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Live Event: Designing Durable Survival: Toward a New World Security and Development Architecture

Join us Live on Saturday, May 7 at 2pm Eastern. It is said that “whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.” But who, what, makes people sane, healthy, and productive? By what means might we reverse the clear and present dangers of the moment posed by the “Four Horsemen” —Famine, War, Disease, and the Pestilence of usury and financial speculation? 

It has just been reported that “Researchers at Nanjing University investigating the soil samples brought back from the Moon by Chang’e-5, have found active compounds that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and fuel. In particular, they have found samples containing iron-rich and titanium-rich substances which could work as a catalyst to make oxygen using sunlight and carbon dioxide, two of the most abundant resources on the Moon.” 

Carbon dioxide is not only a “resource” on the Moon, but also on Earth—ask any friendly plant. It is “madness,” largely provoked by the “gods” of pseudoscience, to concentrate on “reducing carbon dioxide” when mankind, using nuclear power, can  wield carbon dioxide as a resource. We can increase the energy throughput and energy flux-density of the planet as a whole, for all the billions of people on Earth now, and in the solar system in the future. 

A new security architecture must start with a new development architecture. That development architecture declares that “the world needs more people.” Youth, who have an investment in the future, and not the failed ways of the past, must supersede today’s morally obsolete war madness through reason and scientific progress. Today’s panel will discuss this perspective. 

Panel participants include:

Princy Mthombeni
Florencia Renteria del Toro
Kelvin Kemm
Jose Vega
Kynan Thistlethwaite

March 16 update

March 16, 2022: War Mobilization Continues, Economic Crisis Worsens

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“Form a Partnership of Young People From All Over the World to Fight for A Better Future”

May 4 (EIRNS) – In the course of a wide-ranging interview with author and publicist Daniel Estulin , Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche today responded to a question about the subject of the Schiller Institute’s upcoming May 7 international dialogue on “The Role of Youth in Creating a New International Economic Architecture.” 

“Essentially it will be a continuation of the last one [on April 9, “For a Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations”], because what we have initiated is the idea that you have to have an international security architecture which includes the interest of every single nation. Which is why in the last conference we had speakers from Russia, the United States, Europe, India, South Africa, Latin America. It’s the idea that if we, as humanity, cannot come together and decide on principles which guarantee the survival of all of us, then we are no better than some wild animals – although even wild animals are not as mean as the way some people sometimes behave. So, this was a very productive conference.

“I have this idea that you have to put the international security architecture on the basis of common development, so it’s an international security and development architecture. Because once you have an agreement for the development of all nations – Africa, Latin America, Asia, the poorer parts of Europe and the United States — then that common interest can be the basis for a common security architecture.

“So, what the next conference is addressing, mainly, is young people. Because if you put yourself in the shoes of a young person, let’s say in Germany, France, Italy, the United States, etc., the future is not looking very bright. You’re looking at World War III, you’re looking at a collapsing economy, a collapsing financial system, world starvation, a pandemic which is not yet under control.

“This conference intends to form a partnership of young people from all over the world to fight for a better future, because the future belongs to the young people. They are not being asked right now: Is it really their interest that the world should go up in a thermonuclear mushroom cloud, followed by a nuclear winter? Young people should have a say in what their future is.

“There are such exciting developments taking place! For example, we are on the verge of getting thermonuclear fusion power. That is incredible, because once we have commercial thermonuclear fusion, we have energy security and raw material security on the planet. Also, space travel will be much enhanced, because you have a new fuel source for space travel. Then there’s the whole idea of cooperation in space: build moon villages, and eventually build a city on Mars.

“All of these are things which excite young people. That is where humanity can go, provided we get out of this present crisis. So that is what this conference will address, and I think we will have many young people there from all five continents.”

Who Wants a Bigger War??

As there is a growing potential for a peaceful resolution to the fighting in Ukraine, who is standing in the way of that prospect?  Naturally, it is the War Hawk/neoliberal networks of the Anglo-American financial establishment, which threaten sanctions against any nation which would intervene, and any individual seeking peace.  They are desperate to sustain their bankrupt world order.  Peace requires that that order be shut down, through bankruptcy reorganization, and replaced by agreements among sovereign states for mutually beneficial economic policies, as the proposal for a New Bretton Woods, drafted by Lyndon LaRouche, would accomplish.  Join us to mobilize for a new security and financial architecture which protects the interests of all nations and their people: Sign and circulate our petition:

Dump the ‘Rules Based’ NATO World Order: Produce Food To Fight Famine, Not Weapons To Prolong War!

This article was published by The LaRouche Organization. A PDF can be printed here.

April 27—A major clash is now out in the open, between those nations and leaders backing measures to end the Ukraine conflict and produce more food to prevent famine, and those financial and political interests, centered in the Trans-Atlantic, perpetrating their “rules-based,” sanctions-based order, who want more weapons to Ukraine, and who couldn’t care less if it prevents settling the conflict or creates desperate hunger. We face the risk of nuclear war.

Who is for a food mobilization? The informal list ranges from India, to Argentina, to nations in Africa, as well as Russia and China. It includes all the farmers in Europe, the U.S. and India, who have been protesting for years, just for the right to be able to continue to produce food. And it includes the Schiller Institute, which has been leading the fight on precisely this issue.

Those opposed to the economic measures required to produce more food, include the U.S. government, the European Commission, G7, and financial networks in the IMF, World Bank, World Trade Organization (WTO) and others, especially hiding behind “free” trade rules, “green” limits, and non-food “human rights” concerns. Now, 1.7 billion people are headed to famine, warns UN Secretary General António Guterres.

India put the question on the world agenda April 22 in Washington, D.C. A joint press conference was held by two top Indian representatives, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman and the Indian Ambassador to the U.S. Taranjit Singh Sandhu at the end of the annual spring summit of the IMF/World Bank. Sitharaman reported that she had told summit officials that “countries like India, which have potential for exporting agricultural production, particularly cereals, have faced difficulties with the WTO.”

The “difficulties” she politely referred to, include the WTO rules-based subversion of the sovereign right of governments to support their farmers, maintain food reserves, export, and even attempt to have food self-sufficiency. Since its founding in 1995, the WTO rationalizes suppressing nations’ food supply, by declaring that food security comes only from “access to world markets,” not from your own country developing its farm sector. According to WTO rules, India supports its farmers more than 10% of their costs, so India cannot be allowed to export wheat and rice, or they violate the rights of American, European and other farmers to sell grains!

Farm Mobilization

Stop this deadly tyranny. Support farmers everywhere in the world, and get the food to everyone in need—from Afghanistan, to Yemen, to Africa, to Haiti.

First, implement emergency measures, coordinated by leaders from the major producing nations, to get inputs of fertilizer, fuel, seeds, chemicals, machinery—now disrupted—to support farmers to the hilt in targeted locations that can produce the most exportable crop in the shortest time, like India. For wheat, for example, this means, maintaining and increasing the 200 million metric tons (mmt) exported annually. Double it as soon as possible. Make up for the loss of 19 mmt of yearly wheat exports from Ukraine, and rebuild as soon as possible. Do the same for rice, oils, beans, and all other staples.

Secondly, launch the infrastructure to support modern agriculture everywhere—water, power, transportation, crop science, agro-industrial capacity and food processing. Yes, this means replacing the monetarist system now in breakdown from speculation, financial bail-outs, and decades of no productive investment.

The goal is to double world food production as soon as possible, reaching a world output in the range of over 4 billion mmt of grains (all types), from the current 2.7 mmt. Over 800 million people were food insecure before the pandemic and hyperinflation, and now a billion people could reach starvation in the coming year, without our acting.

Allies for Production

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi told President Joe Biden earlier this month that India has grain to help fill the world wheat gap, worsened by the Ukraine crisis and sanctions, if the WTO lifts its restrictions. In Argentina, Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero made clear on April 23 that his nation will do everything possible against hunger, but will not join the sanctions against Russia. Argentina sees food security as a key topic to discuss at the June Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California. Russia is providing fertilizer to India, Brazil and other nations.

These commitments to fight the food crisis are just part of the worldwide realignment underway, essential to defeat Global NATO’s onslaught for war and starvation. The West is pouring arms into Ukraine, opposing any diplomatic negotiations for a resolution. The West is demanding we blame hunger on Russia, while preventing any increased food production drive to stop starvation. This is insane.

Join the Schiller Institute’s drive as a policy forum toward the convoking of an international conference to bring about a new security and development architecture, in the interests of all nations.

Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (ret.) Warns: Nothing in Ukraine Justifies Risking Nuclear War with Russia

May 4 (EIRNS) – Lt. Col. Daniel Davis (ret.) of Defense Priorities sharply warned against the danger of nuclear war with Russia, in an article published yesterday in {Responsible Statecraft}. Davis is a 21-year Army veteran and a well-known whistleblower on Afghanistan and other matters. Although he criticizes Russia for invading Ukraine, and even supports economic sanctions against Russia, Davis draws a bright red line at the point that nuclear war enters the discussion.

“Rep. Adam Kinzinger’s proposed AUMF is the latest salvo from D.C.’s elite pushing the U.S. in the wrong direction to do more in Ukraine,” he states. “Any war between Washington and Moscow stands a disturbingly high chance of going nuclear; an outcome that must be avoided at all costs.”

Joining the growing chorus of voices in the U.S. and internationally who have started to speak out about the danger of nuclear war, Davis is emphatic: “The United States should not fight a war—any war—unless it is absolutely needed to prevent an actual or looming attack on our people or homeland. Period. War is not a tool to compel others to do our will. It is not an appropriate means of `punishing’ an adversary for engaging in actions we don’t like—and that includes Russia…. It would be the height of irresponsibility for American policymakers to take actions that make war with a nuclear superpower likely….

“If we pushed beyond the limits of supplying Kyiv with weapons and into direct confrontation with Russia, and then an American city was subsequently scorched with a Russian nuclear blast, I can assure you that no American would believe the cost was worth trying to help Ukraine. It wouldn’t even matter if we flattened Russian cities in response, once the nuclear genie is let out, most of both countries could be turned into a nuclear wasteland.

“There is absolutely nothing related to Ukraine that could, in any way, justify the risk to American citizens and cities of a nuclear explosion resulting from a war between our two countries. It is time to stop any consideration, at all, of an intentional military action that could spawn a direct clash between Washington and Moscow. It bears repeating once more: there is nothing, at all, at stake in the Ukraine-Russia war that justifies risking actions which could eventually result in the nuclear devastation of America.”

Fed Rate Hike Will Likely Trigger Financial Tsunami

Your daily update for May 5, 2022 from Harley Schlanger.

Video: Shakespeare & Statecraft: Guyanese Foreign Minister -LaRouche Associate Lectures on Shakespeare

The Schiller Institute presents a new webpage “Shakespeare in Exile,” which introduces the public to semi-private lectures on the dramas of Shakespeare delivered by Dr. Fred Wills, former foreign minister, and justice minister of Guyana. Examining the “in- between,” and going beyond the storyline of Shakespeare dramas, Dr. Wills guides the listener to examine what underlies his/her own method of thinking and the epistemological questions posed by the dramatist. A scholar of English literature and the Greek dramatists of antiquity, Dr. Wills was an associate of Lyndon and Helga LaRouche serving on the Schiller Institute’s Board of Directors. Visit the website here.

March 16 update

Putin Tells Macron How to End the Fighting — Was He Listening to Putin?

Your daily update from Harley Schlanger for May 4, 2022.

Are You Ready for War-Time Austerity?

The inevitable is finally here. The global financial system is in a terminal phase of collapse, as the burden of debt far exceeds the ability of hollowed-out economies to service it. The question is, Who will pay the price — the oligarchs whose policies caused this, or the average person, who is being told to sacrifice, so the debt can be sustained on the books of bankrupt speculators? As former German President Gauck said, “We should be willing to freeze for freedom.” But it’s not Putin who caused this, but the oligarchs who are using the people of Ukraine as cannon fodder in a proxy war to destroy Russia. Join us to turn this around — put the oligarchs into bankruptcy, and rebuild the world economy with American system methods. Sign and circulate our petition. — Please subscribe to my blog here

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