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Webcast—The British Empire that Jailed LaRouche 30 Years Ago is Same Apparatus Assaulting the Trump Presidency Today!

Webcast—The British Empire that Jailed LaRouche 30 Years Ago is Same Apparatus Assaulting the Trump Presidency Today!

Thirty years ago, on January 27, 1989, Lyndon LaRouche and a number of his associates were imprisoned, in a case described by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark as the worst example of government persecution he had ever seen.  The networks responsible for this outrage are the same as those behind the regime change coup drive against President Trump, beginning with high level officials of British intelligence, who initiated the targeting of LaRouche and Trump, and including the same legal assassin, Robert Mueller.
In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche outlines why this network of British oligarchs has continued to “meddle” in U.S. affairs:  Why they are launching a coup in Venezuela; why they continue to attack China; how they are wrecking Europe, through their European Union operation; and how a New Paradigm is emerging, explicitly committed to replacing the era of imperial geopolitics.  The time is ripe for this New Paradigm, as is clear from the insurgency, from Brexit to the Yellow Jackets, which has put the Brits on the defensive.
Understanding Lyndon LaRouche’s intellectual guidance of this New Paradigm explains why he was targeted 30 years ago, and how the leadership of the Schiller Institute and its supporters is necessary today for it to succeed.

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