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Press Release: Americans Threatened by the U.S.-Funded Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation Demand Congressional Investigation

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Schiller Institute Press Release

August 18, 2022

Americans Threatened by the U.S.-Funded Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation as “Russian Propaganda” Agents and “War Criminals” Demand Congressional Investigation 

Sixteen prominent Americans whose names appeared on the infamous Black List issued by the U.S.-funded Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation, under President Zelensky’s National Security and Defense Council, have called on six committees of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives to investigate the use of taxpayers money to finance these overt threats to the right to free speech and the personal security of U.S. citizens. Those on the list are accused of being Russian propaganda assets, “information terrorists” and “war criminals” by the Center and its Acting Director Andriy Shapovalov.

The six committees are: 

Senate: Foreign Relations; Judiciary; Select Committee on Intelligence

House: Foreign Affairs; Judiciary; Select Committee on Intelligence  

The letter follows:

Call for Congressional Investigations of Threats to American Citizens by U.S. Funded Ukrainian Government Agency 

August 13, 2022

The Honorable Richard J. Durbin, Chairman
Committee on the Judiciary
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20515

Dear Chairman Durbin,

We the undersigned American citizens, all of whom were included on the “Black List” issued on July 14 by the Ukrainian government office, the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) under Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, have been accused of promoting “Russian propaganda,” and declared to be “information terrorists” and “war criminals” by this foreign entity. The CCD is being financed by the U.S. Government, including from H.R. 7691, “The Additional Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022,” which provides funding for the Ukrainian government and its Center for Countering Disinformation. We strongly protest these threats to our constitutional right to free speech, to academic freedom, and to the threat of physical harm coming from a nation at war with the nation we are falsely accused of representing, in our speech and our writings. 

We call on your Committee to exercise your oversight of the use of taxpayer funds by investigating the funding of this foreign government agency and their role in directly threatening Americans’ rights and safety. We note that those American citizens targeted on the Black List include a sitting member of the U.S. Senate; a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives; a former member of the Virginia House and Senate; two candidates on the November ballot, one for the U.S. Senate and one for the U.S. House of Representatives; four former leading U.S. intelligence professionals; an internationally syndicated columnist in the Catholic Church; prominent academics and journalists and more. See the list, attached.  We are prepared to offer our full assistance in the investigation by your Committee. 


Col. Richard H. Black (ret.): Former Marine, former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon, former member of the Virginia House and Senate

Graham Fuller: Former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council, 25-year CIA operations officer, author of numerous books

Ray McGovern: Former Army infantry/intelligence officer, CIA analyst/Presidential briefer

Scott Ritter: Former Marine Intelligence Officer, former UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq

Dr. Clifford Kiracofe: Former Senior Staff Member, U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, and President, Washington Institute for Peace and Development

James Jatras: Former diplomat, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership

Harley Schlanger: Former spokesman for Lyndon H. LaRouche, spokesman for the Schiller Institute, and The LaRouche Organization

Diane Sare: LaRouche independent candidate for U.S. Senator from New York

Geoff Young: Democratic Party nominee for U.S. Congress from Kentucky, CD 6

Jason Ross: Secretary-Treasurer, The LaRouche Organization and Science Advisor to Lyndon H. LaRouche

J. Michael Springmann: Former United States diplomat with the State Department’s Foreign Service, with postings in Germany, India and Saudi Arabia

Bradley Blankenship: Journalist and columnist

Dr. George Koo: Retired business consultant specializing in U.S.-China Trade and Chairman, Burlingame Foundation

Tony Magliano: Internationally Syndicated Catholic social justice and peace columnist

Mike Callicrate: Kansas; Owner Ranch Foods Direct

Caleb Maupin: Journalist, Founder & Director of the Center for Political Innovation

Webcast: “You Cannot Gag an Entire Population”

In discussing the tremendous potential to move to a new financial and strategic architecture, Helga Zepp-LaRouche highlighted comments by President Putin at the Moscow Security Conference, in which he said the world is going through a transition. The attempt to criminalize honest debate demonstrates the desperation of the establishment to silence opposition. As reality strikes, she said, it becomes impossible to “gag the entire population.”

She elaborated aspects of the transition: the strength of the Russia-China alliance; the rejection of nations in the Global South of the Unipolar Order; and the growing mobilization of citizens in the developing sector, in Europe and the U.S. seeking fundamental changes, away from the wars which derive from geopolitical division into Blocs. It is a moment of great danger, but also potential for the kind of change which Lyndon LaRouche devoted his life to. She urged people to join her this Saturday, when she addresses the Manhattan Project meeting, celebrating the 75th anniversary of Indian Independence.

Webcast: Zepp-LaRouche Lays Out the Case for the New Bretton Woods

Read and sign our call for a New Bretton Woods

As the call for an Ad Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods is circulating and picking up endorsers, Helga Zepp-LaRouche presented in her weekly webcast the argument why this is the only avenue that can work, if mankind is to move toward peaceful cooperation and development. There is a growing concern about World War III and, while people are against war, they are not looking at the cause. It is the collapse globally of the neoliberal system which is responsible for the war drive coming from the G7 and NATO. While ridiculing the dog-and-pony show of their summits, she pointed to the serious discussion at the BRICS-Plus summit as an example of the potential to achieve a global bankruptcy reorganization.

As to why connect her call with Bretton Woods, she said it represented a precedent. The hijacking of FDR’s original proposal prevented the full decolonization he intended, but that is now on the agenda. The G7 and NATO are launching a global operation which does not address any of the immediate threats facing mankind. Our proposal does.

She urged people to join this fight after presenting a summary of how it was Bismarck’s rejection of neoliberal free trade policies and embrace of the American System which led to the industrial development of Germany. This story is kept out of the history books. It is up to us to carry out a mobilization which reintroduces people to this approach to overcoming poverty and underdevelopment on a global scale.

Live Event: Tribute to the 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the International Schiller Institute, will give a special online presentation in celebration of the 75th anniversary of Indian independence, Saturday, August 20. Joining Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be Sam Pitroda, an innovator, entrepreneur, and policymaker. He has been a Cabinet Minister and advisor serving over the years seven Indian prime ministers.

This presentation will advance the Schiller Institute’s proposal for the creation of a new world security and development architecture, rejecting the “Global NATO” perpetual war practice. Zepp-LaRouche has long discussed this approach, including in “Gandhi’s Vision for a New Paradigm in international Relations, a World Health System, and Direct Non-Violent Action In Times of Social Breakdown,” a paper delivered at the online International Conference of the Association of Asian Scholars on “Revisiting Gandhi: Peace, Justice and Development,” October 30-31, 2020.

The relationship to India of Zepp-LaRouche and her husband, the late statesman and economist Lyndon LaRouche, was a bedrock influence in how the Schiller Institute was formed. Lyndon LaRouche, presenting testimony to an international tribunal of legislators, legal experts, diplomats and civil rights leaders conducting Independent Hearings to investigate misconduct of the United States Department of Justice, described how he began his political career.

A number of these students who participated in [my] classes, became associated with me, and out of this association came the birth of a nascent political organization, as much a philosophical organization as political. Our essential commitment was to Third World issues and related issues – that is, economic justice for what is called the Third World, is essential for a just society for all nations. I became particularly attached to this during military service overseas in India, where I saw what colonialism does to people…. and that if we allowed the circumstances to prevail that I saw to prevail in the Third World, we will bring upon ourselves some kind of disaster, either war, or something comparable down the line. And that was essentially our commitment as an association.

— Lyndon LaRouche, 1995 speech

On August 6, The Hindu, a major Indian newspaper ran an article, “Schiller Institute Calls for New Bretton Woods to End War, Economic Crisis,” illustrated with a prominent photograph of a 2001 meeting of Mr. and Mrs. LaRouche with then-Indian President K.R. Narayanan at the presidential offices.

Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller institute are organizing a two-day weekend conference September 10-11, celebrating Lyndon LaRouche’s 100th birthday and demanding that a scientific and cultural dialogue among India, the United States, Russia and China supersede the drive toward war now dominant in the world, and that the spiritually civilized standpoint of Gandhi’s vision for a new paradigm in international relations become, through such conferences, the means for peace through economic development worldwide.

Zepp-LaRouche will also announce the first-time-ever publication of a January 1985 “India paper” by LaRouche, “The Implications of Tilak’s Theses for the Scientific Potential of India Today,” soon to be available through Executive Intelligence Review. Other LaRouche documents on India include “A Fifty-Year Development Policy for the Indian-Pacific Ocean Basin” and “The Present Scientific Implications of Vedic Calendars from the Standpoint of Kepler and Circles of Gauss.”

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Sam Pitroda to discuss!

An Idea Whose Time Has Come

June 25 (EIRNS) – Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche has issued a “Call for an Ad-Hoc Committee for a New Bretton Woods System,” which is now circulating and gathering signatures from prominent leaders around the world, and will shortly be made public. In it, she calls for the “immediate convening of an emergency international conference which mandates: First: The reorganization of the bankrupt world financial system and replacing it with a New Bretton Woods system. The declared goal of this new credit system must be overcoming poverty and underdevelopment in the entire world, but above all raising living standards in developing countries, making it possible for all people on this planet to fully develop their potential capabilities.”

Other crucial points follow, but that first point summarizes the central idea of the document, an idea whose time has come.

The June 18-19 Schiller Institute international conference elaborated on the strategic situation which cries out for such a solution, and presented the essential features of the LaRouche policies in economics, science, culture and statecraft that must be taken up around the world. It is of note that China’s CGTN issued a Tweet yesterday with a two-minute video clip from Zepp-LaRouche’s speech at that conference, which they also made available to millions upon millions of viewers on Weibo (China’s Twitter-like online networking tool). 

In it, Zepp-LaRouche states:

“According to Duma President Volodin, the Emerging G8, of Russia, China, India, Indonesia, Brazil, Mexico, Iran, and Turkey, already has bypassed the G7 in terms of the GDP. Other organizations and nations are working toward a new model of a global order, such as the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, ASEAN, and many nations in the Global South. “What all of these countries are aiming at, is the wish for common poverty alleviation, real development of their physical economies, national sovereignty, the right to choose their own model of social and economic development, and cooperation in their mutual interests…

“So, the `democracies’ are really only the U.S., Great Britain, the EU (which, however, is divided), Japan, Australia, and South Korea. So when, at the end of this month, the annual NATO Summit meets in Madrid to present a plan for a Global NATO and a new security doctrine, without a real economic development plan, naturally, which it certainly will not have, it will fail to address the actual needs of a world faced with famine, pandemic, and economic chaos. It will have a big posture, but it will be a colossus on clay feet.”

The just-concluded BRICS summit also discussed ideas of how to construct a new international economic system to replace the current bankrupt trans-Atlantic colossus, as seen clearly in Russian President Putin’s remarks at that event. The key to the strategic situation remains whether sufficient forces for sanity, development, and war-avoidance can be rallied within the United States, to bring the U.S. into a working relationship with China, Russia and other great powers, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly called for. That specific task will be taken up this coming July 3, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, when Helga Zepp-LaRouche will be joined by Diane Sare, LaRouche Party candidate for Senator from New York, to celebrate the true meaning of the U.S.’s July 4 Independence Day, and thereby catalyze a return to the best tradition of American System economics of George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Lyndon LaRouche.

Video Compilation: A New Paradigm Based on a Dialogue of Civilizations Requires that We Save Afghanistan

In Panel 4, “Classical Culture and the Dialogue of Civilizations”, of the June 18–19 Schiller Institute Conference, “There Can Be No Peace Without the Bankruptcy Reorganization of the Dying Trans-Atlantic Financial System,” Dr. Zaher Wahab, Emeritus Professor of Education, who taught at the American University of Afghanistan (2013-2020), and served as an advisor to the Afghan Ministry of Higher Education, spoke in his presentation “Dialogue, Not a Clash, of Civilizations”, of the need to establish a new paradigm of cooperation among nations and cultures, which renounces the Western legacy of colonialism and the Samuel Huntington thesis of “Clash of Civilizations”. He begins by thanking the Schiller Institute for keeping the issue of Afghanistan, his native country, ” up front in the news”.

Dr. Wahab insists that the U.S. and its allies have a a responsibility to rebuild Afghanistan, instead of causing mass starvation through its economic sanctions and seizure of Afghanistan’s Central Bank reserves, stating very clearly that “The U.S. is on trial, humanity is on trial, and history will judge us.” In response to a question about the role of the 10th Century Central Asian philosopher and world famous medical expert Ibn Sina in building a new dialogue of civilizations and saving Afghanistan, Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche discusses the concept she developed of Operation ibn Sina to restore the greatness of Afghanistan in building a modern health system and new economy.. This issue has assumed even greater significance since the horrific effects of the recent devastating earthquake in Afghanistan have exposed the lack of the necessary infrastructure and health care system which NATO’s 20 year occupation of Afghanistan never built, and the further economic destruction of Afghanistan caused by U.S. policy since the U.S. pulled out of Afghanistan in 2021.

International Pressure Forces Take-Down of Ukrainian Hit List: Widen the Breach!

As the result of a vigorous, surgical, and rapid international mobilization, largely catalyzed by the Schiller Institute, but also taken up on their own by like-minded, though politically distinct individuals, sometime on Thursday afternoon Aug. 11, the infamous Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD) was forced, probably under advisement from increasingly nervous NATO interests, to take down its blacklist of over 70 international figures whom head of the CCD denounced as “information terrorists” deserving to be charged as “war criminals” for deviating from the NATO/Ukrainian official narrative on the Ukraine-Russia conflict. The violence of this rhetoric lends weight to the charges of Scott Ritter, former UN weapons inspector, himself named by the Center, that the blacklist constitutes a de facto “hit list”. Even just calling for a negotiated solution to the conflict earned prominent international public figures a place on the blacklist.

To see the list of withdrawn names, which led with 31 leaders of the Schiller Institute and distinguished speakers at recent international Schiller conferences, but also included a sitting U.S. Senator, a former U.S. Representative, a leading former state legislator, two active candidates in current U.S. elections, leading investigative journalists, four senior retired figures from the U.S. intelligence community, and more than 30 other prominent international figures, click here.

Intelligence contacts, including former NSA and CIA analysts, remarked that the successful publication of exposés denouncing the very idea of the blacklist in India, Germany and Denmark, played a major role in the list’s suppression. Prominent elected officials and others have obliged the Danish foreign minister to make an official response to the Ukrainian efforts to silence any deviation from the NATO/Ukrainian narrative. Pressure is building for such action in Germany, India, Mexico, Italy, New Zealand, and the United States. For details, see “No” To Global NATO Hit List Around the World, a two-part report in the Aug. 12 and 19 issues of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR).

It is now essential, however, to widen that breach, and to energetically demand the deeper exposure and shut-down of the dense network of censorship initiatives being assembled by top psywar offices in the UK, NATO and US, under labels of “fact-checking”, “misinformation-tracking”, and “countering Kremlin disinformation”. The Schiller Institute, in conjunction with Executive Intelligence Review, is completing a special series of reports on this network, to be released shortly.

Everyone is urged to add new signers to the Call for an Investigation of the Ukrainian CCD Hit List, and read and disseminate the emerging fuller picture of the Orwellian apparatus of which Ukraine’s CCD is only a cat’s paw.

Responses to Ukraine’s Nazi Hit List from Around the World

Governments and individuals around the world have responded to the Nazi-like Blacklist, released July 25 by the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, with outrage, anger, and, in several cases, demands for government action to stop financing the Ukraine government.

The Blacklist, characterized by many as a “hit list” and even a “kill list,” targeted 78 leading individuals from every part of the world as Russian propaganda agents, declaring them to be “information terrorists” and threatening legal and other actions as “war criminals.”

This threat was issued for even the slightest challenge to the official “narrative” coming from Global NATO regarding Ukraine and Russia. The first thirty people on the list were leaders and friends of the Schiller Institute. See the article, “Ukraine Labels Schiller Institute Leaders and Others as ‘War Criminals’,” in EIR, Vol. 49, No. 30, Aug. 5, 2022, pp. 5-6.

Here is a sampling of the responses.


Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute: While the Center was created in 2021, with the idea of becoming a “vital hub of counter-disinformation strategy and resources not just domestically, but internationally,” it had “been brewing since 2014,” according to a briefing by Andriy Yermak, Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine for President Zelensky.

That, interestingly, places it in the immediate context of the Western-backed Maidan Coup, the prehistory for which Victoria Nuland claimed the U.S. had spent $5 billion dollars…. Otherwise, the poor authors of the Center seem to suffer from the syndrome of belief in conspiracy theories, since they assume that such a wide array of speakers representing top institutions from around the globe are all Putin agents and can’t think for themselves.

Dr. Wolfgang Bittner

The widely read German website NachDenkSeiten (Pages of Reflection) posted an article on Aug. 8 by Dr. Wolfgang Bittner, a well-known jurist and author who spoke at a Schiller Institute conference and appeared on the Ukraine hit list. The article, under the title: “Ukraine’s Blacklist—The Federal Chancellor Must Act,” notes that in addition to himself and Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the list includes Rolf Mützenlich, the Chairman of the Social Democratic Party caucus in the Bundestag. (Chancellor Olaf Schulz is a member of the SPD.) Dr. Bittner writes: “The political situation is appalling, and the persecution of dissenters in connection with the Ukraine war is taking the form of unbridled fascism. It is unacceptable that state terrorism is being carried out here under the eyes of the world public. The persecution of critics and opposition figures by Ukrainian government organizations must be stopped immediately. The federal government is called upon to lodge a protest with the Zelensky government against the discrimination against German nationals … and to stop all aid for Ukraine. The list of the CCD must be deleted immediately.”


Marie Krarup

On Aug. 1, Danish parliamentarian Marie Krarup (independent) submitted questions to Danish Foreign Minister Jeppe Kofod regarding the Ukraine list, to be answered during a parliamentary “consultation” (samråd). Every Danish member of parliament has the right to require any minister to verbally answer written questions previously submitted. The parliament’s website announced the consultation request, and the two questions. The date is not set yet. Here are the questions posed:

Consultation Memo to the Minister for Foreign Affairs on the Ukrainian list of foreigners who “promote” the Russian narrative, etc.

Consultation questions:

Will the Minister comment on the Ukrainian list of foreigners who “promote” the Russian narrative, including that the Minister is asked to answer whether, in the Government’s view, the list is an expression of respect for freedom of expression, democracy, and other values, which the Minister believes Denmark should promote in the world?

Does the Minister believe that Denmark can continue to justify its support for Ukraine with arms and money by saying that Denmark is thus helping to support democratic values outside Denmark?

See the Danish Foreign Affairs Committee document, Consultation Question from Aug. 1, 2022.

See “Ukraine Publishes List of Foreigners Promoting ‘Russian Narrative’ About the War in Ukraine, Three Danes Appear on List,” published on MR East, July 29, 2022.

Jan Øberg

On July 30, the Danish peace policy leader Jan Øberg (on the Ukraine hit list and a speaker at a Schiller Institute conference) described the Ukraine blacklist as being in the “best Joe McCarthy 1950 style.” Under the title: “Ukraine Smears People Around the World as Part of the Disinformation War,” Øberg wrote the following on his Jan Øberg website:

The government of Ukraine runs a Center for Countering Disinformation. It seems to be tasked with telling the world who carries the truth and who are spokespeople who are pushing a rhetoric that is in tune with Russian propaganda. I’m included in a list issued by the Center together with around 70 people, many of whom I am honored to be grouped with…. I distanced myself from the Russian invasion of Ukraine but also believe that the present arming of Ukraine is utterly counterproductive and will have unspeakably destructive consequences for Ukraine in particular.

But, sadly, the U.S. and NATO countries are united—so far—in (mis)using Ukraine as the battlefield to weaken Russia and “win” over it. That is, as a proxy—fighting for itself and Ukraine to the last Ukrainian….

In summary, it is one of those intellectually and morally poor attempts, of course, to smear people who have a balanced view or are not 100% on your side.… The whole thing appears bizarre, hilarious. Unintentionally comic.

Professor Li Xing

The foremost Danish News media, Danish Radio, on Aug. 1 featured an interview with Professor Li Xing, a Professor of Development and International Relations and a researcher at the Research Center on Development and International Relations at Aalborg University in Denmark. Prof. Li and the other three speakers from Denmark and Sweden who addressed the Schiller Institute’s conference on May 25 were on the Ukrainian hit list. The online conference video is available here.

Prof. Li confirmed to DR that he is critical of the sanctions against Russia, which are not working as intended, because many countries are still deeply dependent on Russian gas and oil, and because the sanctions could risk hitting EU countries harder than Russia. He said,

[The targeting of critics by Ukraine is a] fundamental violation of the right of researchers to think and speak freely. In this way, any criticism of Ukraine will be regarded as pro-Russian. It’s crazy…. As an academic, the only thing I try to find out is the truth about the war and to give an explanation.


Sam Pitroda

Sam Pitroda, a high-tech specialist from India who lives in the U.S., but also served as an advisor to Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, responded strongly to his appearance on the blacklist. Pitroda had participated in two Schiller Institute conferences this year. In a July 29 interview with Indica News, “Sam Pitroda Hits Back at Ukrainian Agency that Tied Him to Russian Propaganda,” Pitroda called the report “stupid, misinformed,” adding that it appeared to be politically motivated.

I am surprised, shocked, puzzled and perplexed by the allegation from a high-level Ukraine government agency…. I feel sorry for Ukraine and other intelligence agencies involved in this propaganda…. Does the Ukraine agency really know who Sam Pitroda is, what he values, what he stands for, and where he comes from?

Do not be in a hurry to label people based on a conference or a comment taken out of context. Do not believe what you want to believe from your narrow perspective for propaganda. We all value our freedom to speak. Respect it…. I did not say Russia is right or Ukraine is wrong. What I am trying to say is this whole design of NATO, UN, IMF, etc., doesn’t work anymore. My message is that in the hyper-connected world, we need to design a world that is collaborative, cooperative, and not command and control.

On July 30, The Hindu of India ran a story titled, “India Silent on Ukraine Blacklisting Three Nationals,” featuring, in particular, the matter of former Ambassador P.S. Raghavan being targeted. Raghavan is now the Chairperson of India’s National Security Advisory Board. Ironically, it appears that the only reason the high-ranking Indian civil servant was on the list is that he was scheduled to speak at a Schiller Institute Conference—even though he didn’t appear!

The newspaper’s “sources” indicated that the “Ukrainian government should clarify its intent, given its potential impact on relations.” The Hindu notes that Mikhailo Podalyak, “Mr. Zelensky’s chief advisor and negotiator,” stood by the list in remarks to the The Print of India, and threatened sanctions against those named therein.

An important note on India’s response: As should have been the case in every country whose citizens appeared on the threatening hit list, The Hindu, the “newspaper of record” and the second-largest circulation English-language paper in India, called on Helga Zepp-LaRouche, clearly the primary target of the hit list, and published an honest interview with the Schiller Institute founder. The article, “Schiller Institute Calls for New Bretton Woods to End War, Economic Crisis,” explored the close relationship between Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche and her late husband Lyndon LaRouche in India, including their close relationship with Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and President K.R. Narayanan, as well as the role of three prominent Indian citizens who were on the Ukraine hit list due to their connections to the Schiller Institute.


Left: MEP Francesca Donato; right: General Leonardo Tricarico

In a July 26 article, “Kiev Publishes Black List on Alleged Philorussians,” ByoBlu, a leading multimedia outlet in Italy, reported:

[The Ukraine hit list’s] intimidating method closely resembles those used by Mafia gangs against future victims…. Italian names also appear on the compiled list: General Leonardo Tricarico and MEP Francesca Donato [both were speakers at a Schiller Institute conference —ed.]. For now, it is not known what steps Zelensky’s government intends to take against the people on the list. In any case, it is necessary to put one’s heart at rest about the fact that there is no accomplished democracy on Kiev’s side.


Scott Ritter

Former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and UN weapons inspector Scott Ritter, who is on the Ukraine hit list, issued an Open Letter to his Congressional representatives in the State of New York, U.S. Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand, and Congressman Paul Tonko. The letter, posted on July 27 on Consortium News under the title, “U.S. Should Not Fund Ukrainian ‘Blacklist’,” called on them to:

Take the appropriate action necessary to ensure that funds appropriated by the United States Congress are not used to suppress the free speech rights afforded to citizens of the United States, including myself, by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

Ritter notes that they all supported H.R. 7691, “The Additional Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022,” which provides funding for the Ukrainian government, and its Center for Countering Disinformation.

As a constituent whose name has appeared on a so-called “blacklist” published by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation,” Ritter wrote, “my personal and professional life has been, and continues to be, detrimentally impacted by the chilling effect of being labeled a “Russian propagandist” for simply exercising the right to free speech guaranteed by the United States Constitution. Moreover, Ukraine has a history of converting “blacklists” of this nature into “kill lists,” where those who speak out against the policies of the Ukrainian government are being murdered or threatened with violence.

I am certain you agree with me that Congress cannot be in a position where, through its actions, foreign governments are provided the means to intimidate citizens of the United States from exercising their Constitutionally protected rights regarding free speech….

Congress cannot be allowed to bypass Constitutionally imposed constraints on its actions by allowing a foreign government to do that which would not be permitted here in the United States. By paying the salaries of the civil servants employed by the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation, who have prepared and disseminated the so-called “blacklist,” you and your fellow Senators and Representatives appear to be doing just that—allowing the government of Ukraine to suppress the right of free speech guaranteed to United States citizens under the Constitution.

In a second article in Consortium News, “Chuck Schumer’s War on Free Speech,” on Aug. 3, Ritter focused on Senate Majority Leader Schumer, noting first that in the debate over H.R. 7691, when Sen. Rand Paul proposed appointing an inspector general to monitor the way the $40 billion being handed over to Ukraine would be spent, Schumer called the request “repugnant,” as an effort to “obstruct Ukraine funding.” Rand Paul then ended up on the hit list.

Ritter then addressed the fact that Schumer’s opponent in the November election, LaRouche candidate Diane Sare, was also smeared by the hit list:

Diane Sare was singled out by the Schumer-funded, State Department-supported Center for Countering Disinformation as an “information terrorist” who should be prosecuted as a “war criminal” because of her public stance challenging the narrative about the Ukraine conflict.

That’s right—Chuck Schumer helped create the organizational structures which have attacked the reputation of a challenger for his Senate seat, threatening her with political violence and more for the “crime” of challenging Schumer on the issue of Ukraine.

Diane Sare

LaRouche independent candidate Diane Sare issued her own statement on her campaign, noting that inclusion on the list—

has obvious security implications for myself and each of the individuals listed, who include former U.S. Representative Tulsi Gabbard, current U.S. Senator Rand Paul, and notably 30 of us who spoke at conferences sponsored by the Schiller Institute.

She offered her support for the statements from Scott Ritter (see above), and issued a public question to her opponent Sen. Schumer:

Is it your intent to silence my voice in an indirect, but menacing fashion, by voting to fund Ukrainian Civil Servants who have stated that I should be arrested for war crimes?

Sare concluded:

Given that Americans are very sensitive about foreign governments meddling in our elections, as the Ukrainian Center for Countering Disinformation appears to be doing, I would urge that our Representatives launch an investigation into whether U.S. taxpayer money is being used to support agencies which would seek to curtail our First Amendment rights and alter the outcome of upcoming elections. Senator Schumer owes me an explanation.

David T. Pyne, a retired military officer, advisor to Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), and currently the Deputy Director of National Operations for the EMP Task Force on National and Homeland Security, who is also on the Ukraine hit list, signed on to the Joint Statement titled, “Call for an Investigation of the Ukrainian CCD Hit List,” issued by people on the Ukraine hit list and others, and circulated by the Schiller Institute. In his own statement, Pyne posted a response, given here in part, on his David T. Pyne website July 29:

The Ukrainian government has alleged, with insufficient supporting evidence, that we, a group of distinguished Americans consisting of America First patriots, elected leaders, retired military officers, national security strategists and leading foreign policy scholars and statesmen, have engaged in efforts to disseminate Russian disinformation.

However, the truth is that the only offense we have committed has been our unfailing determination to loudly, publicly and courageously advocate a realist foreign policy that not only serves to champion U.S. national security interests in the face of tremendous public opposition by the mainstream liberal media establishment and liberal political elites, but as a visionary and enlightened policy of peace through strength which we believe to be very much in Ukraine’s national interest as well.

Similarly, neoconservative Republicans, led by former Vice President Mike Pence, have been marching in lockstep with President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in trying to demonize principled America First conservative voices of opposition to Biden’s undeclared proxy war against Russia in Ukraine as “apologists for Putin” without any real evidence to support their claim….

We have opposed continued U.S. lethal military assistance as we believe it is in opposition to U.S. national security interests to provide it, as it has caused Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to refuse to negotiate a compromise peace agreement with Moscow, which both sides were close to finalizing in late March and early April before Zelensky decided to break off all peace talks with Moscow, at the cost of tens of thousands of Ukrainian civilians and military personnel, whose lives might have otherwise been spared.

Our primary objective has been and will continue to be to identify the best course of action from the perspective of advancing the paramount U.S. national security interest of ending this terrible war as swiftly as possible in order to avert an unnecessary world war with Russia that could very possibly escalate to the nuclear level without warning and lead to the destruction of the U.S., NATO and very possibly of Ukraine as well.

The CATO Institute, a libertarian think-tank in Washington, D.C., posted an article on July 25 on its website titled, “Ukraine’s Disinformation Board: Terrible Idea, Terrible Results,” after CATO Senior Fellow Doug Bandow appeared on its hit list. The article denounced “disinformation boards” in any country:

Government “truth bureaus” are simply incompatible with the very idea of a free society and liberal democracy, [the statement read, naming the Ukrainian Center as] a compelling example of this in real time.

It’s absolutely wrong for Bandow’s prolific output on Ukraine, Russia, and the current war to be labeled disinformation or “Russian propaganda.” Bandow has been writing for years about how continued movement towards bringing Ukraine into NATO’s security orbit was not in the interests of the United States, and—by heightening Putin’s perception of threats close to Russia’s borders—risked a serious Russian reaction.

Furthermore, he and many others have cautioned against deepening U.S. involvement in the conflict, given the significant risk of sparking a broader conflagration: especially a war between the United States and Russia or increased risk of a nuclear exchange….

This kind of action—the establishment of ill-advised truth and disinformation bureaus, and the unfair smearing of eminent scholars—does nothing to burnish Ukraine’s reputation as an aspiring liberal democracy. Nor is it likely to help its war effort. Accordingly, Kyiv should retract its charges of disinformation and apologize for having leveled them.


Eric Denécé

Eric Denécé, the General Director at the French Center of Research and Intelligence (CF2R), was a speaker at a Schiller Institute conference and is also on the Ukraine hit list. He and associates Olivier Dujardin (also on the list) and Alain Charret, posted on the CF2R website a joint response to the Ukrainian attack. Titled, “Another Example of the Zelensky Regime’s Information Warfare,” they write that the arguments used to label them as Russian propaganda agents were “stupid and baseless,” that the authors were “acting like a start-up seeking funds to function,” using “any and all arguments to get the necessary money from its Western donors, in order to continue its war.”

The article adds another purpose for the issuance of the hit list: corruption, including doing dirty business with weapons being provided by the Americans and others.

In fact, two points are worth noting.

First, the number of round-trip flights between Burgas Air Base in Bulgaria and Rzeszów Air Base in Poland, is particularly high. For the day of July 10 alone, aircraft made three round trips…. This is all the more astonishing since the Bulgarian government has repeatedly denied supplying arms to Ukraine, and Rzeszów is the main platform where most of the weapons are delivered to the Ukrainian army. If Bulgaria is telling the truth—and given the various reports of black-market sales of some of the Western weapons delivered to the Ukrainian army—it is possible that the [planes] in question would have transported some portion of them from Poland to Bulgaria, whence they could then be reexported by air or sea.

[Other flights to] Nassau (Bahamas)—a Commonwealth territory—can only raise questions. It is unlikely that arms were transported to that tax haven, which is known to host offshore companies and other banks that are not very careful about the source of funds deposited in their accounts. So the stopover could have had another purpose. It is possible that cash in dollars was deposited there.

Washington has been “funneling pallets of dollars in the same way [as in Iraq and elsewhere], in order to remunerate, in particular, all the foreigners who have fought in the ranks of the Kiev army. Thus, part of these funds could have been diverted and transferred to the Bahamas to be deposited in accounts belonging to certain members of the Ukrainian government or to Western politicians, but also as kickbacks to American government agencies or weapons corporations.


Matthew Robson, the former New Zealand Minister of Disarmament and Arms Control and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs, responded to his appearance on the hit list with a powerful blast, calling for the New Zealand government to investigate. His statement, provided to EIR, reads, in part:

I am quite flattered to be in the company of such an eminent list of people with widely varying opinions on the nature of the war in the Ukraine. But all of them are engaged in the time-honored tradition of scholars and democratic societies of honest and open debate rather than the “group think” demanded by NATO governments.

He quoted the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act, which assures:

Freedom of expression: Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.

The [United Nations] Universal Declaration of Human Rights to which New Zealand and, I presume, the Ukraine are signatories, guarantees the same. I am writing to the Prime Minister of New Zealand to ask her to take up with the government of the Ukraine this breach of my right, under both New Zealand and international law, to freely express my opinions, and my being on a list that endangers my safety.

Webcast: “We Cannot Accept Limits to Free Speech”

Helga Zepp-LaRouche opened her webcast today with an impassioned appeal to citizens to join with her in a campaign to overturn the narratives pushed by western governments and their blatant censorship, which are designed to protect their collapsing system. The discrepancy between what people want, and what governments are doing, is pointing towards a hot autumn, especially in Europe, as European governments are committing economic suicide, under pressure from the U.S., the U.K. and NATO, by continuing the war against Russia, and moving to decouple their economies from Russia and China.

Most of the rest of the world is moving in a different direction, toward economic collaboration. This new direction has been shaped by the life-long work of her late husband, Lyndon LaRouche. It is therefore not surprising to see that the campaign to shut down any efforts at deliberation among nations being run through the Ukrainian “Center to Counter Disinformation”, has targeted her and the Schiller Institute and its collaborators. She urged viewers to join our mobilization against such censorship, and to support the Schiller Institute campaign for a New Bretton Woods, and a new security architecture.

Webcast: We Must Not Measure Wealth By Money

Helga Zepp-LaRouche used the proceedings of two conferences this week — the EU summit and the BRICS summit — to highlight why the Schiller Institute Call for convening a conference for a New Bretton Woods is so essential. The neoliberal model is presently bankrupt, as bankrupt as the Soviet Union when it collapsed. Yet there is no competent voice even questioning the policies of the West at the EU summit; and the G7 and NATO summits at the end of the month will offer the same neoliberal, Green policies which have led to runaway inflation and physical economic collapse, and war against Russia.

In contrast, there was real deliberation at the BRICS summit. She urged viewers to read the speeches of Putin, Xi, Modi, Rhamaposa and even Bolsonero, to see the difference. She singled out the German government, and especially Economics Minister Habeck for ridicule, as an example of a government exhibiting no concern for the Common Good.

In reviewing the Schiller Institute conference from last weekend, she said that as bleak as the outlook would seem to be, it is at times like this that powerful ideas can take hold. Our job is to provide the necessary powerful ideas represented by the new call.

Finally, she spoke of the importance of the Sare campaign for U.S. Senator from New York as a means of providing the beautiful ideas needed to uplift people.

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