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Sanctions Kill More People Than “Climate Change”

The FLOP26 opened with the expected hyperbole, with BoJo saying “It’s one minute to midnight”, i.e. we are running out of time to stop what Joe Biden called “an existential threat to human existence….”   But the “debate” over whether there has been warming and what is causing it has not been settled, despite what the COP26 “influencers” so loudly assert.  Resistance is building to the devastation which will be unleashed if the “net zero carbon” demand is successfully imposed.  Given the rhetoric from leaders about their “profound concern for future generations”, why are they not calling for lifting the sanctions imposed by the U.S. and its NATO allies on nations such as Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and Zimbabwe, sanctions which are killing people now, and threatening millions more lives, especially of children, in the future?  

Syria Times Reports Dr. Shaaban Attacking British at Schiller Event

May 10 (EIRNS) – Schiller Institute Southwest Asia representative Hussein Askary reported to EIR that Syrian media is publishing a news item today in which it is made obvious that Syrian government spokesperson Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban used the Schiller Institute conference as a platform to single out the British as instrumental in the propaganda and psychological war against Syria. Dr. Shaaban usually directs her criticism for the military and economy devastation visited upon Syria, at the United States and Saudi Arabia; seldom at Britain. This link is for the English version of the circulating story in Syria Times. The Arabic version was published in several Arabic newspapers and websites, Askary reports.

Presidents of DR, Costa Rica and Panama Urge Immediate Action on Haitian Crisis

Meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York on Sept. 22, the Presidents of the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica and Panama signed a communique announcing the creation of an informal alliance among them, titled the {Alliance for Democratic Institutionality,} which calls on the international community to act swiftly to address the crisis in Haiti. In the communique, Dominican President Luis Abinader, Costa Rican Carlos Alvarado Quesada and Panama’s Laurentino Cortizo Cohen express their “deep concern over the Haitian crisis and its growing impact on the region, particularly its grave migratory consequences.” They have “instructed their foreign ministers to, in alliance with strategic partners such as the United Nations, the United States, the European Union and other friendly countries, immediately devise concrete, comprehensive and sustainable solutions in the framework of respect for [human] dignity and human rights for the purpose of taking on the alarming situation in Haiti.”

All three nations are struggling to recover from the impact of the COVID-triggered economic crisis, made more difficult in the recent period by having to contend with large flows of migrants, largely from Haiti. In a document produced as a result of their meeting, in addition to the communique, the three leaders stress their shared values and “consider it of the utmost importance the exchange of opinions on the challenges our region faces to retake the path of post-pandemic development,” including proposing “joint initiatives that result in the prosperity, sustainable development and the reactivation of our economies.” They stress the importance of reviving regional integration, mentioning “strategic partners” without naming them — all three nations have diplomatic ties with China; and make an obligatory reference to the “green development paradigm.” 

They will benefit from learning about the Schiller Institute’s development program for Haiti, the Caribbean and Central American region to be published in the upcoming {EIR}, which was presented in the Sept. 25 Manhattan Project Meeting, “Reconstructing Haiti is America’s Way Out of the `Global Britain’ Trap.”

Spanish-language communique and document available here.

NYT Opinion Writer: Biden’s Taiwan Policy “Reckless,” Threatens “Catastrophic War”

May 6 (EIRNS)–Under the title: “Biden’s Taiwan Policy Is Truly, Deeply Reckless,” the New York Times Opinion writer Peter Beinart warned on May 5 that the Administration’s policy is bringing us very close to war, and quotes experts that the war would become nuclear. He also quotes military experts that the U.S. could not win such a war — simply driving home that such a war would likely become nuclear by a desperate and crazy U.S. leadership.

Beinart writes: “Like the Trump administration before it, the Biden team is now progressively chipping away” at the One China policy, which has prevented war over these past decades. 

He notes: “Last summer, Democrats removed the phrase `one China’ from their platform. In January, Mr. Biden became the first American president since 1978 to host Taiwan’s envoy at his inauguration. In April, his administration announced it was easing decades-old limitations on official U.S. contacts with the Taiwanese government. These policies are increasing the odds of a catastrophic war. The more the United States and Taiwan formally close the door on reunification, the more likely Beijing is to seek reunification by force.”

Beinart quotes Harvard’s Graham Allison: “No Chinese national security official I have ever met, and no U.S. official who has examined the situation, doubts that China would choose war over losing territory it considers vital to its national interest.” He quotes Fareed Zakaria: “The Pentagon has reportedly enacted 18 war games against China over Taiwan, and China has prevailed in every one.” He notes: “Within 500 miles of the island, mainland China boasts 39 air bases. The United States possesses two. To come to Taiwan’s aid, U.S. forces would need to cover huge distances, and China has built an arsenal of advanced anti-ship missiles, sometimes called “carrier-killers,” which are designed to make such a rescue mission hideously costly.” 

In other words, the U.S. can not win such a conventional war. Beinart notes: “Some of America’s most experienced China experts — including former ambassador to Beijing J. Stapleton Roy and Chas Freeman, who served as Richard Nixon’s interpreter on his 1972 trip to China — believe such a conflict would risk nuclear war. He adds that, according to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, 85 percent of Republican leaders support defending Taiwan militarily, but “only 43 percent of Republicans among the public agree.”

 He concludes: “What’s crucial is that the Taiwanese people preserve their individual freedom and the planet does not endure a third world war. The best way for the United States to pursue those goals is by maintaining America’s military support for Taiwan while also maintaining the “one China” framework that for more than four decades has helped keep the peace in one of the most dangerous places on earth. Hawks will call this appeasement. So be it. Ask them how many American lives they’re willing to risk so the United States can have official diplomatic relations with Taiwan.”

Beinart is a professor of journalism and political science at The Newmark School of Journalism at The City University of New York, and is editor-at-large of the “progressive” Jewish Currents..

Global Times Editorial Defends Developing Nations’ `Industrialization’ vs. Climate Geopolitics

Global Times Editorial Defends Developing Nations’ `Industrialization’ against Climate Geopolitics 

April 19 (EIRNS) — The unsigned editorial in the April 19 Global Times, “To deal with climate change, China-US cooperation is important and sensitive,” takes the global anti-Malthusian resistance shown by India and others to another level. The developing nations’ 2009 resistance to population reduction and genocide, effective in Copenhagen then, is revived.

The unsigned editorial (indicating a Politburo statement) begins with reserve, pointing out that it is “fair to say that China and the U.S. have communicated quite effectively and achieved some results. China has not yet announced plans for its top leader to attend the climate summit; analysts are waiting for things to become clearer.” The editorial likewise points out that “the general environment among the big powers is not good. The U.S. wants to show leadership by working with China and Russia to address the climate challenge, while it is also obstructing China and Russia in other spheres. That is not what normal relations among great powers should be like.”

But then the principles of economic development against environmental extremism become very clear indeed. “UN climate action involves the fundamental interests of humanity, and the specific arrangement for reducing emissions concerning all countries’ major development interests,” says Global Times. “The developed countries have completed industrialization, while developing countries are still in the process of industrialization, and some have just started this process…. People’s living standards are still low in these countries, and it is particularly important to create more resources to improve people’s livelihoods through further industrialization.” The article states that the U.S. has used its power to force more obligations on countries, while taking benefits.

“In an extreme scenario, if the world is about to promote carbon neutrality today, then the world’s economic development pattern will be perpetuated as it is today. The development gap between the developed and underdeveloped countries will become permanent.” The newspaper reminds that while the American elite fight over many issues, they agree on U.S. hegemony. “The current U.S. administration is trying to play the role of a leader and thus squeeze developing countries’ room for growth, as the previous U.S. administration desired.

“China and the U.S. are both the largest emitters; the two countries have huge differences in population and economic development, but the U.S. wants China to take more responsibilities in reducing emissions. It is worth observing the relation between such [environmentalist] pressure from the U.S., and the U.S.’ geopolitical move to pressure China.”

It concludes: “We should promote that the common interests of humanity are jointly defined by the interests of people from all countries, rather than by a handful of countries that want to monopolize this definition.”

Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche suggested today that the editorial has a clarity that would not have come without the LaRouche movement’s organizing and reports exposing the Green New Deal. She called it the strongest statement since the 2009 announcement of the G77 nations that they would not sign the Copenhagen “suicide pact” of population reduction.

Let Them Eat Cardboard — If They Can Afford It!

Ah, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors is expressing satisfaction that its goal of a “moderate” increase in inflation has finally arrived!  Get ready for more, as it is not really moderate, and much higher costs are on the way, for food, housing, medical care, transportation, all to save a system which is imploding under the weight of unpayable debt of all kinds.Secondly, we look at the charge from Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador that Biden’s State Department is meddling in Mexico’s internal affairs — and he actually has evidence to prove it!

Prince Charles Calls for “War-Like Mobilization” Against Humans at FLOP26 Summit

Friday Questions:
1. What are the implications of the merger of the global Green New Deal with the Great Reset presented yesterday by Prince Charles, Mark Carney, BlackRock’s Larry Fink and others,  in the context of the COP26 “climate” summit? 2. Is Virginia Gov.-Elect Youngkin a Bush-RINO Republican?
3. Will the Federal Reserve raise interest rates, and what will happen if it does?
4. What are the strategic implications of the Chinese hypersonic missile launch?

Send your questions to

Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp-LaRouche Calls for Urgent Support Action For Afghanistan—“Operation Ibn Sina”

Oct. 30 (EIRNS)–Schiller Institute founder and President, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in a discussion on Afghanistan Oct. 29 on Islamabad TV, said that she is promoting the Schiller Institute’s proposed solution to Afghanistan, in terms she calls, “Operation Ibn Sina.” Zepp-LaRouche participated on the program from Germany, and has indicated that she will be filling out this “Ibn Sina” initiative very soon.

She stressed at the outset that we are “at a watershed” time, in which the United States and other nations now holding back, must instead work closely with the Afghan government, which is the Taliban. Release the Afghan government’s funds, support stabilization and a future. The alternative is chaos, more opium production, mass death and terrorism.

The TV broadcast was PTV World, hosted by Omar Khalid Butt, on his Views on News program, whose additional guests for the 42 minute discussion were Dr. Andrej Kortunov, Chairman of RIAC (Russian International Affairs Council) in Moscow, and Dr. Farah Naz, foreign affairs expert in Pakistan.

Zepp-LaRouche explained her proposal, in her closing remarks, addressing the significance of Ibn Sina. “He was a doctor, who probably was born in what is today Afghanistan, and he was the most famous doctor until the 17th century, who wrote books which were studied in all of Europe.

“So he’s a hero in the history of Afghanistan., and right now there is a huge health crisis—COVID-19. More than 2000 hospitals have closed down…

“The international community—everybody who wants to be part of the solution, [must] help to build up a modern health system in Afghanistan, as the first step to stabilizing the situation, [therefore] give that the name, Ibn Sina.

“He can rally all the different ethnic groups inside Afghanistan, because he’s a figure of the national history, a hero; and he gives pride, and also hope, for a good future in Afghanistan.

“And building a modern health system can be the first step, because to build a modern system, you need energy, water and infrastructure…”

                                  Deadly Great Game

Butt began his program by asking the guests to address all aspects of the significance of the crisis situation in Afghanistan, including “the geopolitical and strategic.” In opening the discussion, he showed the video clip of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov issuing a call at a Tehran conference (by video) earlier this week, that Afghanistan’s neighboring countries “not allow a military presence of U.S. and NATO forces which plan to move there after leaving Afghan territory.” 

Zepp-LaRouche denounced such a prospect as a continuation of the British Great Game, which is unacceptable. Dr. Naz put forward that chaos can well be “the larger goal” of Western circles, which see the rising of China as a threat to be stopped, and are perpetrating vast harm in the Afghanistan region “by design.” Zepp-LaRouche described the West as “in a real collapse phase,” and should shift, instead, to working with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. In the immediate term, massive aid must be supplied to Afghanistan to prevent genocide.

The same day at the Pakistan TV colloquy, the latest grim report on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan was summarized by UN Undersecretary for Humanitarian Aid, Martin Griffiths, in an AP interview. He said, “The needs are skyrocketing.” The Winter snows have started. The World Food Program, which had already been supplying daily food, not just supplemental aid, to four million people, is now facing this number rising to 12 million people. These are people completely dependent on receiving all their daily food, or they will die. In addition, another 12 million need supplemental food.

Dr. Kortunov led off his remarks with three fundamental points: supply the food, act on the medical needs, COVID-19 in particular, and get fuel to people. Later in the dialogue, he forcefully made the additional point that, with the right policies and follow through, we could expect to see Afghanistan, this beautiful mountainous nation, be “the Switzerland” of Central Asia. There are the soils, the water, the location, the resources, the youth and all the other assets.

The full PTV World broadcast can be reviewed here.

Do German Voters Really Support Submitting to Anglo-American War Hawks?

A preliminary analysis of election results in Germany indicates that, while no party has much support, there must be a consensus among voters in favor of the Green destruction of its industrial economy, and preparation for war with Russia and China — as that was the emphasis of all the major parties. The result is not surprising, as an alternative to the continued surrender of sovereignty to the imperial policies of London and Washington was not allowed, either not covered, or treated as “extremism”. Yet, as we keep pointing out, much of the world is rejecting the City of London and Wall Street policies of the Great Reset, the Green New Deal, and a new geopolitical drive for regime change against Russia and China.

The Green Energy Killers and the Silence Of The Children


November 4—On October 26 of this year, Colterm, the city-owned heating company of Timisoara, a major city in western Romania, was declared insolvent, and was shut down. Since 2006, Colterm was supposed to pay millions of euros for its CO₂ emissions. Unable to afford the expense, Colterm was consequently fined 21.6 million euros under the Government Emergency Environmental Ordinance 196/2005 with regard to the Environment Fund. This, combined with other accumulated debt, forced Colterm into bankruptcy. Thus the hospital in Timisoara had to put all newborns into the one room with electric space heaters; all other patients just got an extra blanket. As this is being written, the outside nighttime temperature is projected to be 34°F.

Unlike in 1989, after the overthrow and execution of Ceausescu, when there was a media furor in the West about the condition of malnourished children in orphanages—and medical personnel remarked on the eerie silence from children too weak to cry—now we have a different eerie silence, from the West: not a word about the deliberate starvation of women and children in Haiti and Afghanistan, or the devastating effects of the Green New Deal.

Nor is Colterm an isolated case; it is the trumpet of a prophecy, coming to a neighborhood near you! Perhaps it’s time to heed the Wake-Up Call issued by CLINTEL and the Schiller Institute.

Who Saw it Coming?

Lyndon LaRouche warned about this even before August 15, 1971, when Richard Nixon abandoned the FDR Bretton Woods monetary system, with its fixed exchange rates, in favor of turning financial markets into a gambling casino.

Who Did It?

A small group of elite bankers and Davos billionaires demanded “regime change” (now being undertaken through the Green New Deal) at an Aug. 2019 conference of central bankers in Jackson Hole, WY. They have apparently succeeded in wresting control of finances out of the hands of elected governments, and establishing dictatorial control to divert all revenues and investments onto the green track. Now, with the huckster’s excuse that these vital energy sources should be taxed because they are contributing to catastrophic climate change, these bankers are using green blackmail to cut fossil fuel energy production worldwide. To show their lying hypocrisy, they shut down nuclear plants, despite nuclear being entirely “carbon-free.” In this way, real shortages were created, such as the Dutch making huge cuts in their natural gas production. In turn, these shortages became the subject of feverish speculation, driving prices up, and up, towards the infamous 1923 Weimar, Germany levels.
We have now reached the critical point of the famous “triple curve,” warned about by the greatest economist of the 20th and the early 21st century, Lyndon LaRouche. This is the critical point of 1923-Germany-style hyperinflation, where disinvestment in the physical economy and unlimited printing of money fuel exponential inflation. In 1923 Germany, people would run to the store for their groceries right after work, because by morning the price would have doubled! This is now happening in most of the world, the result of decades of endless bailouts of the financial sector—bailouts handed over to elite bankers and hedge fund speculators by Western governments. Combine this with the disinvestment in the physical economy, a trend accelerated by COVID (which made the bailouts easier to camouflage), and the economies of Western Europe and the USA have now reached the point of the unfortunate person whose monthly disposable income is less than the interest he or she owes on their credit card debt. Unfortunately, the damage wreaked by this hyperinflationary crisis is rapidly spreading around the world, and can only be mitigated by great powers such as the U.S., Russia, and China, working in collaboration. WE ARE IN BIG TROUBLE!

What Is To Be Done?

LaRouche diagnosed the disease fifty years ago; he has also provided the cure: his Four Laws.

  1. We must protect the commercial banks and cut loose the investment banks, as per FDR’s Glass-Steagall law of June 16, 1933. Under this system, the government must protect the commercial banks, and erect an impervious firewall to separate them from the speculative investment banks, which will no longer have access to commercial banks’ assets, nor have the privilege of being bailed out by taxpayer money.
    Both Russia and China have made significant moves in this direction: Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered long-term contacts for natural gas deliveries, at much lower prices than those charged by the “loan-shark” speculators on the spot market. China is also a bright light here, cracking down on speculators, and preventing John Q. Public from being skinned alive by the money masters.
  2. We must immediately make agreements with other countries to set up our own national banks, in the tradition of Alexander Hamilton’s Bank of the United States or the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau in Germany after WWII, so that state credit for productive investments can supply the physical economy with the necessary funds for explosive growth. Issuance of such credits must be guided by the principles of high energy-flux density and an optimal increase of the productive capacities and powers of labor through an emphasis on scientific and technological progress.
    China’s construction of 30,000 km of high-speed rail and its eradication of poverty are exemplary.
  3. We must establish fixed parities between the currencies of participating sovereign states and make treaties to pursue well-defined infrastructure and development projects. These treaties taken altogether, will represent a de facto New Bretton Woods System as intended by Franklin Roosevelt, with the explicit intention of providing credit for the industrial development of the formerly colonized countries.
    China’s Belt and Road Initiative is exemplary.
  4. We must urgently increase the productivity of the world economy to accommodate a growing world population, now more than eight billion. Such an increase in productivity must be facilitated by an international crash research program for the development of nuclear fusion as well as other advanced technologies, such as optical biophysics and life sciences, to find solutions for challenges such as the coronavirus. This should be coupled with international cooperation in space technology and travel, towards the next higher economic platform for the world economy.
    In Defense of Common Sense
    Everything we use in our day-to-day life requires energy. Even more important, the future of our children and grandchildren requires power sources of greater and greater energy densities, such as advanced fission reactors and—as fast as a crash program will get us there—nuclear fusion. Energy is a utility needed to promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and to our posterity, and should not be manipulated for private profit. Speculation in energy and housing should be made illegal. Do you like to eat? Natural gas is a feedstock for fertilizer, now rising beyond the budget of farmers; crop yields will collapse, and food may become a luxury. Do you need a car to go to work? Heat your house? Take a bath? Then you had better tell your representatives to turn the tables, and skin the green agenda alive. Keep gasoline prices rationally low; keep electricity low; build nuclear power plants, and ditch super-expensive and unreliable windmills and solar power.
    Join the Schiller Institute to create a beautiful future of development and growth!

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