for the dismemberment of the Russian state.

This all is a situation which must not happen, because there is an alternative. What the mass media in the United States have completely blocked out, is the fact that since July of this year, since the summit of the BRICS countries in Fortaleza, Brazil, a completely new economic system is developing very, very fast. You have right now a situation where more than half of mankind—the BRICS countries, most Latin American countries, many Asian countries, even some African countries, like Egypt and South Africa—are on a road of a complete explosion of economic reconstruction, of development projects which had been prohibited by the IMF conditionalities for the last several decades.

Following the Fortaleza summit, for example, China is now helping Nicaragua to build in five years a second Panama Canal through Nicaragua, which is immediately creating 50,000 jobs; it will create two ports; a major transport line from one ocean to the next; a new city, a new international airport, and it will transform Nicaragua from a poor country into a very, very hopeful country of prosperity.

The same is happening in many Latin American countries: China is helping Brazil to build a transcontinental railroad from Brazil all the way to Peru. Many of these countries are cooperating in the building of new nuclear plants, between Russia and Argentina, China and Brazil, India and Russia, and many other combinations; and they’re also going on the path of absolutely fantastic space exploration.

Also these countries have created new financial institutions, which are only devoted to financing physical economy, development projects, and are devoted to the common good of the people. There is the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) by China; there is the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries; the Shanghai Cooperation Organization is in the process of creating a new bank. Also the South Asian countries of the SAARC [South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation] states are creating a new bank. There is a new development fund for the Silk Road.

All of these projects will go in a very positive direction, to eliminate the poverty of these countries in only a few years. Since India’s new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, came into office, there is an explosion of enthusiasm in India. He has announced that he will build 100 new cities, that he will create 1 million jobs per month; he is reviving 30 water-management projects which were put on hold after Indira Gandhi was assassinated. So there is an enthusiasm in India which you have no idea about!

The same is true for China: Don’t believe one word that you have heard about China! I was in China two times this year and I can assure you that the population is absolutely optimistic. They are convinced that the unbelievable Chinese economic miracle, which they were able to accomplish in only 30 years, will make an industrial revolution possible, which most countries of Europe, and the United States, needed 200 years to accomplish! And when President Xi Jinping announced the New Silk Road as the basis for a new world economic order, this meant simply that the Chinese government is offering now, that every country which wants to participate can repeat the same principles of this Chinese economic miracle in their own country.

I’m absolutely certain that the only way we can stop the escalation to World War III, is that we take up the offer of President Xi Jinping, which he made at the closure of the APEC summit, in a press conference together with President Obama, where he offered to Obama that the United States and other major countries should join the New Silk Road and these new financial institutions.

I have not heard Obama making any response that he would do so, but I’m absolutely certain that the countries of Europe, which are in rebellion against the war danger, are absolutely capable of joining with the BRICS countries for this global development.

And I appeal to you: We have to get the United States to stop the war posture against Russia and China, and we have to get the United States to work together with the BRICS, for a new world economic order.

We will only come out of this mortal danger to the existence of civilization if we get the United States to join this new paradigm which these countries are already living in. Do not believe the propaganda! China is based on Confucian ideas right now; India has revived the great spirit of Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru; and that optimism is profound and it has been contagious for the populations of these countries. There is a completely different paradigm already working in these countries, which, together with the other Asian, African, and Latin American countries, after all, represent the majority of civilization.

So, let’s join, to get the United States and Europe to join with the BRICS, to join with the new paradigm, because that is the only war avoidance strategy which will work.


Webcast: The Biggest Problem We Face is Lack of Knowledge of the Beautiful Options We Have

In reviewing the potential of a new epoch in international relations, based on a decisive break with geopolitics, Helga Zepp LaRouche said that it is the “lack of knowledge of the beautiful options we have” which is holding back humanity. People should be asking, “Where should civilization be 100 years from now?” There is already motion in this direction in China, India and other nations, directly tied to developments in space exploration, as “Moon fever” is spreading.

Robert Mueller’s pathetic performance before the Congress last week leads to a legitimate question: Who wrote the report? Who is responsible for Russiagate? The collapse of the narrative, though not yet recognized by some lunatic Democrats still insisting on impeachment, can allow Trump to move ahead with his plans for cooperation with Russia and China. There is still a real danger coming from neocons, who are pushing an aggressive strategy against China, but unleashing scientific and technological optimism connected to the space program is key to defeating both the neocons, and the anti-human, anti-science policy of the Green movement.

One of the best ways to do this is through cooperation in space exploration and colonization. She called on viewers to circulate the LaRouchePAC petition on the Moon-Mars mission, to build momentum for U.S. participation in the New Paradigm.

Webcast: Anniversary of Moon Landing Is a Wake-Up Call—Time to Create an Optimistic Future

Helga Zepp LaRouche characterized the global recognition of the importance of man’s first steps on the Moon fifty years ago as a welcome wake up call, one which can restore the optimism attacked by Green Ideology for the last fifty years. Many nations now have vibrant space programs. Looking into space, and recognizing the reality that there is a huge universe there to explore, is itself a “beautiful refutation of Green ideology.” The Schiller Institute conference in New York was a major breakthrough, as this reality was the basis of impassioned discussion about the potential man opens up, when he takes up the mission of the Extraterrestrial Imperative, as defined by the space visionary, Krafft Ehricke.

Contrast this, with the stupidity of those pushing for confrontation and war against China, or the obvious British drive for war with Iran. These examples of lunacy make evident that the loyalty of the financial oligarchy is to the collapsing system, not the well-being of the human population.

Our viewers should help us bring this message to everyone—no one should accept the degeneracy imposed by those who benefit from preserving a collapsing system. Join with the Schiller Institute, to bring about the transition to the New Paradigm!


HARLEY SCHLANGER:  I’m Harley Schlanger from the Schiller Institute. Welcome to our weekly webcast with our President and founder, Helga Zepp-LaRouche.  Today is July 21, 2019: We’re one day after the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing in 1969, which was recognized as an international event then; and then again, yesterday, there was an unleashing of optimism around the world, as Helga had predicted last week on this program.  Helga, how do you see the effect of the celebrations that took place worldwide yesterday?

HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I think it was like Dornröschen has been kissed out of a 50-year sleep.  The German is the same as the English Sleeping Beauty, the fairy tale where Dornröschen sleeps and is finally kissed by a prince and wakes up.

So after maybe some 50 years, or 40-years plus hiatus, abandoning the optimism which was associated with the landing on the Moon on July 20th, 1969, this came back in full force.  I think the inspiration which comes from the fact that man has been capable, and will be capable of leaving the planet Earth, escaping completely the gravity of the Earth and then going to other heavenly bodies, and now there’s a full spectrum of countries having very ambitious Moon and Mars programs, I think yesterday was really an outbreak of optimism around the world.

Now, in 1969, there were 500 million people who watched live the landing of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.  And Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins, who was the third astronaut, who did not step on the Moon, but was in orbit of the Moon at that time; so Buzz Aldrin and Mike Collins, and the family of Neil Armstrong met with President Donald Trump, and also they gave many interviews. It’s very important that Buzz Aldrin called for an international alliance for space, for the United States, Russia, China, India, Japan, ESA (the Europeans), all working together, and I think this is the spirit which absolutely must prevail because obviously the challenges to colonize the Moon, industrialize the Moon as a stepping stone Mars missions, which is now on the agenda in the United States, in China, in India:  That all requires and it would just make so much more sense for all these countries to cooperate as most of them have done on the ISS. So, I think yesterday was really a phenomenal day, and hopefully that optimism will not go away.

SCHLANGER: One of the important things you were just referring to, is that the discussion included the fact that, while in the 1960s, a lot of the Moon mission was initially a space race between East and West, there’s now much more discussion about cooperation, and this does fit in with what we saw coming out of the Osaka G20 meeting, doesn’t it?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Yes.  You had Dmitry Rogozin, who is the head of Roscosmos, he sent a message of congratulation to NASA chief Jim Bridenstine, praising the three  original astronauts and all their great predecessors and followers, for having pushed out the boundaries of what man can do, of having dared to enter the unknown, praising this as a unique human quality.  Then, yesterday, you had the taking off from Baikonur, three astronauts, an American, a Russia, and an Italian, going to the ISS.  You had the activation of the Chang’e-4 lunar mission on the far side of the Moon.  The Indian Chandrayaan-2 which is supposed to go to the South Pole of the Moon, has just been pushed back a little bit because of some technical problems, but it will land on the Moon in September.  Also the father of the Chinese space program Ouyang Ziyuan announced that China will launch in 2020 its next Mars mission which is supposed to investigate if terraforming on Mars is possible for long-term habitation of the human species is possible on Mars.  So I think there is a flurry, a complete explosion of activities.

And for me it is the most beautiful refutation of this insane, Green ideology which is all based on the idea that we are in an Earthbound system where the resources are limited.  And the fact that man can go to the Moon, mine helium-3 for the second generation of thermonuclear fusion power, just as one example, it proves that the incredibly huge universe — the Hubble Telescope has now identified that we have, at least, 2 trillion galaxies. Now, that blows my mind:  I keep trying to imagine what that looks like, 2 trillion galaxies.  I already have a hard time imagining one Solar System, let alone one galaxy:  But 2 trillion galaxies?

And if you think that we are just at the beginning of breakthroughs to understand that Einstein’s General Relativity Theory was absolutely correct, because, recently, the existence of gravitational waves was confirmed.  The international cooperation among eight countries could make imaging of the black hole.  So when we start to go into interstellar space travel, and already when we go to Mars this will be an issue, we will have to deal with these relativistic issues, because we’re leaving 1-gravity zone, going into another one.  And all of this brings absolutely exciting, new challenges.  And it all proves the Greenies absolutely have no idea what they’re talking about, and they’re just an evil ideology, but they don’t correspond to the laws of the universe, and that is a good thing.

SCHLANGER: I remember, as a young man in the ’60s, the optimism that was unleashed by the space program then.  And it was really not just about space, but it was about curing disease, greening the desert, feeding the world, and obviously, the period from the shutdown of the Apollo mission to the present has been dominated by this Green ideology, and that’s why youth are so pessimistic.  Do you think this discussion of the 50th anniversary can shake people out of that pessimism then?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, if anything can, this is it.  It is interesting that the Harris polling agencies, one of the major polling agencies in the U.S., they took a poll asking pupils in the 5th to 10th grades, in the U.S., in the U.K., and in China, the famous question: What do you want to become when you are a grownup?  And it is interesting: In China, 56% of these pupils said they want to become an astronaut; the second largest number was teachers; and then the last issue what people in China wanted to become, is a blogger or a YouTube personality, only 11% wanted to do that.  In the United States and in the U.K., it was exactly the reverse: I think something like 30% wanted to become YouTube personalities or bloggers, and then teacher was number two, the same way, and then the third was a professional athlete, and astronauts being very, very far behind.  Obviously that poll was done, not being impacted by these celebrations of the 50-year-old Apollo program, but I think it show a trend in China, of 56% of all children want to become astronauts!

That is really because it is very much in the culture, to go to space. China has also built now a Mars artificial dome in the Gobi Desert, and another Mars simulation station near the Tibet-Qinghai plateau, which is 4,200 meters high, so the air is always very clear, and they are building their 30 new telescopes. So I think the Chinese are very clearly on a good trajectory.

And it’s important that this is not about a “race,” who is first on the Moon or on Mars, but I think it is the challenge of humanity to come its true identity that we are not Earthlings — this was always said by my husband, Lyndon LaRouche: The good thing about space is that it proves we are not Earthlings, but we are a spacefaring species, and the very idea that we can conquer any problem which poses itself through scientific and technological breakthroughs, it’s nowhere better demonstrated than in the space research and travel.  So I think it is what makes us more human, it brings forward a better quality of personality in us, and it is what the great German rocket and space pioneer Krafft Ehricke, who was very key in the Apollo project; he developed the Atlas rocket, he was the director of the Centaur project, and he developed the most beautiful visions already in the ’50s and ’60s about the industrialization of the Moon as a stepping stone for permanent base on Mars.  And he called all of this, that it is the identity of man as [i]Homo sapiens extraterrestris[/i].  And I think that implies that we are really in the beginning of a completely new era of civilization.

SCHLANGER:  Not that this would compete with the Harris poll, but I can tell you my two children, the 7 year old and the 5 year old who have been watching this, both announced, one wants to be an astronaut and the other one wants to build rockets.  So I think this is catching.

Now, in this context, the Schiller Institute had a major conference yesterday to discuss this:  Why don’t you give people a little report on that, because I think all of our viewers should look at this.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  It’s a major breakthrough because it did bring a very important combination of people together celebrating this event.  This was in New York:  We had a live video link with a young woman from NASA from the big exhibition on the National Mall in Washington — Andrea Jones — and she gave a live report about what was going on there.  There were 150,000 people in the days before already watching this.  And she transmitted a tremendous excitement about Moon, the new interest in the entire space program is receiving from especially young people.

Then we had the daughter of Krafft Ehricke, Krista Ehricke, who gave a very beautiful account, how it was to live as a daughter with that great genius Krafft Ehricke.  We had other presentations which were extremely uplifting, such as the science attaché of the UN Consulate General of China.  He gave a very human idea of how U.S.-Chinese cooperation in space would look like, and he presented an official video about the Chinese space program. Then we had some other speakers, Ben Deniston from the Schiller Institute, and various other speakers, who spoke about Alexander Hamilton as a predecessor in the financing of all of this.  And then we had a very lively discussion.

So I would invite people to look at this program which is up already and it’s very inspiring. And you should help to spread the news about this, because people need this kind of optimistic perspective.

SCHLANGER:  In talking about China, one of the interesting things, if you take a step back and look at what they’re doing with the space program, with infrastructure, as well as with banking and with credit policy, they are moving very much along what we’ve been speaking about as needed for the United States, with the Four Laws of your husband.  This goes right along with the idea of how you lift a nation out of poverty.  And at the same time the Chinese are doing this, they’re being slandered in the press, and by thinktanks and by government officials.  How do we break that?  How do we change that, so people actually see what they’re doing?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Some of these things are really quite outrageous.  There was just a three-day conference in Washington, addressed by Pompeo, and Pence, on the so-called freedom of religion, and they trotted the Falun Gong, which is in all likelihood sponsored by the extreme right-wing people like Bannon in the United States, slandering China.  And then they naturally talked about the Uighurs in Xinjiang.  And it’s very good that just recently 36 countries wrote an official open letter debunking all these slanders, saying what the Chinese are doing in Xinjiang is actually a very effective way of overcoming terrorism, not with bombs and not with military means, like the U.S. has been trying to do in vain, in the Middle East in these last 20 years or so, but by economic development, by giving people an economic perspective.  And this is obviously a much superior method.

But this kind of painting China as the enemy is really stupid!  It’s very dangerous.  There is a new article in the [i]New York Times[/i] just today, a “new Red scare.”  In a certain sense, this is really very dangerous geopolitics, making an enemy out of somebody who is neither an enemy nor wants to be an enemy.  And obviously, it is [i]the[/i] key strategic question of the next period: Can two large economies like the United States and China, which have different social systems, can they co-exist or not?  If not, then how can you prevent the rise of a country which has 1.4 billion people, and which has clear success story of the last 40 years of reform and opening-up, and obviously is very much ahead already of the West in some areas, like the famous 5G network? Like who is on the far side of the Moon?  It’s the Chinese, not the West.  Who has the fastest, best high-speed train system, connecting almost all major cities, 26,000 km?  The United States has not one single track!

So, for the two systems to say they cannot coexist like this new article in the [i]New York Times[/i] reports that Steven Bannon is making that point, saying “one wins, one loses” — now that means catastrophe. Both these countries have nuclear weapons and if you try to contain China by military means, or by economic warfare or go for regime change, it just can lead to a complete catastrophe. So I think this is very dangerous and therefore, the kind of cooperation which is visible, at least between the U.S., Russia and the Europeans on the ISS should include China.  China is advanced on the far side of the Moon, so they have offered cooperation, so who can steal from whom in this case?

So, I think it is really important that we think in terms of a new paradigm overcoming geopolitics, because in the age of thermonuclear weapons, any kind of confrontation or thinking that war is a means of conflict resolution can only lead to a calamity for all of humanity. So it should really be regarded as outdated and overcome.

SCHLANGER:  Some of the same networks that are engaged in this—I think you’re absolutely right, this stupid anti-China campaign, are still pushing for war with Iran.  We saw that the British ambassador was making clear that this is the British plan for the U.S. to go to war with Iran.  What’s happened in the last couple of days?  And it is the same network, isn’t it, that’s anti-China is also pushing this Iran fight?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  The whole thing didn’t start, but it was escalated by the British seizing the Iranian tanker off the Strait of Gibraltar.  Then supposedly the Iranians reacted by seizing a British tanker—it’s not so clear, because it’s being denied by the Iranians all the time, but almost every day you have a new escalation, and more troops are being sent to the Middle East.  And the whole Middle East is a complete powderkeg in any case.  So I think this is one of the Achilles’ heels.  And again, a war against Iran could lead to a big war.  I think that has been clear to anybody for a very long time.  And the British, especially Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, he says that Great Britain does not want to use “military options,” but you know, it’s nevertheless a very dangerous situation.  And I think even the Europeans are trying to cool it, the continental Europeans, that is.  But it’s a flashpoint that deserves great attention. And  it just shows you, until we have established a new set of relations, like the collaboration in the New Silk Road, these things will keep coming back, because the old order is not filling up by free will, and watch the emergence of Asia rising. Because it’s not just China which is rising, it’s all of Asia. And we need a new paradigm.

SCHLANGER:  Robert Ashley, the head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, came out the other day and said that Iran does not want a war, and it seems to me that there are many in the military who are aware of that.  But it’s the non-military types who love war, like Bolton, who are pushing it.

Helga, one of the other events, was the acceptance of the compromise slate for the European Union: Von der Leyen, the German Defense Minister is now the head of the European Commission.  Does this have any  bearing on what’s going on in the bigger strategic picture, or is this just more of a slide into chaos for the European Union?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, as the result of wheeling and dealing, which really shows that very few people in Europe really have principles any more, she became the head of the European Union Commission.  And her speech in Strasbourg was really an incredible speech. She started off with an attack on China, on Russia.  She’s known from her being a defense minister, that she is a very hardliner against Russia, but she’s also clearly against China, so this forebodes not well, as long as this EU construct exists in the present form.

Otherwise, she went for a complete Green New Deal: She promised Europe would be the first continent to be CO2 emission free by 2050, that to reduce emissions by 2030 by 40% was not enough; it had to be 50% or 55%.  Well, she also said she would make a law—it’s not her job to make laws, in any case—to basically put all of this climate protection into legislation. So this is all very bad, because, if you have an EU legislation and echoed by the so-called “climate cabinet” of the German government in Berlin, who will make legislation which will channel credits entirely into the Green, into the climate protection area, I think this means the end of Germany as an industrial nation.

And this is why I have written an appeal to German Mittelstand, trade unions, teachers, parents, and thinking people, that this policy must be absolutely opposed.  Because, this is an operation, it is an effort to implement the Morgenthau Plan against Germany, belatedly.  And if these policies that Von der Leyen stands for, and unfortunately also Merkel and the whole German government at this point, if they would be continued to be implemented, it would lead to a disaster for Germany.  Young people will emigrate, because there’s no future here, the older people will have less health care which cannot be paid; that’s why, for example, you have to think what the Bertelsmann foundation is advocating, and they’re saying that the 1,400 hospitals in Germany have to be reduced to 600! And they’re saying it’s for better health care—this is a complete fraud.  If you want to have better health care, you can make better diagnostic equipment into the smaller hospitals, but not dismantle them.  That’s just a complete assault on the living standards.

So I think we are in for hard times in Germany and in Europe, because of this Green policy, but it must be repeated.  I think it’s also a strategic danger, because when Asia is rising with high technology, and Europe is on a course of self-destruction, there is no good solution.  Out of this crisis can come chaos and maybe even war.

SCHLANGER:  It’s interesting to note that the Morgenthau Plan, which was for the  full deindustrialization of Germany after World War II, was one that was going to be imposed by the victors of the war against the losers.  Now, we have the government of Germany imposing it on its own people:  Doesn’t this say something about the psychology of the old paradigm?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  Well, as we have discussed this many times: This is not really an issue of nations against nations, but it’s the issue of an international oligarchy, which has a loyalty to that system, more than to its people. And I think that’s what we see.  It’s like the Holy Alliance in the 19th century, where the oligarchy was also more loyal to their system of  oligarchy than to their respective countries, and I think that’s exactly what we see right now.

But that system is clearly is collapsing, but the danger is that it can bring in unbelievable danger to the respective people.

SCHLANGER: Well, it seems very clear:  You issued a call to action.  We had the Schiller conference on the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, so there’s a program there for  people to go out and organize with.  How should people take this as their daily opportunity to do something, not just to feel better for themselves, but for the future, for their children and grandchildren?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  First of all, join the Schiller institute. I think it’s important to become a member, to support our activities, also with donations, which we obviously need, because we are not sponsored by Wall Street, or the City of London, as you can imagine.  So we need your support, and activation.  If you are in the German-speaking realm, help to distribute the appeal I wrote, because I think there is right now a danger of really destroying the industrial base of Europe.

And as I said, this contains the danger—let me just be very frank:  If you look at what Obama said in South Africa some years ago, he said: There are all these youth in Africa, but if everybody wants to have a car, if everybody wants air-conditioning, and a big house, then the planet will boil over.  So here you have it: What this Green ideology does, it is the last effort of the financial sector to get people to invest in Green technologies; the Green New Deal will bring a profit to a few, the speculators who will become richer.  But in the real terms, it means that millions, if not hundreds of millions of people if not more, will have no access to enough food, clean water, energy, education, and a safe life for themselves: So the Green ideology is really about genocide and population reduction, and in my appeal, I mention a famous quote from Lord Russell from 1951, in [i]The Impact of Science on Society[/i], an article he wrote at that time and published, in which he said, in politics, the most important would be mass psychology, how to get the patient, when he is young—meaning you have to get to children under the age of 10—to convince them that “snow is black.”  And that method has been used to manipulate the population.

And I think the beautiful thing is that with the whole space program, this is the biggest antidote to the idea of an Earthbound system, and the idea that you can to Mars with solar energy, you can forget!  So, I think we are in a very interesting tension between the backward oriented, population-reductionist mafia, the Green Lobby; and the optimistic, future-oriented science lobby, and I would invite you to help us get a real debate!  Let’s discuss the origins of climate change; let’s discuss what is the scientific basis for dealing with all problems, including changes in the climate, which have been taking place for millions of years.  And I think that that is a debate we urgently need. So contact us, become a member, help to distribute the appeal, and get active with us.

SCHLANGER:  Well, there are your marching orders, and I think they’re very straightforward.  The new paradigm is there for us to seize and to implement.

Helga, anything else you want to add?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  No.  I think it’s a very optimistic period, because as I said, the Dornröschen sleep is over.  A lot of people are absolutely optimistic, looking into the future of mankind with an absolute determination that mankind is the only creative species known in the universe so far.  We may discover other ones; we have done that yet, but we are on the verge of making huge breakthroughs in fundamental science, and that  is always a reason for optimism.

SCHLANGER:  OK, we’ll end it with that Helga, and we’ll see you next week.

ZEPP-LAROUCHE:  I hope so, next week.

Webcast: Could Man’s Future in Space Be the Key to Defeat the Deadly Pessimism of Empire?

Helga Zepp LaRouche opened today’s webcast by discussing “bright spots” in the strategic situation, coming from the diplomacy at the G20 summit and the Trump-Kim DMZ meeting. Yet the potential which is emerging to break from the unipolar world of geopolitics is threatened by the enemy of mankind, the British Empire, which is engaged in military provocations, against Iran and China, but more significantly, through its role in spreading pessimism about the future, through the imposition of anti-human Green ideology.

As the West is destroying itself, Asia is rising, and a key feature of Asia’s emergence is the emphasis on space exploration. China and India are both engaged in lunar projects, and Trump’s intent for the U.S. to be back on the Moon by 2024, defines a potential for broad scientific cooperation. This is the antidote to the pessimism of “limits to growth”, etc., around which the Green movement was launched—human creativity can always open new horizons, she emphasized, as Krafft Ehricke emphasized, with his visionary idea of the “extraterrestrial imperative”, and Lyndon LaRouche demonstrated in his writings.

We can use the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing to bring renewed optimism to people, something which is greatly feared by the neo-liberal imperial networks centered in London.

Webcast: Battle for a New Paradigm: American Republic vs. Exposed British Empire

The extraordinary leak of cables from the British Ambassador in Washington to the Foreign Office in London makes clear that the Brits are still engaged in a broad campaign to destabilize the Trump administration, as they have been since his election. Helga Zepp LaRouche warned that Sir Kim Darroch’s statement that Trump may make another U-turn on Iran means that we must be alert for another False Flag provocation, designed to lead to a U.S. strike against Iran. The seizure of an Iranian tanker by British forces on a false pretense is an example of this kind of dangerous geopolitical game.

The presidential diplomacy at Osaka, is continuing. As a follow-up to the strategically significant Trump-Kim meeting at the DMZ, envoys from the U.S. and South Korea are coming to Europe to report on developments. Other activities include a meeting between Russian and U.S. officials on arms limitation talks; Putin’s visit to Italy; and new trade talks between U.S. and Chinese officials.

This is an extraordinary moment, which was prepared by the life work of Lyndon LaRouche, whose contributions include his prophetic vision for the future. Trump’s July 4 address captured this spirit, especially with his talk of the Moon-Mars mission. For this to be realized, the work of LaRouche must be studied by more people, who can then bring his ideas to those who do not yet know him. The campaign for his exoneration is an essential feature of making this happen.

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