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Tri-Alpha Energy Claims Plasma Breakthrough, Stabilizes With Higher Temperature

Tri-Alpha Energy Claims Plasma Breakthrough, Stabilizes With Higher Temperature

April 12 (EIRNS) – Many privately-funded fusion power experimenters are making noted progress in the absence of much government support to U.S. fusion R&D; one of them said in an April 8 release that it had been able to produce stable plasma at temperatures over 50 million degrees. As reported, the company “sees commercialization by 2030” as a result. This is an experimental reversed-field fusion device operated by Tri-Alpha Energy, also called TAE Technologies.
            Leaving the commercialization claim aside, this report is of something highly unusual in the history of fusion research: A superhot plasma which becomes more stable, easier to confine, at higher energies and temperatures. To quote from “`This is an incredibly rewarding milestone and an apt tribute to the vision of my late mentor, Norman Rostoker,’ said TAE’s current chief executive officer, Michl Binderbauer, in a statement announcing the company’s achievement. `Norman and I wrote a paper in the 1990s theorizing that a certain plasma dominated by highly energetic particles [perhaps a hydrogen-boron plasma—ed.] should become increasingly better confined and stable as temperatures increase. We have now been able to demonstrate this plasma behavior with overwhelming evidence. It is a powerful validation of our work over the last three decades, and a very critical milestone for TAE that proves the laws of physics are on our side.”
            “Self-stabilizing plasmas” were goals that the Fusion Energy Foundation, during the 1970s and 1980s, consistently described and urged fusion researchers to be striving for. {The article is linked here.}

BEWARE FALSE FLAGS: How the Coming Financial Crisis Is Driving the Danger of War, As Before 9/11

It is still unknown whether the withdrawal of U.S./NATO forces from Afghanistan is the end of the era of endless wars, or a move to a new phase of geopolitical confrontations, directly challenging Russia and China.  The push for continued war comes from the onrushing financial collapse, for the same reason that the wars were launched following the 9/11 attack: wars are used, by the globalist financial and corporate cartels who fund the war hawks, to justify the imposition of emergency measures, including austerity economic policies and the surveillance state.  That is why it is necessary that LaRouche’s economic policies, for collaborative mutual economic benefit, represent the only real alternative to chaos.

Will We NOW Get Serious About Stopping Nuclear War?

On April 21, Russian President Putin warned that certain “red lines” are being crossed by actions of western forces, which threaten Russia’s security and sovereignty.  If this continues, it will force Russia to respond in an “asymmetrical, swift and tough” way.  Yet, as he stated, as such hostile actions toward Russia have become commonplace, “Everyone pretends nothing is happening.”  Fortunately, there are some voices in the West speaking out, including Tulsi Gabbard, Dr. Lyle Goldstein, and Helga Zepp LaRouche.  A Schiller Institute online conference will be held on May 9, to bring you up-to-date on the strategic crisis, and give you an opportunity to join our mobilization to break out of the present trajectory, which is shaped by City of London and Wall Street geopoliticians and neoliberals.  Sign up to participate here:

Multipolar Cooperation, Or Unipolar Push for More Wars and Austerity: You Choose!

While the mainstream media is focused on censoring real news, and increasing polarization around hot-button issues, there are significant strategic developments occurring: —Meetings of Afghanistan’s neighbors to help build an economy, to prevent a dissolution into civil war, starvation and drug production;—China’s development of a hypersonic, low-orbit glide vehicle, which caught western intelligence by surprise;—a new report on how wild liquidity pumping by central banks is behind accelerating inflation, and how it benefits 1.1% of the population;—Putin blaming Europe’s leaders for causing energy shortages and soaring prices, on the eve of the next climate “summit”, COP26. 

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Spark of Joy — Tribute to the incomparable Christa Ludwig on her passing

To honor the memory of the great mezzo-soprano Christa Ludwig, who passed away April 26th, we hear today her legendary performance in the title role of Beethoven’s opera,  Fidelio. She sings the recitative, “Abscheulicher! Wo eilst du hin?” followed by the aria, “Komm, Hoffnung!”

Monster! Where are you rushing?
What will you do in your wild rage?
Does the call of sympathy,
The voice of humanity,
Move nothing in your savage heart?
But just as like stormy seas
Anger and hatred surge in your soul,
There appears to me a rainbow,
That rests bright on the dark clouds,
That watches so quietly,
So peacefully below,
That mirrors old times,
And newly calmed my blood flows.

Come, Hope, let the last star
Not fade for the weary,
Illuminate my goal, be it ever so far,
Love will reach it.
I follow an inner drive,
I waver not,
I am strengthened by my duty
Of true wedded love.
Oh you, for whom I bore everything,
Could I only be at your side,
Where evil has you chained,
And bring you sweet comfort!
I follow an inner drive,
I waver not,
I am strengthened by my duty
Of true wedded love.

Ms. Ludwig was also a signer of the Schiller Institute’s 1988 call for the Verdi tuning to be restored bringing the pitch back to A = 432 cycles per second. [Message by Margaret Scialdone and Mary Jane Freeman.]

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy — his beautiful song, An die ferne Geliebte to contemplate the future.

Alois Jeitteles was a young physician who was also making a name for himself as a poet when he wrote the six poems which Beethoven wove into the beautiful “An die ferne Geliebte” (To the distant Beloved). It is a true Liederkreis (song cycle), thoroughly composed so that the songs are inseparable from one another. 
This performance by John Sigerson and Margaret Greenspan was part of an international conference of the Schiller Institute that took place in April of 2020. [Notes by Margaret Scialdone.]

No Time for Moping, The Future Is Ours If We Move Now!

All the symptoms of a systemic economic breakdown — shortages, inflationary prices, the failure of institutions to address the explicit dangers, while pushing for a global central banker’s Green dictatorship — are signs of the WEAKNESS of the Davos billionaires who think they are the Kings of the Universe.  In their frantic pursuit of their utopia, with its drastic reduction of human population, they have planted the seeds of their own defeat.  What’s needed to defeat them is a strategy.  Join with the Schiller Institute to rally the millions of those suffering from the policies of the establishment, to put them out of business!

Who Benefited from 9/11?

The first 9/11 documents declassified as a result of President Biden’s order show active involvement of Saudi officials in the events of 9/11.  What must be answered now is 1.) Who in the U.S. government covered up the Saudi role for 20 years?; and 2.) Who benefited from the coverup?  The place to begin to answer these questions is with Lyndon LaRouche’s forecast on January 3, 2001, in which he warned that a “Reichstag Fire” event would be used by the Bush administration to impose emergency crisis management policies.  

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

Davos Billionaires, U.S.-U.K.-NATO War Hawks Push Radical Depopulation Policies

A quick survey of today’s world indicates that most people in the so-called advanced sector are indifferent in the face of mass murder being perpetrated in their names, or feel impotent to do anything about it.  There is no question that the sanctions policies imposed by western governments are killing people; yet regime change wars continue, while the War Hawks are creating provocations  against Russia and China which could lead to hot wars, and a global Green New Deal is being implemented to destroy the physical economy needed to sustain life.  There is now a great potential to build a global anti-Malthusian movement, to take power away from the neo-con/neoliberal killers, and instead initiate a process of real economic development.  Join with the Schiller Institute, and our Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites — this is a fight for justice which we must win!

Live Event: Will Reality Bite British Bozos at Glasgow Halloween Climate Summit?

Join us LIVE on Saturday, October 16 at 2pm EDT. Now that the Chinese government has made it clear what they really think about the CO2 goals of the October 31-November 6 COP26 climate summit, the strategic circumstances of the upcoming three weeks, starting with the Halloween Night beginning of the Glasgow Séance, have significantly changed. Action, and action now will have surprising, non-linear, even seismic impact.

The recent release of a CLINTEL/Schiller Institute statement, “A WAKE-UP CALL: THE DANGER FOR MANKIND IS NOT THE CLIMATE, BUT TOLERATION OF A DEVIOUS POLICY THAT USES CLIMATE TO DESTROY US!” was extremely well-timed. It has already caused a firestorm among the “green Malthusians”, and relief for those that insist that real scientific and technological progress is in the self- interest of every nation and person–including the daft Malthusian ghouls that oppose it. This Saturday will consist of a report about the Thursday “Day of Action” for Afghanistan conducted worldwide. Diane Sare will join Dennis Speed and others for a discussion of not only that mobilization, but of the Chinese policy-shift from the Malthusian one-child policy of the 1970s and early 80’s, to their recent eradication of poverty in their nation, a feat unprecedented—especially for a nation of well over one billion people.

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