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Invitation: The Role of Youth in Creating a New International Economic Architecture

An International Youth Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Saturday May 7 at 11:00am EDT

Register below

The NATO alliance is now at war with Russia, a war of NATO’s creation. U.S. officials have made explicit that they have no intention of pursuing a negotiated peace. Mankind is on the path to nuclear self-annihilation.

It must not be so. The world desperately needs the political and moral leadership of a new generation to chart a new course for humanity.

How did we get here?

The danger of extinction war is a manifestation of the final stage of a half-century of accelerating decline of the trans-Atlantic sector, a decline brought about by hyperinflationary money-printing, bail-outs of speculative assets, imperial “regime change” wars, and intentional “Green” deindustrialization. In 2019, already over 810 million people lacked sufficient food. By the end of 2021, the World Food Programme estimated that over 230 million were nearing outright famine. In March, 2022, Liu Zhiqun, a Chinese economist with the Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, warned that 1 billion people could soon face starvation as a result of the unilateral sanctions imposed on Russia and their effect on the global economy.

The Malthusian policy of world depopulation adopted by the financial oligarchy in the City of London and Wall Street has succeeded in creating an era without a future. Their financial bubble, nearing $2 quadrillion of worthless gambling debts, is primed to collapse in a crash many times worse than the 2007-08 crisis. In early 2020, an Executive Intelligence Review report revealed that the global real unemployment rate already stood at 46%. A global pandemic has taken over six million lives, and nations remain unprepared for the next deadly variant, or new virus. The global food supply is under attack by the Great Reset’s murderous “conservation” policies, which order farmers to let their land lie fallow. Hyperinflation is destroying the ability of human beings to live.

To rescue humanity from complete destruction requires nothing less than the creation of a new system—a new security and development architecture for the world, one coherent with the idea that man is in the living image of God, and that therefore each human life is sacred. Already an expression of such a system, devoted to the sovereign right for each nation to achieve economic development, is being built. The Belt and Road Initiative of China, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization all belong to this New Paradigm in principle—they can serve as the foundation for an international economic architecture designed to feed the world, build necessary megaprojects of infrastructure, and drive scientific breakthroughs in fusion energy and space science needed for the next fifty years.

What may convert this potential into actuality? Is it not the passion of individuals to become a necessary force for the common good? The world depends upon its youth to identify with the New Paradigm and manifest it, such that their beautiful vision of the future may overwhelm the pessimism and failed traditional modes of thought of the crumbling old order.

The March 28 Schiller Institute policy proposal, “The LaRouche Plan for a New International Economic Architecture,” outlines in detail how the New Paradigm can be created by the actions of leading nations. Our petition, “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” has been circulated across the world and signed by over 4,000 people, including hundreds of prominent public figures. The Schiller Institute’s April 9 conference devoted to this theme brought together panelists from the highest levels of government in Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

We invite youth from every nation to join us Saturday May 7 at 11:00am EDT for an international dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and Chairwoman of the International Schiller Institute, about what youth can do to bring about the victory humanity needs. Proceedings will be simultaneously translated into Spanish.

May 07, 2022 at 11:00am – 3pm EDT

Video: In Support of an International Peace Conference — Alessia Ruggeri

In response to the Schiller Institute petition “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations,” Alessia Ruggeri, spokeswoman of Comitato per la Repubblica, Rome, Italy, issues a clarion call for a peace conference in the spirit of the Treaty of Westphalia that ended 30 years of religious war in the 17th Century. Ms. Ruggeri is one of over 120 prominent signers from around the world to the Schiller Institute’s petition.

Video: Energy Security for Africa — Princy Mthombeni

Princy Mthombeni addresses nuclear power’s role in the continent of Africa.. View Princy Mthombeni’s entire speech here:

Read and sign our petition calling for a new International Security Architecture.

Global Economic Collapse Is Imminent: A New Peace of Westphalia Is Our Last Chance!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche

March 12—President Putin has now responded to the West’s tightening sanctions with a combination of measures unprecedented in modern times, to defend the Russian economy against an attempt to “destroy Russia, Putin and the Russian system.” In a meeting with Prime Minister Mishustin and a number of decision-makers that can be considered a war cabinet, Putin, Mishustin and Finance Minister Siluanov announced nationalization measures and capital controls.

We are now in uncharted waters and—depending on how the West reacts—at the beginning of a development that will end in either a complete collapse of the global economic and financial system, or even a new world war, or will establish a new paradigm in international relations. The publication of the Schiller Institute’s new petition calling for a new conference in the tradition of the Peace of Westphalia could not have come more at a more propitious time. Because every thinking person should be aware that continuing the escalation spiral towards Russia, as is now being pursued by the U.S., Great Britain, and the EU, involves risks that can get completely out of control in a very short time.

NATO’s capital error was, and is, to assume that it can continue the Eastward expansion and encirclement of Russia indefinitely without this leading to countermeasures. At the Munich Security Conference in 2007, Putin had already sounded the alarm bells that everyone but the deaf should have heard, namely that a unipolar world order was not acceptable to Russia. Putin justified the December 17 demands on the U.S. and NATO for legally binding security guarantees—after a total of five Eastward expansions of NATO—with the fact that he no longer had any space to which he could retreat. Eight years of military attacks on the republics of Donetsk and Luhansk by Ukrainian forces, which killed 14,000 Russian-speakers, received almost no mention in Western media. Putin received no response to the core of his demands.

The economic equivalent of war, the sanctions, are a form of warfare with the stated aim of destroying not just Putin, but also Russia and the “Russian system.” French Finance Minister Le Maire declared his agreement with this aim with such undisguised hatred that he was reined in by President Macron and had to withdraw his statement. Similar statements had already been published on January 25 and then again at the end of February by two unnamed White House officials. The aim of American policy is to prevent Russia from any economic diversification away from oil and gas and to deny it access to advanced technologies. Ursula von der Leyen said the same thing.

The Western central banks reacted to the beginning of the war by confiscating more than $300 billion in Russian assets and announcing sanctions of the same sort as those used against Iran, i.e., also the extraterritorial application of American sanctions against third countries, as well as the exclusion of Russia from the status of a “most favored nation.” In the U.S. Imperial faction’s home organ, the Atlantic Council blog, “experts” Brian O’Toole and Daniel Fried, under the headline, “What’s Left To Sanction in Russia? Wallets, Stocks, and Foreign Investments” indulge in speculation as to how economic warfare against Russia could be escalated. The American and European sanctions have exceeded all expectations; in just two weeks they have plunged the Russian economy into a depression, the isolation means a disaster for the Russian people, but further escalations up to a full financial embargo and a total ban on all transactions, imports and exports are pending. This is the West’s final move to isolate Russia from the global economy. [See]

Do the authors of this policy really believe that all non-Western states, including China, will submit to this dictate in the same way that, for the most part, Iran did? The intention is evident to create enough economic chaos in Russia to prevent Putin from continuing his military actions in Ukraine and to embarrass the Russian people to such an extent that people from the security apparatus will depose Putin, or that the “Russian system” shattered, as Le Maire put it.

Putin has now reacted to this in an economic way, in line with his strategic thinking. At the said meeting he announced a package of measures to defend the Russian economy. From now on, foreign companies that withdraw from Russia without any comprehensible reason will be taken over by an “external (i.e., Russian) management,” and strict capital and currency controls will be introduced. Furthermore, liabilities to other countries are to be paid only in rubles (which have meanwhile been massively devalued), which can then only be exchanged for Russian assets confiscated by Western central banks. Foreign exchange generated through exports must be made available to the Russian central bank. Likewise, Putin enacted a series of measures to defend the domestic economy, such as a six-month moratorium on all payments in the agricultural sector to ensure its uninterrupted production.

The American government spokeswoman Jen Psaki acted surprised that these measures had brought us back to “1917,” i.e., the Russian Revolution. In fact, however, the West, through its economic warfare, has managed to checkmate the representatives of liberal economic theory, who had had a significant influence since the Yeltsin period. There is much to suggest that the West’s sanctions mania will prove to be an absolute boomerang for the transatlantic financial system, which is already on the verge of implosion, and will instead promote the emergence of an alternative financial system.

Sergey Glazyev, a former presidential adviser, economics professor and member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, was relatively calm about the impact of the sanctions. A new economic order will develop; after the collapse of the Soviet system, the collapse of the American system is now taking place; the West is destroying itself through the sanctions it has imposed. You have to get rid of the dollar because a currency that you can’t work with and that can be frozen tomorrow is worse than useless. The situation is not easy, but Russians should not panic, because Russia has no limits to economic growth and with the right macroeconomic policies today, economic growth of at least 10% per year can be achieved already this year. Glazyev has written a book on the reasons for the success of China’s economic model and has long suggested that Russia should adopt its own version of that model.

The idea of completely isolating Russia and thus “destroying the Russian system” is rather the product of arrogant Western fantasies. A growing number of states are refusing to participate in new bloc formation and are more willing to act as mediators, such as, for example, Pakistan, India, Turkey, Israel, South Africa, Argentina, just to name a few. However, in the short term, the consequences of the war in Ukraine and sanctions against Russia and Belarus, because of rising prices for energy, fertilizers, pesticides, etc. will have catastrophic effects on agriculture and thus on world hunger, which threatens about 400 million people this year .

There is also a risk that the confrontation between the U.S. and NATO—with the EU as an appendage—and Russia could escalate into a major war, including the possibility of a nuclear war. But even if there were “only” a worse financial collapse than that of 2008, the world could plunge into chaos that could be fatal for a large part of humanity.

Only a complete departure from geopolitical confrontation, and instead, the establishment of a new international security architecture that takes into account the interests of every state on this planet, can finally overcome this danger. The relevant petition from the Schiller Institute, which proposes a new conference in the tradition of the Peace of Westphalia, serves to bring together all the forces around the world who are committed to a new paradigm in politics. We urgently need a new model of relations between the nations of this world that makes it possible to tackle the existential problems of humanity together, such as overcoming world hunger, the pandemic, energy and raw material security through the development of new technologies such as nuclear fusion and Space Science.

The best thing you, dear citizens and readers of these lines, can do to regain world peace and overcome the global economic and financial crisis is to sign this petition and help spread it as widely as possible among your circle of acquaintances, on social media, and in all conceivable fora. Contrary to what the media and mainstream politics are trying to tell us, neither Russia nor China are our enemies, but we must take the standpoint of one humanity if we are to survive this crisis.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Responds to German Heavy Weapons to Ukraine

Faced with a Looming Nuclear War with Russia: Has the Bundestag Lost Its Mind?

An Appeal to Citizens: Don’t Let Germany Get Drawn Into Nuclear War with Russia —

April 30, 2022 (EIRNS)—Helga Zepp-LaRouche wrote the following as the lead article in the German weekly newspaper Neue Solidarität for the May 5, 2022 issue, which has been translated from the German original. (

The irresponsible and highly dangerous decision of the German government and Bundestag to give into the pressure from the U.S. government, NATO, and the warmongers in their own ranks, and agree to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine, must immediately be reversed! It represents an acute danger for the existence of Germany, as it makes us—together with the United States, Great Britain and other NATO member states that are also providing a vast arsenal of weapons to Ukraine and training Ukrainian troops in their own countries or, according to Figaro journalist Malbrunot even inside Ukraine—a party to the war. It is also a big step in a spiraling escalation toward a nuclear Third World War! Instead, Germany and France must push, with great force, for an immediate cease-fire and a diplomatic solution.

The Biden Administration is trying to mask its participation in the proxy war against Russia, with repeated statements by President Joe Biden that the military option in Ukraine is not on the table, because no one wants to trigger World War III. But given the massive arms shipments, the various aid amounting to $14 billion in the past two months, and now another $33 billion on top of that, and given the sharing of intelligence with the Ukrainian armed forces, as is openly admitted by the White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, the United States is already de facto a participant in the war.

Bruce Fein, an American constitutional law expert and former associate Attorney General in the Reagan administration, argues that the U.S. and NATO member countries are already co-belligerents in the war. John B. Henry, the Chairman of the Committee for the Republic, which includes well-known former diplomats and members of government, is of the view that, under international law, this gives Vladimir Putin the right to take military action against the U.S. and those countries.

After Chancellor Scholz had refused on April 22 to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine, because he wanted to do everything possible to avoid an escalation that could lead to World War III, just three days later, his intention had evaporated. German Defense Minister Lambrecht announced just in time for the major meeting at the U.S. air base in Ramstein on April 26, to which U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had invited military leaders from 40 countries, that the government coalition had decided the day before to supply Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine. So much for statements by the Chancellor or for Germany’s sovereignty—they are obviously meaningless.

Secretary Austin announced that from now on, such meetings would be held once a month at the Ramstein air base, which houses the headquarters of the “United States Air Forces Europe” and “Air Forces Africa,” the NATO “Allied Air Command Ramstein,” as well as the “U.S. Air and Space Operations Center,” which controls drone strikes in the Middle East and Africa. The purpose of such meetings will be to optimize and coordinate the weapons production by arms industries in the various countries. Interestingly, the largest and most modern American military hospital outside the U.S., which is largely financed by Germany, is also located there. Obviously, decisions of greater import are taken in Ramstein than in Berlin, including as to whether or not Germany will be a party to the war in Ukraine.

So far, NATO and Western governments have turned a deaf ear to Putin’s warnings about crossing red lines, although he has repeatedly shown that his words are followed by deeds. This time, we should heed the warnings. In a meeting with lawmakers in St. Petersburg on April 27, one day after Lambrecht’s announcement, Putin said that in the event of outside intervention and the creation of an unacceptable threat to Russia, retaliatory strikes will be lightning-fast. Russia, he added, has the tools for that purpose that no one else has at this point, and they will be used. All the decisions, he said, have already been made.

On the same day, April 27, the Wall Street Journal carried an article titled “The U.S. Should Show It Can Win a Nuclear War,” in which former Undersecretary of the Navy Seth Cropsey maintained that the U.S. should prepare to win a nuclear war if it did not want to lose it. U.S. warships should be armed with nuclear weapons, he wrote, and destroy Russian nuclear-missile submarines that are the main base of Russian second-strike capability. A similarly insane fantasy underlay the U.S. “Global Lightning” exercise, held in late January, which practiced an extended maneuver involving a hybrid of conventional and nuclear methods of warfare.

The idea that a limited nuclear war is possible and that it could be “won,” and that small nuclear weapons that are “usable” should be deployed, is madness. Nuclear arms expert Ted Postol has made an absolutely compelling case, most recently in a dialogue, on why the use of even a single nuclear weapon will inevitably lead to a general nuclear war, leading to the use of all existing nuclear weapons. And all the political morons who lightly talk about the need to deliver heavy weapons to Ukraine, even if it means the risk of nuclear war cannot be ruled out, belong in a locked hospital ward, not in positions of political responsibility.  (The Postol remarks were made in a recent interview with Robert Scheer.)

Postol describes the effect of nuclear weapons: “We’re talking about a wall of fire that encompasses everything around us at the temperature of the center of the Sun. That will literally turn us to less than ash, if this thing gets going. I can’t emphasize how powerful these weapons are. When they detonate, they’re actually four or five times hotter than the center of the Sun, which is 20 million degrees Kelvin. They’re 100 million degrees Kelvin at the center of these weapons.”

Human beings can’t imagine the scale of such heat, he explains. He himself has written articles repeatedly about the consequences of nuclear weapons on cities, for example. Postol said, “This is something beyond anything that human beings have been able to imagine. And I don’t know how to emphasize how dangerous this is.”

He further describes that a single nuclear weapon would wipe out an urban area with a radius of 5 miles, or an area of about 75 square miles, that it would take only 20% of the American ICBMs available “to destroy all of Russia’s ICBM, land-based ICBMs—maybe a thousand,” and thus 80% of the warheads could be used for other purposes (for example against targets in Russia, China or Germany). Russia, he goes on, because of its less capable early warning system, had to set up an automated response in the event the Russian leadership were killed in a surprise U.S. nuclear first strike. Russia’s unfortunate inability to improve its early warning system, according to Postol, has resulted in a “doomsday weapon” that makes the situation much more dangerous because a fatal error could trigger a nuclear war.

It should be clear to every thinking person—and the 586 members of the Bundestag who voted for the delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine are obviously not among them—that the Federal Republic of Germany becomes a co-belligerent because of that, and thus becomes a target in the event of war. Ramstein, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden, Büchel, Pirmasens, Baumholder, to name just a few targets, would burn up.

Rather than pursuing a course of suicide and the end of humanity in a misconceived loyalty to the Alliance, Germany must work for an immediate ceasefire and diplomatic negotiations. Rather than letting ourselves be whipped up into a hatred of Russia (and China) by commissioned war-mongering journalists and gun-toting women, we need to start doing our own thinking again. It is not the policy of détente that has led to the current crisis—it allowed for the peaceful reunification of Germany after all, it is the expansion of NATO five times to the East and the obstinate refusal of the political and military establishment to respond to Putin’s demand for legally binding security guarantees.

We are indeed living through a turning point, but not in the way the “narratives” of mainstream politicians and media would have us believe, rather the attempt to maintain a unipolar world in which only the U.S. and U.K. are in charge, has failed. The majority of nations in the world are in the process of building a world order based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and enabling the economic development of all.

Germany will remain non-sovereign and an occupied country for only as long as we allow it to be so in our minds. We must work now for real peace, for a diplomatic solution, and beyond that for a new international security and development architecture that guarantees the survival of humanity. Become active with us to make that happen!


Add your name to the petition To Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations ; and watch, and circulate the April 9, four-panel international conference which was a crucial initiating step in bringing that new architecture into being.

Webcast: Ignoring Crossing of Red Lines is a Sign of Insanity

In a statement issued yesterday, in commenting on the turn-around by the German government on delivery of heavy weapons to Ukraine, Schiller Institute chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche asked, “Has the Bundestag Lost Its Mind?” In discussing this and other indications that U.S.-NATO escalation against Russia is moving close to crossing the red lines which define Russian security concerns, she said that it is urgent to drop the present dangerous course, and return to diplomacy. By becoming “co-belligerents”, as defined by international law, former Reagan Assistant Attorney General Bruce Fein said Putin would have a right to strike those countries.

She used the example of German Foreign Minister Baerbock’s comments that there is “no way back” to the pre-war period as a prime example of this insanity. Can’t nations acknowledge that the present course is wrong? At a time when starvation threatens nearly one-fifth of the world’s population, why are western nations escalating their attacks on Russia and China? It’s not surprising that many former colonial nations are refusing to back the U.S. and NATO. She said that China’s emphasis on experimental projects of seed development to fight hunger resonates with the former colonial nations. Why have western nations done nothing to address this?

She concluded with a brief summary of her late husband’s commitment to creating a new financial system as the basis for peace, which underlies her call, and the Schiller Institute’s mobilization, for a new strategic and financial architecture. She urged viewers to join us, to make this happen.

Petition: Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

Call for Emergency Mobilization to Defeat the Global Dictatorship

Here are the links mentioned in the Update:

  1. Please sign and circulate the Schiller Institute Petition: “Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations.”
  2. Use the press release with VIP signers to organize others.

International Press Release: Schiller Institute International Petition

The following call — “Convoke an International Conference to Establish a New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations” — circulated as a petition in eleven languages worldwide since February 23 by the Schiller Institute, is being released today with an initial sampling of 127 prominent signers from 32 countries (see the complete list below), a representative group of the thousands who have endorsed the call.

In the context of the huge strategic and economic crisis worldwide, the Schiller Institute and the signers demand an urgent mobilization to “convoke an international conference along the lines of the Peace of Westphalia…to ensure that the central economic and security interests of each” and all nations are addressed.

With this initial release, the Schiller Institute urges all people dedicated to the common good of mankind to add your name to the petition, circulate it and organize for our upcoming conference.

North America (U.S. and Canada)  
CanadaJulian FellBiologist; Co-Director Area F, Regional Government of Nanaimo, British Columbia
CanadaFaisal HudaCEO, BUNA Capital Inc.
CanadaBill MacPhersonPast President, Applied Science Technologists and Technicians of British Columbia
CanadaJohn StoneMChE, Member, Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta
United StatesDr. Athar AbbasiMajor, U.S. Army (Ret)
United StatesJon BakerAgricultural Bank Loan Officer
United StatesJames BenhamState President, Indiana Farmers Union; Board Member, National Farmers Union
United StatesFr. Lawrence BernardOrder of Friars Minor (OFM)
United StatesMike CallicrateFarm leader, Kansas/Colorado
United StatesMarshall Carter-TrippForeign Service Officer (ret), former political science professor
United StatesVictor ChangUS-China Forum, Inc.
United StatesAlan CoveyPolitical activist
United StatesJoel DejeanLaRouche Independent Candidate for U.S. Congress – 38th District (Texas)
United StatesDr. Joycelyn EldersFormer U.S. Surgeon-General
United StatesFrank EndresFarm Leader, California
United StatesChristopher FogartyChair, Chicago Friends of Irish Freedom; author of “Ireland 1845-1850; the Perfect Holocaust, and Who Kept it ‘Perfect’.”
United StatesGraham FullerFormer CIA Officer and Vice Chair of the National Intelligence Council
United StatesMatthew GreinerCity Council, Keota, Iowa
United StatesDr. Bihong GuanChairman, World Association of Chinee Elites
United StatesDeWayne HopkinsFormer two-term mayor; current at-large Councilman, Muscatine, Iowa
United StatesJames JatrasFormer U.S. Diplomat and Advisor to U.S. Senate Republican Leadership
United StatesDr. Ernest JohnsonPresident Emeritus, Louisiana NAACP; civil rights attorney
United StatesWilbur KehrliNational Board of Directors, American Blue Cattle
United StatesGeorge KooChairman, Burlingame Foundation; retired international business consultant
United StatesKeaten MansfieldCenter for Political Innovation, Chief of U.S. Staff
United StatesCaleb MaupinFounder and Director, Center for Political Innovation
United StatesDavid MeiswinkleAttorney and former President of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry
United StatesJohn OLoughlin 
United StatesJeff PhilbinNuclear Engineer, Technical Consultant, Independent Contractor
United StatesSam PitrodaInventor and entrepreneur; Chairman, Indian Overseas Congress
United StatesEarl RasmussenExecutive Vice President, Eurasia Center
United StatesDiane SareLaRouche Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate – New York
United StatesNaser ShahalemiExecutive Director, End Afghan Starvation
United StatesJohn ShanahanEditor, website:
United StatesBarbara SuhrstedtInternational concert pianist
United StatesEverett SuttleOpera singer
United StatesBruce ToddFormer Independent candidate for NJ Lt. Governor; Retired Millwright, Local 715
United StatesMohammad Ashraf Toor, MDChairman, Pakistani American Congress
United StatesBob Van HeeRedwood County Commissioner, Minnesota
United StatesZaher WahabProfessor Emeritus of Education, former Advisor to the Afghanistan Ministry of Higher Education
United StatesAlan WaltarRetired Professor and Head, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, Texas A&M University; Past President , American Nuclear Society
BelgiumFrans VandenboschAuthor of “Statecraft and Society in China”
DenmarkTom GillesbergDirector, Schiller Institute, Denmark; former parliamentary candidate
DenmarkJelena NielsenDirector, Russian-Danish Dialogue
DenmarkJens Jørgen NielsenFormer Moscow correspondent, Danish daily Politiken; author of books about Russia and Ukraine; a leader of Russian-Danish Dialogue
DenmarkThomas VissingDirector of a China-Nordic trading company
DenmarkDr. Li XingProfessor of Development and International Relations, Department of Politics and Society, Aalborg University
Donetsk People’s RepublicRussell “Texas” BentleyJournalist, Former Vice President of Donbass Humanitarian Aid
FranceJacques CheminadePresident, Solidarité et Progrès, former presidential candidate
FranceAlain CorvezCol. (Ret.), International strategy advisor; former advisor to the Commanding General of the United Nations Force in South Lebanon (UNIFIL)
FranceAli RatsbeenPresident, Academie Géopolitique de Paris
GermanyDr. jur. Wolfgang BittnerAuthor
GermanyOle DoeringProfessor, Hunan Normal University; Associate Professor, Dep’t. for Global Health, Peking University; Privatdozent, KIT
GermanyHarald Koch Former Member of the German Parliament
GermanyRainer SandauTechnical Director, Satellites and Space Applications, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA)
GermanyProf. Wilfried SchreiberProf. Dr. sc. oec. et Dr. Phil.
GermanyHelga Zepp-LaRoucheFounder and Chairwoman, Schiller Insitute
GreeceLeonidas ChrysanthopoulosAmbassador ad Honorem; Secretary General, Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC), 2006-2012
GreeceGeorge TsobanoglouProfessor of Sociology, University of the Aegean
ItalyMario AgostinelliChairman, Fondazione Energia Felice
ItalyPino ArlacchiFormer Director, United Nations Drug Control Programme; Professor of Sociology, University of Sassari
ItalyProf. Bruno BrandimarteProfessor of Electronic Measurement, Rome
ItalyNino GalloniEconomist
ItalyLiliana GoriniChairwoman of Movisol (Movimento Internacionale per i Diritti Civili Solidarietà
ItalyLuca La Bella Journalist, Database Italy
ItalyGianmarco LandiJournalist, Database Italy, Comitato per la Repubblica
ItalyProf. Fabio Massimo ParentiAssociate Professor of International Studies, CFAU, Beijing
ItalyVincenzo RomanelloNuclear Engineer, Founder of Atomi per la Pace (Atoms for Peace), Lecce.Italy
ItalyAlessia RuggeriSpokeswoman of Comitato per la Repubblica, Rome, Italy
ItalyGaetano SantoroComitato per la Repubblica
MonacoAleksandar KrainerAuthor, “Grand Deception: The Truth about Bill Browder, the Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russian Sanctions”; financial consultant
NetherlandsGuus BerkhoutProfessor-Emeritus Geophysics, President of CLINTEL
NorwayThore VestbyFormer mayor and MP; Cofounder, ICHI Foundation
SpainJuan José Torres NúñezFree-lance journalist, poet
SwedenHussein AskarySouthwest Asia Coordinator, Schiller Institute
SwedenKjell LundqvistChairman, European Labor Party
SwedenUlf SandmarkChairman, Schiller Institute, Sweden
United KingdomMike RobinsonEditor, The UK Column 
ArgentinaEnrique Juan BoxMedia personality
ArgentinaLuis BragagnoloPeronist leader; Veterinarian
ArgentinaRoberto FritzscheProfessor, Department of Economic Science, University of Buenos Aires
ArgentinaRuben Darìo GuzzettiProfessor, Argentine Institute of Geopolitical Studies
ArgentinaJuan Francisco Numa SotoConstitutional Attorney
ArgentinaCarlos Perez GalindoAttorney at Law
ArgentinaAlejandro YayaVice President, Civilian Institute of Space Technology
BoliviaEdwin De la Fuente JeriaFormer Commander in Chief of the Bolivian Armed Forces
BoliviaMax IbañezFormer Secretary of Grievance Resolution, National Federation of Electrical, Telephone and Water Workers of Bolivia
BoliviaSandra Marca UscamaytaIntegration Coordinator for the Peasant, Indigenous and Native Economic Organizations of Bolivia
BrazilJairo Dias CarvalhoProfessor, Philosophy of Technology, Federal University of Uberlândia
BrazilIgor MaquieiraBiologist; member of CLINTEL
ColombiaMario Guillermo Acosta AlarconScientist and author; General Director of CIFRA (Space Lab City)
ColombiaRoss CarvajalJournalist
ColombiaEverardo Hernandez PardoTrade union leader
ColombiaAlba Luz PinillaVice-President of DIGNIDAD Political Movement
ColombiaPedro RubioPresident, Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic
Dominican RepublicRamon Emilio ConcepcionAttorney at Law; Presidential Pre-candidate for the PRM party (2020)
Dominican RepublicRamon GrossPost-graduate Professor, Catholic University of Santo Domingo
Dominican RepublicDante Ortiz NunezHistorian; Professor of History, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo
Dominican RepublicDomingo ReyesFormer professor of economics, Ph.D. in Higher Education
Dominican RepublicRafael Reyes JerezTV producer, “Face to Face” and “Economics and Politics” on Chanel 69 Teleradioamérica
HaitiJhonny EstorFounder, Renaissance-Haiti
HaitiDr. Garnel MichelPhysician and author; his book ‘Bak Lakay’ calls the diaspora to return and help rebuild Haiti
MexicoEdith CabreraFounder and Director of “Coalition #24F Life and Liberty for Julian Assange”
MexicoOscar Ramon Castro ValdezGeneral Director, “Dossier Político” internet publication
MexicoDaniel EstulinPublicist
MexicoSimon LevyFounder, Cátedra México-China, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
MexicoEnrique Lopez OchoaSurgeon, Professor of Angiology, UNISON School of Medicine
MexicoDaniel MarmolejoInvestigative journalist, winner of the 2019 National Journalism Award
MexicoMarino Montoya ContrerasJournalist for El Centinela and LGM News
MexicoFrancisco QuezadaMathematician; Professor Department of Sciences and Humanities, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)
MexicoAntonio ValdezJournalist
MexicoJaime Varela SalazarChemical Engineer; Former Director of the Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Sonora (UNISON)
PeruJosé Antonio Benllochpiquer CastroVice President, Christian Democratic Party
PeruFernando FaucheNational Secretary, Christian Democratic Party
PeruAdrian Flores KonjaFormer Dean of Accounting Sciences, National University of San Marcos
PeruCarlos Francisco Gallardo NeyraPresident, Christian Democratic Party
PeruRuben RojasNuclear Physicist
PeruMilton Vela-GutierrezProfessor, University of Lima
VenezuelaEmil Guevara MuñozMember of Parliament, Latin American Parliament (2006-2011)
VenezuelaEdgar Rodriguez MartinezAlberto Adriani Foundation
AfricaTse Anye KevinDeputy President, State55 Afrika
AustraliaTrudy CampbellAustralian Citizens Party
Congo, Republic ofDiogène SennyPresident of Ligue Panafricaine – UMOJA Congo; Coordination avec les Partis Panafricanistes
GuineaJacques BacamurwankoFormer Ambassador of Burundi to the United States
IraqMustafa Jabbar SanadMember, Council of Representatives (Parliament), Basrah
LebanonBasham El HachemProfessor of Political Sociology, Doctoral School, l’Université du Liban
MalaysiaDr. Isharaf HossainPresident & Principal Research Fellow, Muslim World Research Center (MWRC), Kuala Lumpur.
MozambiqueSamo Fernando Soares da ManhiçaExecutive Director, International Alliance for Development – Mozambique
PakistanShakeel Ahmad RamayChief Executive Officer, Asian Institute of Eco-Civilization Research and Development (AIERD), Islamabad
PakistanKhalid LatifExecutive Director, Center of Pakistan and International Relations (COPAIR); Program Director (Middle East)
YemenFouad Al-GhaffariPresident, ALBRICS Yemeni Youth Parliament

Video: The Peace of Westphalia to Escape the Thucydides Trap

Jacques Cheminade (France), President, Solidarite et Progres, addressed the urgent requirement for nations to evoke the spirit of the Treaty of Westphalia to divert the world away from a nuclear doomsday. View Jacques Cheminade’s full speech here. View the conference in its entirety here.

Read and sign our petition calling for a new International Security Architecture.

News Shorts — Can World War Still Be Prevented?

A possible default of Russian debt; strikes by truckers in Italy and Germany, and by fishermen in Italy and Spain; inflation takes off in the U.S.; no-fly zones and a Shakespearean reference from Lindsey Graham (?); will it be up to U.S. and Russian military officials to stop the madness?  And a humorous side to the war tensions!

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