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Harley Schlanger Daily Update

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Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Human Rights Mafia Escalates Against Trump and Putin

With a show trial underway in the U.S. Senate, and an EU/NATO/Five Eyes planning session in Brussels, the City of London/Wall Street human rights mafia is moving aggressively to isolate and destroy Donald Trump, and to overthrow Vladimir Putin. But their real targets are not Trump and Putin, but the people of the U.S. and Russia. And what do the citizens of these nations have in common? They live in sovereign nation states which possess the political, economic and military power to not only stop the plans for a Malthusian, global banker’s dictatorship, being organized by the Davos billionaires, but to establish peaceful, cooperative relationships which can lead humanity into a new era of progress.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: George Shultz Has Died: May the “Free Market” Economic System He Imposed Be Buried with Him

George Shultz was a leading economic hitman, a prominent promoter of Schachtian economic policies, named for Hjalmar Schacht, who was responsible for Nazi’s slave labor policy. Shultz was at the center of more than fifty years of the “controlled disintegration” of the U.S. economy: advising Nixon to break with the gold-reserve system in 1971; advocating Thatcherite deregulation under Reagan, which led to the boom-bust economy ever since then; organizing establishment support for the Bush-Cheney regime, with its “endless wars” and surveillance state; and promoting the “revolution in military affairs,” to privatize national security, placing it under a global corporatist umbrella. For much of what is now being aggressively pushed by the Davos crowd — the Great Reset and the Green New Deal — Shultz served as one of the key architects.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Those Who Toppled Trump Escalate Regime Change Coups Versus Putin and Xi

American patriots would be well advised to heed Lyndon LaRouche’s admonition to “Know Your Enemy”. The forces behind the four-year regime change effort against President Trump are escalating their efforts to topple the governments of Putin in Russia and Xi in China.

New video evidence shows that Pompeo’s use of so-called dissident Navalny to target Putin has been British policy since 2012. Now Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken is continuing that policy, as he is also following Pompeo’s lead in targeting Xi. Why target Putin and Xi? For the same reason the Brits and the Bush-Obama team targeted Trump: to stop motion toward LaRouche’s intent to build a Four Power alliance of sovereign states to defeat the globalist regime changers of London, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Davos!

Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Biden’s Team Races Toward War and Banker’s Dictatorship

Whatever happened to the plea for unity? With impeachment, censorship and rancor undermining any prospect for a constructive dialogue to address the collapse of the economy and financial system, the Biden team seems to be hoping it can forge a unity among the War Hawks in both parties, for regime change and war with Russia and China.

Join with us at The LaRouche Organization, as we expose what these enemies of humanity intend, while putting forward the necessary programs to break the power of the British Empire and its American network of traitors, based on the 50 years of Lyndon LaRouche’s heroic efforts, when he functioned as the “Shadow President”, representing the American System.

Sign up with the LaRouche Organization for updates.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Wall Street Financial Swindlers Are Bankrupt, and They Expect You to Pay for a New, Bigger Bail Out

Ignore the chatter that the GameStop stock battle is over whether to “democratize” trading, and let the “little guy get a piece of the action.” The real story, which will never be reported, is that the financial system is bankrupt, and a “full-fledged epic bubble” is about to pop, according to Jeremy Grantham.

The “Great Reset” and “Green New Deal” are only the latest scams to bailout a system which is a criminal Ponzi scheme, and should be shut down. What is needed, instead is the LaRouche Plan, his 4 Laws which would allow for an orderly bankruptcy reorganization — letting the swindlers eat their losses instead of being bailed out — and generating credit for physical production.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: The Unilateral World Order of the Davos “Elites” Is NOT a Done Deal!

The stream of propaganda from supporters of the global banker’s dictatorship being shaped at Davos, which claims that they have won, and that resistance is futile, is FALSE.

There is growing opposition from sovereign nation states to the global, corporatist, unilateralist fantasies of the Davos ghouls, opposition which corresponds to the design for Lyndon LaRouche’s proposed Four Power agreement of nations powerful enough to defeat the genocidal plan coming from the City of London, Wall Street, Silicon Valley and Brussels. That the Davos crew behind the coup against Donald Trump fears the American people is seen in their desperate efforts to use censorship, surveillance and repression to silence the opposition in the U.S.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update — Friday Questions: Where Do We Go from Here?

What happened to QAnon? What do you think of Joe Biden’s call for “unity” (what a hypocrite!)? What is our post-election strategy? Why did Trump not pardon Julian Assange? How can we develop an emotional connection to Reason?

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Biden’s Inaugural Address—Fake Call for Unity from Those Who Divided the Nation

When Abraham Lincoln stated in June 1858 that “A House divided against itself cannot stand”, he was identifying the efforts of supporters of the British System, among southern planters and Boston-New York financial interests, to divide the U.S. 

More than 160 years later, we are again caught in a battle between those War Hawks and neoliberals, who would divide us around phony, narrow interpretations of “self-interest”, versus those committed to a national mission based on the American System.  Biden’s commitment to continue endless wars, while ramming through the Great Reset and the Green New Deal, represents the same devotion to the City of London that characterized the secessionists of Lincoln’s day.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Inauguration in the Midst of Deliberate Chaos

Those committed to removing Donald Trump from office have applied the tactics of regime change “Color Revolutions” for the last four years, with an agenda of removing any opposition to their plans for a global banker’s dictatorship called “The Great Reset”.

The tactics which were often used against foreign nations have been brought to the U.S. The damage which has been done thus far is only a pre-taste of what they intend under a Biden administration. As The LaRouche Organization has been fighting this for the last four years, you can count on us being in the forefront to defeat the criminal cabal behind it, and restore the American system, as articulated by Lyndon LaRouche in his championing of a Four Power Agreement to establish a New Bretton Woods, and in his Four Laws.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Crucial Economic Decisions Being Made Behind Closed Doors

As all eyes are focused on tomorrow’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., the world’s financial oligarchs are racing to put the Great Reset in place, i.e., a global banker’s dictatorship designed to preserve and deepen the control of an alliance of private Central Banks over national economies.

A new rule which the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency adopted last week under President Trump’s direction, the “Fair Access to Financial Services” rule, is a direct slap in the face of the globalist’s plans, and makes clear why they have worked so hard to get rid of him.

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