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Did Geopolitics Sink Portugal’s Sines Port Expansion Project for Now?

Did Geopolitics Sink Portugal’s Sines Port Expansion Project for Now?

May 5, 2021 (EIRNS)—At the close of the April 6 deadline for submitting bids to construct a new, huge container terminal at Portugal’s Sines Port, not a single bid had been entered. Port authorities blamed the fiasco on the drop in world shipping from the pandemic, and are talking of launching another offer with more “flexible” conditions when “market conditions” are better. The chairman of the port’s board of directors José Luís Cacho assured that the port expansion will happen, calling the possibility of a two-year delay “almost irrelevant.”

Most likely more than pandemic effects were involved. Portugal and China have been working for several years to use the planned “Vasco de Gama” terminal at Sines’s excellent deep-water port, just south of Lisbon on the Atlantic coast, as a key Belt and Road Initiative hub, connecting the westernmost point of the Eurasian rail network with the Maritime Silk Road in the Atlantic, thereby facilitating trading connections with the Americas and the Western coast of Africa. The Schiller Institute supported the plan as key for developing the Americas, and Portugal pinned its own industrial expansion on the project, envisioning proudly a return to its historic role as a leading center of maritime development. In late 2018, Portugal signed a Memorandum of Understanding with China on the Belt and Road, becoming one of the few countries in Europe willing to counter pressure from Washington and the EU.

The Anglo-American nexus moved in. The U.S. Embassy organized multiple visits of U.S. gas companies promising big investments to build up Sines’s LNG facilities. The Portuguese government welcomed investments from all serious bidders, but in September 2020, U.S. Amb. George Glass told the Portuguese daily Expresso that Portugal is inevitably “part of the European battlefield between the United States and China,” and Portugal now had to choose between its American “friends and allies” and its “economic partner” China. Among other threats, Glass stated that if Portugal awarded the Sines terminal contract to China, the U.S. would pull out of its LNG investments there.

Keeping the pressure on, former British diplomat John Dobson published an op ed in the Sunday Guardian of India on Dec. 5, 2020, picked up in Portugal, stating that the fight over Sines was an “economic flashpoint” between China and the U.S., similar to the military flashpoint building up in the South China Sea. “So will it be America’s huge LNG terminal, or China’s huge container port?,” he wrote. “Whoever is the winner, the geopolitical consequences will be massively significant.”

Join The Anti-Malthusian Movement To Defeat the “Green New Deal”

Unbeknownst to most Americans, resistance is growing internationally to the scientific fraud and economic disaster known as the “Green New Deal” (GND).  Furthermore, few are aware that the movement behind it was launched by a rabid opponent of human civilization, Sen. Gaylord Nelson, whose passion — like that of those oligarchs who rushed in to support him — was population reduction.  In 2002, Nelson lamented that the environmentalist movement did not speak openly about reducing the world’s population, which he said was the result of “McCarthyism” and “demagogic contrivance.”  Nelson, like most of those in power today trying to impose the GND globally, would prefer to cover up the British roots of Malthusian genocide, and its successful implementation of population reduction based on eugenics and British “race science”, in Nazi Germany. 

Tony Blinken’s “Rules-Based Order” Magical Mystery Tour

The Group of 7 Foreign Ministers met in London to prepare for June’s leadership conference.  They devoted two ninety-minute sessions to coordinate military and financial containment of Russia and China, two nations they designated as threats to the “Rules-Based Order” (RBO).  While there, Secretary of State Blinken praised  the U.S.-U.K. Special Relationship as the cornerstone of the RBO, to insure adherence to “democratic values and human rights.”  He then went to Kiev, to deliver the message that the G7 stands behind Ukraine’s “sovereignty” (!), in the face of alleged  threats from Russia.  Meanwhile, NATO continues with the largest military exercises in eastern Europe in years, on  Russia’s doorstep.

Live Event: Reconstructing Haiti is America’s Way Out of the “Global Britain” Trap

Join us LIVE on Saturday, September 25 at 2pm EDT.

Before the United States is drawn even more deeply into the geopolitical underworld by “Global Britain’s” 19th century’s Indo-Pacific adventure, the just announced Australia/United Kingdom/United States “Orcus Pact,” it might be wise to stop and think. Earlier this week, with regard to Global Britain, Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Nikolai Patrushev said, “the English for centuries pushed the Scots into the mountain regions, used cheap Welsh labor and brought Irish people to the colonies in the capacity of slaves.”

“These people for centuries were treated with no less contempt than the Africans or Asians subjugated by Britain.”

The best way to reverse the new disastrous course is to reverse the singular depraved indifference of current United States policy expressed in two areas: Afghanistan and Haiti. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen should release Afghanistan’s 9 billion dollars to prevent the starvation of 14 million people. Haiti, similarly oppressed by unjust monetary policies as punishment for its successful revolution, must be immediately reconstructed . Richard Freeman of Executive Intelligence Review will discuss the release of a comprehensive program for Haitian Reconstruction, followed by discussion. There will also be a report on developments at the United Nations in this past week, as well as an update on Afghanistan.

Friday Questions — How to Make an Economic Miracle in the U.S.

The answers to many of the economic and financial questions received for today can be found in the newly-released TLO pamphlet, “The Coming U.S. Economic Miracle — On the New Silk Road.”  Questions addressed today include: 1, What is Fed Chair Jerome Powell talking about when he assures us that inflation is “transitory”?; 2. What about China’s actions related to Evergrande?; 3. Is the AUKUS agreement directed against China?; 4. What is the significance of the indictment of Hillary’s attorney Sussman? 

Mobilizing to Defeat the Satanic Intent of Depopulating the Planet

Friday Questions: On the eve of the FLOP26 genocide conference opening in Glasgow, many of you are asking how we can mobilize a population which has submitted to the narratives designed by Tavistock brainwashers to make people cynical and depressed.  Two answers: First — not everyone is submitting, there is deep concern and anger about corruption, inflation, austerity, endless wars, etc.  Find those not beaten down, and introduce them to the solutions developed by The LaRouche Organization.  Second — use truth, irony, empathy and love to reach the minds and souls of those paralyzed by fear and impotence.  The crash of the system is here, as more and more are realizing.  Now is not the time to wallow, or look for a safe zone — sign up for the Nov. 13-4 Schiller Institute conference to find out more.  

Hyperinflation in Energy Prices Is NOT Caused by Shortages, but Excess of Neoliberal Greed and Corruption

As the LaRouche movement has warned for years, energy price hikes are not based on lack of product, but manipulation of markets by traders, working with geopoliticians in government and financial institutions — such as the infamous Henry Kissinger, coordinator of the 1973 Great Oil Hoax, which began the era of the petro-dollar. The Glasgow COP26 summit is not about stopping “global warming”, but convincing you to accept the idea that the era of plenty is over, and you should get used to shortages, high prices, unavailability of products, and a lower standard of living and early death. Join with us to end the fraud of the idea of “limits to growth”. Read the Schiller Institute/CLINTELL “Wake-Up Call”, CLINTEL/Schiller Institute—A Wake-Up Call: The Danger for Mankind Is Not the Climate, but Toleration of a Devious Policy that Uses Climate To Destroy Us!

The British Hand In The Ukraine Crisis

As tensions remain high between Ukraine and Russia, the British announced they will send two naval warships into the Black Sea, replacing American ships which cancelled their visit.  The Ukraine crisis is a classical British geopolitical operation.  Evidence is emerging of the direct role played by MI6 chief Richard Moore in directing Ukraine’s President Zelensky into the suicidal position in which he is placing his country.  Are we prepared to risk a nuclear war on behalf of the “Special Relationship”, in which the U.S. military provides the muscle to protect the City of London/Wall Street central banker’s world order?

U.S. Post-war Policy Toward Afghanistan Sets the Stage for More War

The freezing of Afghanistan’s national funds held in the N.Y. Federal Reserve Bank, ordered by Treasury Secretary Yellen on August 15, is setting the stage for further chaos in that war-torn country.  You don’t have to love the Taliban to demand the unfreezing of those funds — they belong to the sovereign nation of Afghanistan, and are needed to feed people, provide medicine, purchase fuel, etc.  By withholding those funds, the U.S. and its allies are starving children, exactly as the British colonial administrators did to their colonies.  Is this what the Biden administration intends, when it says the era of endless wars is over???   

Economist Writes ‘the Most Dangerous Place on Earth’: Taiwan

May 4, 2021 (EIRNS)--In its May 1 cover article, the Economist wrote with satisfaction about the dangerous strategic condition created with respect to Taiwan. The outgoing head of the Pacific Command, Adm. Phil Davidson, had told Congress in March that he worried about China attacking Taiwan as soon as 2027. The {Economist} notes the unique position of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC), which leads the world in the production of advanced semiconductor chips, with technologies and production processes years ahead of those of either the U.S. or China. The British rag also exults in recent changes from what had been the status quo of the ambiguous state of U.S. support for a one-China policy while in effect guaranteeing Taiwanese independence. With a growing independence movement in Taiwan, strengthened by reporting on Hong Kong, will China remain at bay?

            “Nobody in America can really know what Mr. Xi intends today, let alone what he or his successor may want in the future…. Mr. Xi’s appetite for risk may sharpen, especially if he wants unification with Taiwan to crown his legacy.” To prevent this, the Economist calls for action: “America requires weapons to deter China from launching an amphibious invasion…. China must be discouraged from trying to change Taiwan’s status by force even as it is reassured that America will not support a dash for formal independence by Taiwan.” Rather than achieving an actual resolution of the dispute, through a true detente and discussion, the British magazine suggests an effort to “sustain ambiguity,” maintaining the state of conflict while acknowledging that “The risk of a superpower arms race is high.” The full article is here.

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