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BEWARE FALSE FLAGS: How the Coming Financial Crisis Is Driving the Danger of War, As Before 9/11

BEWARE FALSE FLAGS: How the Coming Financial Crisis Is Driving the Danger of War, As Before 9/11

It is still unknown whether the withdrawal of U.S./NATO forces from Afghanistan is the end of the era of endless wars, or a move to a new phase of geopolitical confrontations, directly challenging Russia and China.  The push for continued war comes from the onrushing financial collapse, for the same reason that the wars were launched following the 9/11 attack: wars are used, by the globalist financial and corporate cartels who fund the war hawks, to justify the imposition of emergency measures, including austerity economic policies and the surveillance state.  That is why it is necessary that LaRouche’s economic policies, for collaborative mutual economic benefit, represent the only real alternative to chaos.

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