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Beethoven: Sparks of Joy!

Beethoven: Sparks of Joy — Fourth Piano Concerto

Beethoven’s fourth piano concerto is unique in that it opens not with a grandiose orchestral introduction, but with a serene statement of the ideas by the piano soloist. Following its public premiere in December 1808 – part of a marathon concert which also featured the 5th and 6th Symphonies, the Choral Fantasy, and three movements from the Mass in C – the concerto languished until 1836, when it was revived by Felix Mendelssohn.
On November 3, 1838, Robert Schumann wrote, “Today Mendelssohn played the G‑Major Concerto of Beethoven with a power and polish that it transported us all. I took a pleasure in it such as I have never before enjoyed, and I sat in my seat without moving a muscle or even breathing.”
Today’s performance is by Mitsuko Uchida, with Zubin Mehta conducting the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

War and Depression? Or Real Economic Growth?

The relentless escalation of war provocations, when paired with the lying reports of a “coming economic boom” — both the product of the diseased minds of those running the “Military Industrial Complex” and pushing the “Great Reset” — is a threat to the people of all nations.  No matter what economists say, a growing cancerous debt bubble is not a sign of economic health!  As we forecast, these utopian schemes can be derailed.  One example is the rejection by India’s Energy Minister of the “net zero” plan pushed by the Biden administration.  To join us in defeating the push coming from the bankrupt Trans-Atlantic establishment, order your copy of our report here: “The Great Leap Backward”.

Friday Questions — Time for a Serious Discussion About How to Avoid a Systemic Economic Collapse

Today’s questions:1.) What can be done to avoid an economic blowout?  What is the Fed doing? What about the budget/debt ceiling debate — Is there a way to avoid default?2.) Why do you think Yahoo News ran the story about Pompeo and the CIA plotting to kidnap or kill Julian Assange?3.) What makes you think we can trust the Taliban enough to contribute to rebuilding Afghanistan?  

India Helps Crush the Great Reset and `Green New Deal’

India Helps Crush the Great Reset and `Green New Deal’

April 6 (EIRNS) – In a second “No”, India’s Energy Minister Raj Kumar Singh said at an IEA meeting on climate change that “net zero” carbon is “pie in the sky” no matter when you pledge it for. At a meeting supposed to be preparatory to the COP26 in Scotland in November, Singh said, “I would call it, and I’m sorry to say this, but it is just pie in the sky. What we hear is that … 2060 is far away and if the people emit at the rate they are emitting the world won’t survive, so what are you going to do in the next five years…. You have 800 million people who don’t have access to electricity. You can’t say that they have to go to net zero. They have the right to develop, they want to build skyscrapers and have a higher standard of living; you can’t stop it.”

China’s minister Zhang Jianhua also spoke at that IEA meeting, but when invited to a formal pre-meeting for COP26 – by the UK, remember, which is its host – China declined the invitation.

John Kerry, in Delhi for the same meeting, “happened to meet” Sergei Lavrov, who was in India on the world’s real business (see separate report). Kerry was perhaps trying to gauge whether Russia would attend Joe Biden’s April 22 “Earth” (or “dearth”) summit. But at the IEA meeting Kerry appeared to be criticizing long-term pledges to net zero carbon, like China’s 2060 pledge. “Avoid the happy talk and recognize that this challenge is global”, Kerry chided.

The real challenge is the power to develop, as Minister Singh made clear. The only power that can meet {that} global challenge is nuclear fission and, as soon as possible, fusion. (See BBC News article here.)

These are blows against the royal family’s “Green Deal” which can be amplified in the United States. Americans do have ‘plentiful” electricity but a steadily increasing share of it doesn’t work. In 2020 the percentage of companies which reported suffering blackout problems {every month} leaped from 20% in 2019 – already very high – to 44% in 2020. The FERC attributed this to the increasing share of “renewable” (interruptible) power sources.

This destroys an economy’s productivity, exactly as described in EIR Special Report and The LaRouche Organization’s mass pamphlet, Great Leap Backward: LaRouche Crushes “Green New Deal” Fraud.

In a sign of political pressure for nuclear rising, President Biden’s “climate advisor” Gina McCarthy told press on April 2 that nuclear energy will be included in the Administration’s so-called Clean Energy Standard, which is intended to be a requirement for electric power utilities and generators.

Putin, the Statesman, Takes on the Unipolar World Order

In the face of an overall frenzy of flight forward provocations coming from Washington, London and NATO, Russia’s President Putin addressed the Russian people — and the world — on April 21, in a speech described accurately in the western press as conveying a “stern warning.”  However, the Fake News media did not present the whole picture, and provided nothing of the context for the speech: the sanctions policy, which is disrupting economies, causing famine and death in targeted countries; western sponsorship of regime change coups and Color Revolutions; and continuing wars, and military exercises, aimed at especially containing Russia and China.  It is essential that Biden’s team take this speech seriously, and accept Putin’s offer to convene a summit of the Permanent 5 Members of the U.N. Security Council, before the world is plunged into catastrophe.  

Brazil’s P.1 Variant Ravaging All of South America; Desperation Prevails

Brazil’s P.1 Variant Ravaging All of South America; Desperation Prevails

April 5 (EIRNS)–The rate at which Brazil’s P.1 or “Manaus” variant has spread to the rest of South America has rightly earned it the term “superspreader.” As The Washington Post reports today, the fear now is that P.1 could become the dominant variant in all of South America, given the fact that all but two countries on the continent border Brazil and that there is fluid two-way traffic across those borders. With good reason, several countries have either closed their borders with Brazil or are about to. But keeping the virus out of their countries is another matter.

The rapidity with which the variant has spread into nations whose healthcare systems border on collapse and whose economies have suffered severe declines because of the pandemic, is a cause of despair among healthcare professionals in those nations. As Venezuelan infectious disease specialist Julio Castro put it, “it’s spreading. It’s impossible to stop.” In Peru, 40% of all cases are being attributed to P.1, although in some parts of Lima, the capital, it’s 70%. In Uruguay it’s 30%. In Paraguay, half of the cases at the border with Brazil are due to P.1.

The situation in Paraguay is so dire that the head of the country’s Infectious Disease Society, Elena Candia Florentin, told the Post that “Paraguay has little chance of stopping the spread of the P.1 variant,” because it has nothing with which to combat it. “With the medical system collapsed, medications and supplies chronically depleted, early detection deficient, contact tracing nonexistent, waiting patients begging for treatment on social media, insufficient vaccinations for health workers, and uncertainty over when general and vulnerable populations will be vaccinated, the outlook in Paraguay is dark,” she said. In Paraguay, as in most other countries, expanding poverty, mistrust, and generalized “Covid exhaustion,” make stricter public health measures an unlikely option.

Vaccines are the obvious solution, but lack of accessibility and slowness of distribution have greatly hindered vaccination efforts in most countries, with the exception of Chile.

The region is one of the hardest hit in the world, but has administered only 6% of the world’s vaccines. The UN’s COVAX mechanism is kicking in, but very slowly, and in most cases, every country is left to its own devices. There is no regional bloc, as is the case in Africa, capable of negotiating for a group of countries.

Friday questions: Was British Intelligence Behind the ISIS-K Terror Bombings at Hamid Karzai International Airport on August 26?

Many questions were raised by viewers about our coverage this week of the hysterical British reaction to the decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan, and Biden standing firm in that commitment, despite the attacks on him.  Would the British unleash a terror attack to change the policy?  Could they?  It has happened before!  Whether that happened yesterday, it is interesting that several viewers stated that there should be an investigation of whether the British played a role in the attack, noting that if they were so sure an attack was coming, why could they not prevent it?

Harley Schlanger Update April 6 2021

U.S., NATO War Hawks Pushing Ukraine-Russia Military Confrontation

As charges and counter-charges proliferate, and military forces are in motion, the danger of war in eastern Ukraine is increasing daily.  While blaming Russia for “malign intent”, the actual cause of the tension is the geopolitical intent for regime change in Russia, which has escalated since the Maidan coup in Ukraine in February 2014.  President Biden was Obama’s point man in organizing  that coup, and has a long record as an anti-Russian war hawk, typified by his recent admission that he believes Russian President Putin is a “killer.”  One of his top advisors on Russia, Michael Carpenter, has openly praised the self-avowed neo-Nazi and former top Ukrainian security official and member of parlaiment Andriy Parubiy. 

Murderous Intent of Pompeo, “Insider” Trading by Fed Officials

Two stories in the last days provide new insights into the deadly and corrupt practices of operatives of the “Deep State”.  Yahoo News exposed planning undertaken by then-CIA Director Pompeo to kidnap or assassinate Julain Assange, for the “crime” of exposing the dirty wars run by the military/intelligence/corporate establishment that Pompeo wanted to protect.  And two Presidents of regional Federal Reserve branches resigned, when reports were published of their personal trading of financial instruments which were affected by the Fed’s Quantitative Easing policy.  The defenses offered by Pompeo and Fed chair Powell are unconvincing, as they move to cover-up the bigger crimes they are trying to keep hidden. 

“Great Reset” on the Agenda at Fed’s Annual Jackson Hole Meeting

As unfolding developments in Afghanistan have captured most people’s attention, Federal Reserve officials will hold their annual Jackson Hole, Wyoming confab on Friday, during which they will confer on how to proceed with the Great Reset swindle without tipping off too many people as to their real intent.  While they engage in “Fed-speak” on such topics as “transitory inflation” and “tapering”, what they really are doing is consolidating a global central banker’s dictatorship, to hand the biggest banks and financial institutions control over fiscal, i.e., spending policy.  The only way to counter this drive for depopulation, is to mobilize for the implementation of LaRouche’s “Four Laws”, to revive physical production as an alternative to a bankrupt neoliberal speculative system.  

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