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Video: If God Selects Somebody as a Leader, No One Can Destroy Him

Statement by Jozef Mikloško, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, at the September 26, 2020 international Youth Conference on his memories of Lyndon LaRouche.

Sign the petition to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche

Webcast: End The Age Of Barbarism

With civilization on the edge of an abyss from a confluence of crises, a summit of great powers, combined with a serious realistic discussion of why war is unacceptable, are essential if we are to end the age of barbarism.  In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to President Trump’s statement that he is speaking with Russia about a new nuclear arms pact as an important indication that the necessary level of discussion is possible.  She referred also to the discussion around the 75th anniversary of the U.S. use of nuclear bombs against Japan as a sign that there are sane networks which are mobilizing to put an end to the danger of nuclear war.
This was a major concern of her husband, Lyndon LaRouche, who in 1995 introduced crucial evidence showing why there was no military reason to use nuclear weapons against Japan.  Instead, he pointed to the evil Bertrand Russell as a promoter of nuclear war.  For Russell, the threat of nuclear annihilation was a necessary component to force the Soviet Union and any other sovereign nation state, to submit to a world order dictated by the British Empire.
The Russellite imperial forces today are threatening Russia and China with war, as their empire is falling apart, and their coup efforts to defeat President Trump are being exposed more each day.  Zepp LaRouche urged viewers to join our mobilization for an international online conference on September 5 & 6, to create the climate in which a P5 summit occurs, before the U.S. election.

Webcast: What Will It Take to Defeat Russiagate, and Bring the U.S. and Europe Into the New Paradigm?

In a discussion on October 1, Helga Zepp LaRouche identified the current crisis as one in which two contrasting dynamics have been unleashed, and are in direct conflict. One is defined by the collapsing financial/geopolitical system in the Trans-Atlantic region, in which the acceleration of the downward spiral is the factor driving desperate leaders of the failed paradigm to unleash more conflicts, increasing the danger of global warfare, including nuclear war. At the same time, the New Paradigm associated with the global economic and diplomatic initiatives of the Belt-and-Road Initiative, and the BRICS, a paradigm of peace and development, is gaining momentum, as a growing number of nations are choosing the New Silk Road spirit, over the deadly course of imperial geopolitics.

The question posed to all citizens in the west is whether the United States and nations of Europe will act to break with the past, and thereby assure the success of the New Paradigm. President Trump’s speech to the United Nations last week sounded many of the same themes he voiced to win the 2016 election, including rejection of Mideast wars and regime change policies, of the right of nations to sovereignty, and ending the colonial practices being imposed under the guise of “free trade”. But despite these positive themes, and the courage he has shown in his ongoing battle against the British-directed, corrupt officials from the Bush-Obama-Clinton network of intelligence operatives running Russiagate against him, the neo-cons and neo-libs have not yet been defeated, and continue to assert a significant negative influence on U.S. and NATO policy.

It is therefore necessary to escalate the fight to bring the authors of the regime change coup attempt against President Trump to justice. Trump’s order to declassify documents related to systemic illegal actions by top Department of Justice/FBI officials, combined with Congressional hearings into the May 2017 meeting (or meetings), during which — according to former Acting Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe — Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein discussed a plan to remove Trump using the “25th Amendment”, will provide more evidence which can be used to shut down the coup. The upcoming mid-term elections must be taken as a point of mobilization against the coup, to show that Americans are ready to join the New Paradigm.

Help us build the audience for this Thursday’s webcast. Each week, Helga offers a compelling picture of the latest developments, and clear marching orders on how citizens can intervene to crush the coup, and bring the U.S. and Europe into the New Paradigm. We must not miss this opportunity.

German Maglev Variant Gets Crucial License

The TSB (Transport System Boegl) of the German company May Boegle has received the license by the national railway supervision EBA, a crucial step toward receiving orders for the construction of maglev tracks in Germany. Boegl says that their system, developed on the basis of the former Transrapid, but modified for use in urban areas at slower speeds, and is capable of operating on elevated tracks, on the ground as well as underground. The EBA license enables Boegl which runs a pilot testing project in China at present, to open up potential markets also in other countries. Boegl says that the TSB prototype has been standardized to such an extent that production for commercial projects can begin in two years from now.

Pandemic Shock Waves Are Striking Numerous Areas of the Economy

According to the Asian Development Bank, the COVID-19 pandemic is leading to massive losses in remittances sent home by foreign workers, which could end up totaling some $110 billion by the end of the year, a nearly 20% decline from what was expected before the crisis. Total remittances hit a record $554 billion in 2019.

A June study by the UN had likewise forecast a drop of more than 20% for this year, and estimated that in 2019 there were some 272 million international migrants (up from 150 million in 2000). Nearly two-thirds of those migrants, 164 million people, are “labor migrants,” and 74% of them are of working age (20-64 years). In other words, people unable to find productive work in their own countries. The money sent back home by those 270 million-plus migrants supports an estimated 800 million people, who often need those funds to cover the basics of life: food, water, health care, and education.

The case of the plunge in remittances is just one of a number of shock waves spreading across the planet as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, each of which is a full-blown crisis in its own right, capable of wreaking major havoc. Another such shock front is what is happening with food supplies and resulting hunger and starvation; the huge jump in suicides, drug overdoses, and other deaths of despair in the U.S.; the danger of “losing an entire generation” from lack of education, that UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres recently warned about; and also the mass evictions of millions of people in the U.S. that will happen over the next few months, unless measures are taken.

A recent Aspen Institute study observed that 23 million people nationwide are at risk of being evicted, since they are behind in their rent or mortgage payments and federal unemployment benefits for 30 million people have expired, with no replacement in place yet. AP reported that some 30 state moratoria on evictions have expired since May, according to the Eviction Lab at Princeton University. AP added: “And the federal eviction moratorium that protects more than 12 million renters living in federally subsidized apartments or units with federally backed mortgages expired July 25. If it’s not extended, landlords can initiate eviction proceedings in 30 days.”

Webcast: Discredited Russiagate Coup Must Be Shut Down, For the Sake of Humanity

In last week’s webcast, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reviewed the significance of President Trump’s order to declassify “Russiagate” documents related to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI attempted coup against him. The release of these documents, combined with the revelations by George Papadopoulos, who told Fox News that it was the British and their Australian counterparts who targeted him, by planting the lies of Russian “hacking,” provide evidence which can lead to not just breaking up the British-directed coup, but sending its perpetrators from the Obama intelligence community, to prison, for interference in the presidential election.

The hysterical reaction by the perpetrators — including direct intervention by the British and Australian governments, demanding that there be no declassification — led to a postponement of carrying out Trump’s order. But the President gave an assurance that they would be declassified. Despite the explosive consequences of Trump’s order, the western media is not covering it, choosing instead to run nonstop coverage of alleged teenage sexual escapades of Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh, along with the ongoing deliberately provocative and confusing story of whether coup participant Rod Rosenstein, the Deputy Attorney General who appointed Mueller as special counsel, suggested using the 25th Amendment to remove Trump, has quit, or will be fired. Such coverage is designed to disorient viewers, at a moment when clarity is essential.

And while this is unfolding, the U.N. General Assembly has convened, in the midst of significant diplomatic initiatives which will determine whether the New Paradigm associated with China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative will end the era of geopolitical destabilizations and wars.

Join Mrs. LaRouche in this week’s webcast, as she provides the clarity needed to mobilize to end the coup, and with that, put an end to imperial geopolitics.

Webcast: European Governments Face Existential Crisis, Will They Turn to the New Paradigm For Solutions?

The crisis within the European Union never was limited to the ability of Greece, Spain, Italy, or any other nation to repay their debt. Beginning with the Maastricht Treaty, signed in February 1992, Helga Zepp LaRouche and the Schiller Institute have repeatedly pointed out that the EU institutions were badly flawed from the start, by design, as they were created to serve the interests of neo-liberal financial speculators of the City of London and Wall Street, and the unilateralist neo-cons allied with them, not the people of the nations of Europe.

Since Brexit, in country after country in Europe, voters have been in a state of rebellion, rejecting the established parties, just as American voters did in electing Donald Trump, who promised to end the era of corporate free trade policies, austerity, bailouts and regime change wars. Most significant, was Trump’s rejection of the Obama policy of confrontation with Russia and China, which was supported by most EU nations.

Trump’s determination to meet with Russian President Putin, to achieve a cooperative relationship with him, has created a new level of hysteria, with the meeting of the two now set for Helsinki triggering new, even more extreme panic among governments struggling to survive. The resignations this week of top officials in the May government in the U.K. is exemplary of a regime in disarray, as officials are incapable of thinking outside the axioms of the rapidly disintegrating institutions.

Helga Zepp LaRouche was never content to merely point out the shortcomings of these institutions. She has led an effective international campaign, to gain support for a New Paradigm, based on the economic ideas of her husband, Lyndon LaRouche, many of which are now shaping the global development plan of China’s President Xi Jinping, China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

She has played a leading role in introducing the principles behind this plan to Western governments, many of which are now participating on some level in the BRI. Her recent call for the EU to drop its opposition to China’s BRI, and adopt instead the “Singapore example,” to instead work with China to develop Africa, is being discussed in many countries, though many governments are still proving to be incapable of breaking from the constraints of the old paradigm.

Join Mrs. LaRouche your host Harley Schlanger this Thursday, and every Thursday, as she presents the latest update on this dynamic unfolding process, and provides strategic guidance to citizens who wish to move their nations out from under the dictatorship represented by the old, submissive thinking, and bring them into the New Paradigm.

Youth Conference —The World Has a Choice: Extinction, or Era of LaRouche

Join forces with us at an exemplary online conference of the Schiller Institute, convened for students and youth across the world, to be held this September 26, 2020 with simultaneous translation into several languages. Participants will have an opportunity to engage in a dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and other distinguished panelists. 

Younger participants are encouraged to RSVP and participate on Zoom.

Panel 1: “The World Needs the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche”
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM EDT

  • Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute
  • Jozef Mikloško, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic
  • Marino Elsevyf, Attorney-at-Law, Dominican Republic, Member of 1995 MLK Tribunal
  • Paul Gallagher, EIR Economics Editor, Former Political Prisoner
  • Dennis Small, EIR Ibero-American Editor, Former Political Prisoner

Panel 2: “The Science, Culture, and Great Projects of a Global Renaissance”
2:00 PM – 5:00PM EDT

Presentations on:

  • The World Land-Bridge: Ending Poverty for Good
  • The Bering Strait Tunnel: Connecting the World’s Continents
  • A Presidential Alliance: LaRouche’s Policies for Ibero America
  • LaRouche’s Policies for Africa: Leaping into a New Paradigm
  • Europe’s Development and a Mission for Youth
  • Johannes Kepler and the Folly of the Senses
  • Think Like Beethoven!
  • Creativity in an Age of Artificial Intelligence
  • Alexander Hamilton, LaRouche, and the Credit System

Belt and Road Initiative To Be Focus of Arab-China Meeting

July 8 -A call for stronger Arab participation in China’s Belt and Road Initiative is expected to be the central result of the July 10 meeting in Beijing of the eighth ministerial conference of the Chinese-Arab States Cooperation Forum (CASCF), according to a feature by China’s Foreign Minister and State Councillor Wang Yi posted in Gulf News. Chinese President Xi Jinping will address the opening ceremony at the Great Hall of the People; the CASCF will be attended by host Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and by the foreign ministers and other ministers representing the 21 Arab countries, as well as the secretary-general of the Arab League, and Kuwait Emir Shaikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah, he wrote.

“The inception of the CASCF in 2004 has further upgraded China-Arab relations, by adding a new driver in addition to the bilateral channels, and has thus accelerated the growth of China-Arab cooperation across the board,” Wang wrote.

According to China’s Assistant Foreign Minister Chen Xiaodong, Xi’s speech will highlight his country’s desire to develop stronger relations with Arab states, and it will inject new impetus into these relations, improve prospects of cooperation between the two sides, and bring new hopes to the regional peace.

WHO Advance Mission to China Lays Groundwork for Long-Term International Effort To Study Origins of COVID-19 Virus

At yesterday’s virtual daily press conference in Geneva, World Health Organization (WHO) Executive Director Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus reported that a WHO team of experts had returned from their three-week visit to China, as a result of which the Terms of Reference have been drafted for the work program and long-term study by a new international team, led by WHO, to identify the potential source of infection of the first COVID-19 cases.

The team will include leading Chinese and foreign scientists and researchers. Epidemiological studies will begin in Wuhan to identify the potential source of infection of early cases. Then, evidence and hypotheses generated through this work will lay the basis for further, long-term studies. Today, WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier reported that the team that visited China had “extensive discussions with Chinese counterparts,and received updates on epidemiological studies, biologic and genetic analysis and animal health research.” They also held video conferences with Wuhan virologists and scientists, Reuters reported.

Of note are the remarks by Dr. Mike Ryan, Executive Director of the WHO’s Emergencies Program, who said yesterday that it is important to start studies on the first reported human clusters of atypical pneumonia in Wuhan, in order to systematically look for the “first signal at which the animal-human species barrier was crossed.” According to CGTN, Ryan emphasized that “one must remember that there was a specific surveillance system in place in Wuhan for picking up clusters of atypical pneumonia. It was there for a very specific purpose. And the fact that the fire alarm was triggered, doesn’t necessarily mean that that is where the disease crossed from animals into humans.” A much more “extensive retrospective epidemiological study” should be done, he said, “in order to fully understand the links between the [atypical pneumonia] cases.”

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