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Next Group of Chinese Astronauts Will Have the Skills Needed for the Space Station

China’s manned space program is entering a new phase, which demands new skills from a new class of astronauts. Previously, only Air Force pilots could qualify. The purpose of the first manned flights was to test the hardware and the human element in space to prepare for longer missions of exploration. Having completed the first phase, during which the flight was 33 days, in the operational phase of a full-grown station, crew must now be prepared to work together for six months.

Of the 18 new trainees, 7 are pilots who will fly the vehicle, 7 are spaceflight engineers, responsible for controlling and managing the spacecraft; and the rest are payload specialists. The “payload” on especially the early missions where laboratories are being outfitted, will be scientific experiments and equipment. Space writer Andrew Jones, earlier this month outlined a broad range of research that will be carried out on the station, including astronomy, life science, space biology, materials, microgravity physics, “and more.”

China has not announced a definite date for the launch of “Tianhe” the core module. Earlier estimates have been that the station would be completed by 2023.

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy — Opus 22 “Grande Sonata”

Opus 22 “Grande Sonata”
Notes by Margaret Scialdone

Although somewhat overlooked today, the Opus 22 “Grande Sonata” was a great favorite of Beethoven’s. He assured his publisher that “Die Sonate hat sich gewaschen” (literally, ‘the Sonata has washed itself’, or, ‘it takes the cake’). Composed in 1800 and published in 1802, it’s considered to be the last of the “early sonatas”, following which Beethoven abandoned 18th Century sonata forms and went in entirely new directions.

New Jersey native Felicia He gave an outstanding performance of this sonata at her senior recital last February.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Inauguration in the Midst of Deliberate Chaos

Those committed to removing Donald Trump from office have applied the tactics of regime change “Color Revolutions” for the last four years, with an agenda of removing any opposition to their plans for a global banker’s dictatorship called “The Great Reset”.

The tactics which were often used against foreign nations have been brought to the U.S. The damage which has been done thus far is only a pre-taste of what they intend under a Biden administration. As The LaRouche Organization has been fighting this for the last four years, you can count on us being in the forefront to defeat the criminal cabal behind it, and restore the American system, as articulated by Lyndon LaRouche in his championing of a Four Power Agreement to establish a New Bretton Woods, and in his Four Laws.

Video statement by Helga Zepp-LaRouche: Stopping Hunger in Africa — A Moral Test for Americans

Helga Zepp-LaRouche urges Americans and concerned citizens world-wide to act on the recent call by Schiller Institute collaborator Phillip Tsokolibane to mobilize the resources needed to stop starvation in Africa.

Read Phillip Tsokolibane’s statement: A Matter of Life or Death— Call for International Mobilization of Food Resources To Fight Starvation in Africa

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Crucial Economic Decisions Being Made Behind Closed Doors

As all eyes are focused on tomorrow’s inauguration in Washington, D.C., the world’s financial oligarchs are racing to put the Great Reset in place, i.e., a global banker’s dictatorship designed to preserve and deepen the control of an alliance of private Central Banks over national economies.

A new rule which the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency adopted last week under President Trump’s direction, the “Fair Access to Financial Services” rule, is a direct slap in the face of the globalist’s plans, and makes clear why they have worked so hard to get rid of him.

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Defeat the ‘New Fascism’, Revive the American System with LaRouche’s Four Laws

The ‘Reichstag Fire’ False Flag event of January 6 provided a pretext for the imperial forces of the so-called Military Industrial Complex to shift to a New Fascism, to suppress opposition to its Schachtian austerity policies and new wars.

The absurd impeachment bill passed against President Trump, combined with Big Tech censorship, and warnings of violent uprisings, point toward a new, harsher Patriot Act, to criminalize opposition to a Biden regime, which is committed to using a “Great Reset” to impose an anti-human, fascist Green New Deal. We must use the vulnerabilities of the imperial forces, i.e., that they are bankrupt, to crush them with LaRouche’s Four Laws. Today, we can use the celebration of Dr. King’s birthday to enhance the spiritual strength needed to achieve true justice for all, as King intended during his earthly mission.

Video: Lyndon LaRouche, 2004 – The Immortal Talent Of Martin Luther King

In the wake of the events of January 6, 2021, Lyndon LaRouche’s truly inspired and startling 2004 presentation of January 19, 2004 is ever more important.

Will we react with fear, or with anger, or even worse indifference, or will take inspiration from the common vision of leaders so separated in time and space as France’s Joan of Arc and America’s Martin Luther King? Will we hear the voice of our common God in whose image we have been made as did Martin and Joan? Mr. LaRouche challenges us to “to tap into that power,” then you can act with “a sense of what your life means. You have a sense of obligation, a mission in life to uplift the nation, by uplifting” your nation’s people.

Lyndon LaRouche is introduced by Amelia Boynton Robinson, a hero in her own right and a former vice chairwoman of the Schiller Institute.

Chinese Researchers Present New Prototype for Maglev Train

Researchers at China’s Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu have presented a prototype for a maglev train, using  high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets, which they say could be made commercially available in six years. The researchers revealed their prototype at a test track in Chengdu on January 13th. The train is designed to travel at up to 620km/h (385mph) but researchers said they were working to stretch that speed to 800km/h (497mph). The Japanese are also working on a new generation of maglev using superconducting technology. The Japanese, however, are using liquid helium to achieve a low temperature for their maglev, while the Chinese will use liquid nitrogen, which is a much cheaper coolant. Involving an investment of 60 million yuan (9.3 million U.S. dollars), the HTS maglev project was jointly developed by Southwest Jiaotong University, China Railway Group Limited and CRRC Corporation Limited.

Compared with other maglev technologies, HTS tech is more suitable for the futuristic concept of superfast transportation in vacuum tubes, where trains could hit speeds of over 1,000 kph, according to experts. China is intent on using maglev technology for their inter-city travel. The present maglev prototypes which have been produced are scheduled for travel between Shenzhen and Guangdong or between Shanghai and Hangzhou, which would increase the time-of-travel in the new city-clusters that are being planned as a part of the new Five-Year Plan.

Green Pipedreams Inevitably Lead to Power Blackouts

On Friday, Jan. 8, a major incident in the European power grid led to a strong frequency drop, which could have led to full blackout over Europe. The incident reached high- alert level 4 out of 5, the second most severe ever in Europe.

The reason for such an incident is in principle always similar: If an unstable system is disturbed by a local disturbance, which, considered by itself, is not dangerous, a chain reaction can quickly grow, leading to a big shortage in the overall power grid, which either leads to severe damage of the grid infrastructure or to an emergency shut-down of parts of the grid for protection.

In this case, the synchronized European grid was split into two separate “islands,” and grid operators had to initiate contracted load shedding in Italy and France to keep the grid stable.

The cutbacks affected areas of Romania and Austria.

The trigger for a Europe-wide blackout next time could be Germany, whose obsession with renewables has created power supply uncertainty which will get even worse if three of Germany’s remaining six nuclear reactors get shut off at the end of this year. A strong frequency drop in Germany would cause a chain reaction throughout Europe. 

2020 was a year with a record funding of “renewables” such as wind and biomass in Germany. Whereas funding of these green energy sources was 27.5 billion euros in 2019, it increased to 30.9 billion last year—an increase of 12 percent. Income generated by renewables stayed 6.4 billion below that of 2019—even taking into account that electricity generated by solar, wind, and biomass was 4 percent above that of 2019. The pandemic-related shutdown of industry caused lowered power demand, and since electricity generated by renewables cannot be stored, it had to be exported to Germany’s neighbors or put away as unusable surplus, becoming waste, which in the first nine months of 2020 caused net costs of 579 million euros alone, which the government covered with taxpayers’ money.

New Year Message From Helga Zepp-LaRouche!

At the beginning of 2018, Helga Zepp-LaRouche said the most important goal for 2018 was ending the stranglehold of geopolitics. While we still have much to do, many historic steps have been taken in that direction around the world.

See Helga’s special 2019 New Year message for a review of what we’ve accomplished in 2018, and what’s needed in 2019.

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