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Webcast: Trump Announces U.S. Return to the Moon—Need LaRouche’s Four Laws to Get There



On December 11, President Donald Trump signed a new space directive, opening the door for an expanded vision for U.S. manned space exploration. In announcing this, he said, “This time we will not only plant our flag and leave our footprint. We will establish a foundation for an eventual mission to Mars and perhaps someday to many worlds beyond.” As the President was making this announcement, a meeting of the China-U.S. Civil Space Dialogue brought together Chinese and U.S. officials in Beijing, to discuss reopening cooperation in space. It is the fear among the imperial proponents of a unipolar world, that this kind of initiative by the Trump administration would move the U.S. out of the deadly, endless conflicts they imposed, through the Bush and Obama administrations, that is behind the now-faltering Mueller investigation, to remove Trump at all costs.

To realize the promise of such cooperation — which is in line with the New Paradigm of international relations emerging around the Belt-and-Road Initiative launched by President Xi Jinping of China — it is essential that Americans be mobilized to shut down the British-orchestrated coup against President Trump. At the same time, it is necessary that Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws become the basis of Trump administration economic policy.

These Four Laws uniquely provide the basis for the revival of the American System, which is the prerequisite for the scientific and technological advances necessary to revive an American role in space exploration. By bringing the Spirit of the New Silk Road to a broader audience of active citizens worldwide, such goals are now within our grasp. These will be among the topics addressed by Zepp LaRouche this Thursday, in her weekly strategic broadcast.

Webcast: As Pace quickens for World Land-Bridge, Mueller Must Go!


Since the conclusion of the historic Schiller Institute Conference in Bad Soden, Germany on November 26, the pace of developments for the expansion of the Chinese Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) has accelerated dramatically. There have been conferences, forums, and announcements of new agreements on a daily basis, including in Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe and South America, as the Spirit of the Silk Road is spreading worldwide. One of the conferences, in Zhuhai, China, on the Maritime Silk Road, featured a major presentation by the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

As this positive motion advances, it is becoming increasingly intolerable that the witch hunt run against President Trump, by the London-directed imperial neocon/neolib forces, to prevent Trump from bringing the U.S. into full collaboration with the BRI, is allowed to continue. There is new evidence emerging which demonstrates that, as we have said from the beginning, these attacks have nothing to do with “Russian meddling,” but are an effort by those “Deep State” manipulators to hold humanity hostage to their deadly wars, bailouts and murderous austerity measures.

The advance of the BRI, as well as the new evidence exposing the Mueller-run witch hunt as a desperate “Made in London” fraud, makes it more possible than ever that citizens worldwide could act the bring their governments into collaboration with the New Paradigm, if they knew the truth about these crucial strategic developments. That is why Helga LaRouche initiated these weekly updates, so citizens could act on a fully informed basis of the potential for a totally unlimited future for humanity.

Be sure to hear Mrs. LaRouche’s update this Thursday.

International Youth Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

The world is in a grave crisis which is unlike anything before. The good news is that, given that it is the terrible policies of the past decades that have put us in this situation, it will be impossible to “go back to normal.” Helga Zepp-LaRouche has called on young people of the world to take leadership at this moment of great change to fight the two deadly viruses now threatening humanity—the coronavirus pandemic and the meltdown of the global financial system. The world must emerge from this crisis with an entirely New Paradigm of peaceful relations among nations, and a new economic system based on cooperation for the progress of all humanity. As is becoming more and more stark with the coronavirus pandemic, an urgent priority will be to build a modern global health system to ensure the right to life of all people on the planet.


This video conference is an opportunity for young people across the world to speak with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and join the fight for this New Paradigm. After opening remarks by Helga, representatives from each nation will give a 2-4 minute report on their organizing, and a Q&A will follow.

Join us and participate in the discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and young people from around the world.

Simultaneous translations into Spanish and French will be available. 


Webcast—Don’t Fall into a Geopolitical Trap: Cooperation is Key to Overcome Pandemic

With all the fake stories circulating about the Coronavirus, China, Bill Gates, and suppression of freedom—to name a few—it is crucial that people step back and take in the whole picture. As of the moment, the Coronavirus pandemic is NOT under control, and taking the wrong steps now could lead to an explosion. The key to overcome the multiple crises humanity is facing is to change the unjust global economic system, to increase the living standard of everyone, complete with modern, full-scale health care systems.

In her weekly webcast, Helga pointed to the ILO report on employment, which shows that well over half of employed people in the world are in the “informal economy”, forced to live a hand-to-mouth existence. The just-concluded Non-Aligned Nation meeting, which pledged to cooperate to end the present unjust system, is a good step in the right direction. Taking up Lyndon LaRouche’s 1975 proposal to replace the IMF with the International Development Bank is an example of what the NAM could do. So, too, was the ruling by the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, an unprecedented decision attacking the ECB bailout of the banks, by emphasizing that the recent EU ruling violates the Basic Law of Germany, a step in the right direction. Perhaps this will be a move toward sovereignty in the post-pandemic world.

What is not healthy, and is in fact insane, is the escalation of anti-China rhetoric, directed by the usual source of geopolitical confrontation, the financial, political and intelligence operatives of Great Britain. Helga called on the viewers to join the SI conference this Saturday, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the defeat of fascism. With two World Wars caused by geopolitics, it is time to replace the British imperial doctrines with a New Paradigm based on cooperation.

Webcast: To Overcome Our Civilizational Crisis, We Must Improve the Character of Our People


With momentum toward solutions coming from last weekend’s Schiller Institute conference, Helga Zepp LaRouche took aim at the collapsing British empire, providing a sharp battle plan to bring into being the New Paradigm for civilization. Among the points she hit are:

  • On the global food crisis, she said President Trump made the right decision to use the Defense Production Act to keep meat-packing plants open, but the end of cartelization and return to parity prices are among crucial measures which must happen to insure food security for all;
  • The dangerous anti-China hysteria, aimed at creating an “enemy image” as a prelude to war, is an extension of the same British-directed sabotage of Trump’s pledge to break with the Bush-Obama geopolitical doctrines and achieve peaceful cooperation. While it infects both U.S. political parties, it is especially insane among Senate Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton;
  • The ongoing release of documents from special counsel Mueller’s case against Gen. Michael Flynn has big potential to blow open the whole fraud of the war party, which was behind Russiagate;
  • The dangerous march toward the “slippery slope” which takes as an axiom the idea that there are useless eaters, and their deaths may be a positive outcome of the Coronavirus—typified by the recent incredible statement of former German Finance Minister Schauble that protection of life is not necessarily the highest value—must be abruptly reversed.

Toward this end, she emphasized the importance of the highly successful Schiller Institute conference, especially the beautifully orchestrated panel on creating a new Renaissance. The crisis we are confronting today, she said, is not just strategic and economic, but moral. Our job is to act to improve the character of people, as described by Schiller in his discussion of the aesthetical education of man.



Webcast: We Must Mobilize to Defeat a Dark Age

It is only foolish and self-deluded people who fail to realize that we are facing a Dark Age, unless we mobilize to establish a new global healthcare system, Helga Zepp LaRouche stated in the opening of this week’s Schiller Institute webcast. The Corona Virus pandemic, coming as the casino economy is collapsing, requires a total shift in thinking. This has presented a moral test to humanity, as there are many who believe we can turn our back on poor countries, or worse, the committed Malthusians, who want population reduction, continue to insist that profit must come before human life. She called on viewers to join the Schiller Institute mobilization for a New Paradigm, based on the fight for the Common Aims of Mankind.

“The symptoms of a Dark Age are everywhere,” she said, identifying examples such as those in nursing homes or prisons who are infected and dying. She said that she understands the pain caused by the lock down, of single mothers at home with no income, small businesses which are failing, but to try to go back to “normal” risks an even worse disaster than we face now. Study what China, and other Asian nations did, to address the pandemic.

The push to blame China for the global pandemic is foolish, immoral and dishonest, she added, emphasizing the role of the usual suspects from the City of London and British intelligence, who are taking the lead. She presented the actual chronology of the Chinese mobilization to discover what this new virus is, and to communicate what they were finding to others. It was the arrogance of the West, not a Chinese coverup, that is to blame. The real anti-China push has nothing to do with corona virus, but that China’s rise threatens the unipolar world order of the geopoliticians and the neoliberals. She urged viewers to back our call for an “Apollo Project” mobilization, and to organize for the April 25-6 Schiller Institute conference.

Webcast: We are not in Safe Waters yet!

The reverberations from President Trump’s trip to Asia and in particular, to China, continue to shake-up U.S. and world politics, as a growing number of “mainstream” political figures and think tanks are now taking notice, with some even seeming to have been won over by the Spirit of the New Silk Road.. Trump told his cabinet that his trip to Asia was “an historic 12-day trip”, with “more than $300 billion worth of deals…[which] means jobs for the United States at a very high level.”

China and Russia, the two nations with which Trump wishes to increase collaboration, continue to engage in significant diplomatic and economic initiatives to promote peaceful cooperation and development, with new proposals coming from them virtually daily.

Yet, as Zepp LaRouche said on Monday, “We’re not in safe waters yet.” One can see a British imperial hand in the Middle East, with war talk coming from Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the financial system remains “one bad trade away” from a total meltdown. And, as Helga stated in last week’s webcast, the attempt by Chancellor Merkel to pull together a “Jamaica Coalition” has collapsed, meaning that Germany will be without a real government at this time of opportunity, and crisis.

Join us on Thursday, for the weekly strategic strategic update from Mrs. LaRouche.

Webcast: Overcoming the Crisis Begins with Dumping Geopolitics and Neoliberalism

In order to put an end to the inter-related novel coronavirus pandemic crisis and the financial crisis, it is necessary to face up to the real cause of these crises: the nearly 50-year global proliferation of British imperial policies, especially the doctrines of geopolitics and neoliberal economics. From this vantage point, Helga Zepp LaRouche provided an urgently needed overview of recent developments. There have been some useful steps taken to address the crises, but there is “wishful thinking of the neoliberal establishment” that we can very soon return to what was considered normal three months ago, which would be a very dangerous decision.

But the “elephant in the room” is that the refusal to end the colonial policies in the developing sector, as enforced by the IMF, has endangered the majority of people living there, and threatens to be the basis for a return of the Corona Virus to the northern hemisphere in the fall. A total transformation of the global health system is essential, which includes plans for retooling the machine tool sector and manufacturing as a whole, and ending privatization and a system based on speculative profit, to meet the needs for such a system. Similarly, the fiasco surrounding the firing of Capt. Crozier by an acting Naval Secretary who insists we are “at war” with China shows that the war danger remains, as long as war-hawks such as Pompeo remain in the administration, and fools such as Bolton can spew their filth through the media. (Modly subsequently resigned, but Pompeo and Esper have not!)

There are those now coming forward who recognize that the system has failed, as for example former Banque de France Deputy Director Peltier, who called for a New Bretton Woods, and Tremonti from Italy and Sinn from Germany, who warned that the bailouts underway will unleash hyperinflation. Helga called on our viewers to register for the April 25-6 Schiller Institute conference, to be participants in changing the agenda, to join us in creating a more humane human race.

Webcast: Systems Are Manmade—You Can Change Them When One Breaks Down

In providing an overview of the devastating crisis facing mankind, Helga Zepp LaRouche reminded viewers that “Systems are manmade”, and can be changed when they break down. Her husband warned as early as 1973 that the global neoliberal system brought into existence when Nixon ended the Bretton Woods system, with its cheap labor, cheap raw material policies, and the speculative casino economy which emerged, would lead to new global pandemics. If you lower living standards, he said, lower life forms will take over.

Today’s dual virus attacks, from the coronavirus pandemic and the collapse of the financial system, confirm the accuracy of LaRouche’s warnings. What makes the situation worse is the moral arrogance of the West. Those pushing Green “solutions” today would condemn mankind to a genocide far worst than that of Hitler.

Yet, there is a real resistance to those policies. She described the passion of some young people on a youth conference call with her on Tuesday, as more than 70 people engaged in a discussion of how to go from the collapsed system of today, to a New Paradigm, by mobilizing with agape, and the powerful ideas of our movement. The conversations between President Trump and his counterparts in China and Russia represent a move in the right direction—join us in organizing for our international conference, to make sure these ideas come to fruition.

Webcast: President Trump’s Asia Trip and The New Paradigm

Thursday, November 16

To say that President Trump’s Asia trip was an historic success may be an understatement!  Though the highlight was his visit to Beijing and meetings with China’s President Xi Jinping, his meetings with other leaders, including his exchanges with President Putin, were productive.  In every event, he made explicit that the days when the U.S. acted as the enforcer of a unipolar empire are over.

Don’t be depressed or confused by the honking of the geese of the old establishment, with their lies and slanders against Trump and those who met with him.  These are only the hysterical squawks of those whose  collapsing world order is in its death throes.  They cannot succeed in stopping the momentum of the new dynamic unleashed in the world.  Let them squawk — we have to do our job, to ensure that they are defeated, and that the New Paradigm fully emerges.

What now?  Where do we go from here? Join Helga Zepp LaRouche on this week’s webcast, as she will provide an update on the strategic significance of Trump’s trip, and outline where we go from here.

If you missed last weeks webcast be sure to watch it.

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