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Webcast: The Colonial Era Is Coming To An End — live discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Strategic Discussion, Wednesday, Aug 9 2023

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Following last week’s Humanity For Peace demonstrations around the world, a new force for peace has been introduced in the political environment. The unique idea to merge the peace movement with the Global South, as one anti-imperialist movement, is taking shape.

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You may also write them in the YouTube chat during the live broadcast.

Humanity for Peace International Demonstration and Concert

Contact us at , Follow us on twitter @4peacehumanity

The danger of nuclear war has escalated to a point that no thoughtful person on the planet can ignore it any longer. Yet, in this atmosphere, there are still some who think there should be more weapons, more sanctions, and who think that a nuclear war can be won against Russia. It is very clear that those who have provoked the war, and continue to escalate it, do not care about the lives of the people of Ukraine or any other nation on the planet for that matter. This is NOT acceptable to those of us who care about the well-being of ALL of humanity — those who do not wish to see the human race wiped off the face of the earth.

We, therefore, call on the citizens of the world to come together and raise our voices against this madness. Humanity For Peace is building a unified coalition, above ideologies, to stop this unfolding escalation towards nuclear war. We refuse to let humanity perish at the hands of insanity.

August 6 will be the 78th anniversary of the unnecessary and genocidal nuclear bombing of Hiroshima by the United States, which was followed days later by the same crime against Nagasaki. Humanity For Peace is proud to announce that on this occasion, August 6, 2023, an international rally will be held to remind the world that nuclear war should never be fought and can never be won. Humanity is better than that, and we must reject the destiny of inevitable war as a morally repugnant and horribly cynical view.

The main rally will be held at the United Nations in New York City, NY, from 1-4pm, which will be live streamed over the internet. In solidarity with this, sister rallies will be held in other cities around the world. Please get in contact with us if you are interested in organizing another sister rally.

There are currently over 20 organizations sponsoring the event. If your organization would also like to sponsor the event, please contact us. More information, including the current speakers list, can be found at

As President Kennedy said in his famous address to American University in 1963, war is not inevitable — but only if we work instead to create peace. The leadership in the United States and NATO is currently not working towards this goal, but rather are further escalating and inflaming the situation in Ukraine. For this reason, an international chorus of voices must be raised against this policy, and sound the call for peace!

Join us August 6 — we must make this sentiment the dominant voice in the world!

Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza
E 47th St, New York, NY 10017
1:00pm – 4:00pm EDT

Our Demands are as follows:

1) The immediate ending of all funding and weapons to Ukraine.

2) Convene immediate unconditional peace talks.

3) The Dissolution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

4) A new international security architecture must be created to end the division of the world into blocs, eliminating geopolitics. This new architecture must take into account the security concerns of every sovereign nation, large or small.

Current List of Speakers Include:

Gerald Celente, Founder/Director of the Trends Research Institute and Publisher of the Trends Journal magazine, Founder “Occupy Peace & Freedom.”

Mike ter Maat, 2024 candidate for the Libertarian Party Presidential nomination, former White House economist, professor, entrepreneur & pro-reform police officer.

Scott Ritter, former U.S. Marine Corps intelligence officer and author. He served in the Soviet Union as an inspector implementing the INF Treaty, served in General Schwarzkopf’s staff during the Gulf War, and from 1991 to 1998 served as a chief weapons inspector with the UN in Iraq.

Nick Brana, national chair of the People’s Party and an organizer with Rage Against the War Machine.

Jose Vega, staffer for the Sare for Senate campaign (NY) and also a LaRouche activist since 2014.

Ahmadou Diallo, President and founder of the Guinean American League of Friends for Freedom, analyst for the Guinean community in New York and other U.S. states.

Rev. Dr. Terri L. Strong, Chairwoman of the Action and Global Concerns Committee for the National Church Women United Organization

August 6, 2023 — 6pm EDT

This concert takes place on the 78th anniversary of the horrific 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which was followed by the August 9th bombing of Nagasaki and in the context of the growing danger of world war today.

Sixty years ago, on June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech at Washington, D.C.’s American University, eight months after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The world had just barely avoided destroying itself in a thermonuclear war. The words he spoke that day are words we desperately need to listen to now:

“What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

Humanity for Peace is organizing a series of actions across the globe on August 6th, to commemorate those who should not have lost their lives that day, 78 years ago. We wish to remind humanity that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” We will join with others worldwide, holding rallies, vigils, musical tributes, poetry readings, and other activities that day, to insist on peace, and demonstrate how to end the escalating danger of nuclear war.

Now is the time to act on President Kennedy’s prophetic words: “Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.”

The Requiem will be conducted renowned conductor Maestro Gürer Aykal, the Permanent Conductor and General Music Director of Borusan İstanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, and professor emeritus and former conductor of El Paso, Texas Symphony Orchestra.

Join us at the Humanity For Peace Concert! Don’t miss this beautiful and impactful evening of music.

Humanity for Peace Concert: Mozart Requiem, African American Spirituals and Other Selections

August 6, 2023 — 6pm EDT

This concert takes place on the 78th anniversary of the horrific 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima, which was followed by the August 9th bombing of Nagasaki and in the context of the growing danger of world war today.

Sixty years ago, on June 10, 1963, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech at Washington, D.C.’s American University, eight months after the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis. The world had just barely avoided destroying itself in a thermonuclear war. The words he spoke that day are words we desperately need to listen to now:

“What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children—not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women—not merely peace in our time but peace for all time.”

Humanity for Peace is organizing a series of actions across the globe on August 6th, to commemorate those who should not have lost their lives that day, 78 years ago. We wish to remind humanity that “a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought.” We will join with others worldwide, holding rallies, vigils, musical tributes, poetry readings, and other activities that day, to insist on peace, and demonstrate how to end the escalating danger of nuclear war.

Now is the time to act on President Kennedy’s prophetic words: “Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.”

The Requiem will be conducted renowned conductor Maestro Gürer Aykal, the Permanent Conductor and General Music Director of Borusan İstanbul Philharmonic Orchestra, and professor emeritus and former conductor of El Paso, Texas Symphony Orchestra.

Join us at the Humanity For Peace Concert! Don’t miss this beautiful and impactful evening of music.

Scientists, Engineers, Professionals, Artists. Musicians — Call to Stop a New World War

Shall We Put an End to the Human Race, or Shall Mankind Renounce Nuclear War?

Almost seventy years ago, Albert Einstein and 11 other Nobel Prize winners issued this warning: Shall we put an end to the human race, or shall mankind renounce nuclear war?” 

Today, in Ukraine, the U.S., NATO, and Russia are moving towards a direct military conflict – and a US/NATO-Russian war will almost inevitably result in the use of nuclear weapons, because neither side will be willing to back down if a conflict begins.  

The U.S., Britain, France, and Russia keep 2,000 strategic nuclear warheads at launch-ready status. Each strategic warhead is 7 to 53 times more powerful than the atomic bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. Once the order to launch is given, these warheads will hit their targets in 35 minutes or less. Submarine launched ballistic missiles can hit their targets within 15 minutes of presidential authorization. 

Russia has three hundred and forty 800-kiloton nuclear weapons at launch ready status (800,000 tons of TNT explosive equivalent). The detonation of this warhead creates temperatures of roughly 200 million degrees Fahrenheit (about 100 million degrees Celsius), or about four to five times the temperature at the center of the sun

To detonate a nuclear weapon over a city is like igniting a piece of the sun, which will create solar temperatures that vaporize anything beneath it and set fires for many miles/kilometers in all directions.  This creates a massive nuclear firestorm. 

The detonation of a single 800-kiloton warhead over a large city, on an average weather day, will ignite a nuclear firestorm that will cover 152 square miles (389 square kilometers). In a matter of tens of minutes, air temperatures within the fire zone will be above the boiling point of water.  

Anyone within the fire zone will be confronted with a “hurricane of fire”. No living thing within the fire zone will survive. 

In a full-scale nuclear war, it is likely that in less than one hour, significantly more than 1000 nuclear firestorms would be created by burning cities in North America, Europe, and Russia (and quite possibly China). These firestorms would cover tens of thousands of square miles. Peer-reviewed studies estimate that up to 180 million tons of black smoke and soot, created by these firestorms, would rise above cloud level into the stratosphere, where it would form a global stratospheric smoke layer.   

The stratospheric smoke layer could not be rained out and would remain for ten years or longer. The smoke layer would block enough sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere to quickly create average surface temperatures colder than those experienced at the height of the last Ice Age. For one to two years, temperatures would fall below freezing every day in central North America and central Eurasia. It would be too cold to grow food crops for many years.  Most humans and large land animals would perish from starvation.  

We must not allow this to happen. It is time to act, before it is too late.  

We must speak out against a new World War, which will destroy mankind.   

If you are a scientist, an artist, a religious or political or military leader, please join with us to call upon the United States, NATO, and Russia to stop any further escalation of the conflict in Ukraine. NATO members must not send military forces into Western Ukraine that can come into direct conflict with Russian forces.  This is a direct pathway to World War 3 and nuclear oblivion.  

Recall the words of Einstein and his colleagues:

“We are speaking on this occasion, not as members of this or that nation, continent, or creed, but as human beings, members of the species Man, whose continued existence is in doubt . . .  

There lies before us, if we choose, continual progress in happiness, knowledge, and wisdom. Shall we, instead, choose death, because we cannot forget our quarrels? We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest. If you can do so, the way lies open to a new Paradise; if you cannot, there lies before you the risk of universal death.” 


“In view of the fact that in any future world war nuclear weapons will certainly be employed, and that such weapons threaten the continued existence of mankind, we urge the governments of the world to realize, and to acknowledge publicly, that their purpose cannot be furthered by a world war, and we urge them, consequently, to find peaceful means for the settlement of all matters of dispute between them.” 

Therefore, we the undersigned, endorse the urgent mobilization of Humanity for Peace (, and seek to join hands across the world to demand peace and economic development for all nations.

#NoMoreHiroshimas       #NoMoreNagasakis


Steven Starr MPH, MT(ASCP)BB; Prof., University of Missouri; published in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Jeff Philbin, PhD (U.S.A.), Nuclear engineer; Technical Consultant; Independent Contractor; retired from Sandia National Laboratories

Vincenzo Romanello, PhD (Czech Republic, Germany, Italy), Nuclear engineer, founder of the Italian “Atoms for Peace”

Franco Battaglia, PhD (Italy), Professor of chemical physics, University of Modena, Italy

Alberto Arecchi, (Italy), Italian architect, worked in different African nations for Development Cooperation; taught building Materials at several colleges; currently heads Liutprand, a cultural association editing and publishing books on the Pavia region’s local history (

David H. Lester, PhD (U.S.A.) Former Assistant Vice President SAIC and Senior project manager, Jason Associates, Inc.

José Oreste Maldifassi Pohlhammer (Chile) Former Deputy Director of the Programs, Research and Development directorate, Chilean Navy; Captain Chilean Navy, retired; Associate Professor Universidad Adolfo Ibanez, Chile

Juan José Torres Núñez, PhD (Spain), poet; published author; freelance journalist; member Schiller Institute

Jeffrey Mahn, (U.S.A.), Nuclear Engineer (ret.), Sandia National Labs, science educator at the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History

Marsha Freeman, (U.S.A.), National Assoc. of Science Writers (elected); Aviation/Space Writers Assoc. (elected); Fellow, British Interplanetary Society (elected); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics – American Astronautical Society – History Committee of the AIAA; History Committee of the International Academy of Astronautics (appointed)

William Cuthbert Jones, (U.S.A.), Former White House Correspondent, EIR

C. (Kees) le Pair, (Netherlands), Physicist (ret.), University of Leiden; Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science

Djamila le Pair, (Netherlands), Freelance journalist; Free Assange activist

Ms. Adam A. Ouologuem, (Mali), Journalist; President of Mali Diaspora in the DMV; President of the Africa Society incorporated in Mali

Julian Fell, (Canada), Former Director, Regional District of Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

John C. Smith, P.Eng., (U.S.A.), Senior Project Engineer, Dam and Levee Safety

Princy Mthombeni, (South Africa), Founder, Africa4Nuclear

Ramtanu Maitra, (U.S.A.), former professional engineer in U.S. nuclear industry; editor Fusion Asia, a science and technology journal (1984-93); served on India’s Planning Commission’s 2020 Vision project; served as New Delhi Bureau Chief of EIR; and Associate Editor 21st Century Science and Technology magazine

Carlo Pettirossi, (Germany), Nuclear Engineer, Senior consultant – software engineering

Dr. Thiago Maia, (Brazil), Nuclear Physicist, PhD in Astrophysics; World Climate Declaration Ambassador

Bennett Greenspan, M.D.(U.S.A.), Physician; expert in nuclear medicine; Past President, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI)

Joel Dejean, (U.S.A.), Electrical Engineer; LaRouche independent Congdressional Candidate in Texas CD 38, Nov. 2022

Robert A. Hux, (Canada), PhD in Chemistry, University of Alberta

Circulate, endorse, and sign. 

Humanity for Peace broadcast – No2 more Hiroshimas!

Join us this Thursday (August 3rd) 3pm EDT (9pm CET) for a special No2Nato Humanity for Peace rally featuring just some guest speakers from across the globe who will be speaking at the Sunday 6 Aug rallies across the globe commemorating the anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima. Unite with us demanding it to never happen again!

Webcast: Are You Joining the Movement?, Wednesday, August 2, 2023 — 11am EDT, 5pm CET

Are you joining the Movement? — Strategic Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Live discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Wednesday, August 2, 2023 — 11am EDT, 5pm CET

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche in her weekly dialogue for a discussion about building an International Peace Coalition and the upcoming international demonstration August 6, Humanity for Peace.

Submit your questions to 

You may also write them in the YouTube chat during the live broadcast.

Webcast: Ukraine War Threatens to Escalate — a discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Send your questions for Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche to:

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche tomorrow in her weekly dialogue for a discussion about building an International Peace Coalition.

#worldwar3 #newparadigm #peacemovement #decoupling #nuclearwar #russia

Seventh Weekly Meeting of International Peace Coalition: Humanity Must Overcome Differences To Prevent Nuclear War

If you would like to join in the International Peace Coalition, please contact

July 21, 2023 (EIRNS)—The International Peace Coalition (IPC) held its seventh weekly international meeting on Friday, July 21, with representatives of 17 nations, most of whom reported on the mobilizations taking place in their countries, targeting the August 6 international Day of Action on the anniversary of the genocidal U.S. nuclear destruction of Hiroshima.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, opened the call by emphasizing that the madness of the warmongers at the July 17-18 NATO summit is still escalating towards full-scale war, which will not be stopped until the truth about the cause and the intention is understood by the broad public around the world. The fact that two systems now exist, one based on the unipolar world of Global NATO, and the other based on the BRICS and nearly all of the Global South nations moving to a new system committed to ending colonialism for good.

Zepp-LaRouche held up the case of Germany, where sovereignty is completely lost, where the “rules-based order” (with no one knowing who makes these so-called “rules”) is destroying the economy. Everything that Germans built up after the destruction of World War II is now being destroyed, with businesses fleeing the country in droves—and this despite the fact that 70% of the population think that the government is doing a terrible job. The sovereignty of every country is under attack by the U.S.-U.K.-Global NATO war party—she reminded people that the sovereignty of every country is the first of her “Ten Principles.” We must make August 6 a “clarion call” for a peaceful end to the war in Ukraine. To do that we must live up to the call by Steve Leeper, the former head of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, that organizations worldwide must put aside any differences and unite on August 6 at the UN or elsewhere to stop the war drive.

Reports on organizing efforts came in from around the world:

Nicaragua: Bolívar Téllez Castellón of Nicaragua reported that a committee is being formed to mobilize support for August 6 and beyond, and several of the leaders are making short videos to rally support, which he is sharing with the IPC for worldwide use in Spanish-speaking nations. He noted that the country had been subjected to a fratricidal war for over 20 years, but is now working with Russia and China to achieve real development.

Malaysia: Chandra Muzaffar, founder and director of the International Movement for a Just World (JUST), announced that he had sent out the release announcing the August 6 event, and the Steve Leeper letter, to the 20-25,000 strong JUST mailing list. [] He also reported that he had written to a number of peace organizations in Asia, calling on them to join the IPC. JUST is sponsoring its own event on August 6, which is under discussion as to the format. He said that getting a million people out on the street, either in New York City or worldwide, is a very large target, but a necessary one given that what is at stake is the human race itself. The current danger is the greatest in history—in 1945 only one side had nuclear weapons, now many countries have them, and they are far more deadly than the Hiroshima/Nagasaki bombs. We owe it to history, and to future generations, to succeed in our task. It is “flourish or perish.”

Germany: Jimmy Gerum, who is serving as the press secretary for Humanity For Peace coalition, declared that “every war is started with a lie,” and we must mount massive pressure from individual independent journalists to break through the lies in the mainstream media.

Guatemala: Raul Marroquin, of the Observatory for Human Peace in Guatemala, said he has been associated with Lyndon LaRouche and the Schiller Institute for many years. Now we see that the oligarchs of the world want to see the end of humanity, which we must act to prevent.

France: Karel Vereycken, a leading member of the Schiller Institute in France, described the July 8-9 Schiller Institute Conference in Strasbourg, the first in-person Schiller conference since before the pandemic, where 250 people heard from leading people from Russia, China, India, Africa, Europe, and the U.S. The French Schiller Institute is planning three events: August 6 at Notre Dame; August 9, the anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing, at the offices of UNESCO; and a later date on science, exposing the role of John von Neumann as the person who encouraged President Harry Truman to use the atomic bomb on the civilian cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Austria: a peace activist described the long-standing pride in Austria that they have maintained their status as a neutral country, opposed to war but advocating active nonviolent neutrality, which is now under enormous pressure from NATO and the NATO-influenced media. He said his associates have held demonstrations for years on August 6 and August 9, and they will again this year as part of the International Day of Action.

Sweden: Ulf Bejerstrand, who started the “Voice of the People” to allow the people to break through the media lies, said that they have 50,000 followers on social media. He said that if the people come together they can defeat the warmongers.

Sweden: Ulf Sandmark, the President of the Schiller Institute in Sweden, said they were planning an event in Stockholm on August 6. He said the collapse of the Black Sea Grain Initiative was a severe blow, orchestrated by NATO and the oligarchs, precisely because it was a small but significant step towards cooperation and peace.

Mexico: Carolina Dominguez of the Schiller Institute in Mexico, described their organizing in support of President John Kennedy’s June 10, 1963 speech seeking for U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperation for peace and development. She said that the youth in Mexico do not believe the NATO narrative, and that they respect Russia and the BRICS countries. She quoted Mexican hero, President Benito Juárez, who defeated the Habsburg occupation of Mexico, and who insisted that “Respect for the rights of others means peace.” She said the organization had distributed thousands of copies of the “Urgent Appeal by Citizens and Institutions from All Over the World to the (Next) President of the United States!” issued by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, calling for a return to the principles of peace advocated by JFK.

United States: Elliot Greenspan, the head of the LaRouche Movement’s Outreach Task Force, described the efforts to bring the “hyphenated-Americans” from Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Guineans, and others, as well as Christian organizations, together for the August 6 demonstrations, further insisting that the differences which certainly exist between these layers must be put aside to prevent a nuclear war. Dennis Speed, a U.S. national leader of the Schiller Institute, said that to get a million people out on the street, as Chandra Muzaffar had indicated, is a difficult but essential task if the genocidalists are to be stopped. He noted that the NATO sabotage of the Black Sea Grain Initiative was yet another case of these Malthusians working to starve millions of people to death, and that JFK’s “Food for Peace” concept is crucial today.

Germany: Barbara Spahn, Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität (BüSo), reported about a coalition of small parties that has already held 2 peace rallies in Frankfurt. For August 5, another rally is planned, where, among others, Bundeswehr colonel (ret.) Florian Pfaff, will speak.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche closed the meeting, praising the progress made thus far in the IPC, but insisting that it must grow faster to reach the goal. Each member must take the responsibility to reach out to other organizations—peace, religious, democracy and other groups—to join the movement. She encouraged the use of the video by scientist Steven Starr on the devastation of a nuclear war, and also promoted reading Friedrich Schiller on how to “bend the tyrant’s arm.”

Attendance IPC#7:
Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), founder and leader, Schiller Institute
President Donald Ramotar (Guyana), Former President of Guyana
Chandra Muzaffar (Malaysia) JUST International/SHAPE
Abdoulaye Balde (US), Guinean and American League of Friends for Freedom
Oliver Boyd-Barrett (US), Professor Emeritus, Bowling Green State University, Ohio
Dr. Balkrishna Kurvey (India) President of the Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental Protection
Barbara Spahn (Germany), BüSo Bürgerrechtsbewegung Solidarität
Mamadou Dathe Diallo (USA/Guinea) Guinean American League of Friends for Freedom
Beatriz Solórzano León (Guatemala), Lawyer, Parliamentary Technician
Bernie Holland (UK) No2NATO
Fr. Robert Cushing (U.S.), Association of US Catholic Priests (AUSCP), Pax Christi GA, former priest
Bolívar Téllez Castellón (Nicaragua), Lawyer and university professor
Carolina Domìnguez Cisneros (Mexico) 
Raul Marroquin (Guatemala)
Peter Weish (Austria)
Verena Konig (Austria)
Udo Leibmann (Poland) United for Freedom
Boubacar Sidy (US/Guinea)
Ilker Özyavuz (Germany) Team Todenhöfer
Hondo Tonumaa (Estonia)
Martin Schotz, (US) author, “History Will Not Absolve Us: Orwellian Control, Public Denial, and the Murder of President Kennedy”
Ruben Dario Guzzetti (Argentina), Argentine Institute of Geopolitical Studies (IADEG)
Christine Bierre (France), Solidarity and Progress
Fr. Harry Bury (US), Archdiocese of Saint Paul in Minneapolis, MN
Jacques Cheminade (France), head of Solidarity and Progress
Jimmy Gerum (Germany), Lighthouse Media
Juan Carrero (Spain), President, S’Olivar Foundation
Juan Gómez (Chile)
Martha Rollins (US/Costa Rica) Int’l Peace Delegations: Ibero America, Columbia, Cuba and Palestine
Ulf Bejerstand (Sweden), Party leader, Musician
Liz Augustat (Germany), Peace Through Culture
Simon Miller (US) LaRouche Youth Movement
Robert Castle (US) LaRouche Youth Movement
Karen Ball (US) Pax Christi – Texas
Mike Billington (US) Executive Intelligence Review Magazine
Muhammad Selim Akhtar (U.S.) Muslim Alliance
Ulf Sandmark (Sweden), President Schiller Institute, Sweden
Wolfgang Lieberknecht (Germany) Internationale Friedens Fabrik Wanfried
Meshack Maxongo (South Africa)
Marianne Liljeholt (Sweden), Party Board member, Freedom Movement
Joyce Hall (US) Pax Christi
David Andersson, (US) Coordinator of NYC bureau for Pressenza Press Agency and hosts a talk-show, Face 2 Face, broadcast on Youtube and Facebook
Jurgen Wolf (Scotland), No2NATO UK, Workers Party BG
Mark Rolofson (US) 
Chris Fogarty (US/Ireland), Irish American Leader
Fredrick Weiss (US) Classical musician
Ronald Betag (US) Schiller Institute, Texas
Dennis Small (US), Schiller Institute, Virginia
Dennis Speed (US), Schiller Institute, New Jersey
Diane Sare, (US) U.S. Senate Candidate, New York
Jose Vega, (US) Interventionist, Organizer Schiller Institute
Anastasia Battle (US) Organizer, Interventionist and Editor-in-Chief, Leonore Magazine

**Affiliations for identification purposes only

How the Earth’s Climate Is Changing and Why

Prof. Carl-Otto Weiss — Prof. Weiss is Advisor to the European Climate and Energy Institute (EIKE); Professor and Director, German Federal Institute of Metrology, Germany. This is the prepared text as edited of his presentation.

In this contribution I show you the results of a cycle analysis of 2,000 years of global climate data, the result of which is that Earth’s climate is determined by three main cycles, and that CO2 plays only an insignificant role.

But first let me mention how I became interested in the question of Earth climate. My research subject was everything related to lasers. Physics of Lasers, technical and scientific applications, e.g., spectroscopy and atomic clocks based on one singe atom, etc., etc. Even in the 1990s, for persons with scientific education, the self-contradictions of the official climate propaganda were obvious. Thus, the official narrative could not be true. We joked about the primitivity of the propaganda.

I did not have time to look deeper. I had 40 scientific coworkers, 10 of whom, to feed them, I had to find about $1 million each year. So that did not give me much time. But at retirement I had time. First I looked into the official models, and it is quite obvious where the fudge factors in the calculations are. But, then, I am an experimental physicist, so I got together with Horst Luedecke to analyze climate measurements.

In particular we did what is called Fourier Analysis, which means looking for cycles in seemingly irregular measurements in time series. Since this is the most common type of analysis in any field of physics or technology, we were surprised not to find any such work in the half-million publications of the climate literature. But then we said, “OK, if nobody did that so far, well, we will do that.” We published our analysis, and the reviewers confirmed that our work and conclusions were correct.

We reconstructed the terrestrial temperature history of the last 2,000 years using published local temperature proxy data [4]. Figure 1 [next page] shows the locations of the measurements on the globe and the type of temperature proxy.

The data comprise several hundred thousand individual measurements. Thus, by averaging to yearly values, the noise in the data can be much reduced. The global temperature history reconstructed in this way (Figure 2, annual data in grey) exhibits all historically known temperature extremes, such as the Roman Optimum (~0 AD), the Medieval Optimum (~ 1000 AD), the Recent Optimum (~2000 AD) or the Little Ice Age (~ 1500 AD). Even details like the Deep Minimum of 1450, known from the biography of Louis XI, show up. As to be expected, the reconstruction yields also the 1870–2000 temperature rise, which is officially claimed as due to human CO2 emissions.

Figure 1. Location of Temperature Proxies. Green: tree rings; Blue: ice cores; Red: speleothems (stalagmites, etc.); Magenta: sediments; Black: other.

“Climate,” officially defined as the 30-year running average of temperature, is shown in Figure 2 (blue curve). The climate curve emphasizes the mentioned temperature features. The correct representation of the known historical temperature variations indicates that the reconstruction is realistic. We then Fourier-transformed annual temperatures (grey in Figure 2). The resulting spectrum Figure 3 shows three dominant cycles with periods of ~1,000, ~460, and ~190 years. These cycles were already known from local studies, (Eddy-, Babich-, De Vries cycles, respectively). This confirms once more that the reconstruction is realistic, and excludes [the possibility] that the dominant cycles could be mathematical artifacts.

Figure 2. Temperature history over the past 2,000 years (grey: annual values; blue: “climate”—30 year running average; red: sum of the three dominant cycles).

For those less familiar with the Fourier transform, we mention that periodic variations (cycles) show up in the spectrum as sharp peaks (such as the three main cycles of Figure 2). Non-periodic variations, e.g., monotonically rising or falling, show themselves in the spectrum as broad continua.

In Figure 3, broad continua are not visible. This suggests already that non-periodic variations in the temperature, such as warming due to human emissions, are absent. However, broad spectral continua may be masked by noise. To exclude such a possibility, we transformed back to the time domain.

Figure 3. Spectrum of the 2,000 years’ annual values, showing three dominant cycles with 1,000-, 460-, 190-year periods.

Figure 4 shows the three main cycles in the time domain (amplitudes normalized for clarity). The sum of the three dominant cycles (red curve, Figure 2) agrees with the climate (blue curve) remarkably well (correlation 0.85). The sum of the three cycles represents, notably, also the temperature rise for 1870–2000.

Figure 4. The three dominant cycles in time domain (amplitudes normalized for clarity).

I emphasize this result again: the warming from 1870–2000 is due to the three main natural climate cycles. And not due to CO2, as claimed in the official propaganda.

The difference between the reconstruction (grey or blue values, Figure 2) and the cycle sum (red in Figure 2) around 2000 AD would be compatible with the recent estimates of CO2 climate sensitivity of ~0.5° for CO2 doubling. (See, e.g., [5] and Figure 5), certainly unimportant for life on Earth. The three cycles with their amplitudes and phases, thus allow calculating the essential climate changes for the past and for the future.

Figure 5. Periodogram of 8,000 years of solar activity, showing three dominant cycles [6]. Note the correspondence of periods with the dominant climate cycles of Figure 2.

We can ask further about the origin of the three dominant climate cycles. I found [6] that these agree remarkably in periods with the three dominant cycles of solar activity (see Figure 4). The mechanism by which solar activity (i.e., “solar wind”) affects Earth’s climate, is well understood [9]. It follows that the cycles of solar activity determine the terrestrial climate.

Interestingly, Scafetta [6] shows that all principal solar activity cycles can be explained by the motion of the planets (particularly Jupiter and Saturn), and the planetary tide forces acting on the solar magnetic field generator (the mechanism by which the tide forces of planets influence the solar activity has recently been clarified [8]).

The main result of our analysis is that the global warming from 1870 to the present is natural and not man made, and that it originates from the three dominant cycles.

The continuation of the three dominant terrestrial cycles into the future indicates cooling until 2070 . The recent continuation of the rise of the climate curve (blue) as different from the cycle sum (red) may indicate the small contribution of CO2 of 0.5°C per doubling of the CO2 content of the atmosphere [5], which is certainly unimportant for life on earth

Summarizing, I mention that this analysis, along with many others, disproves all official propaganda claims of a dangerous warming due to CO2.

A first independent confirmation of our results, namely that the 1870–2000 temperature rise is natural, was given recently, using pattern recognition on temperature proxies [7].

Finally, just to give a taste of the surprisingly primitive propaganda lies, I mention only three of them. Fig. 7. {Slide 7. Three examples of totally wrong propaganda claims.}


1. See, e. g.,

2. Steinhilber, F., Beer, J., Froehlich, C., Geophys. Res. Lett. 36 L19704

3. See, e.g., Wagner, G. et al. Geophys. Res. Lett. 28 (2001) 303-306

4. Luedecke, H.-J., Weiss, C. O., The Open Atmospheric Science Journal 11 (2017) 44-53

5. Microphysics of Atmospheric Phenomena B. M Smirnow, Springer Atmospheric Schiences ISBN 978-3-319-30813-5; DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30813-5

6. Scafetta, N., Journ. Atm. and Solar-Terrestrial Phys. 80 (2012) 296-311

7. Abbot, J., Marohasy, J. GeoRes 14 (2017)36-46

8. F. Stefani, A. Giesecke, T. Weiter; Sol. Phys. (2019) 294: 60

9. H. Svensmark, M.B. Enghoff, N. Shaviv, J. Svensmark, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, DOI

10. 1038/s41467-017-2

Conference: On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!

A two-day international conference was held July 8-9 in Strasbourg, France by the Schiller Institute, titled “On the Verge of a New World War: European Nations Must Cooperate with the Global South!” The proceedings were organized into five panels, with three on Day One July 8, featuring 22 speakers, from 14 different countries, ending with an evening concert of classical music. The second day’s two panels, which also included musical offerings, had wide-ranging discussions, involving many of the audience of more than 200 attendees. (See the full program below).This event, and the process of deliberation it represents, stands in sharp contrast to the recently convened Paris “Summit for a New Global Financial Pact,” where leaders of the Global South ridiculed the hypocrisy of their European counterparts. As opposed to the not-so-hidden Malthusian “green imperialist” depopulation agenda of the arrogant Paris Summit, the Schiller Institute colloquy is an opportunity for peoples of all continents to gather for the purpose of deliberation on how to bring about a peaceful and prosperous future for the entire human race.

The Schiller Institute conference is also a timely and necessary intervention against Global NATO’s July 11–12 Vilnius, Lithuania summit, where bloodthirsty leaders of the West’s Military-Industrial Complex will be plotting more measures which, unless stopped, will bring about the destruction of humanity through thermonuclear war.

The Schiller Institute’s panels covered a broad range of critical economic, strategic, and cultural themes. Notable was the fact that due to the Covid-19 pandemic this was the first in-person Schiller Institute conference in three years! The conference opened with the famous Adagio cantabile of Beethoven’s C minor Pathétique piano sonata, performed by Werner Hartmann, of the Schiller Institute.

Panel I: Peace in the World Through a New Security and Development Architecture for Each and Every Country: The Indispensable Strategic Autonomy of European Countries

MODERATOR: Harley Schlanger

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute: “Let a Garden Amidst a Million Gardens Bloom!”; PREPARED REMARKS

HE Lu Shaye, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in France: “China’s Role for Peace and Development”; PREPARED REMARKS

HE Ilia Subbotin, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in France: “What Russia Really Wants in Its Relations with Europe – Peace or War ?”; PREPARED REMARKS

Mrutyuanjai Mishra, Author and Journalist, India: “India’s role as a Peace Mediator in These Critical Times”

Michele Geraci, Former Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Economic Development ; Prof. of Practice in Economic Policy, Nottingham University, Ningbo; Honorary Professor Peking University, School of Economics; Adjunct Professor of Finance, New York University, Shanghai; En-ROADS Climate Ambassador—Climate Interactive/MIT, Italy

Dr. Hans-Joachim Lemke, Colonel (A.d – retired), Editor Kompass, Magazine of the Association for the Preservation of Traditions of the National Peoples Army and GDR Border Troops (Verband zur Pflege der Traditionen der Nationalen Volksarmee und der Grenztruppen der DDR): “Thoughts on Peace from the Perspective of an East German.”

Alain Corvez, Colonel (retired), consultant in international affairs, former advisor to the French Ministry of the Interior, France: “Following Its Military Failure against Russia in Ukraine, Will U.S. One-Upmanship Cross the Nuclear Threshold?”

Panel 1 Summary

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and leader of the Schiller Institute, gave the conference keynote, “Let a Garden Amidst a Million Gardens Bloom!” (Full text on this website). She set the tone for the panel by contrasting the tragic consequences of the collapsing trans-Atlantic “rules based order” attempting to maintain its hegemony, with the rising nations of the Global South, freeing themselves from centuries of colonial servitude and asserting their right to economic development. 

Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche asserted at the beginning of her presentation her commitment: “We will revive the best of what European culture has produced … and we will bring that into the shaping of the New Paradigm!”

The next speaker, H.E. Lu Shaye, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in France, delivered his presentation titled “China’s Role for Peace and Development.” He stated, “At present, changes unseen for a century are taking place at an accelerated pace, giving rise to unprecedented transformations of our world, our times and history.” He characterized the world as divided into two camps: pro-peace and pro-war. Which camp will prevail? Ambassador Lu detailed the incredible opportunities Western nations would realize were they to cooperate with China and the Global South through participation in the multitude of development initiatives China is leading, such as the Belt and Road Initiative. 

‘The Multipolar World is Emerging’

H.E. Ilia Subbotin, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in France, spoke on the topic, “What Russia Really Wants in Its Relations with Europe: Peace or War?” He recounted his own personal perspective of the history of the collapse of the Soviet Union and the subsequent tumultuous transition to the post-Soviet era. 

He noted that, contrary to proclamations by President George H.W. Bush that the West had “won” the Cold War, from the Russian perspective it was President Mikhail Gorbachev who had stopped the Cold War. Most people in the former Soviet Republics looked forward to a new union with a desire to become a part of the “Western world.” But, despite countless efforts by Russian leaders over a 30-year period, particularly President Vladimir Putin, every attempt at Western integration has been sabotaged. 

But Minister-Counselor Subbotin asked, will the European nations free themselves from the “shackles of U.S. control” and join with the “new centers of economic growth” of the Global South? “When and if this happens, Russia will be ready for mutually beneficial dialogue of equals, on the basis of our fundamental interests.”

Other panelists addressed the potential that exists for European nations to join with the Global South to create a New Paradigm.

Panel II: Why It Is in the Strategic Interest of European Nations To Cooperate with the Global South

MODERATOR: Elke Fimmen

Jacques Cheminade, President Solidarite & Progres: “The Rise of the Global South against Geopolitical Blocs”; PREPARED REMARKS

Julio Miguel de Vido, former Minister of Federal Planning, Public Investment and Services
(2003-2015) during the governments of both Nestor and Cristina Kirchner, Argentina :
“Planning for Integration, Cooperation and Growth with the BRICS: Missteps and Risks”; PREPARED REMARKS

Dr. Doğu Perinçek, Chairman of the Vatan Party, Türkiye : « The decisive Importance of the
Alliance between Türkiye, Russia, Iran and China at the edge of Entering the Eurasian Era »
Patricia Lalonde, former MEP, associate researcher at Institut Prospective et Sécurité en Europe
(IPSE); “Syria, Reasons for Hope”

Herve Machenaud, former Executive Director of the EDF Group (for engineering and
generation) and former Director of the Asia-Pacific branch, France: “The History of France-China
Relations, the Example of Nuclear Power”; PREPARED REMARKS

Dora Muanda, Teacher, biologist, scientific director of the Kinshasa Science and Technology
Week, Democratic Republic of Congo, RDC: “Humanity and Africa need science”

Dr Andrews Nkansah, Undersecretary General of the African Diaspora Congress (USA), Ghana:
“Strategic Partnership for the Rapid Development of Africa”

Alain Gachet, water specialist, president of Radar Technologies International (RTI), inventor of
the Watex (Water Exploration) process for locating aquifer resources by satellite – Introduction by
Jacques Cheminade: “Water for Peace and Development”

Panel 2 Summary

Jacques Cheminade, President of the Schiller Institute co-thinker organization Solidarité et Progrès political party in France, gave the Panel 2 keynote, titled “The Rise of the Global South against Geopolitical Blocs.” He characterized the current historical period as “the battle between the Malthusian, domineering financial oligarchy that occupies our Western countries and those who believe that the human species has a right to development.” He noted that the first signs of a potential “conflagration” are everywhere evident in Europe, particularly in his own country of France.

In the midst of this gathering storm, nations of the Global South see the Russia-China alliance as reflected in their joint statement of February 4, 2022, as a “positive option and chance to escape the trans-Atlantic straightjacket”—a path to realize what President Xi Jinping calls “the common future of mankind.” 

Mr. Cheminade highlighted the crucial role of the late U.S. statesman and economist Lyndon LaRouche, husband of Schiller institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, in discovering the principles of physical economy critical for a New Paradigm of development. This was stated explicitly by the famous Russian economist Sergei Glazyev, Minister in charge of Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Union, who said Sept. 8, 2022: “It is the principles of physical economics championed by Lyndon LaRouche that underpin the Chinese economic miracle today, and that are the basis of India’s economic development policy.”

Panelists from many other nations provided a stirring crossfire of ideas.

Panel III: The Peace Movement Worldwide Above Party Lines; The Special Case of the United States; The Role of the Vatican and the Global South

MODERATOR: Claudio Celani

Harley Schlanger, Vice Chairman of the Board of directors, Schiller Institute, USA:
“Kennedy’s Vision of Peace”

H. E. M. Donald Ramotar, former president of Guyana (2011-2015), Former Member of Parliament (1992-2011) and General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), trade-unionist:“The World’s People Must Make Their Voices Heard”

Diane Sare, Candidate for US Senate, USA:“Make the US a Force for the Good”; PREPARED REMARKS

Hussein Askary, Vice-president BRIX Instittut, Soutwest Asia Coordinator Schiller Institute,
Sweden:“The Revolutionary Changes in Southwest Asia”

Alessia Ruggeri, Trade Unionist, Member of the International Coalition for Peace, Italy
“Italy and the War: an Important Referendum to Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine”

Jens Jørgen Nielsen, historian, author, former Moscow correspondent of the Danish newspaper
Politiken, representative of the Russian-Danish Dialogue, Denmark: “The Lack of Strategy by the Western Countries to avoid Nuclear War”

Panel 3 Summary

Harley Schlanger, the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Schiller Institute U.S.A., gave the Panel 3 keynote, opening with a video clip of the first four minutes of President John F. Kennedy’s June 10, 1963 American University “Peace Speech” Mr. Schlanger then gave a brief history of Kennedy’s Presidency, from his battle with the U.S. Senate to ratify the Nuclear Test Ban treaty with the Soviet Union, to his efforts to extricate the United States from the war in Vietnam and end the Cold War.

Although constantly having to discover ways of out flanking the war hawks within his administration—dead set on escalating the Cold War—just as big a challenge was overcoming the mass brainwashing of the American population who believed that it was “better dead than red.” His efforts were cut short on November 22, 1963, when the President was murdered in Dallas, Texas.

Mr. Schlanger then delivered a short discussion of the anti-imperialist history of the United States—from the American Founding Fathers to Franklin D. Roosevelt and Lyndon LaRouche. Exemplary of that tradition is the famous July 4, 1821 speech by then Secretary of State John Quincy Adams in which he declares: “But she [the United States] goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy….” This anti-imperialist tradition contrasts sharply with today’s defenders of the militaristic “Rules-Based Order,” such as the hapless Sec. of State Antony J. Blinken. 

Other speakers on Panel III included H.E. Donald Ramotar, former President of Guyana, and Diane Sare, Candidate for U.S. Senate from New York, both of whom have been actively collaborating with people from many nations, in the newly formed International Peace Coalition.

Panel IV: A Culture To Emancipate and Expand the Creative Capacities of Every Human Being; A Dialogue among Cultures and Civilizations

MODERATOR: Karel Vereycken

Prof. Luc Reychler, (PhD Harvard, 1976), professor emeritus of international relations at the
University of Louvain and former director of the Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies
(CPRS), Belgium: “European Humanist Values versus War Culture, What would Erasmus say
about peace in Ukraine?”; PREPARED REMARKS

Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of Movisol, Italy; “Pacem in Terris and Civilization of Love”

Maurizio Abbate, Italy National Institute for Cultural Activities connected to the Ministry of
Culture, Italy:“Culture, the Key to Peace”; PREPARED REMARKS

Tatjana Zdanoka, MEP, member of the Russian Union of Latvia, Latvia
“On Demonization of Russian Culture”; PREPARED REMARKS

Liz Augustat, President of the International Association “Peace through Culture. Europe”: “World
Peace based on common ethics and values”, Germany; PREPARED REMARKS

Panel 4 Summary

Dr. Luc Reychler, Professor Emeritus at Louvain University and former Director of the Center for Peace Research and Strategic Studies in Belgium, gave the Panel 4 keynote, on the provocative question, “European Humanist Values versus War Culture: What Would Erasmus Say about Peace in Ukraine?” He reviewed today’s Ukraine “proxy war”—as he termed it—against Russia, from the eyes of the great Dutch Renaissance scholar Desiderius Erasmus (1466–1536). Famous for works such as In Praise of Folly and The Complaint of Peace, Erasmus warned that those who have not experienced war are often its greatest proponents, that sentiment being well expressed in a quote from his book Against WarDulce bellum inexpertis, or “War is sweet for the inexperienced.”

Were Erasmus here today, he “would criticize and satirize the excuses for ongoing war; for example, the misrepresentation of the war as the defense of democracy and of the democratic world” and “would also be a whistleblower and name the princes and kings, and the war profiteers who are responsible for the war.” But importantly, Erasmus would seek a process of “peace building” through promotion of economic development and education—particularly for youth.

The next speaker, Liliana Gorini, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute affiliated Movisol political party in Italy, invoked the wisdom of another great figure, Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi (1813–1901). To hear U.S. President Joe Biden and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni speak of “peace,” as they did at the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, Japan last month, Gorini said, reminds one of the way Verdi in his opera Don Carlos—inspired by Friedrich Schiller—has Don Rodrigo telling King Philip of Spain that his so-called militarist “peace” for Flanders is a “horrible, horrible peace, the peace of graves.” She called on conference attendees to take inspiration from Verdi, and from Pope John XXIII, and President John F. Kennedy, “to fight for a true peace, which only comes from respecting and developing the rest of the world.” (Ms. Gorini’s remarks were read, as she was unable to attend).

Other panelists stressed the tremendous importance of culture as a key foundation for lasting, durable peace among nations.

Panel V: Scientific Ecology and Assessing the Climate Challenge: Eradicating Poverty and Hunger in the World is the Priority

• Moderator: Stephan Ossenkopp, the Schiller Institute, Germany

Christian Lévêque, Emeritus Research Director, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and specialist in aquatic ecosystems; Honorary President, Académie d’agriculture de France; Member, Académie des Sciences d’Outre-mer, France: “Scientific Ecology Is Being Instrumentalized by Magical Thinking”

Dr.-Ing. Hans-Bernd Pillkahn, engineer, CEO of PROASSORT, metallurgy, Germany: “EU Climate Policy: A Disaster for Energy-Intensive Production”

Frank Bornscheinco-initiator of the Initiative “Peace, Freedom and Sovereignty”; City Councilor, Schwedt/Oder, Germany: “Deindustrialization—Not by Chance but by Design; The Example of the PCK Oil Refinery of Schwedt”

Prof. Alberto Prestininzi, geologist, Sapienza University of Rome; Director, CERI Research Center, Italy: “Climate: Between Emergency and Knowledge”

Prof. Carl-Otto Weiss, Advisor to the European Climate and Energy Institute (EIKE); Professor and Director, German Federal Institute of Metrology, Braunschweig, Germany: “How Solar Cycles Determine Earth’s Climate”

Christian Lévêque, Emeritus Research Director at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement of France, gave the Panel 5 keynote, “Scientific Ecology Is Being Instrumentalized by Magical Thinking.” He scored the Malthusian agenda of what he termed “the wealthy urban bourgeois” and their affiliated NGOs such as the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) who have adopted “nature worship” as their religion. Their axiomatic foundation is “that God created a perfect, harmonious and balanced world”—a paradise—and that man, through development and overpopulation, is destroying that world. He denounced their “fear tactics” and how they impose their agenda.

The WWF and other environmentalist NGOs, using the UN to push their pseudo-religious dogma, are behind the infamous “30 by 30” agenda, promoted at the 2022 UN Biodiversity Conference (COP 15) in Montreal, Canada, to “protect” 30% of the Earth’s land and water by the year 2030 from the aggressions of man. 

Other panelists debunked the fraud of “man-made climate change,” and called for a stop to the deindustrialization and economic destruction underway.

Classical Beauty

The first day’s proceedings were capped off by a wonderful Classical music concert, featuring Albanian pianist Dhurata Lazo and Swedish Soprano Leena Malkki. Ms. Lazo began with four compositions for solo piano including a romance by Albanian composer Tonin Harapi (1926–1992) and three pieces by Frédéric Chopin: the Muzurkas Op. 67; the Scherzo No. 2 Op. 31; and the Andante spianato et grande polonaise brillante Op. 22.

She was then accompanied Ms. Malkki on five songs: a piece from Mozart’s opera La Clemenza di Tito; Schubert’s Nacht und Trӓume Op. 43 No. 2 and Auf dem Wasser zu singen Op. 72; Verdi’s Ave Maria from Otello and Pace, pace mio Dio from La forza del destino

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