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Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Uproar Over Events of January 6 Latest Pretext for Ripping Up U.S. Constitution

The media narrative on January 6 is a classic example of a “fallacy of composition.” The truth is that the events of that day provided the latest pretext for the Russiagate coup plotters to remove the President of the U.S., while continuing their post-9/11 attack on the U.S. Constitution. The goal is to ease the way for the global banker’s dictatorship known as the “Great Reset”, and a return to the British-Bush-Obama permanent war strategy, targeting Russia and China, in addition to escalating their assault against the world’s poorest nations.

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With Scientific Optimism, Mexico and Argentina Launch New Platform for Regional Cooperation in Space

In a beautiful expression of scientific and technological optimism, on Oct. 9 the governments of Argentina and Mexico, through their respective Foreign Ministers, signed a “Declaration on the Constitution of a Regional Mechanism for Cooperation in Space,” ultimately leading to the creation of a regional space agency. Signed by Argentine Foreign Minister Felipe Sola and Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard during a virtual ceremony, the declaration states it intends to create a platform to “invite the rest of the membership of CELAC [Community of Latin American and Caribbean States] to become part of this effort.

In attendance were each nation’s diplomats, academics and government officials responsible for the areas of science and technology, including the director of Argentina’s Space Activities Commission (CONAE), the director of Mexico’s Space Agency (AEM), and the dean of Colombia’s National University, Dolly Montoya Castano, who also represents a network of Ibero-American universities.

Following the ceremony, Secretary Ebrard tweeted “we’ve signed the agreement with Argentina to create the Latin American and Caribbean space agency (ALCE). Thanks to Felipe Sola and the government of [President] Alberto Fernandez and the members of CELAC. We’re building the future today with our own technology. Good News!” Ebrard said it wasn’t clear, given the Covid-19 pandemic, that the signing ceremony would occur. But what the pandemic has proven, he said, is that cooperation “is not only desirable, but also the most intelligent and practical way” to proceed, the daily {Infobae} reported him as saying. He celebrated that “we’ve reactivated CELAC” with this initiative, even in the midst of a pandemic!

As described in an Argentine government press release, Felipe Sola stressed that “this is a message to the world: a region that is a bit backward globally, thinking in terms of other regions of the world, makes an effort to change, and to send a different message….This is a step forward in every sense: scientifically, it demonstrates our mutual capability for collaboration; politically, because it’s a message for the rest of the world.”

Diego Hurtado, Argentina’s Secretary of Policy and Planning in Science, Technology and Innovation, explained that for Argentina, the “space sector is one that has been considered strategic now for many decades. We see it as an `industrializing’ industry…understanding that the space sector is a great vector for building capacities for our economic sector.” His country looks forward to sharing its decades of experience in satellite and space activities with the rest of the region, he said. “Our region has an extensive trajectory of scientific cooperation,” he said. But, “we have a pending debt in the technological field in what we would call strategic projects. In this sense, the space sector has an enormous projection for a great number of applications considered to be indispensable to meet the needs of the region.” He particularly emphasized that the process of regional integration “must incorporate the scientific-technological dimension and pay attention to advancing strategic technologies, combining our efforts to multiply the individual abilities of our nations.”

The Declaration calls for creating a regional mechanism for space cooperation, responsible for coordinating activities with the relevant institutions of Ibero-American and Caribbean nations, ensuring it has the necessary ability “to operate as a catalyst for regional efforts, privileging the development of space-related projects, whose results will support the wellbeing and prosperity of the region.” Noting the many scientific and economic benefits that such coordination will yield, the declaration underscores the intention of increasing the number of space projects “by attracting the talent of Latin American and Caribbean youth, and making efficient use of available resources.” Minister Sola thanked Mexico for its collaboration, and expressed the hope that “we can multiply our joint efforts.”

Mexican President: Censorship in U.S. Is a New ‘Holy Inquisition’ To ‘Create a World Government’

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador used his daily morning press briefing on Jan. 8 to warn the world that the censorship taking place in the U.S. is a danger for the world, a new “Holy Inquisition” designed to “create a world government with the power to control social networks, a world media power.” The exchange occurred in response to a question from respected journalist Daniel Marmolejo.

A three-minute video excerpt of the exchange, subtitled in English, was played on today’s LaRouche Manhattan Project Meeting, hosted by The LaRouche Organization (TLO).

Daniel Marmolejo: “With the desire to not only be on social networks and in the struggle, but also—since the social networks have owners and we’ve just seen how they create blackouts, and that there is also ‘info-demia,’ and that alternative communicators are also monitored and censored…

President López Obrador: “What you have just correctly identified as a blackout, what they just did a few days ago in the U.S., is a bad sign, it’s a bad omen: that private companies decide to silence, to censor. That is an attack on freedom. So, let’s not be creating a world government with the power to control social networks, a world media power. And also a censorship court, like the Holy Inquisition, but in order to shape public opinion, that is really serious. Of course we have to be thinking about options, alternatives, because yes: I think that what happened a few days ago is a turning point regarding social networks. Then I read the letter of the owner of Facebook, and I thought it was really high-handed, very arrogant, speaking about their rules. And what ever happened to freedom and the right to information? And the role of the legally and legitimately constituted authorities?…

“We should continue creating alternative media, so that it will always be allowed to inform the people, to guarantee the right to information. So that is how I answer your question.”

Energy Scarcity of Germany Increasing

Germany saw its electricity export surplus shrink by 46.2% in 2020 to 18.9 terawatt hours (TWh), implying that its dependency on imports from neighbors will rise as it switches off more coal and nuclear power stations in the future, official data showed.

On the other hand, less power generation in Europe’s biggest economy, which shares borders with nine countries, implies uncertainties and unreliabilities for the functioning of the European energy supply system, which regulates exports and imports between countries. German exports of power fell by 11.6% to 52.5 TWh last year, from 59.4 TWh in 2019.

Meanwhile, German electricity imports in 2020 increased by 38.8% to 33.6 TWh, from 24.2 TWh in the prior year. Cross-border trade is especially strong with France, where the nuclear power sector secures 70 percent of national needs. This dependency on imports of power from France is going to increase if, under the German nuclear exit, three reactors out of the remaining six are due to close at the end of 2021.

Wang Yi in Africa: Two More Nations Sign On to the Belt and Road Initiative

Continuing his trip to Africa, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi has added two more African nations who have signed an MOU on cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative, namely, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Botswana, bringing the number of African countries who are part of the BRI to 46. Wang Yi also visited Nigeria, which has already benefited from its participation in the BRI. And during the visit, Wang Yi signed a series of agreements with Nigeria and promised to aid in helping the country fight the COVID epidemic. China and Nigeria have a lengthy and multifaceted economic relationship with cooperation in railway construction, free trade zones, currency swaps, satellite launches, and other fields.

Speaking at a joint press conference together with his Nigerian counterpart, Wang Yi said, “We will set up an intergovernmental committee to be led by the two countries’ foreign ministers that will coordinate and advance mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields; we will deepen the Belt and Road cooperation by closely aligning China’s new development paradigm with Nigeria’s new national development plan; we will vigorously promote the construction of key projects in Nigeria so as to help Nigeria accelerate industrialization and improve its independent development capabilities; we will continue to extend cooperation into areas including digital economy and green economy so as to achieve diversified development.” China is also cooperating with Nigeria in the realm of military security.

In the DRC, China agreed that, given the COVID epidemic, the DRC did not have to repay the loans to China that were due at the end of 2020. China is also prepared to work with the DRC in order to help them overcome the pandemic. The DRC will also hold the chairmanship of the African Union this year.

Then, in his visit to Botswana, Wang Yi signed an additional BRI MOU. In his comments, Wang said, “The joint construction of the BRI will provide new opportunities for the two countries to deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, expand new fields, open up new prospects, help Botswana’s infrastructure construction and national modernization process, and better benefit the two peoples.”

Webcast—French Mass Strike Decimates Globalists and Climate Change Hoax

French President Emmanuel Macron has capitulated to the Yellow Vests revolt in France—what’s really going on?

The uprising in France is not a series of “protests”—this is the type of phenomenon that Lyndon LaRouche has previously identified as a “mass strike” (referring to the insights Rosa Luxemburg).

As the Schiller Institute has warned for decades, the so-called “climate change” scare is a cover story for a Malthusian policy of radical austerity—a British-globalist plan to reduce living standards, reduce energy consumption, and reduce population.

Now we’re seeing that underlying reality bursting through.


Image credit:

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Coup Plotters (e.g., Schumer & Pelosi) Accuse Trump of Plotting a Coup!

What really happened on January 6-7? What should be done now? How can we rebuild optimism for those who have succumbed to the belief that the U.S. is broken beyond repair?

Webcast: Trump Can Still Kick Over the Global Strategic Apple Cart

As the Congress convenes on January 6, to determine the outcome of the fight against the theft of the 2020 election, there are still powerful options which President Trump has, to break out of the game which has been rigged against him. Helga Zepp LaRouche identified some of these options, in her weekly dialogue. He can — and should — pardon Julian Assange, after the British Judge’s denied him bail today, which means he must remain in prison while the appeal by the U.S. DOJ for his extradition proceeds. He can pardon Edward Snowden, and exonerate Lyndon LaRouche. He can release publicly all the suppressed documents related to Russiagate, and appoint a special counsel, to pursue the charges of vote fraud, which have not yet been investigated.

And he can respond positively to President Putin’s call for an emergency summit, to address the deepening global crises, which if not addressed by the great powers acting as sovereign nations, will lead to depression, a worsening of the COVID pandemic and starvation in Africa, and likely mean new wars, possibly a thermonuclear war. The Great Reset, pushed by corporate fascists associated with the Davos World Economic Forum, would impose a Green agenda which threatens the survival of mankind. A move to a new credit system, as designed by her husband, is the only alternative, and a P5 summit, with Trump’s involvement, is the place to begin creating that alternative.

Webcast – The Battle Lines are Clear: New Paradigm, or Economic Chaos and War

We’re happy to bring you this week’s webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

There is a rebellion in Europe!  From the Yellow Vests, to Brexit, to the political crisis in Germany—mass ferment continues to build against the imploding neo-liberal order.  The exception in Europe is Italy, which is the only stable government fighting against the EU insanity (with Portugal and Spain starting to make some interesting moves as well).

Looking at the global situation, we do have some positive developments coming out of the recent G20 meeting in Argentina.  Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping held critical talks, concluding that the U.S. and China can work together.  Unfortunately the anti-Russia chaos operations did succeed in preventing Trump from meeting with Putin, but Trump is continuing to fight back.  In a recent Tweet, Trump emphasized the need to work with with Xi and Putin to stop the arms race.

In the United States, we see an important development involving the Congress.  46 of the newly-elected Democrats have released a letter saying their intention is to focus on addressing real issues, like health care and infrastructure, and they didn’t focus on the ridiculous charade of calling for Trump’s impeachment.

And we have some new progress with the Belt and Road Initiative, with Portugal now signing on!


Image credit: A standoff at the Arc de Triomphe led some to draw parallels between the Yellow Vest protests and France’s revolutionary past. [Ruptly / Screengrab]


Free Assange, Pardon Snowden, Exonerate LaRouche! How Trump Can Flip the Strategic Chessboard

How can President Trump flip over the chessboard at this late hour and outflank those who are pushing for global war? An announcement that he is freeing Assange, pardoning Snowden, and exonerating the late Lyndon LaRouche would send shockwaves around the world. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger elaborate on the urgency of such an action. For more background, watch the feature documentary “The Case for the Exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche”.

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