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Webcast: To Prevent World War III, a Summit of the P5 Nations is Needed Now!

As the Democrats are showcasing at their convention their commitment to remain within the geopolitical geometry which is driving the world toward war, it is especially urgent that the summit of the Permanent 5 members of the U.N. Security Council proposed by Putin take place, as soon as possible. A New Paradigm committed to a “sweeping reform” of strategic relations and economic/financial policy is not only necessary, but possible.

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche honed in on Michelle Obama’s convention address to highlight the hypocrisy of the Democrats. When Obama criticized President Trump for a lack of “empathy”, she was conveniently ignoring her husband’s lecture to South African students, about how improving their living standards would cause the planet to “boil over”, or his participation in organizing drone attacks that targeted wedding parties, among non-empathetic activities of the former President. The instability caused by the endless wars and neoliberal economic policies can only be addressed by such a summit, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly urged, to implement a New Bretton Woods. Especially compelling was her analysis of the escalation of the effort to “contain” China, and the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russiagate, which show that the war party intends to continue the dangerous policies which increase the danger of war. The upcoming conference of the Schiller Institute provides an opportunity for our viewers to participate in the mobilization to insure that such a summit can be convened, before the U.S. election.

Putin: “Russia Will Light Up Africa”

July 27, 2018 -Russian President Vladimir Putin, in addressing the BRICS Africa Outreach Session at the BRICS Summit today, said that the African continent “is in huge need of energy investments, and Russia could become one of its key partners…. I would especially like to note that Russia is planning to step up its assistance in development of national energy in African states.”

According to Putin, as reported in RT, Russia is planning oil and gas projects with Angola, Mozambique and Gabon. He said: “In the field of nuclear energy, where Russia is the technological leader, we offer African partners to build an industry from scratch. These projects are crucial for Africa since about 600 million people on the continent live without electricity.”

Putin added that Russian business was also interested in “working with African partners in a wide range of areas, including agriculture, healthcare, the development of mass communications, geology and subsoil use.”

AIIB Builds Its Lending Levels for Growth

Oct. 21 –The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) has been building up its loans to fundamental infrastructure investment throughout Asia, during the past 20 weeks.On Sept. 28, the AIIB approved new loans totalling nearly $1 billion to finance projects in Egypt, India, and Turkey. The three loans include the AIIB’s first to the Egyptian government, which consists of a $300 million investment to improve rural sanitation services in the country, co-financed by the World Bank, the bank said on Oct. 19. The Beijing-based bank board of directors also approved a $455 million loan to improve all-weather rural roads in Andhra Pradesh in southeast India; and a loan of up to $200 million to the Industrial Development Bank of Turkey (TSKB) to finance energy projects.

In September, the AIIB said it was considering $541 million in loans for three propposed infrastructure and power projects in Bangladesh, according to BSS news agency. This includes the Mymensingh Kewatkhali Bridge project, which is part of the Dhaka-Mymensingh-India border corridor; the Sylhet to Tamabil Road Upgradation Project; and a power system upgrade and expansion project for the Chittagong region.

In June, the AIIB approved $1.2 billion in loans for infrastructure construction in India.
The AIIB has made about $5.8 billion in loans since its formation in December 2015. The World Bank has about $61 billion in loans outstanding. But the AIIB’s loans have no conditionalities, and are for real development. The AIIB’s development thrust, and buildup in the speed of its lending from a low level represents the direction of a transformation in the world.

Petition: All Nations Must Unite To Stop the Pandemic, Economic Depression, and the Danger of War

The following resolution was presented by Helga Zepp-LaRouche to the August 15, 2020 Spanish-language conference of the Schiller Institute, and has begun to circulate internationally.

We, the undersigned, strongly endorse the Schiller Institute’s call for the heads of state of the Five Permanent Members of the United Nations Security Council (P-5) to meet urgently to address the breakdown crisis facing each and every nation on this planet. We are confronted with the simultaneous escalation of an out of control pandemic; an economic collapse triggered, but not caused by the pandemic; a pending collapse of the transatlantic financial system; and an increasing danger not only of a new Cold War, but even the danger that a thermonuclear war could break out.

It is now becoming more and more apparent that Lyndon LaRouche’s 1971 warning was absolutely prophetic: that the path of monetarism would lead the world to the danger of a new fascism, depression, pandemics and war.

As political leaders, students, businessmen, workers, journalists and common citizens of numerous nations around the world, in particular of the so-called underdeveloped sector, we call on our respective governments to demand such a P-5 summit, and to actively help shape its results. We join our voices to the growing world chorus to proclaim we must awake to the dangers we face, and act in time to stop the carnage which is already underway, and agree on principles that can guarantee the long-term survivability of the human species, much as the Treaty of Westphalia did in the 17th century.

The P-5 can be the initiating force to open the door to such a New Paradigm, but other nations, especially those of the South, must also have a seat at the policymaking table. We join our voices to those calling for a summit to adopt measures such as:

  • A mechanism of solving all international problems through dialogue and diplomacy.
  • A New Bretton Woods system—as it was intended by Franklin D. Roosevelt and elaborated by Lyndon LaRouche—with the explicit aim of overcoming poverty and the underdevelopment of the so-called developing countries, starting with a modern health system in every country.
  • An agreement to make the program: “The New Silk Road becomes the World Land-Bridge” the basis for building to the best modern standards the infrastructural and industrial development of all countries on the planet.
  • A new security architecture based on the common economic interest of the world community, which includes the security interest of every single nation. There must be an end to the color revolutions and destabilizations now being orchestrated by the British Empire and its bankrupt financial interests against governments they don’t like—including the destabilizations of the governments of Donald Trump. Xi Jinping, and Vladimir Putin, among others.
  • International cooperation for a crash program for thermonuclear fusion technology, international space cooperation for the building of a village on the Moon and a city on Mars, as well as cooperation in life sciences.
  • An agreement to initiate a real dialogue of cultures, in which each culture and civilization commits itself to learn about the best traditions and universal contributions of the others as the basis for peace and understanding and a new renaissance of the world.

We urge the broadest possible participation in the upcoming Schiller Institute international conference, “War Drive Towards Armageddon, or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?” which will be held online on this website on September 5-6.

Sergey Lavrov: BRICS a Stabilizing Factor in Global Affairs; Focus on Africa is Key

July 25–In an article published in South Africa‘s {Ubuntu} magazine, on the eve of the BRICS summit in Johannesburg, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov noted the symbolism of the BRICS returning to Africa in 2018, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of Nelson Mandela, “a prominent political and public figure on a global scale.” Mandela contributed personally to establishing friendly relations between South Africa and Russia, he recalled, making possible today’s “high-level of a comprehensive strategic partnership.”

Lavrov particularly praised South Africa’s leadership in the BRICS, and the “special attention paid by Pretoria to Africa-related issues,” an issue he said has become especially important for Russia’s foreign policy. “We support further strengthening of the sovereignty of African countries, their independent choice of the way of development while preserving national distinctiveness.”

Of special importance, Lavrov added, is the fact that BRICS countries will foster cooperation with other integration associations and consolidate positions in international organizations to present a “united front.” The invitation to Argentina, Indonesia and Turkey, plus other African nations, to attend the July 25-27 summit reflects the BRICS-Plus initiative, he explained. “Thus we will expand the global reach of the Group and establish an outer circle of like-minded countries. In this regard, BRICs has good potential to become a unique platform for linking various integration processes in a flexible way.” Coordination between BRICS and other major international organizations is crucial, Lavrov underscored, since consolidation of efforts “is a key to ensuring world stability and a way to settle serious conflicts.”

He particularly referenced how the BRICS-Africa Partnership has advanced since 2013. At the current summit, “a special outreach session will be held with the participation of the heads of State presiding over regional organizations of the continent in order to focus on its most relevant issues,” he said.

Webcast: November 6 U.S. Election Can Secure New Paradigm and End Imperial Geopolitics

There is clearly something President Trump sees in the changing world strategic configuration that his frantic enemies don’t want you to see. While they wail about him “insulting allies”, ignoring the “crimes” of Putin and other “authoritarian leaders”, rejecting “climate science”, etc. — as the sad figure of Leslie Stahl was reduced to, on last Sunday’s “60 Minutes” interview with him — there are dramatic shifts in the world that require an American President prepared to break with the failed British-Wall Street geopolitics which has been imposed, with dangerous consequences, in the recent decades. Trump’s crime is not collusion in Putin’s election meddling, but his desire to break out of the geopolitical insanity coming primarily from the City of London and its American neocon and neoliberal underlings. This was the key to his election victory, as part of a global insurgency against deadly imperial business-as-usual.

In the last months, much of the world has enthusiastically embraced the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) of China, including Japan, Austria and Italy among EU nations, most African nations, and many South and Central American nations. President Trump’s defense of sovereignty at the UN was enthusiastically received by the leaders of these nations, as it was taken as a sign that he sees such developments as an expression of their sovereign rights.

Whether he is able to bring the U.S. fully into cooperation with the BRI depends on whether the American people are mobilized to deliver a stinging repudiation to the old imperial regime, when they vote on November 6. The stakes have never been higher. Join Helga Zepp LaRouche this Thursday to get a full report on the progress of the New Paradigm, and what we must do between now and November 6, to secure its victory.

BRICS Could be an Alternative Model of Development to Western Dominance

July 25 -In a July 25 article published on the website of the Valdai Discussion Club, entitled “Brics and the World Order,” Georgy Toloraya suggests that the current BRICS grouping, plus other nations that form part of the “BRICS-Plus” structure (not official members) could offer the world “an alternative model of socio-economic development, differing from that of the West” which is based on “mechanisms of a liberal market or profit gaining…that assumes the dominance of the West.”

Toloraya is the Executive Director of the Russian National Committee for BRICS Research.

He debunks arguments that the BRICS is just a “China-centered structure,” intended only to promote China’s interests or its Belt and Road Initiative. These accusations, he notes, “are very sly statements. The Chinese factor is only one of the BRICS development facets.”

In today’s “turbulent global situation,” Toloraya adds, it is especially important that the BRICS “common denominator” grows. Why? In contrast to the G7, BRICS expresses a “touching unanimity, which is not faked. This is not a mutiny on the ship we see with the G7, when the captain led to one direction while the crew wants to go to another one.” By the time Russia takes over the chairmanship of the group in 2020, he notes, BRICS “could become a united center of the multipolar world…Now BRICS creates its own structure of global governance, and it must
develop in that direction. I do not know, whether that could be accomplished in the context of growing counteraction from the West, but we have to keep working.”

Because the BRICS is a global organization, Toloraya concludes, “these five leading ascendant powers could create a world order that will be more just and balanced than what we see now.” It may not expand yet, but “what we see in the BRICS+ format, which is involving the largest countries that are not the group’s members, but show interest in it, is a significant step towards increasing the BRICS value and making this union a representative of the greater part of humanity.” On the eve of the Johannesburg summit, he concludes, BRICS is not {against}, but {for}: for just economic development conditions, for sustainable development concept to be centered on human beings.”

Symposium on China-Japan Projects

Oct. 14 – Senior Chinese and Japanese government officials began a two-day symposium Sunday in Tokyo – the 14th Annual Tokyo-Beijing Forum- at which the degree of Japanese participation in the Belt and Road Initiative great projects program of China, is again the subject, reported {Japan Times}.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Oct. 25-27 will make the first state visit to China by a Japanese leader since 2011; this was announced by the Chinese Foreign Ministry Oct. 12. At the Tokyo meeting, Wei Jianguo, vice chairman at the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, revealed that during Abe’s visit, about 1,000 people will attend a signing ceremony for more than 60 joint projects involving Japanese and Chinese firms.

“Those projects are all designed to jointly develop `third-country’ markets in countries outside of China and Japan,” reported {Japan Times}. “During the symposium, Chinese officials repeatedly urged Japan to jointly promote third-country development projects in what is seen by some as a push by Beijing for Tokyo to join its ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, which is centered on massive infrastructure projects in Central Asia, Europe and the Indo-Pacific region.”

“Right now, the China-Japan relationship has a forward-looking momentum. High-level contacts have been maintained and exchanges in various areas have been strengthened,” Chinese Ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua told the symposium.

Webcast: War and Peace at Stake in U.S. Midterm Elections


In less than five weeks, U.S. voters will determine the future of humanity. If the Jacobin uprising promoted by the “Resist” movement, funded by the likes of Soros, and backed by the Obama-Clinton losers in 2018, succeeds in turning the House and Senate over to the Democrats, the world is headed for war. A Democratic victory would give new impetus to the impeachment drive against President Donald Trump, which has stalled due to the failure of the coup plotters to turn up any evidence against the President, as well as due to the ongoing exposure of the corruption of the Obama-Clinton security/intelligence apparatus running the regime change operation, in collaboration with British imperial forces.

As Helga Zepp LaRouche has detailed over the course of the last twenty months, the targeting of Trump is not due to Russian meddling in the U.S. election, but to Trump’s desire to break the U.S. out of the deadly geopolitical nightmare imposed on it by the Bush and Obama administrations. This fight has reached a critical moment. As the New Paradigm shaped by the bold Chinese initiatives around the New Silk Road has emerged, gaining strength by the day, the desperation of the imperial geopoliticians has grown. The tactics they used in the Kavanaugh case show they are prepared to throw out all constitutional principles, including the presumption of innocence, while unleashing crazed, potentially violent mobs against those backing the President. While polls indicate the putschists may have overplayed their hand, nothing can be taken for granted, as the stakes are so high.

Join Mrs. LaRouche this Thursday, and organize others to join in. These are not “ordinary times”, in which “politics as usual” will assure a positive outcome. The quality of elevated strategic thinking and individual creative involvement demanded by Helga are the special factors required for victory over the war party this November 6.

Thai Rails Chosen for Japan-China Cooperation on New Silk Road

July 22 – The Tokyo daily {Asahi Shimbun} reported July 20, “Japan, China Set To Work Out Joint Development Projects.” The paper reported that a committee Japan and China created in May to coordinate their investments along the Belt and Road Initiative launched by China in 2013, will hold its first meeting in Beijing in September. The meeting “will discuss economic cooperation projects in third countries related to China’s One Belt, One Road Initiative,” {Asahi Shimbun} said.

And its sources in Japan indicated that railroad construction in Thailand is the leading first candidate project to be tackled jointly by Japanese and Chinese companies, with credit aid from both governments.

As {EIR} has reported, high-speed rail lines both north-south within Thailand and east-west connecting it to other Southeast Asian nations, have already been projected with Chinese aid.
The committee is expected to be headed by Hiroto Izumi, a special advisor to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, on the Japanese side, and Ning Jizhe, vice chairman of the pre-eminent National Development and Reform Commission, on the Chinese side, according to the paper. It said the two countries “are aiming to decide on joint projects through the committee and announce them in conjunction with the Japan-China summit to be held later this year when Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits the country, sources said.”

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