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Webcast: The “New Violence” Is Being Deployed in Defense of the Broken-down Paradigm

In reviewing developments of the last week, from the riots in the U.S. following the murder of George Floyd, to the escalation against Russia and China, as well as the ongoing coup effort against U.S. President Trump, Helga Zepp LaRouche repeatedly returned to prophetic comments made by her husband, the late Lyndon LaRouche. She began by reminding viewers that he commented at the time of Donald Trump’s election in 2016, that this was not a “U.S. event, but one of strategic significance,” associated with the breakdown of the old paradigm. Trump’s efforts to achieve cooperative relations with Russia and China drew a continuous assault against him by those who are escalating the drive for war today, from Ian Brzezinski and NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg, to the former Defense Secretaries attacking Trump over his handling of the riots, when all of them favor the wars which he is trying to stop.

She made this point in a powerful section, discussing the comment by the former Ambassador to the U.S., Jacques Bacamurwanko, that those who persecuted LaRouche should “Get their knee off Lyndon LaRouche’s neck.” She spoke of this statement in the context of the announcment by the Swedish government that they have solved the murder of Olaf Palme, which had been claimed, at the time, to have been caused by LaRouche. The Swedish government, and NBC News, which pushed this, owe an apology to LaRouche. This was part of the effort to stop LaRouche, who had been leading the fight for a new credit system, to replace the bankrupt financial system. As the bankruptcy of the system is becoming more evident, with the incredible collapse of manufacturing in the U.S. and Europe, we can now change the economic system, as LaRouche had insisted for five decades. This will be the subject of the June 27 online conference of the Schiller Institute.

Another crucial point she developed was how the Greens in Germany have become the war party, at the same time they are pushing their policies which will result in drastic depopulation. She developed such insights to make a subsuming point: one cannot act coherently to combat the injustices in the world today without grasping the “larger picture,” to start from the top, as Lyndon always demanded.

Webcast: End Geopolitics, Adopt LaRouche’s 4 Laws


In a New Year’s greeting, Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp LaRouche concluded a summary of the outstanding issues to be addressed immediately in the New Year by stating that there is “reason for optimism for the coming years, because solutions do exist. Let us just implement them in a decisive way.” Those solutions begin with the global initiative by China, called the Belt-and-Road Initiative, she said, which in the last year has opened to include more than seventy nations.

Now, it is essential for the United States and the nations of Europe to join, as the Trans-Atlantic region is facing a new, larger financial crash, led by the corporate debt bubble which is threatening to blow, unless its economies shift from speculative bubbles to real physical production, especially in cutting-edge infrastructure technologies. The economic advances made by China in recent years demonstrate that this approach works, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, and creating a healthy optimism about the future. For the U.S. and Europe, this means it is now time to implement Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws, which should serve as the basis for President Trump’s economic initiatives in his State of the Union address. Not surprisingly, those financial oligarchs who created this unresolvable speculative debt bubble are pushing geopolitical confrontations, to prevent the U.S. and Europe from participating in “win-win” cooperation with China and its expanding circle of allies.

During the latter part of last year, the Schiller Institute began the Thursday webcasts to provide its growing number of supporters a weekly update from Mrs. LaRouche, who has played a leading role in bringing the “Silk Road Spirit” to people who are otherwise held hostage by the Fake News media of the West. Join us this Thursday, and every Thursday — let’s make 2018 the year when geopolitical doctrine is rejected forever, and the New Paradigm is realized.

Webcast: The New Silk Road is Changing The World: The US Must Join!


As we come to the end of a tumultuous year, the prospect of the consolidation of a New Paradigm of international cooperation is bright, one which can free the world from the dangers inherent in the strategic instability of imperial geopolitics. An unstoppable dynamic was introduced when China’s Xi Jinping inaugurated steps for creating a Silk Road process of land, sea and space collaboration — unstoppable, unless the forces of the old paradigm, centered in the City of London and Wall Street, succeed in their coup against the Trump presidency, in which case the world is on a short fuse to nuclear war and annihilation.

At the forefront of this dramatic shift has been the organization of the LaRouche movement, which, under the leadership of Lyndon and Helga Zepp LaRouche, has been providing a clear strategic direction away from the neocons preferred “unipolar” world order. Throughout the year, the Schiller Institute has held numerous international conferences, with Mrs. LaRouche speaking at events in China, throughout Europe and in the United States. In recent months, she has been presenting a weekly webcast, to provide clarity and vision, at a time when Fake News dominates media in the Trans-Atlantic world. The discrediting of the whole “Russiagate” narrative, has opened the door for more people to discover who is behind it, what is their intent, and what is the alternative to their destructive agenda.

Events in the next months will be crucial in deciding whether or not the United States will join with Russia and China in adopting the “win-win” vision of international cooperation at the heart of the Silk Road process. Join us this Thursday for an update on where the world is heading, and what you can do, to insure the success of a rapid transition to the New Paradigm.

Webcast — America’s Historic Enemies (and Trump’s Russiagate Enemies) Are Behind the Escalation Against China

The major point emphasized repeatedly by Helga Zepp LaRouche in today’s webcast is the importance of exposing the British role in the increasingly shrill anti-China operation, and contrasting that with the history of Lyndon LaRouche’s intervention on behalf of global cooperation for economic development.  The pressure on President Trump to adopt a posture against the WHO is a dangerous escalation, run by the same people responsible for the attacks against him with Russiagate.  Helga said she doubts that Trump wrote the letter to WHO President Tedros himself, but reflects instead the hysteria coming from Pompeo, Navarro, Esper and Tucker Carlson.  The lies against China over the coronavirus are “geopolitical” in nature.

If the two largest economies can work together, for the benefit of mankind, there is no problem which cannot be solved.  She used the example of the CGTN tv program on China’s fusion program, and the cooperation with ITER on it, as an example of how that could proceed.  This is in the tradition of the development programs written by Lyndon LaRouche for every part of the world.  It is in sharp contrast with the Green lunacy being pushed in Europe and the U.S., exemplified by the role being given to BlackRock for the bailout of speculators.

Sign the Petition for a Global Health Infrastructure Program

Webcast: Mueller Investigation Criminality in the Open: Time Now to End the Reign of Geopolitics


In the recent weeks, a series of exposes, led by the circulation of LaRouchePAC’s dossier on Robert Mueller, the “Immoral Legal Assassin”, has emboldened those fighting against the coup in the United States, which was designed to overturn Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 election.  A number of key operatives, working directly with Mueller, have been exposed as part of a web of criminality, with their marching orders coming directly from the highest levels of British intelligence.  The leading role of the British, exemplified by the Christopher Steele/Fusion GPS “dodgy dossier,” which was financed by the Clinton campaign, is now the subject of hearings in Congressional committees, and has even become a topic of mainstream news coverage

Though the tide is turning against Mueller, the battle is not yet won.  There are crucial strategic issues to be addressed by the Trump administration, including deepening the collaboration with Russia and China, and addressing the dangerous financial crisis in the Trans-Atlantic nations.  As we look ahead to the New Year, it is clear that, if the right course is adopted in the days and weeks ahead, it is now possible to put an end to the genocidal foolishness embedded in the imperial doctrine of Geopolitics, a doctrine designed for the survival of the Empire, at the expense of the world’s population.

There is nothing more urgent today than to overturn the reigning geopolitical, unipolar world system, and replace it with a New Paradigm, based on each nation working for the benefit of all nations.  Events of 2017 have proven that the efforts of the Schiller Institute, led by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to bring the U.S. into the New Paradigm, are bearing fruit.

Join us for this Thursday’s webcast, when Mrs. LaRouche will present the strategy to bury, once and for all, the doctrine of geopolitics.

Webcast—”This is the Big One”

Helga expanded on her discussion of why she is insisting that the present crisis is “The Big One”, and not a prelude to a bigger crisis to come. The problem, she said, is that people focus on aspects of the crisis, such as the pandemic, the financial crisis, global famine, the war danger, but miss the overall cause—that we are in a breakdown crisis fifty years in the making. There is no solution to the individual crises without addressing all crises at once.


This is possible today, because of the work done by Lyndon LaRouche, who identified that we are heading to an overall crash of the system, which is causing a chain reaction collapse into a Dark Age. By understanding this, we can begin to provide solutions, beginning with breaking from geopolitics and adopting a policy of agreement among the four great powers. Such an agreement for cooperation is the only way in which the individual crises can be addressed.

She spoke of the events held by the Schiller Institute over the last two weeks as representative of the kind of work we can do, to bring people to the level of thinking needed to succeed. In the end, she said that we must as a civilization go back to principle. She used the example of how the German Economic Miracle after World War II was based on a government applying the principle of physical economy as the basis for rebuilding. Such solutions are available today, so the viewers should join with the Schiller Institute to make such a miracle.

Webcast: Trump Announces U.S. Return to the Moon—Need LaRouche’s Four Laws to Get There



On December 11, President Donald Trump signed a new space directive, opening the door for an expanded vision for U.S. manned space exploration. In announcing this, he said, “This time we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint. We will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars and perhaps someday to many worlds beyond.” As the President was making this announcement, a meeting of the China-U.S. Civil Space Dialogue brought together Chinese and U.S. officials in Beijing, to discuss reopening cooperation in space. It is the fear among the imperial proponents of a unipolar world, that this kind of initiative by the Trump administration would move the U.S. out of the deadly, endless conflicts they imposed, through the Bush and Obama administrations, that is behind the now-faltering Mueller investigation, to remove Trump at all costs.

To realize the promise of such cooperation — which is in line with the New Paradigm of international relations emerging around the Belt-and-Road Initiative launched by President Xi Jinping of China — it is essential that Americans be mobilized to shut down the British-orchestrated coup against President Trump. At the same time, it is necessary that Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws become the basis of Trump administration economic policy.

These Four Laws uniquely provide the basis for the revival of the American System, which is the prerequisite for the scientific and technological advances necessary to revive an American role in space exploration. By bringing the Spirit of the New Silk Road to a broader audience of active citizens worldwide, such goals are now within our grasp. These will be among the topics addressed by Zepp LaRouche this Thursday, in her weekly strategic broadcast.

Webcast: As Pace quickens for World Land-Bridge, Mueller Must Go!


Since the conclusion of the historic Schiller Institute Conference in Bad Soden, Germany on November 26, the pace of developments for the expansion of the Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) has accelerated dramatically. There have been conferences, forums, and announcements of new agreements on a daily basis, including in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America, as the Spirit of the Silk Road is spreading worldwide. One of the conferences, in Zhuhai, China, on the Maritime Silk Road, featured a major presentation by the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

As this positive motion advances, it is becoming increasingly intolerable that the witch hunt run against President Trump, by the London-directed imperial neocon/neolib forces, to prevent Trump from bringing the U.S. into full collaboration with the BRI, is allowed to continue. There is new evidence emerging which demonstrates that, as we have said from the beginning, these attacks have nothing to do with “Russian meddling,” but are an effort by those “Deep State” manipulators to hold humanity hostage to their deadly wars, bailouts and murderous austerity measures.

The advance of the BRI, as well as the new evidence exposing the Mueller-run witch hunt as a desperate “Made in London” fraud, makes it more possible than ever that citizens worldwide could act the bring their governments into collaboration with the New Paradigm, if they knew the truth about these crucial strategic developments. That is why Helga LaRouche initiated these weekly updates, so citizens could act on a fully informed basis of the potential for a totally unlimited future for humanity.

Be sure to hear Mrs. LaRouche’s update this Thursday.

International Youth Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The world is in a grave crisis which is unlike anything before. The good news is that, given that it is the terrible policies of the past decades that have put us in this situation, it will be impossible to “go back to normal.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called on young people of the world to take leadership at this moment of great change to fight the two deadly viruses now threatening humanity—the coronavirus pandemic and the meltdown of the global financial system. The world must emerge from this crisis with an entirely New Paradigm of peaceful relations among nations, and a new economic system based on cooperation for the progress of all humanity. As is becoming more and more stark with the coronavirus pandemic, an urgent priority will be to build a modern global health system to ensure the right to life of all people on the planet.


This video conference is an opportunity for young people across the world to speak with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and join the fight for this New Paradigm. After opening remarks by Helga, representatives from each nation will give a 2-4 minute report on their organizing, and a Q&A will follow.

Join us and participate in the discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and young people from around the world.

Simultaneous translations into Spanish and French will be available. 


Webcast—Don’t Fall into a Geopolitical Trap: Cooperation is Key to Overcome Pandemic

With all the fake stories circulating about the Coronavirus, China, Bill Gates, and suppression of freedom—to name a few—it is crucial that people step back and take in the whole picture. As of the moment, the Coronavirus pandemic is NOT under control, and taking the wrong steps now could lead to an explosion. The key to overcome the multiple crises humanity is facing is to change the unjust global economic system, to increase the living standard of everyone, complete with modern, full-scale health care systems.

In her weekly webcast, Helga pointed to the ILO report on employment, which shows that well over half of employed people in the world are in the “informal economy”, forced to live a hand-to-mouth existence. The just-concluded Non-Aligned Nation meeting, which pledged to cooperate to end the present unjust system, is a good step in the right direction. Taking up Lyndon LaRouche’s 1975 proposal to replace the IMF with the International Development Bank is an example of what the NAM could do. So, too, was the ruling by the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, an unprecedented decision attacking the ECB bailout of the banks, by emphasizing that the recent EU ruling violates the Basic Law of Germany, a step in the right direction. Perhaps this will be a move toward sovereignty in the post-pandemic world.

What is not healthy, and is in fact insane, is the escalation of anti-China rhetoric, directed by the usual source of geopolitical confrontation, the financial, political and intelligence operatives of Great Britain. Helga called on the viewers to join the SI conference this Saturday, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the defeat of fascism. With two World Wars caused by geopolitics, it is time to replace the British imperial doctrines with a New Paradigm based on cooperation.

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