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Webcast: Space Launch/Counter-coup = Openings to Defeat the British Chaos Scenario

Helga Zepp LaRouche dissected the various continuing coup operations being run against Trump and the American people, to make two broad points: 1.) We must expose and defeat the British Empire; 2.) The solution begins with crushing the Green policy, and its view that the problem is too many people. While there is genuine disgust and sadness stemming from the recent murder in Minneapolis, the protest demonstrations were hijacked by gangs out to finish the job of removing President Trump.

This is a very complex situation, but focusing on the role of the British brings some clarity. That it is the British was again made clear with the self-exposure of former MI6 head and Russiagate promoter Sir Richard Dearlove, waving a study — now disclaimed by one of its authors — to prove that the Coronavirus was manufactured by the Chinese, and they must pay reparations.

Most dangerous is the efforts of central bankers and their political enforcers to use the combination of crises to impose a Green Agenda. Imposing a Green Agenda on the present collapsing system would destroy the productive capacity of mankind. But the stage was set by the successful launch of a U.S. rocket to move ahead with the next step in the evolution of mankind, with space colonization. The unique solution to the proliferation of crises resides in the unleashing of the creative powers of man, which was the life’s work of Lyndon LaRouche, and defines the mission of the Schiller Institute today.

Ethiopia-China Cooperation Deepening

Dec. 23 -As the Ethiopia-China Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation Forum is currently underway in Hangzhou, China, the Ethiopian government envisaged the forum to provide a new impetus to the comprehensive partnership  between the two countries. The forum kicked off on Dec. 20. According to the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the forum is one major result of the longstanding relations that the two countries have enjoyed for many years. “Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have steadily strengthened a relationship based on their common interests. The two countries have also been and are working closely together in regional and international matters,” the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Dec. 21.

Foreign Minister Aklilu Hailemichael praised the government and people of China for playing a prominent role in his country’s economic boom. “The Ethiopia-China Economic, Trade and Cultural Cooperation Forum will further enhance the multifaceted ties between the two countries,” the statement quoted Hailemichael as saying.

Hailemichael has also briefed participants of the forum regarding Ethiopia’s untapped human and natural resources,  together with Addis Ababa’s commitment to promoting investment schemes in the East African country.

China, Ethiopia’s largest trading partner, is a major player in Ethiopia’s investment, trade and diplomatic landscape. In just the past two decades, Chinese companies have invested close to $4 billion in Ethiopia. According to the Ethiopian Investment Commission, the bilateral trade volume also reached $6.37 billion in 2015.

The recently published McKinsey report also indicated that Ethiopia, together with South Africa, has developed a robust partnership” with China, along with a high degree of economic engagement in the form of investment, trade, loans, and aid.

China Signed 100 Agreements with 86 Countries in 2017

Dec. 23 -Some 86 countries and international organizations have signed 100 cooperation agreements with China under the Belt and Road Initiative. He Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) said the initiative made major headway in 2017, citing progress in key areas including capacity, investment and the Digital Silk Road.

Steady progress was made in the building of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the Mombasa-Nairobi railway has been put into operation, construction has begun on the Belgrade-Stara Pazova section of the Hungary-Serbia railway and the Khalifa Port in the United Arab Emirates, the operation of the Hambantota Port has also been transferred to a Chinese firm, said He. So far, cargo train have made more than 7,000 trips between China and Europe, according to He.

The Way Out of the Crises – A New Paradigm for Civilization

(June 3, 2020) Schiller Institute Founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche commented on the situation in the USA, saying that the overall situation, with COVID 19, the famine pandemic, and the strategic tensions, on top of the instability in the streets, the solution requires the unique and different approach of the Schiller Institute. With 50 million people unemployed and underemployed, what is needed is the New Paradigm for civilization.

Reason, and a change in the thinking of citizens, organizations and government institutions is urgent to understand the British empire’s manipulation, and to defeat it. Their destabilization plan is not simply more Hong Kong style riots, but Malthusian genocide policy, and the elimination of sovereign cooperation among the United States, Russia, and China, in particular.

As in the 2014 Maidan coup in Ukraine, the ulterior motives of the City of London and Wall Street financial elites, who are actually running these operations, are mostly unknown to those who wish to stand up against injustice. The plans were spelled out in a banker’s meeting in September 2019 in Jackson Hole, and are now being played out in the USA. The oligarchy’s methods of creating chaos, and regime change, using “divide and conquer” strategy are nothing new.

“The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy; The World Needs 1.5 Billion New, Productive Jobs” is designed to address the present national and global emergency.  50 million Americans must be given employment in truly productive jobs at wage levels commensurate with high living standards. This will also for the first time address the systemic unemployment, under-employment and mis-employment actually at the root of “the American urban crisis” for the past half-century and more. Training programs to qualify millions of persons from 17 to 30 years of age in machining, essential manufacturing skills, the medical field, construction, transportation and supplemental services, as well as in the frontier fields of space technology will prepare a new generation to shape the Earth’s next 50 years and more. Their creative reason applied to the labor process, developing new productive capability, is the true source of wealth.

Further, those 50 million jobs are the fulcrum to leverage the greatest physical economic transformation in human history, involving 1.5 billion jobs worldwide. Globalist geopolitics must be immediately superseded. A new cultural and economic paradigm must be envisioned, designed and enacted. That can begin with the United States, China, Russia and India convening a “Four Powers”summit, and discussing how to work together to bring this New Paradigm employment program into being over the next months.

Silk Road Hub in Vienna Will Create Up to 140,000 New Jobs

Dec. 22, 2017 -The connection of the Austrian capital via a broad-gauge rail track with the Slovakian city Kosice, and the construction of large freight logistics facilities at Parndorf, near Vienna, will create up to 140,000 new permanent jobs, transport experts working for the implementation of the project are forecasting. The project is named as a priority in the national infrastructure development plan of the new Austrian government. Once completed, the Parndorf freight terminal will handle 54 container freight trains from China weekly. Now: Will the EU give its member Austria financial support, or will the Austrians have to rely on China–as do numerous countries in Eastern and Southeastern Europe, with their own infrastructure projects?

Growing Interest in France in New Silk Road

Dec. 22, 2017 -When the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs (IRIS) opened online registrations for the first Paris Forum on the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in November, there were so many requests that IRIS had to close registrations earlier than expected. “The Paris Forum is an opportunity to work very concretely on projects of common interest,” former French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin told Xinhua. The BRI has allowed different countries to sit down around a table to discuss cooperation, and multilateral dialogue is a good model for cooperation, especially for today’s world, explained another former Prime Minister, Jean-Pierre Raffarin, president of the Prospective and Innovation Foundation. Raffarin represented President Macron at the May Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing. The BRI is also one of the responses to multilateralism, which “can create closer Franco-Chinese collaboration,” said IRIS director Pascal Boniface.

The initiative obviously benefits more “Made in France” products and French companies, experts say. One example is the Lyon-Wuhan freight rail line, which was launched in April 2016. Since then, thousands of bottles of Bordeaux wine, other French agricultural products, and auto parts have been exported to China. In addition, communication between Chinese and French communities is becoming increasingly open and transparent, they said.

Webcast: How Can you “Reopen” an Economy Which No Longer Exists?

May 29—With all the chatter in the U.S. about “reopening the economy”, it seems no one asked, “What economy?” Perhaps with the confluence of crises — an escalating danger of war with China, the Coronavirus pandemic, and the threat of famine, to name a few — no one noticed that the post-industrial neoliberal economy is undergoing an accelerating systemic collapse.

Well, the collaborators of the late economist Lyndon LaRouche not only recognized the collapse underway, but are mobilizing for a plan to reverse it. In today’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche counter-posed the optimism behind the new LaRouchePAC Report, “The LaRouche Plan to Reopen the U.S. Economy: The World Needs 1.5 Billion New Productive Jobs” to the understandable anxiety over the continuing lockdown. With the U.S. set to go back into space, with the scheduled launch of a rocket to take a crew to the International Space Station, it is time to recapture the optimism which has been under attack, by those controlling the presently doomed paradigm.

In a review of the crises, Mrs. LaRouche asks her audience to join her in building the New Paradigm, as envisioned by her late husband, starting with his program for a 4 Power agreement between the U.S., Russia, India and China, for a New Bretton Woods. There is a unique solution to the cries, she emphasized, based on the understanding of what her husband championed, the concept of “physical economy.”

New Perspectives For Afghanistan: CEPC China-Pakistan Econ Corridor

Dec. 26 – In the first-ever trilateral meeting, foreign ministers of China, Pakistan, and Afghanistan reaffirmed their commitment to improving their relations, deepening mutually beneficial cooperation, advancing connectivity under China’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, and fighting terrorism in all its forms and manifestation without any distinction, PTI Islamabad reported today.  Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi hosted the first China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Foreign Ministers’

Dialogue in Beijing with Afghanistan and Pakistan Foreign Ministers, respectively Salahuddin Rabbani and Khawaja Muhammad Asif.

In his proposal to extend their $57 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan, Wang, talking to the reporters, pointed to Afghanistan’s urgent need to develop and

improve people’s lives, and his hopes it can join inter-connectivity initiatives. “So China and Pakistan are willing to look at–with Afghanistan, on the basis of win-win– mutually beneficial principles, using an appropriate way,” he said, Afghanistan’s TOLONews reported.

In his bilateral meeting with the Afghan Foreign Minister Rabbani, Wang said China hoped to synergize its development strategy for Afghanistan and expand bilateral cooperation. China expected to see a wide and inclusive political reconciliation process in Afghanistan, led and owned by the Afghan people, he said, Afghanistan’s Pajhwok reported. Rabbani, welcoming the proposal and hailing China as a reliable partner, said his country was ready to actively participate in the Belt and Road Initiative, and enhance cooperation with China in areas of inter-connectivity, infrastructure and energy.

Webcast: The New Silk Road is Changing The World: The US Must Join!


As we come to the end of a tumultuous year, the prospect of the consolidation of a New Paradigm of international cooperation is bright, one which can free the world from the dangers inherent in the strategic instability of imperial geopolitics. An unstoppable dynamic was introduced when China’s Xi Jinping inaugurated steps for creating a Silk Road process of land, sea and space collaboration — unstoppable, unless the forces of the old paradigm, centered in the City of London and Wall Street, succeed in their coup against the Trump presidency, in which case the world is on a short fuse to nuclear war and annihilation.

At the forefront of this dramatic shift has been the organization of the LaRouche movement, which, under the leadership of Lyndon and Helga Zepp LaRouche, has been providing a clear strategic direction away from the neocons preferred “unipolar” world order. Throughout the year, the Schiller Institute has held numerous international conferences, with Mrs. LaRouche speaking at events in China, throughout Europe and in the United States. In recent months, she has been presenting a weekly webcast, to provide clarity and vision, at a time when Fake News dominates media in the Trans-Atlantic world. The discrediting of the whole “Russiagate” narrative, has opened the door for more people to discover who is behind it, what is their intent, and what is the alternative to their destructive agenda.

Events in the next months will be crucial in deciding whether or not the United States will join with Russia and China in adopting the “win-win” vision of international cooperation at the heart of the Silk Road process. Join us this Thursday for an update on where the world is heading, and what you can do, to insure the success of a rapid transition to the New Paradigm.

NASA: Cooperation Above Geopolitics

May 27 —This week’s pending launch of the NASA/SpaceX manned Crew Dragon flight to the International Space Station (ISS) has put “Launch America” optimism back into the everyday atmosphere in the U.S.—not only the vision of space travel once again, but the joy of science and technology. Today’s last- minute postponement of the take-off was due only to weather, not malfunction or a mystery glitch. President Donald Trump and Mrs. Trump, on hand in Florida this afternoon, will return Saturday to the Kennedy Space Center for the rescheduled launch May 30 at 3:22 pm EDT; if weather again intervenes, May 31 is the next launch date.

The additional dimension to the U.S. renewed space commitment is international cooperation. NASA Director Jim Bridenstine, speaking at a pre-launch briefing May 27, was asked about the U.S. relationship to Russia, and he replied, “our cooperation transcends above terrestrial geopolitics.” This is the same spirit of cooperation that Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche calls for in her petition, “Coronavirus Petition: Build a Global Health Infrastructure.”

Bridenstine stressed the importance of the SpaceX Dragon Crew launch, scheduled to take place from the historic pad 39 at the Kennedy Space Center, will be the first time since July 2011 that America, “will launch American astronauts, on American rockets, from American soil.” He reflected that, as this launch is taking place in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, one thing that will inspire our America is that “all of America can take a moment and look at our country do something stunning again.” Astronaut Nicole Mann emphasized that the flight is our first big step on our road map to the Moon for the Artemis mission and on to Mars. Bridenstine stressed great confidence in the mission, despite the fact that some of the media questions expressed certain doubts or fears of the agencies’ absolute preparedness.

Bridenstine reiterated that the safety of the astronauts was the number one priority of NASA. (In fact, at 4:18 p.m. today, Jim Bridenstine tweeted: “Cloud with lightning No launch for today – safety for our crew members Astro_Doug and @AstroBehnken is our top priority. We’ll try, try again to #LaunchAmerica on Saturday with liftoff at 3:22pm ET. NASA TV will begin coverage at 11 am. Join us again virtually:” He did make the point again that NASA is a customer of SpaceX and the commercial crew flights and that the hopes are that these flights would soon be taking place without NASA, to lower the cost and build up the presence of commercial space activities in low-Earth orbit.

He talked about the need to launch a future commercial space station and some of the technologies that would be expanded there, such as 3D printing of organs in space.

In response to a question on U.S.-Russia cooperation and negotiations on the commercial launches, Bridenstine reiterated regarding the ISS, to which the crew will be launching, that half of the station is Russian and the other half American. He said, if we are going to have the continued cooperation that we have had, the U.S. has to be willing to launch cosmonauts on the commercial crew, and Russia has to be willing to launch NASA astronauts on the Soyuz. He pointed to the U.S.-Russian partnership going back to 1975 with Apollo/Soyuz, followed by Shuttle/MIR and then the ISS. Most importantly, “our cooperation transcends above terrestrial geopolitics,” said Bridenstine.

He concluded by responding to a question about the efforts and credit that go to previous administrations for what is underway in the space program today. He said the space program stretches beyond one administration to another, and said space exploration unites people beyond geopolitical boundaries, unites not only Democrats and Republicans, but all nations. President Donald Trump has made a commitment to return American astronauts to the Moon for permanent presence with the Artemis mission and on to Mars. He reiterated the bipartisan support for Artemis.

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