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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Webcast—Don’t Fall into a Geopolitical Trap: Cooperation is Key to Overcome Pandemic

With all the fake stories circulating about the Coronavirus, China, Bill Gates, and suppression of freedom—to name a few—it is crucial that people step back and take in the whole picture. As of the moment, the Coronavirus pandemic is NOT under control, and taking the wrong steps now could lead to an explosion. The key to overcome the multiple crises humanity is facing is to change the unjust global economic system, to increase the living standard of everyone, complete with modern, full-scale health care systems.

In her weekly webcast, Helga pointed to the ILO report on employment, which shows that well over half of employed people in the world are in the “informal economy”, forced to live a hand-to-mouth existence. The just-concluded Non-Aligned Nation meeting, which pledged to cooperate to end the present unjust system, is a good step in the right direction. Taking up Lyndon LaRouche’s 1975 proposal to replace the IMF with the International Development Bank is an example of what the NAM could do. So, too, was the ruling by the German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe, an unprecedented decision attacking the ECB bailout of the banks, by emphasizing that the recent EU ruling violates the Basic Law of Germany, a step in the right direction. Perhaps this will be a move toward sovereignty in the post-pandemic world.

What is not healthy, and is in fact insane, is the escalation of anti-China rhetoric, directed by the usual source of geopolitical confrontation, the financial, political and intelligence operatives of Great Britain. Helga called on the viewers to join the SI conference this Saturday, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the defeat of fascism. With two World Wars caused by geopolitics, it is time to replace the British imperial doctrines with a New Paradigm based on cooperation.

Webcast: To Overcome Our Civilizational Crisis, We Must Improve the Character of Our People


With momentum toward solutions coming from last weekend’s Schiller Institute conference, Helga Zepp LaRouche took aim at the collapsing British empire, providing a sharp battle plan to bring into being the New Paradigm for civilization. Among the points she hit are:

  • On the global food crisis, she said President Trump made the right decision to use the Defense Production Act to keep meat-packing plants open, but the end of cartelization and return to parity prices are among crucial measures which must happen to insure food security for all;
  • The dangerous anti-China hysteria, aimed at creating an “enemy image” as a prelude to war, is an extension of the same British-directed sabotage of Trump’s pledge to break with the Bush-Obama geopolitical doctrines and achieve peaceful cooperation. While it infects both U.S. political parties, it is especially insane among Senate Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton;
  • The ongoing release of documents from special counsel Mueller’s case against Gen. Michael Flynn has big potential to blow open the whole fraud of the war party, which was behind Russiagate;
  • The dangerous march toward the “slippery slope” which takes as an axiom the idea that there are useless eaters, and their deaths may be a positive outcome of the Coronavirus—typified by the recent incredible statement of former German Finance Minister Schauble that protection of life is not necessarily the highest value—must be abruptly reversed.

Toward this end, she emphasized the importance of the highly successful Schiller Institute conference, especially the beautifully orchestrated panel on creating a new Renaissance. The crisis we are confronting today, she said, is not just strategic and economic, but moral. Our job is to act to improve the character of people, as described by Schiller in his discussion of the aesthetical education of man.



Anti-China Hysteria Is Very Dangerous, and Very Stupid

Today, Schiller Institute Founder and Chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche issued the following statement regarding the vicious anti-China campaign being promulgated in the West, especially in the United States:

April 16—I think this anti-China campaign comes from a deep-seated geopolitical view that the rise of China necessarily means the downfall of the United States and the West in general. And I think that that view is a wrong view. China has at no point threatened to replace the United States as the hegemonic power. They have offered cooperation on the basis of a win-win cooperation. They have offered the United States a special great power relationship. And it is an absolutely absurd idea that one can prevent a country of 1.4 billion people, which has determined that it wants to go forward on the road of scientific and technological progress—and has proven that that method functions, by lifting 850 million people out of poverty, and then, is starting to offer the advantage of such an approach to others through the Belt and Road Initiative—that you can stop that, other than by nuclear war! And that is, obviously, unfortunately, what some people are willing to toy with.

China is not an aggressive force. But naturally, it does threaten the idea of a unipolar world order, which some neo-con and British elements had tried to impose in the period after the collapse of the Soviet Union, through interventionist wars. The Bush Administration and then also Obama conducted all of these interventionist wars, with the idea of regime change and color revolution, and that has gotten us to the crisis we have now in Southwest Asia and the refugee crisis.

But the idea that you have to stop the rise of China is very dangerous. And we see it right now, that this campaign is absolutely led by British intelligence. As a matter of fact, after President Trump, unfortunately, cancelled the U.S. funding of the WHO, by blaming them that they have been responsible for many deaths, because they misinformed the United States—I don’t even want to comment on that, because it’s just factually not correct—then, the former head of MI6 came out yesterday and said that Trump should not have focused on the WHO, but on China. And the Henry Jackson Society [in the U.K.], which is totally neo-con and one of the worst reactionary institutions you can imagine, put forward a proposal that the West should sue China, so that China would have to pay for all the costs which have resulted from the pandemic!

Now, the fact that the German tabloid Bildzeitung published this concept today, on page 2, the full story, quoting the Henry Jackson Society, having a long list of proposed bills—what was the cost for the taxi drivers, the hotel owners, just 20 categories—that China should have to pay. And after yesterday, when they had Pompeo on page 3 listing all the arguments against China—that is the final proof that this Bild tabloid is part of the Integrity Initiative, the British intelligence operation controlling the Western press. Formally or not, I don’t care—but de facto they’re spreading the propaganda of the British Empire. They just proved that in the last days, if such proof was still necessary.

But they are trying to hype up the population against China, and it is factually absolutely not true! I’ll just cite some figures, because, when they say that China was “hiding” information about the virus, it is factually not true.

• The first cases of some new, unknown disease became known in Wuhan on the December 23, 2019.

• Then, on December 30th, they reported a suspicious number of people having pneumonia.

• Then on January 3rd, the Chinese National Health Commission issued guidelines on how to treat these cases.

• And already on January 4th, those medical people in Wuhan contacted their U.S. counterparts and the WHO, and informed them about that.

• Then, only three days later, on January 7th, the medical scientific personnel in Wuhan were able, for the first time, to isolate the coronavirus strain. The extraordinary speed in which they succeeded in isolating this new strain was praised by the whole international medical community.

So, I think that that is the record. And I remember, because we were following this closely when it happened.

At that point, already, given the fact that there had previously been SARS and MERS, the Western governments could have absolutely mobilized their production of masks, ventilators, hospital beds, and so forth; but they didn’t do it! Instead, they kept repeating for weeks and weeks, “No, masks are absolutely of no use.” German Health Minister Jens Spahn said, “Oh, the virus will never come to Germany.” He kept repeating that into February, saying the German health system is perfectly prepared for any eventualities. They really did not take it seriously until March, when the whole thing erupted with a speed which left everybody breathless. And even then, they kept saying, you don’t need masks. They did not say: You do need masks, you do need mass testing, let’s produce everything which is necessary. Instead they kept adjusting the line about what was medically necessary to what their meager resources were. And that is a fact. You can say that for all European countries, and it’s still going on, to a certain extent, now.

So, I think that the attack on China is the most foolish, most immoral, lying operation, because if there is one country which did succeed, at least for now—because it’s a pandemic, you never know what will happen down the road—but they were able to contain and stamp out the virus in the hotbeds of Hubei Province and the city of Wuhan. And rather than thinking: maybe it was the centralized government system which China has, which was the reason why they were able to react so quickly, to gear up the production of the entire country; and maybe it was the extreme liberalism of the West which was the reason why it was not possible; maybe one should think that the liberal/neo-liberal system has some inherent flaws. Rather than discussing that, they go into this deflection and attack China.

I think it’s very dangerous, and it’s very stupid. And I think it should stop, and people should really not be led by the nose by these lying mass media, which have nothing to do with journalism. They’re really just the forefront of the intelligence community, trying to feed propaganda in order to further their aims. But it has nothing to do with honest journalism, at all.

Webcast: We Must Mobilize to Defeat a Dark Age

It is only foolish and self-deluded people who fail to realize that we are facing a Dark Age, unless we mobilize to establish a new global healthcare system, Helga Zepp LaRouche stated in the opening of this week’s Schiller Institute webcast. The Corona Virus pandemic, coming as the casino economy is collapsing, requires a total shift in thinking. This has presented a moral test to humanity, as there are many who believe we can turn our back on poor countries, or worse, the committed Malthusians, who want population reduction, continue to insist that profit must come before human life. She called on viewers to join the Schiller Institute mobilization for a New Paradigm, based on the fight for the Common Aims of Mankind.

“The symptoms of a Dark Age are everywhere,” she said, identifying examples such as those in nursing homes or prisons who are infected and dying. She said that she understands the pain caused by the lock down, of single mothers at home with no income, small businesses which are failing, but to try to go back to “normal” risks an even worse disaster than we face now. Study what China, and other Asian nations did, to address the pandemic.

The push to blame China for the global pandemic is foolish, immoral and dishonest, she added, emphasizing the role of the usual suspects from the City of London and British intelligence, who are taking the lead. She presented the actual chronology of the Chinese mobilization to discover what this new virus is, and to communicate what they were finding to others. It was the arrogance of the West, not a Chinese coverup, that is to blame. The real anti-China push has nothing to do with corona virus, but that China’s rise threatens the unipolar world order of the geopoliticians and the neoliberals. She urged viewers to back our call for an “Apollo Project” mobilization, and to organize for the April 25-6 Schiller Institute conference.

Webcast: We are not in Safe Waters yet!

The reverberations from President Trump’s trip to Asia and in particular, to China, continue to shake-up U.S. and world politics, as a growing number of “mainstream” political figures and think tanks are now taking notice, with some even seeming to have been won over by the Spirit of the New Silk Road.. Trump told his cabinet that his trip to Asia was “an historic 12-day trip”, with “more than $300 billion worth of deals…[which] means jobs for the United States at a very high level.”

China and Russia, the two nations with which Trump wishes to increase collaboration, continue to engage in significant diplomatic and economic initiatives to promote peaceful cooperation and development, with new proposals coming from them virtually daily.

Yet, as Zepp LaRouche said on Monday, “We’re not in safe waters yet.” One can see a British imperial hand in the Middle East, with war talk coming from Israel and Saudi Arabia, and the financial system remains “one bad trade away” from a total meltdown. And, as Helga stated in last week’s webcast, the attempt by Chancellor Merkel to pull together a “Jamaica Coalition” has collapsed, meaning that Germany will be without a real government at this time of opportunity, and crisis.

Join us on Thursday, for the weekly strategic strategic update from Mrs. LaRouche.

Webcast: Overcoming the Crisis Begins with Dumping Geopolitics and Neoliberalism

In order to put an end to the inter-related novel coronavirus pandemic crisis and the financial crisis, it is necessary to face up to the real cause of these crises: the nearly 50-year global proliferation of British imperial policies, especially the doctrines of geopolitics and neoliberal economics. From this vantage point, Helga Zepp LaRouche provided an urgently needed overview of recent developments. There have been some useful steps taken to address the crises, but there is “wishful thinking of the neoliberal establishment” that we can very soon return to what was considered normal three months ago, which would be a very dangerous decision.

But the “elephant in the room” is that the refusal to end the colonial policies in the developing sector, as enforced by the IMF, has endangered the majority of people living there, and threatens to be the basis for a return of the Corona Virus to the northern hemisphere in the fall. A total transformation of the global health system is essential, which includes plans for retooling the machine tool sector and manufacturing as a whole, and ending privatization and a system based on speculative profit, to meet the needs for such a system. Similarly, the fiasco surrounding the firing of Capt. Crozier by an acting Naval Secretary who insists we are “at war” with China shows that the war danger remains, as long as war-hawks such as Pompeo remain in the administration, and fools such as Bolton can spew their filth through the media. (Modly subsequently resigned, but Pompeo and Esper have not!)

There are those now coming forward who recognize that the system has failed, as for example former Banque de France Deputy Director Peltier, who called for a New Bretton Woods, and Tremonti from Italy and Sinn from Germany, who warned that the bailouts underway will unleash hyperinflation. Helga called on our viewers to register for the April 25-6 Schiller Institute conference, to be participants in changing the agenda, to join us in creating a more humane human race.

Conference: Mankind’s Existence Now Depends on the Establishment of a New Paradigm!


International online conference, April 25-26, 2020

Panel 1: The Urgent Need to Replace Geopolitics with a New Paradigm in International Relations

Panel 2: For a Better Understanding of How Our Universe Functions

Panel 3: Creativity as the Distinctive Characteristic of Human Culture: The Need for a Classical Renaissance

Panel 4: The Science of Physical Economy


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Full Conference Proceedings

Panel 1: The Urgent Need to Replace Geopolitics with a New Paradigm in International Relations

10:00 a.m. U.S. EDT; 16:00 CET. The following times are U.S. EDT.

Panel Moderator: Dennis Speed

10:00 — Opening Remarks & Introduction
Dennis Speed, Schiller Institute 

10:15 — Keynote Address
Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute 

10:55 — H.E. Dmitry Polyanskiy, 1st Deputy Permanent Representative
The Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations

11:10 —H.E.  Ambassador Huang Ping
Consul General of the People’s Republic of China in New York
“For a Better Future: Proposed Principles Needed to Ensure Peaceful and Productive Relations Between China and the United States”

11:25–12:00 — Q&A with Zepp-LaRouche and representatives of Russia and China

12:00 — Jacques Cheminade
Chairman, Solidarité et Progrès, former French Presidential Candidate
“A Europe Not To Be Ashamed Of”

12:20 — Michele Geraci
Economist from Italy, former Undersecretary to the Development Ministry in Rome 

12:35–1:15 — Q&A with Zepp-LaRouche, Cheminade, and Geraci

1:15 — Helga Zepp-LaRouche
“Introducing the LaRouche Legacy Foundation”

1:30–2:00 — Q&A continued

Panel 2: For a Better Understanding of How Our Universe Functions

3:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 21:00 CET. The following times are U.S. EDT 

Panel Moderator: Jason Ross

3:00 p.m. — LaRouchePAC Science Team: Megan Beets, Benjamin Deniston, Jason Ross
“In Defense of the Human Species”

3:40 — Jean-Pierre Luminet, PhD
Astrophysicist; emeritus researcher at National Center of Scientific Research
“The Role of ‘Free Invention’ in Creative Discovery”

4:00 — Michel Tognini
Astronaut; Association of Space Explorers founding member
“Friendship Between Astronauts: An Exemplary Precedent for International Cooperation”

4:15 — Walt Cunningham
Apollo Astronaut
“Apollo 7: An Astronaut’s Reflections”

4:30 — Marie Korsaga, PhD
Astrophysicist, Burkina Faso
“The Necessity of Science Education for African Youth”

4:45 — Sen. Joe Pennacchio
New Jersey State Senator, 2008–
“Making Nuclear Fusion a Reality”

4:50 — Will Happer, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Physics, Princeton University
“The Inside Story of Contemporary Science”

5:05 — Guangxi Li, MD, PhD
Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing
“Chinese Medicine Treatment of COVID-19”

5:20–6:00 — Q&A

Concert Playlist

This concert playlist features artists who will speak on the culture panel on Sunday. Panelist Eugene Thamon Simpson performs Spirituals by Hall Johnson, panelist John Sigerson sings a Schubert song, and the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus performs the Beethoven Mass in C, under the direction of John Sigerson, with a full orchestra tuned to C=256 Hz.

Sunday, April 26
11:00 a.m. U.S. EDT [17:00 CEST]

Panel 3: Creativity as the Distinctive Characteristic of Human Culture: The Need for a Classical Renaissance

11:00 a.m. U.S. EDT; 17:00 CET. The following times are U.S. EDT

Listen to Panel Three’s Playlist

Panel Moderators: Kesha Rogers and Dennis Speed

11:00-11:15 — Beethoven, “An die ferne Geliebte,” op. 98
John Sigerson, tenor, Margaret Greenspan, piano 

11:15 — Lyndon LaRouche
“I Have Insisted That Music Is Intelligible!” 

11:20 — Helga Zepp-LaRouche
Founder and Chairman, Schiller Institute 

11:40 — William Warfield
“A Poetic Musical Offering” 

11:45 — Willis Patterson
Bass-baritone, professor emeritus / Associate Dean of the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance
“The Presence of the Classical Principle in Folk Music” 

12:10 — John Sigerson
Music Director for the Schiller Institute, co-author of A Manual on the Rudiments of Tuning and Registration
“The Physical Power of Classical Poetry and Music” 

12:30 — Dr. Eugene Simpson
Professor emeritus of Voice and Choral Literature, Rowan University of New Jersey; Founding Curator of the Hall Johnson Collection
“Hall Johnson and the Dvorak Dream: From Spiritual to Art Song” 

1:00 — Diane Sare
Founder and co-director, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus
“On the Employment of Chorus in Politics” 

1:25 — Conference Greetings, Gregory Hopkins
Founder and Artistic Director, Harlem Opera Theater. 

1:30 — Teng Jimeng, PhD
Beijing Foreign Studies University

1:45 — Discussion and Q&A

Panel 4: The Science of Physical Economy

Sunday, April 26, 3:00 p.m. U.S. EDT [21:00 CEST]

3:00 p.m. U.S. EDT; 21:00 CET

The following times are U.S. EDT.

Panel Moderator: Dennis Speed 

3:00 — Dennis Small
United States; Schiller Institute Director for Ibero-America
“LaRouche’s Legacy: Foundation of the Modern Science of Physical Economy”

3:30 — Sébastien Périmony
France; Schiller Institute representative
“When Africa Looks to the Stars”

3:45 — Cédric Mbeng Mezui
Gabon; Author; Financial sector expert; Think Tank FinanceAfrika
“Unlocking the Potential of Africa – Ideas by Alexander Hamilton” 

4:00 — Phillip Tsokolibane
Leader of LaRouche South Africa
“Make Africa an Economic Powerhouse to Benefit All Mankind”

4:15 — Ms. Yang Yan
Political Counselor, Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Paris
“Franco-Chinese Cooperation in Africa” 

4:25 — Six American Farm Leaders
Bob Baker, Virginia; Schiller Institute agriculture co-coordinator
Joe Maxwell, Missouri; former Missouri Lt. Governor, co-founder of Family Farm Action Alliance
Tyler Dupy, Kansas; Executive Director of the Kansas Cattlemen’s Association
Frank Endres; California, member of the National Farmers Organization for 63 years
Bill Bullard; Montana, CEO R-CALF USA
Jim Benham, Indiana; State Pres. of Indiana Farmers Union, 20 Yr. National Board member, National Farmers Union
Mike Callicrate, Kansas; Colorado, Bd of Directors of Organization for Competitive Markets, Owner Ranch Foods Direct
“Feed the Future: Eating Is a Moral Right. A Dialogue With American Farmers”

4:55 — Prof. Mario Roberto Morales
Professor, writer, and recipient of Guatemala’s “Miguel Angel Asturias” National Prize for Literature, 2007
“The Productive vs. the Speculative Economy: A View from Central America”

5:05 — Jack Lynch
Consultant; former Vice-President, First Midwest Bank of Illinois
“Reinstate Glass-Steagall”

5:15 — Daisuke Kotegawa
Research Director at Canon Institute; former Japan Ministry of Finance official; former Executive Director for Japan IMF
“Failure to Address Cause of 2008 Financial Collapse Caused Public Health Collapse”

5:20 — Ellen Brown
President, Public Banking Institute (USA)
“Productive Credit, not Predatory Debt”

5:25–6:00 — Q&A session

Webcast: Systems Are Manmade—You Can Change Them When One Breaks Down

In providing an overview of the devastating crisis facing mankind, Helga Zepp LaRouche reminded viewers that “Systems are manmade”, and can be changed when they break down. Her husband warned as early as 1973 that the global neoliberal system brought into existence when Nixon ended the Bretton Woods system, with its cheap labor, cheap raw material policies, and the speculative casino economy which emerged, would lead to new global pandemics. If you lower living standards, he said, lower life forms will take over.

Today’s dual virus attacks, from the coronavirus pandemic and the collapse of the financial system, confirm the accuracy of LaRouche’s warnings. What makes the situation worse is the moral arrogance of the West. Those pushing Green “solutions” today would condemn mankind to a genocide far worst than that of Hitler.

Yet, there is a real resistance to those policies. She described the passion of some young people on a youth conference call with her on Tuesday, as more than 70 people engaged in a discussion of how to go from the collapsed system of today, to a New Paradigm, by mobilizing with agape, and the powerful ideas of our movement. The conversations between President Trump and his counterparts in China and Russia represent a move in the right direction—join us in organizing for our international conference, to make sure these ideas come to fruition.

Webcast: President Trump’s Asia Trip and The New Paradigm

Thursday, November 16

To say that President Trump’s Asia trip was an historic success may be an understatement!  Though the highlight was his visit to Beijing and meetings with China’s President Xi Jinping, his meetings with other leaders, including his exchanges with President Putin, were productive.  In every event, he made explicit that the days when the U.S. acted as the enforcer of a unipolar empire are over.

Don’t be depressed or confused by the honking of the geese of the old establishment, with their lies and slanders against Trump and those who met with him.  These are only the hysterical squawks of those whose  collapsing world order is in its death throes.  They cannot succeed in stopping the momentum of the new dynamic unleashed in the world.  Let them squawk — we have to do our job, to ensure that they are defeated, and that the New Paradigm fully emerges.

What now?  Where do we go from here? Join Helga Zepp LaRouche on this week’s webcast, as she will provide an update on the strategic significance of Trump’s trip, and outline where we go from here.

If you missed last weeks webcast be sure to watch it.

Zepp-LaRouche Addressed Diplomatic Seminar in Yemen

Nov. 8, 2017

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President of the Schiller Institute, addressed (through video message) a seminar in the war-defying capital of Yemen on November 7. The seminar, titled “From Sana’a to Beijing: The First Diplomatic Seminar,” was addressed and sponsored by Foreign Minister of Yemen Hisham Sharaf and hosted by The Institute of Diplomacy in Sana’a. The theme of the seminar was China’s Policy Paper on the Arab World, and how Yemen would join the Belt and Road Initiative.

Fouad Al-Ghaffari, Chairman of the Yemeni Advisory Office for Coordination with the BRICS, spoke at the seminar, too, introducing Mrs. LaRouche as the “New Silk Road Lady.” The banner of the event featured a major map of the World Land-Bridge as designed by EIR. Foreign Minister Sharaf reviewed the friendly and productive historical relations with China, including many infrastructure projects that China contributed to modern Yemen in the past decades before the outbreak of the Saudi war on Yemen in 2015. He expressed Yemen’s full readiness to join the Belt and Road Initiative and to protect the Maritime Silk Road at the Bab El-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea. He urged China to play a constructive role in the political solution for the war in Yemen. He also urged China not to take steps that could lead to the further splitting of the country between south and north. Sharaf was referring to the allegations of a recent contract signed between Chinese telecom giant Huawei and the government-in-exile, to build a mobile telephone system in areas in southern Yemen controlled by U.A.E.- and Saudi-backed armed groups.

The Chinese government does not recognize the government in Sana’a, of which Foreign Minister Sharaf is a member, and instead recognizes the government of deposed President Abed-Rabbo Mansour Hadi, who is in exile in Saudi Arabia, who has little or no control of matters in Yemen. China claims that it is following UN Security Council Resolutions. However, the legitimacy of Hadi is questioned inside Yemen, as his term had already expired in September 2014, when the combination of Houthi rebels and forces of former President Ali Abdullah Saleh took power in the capital and put Hadi under house arrest. Hadi is also not popular among the people, because he sanctioned the Saudi campaign of bombardment against his own people, as negotiations where underway to find a political solution between the new and former governments of Yemen. The Chinese Foreign Ministry issued the China Arab World Policy Paper in January 2016, a few days ahead of the visit by President Xi Jinping to three key nations of the Southwest Asia: Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Iran. President Xi expressed during his visit the same points raised by the policy paper, which is the importance of settling the conflicts of the region through a spirit of cooperation and dialogue, and that China is ready to extend the policy of the New Silk Road to the region and help rebuild the economies devastated by wars and conflicts in recent years, and offering cooperation in infrastructure, nuclear power, and agriculture to all the nations of the region.

Yemeni official news agency Saba and other newspapers covered the event. Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche’s video statement can be viewed here:

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