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Webcast: To Overcome Our Civilizational Crisis, We Must Improve the Character of Our People

Webcast: To Overcome Our Civilizational Crisis, We Must Improve the Character of Our People


With momentum toward solutions coming from last weekend’s Schiller Institute conference, Helga Zepp LaRouche took aim at the collapsing British empire, providing a sharp battle plan to bring into being the New Paradigm for civilization. Among the points she hit are:

  • On the global food crisis, she said President Trump made the right decision to use the Defense Production Act to keep meat-packing plants open, but the end of cartelization and return to parity prices are among crucial measures which must happen to insure food security for all;
  • The dangerous anti-China hysteria, aimed at creating an “enemy image” as a prelude to war, is an extension of the same British-directed sabotage of Trump’s pledge to break with the Bush-Obama geopolitical doctrines and achieve peaceful cooperation. While it infects both U.S. political parties, it is especially insane among Senate Republicans like Lindsey Graham and Tom Cotton;
  • The ongoing release of documents from special counsel Mueller’s case against Gen. Michael Flynn has big potential to blow open the whole fraud of the war party, which was behind Russiagate;
  • The dangerous march toward the “slippery slope” which takes as an axiom the idea that there are useless eaters, and their deaths may be a positive outcome of the Coronavirus—typified by the recent incredible statement of former German Finance Minister Schauble that protection of life is not necessarily the highest value—must be abruptly reversed.

Toward this end, she emphasized the importance of the highly successful Schiller Institute conference, especially the beautifully orchestrated panel on creating a new Renaissance. The crisis we are confronting today, she said, is not just strategic and economic, but moral. Our job is to act to improve the character of people, as described by Schiller in his discussion of the aesthetical education of man.



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