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Friday’s REALLY BIG Questions: Will British Geopoliticians Control Over Biden Lead to War with Russia? Can Peace Be Achieved Between Israel and Palestine?

Friday’s REALLY BIG Questions: Will British Geopoliticians Control Over Biden Lead to War with Russia? Can Peace Be Achieved Between Israel and Palestine?

With the week of three summits now underway, the question on everyone’s mind — at least those who are sane — is will the London/Wall Street/Silicon Valley War Hawks who control the Biden administration succeed in forcing Russia to give up its sovereignty, and submit to their unilateral order?  Or, if Russia does not submit, as I expect it will not, will that move the world closer to nuclear annihilation?  On the question of peace in the Middle East, it is not in the hands of either Israelis or Palestinians.  The issue is, can the hands of the same geopolitical forces pitting the U.S. against Russia and China, be removed from the throats of Israel and Palestine, so that a broader agreement for economic cooperation, encompassing the whole of southwest Asia, can be reached?

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