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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Video: Will Human History End Now in a Tragedy, or Triumph in a New Paradigm? Learn from Nicholas of Cusa

Helga Zepp-LaRouche addresses an audience of young people from around the world on the method of thinking discovered by Nicholas of Cusa.

“[Nicholas of Cusa] developed a method of thinking, of thinking something completely new… It was the idea that human reason has the capability to define a solution on a completely different and higher level, than those on which all the conflicts and contradictions arose. It addresses the capacity to think a One, which is of a higher magnitude and power, than the Many. And once you train your mind to think that way [according to the coincidence of opposites], you have the inerrant key to creativity, and one can apply this way of thinking to virtually all realms of thought.” —Helga Zepp-LaRouche

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, and one of the world’s leading Cusa experts, insists that to get out of the onrushing New Dark Age, mankind must learn from the father of the 15th Century Golden Renaissance, Nicholas of Cusa. We must start with the underlying crisis: that in the method of thinking.

Webcast: “We Have So Much to Discover” About Our Universe

In her weekly dialogue today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche contrasted the exciting horizons opened by three near-simultaneous space flights arriving at Mars, with the polarizing circus underway in the U.S. Senate trial of former President Trump. The Mars’ missions, she said “show where mankind should be going….We have so much to discover.” She pointed to the successful development of COVID vaccines by Russian and Chinese scientists, and their willingness to share them, as another example of the kind of cooperation required at a moment of crisis like this.

Instead, look at the unbelievable situation in the U.S. around the targeting of Donald Trump and his supporters. The latest revelations which show that leaders of the riot from the “Proud Boys” and the “Oath Keepers” were tied to the FBI makes it clear that the assault on the Capitol on January 6 was not incited by Trump, but was actually a “sting operation.” And while the show trial continues, there is an escalation for regime change against Putin and Xi, run on behalf of those pushing for the Great Reset. She urged viewers to study the upcoming EIR Special Report on the Great Reset/Green New Deal, and to join us for the Round Table discussion on Russia this Saturday, as necessary steps to becoming the educated citizens required to bring about a New Paradigm of cooperation among sovereign states.

Webcast—Italy joins with China in battle for the New Paradigm, Geopoliticians Flip!

This week’s webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger focuses on three developments, first, Italy’s indication that it will join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (a big deal, it’s a G7 country),  the “New Green Deal” proposal being pushed by the so-called Progressives in the United States, and finally, they discuss the campaign for the late Lyndon LaRouche’s exoneration, and its implications on the current witch hunt against President Trump.



Webcast—Defeat the Murderous British Empire — Raise Mankind to a New Level of Creative Thinking

The underlying theme of Helga Zepp LaRouche’s strategic presentation in this week’s Schiller Institute webcast is that, as the clash between the Old and New Paradigms is becoming more obvious, it is the quality of thinking characterized by human creativity, which alone can bring the world to realize the shared common aims of mankind represented by the New Paradigm.

Nowhere was this more obvious than in the contrast between events in Hanoi, where President Trump was meeting with North Korea’s President Kim, and the nasty circus in Washington, D.C., featuring the dirty lawyer Michael Cohen and the foolish Democrats, salivating over the hope that Cohen’s lies will pave the way for impeachment. Trump was acting explicitly with a cooperative strategic alliance with Russia and China, as well as with South Korea and Japan, in his talks in Hanoi, while the pro-coup forces in Washington were doing the dirty work of the British Empire, to keep humanity hostage to their dying system.


Helga presented what is required to move humanity, to not just avoid nuclear war, but to bring about a future driven by the most exciting exploration of the universe. Referring to the beautiful ideas about letting the future shape the present which her husband discussed in his book, “There Are No Limits to Growth”, she issued an impassioned call to mobilize to win this fight.

Sputnik Interviews Helga Zepp-LaRouche on INF Crisis

Sputnik International published an interview with Helga Zepp-LaRouche, identified as head of the Germany’s Civil Rights Movement Solidarity (BüSo) party, warning that if Europe hosts new U.S. missiles it will sign a “suicide pact,” and that the solution to strategic tensions is to expose the real authors of Russiagate. The interview was published in the English (International) and Portuguese-Brazilian editions of Sputnik and picked up by a newswire in Indonesia. The dispatch was headlined: “Europe to Sign Own ‘Suicide Pact’ If Hosts New U.S. Missiles — German Politician.”

“Europe’s possible agreement to host U.S. intermediate and shorter-range ballistic missiles will be tantamount to signing a ‘suicide pact’ in light of Russia’s declared resolve to target these potential security threats, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the leader of Germany’s Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party, told Sputnik.

“`If Europe were to accept the installation of new U.S. missiles on its territory in this strategic environment, it would sign a suicide pact,’ Zepp-LaRouche said.

“According to the politician, amid somewhat war-mongering  rhetoric in the West, Putin `just reintroduced a reality principle and clarity’ with his warnings.

“‘Despite President [Donald] Trump’s stated intention to improve relations between the U.S. and Russia, including that he may have one idea of replacing the INF treaty with a new agreement, Putin has to take into account the contrary intention of the neocons in the Trump administration and the British ‘minister of war,’ Gavin Williamson, who threatens to use ‘hard power’ and also claims that the ‘boundaries between peace and war are becoming blurred,’ she clarified, making a reference to Williamson’s 2019 Munich Security Conference speech. [sic—Williamson’s speech was on Feb. 11 at the Royal United Services Institute—ed.]

“Meanwhile, Europe’s ‘fundamental self-interest,’ Zepp-LaRouche believed, lay in removing sanctions on Russia and re-establishing good relations with Moscow by creating ‘an economic zone from the Atlantic to the Pacific on the basis of integrating the Belt and Road Initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union and the EU.’

“She went on to note that such cooperation would create ‘a new security architecture’ that should become the basis on which Europe builds its cooperation with the United States.

“When asked to suggest ways to overcome the rifts in the global security environment between Russia and the West, Zepp-LaRouche opined that once the ‘real authors’ of ‘Russiagate’ — the scandal around Moscow’s alleged interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, which Russia strongly denies — were revealed, ‘most of the strategic tensions would evaporate.'”

Webcast—To Shut Down the Coup Against Trump, Exonerate LaRouche

The regime change coup against President Trump has been increasingly visible, as positive developments based on his initiatives have forced the coup plotters into the open. Look at the intelligence officials who presented the “Worldwide Threat Assessment” to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on January 30. On virtually every single issue, those delivering the report—DNI Coats, CIA Director Haspel and FBI Director Wry—contradicted the President’s strategic policies. Responding to them, Trump called them “naive”, and expressed optimism that his diplomatic initiatives have been effective.

Helga Zepp LaRouche provided a concise report on those contradictions, on North Korea, Syria, relations with Russia and China, etc. The Old Paradigm, the neoliberal British imperial model, has failed, she said, and much of the world has moved into a New Paradigm, based on win-win cooperation. Typifying this Old Paradigm, is George Soros, who attacked China in his speech at Davos as the biggest threat to his “Open Society.” Zepp LaRouche said this is true, as his “Open Society” is nothing more than the collapsing British neoliberal system.

The same regime change forces behind Russiagate are now pushing a regime change coup in Venezuela, with potentially dangerous consequences. She asked, How can we avoid feeling as though we, who are fighting against this coup, are on a roller coaster, going up and down? It’s a question of understanding the principle of the Common Good. Study the works of Lyndon LaRouche, to become true representatives of the Common Good. And fight for his exoneration, as those who put him in prison thirty years ago are the ones running coups around the world, and in the U.S., today.

Statement to Form The Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites (Coincidentia Oppositorum)

Statement to Form The Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites (Coincidentia Oppositorum)

To offer solutions through a new global health initiative.

By Helga Zepp-LaRouche, The Schiller Institute, Founder and Chair

(To add your name to endorse the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites click here.)

The combination of crises we are now facing has reached such unprecedented proportions that it seems to exceed the psychological limits of what is bearable. Health experts throughout the world are warning that it may take another nine months before all nations can be supplied with a vaccine — and even then, the availability is not guaranteed. In the meantime, another one million people may lose their lives due to COVID-19.

But a much greater number of lives are threatened by the famine now spreading in developing countries, as a result of the decline in agriculture, and the collapse of the so-called informal sector of the economy. Many countries are already torn apart by preexisting social tensions that the pandemic has now exacerbated. This dynamic could massively grow in the coming months.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) has reported a huge drop of 10.7% in global labor income in the first nine months of this year, which amounts to 3.5 trillion dollars, and a loss of up to 500 million jobs by the end of the year. In the advanced economies, the bankruptcies, short-hours, and layoffs that jeopardize the existence of so many, were at least temporarily attenuated by government relief programs. But most developing countries are totally unable to fund similar programs. In the so-called “lower-middle income” countries, the income loss amounted to 23.3% in the second quarter, and 15.6% in the third quarter, and the forecasts for the fourth are much more pessimistic.

Considering that more than half the population in sub-Saharan African countries did not have well-balanced and sufficient nourishment even before the outbreak of COVID-19, the news reported by that food prices in all of Africa have risen by 250%, is truly catastrophic. As the head of the World Food Program (WFP) David Beasley has warned for months now, a famine of “biblical proportions” threatens to kill up to 300,000 people per day. Phillip Tsokolibane, Schiller Institute collaborator in South Africa, has issued an urgent appeal for an international mobilization to fight starvation in Africa. “It is not a matter of what will happen – IT IS ALREADY HAPPENING.”

It is clear that faced with such a tragedy, only governments working together can implement the emergency programs needed to save the lives of many millions. However, unfortunately, the past months have shown that geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China is on the West’s agenda, and not cooperation, and, to name just one example, of the 5 billion dollars that the WFP urgently requires, it has only received 750 million. What is to be done? Shall we stand by, and watch the tragedy play out before our eyes?

In response to the 14th century Dark Age, which was characterized by catastrophes similar to those of today, Nicholas of Cusa, the inventor of modern science and the sovereign nation-state, and the great thinker of the 15th century, developed a new method of thinking, the Coincidentia Oppositorum, which represented, as he emphasized, an entirely new approach to solving problems. It was the idea that the human mind, in the living image of the Creator, is able to define the higher level on which all seemingly unsolvable contradictions can be resolved. According to Nicholas, the human mind is able to think of the One, which is of a higher power than the Many. In a similar way, Albert Einstein observed that problems cannot be solved on the level on which they were created.

Thinking in terms of the coincidence of opposites is the method that must be applied to solve the crisis that threatens all mankind today. We have to define a solution that meets the existential needs of all relevant individuals and interest groups on an equal basis. Concretely, this approach is readily applicable in regard to the pandemic.

It is the young people of this world whose future is most threatened by the combination of the pandemic and the economic crisis, although they were in no way responsible for them. Therefore, we need to develop prospects for them that both address the real problem, and give them a concrete task. We will only be able to navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, and similar future pandemics, if a modern healthcare program is established in every single country of the world, one which corresponds, in principle, to the Hill-Burton standard in the U.S., the German and French healthcare systems before their privatization drives, or the system which proved to be so successful in Wuhan, China.

The first step in that direction could be taken by setting up partnerships between, for example, university clinics, hospitals, and medical faculties in the U.S. and European nations, and similar institutions in Africa. To build a modern healthcare system, not only medical capacities, such as hospitals, infrastructure, water, electricity, etc. are needed, but also a large number of well-trained medical personnel.

In that regard, such partnerships should train young people in the U.S., Europe and African countries, some of whom are unemployed, firstly, to become, medical auxiliaries, and then medical personnel, on the model of Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). The very first step is to train young people so they can be deployed into the communities, or villages, and show the population the public health measures needed to fight the pandemic. In Tuskegee (Alabama), Tennessee, St. Louis (Missouri), and other places in the U.S., such cooperation with local institutions is already in place, which also involves clinics and local police forces in the various confidence-building measures, such as home visits, which is of extraordinary importance, given the overall uncertainties of the population, and the (often massive) campaigns against wearing masks, the rejection of vaccines, etc.

In the African partnership projects, the joint training and deployment of American and European youth aid workers with African youth, also requires confidence-building measures that can be carried out by medical personnel, as well as representatives of churches, or disaster-control organizations. Such programs should first focus on the distribution of medical supplies, and easily transportable food, such as powdered milk, dried and canned meat, etc., and then be expanded, as quickly as possible, to include training in infrastructure building, farming and industrial projects.

In the social flashpoints in American cities or European suburbs, where violent street fights have recently occurred for various reasons, and where young people are exposed to a wide array of dangers, such as drugs, alcohol, gang crime, internet addiction and a degraded counterculture, such training opportunities would be just the alternative they need to find a socially necessary and future-oriented task. In the U.S., such creative non-violent direct action would be in the historic tradition of the civil rights movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It should be remembered that Amelia Boynton Robinson, the civil rights activist who had brought Dr. King to Selma, Alabama, and who was beaten up by the police, and left for dead on the Edmund Pettus Bridge, during the infamous “Bloody Sunday” in March 1965, was the Vice President of the Schiller Institute for 25 years.

This is not the place to discuss the complexity of the social flashpoints, be it in the American cities where violence has broken out, in particular in the aftermath of the murder of African-American George Floyd, or in the French suburbs, where the effects of the pandemic dramatically exacerbated the long-standing social unrest. Although those social conflicts are undoubtedly instrumentalized by certain forces for their own political ends, it is nonetheless urgent to eliminate the real causes of the despair and uprooting of the young generation. Such an initial training to become medical auxiliaries, in many cases, can be the entry point for further professional training as a nurse, doctor or medical scientist.

In this moment of extreme polarization and violence in the streets the Committee of Coincidence of Opposites will also reconnect to the nonviolent tradition of Mahatma Gandhi, who defeated the British Empire in India, with that method and the Civil Rights Movement of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who were able to bring otherwise totally opposed political forces together in direct civil action.

This committee should bring together people with various qualifications, who can demonstrate in an initially small, but well-designed, example, how to approach the problem, in such a way that it can also be used as a pilot project for the large-scale government programs, that will hopefully follow soon after.

While it is urgent to train enough medical personnel worldwide to build a world health system, it must go hand in hand with overcoming the hunger pandemic. It is a crime against humanity that, as a result of the hunger crisis, massively compounded by the pandemic, literally many millions of people in developing countries are at risk of starvation (one of the most excruciating forms of death, according to former UN commissioner for Human Rights Jean Ziegler), while in the U.S. and Europe, farmers are struggling for their economic survival. Some have had to kill their herds, because the cartels have created slave labor-like conditions in the meat processing industry, leading to the repeated emergence of COVID-19 clusters. It is also unacceptable that the farmers, who produce vital sustenance for the entire society, are driven into bankruptcy by the maximum-profit policy of the banks and cartels, and by ideological, so-called “green” constraints.

Farm representatives should therefore join these medical teams to organize the emergency delivery of appropriate foodstuffs to crisis zones, and to begin training other young people to develop agricultural capacities in developing countries. Together with African farmers, they could begin to set up modern agriculture, which, of course, requires the development of infrastructure, water and electricity supplies, etc. There are enthusiastic young and older farmers in the U.S., Germany, France or Italy, who, in such a crisis situation, would consider it part of their mission in life to help overcome an unprecedented emergency with such a program.

The U.S. and Europe need an association of retired medical workers, concerned individuals, and social and religious organizations, to work together on this committee, in order to set up this training project. Part of their task is also to raise the donations needed from international and medium-sized firms, from board members who understand not only that these projects are a humanitarian necessity, but that it is also in their own best interest to maintain a livable world.

As soon as these projects take on a concrete form, they will spark the kind of enthusiasm that all great pioneer projects can generate, despite the seriousness of the situation, and they will give future prospects to many young people who would otherwise be dragged into social revolts and violent activities.

As mentioned, such a private initiative (direct civil action) in the tradition of the non-violent actions of Mahatma Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. cannot, by itself, solve the gigantic challenge before us. But it can provide a practical example of how people of good will can intervene in an otherwise desperate situation, and point to the required solution. These concrete examples will then encourage governments, or put pressure on them, to join forces and create, through a new credit system, the framework to permanently overcome underdevelopment in the developing countries.

In that way, the idea of Nicholas of Cusa, that a solution can be found on a higher level that takes into account the interests of all those involved, would find a concrete application today. This initiative will contribute to the fight against the pandemic, it will define a meaningful task for young people, and it will help to improve acute emergency situations in economically disadvantaged regions in the U.S. and Europe, as well as African countries. It will also highlight the vital importance of agriculture in times of famine, and save people from starvation. In a situation where many people feel powerless in the face of the catastrophe of the century, the committee will give every individual the opportunity to contribute something to overcoming the crisis.

To add your name to endorse the Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites click here or for more information call 917-475-8828.

Video — Roundtable Discussion, Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites

A group of forty individuals, including medical professionals, farmers, musicians,  scientists, educators, clergy, civil rights leaders, community activists and concerned citizens, held a round table discussion on October 23rd, 2020, in response to the call issued by Schiller Institute chairwoman Helga Zepp-LaRouche to form The Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites to address the COVID pandemic, now coupled with an extreme famine crisis. The discussion was begun with brief remarks from Zepp-LaRouche; Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former U.S. Surgeon General; and Mike Callicrate, farm leader, and owner of Ranch Foods Direct. A lively elaboration followed in which several medical professional detailed work which they have already been conducting in Africa, Asia and South America, as well as in the U.S., which would lend itself to the type of community healthcare worker (CCC program) that Zepp-LaRouche and Dr. Elders have been emphasizing. Farm leaders discussed their willingness and capability to produce enough food to stop starvation feed the world, if given the go ahead and parity prices to survive and continue producing.  The video below includes introductory remarks from Zepp-LaRouche, Dr. Elders and Mike Callicrate.

CLICK HERE to endorse the call or become active in the Health Committee for the Coincidence of Opposites

Webcast — People Are Being Tested: War or Peace Depends on Individuals Acting for the Common Good

Helga Zepp-LaRouche said the confluence of crises facing mankind means that citizens must now act with an awareness that war or peace will depend on the decisions they make and the actions they take. The forces allied with the globalist empire centered in the City of London and Wall Street are continuing their push for geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China. Their allies from the Bush-Clinton-Obama war party have been forced to rally to defend their pathetic candidate for President, Joe Biden, who has been exposed as running a criminal extortion racket while Vice President,. Now, to aid his candidacy, they are relying on censorship, and reviving the lies against Russia, claiming the Hunter Biden laptop, which shows a wide-extent of criminal activity, is a “Russian disinformation” operation. The pushback against these lies came from DNI Ratcliffe, with strong reinforcement from the LPAC press availability featuring Bill Binney and Kurt Wiebe, who warned that a civil war is already underway.

At the same time, Defense Secretary Esper is pushing for military encirclement of Russia and China, which includes the creation of a Quad of forces in the Pacific, to link up with an extension of NATO into the Pacific!

The way to counter these insane war plans was presented at an online conference cosponsored by the Schiller Institute, which brought together people from 30 countries, who heard from a panel of experts, including Helga, Jacques Cheminade and Schiller Institute allies. Major presentations developed the idea of the common principles which have guided the development of China, as well as nations in the west, and that the differences which exist between them are not only not irreconcilable, but susceptible to a solution based on the idea of the common good. Transcripts from this conference will be forthcoming.

Webcast—The British Empire that Jailed LaRouche 30 Years Ago is Same Apparatus Assaulting the Trump Presidency Today!

Thirty years ago, on January 27, 1989, Lyndon LaRouche and a number of his associates were imprisoned, in a case described by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark as the worst example of government persecution he had ever seen.  The networks responsible for this outrage are the same as those behind the regime change coup drive against President Trump, beginning with high level officials of British intelligence, who initiated the targeting of LaRouche and Trump, and including the same legal assassin, Robert Mueller.
In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche outlines why this network of British oligarchs has continued to “meddle” in U.S. affairs:  Why they are launching a coup in Venezuela; why they continue to attack China; how they are wrecking Europe, through their European Union operation; and how a New Paradigm is emerging, explicitly committed to replacing the era of imperial geopolitics.  The time is ripe for this New Paradigm, as is clear from the insurgency, from Brexit to the Yellow Jackets, which has put the Brits on the defensive.
Understanding Lyndon LaRouche’s intellectual guidance of this New Paradigm explains why he was targeted 30 years ago, and how the leadership of the Schiller Institute and its supporters is necessary today for it to succeed.

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