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Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Dialogue Urgently Needed to Address Ominous Signs of Turbulence to Come

The flames of international conflict and domestic polarization are being fanned at a moment when sober deliberation is needed, to address the interconnected crises confronting humanity. In the last days, on the eve of the Senate impeachment trial of former President Trump, representatives of the Military Industrial Complex have compared Trump supporters to ISIS and Al Qaeda members; warned that nuclear war with Russia and China is now “likely”; and are escalating Color Revolution scenarios against Russia and China. Join us this Saturday, when the Schiller Institute will sponsor a Round Table discussion at 1 PM EST, on achieving a dialogue among the great powers, with a decisive break from British-directed geopolitical provocations.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy – No.6

Beethoven and the Heroic Part 4: The Egmont Overture
Notes by Fred Haight

Part 4: The Egmont Overture

The cause of human liberty and freedom led political discussion around the late 18th-early 19th century, and the poets Goethe and Schiller collaborated to tell the story of Switzerland’s fight for freedom. In his play Wilhelm Tell, Schiller updated the “Rutli Oath” (taken in the year 1291), in a manner that echoed the U.S. Declaration of Independence, written almost 500 years later:

“No, there is a limit to the tyrant’s power, when the oppressed can find no justice, when the burden grows unbearable-he reaches with hopeful courage up unto the heavens and seizes hither his eternal rights, which hang above, inalienable and indestructible as the stars themselves.

It is no accident that Schiller’s played was staged, with Goethe directing, in 1804, the same year as Napoleon crowned himself emperor.

Both men also wrote about the 16th century fight for the independence of the Netherlands from Spain: Schiller in his “Don Carlos” and “History of the Revolt of the Netherlands”; and Goethe, in his play “Egmont”.

If you wish to see the level of brutality presented by the Spanish Inquisition in the Netherlands, examine Pieter Breughel’s 1562 painting, “The Triumph of Death”. (Painting below).

Count Egmont was a Dutch nobleman who sided both with his people and King Phillip of Spain. His peer, the much wiser William the Silent, fled Brussels, and warned him of potential betrayal by Spain’s treacherous Duke of Alba. Egmont foolishly accepted a dinner invitation to discuss his grievances with Alba. He was arrested at that dinner, and soon executed, along with 1,000 others in 1568.

Though Alba was seeking to dominate through a reign of terror, it backfired on him. “Sometimes a long train of usurpations and abuses, leads people to think that they have no recourse, but to throw off such government.”

Though not immediate, the execution of Egmont contributed to a popular uprising. Beethoven’s “Egmont” Overture to Goethe’s play, condenses the long historical process into one optimistic moment of change. Listen to this recording, and you will hear the representation of the public executions, beginning at 6:42, with the execution of Egmont coming at 7:02. After a moment of quiet sorrow and reflection, something begins to swell up, out of the silence. Beethoven’s magnificent ending displays the spirit of the people, rising up against tyranny.

Live event: Sanctions Are Killers, and Are Driving the World Away from the U.S. and the Dollar

Join us live on Saturday at 2pm EDT. Harley Schlanger and Mike Billington will join Dennis Speed for the Saturday TLO Webcast, while the G7 leaders are meeting inside the belly of the imperial beast in Cornwall. While the UK and the U.S. (under the Biden/Blinken regime) will attempt to unite the G7 behind war mobilizations against Russia and China and the Green New Deal destruction of the industrial economies and depopulation of the developing nations, TLO is both exposing the crime of sanctions, of the Great Reset, and of NATO’s effort to turn itself into an imperial world government, while mobilizing those of good will around the world to counter this emerging Dark Age with a new paradigm of cooperation based on the common aims of mankind.

Messages of Condolence on the Passing of Lyndon LaRouche (1922 – 2019)

Messages of condolence over the passing of Lyndon H. LaRouche, and of tribute to his life’s work, continue to pour in from around the world. The following is a small selection of the many received so far, as of February 24, 2019.


God bless him for his courage in the face of injustice and suffering.

Richard Black
Virginia State Senator
Virginia, U.S.A.

If you recently noticed a slight shiver in the continuum, it was the Universe reacting to the passing of one of the greatest minds in American history. Lyndon LaRouche, by far the most adept political economist since Alexander Hamilton, passed into eternity on Tuesday the 12th of February, 2019. He extolled the virtues of the American System of Political Economy decade after decade. His writings will influence thoughtful political economists for generations to come, and will therefore remain integral to the American Experiment for years, perhaps centuries, to come.

He got the Gestapo treatment from British Liberals in the swamp, compelled to do so by their British masters, and was prosecuted by Robert Swan Mueller III, who used tenuous evidence and extortion of witnesses to make his case. This is the same Robert Swan Mueller III who protected potential Saudi terrorists on behalf of George W. Bush, and family.

Donald Trump openly promoted elements of the American System of Political Economy in his campaign, and the System itself upon election. Hardly a surprise he has been targeted by the same swamp creatures, and their handlers in the British ruling class. And by nearly identical tactics. The difference of course is that Donald Trump is the duly elected President of the United States. This marks the swamp creatures as traitors and their handlers in London as enemies of the state.

It remains to be seen if justice will be served and the American System of Hamilton, Lincoln, and Lyndon LaRouche prevails. If it does, that would be a living memorial to the great mind that passed from us.

Joe Cope
Former Meteorologist, NOAA
Maryland, U.S.A.

May Mr. Lyndon LaRouche Rest in Peace! He gave his very best to mankind!

My sympathies are conveyed to you at this very sad time! You as others have lost a fine mentor, teacher and very close friend.

Be well my friends and do keep the distinguished legacy of Mr. LaRouche alive for many years to come with your having good health and much career satisfaction in your devotion to this fine human being and for all which he represented.

Sherwood (Woody) Goldberg
(ret.) Colonel, U.S. Army, Bronze Star
Former Associate Professor, U.S. Military Academy, West Point, N.Y.
Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

So sorry to hear the sad news today. My sympathies to all who loved and worked with him. But so angry to read those obits. For a minute I considered posting comments, but then came to my senses. Nothing will change the Official Narrative, or the views of people whose minds were inculcated with lies from decades of negative press. At least all the photos I’ve seen, had him looking good; the WSJ’s was even in color.

Three times I saw him speak in person; the first was almost a life-changing event. He was magnificent!

Clark Johnsen
Retired NASA scientist
Massachusetts, U.S.A.

I am glad to have met him and enjoy the hospitality of his home. I respected his efforts to make this world a better place than when he came into it.

Please tell Helga that I am always sorrowful when any brave humanitarian leaves this earth. It took bravery and courage for both she and he to speak to power all over this world. I am sorry for her personal loss and I hope time will heal the grief she is now experiencing. I wish her the best and may God continue to strengthen her to continue the fight against the evil and manipulation that is being perpetrated in this world.

Aaron V. Leathers
Virginia, U.S.A.


Dear Mrs. LaRouche,

It came as a great shock to read the heartbreaking news about the passing of Mr. Lyndon LaRouche–a Titan of thought, an Encyclopedic figure, a great soul in his love for humanity and the ardent supporter of the Chinese One Belt One Road Initiative.

The concept of the Belt and Road Initiative is making a contribution to global governance theory. This concept reflects the canon of a new global governance theory, and it has provided tangible theoretical support for a new type of world order. Actually, we are looking forward to a new mode of thinking, when we are dealing with international and global affairs. In order to change the decades-long irrational global governance system, and to make the global governance system and the global order more sound and healthy. Mr. LaRouche and his wife Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as early as the 1990s, had come up with a new idea about building a tunnel under the Bering Strait, as well as establishing a Eurasian Land-Bridge to connect the world, so that people of all countries and continents can benefit from this new connection. So common prosperity is the basis for a new global governance system.

These two dignitaries, who have been making contributions to the establishment of a new global order and a new system of global governance, have paid special attention to the role of China and Asia in establishing this kind of new order. Now we have a common consensus in the world that the New Silk Road is only the first step of economic integration of the world and the first light in the darkness on the road toward a new human civilization.

Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, you were a most reliable friend of Chinese people and they will never forget you,

Sr. Col. (ret.) Bao Shixiu
Professor of Military Affairs and Senior Research Fellow
Academy of Military Sciences
Beijing, China

I’m greatly shocked and in deep sorrow after hearing the news of the death of Mr. Lyndon H. LaRouche. I believe that Mr. Lyndon H. LaRouche, as a famous writer and political activist, his efforts in social justice will be remembered and admired forever. Though I know this is a great loss to you and the institute, I sincerely hope that you can restrain your grief and recover from it soon.

Wang Zhen
Professor, China Studies Institute
Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
Shanghai, China


“A Great Thinker of Our Time,” Lyndon LaRouche, has left us. He was a titan of thought, a man of incredibly encyclopedic knowledge, great soul, and love for humanity.

He will always remain in our memory as an ardent fighter for mankind’s happy future, based on implementation of the principles of physical economy—a realistic school of economic thought, directed towards the creation of material benefits and the conditions for socioeconomic development.

In contrast to the libertarian tendency that today dominates mainstream economic ideology, in the interests of the world financial oligarchy, Lyndon LaRouche developed genuine economic science in the interests of the development of the productive forces of mankind. His concept of a Eurasian development bridge from Western Europe to Russia’s Far East, and onward to Alaska and the U.S.A., could become a real alternative to today’s hybrid world war. LaRouche foresaw the Russophobic aggression of the American ruling elite and warned of its ruinous consequences, insisting on broad international cooperation for the creation of transcontinental development corridors.

LaRouche forecast the inevitable onset of a global financial crisis, many years before it arrived. LaRouche’s famous curve [the Triple Curve], depicting the growing gap between the volume of real output and that of financial speculation, was a serious warning for all economists who were really thinking. It turned out that not only in Russia, but also in the U.S.A., “no one is a prophet in his own country.” Instead of being recognized, LaRouche was persecuted by the American financial oligarchy, who imprisoned him on false charges.

I remember one of the leaders of the Brookings Institution urging me, in a whisper, not to have any contact with LaRouche, so as not to spoil my reputation. For me, who had come to the U.S.A. to take part in a scientific forum on issues of developing democratic institutions in the post-Soviet region, this was shocking. From then on, I started closely reading LaRouche’s publications and attending conferences he organized. And I must acknowledge that his presentations were often a ray of light in the kingdom of darkness and hypocrisy, which had seized the public mind of “progressive” mankind.

EIR magazine, published by LaRouche, was a guidebook through the dark corridors of the Western ruling elite, exposing the hidden springs of the world financial oligarchy’s antihuman policies. Tracing the fonts of its origin from the time of the sack of the Byzantine Empire, he described the eternal struggle against that worldwide evil, which is incarnate in the oligarchical clans of capitalism in the West. Many of the recurrences of racism, Nazism and fascism, and religious extremism, which we observe in the world today, cannot be explained without LaRouche’s investigations, which were striking in their historical depth.

LaRouche enjoyed enormous respect among the expert community in many countries around the world. I have had the opportunity to meet his supporters in India, Latin America, China, Africa, and, of course, in Europe and the CIS countries. One would hope for this international expert community, inspired by the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche, to be preserved. Today those ideas are coming to life in a new world economic paradigm, which we call “integral,” for it unites the interests of the peoples of various countries in the harmonious development of humanity.

Sergei Glazyev 
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Adviser to the President of the Russian Federation
Moscow, Russia

Dear Mrs. LaRouche,

It was with big sorrow that we read the sad news about the demise of Professor Lyndon H. LaRouche—a great scholar, scientist, and economist, a champion of justice and fair global order, an irreconcilable fighter against the predatory and marauding behavior in international politics and economy, as well as a good and long-standing friend of our RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies.

I was not fortunate enough to have the pleasure and honor of meeting Professor LaRouche personally, but my more lucky colleagues remember his energy, enthusiasm, an excellent sense of humor, while all of us, including myself, have been impressed by his extraordinary insight, sharp judgments on the most acute issues of the world affairs, and his great wisdom.

Alas, the world has suffered a grievous loss. Please, accept our word of condolence, and extend it to Schiller Institute. We are convinced that you and your colleagues will continue the great cause of Lyndon LaRouche and win his battle.

The Academic Council and all scholars of the IFES join me in wishing you the moral strength to live through your husband’s demise and to be able to work further on so that to realize his legacy.

Prof. Dr. Sergei G. Luzianin
Director, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Far Eastern Studies
Moscow, Russia

We were very saddened by the bitter news about the passing of Lyndon LaRouche, the founder and inspirer of the Schiller Institute. We would like to express our deepest condolences to Helga Zepp-LaRouche, as well as to the relatives and colleagues. We are convinced that the paradigm of international, political, and economical intervention that he had proposed will be further developed by his apprentices and associates.

H.E. Ambassador Vassily A. Nebenzia
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the United Nations
(Presented by Counsellor Theodore Strzhizhovskiy at the Feb. 16, 2019 Schiller Institute conference in Morristown, N.J., as part of a longer presentation to that gathering.)


I met Lyndon LaRouche on two, maybe three, occasions—some three decades ago now—when he came to India.

To me Mr. LaRouche came across as an old-style American whose life mission was to get America back (after the disruptions of the Second and Cold Wars) to its founding anti-colonial Constitutional roots.

He had little time for the so-called “New Economy” of making money by being middle-men in mere information circulation. In any case he saw nothing in such mega-enterprises that negated what he considered the political philosophy of the real American economy: Alexander Hamilton’s “Report on Manufactures.”

Indeed, information circulation and management should be recognised only for what they are: facilitators and catalysers of the real economy of infrastructure build—particularly in the post-colonial countries—and manufacture, particularly of capital equipment, powered by clean nuclear energy.

I mentioned his name to a visiting American businessman with a liberal social persuasion, who exclaimed: “LaRouche is so far on the Right, he is on the Left.”

“Ah! Like Gandhi you mean,” said I.

Dr. V. Siddhartha
Senior Associate, National Institute of
Advanced Studies, Bangalore
Emeritus Scientist, Defence Research and
Development Organisation

Lyndon H. LaRouche, or Lyn as he was known to his many admirers across continents, was a man of amazing erudition, versatility, and charm that he used only when he chose to turn it on. He was a giant among men both in his physical stature and supreme self-confidence, along with his soaring intellect.

It is difficult to classify Lyn because there were few persons like him that I had the pleasure to come across in my life. He was prescient. His opponents realised it only after the event. The problem with Lyn was also that he could not suffer fools. Nor was he sparing in his acerbic comments when the speaker during a presentation did not come to the point or tended to wander off. To those who did not know him, Lyn was not easy to get on with him. To his admirers, he was up there.

He will be sorely missed by his countless admirers Lyn, we will continue to miss you till we draw breath.

Major General (ret.) Vinod Saighal
Former, Director General Military Training,
Indian Army
Author of several books, including the 1998, Third Millennium Equipoise
New Delhi, India


I’ve received your message with the sad news of the passing of LaRouche, at 96 years of age, and please accept my deepest condolences. He had a long life and kept up his intense work to the very last day, leaving behind a testament to his multifaceted work in the areas of the humanities, scientific thought, economics, politics and foreign affairs. Without doubt, those who worked with him in these endeavors will continue his work. Please transmit to Helga my most sincere condolences and a warm embrace.

Leopoldo Frenkel
Former Mayor of Buenos Aires

I have just learned of the passage to eternity of our great teacher Lyndon LaRouche. Now he is present in the pantheon of those thinkers who were decisive for humanity. Our mission now is to be the apostles of his ideas, and continuers of his studies of physical economy, which reigns over the universe, in contrast to the speculative economy which is the Apocalypse.

Ever present with you, and with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, to whom I ask that you transmit my most heartfelt condolences.

Dr. Julio C. Gonzalez 
Former Secretary to the Presidency of Isabel Martínez de Perón, 1974-1976
Buenos Aires, Argentina

To the entire LaRouche team, and especially to Sra. Helga, I send my most heartfelt condolences. It is so hard to accept that a statesman, Our Teacher, will no longer be with us physically, but yet his ideas have triumphed. God rewarded him, prolonging his life so he could appreciate his success. Now we must continue the fight which Don Lyndon led, which will be our excellent homage to him, who dedicated his brilliant intelligence and his entire life so that mankind could find the correct path toward peace and happiness. My fraternal greetings to the entire LaRouche team, and my deepest respect for Sra. Helga.

Hector Salvi
Former Governor of the Province of Santa Fe


Dear Helga:

Noelene and I, personally, and on behalf of our organization and our many, many members, wish to pass on our heartfelt condolences on hearing the sad news that Lyn passed away after a long and truly extraordinary life of 96 years. For the last 30 years, following the formation of our organization, Lyn’s personality and inspired understanding of history, physical economy, science, philosophy, culture and statecraft, and most importantly, his vision for humanity, have guided and sustained us in becoming more creative individuals capable of freeing our nation and the world from the evils of oligarchism. His life’s work will continue to guide us, as Lyn does indeed live in the simultaneity of eternity, along with his many friends and collaborators throughout ages past and those yet to come.

Again, our deepest sympathy.

Craig and Noelene Isherwood
On behalf of the Citizens Electoral Council
Melbourne, Australia


Dear Helga,

Edith and I were very saddened to learn that Lyndon is no longer with us and would like to express to you our deepest sympathy and condolences. However, his work and his contributions to humanity remain with us and must continue to be promoted to the world. I am reading his book about the next fifty years and I am positively impressed by his vision. During discussions that we had with Lyndon on the margins of last year’s conference of the Schiller Institute, he showed the practical solutions that he proposed to solve the problems facing humanity today. His legacy must continue to be explained and consolidated for the benefit of the world. We are at your disposal to help in any way possible.

Our thoughts are with you in these very difficult moments that you are going through. With all our sympathy and affection.

Leonidas Chrysanthopoulos
Ambassador {ad honorem}

Dear Dr. Helga Zepp LaRouche,

I was sorry to hear about the loss of a truly remarkable personality as Lyndon H. LaRouche has been. His work will remain with us all as an inspiration of a truly resilient spirit, which, as a source of sanity, propagated a way to recovery and renewal for our saturated political and economic system.

Besides his truly strategic analyses, he also stressed the role of culture, music, and philosophy as part of a unified approach to better improve our understanding of our current situation.

If I may suggest, there is a need for an International Conference in a key European Capital to articulate the work of Lyndon LaRouche and the principles he devoted his life for. This I believe will be a Mnemosynon [monument], as his ideas will be in dialog with the Future, which is already here.

As Europe is in turmoil, the work of Lyndon H. LaRouche will find its way as a peaceful way to social development and ecumenical dialog. Please accept my Condolences.

Prof. George O. Tsobanoglou, PhD Carleton
University of the Aegean, Mytilini


It is with deep sorrow that I learned about the departure of our “father” Lyndon LaRouche. I say “our father” because he took my hand to make me understand the universality of the economy as basis of civilian society and for the development of peoples. Lyndon taught me physical economy, geopolitics, the connection between economics, development and the universe.

Lyndon was a person you would love as he loved humanity.

We had the honor of having him in Ascoli Piceno back in the year 2000. Still today, people remember that American politician who would formulate always exact economic and political forecasts.

Thank you, Lyn, for everything you gave us. You will stay in our hearts and our minds in the hope that your economic writings soon become University and universal textbooks.

You won’t meet Bush in Paradise, but I am sure that with Thomas Aquinas, Gauss, Leonardo, you will have much to say and will keep inspiring us on Earth with your writings which are real pearls of wisdom.

Thank you, Lyn, you will always be an example to follow, an example of morality and commitment to thy neighbor. We will never cease to love you. Farewell.

Francesco Caprioli
Former Provincial President, Confapi (Association of Small Enterprises)
Ascoli Piceno, Italy

I offer my greeting and my memorial to a giant of politics and the world economy, who yesterday unfortunately left us. Those who know me, will have heard me mention it in more than one place, private and public, mainstream or not. I’m talking about Lyndon LaRouche. A very heavy name only to be cited, because today’s emblem of a very strict historical judgment towards the amour global elite. Lyn has dedicated a life to fighting this, against his inhuman conceptions of the same idea of Man, as the Malthusian ones advocated by geo-political environmentalism. Plato, Cusano, Schiller, Leibniz, some of the figures that inspired the political-philosophical thought. The American system of political economy, as last resumed by Franklin Roosevelt, has inspired economic thought. The Florentine Renaissance was considered by him as a model to inspire a cultural rebirth of humanity.

But the most important ideas that inspired thought are, in short: the idea of Man made in the image and likeness of God; the equality of every human being and the right of everyone to an integral development; the concept of the Common Good as the only polar star to have to guide politics; the concept of potential relative demographic density, which he devised, as a technical concept worthy of inspiring economic action; the defense of the nation-state, as an immediate and authentic expression of democracy.

His disappearance today makes no public noise, despite his seven candidacies for the U.S. presidency, for the ostracism to which today’s cultural complex has forced him, such that only lovers of Truth, have got in key “anti-wikipediana,” to know the thought and the work. However, its role in the history of Humanity, has produced, is producing and will produce effects in a humanistic, republican and universal brotherhood, of which the emerging clash between elites and peoples, is only the first taste.

His extraordinary collaborators, thanks to the authoritativeness of the thought to whose training Lyn himself has contributed, will bring forward the thought and the work.

Claudio Giudicci
National Chairman of Uritaxi, the taxi drivers’ union

My heartfelt condolences for the loss of your leader and of the person who has inspired the precious activity of the movement. I will gladly read, like usual, the material you gave me, in the belief that even if the physical person has left us, your movement will be able to keep alive and spread his intellectual legacy and his ideas for the development of a better world.

Please forward my embrace to all members of the movement, who today have lost a major leader.

Marco Zanni
Member of the European Parliament


OMG! I am utterly shocked and devastated by this news, especially at this critical time of global crisis. Please convey my deepest condolences to Helga and the family and entire {EIR} team. His wisdom will surely live on but, his courage, indomitable spirit and strength will be sorely missed. History will judge him as a giant, way above his peers on all critical issues for the last five decades or more. Lyndon had a huge impact on my struggles and his and your unjust imprisonment was the mental template for me to emulate and adopt during those critical days when I was unjustly incarcerated as a terrorist and when I was also on hunger strike. The weight was made lighter for me when I felt and appreciated that what Lyndon and you went through in prison was a thousand times worse and more cruel to your humanity and dignity. I therefore, thank you and Lyndon for
the inspiration.

I am lost for words, so the above eulogy is the best that I can do for the moment as it is just too much to absorb the news of his passing. I seek your indulgence for any inadequacy and omissions.

As ever,
Matthias Chang
Lawyer, former advisor to Prime Minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad


Today, the Philippine LaRouche Society joins millions around the world in mourning the loss of a truly great man. Lyndon LaRouche is God’s gift to modern man, the most intelligent and morally courageous human being I have ever had the privilege of meeting in my entire life. As many great men in the past, the magnitude of his contribution to humanity, his true greatness, will be realized globally, only after his death.

Sharing his genius in teaching contemporary man how to think, how to discover truth, how to study history, how the future determines the present, that we human beings are immortal, having been created in His image and likeness, and how important it is to share all we know with our fellow men in a spirit of agape@am, so that each of us can discover the very reason why God has created us in the first place.

Lyndon LaRouche may have left his physical existence, but he lives on through us, as we share his ideas as our own, with the same unselfish intention of improving the quality of life of every human being on this planet.

I thank God for Lyndon LaRouche. We pray that modern man has learned well enough from him, not to self-destruct.

Rest in peace, Lyn … in God’s eternal embrace.

Antonio “Butch” “Valdes
Save the Nation Movement, Citizen National Guard, Katipunan ng Demogratikong Pilipino (KDP)
Manila, Philippines


The death of our leader, Mr. Lyndon LaRouche, has left us in deep sorrow and sadness. We are at our weakest hour in spirit, but at the same time, we draw strength from having had him as our leader. We will carry the cross forward.

Forward ever, backward never.

I came to know of Lyndon LaRouche’s work while he was in prison. This shows that even a prison could not silence him. Two of our associates from South Africa visited him in prison. Even then the British empire could not break his spirit. I met him later in Germany, in 2007.

“Heroes on the battlefield, cowards at home. I saw this. It disgusted me.” This is how Lyn responded to a question fielded by an African-American, who was being ostracised for being around Lyn. Being associated with Lyndon LaRouche and his ideas is dangerous. He went through his Gethsemane and survived to continue the fight against the evil oligarchy.

Lyn may be gone, but he taught us a lot to be able to carry on. The fight for mankind continues. Lyn, a lover of mankind, really implanted in us the spirit of mankind. He loved humanity including Africans. He was colour blind. His yearning was, “Why shouldn’t the first person on Mars, be an African woman?

One can never forget the spotlight he put on Africa over the Burundi and Rwanda killings, The Lagos Plan of Action, Transaqua and nuclearisation of Africa. He was more African than the Africans, one could say.

At 96 he has scored a perfect score. His Maker has called him because he has passed his examination. For us B graders, who are not bright students, we are still working. We will keep on working until we pass our examination. Let us work very hard to accomplish what Lyn has been doing all his life.

I smell immortality in Lyn. Really A TALENT WELL SPENT.
On behalf of Africa, May his soul rest in peace. He has really left his footprint on the sands of time.

Ramasimong Tsokolibane
Leader of LaRouche South Africa
South Africa
[LaRouche South Africa will hold a memorial ceremony.]


I have learnt about the passing of Lyndon LaRouche with lots of sorrow that the world has lost the greatest genius we had ever known. Lyn had largely contributed to the development of the Kra Canal project. He came to Thailand several times to promote the project which is now considered as part of Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its construction would be soon taking place.

What impressed me and Sophie with Lyn was that he was the one who taught us about arts and sciences, that they are one and the same thing. The idea opens doors for wisdom, beauty, coherent and scientific thinking, and we have learnt a lot.

Sophie and I would like on this occasion to present the deepest condolence to Helga LaRouche for the passing of Lyndon LaRouche, the world genius of all time.

Pakdee and Sophie Tanapura
Development policy advocates
Bangkok, Thailand


Lyndon LaRouche, the outstanding scholar, economist and humanitarian on a planetary scale, has passed away in his 97th year.

There are not many people in the world, whose work is recognized worldwide. Lyndon LaRouche, the American economist, politician, statesman, and founder of several organizations, which made up the movement bearing his name, earned a place among them.

Lyndon LaRouche has gone down in history as the author of the theory of “physical economy,” as against monetarist conceptions of world government. He creatively developed the legacy of Gottfried Leibniz, who had founded physical economy as a science, as well as the work of Benjamin Franklin and Alexander Hamilton. LaRouche was an unflagging fighter against the policies of the IMF, the WTO, and the World Bank, exposing their true essence as institutions of globalization that demolish national economies and thus destroy genuine national sovereignty. He greatly respected U.S. President Abraham Lincoln (and he died on Lincoln’s birthday, 12 February) as expressing the interests of the entire American people. At the same time, LaRouche spared no criticism for the contemporary {pleiad} of American Presidents, whom he considered puppets of international behind-the-scenes forces, who had bred injustice, conflicts, and wars both in the U.S.A. and in the world as a whole.

Promoting the implementation of his beliefs and ideas, Lyndon LaRouche ran for President of the U.S.A. eight times (from 1976 through 2004). Understandably, the authorities tried to discredit him, as a politician they had no use for, and to put him away in prison. Accordingly, LaRouche was sentenced to 15 years behind bars in 1989, on trumped-up charges of fraud. But his release came about in five years, after hundreds of thousands of scientists, politicians, statesmen and public figures from all continents came out in defense of Lyn (as Lyndon LaRouche is called by his supporters). Vladimir Romanovich Marchenko and I, as People’s Deputies of Ukraine, 2nd convocation of the Supreme Rada, when we had not yet met Lyn personally, but knew of his work and were publicizing his doctrine, signed a petition in his defense.

LaRouche’s attorney Ramsey Clark, the former U.S. Attorney General, stated that his case had been an unprecedented abuse of power by the U.S. Government, in its attempts to destroy the LaRouche organization.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, whom Lyn married, was a leading activist in the German branch of the LaRouche movement. In 1984, inspired by his ideas and support, she founded the Schiller Institute. Now there are subsidiaries of the Institute and activists of the LaRouche movement on all continents, constituting an intellectual elite in opposition to the mouthpieces of the established world order.

Among the outstanding scientific forecasts of LaRouche are his 1959-60 forecast of the monetary and credit upheavals that would result from the break-up of the Bretton Woods system, his 2007 prediction of the impending world economic crisis, and, in 2010, his forecast of the inexorable collapse of the financial system as a result of speculative financial bubbles (derivatives).

I was very lucky to know Lyn personally. I had come to the attention of his supporters, because in April 1994 I defended my doctoral dissertation in economics, a thorough critique of reforms conducted according to IMF prescriptions. In February 1995, already, Vladimir Marchenko and I flew to the United States at LaRouche’s invitation, for a conference of the LaRouche movement (he was now out of prison). The more than a thousand participants of that conference were a powerful force of fighters against the IMF’s “financial fascism.” That was how LaRouche defined the essence of the IMF’s operations. I was simultaneously shocked and inspired. I believed that Ukraine, too, could be saved from such enslavement. In fairness it should be noted, that even earlier I had tried to preempt the catastrophe, attempting to explain the true nature of the IMF to members of the Socialist Party (of which I had been a leader since 1991), to [Socialist Party head] Moroz as the Speaker of the Parliament, and to the deputies in the majority Group of 239. They didn’t listen to me.

Then Marchenko and I decided to invite the LaRouche people (and Lyn himself, along with Helga) to Ukraine. In the spring of 1995, leading LaRouche movement activists Michael Vitt (Germany) and Dennis Small (U.S.A.) came, and we organized meetings for them with the Political Council of the Socialist Party and the Socialist MPs. In early Summer 1995 Lyndon LaRouche and Helga came. We organized a meeting for them with Alexander Moroz. Lyn offered devastating arguments against the IMF. And all to no avail! The Bible wisely tells us not to cast pearls before swine. At that time everything was in the hands of Moroz and the Communist-Socialist majority in Parliament. It would still have been possible to save our country. We should have immediately exited the IMF and implemented the “Foundations of Domestic and Foreign Policy,” drafted by a group of Ukrainian scientists under my leadership. The Parliament supported this document on 15 June 1994. It provided the basis for implementing the “Economic Program to Prevent a National Catastrophe,” likewise drafted by the group of Ukrainian scientists I led, which I presented in the Supreme Rada on 11 October 1995.

Everything could have been changed! But at the time all those Morozes decided to turn a deaf ear not only to me, but also to the great LaRouche. And then they kept driveling and raving on with their nonsense, while endlessly running for President of Ukraine.

LaRouche tried to save Ukraine. He tried to save the entire planet. He mercilessly criticized the “greens” (showing their ties with the world oligarchy) and upheld the advantages of nuclear power as a necessary precondition for technological progress, and he put forward mind-boggling ideas (ahead of China) for creating international transport corridors, and ideas on organizing flights to Mars and obtaining new sources of energy. He put forward the idea of using “Star Wars” as a defense of our planet against cosmic cataclysms. Actually, LaRouche’s ideas on this have been turned on their head, with the notion of annihilating earthlings from space. And Lyndon LaRouche proposed much, much more during his long life.

Vladimir Marchenko and I visited Lyn at home in the U.S.A. and at Helga’s home in Germany (they maintained two residences for more than 40 years), and attended many conferences they organized. And always (always!), meeting Lyn and Helga was a great event in my life, which would give me a colossal charge of energy for continuing the struggle (difficult, dangerous, and exhausting as it has been) to save Ukraine from enslavement by the world government, and from the impoverishment and physical destruction of our people.

The last time we met with Lyn and Helga was in November of 2017 at a Schiller Institute conference in Germany. Now Helga has been left alone … I offer my most sincere condolences on this irreparable loss. Thank you, our great Lyn!
You lived a long, and extraordinarily vivid and full life. Humanity will not forget you! And the looming world catastrophe, which will be a hundred times more destructive than previous upheavals, will inevitably make people recognize the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche and implement them.

The LaRouche movement cannot be stopped.

P.S. On 14 February 2019 the Progressive Socialists of the Kiev city organization of the PSPU held a moment of silence in memory of Lyndon LaRouche at their party meeting.

Dr. Natalia Vitrenko, Doctor of Economics
Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine
People’s Deputy of Ukraine, II and III convocations of the Supreme Rada (1995-2002)
Kiev, Ukraine


As we commiserate you for the loss of your husband and your journey’s companion, we, here in Yemen, remember with gratitude Mr. Lyndon LaRouche’s stances in support of our nation’s just cause in the face of the barbaric aggression waged against our nation, and his eagerness to see our Yemen thrive in peace and security on the basis of LaRouche’s keys of economic development and progress that have been adopted by the BRICS.
Our solace is that the memory of Lyndon LaRouche will remain fragrant in our country through the beautiful impact he has had on building the character of a group of BRICS youth here.

H. E. Engineer Hisham Sharaf
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Yemen in Sana’a

Dearest Mrs. Helga LaRouche,

Please accept sincere condolences for the great loss of Mr. Lyndon LaRouche from all his Yemeni friends, large number of youths and the small students in the Model Language School who study his (Lyndon LaRouche’s) matrix for the progress of BRICS countries.

Together here with my wife, son and daughter, along our Yemeni ancient “Gum and Spice Road,” send to you this message after receiving many messages from senior officials in Yemen, especially H.E. Hisham Sharaf, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and H.E. Eng. Khaled Sharaf Al-Deen, the Vice chairman of the Yemeni General Investment Authority.

Lyndon LaRouche was the source of inspiration for us in our youth. We had wished that I or any of the members of my Youth Cabinet would have had the chance to visit him during the last 4 years, but the barbaric attack of the Saudi coalition on Yemen has prevented us from seeing the ones we love!

I have learned a lot from Mr. LaRouche. He is all around us in our thoughts, actions and materials, especially our Operation Felix report, the happy miracle of reconstruction of Yemen and connection to the Belt and Road report, and our Cabinet logo. His thoughts have given us all what we need from One Man to One Mankind.

Thanks for the great army that he left for us in Yemen towards the world land-bridge and the PolyGlobal Universe, the army of Ideas!

I know that no amount words can compensate your loss, but all I can say for now and always is that you are the wife of the winner LaRouche, and that your life partnership with him was the prize!

Fouad Al Ghaffari
President of the Yemeni BRICS & Sdgs Cabinet

China Constructs a Mobile Covid-testing Lab in Ten Hours, Capable of One Million Tests/Day

The Chinese take their public health pretty seriously. When the coronavirus pops up in a locale, certainly there is quarantining, and then tracing all the contacts. But mass testing in a few days, whether of a confined neighborhood or of a metropolis of millions, is par for the course.  

Guangzhou, a city of 18 million, found their first case of the highly contagious delta variant two weeks ago. Prior to that, they had been averaging about 2 new cases/day of the regular strain, and zero cases on May 24. But on May 26, there was a ‘spike’ of 14 cases, and the public health authorities sprang into action. From May 26 to June 7, about 29 million tests were conducted, where 119 people were found to be infected, seven of which were asymptomatic cases. They are confident that they can surround and finish off the invading enemy virus. 

Their massive testing capacity, over two million tests per day, was achieved with the aid of a new, quick-to-assemble mobile testing lab, capable of a million tests per day. The “Huo-Yan Air Lab” can be flown in, transported on a truck, and erected/inflated in ten hours. (Note the time-lapse video) The P2-level lab has an automated nucleic acid extraction robot. 

Developed by BGI and Etopia, it has already been exported to a dozen countries, including Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Togo, Benin, Gabon, and Kazakhstan. BGI first used an inflatable structure for fighting the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. “Huo-Yan” means “fire-eye.” It refers to the power of the legendary Monkey King to detect evil hidden beneath covers – or, in this case, the presence of the coronavirus. A spray is being developed to ‘concretize’ the walls, in case it is desired to make the temporary structure more permanent. The same team is working on an inflatable COVID hospital ward design.

Meeting and beating a crisis can be an inspiration.

The required measures to defeat the enemy virus globally will be discussed at the upcoming international Schiller Institute conference.

For the Common Good of all People, not the Rules Benefiting the Few!

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference, June 26/ 27, 2021

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Beethoven: Sparks of Joy – No. 5

Notes by Margaret Scialdone

Beethoven: Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel

Legend has it that during a rehearsal of one of his quartets, a violinist complained that the music was incomprehensible – to which Beethoven replied, “Oh, it is not for you, but for a later age”.

The beautiful “Abendlied unterm gestirnten Himmel” (Evening Song under a Starry Sky), speaks of a soul yearning to break free of the limits of space and time. It’s beautifully sung by Peter Schreier, accompanied by András Schiff.

Wenn die Sonne niedersinket,
Und der Tag zur Ruh sich neigt,
Luna freundlich leise winket,
Und die Nacht herniedersteigt

Wenn die Sterne prächtig schimmern,
Tausend Sonnenstrahlen flimmern:
Fühlt die Seele sich so groß,
Windet sich vom Staube los.

Schaut so gern nach jenen Sternen,
Wie zurück ins Vaterland,
Hin nach jenen lichten Fernen,
Und vergißt der Erde Tand;

Will nur ringen, will nur streben,
Ihre Hülle zu entschweben:
Erde ist ihr eng und klein,
Auf den Sternen möcht sie sein.

Ob der Erde Stürme toben,
Falsches Glück den Bösen lohnt
Hoffend blicket sie nach oben,
Wo der Sternenrichter thront.

Keine Furcht kann sie mehr quälen,
Keine Macht kann ihr befehlen;
Mit verklärtem Angesicht,
Schwingt sie sich zum Himmelslicht.

Eine leise Ahnung schauert
Mich aus jenen Welten an;
Lange nicht mehr dauert
Meine Erdenpilgerbahn,

Bald hab ich das Ziel errungen,
Bald zu euch mich aufgeschwungen,
Ernte bald an Gottes Thron
Meiner Leiden schönen Lohn.

English Translation

When the Sun sinks downward
And the day inclines toward rest,
Luna, friendly, gently beckons,
And Night climbs downward.

When the stars shimmer magnificently,
A thousand sunbeams flicker:
Then the soul feels itself so great,
Pulls itself upward, out of the dust.

It loves so much to look toward those stars,
As if looking toward its homeland,
Out toward those distant bright things,
And forgets the world’s foibles;

It wants only to struggle, to strive,
To rise up above its mortal shell:
For it, the Earth is too confined, too small;
On the stars is where it wants to be.

Though storms rage on Earth,
False fortune rewarding evil,
It reaches up, filled with hope,
Where the starry judge has His throne.

No fear will then torment it,
No power can then command it;
Its visage transfigured,
It swings itself up to the heavenly light.

A quiet premonition sends me shivers
From those distant worlds;
It won’t be long before
My earthly pilgrimage comes to an end.

Soon I will have reached the goal,
Soon swung myself up to you,
And, on God’s throne, I’ll reap
My sufferings’ beautiful reward.

(translation by John Sigerson)

China Working Out Logistics for Global Distribution of COVID Vaccine

Chinese vaccine companies are working through how to get their COVID-19 vaccines distributed to less developed countries around the world as soon as they are available—hopefully by mid-December. A Nov. 3 report in China’s {Global Times} poses some of the huge physical economic challenges involved. The report is a reminder that getting the vaccines needed to end the pandemic to the poorer countries can only be accomplished if leading industrial nations–the United States, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, etc.–cooperate in a crash program to build the physical and medical infrastructure required for distribution, as part of a world health system. Cooperation between President Trump’s Warp Speed project and China’s efforts would be particularly important.

Glyn Hughes, head of cargo for the International Air Transport Association, told the Global Times that “COVID-19 vaccine distribution will be unlike any previous logistical challenge. It will need to reach nearly 200 countries in a relatively short time frame and will need to move in a safe and secure manner to ensure full compliance with cool chain temperature requirements.” According to a DHL international courier service report cited by {Global Times}, meeting global COVID-19 vaccine needs will require up to 200,000 pallet shipments and 15 million deliveries in cooling boxes, as well as 15,000 flights across supply chain set-ups.

Vaccines are delicate. The WHO estimates that up to 50% of all vaccines may be wasted globally every year due to temperature control, logistics and shipment-related issues, {GT} pointed out. The three major Chinese companies working on COVID-19 vaccines therefore are assuming that they will have to arrange for the transportation and logistics of getting vaccines into many nations in Southeast Asia, Africa and Ibero-America asking to receive their vaccines.

The cold-chain requirement is a huge challenge. As Hughes put it: “The air cargo supply chain is complex in normal conditions. When you then include the additional challenges of cool chain requirements associated with least developed countries, that complexity is magnified…. Airport infrastructure is one area that will require close scrutiny to ensure that vaccines are flown into appropriate facilities. In-country supply chains will also need to be upgraded in many developing nations to ensure the temperature integrity is maintained throughout the journey from production to injection.”

Frozen vaccine packages are usually effective for five days, Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products, which manufactures vaccines and biological products, told the Global Times. A transnational shipment might take at least two or three days from packing to landing, but the difficulties of transit within countries may mean it may take longer, posing a bigger challenge for temperature-monitoring systems and storage space.           

Dubai demonstrates the kind of global mobilization underway. Emirates SkyCargo is working at top speed to establish the world’s first dedicated airside cargo hub for the vaccine. Emirates SkyCentral DWC reported to {GT} that it “has more than 4,000 square meters set aside for temperature-controlled, GDP-certified dedicated pharmaceutical storage, allowing for large-scale storage and distribution of the potential COVID-19 vaccines. Overall, it is estimated that the facility can hold around 10 million vials of vaccine at a range of 2-8 degrees Celsius temperature at any one point of time.”

Second “Dialogue on Climate” Webinar in Italy

The second “Dialogue on Climate” webinar took place in Italy yesterday, with professors Franco Battaglia and Franco Prodi as speakers. Prof. Battaglia is a teacher of physics and chemistry at the Modena University, while prof. Prodi, brother of Italy’s former Prime minister Romano, is teacher of Physics of the Atmosphere at the University of Bologna. 

Prof. Battaglia demonstrated in a conclusive way that all forecasts of the IPCC have been wrong. “Nobody can deny that human activity has produced CO2, but this is not the cause of climate change”, he said. We are in the end phase of a mini-glacial era, and global warming has already occurred in the past, when there was no anthropogenic CO2 production. 

Solar and wind energy will never be able to replace other energy sources, which today represent 80% of the energy mix. The insanity of renewables can be shown in Italy, where ca. 100 billion euro have been invested for photovoltaic parks that produce 2.6 GW of power, whereas one nuclear power plant would produce 3 Gw and would cost one tenth of it! Battaglia revealed that when he was advisor to Environment minister Altero Matteoli, the latter asked him whether he should sign the Kyoto protocol. Don’t sign it, Battaglia told him. Nobel prize winner Carlo Rubbia also told me so, Matteoli confessed – but eventually signed the Protocol. 

Prof. Prodi went into a long and detailed explanation on how the formation of clouds affects the climate. This is a complex and articulated system, but the IPCC focuses only on some aspects, neglecting some very influential factors. 

During the Q&A period, former minister Carlo Giovanardi asked why scientists who argue against the IPCC are excluded from the public debate. 

Prof. Alberto Prestininzi, who moderated the event, answered that “there is a direction. When economic leaders get together…. if the EU decides that one trillion Euro should go to decarbonization”. Prof. Renato Ricci, honorary chairman of the Italian Physics Society, commented that it is “big finance” behind the so-called climate emergency. 

Claudio Celani from EIR intervened in support of prof. Ricci explaining that the climate emergency is a pretext to create a new financial bubble in the attempt to save the bankrupt financial system. The origin of climate activism and environmentalism is neo malthusianism, and answering Sen. Giovanardi, Celani said that politicians have a responsibility for having accepted a decades-long slide into the current regime. 

Celani’s remarks were backed by prof. Mario Giaccio, an economist, who said that he agrees about neo malthusianism and went into a description on how liquidity has moved into energy assets, creating the bubble. However, he concluded with the pessimistic remark that you cannot do anything against it because they are too strong! 

Prof. Prodi intervened saying that he has been ostracized by media because of his “negationist” views, and the situation in the scientific community is “more rotten than you think”, almost as rotten as in the financial system. 

There will be a “Climate Dialogues” Webinar every other week between now and October.

The science of climate change is not settled, and much of what is presented is not based on science at all. Leading scientists with the integrity and courage to buck dangerous “popular” dogma will discuss so-called manmade climate change, and the most-advanced science including the galactic science of astronomical-scale oscillations at the upcoming Schiller Institute/ICLC conference. The suicidal trend in some European countries to stick with anti-nuclear attitudes will also be discussed.

For the Common Good of all People, not the Rules Benefiting the Few!

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference, June 26/ 27, 2021

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Friday’s REALLY BIG Questions: Will British Geopoliticians Control Over Biden Lead to War with Russia? Can Peace Be Achieved Between Israel and Palestine?

With the week of three summits now underway, the question on everyone’s mind — at least those who are sane — is will the London/Wall Street/Silicon Valley War Hawks who control the Biden administration succeed in forcing Russia to give up its sovereignty, and submit to their unilateral order?  Or, if Russia does not submit, as I expect it will not, will that move the world closer to nuclear annihilation?  On the question of peace in the Middle East, it is not in the hands of either Israelis or Palestinians.  The issue is, can the hands of the same geopolitical forces pitting the U.S. against Russia and China, be removed from the throats of Israel and Palestine, so that a broader agreement for economic cooperation, encompassing the whole of southwest Asia, can be reached?

Webcast: Trump Can Prove There is an Attempt to Steal the Election

As we have been exposing the efforts of the imperial forces to run a coup against President Trump since he first emerged in 2016 as a leading candidate, it is clear to us that the attempt to steal the election from him is a continuation of those efforts. There are many irregularities in the vote count, which can and must be exposed. He has indicated that he will fight the attempt to defraud him of his victory, and we will join him in that fight.

It is crucial that we get Americans to understand why a coup is being run. The globalist financial/economic system is crashing, and the City of London/Wall Street crooks are moving to set up a global digital currency with a dual purpose: bail out their bankrupt institutions, and dismantle what’s left of the physical economy in the advanced sector, through imposing a Green New Deal. As Trump effectively organized a movement to re-elect him, in spite of four years of lies and slanders against him, the oligarchy had no choice but to steal the election, to deny him four more years. The recent escalation of terrorism in Europe is a revival of the “Strategy of Tension”, to divert attention from the other corrupt acts they are pursuing, similar to that run against Italy in the 1970s, and against Germany at the time of reunification.

Zepp-LaRouche said that Trump intends to keep fighting, and we must mobilize to defend the vote and to support the revival of the American system, as embodied in her husband’s Four Laws. This is a moral test for the American people, one we cannot afford to fail.

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