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China’s Poverty Reduction Even More Impressive

Feb. 13 – Wan Guanghua, the principal economist at the Asian Development Bank’s Economic Research and Regional Cooperation Department, said that more impressive than China’s remarkable economic growth is its successful campaign in reducing poverty. “It is reasonable that China’s success in poverty reduction is usually attributed to its rapid economic development in the past three decades, as without economic growth, Chinese people’s poverty situation cannot be alleviated,” said Wan, reported {People’s Daily Online} yesterday.

Economic growth alone, however, is not the main cause of the poverty alleviation, Wan said, since many countries that have a high rate of growth do not necessarily see poverty significantly reduced. China’s poor people benefit a lot from the country’s economic growth due to strong support from the Chinese government, active promotion of industrialization and urbanization, as well as great importance attached to infrastructure establishment in poor areas, Wan said. They had set up the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation, encouraged rural workers to come to the cities to find better paying jobs, and built infrastructure in poor areas, such as roads, communication, and electricity facilities, thus narrowing the gap between rich and poor.

The economist stated that China’s practices and experiences in poverty alleviation can be studied by other countries in order to help them do the same. He further said that with development of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, construction of the Belt and Road Initiative and China’s State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation, China will continue to pass on its valuable experience in poverty reduction to other countries, help other developing countries to strengthen their infrastructure, advance industrialization, and contribute more to the international cause of poverty alleviation.

Room-Temperature SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine Candidate Enters Phase 1 Trials

An article in {Cell} reports on an mRNA SARS-CoV-2 vaccine candidate that elicits T cell and antibody responses in animals and has been shown to create immunity in mice. While this is not the first vaccine of its type, its design gives it a one-week shelf life in liquid form at room temperature. This could be a significant advantage in achieving immunization in parts of the world without reliable access to electricity for temperature control — which is itself a situation that must be remedied!

Portugal Working To Put the Atlantic Ocean on the Belt and Road Map

June 5 – A three-page spread on “Portugal in China’s New Silk Road” in the May 31 issue of Portugal’s {Expresso} daily writes that “the Atlantic is missing from the current map of the initiative,” but Portuguese Belt and Road researcher Paulo Duarte tells them “the Atlantic Ocean is a space in transformation…. The trend will be for China to engage in this ocean in coming years.” Portugal offers “a string of pearls” of deepwater seaports on the European continent and on its Atlantic island such as the Azores, for this initiative, Jorge Rocha de Matos, president of the Fundacão AIP, a non-profit promoting private sector companies, told {Expresso}.

{Expresso} interviewed Portugal’s Minister of the Sea Ana Paulo Vitorino, who reported that Portugal and China are advancing on a memorandum on a “blue partnership,” dealing with everything related to the oceans and sea economy. The MOU will outline a portfolio of joint research projects on state-of-the-art maritime biotechnologies, deep-sea technologies, etc.

Portugal’s primary capital is its geography, when it comes to the BRI, she said, citing Portugal’s “strategic centrality. …. Portugal is at the interface between Europe and the Atlantic.” the reported that China is interested not only in building up Sines port, where the China Communications Construction Co. will be a bidder in the tender for expanding Sines which will be launched later this year. Increased Chinese activity here will turn this port, once considered a “white elephant” into a crown jewel, she said. But “China is not only looking at Sines;” it is also studying investments to upgrade the entire national port system, she said.

Russiagate Put to Rest? Time for Action

William Binney, the former technical director at the NSA, today put what should be the final nail in the coffin of the “Russiagate” coup attempt against the democratically elected government of the United States by the British and American intelligence agencies, their controlled and corrupt media, and the equally corrupt Congress. Appearing on an internationally broadcast event (sponsored by the Schiller Institute and EIR), Binney, together with his former associate at the NSA Kirk Wiebe and LaRouche PAC analyst Barbara Boyd, demonstrated not only that the entire three-and-a half-year Russiagate witch hunt was a manufactured hoax, but that it was known to be a hoax from the beginning by its perpetrators. The information presented in the event can and must be the launching pad for the American people, and international supporters of the American experiment, to make this pregnant moment in history the turning point in ending the oligarchical destruction of that experiment in republican government, “of the people, by the people and for the people.” see:

Binney demonstrated, as he has many times before, that the systems he designed for the NSA to root out terrorists and drug kingpins has been turned against the American people, creating the most massive surveillance system by a state against its own citizens (and in this case around the world) in human history. Boyd pointed to the irony that the Democrats and many of the war-mongers surrounding President Donald Trump, led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, are prancing around the world denouncing China as a totalitarian state, while the U.S. itself is functioning as a totalitarian state. Not only is everyone’s entire private life available for view to dozens of U.S. government agencies, but also the nation is now going through a “culture war” in which anyone with even the slightest concern about the Jacobin mobs patrolling our streets is declared an “enemy of the people.” Many Chinese are openly expressing their astonishment that the U.S. is replaying the nightmare carried out in China during the last decade of Mao Zedong’s life, the “Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution.”

All three speakers posed the critical point that the current existential crisis of civilization — the pandemic, the economic collapse, the cultural decay and the extreme danger of war — is also an incredible opportunity, if the patriots of the nation can cut through the induced pessimism that nothing can be done, and commit themselves to take action. Every leader, every candidate for office, must be informed, with passion, that they must stop the coup and join the fight to restore the nation, to bring the world together for cooperation in development in scientific and medical research, in space exploration — in creating a future fit for human existence — or be sent home.

There is a great irony in the fact that Mike Pompeo just visited London, lavishing praise on the U.K.-U.S. “special relationship,” taking credit for pressuring the Boris Johnson government in “joining the free world” by cutting off Huawei, and then presenting his disgusting lies about China at the Henry Jackson Society. Why ironic? That society has as a major sponsor Sir Richard Dearlove, the former MI6 chief who personally ran the “Russiagate” coup attempt against President Trump, together with his underling Christopher Steele. Add to that Bill Binney’s description today of his briefing of Pompeo, at President Trump’s request, while Pompeo was still head of the CIA, on the fact that the Obama intelligence team was lying about the Russian hacking of the Democrats’ emails. Not only did Pompeo suppress that information, but he then totally endorsed the lies of Clapper, Brennan and Comey about the Russian supposed hack.

Break this truth about the attempted coup everywhere. Free President Trump to do what he intended to do, for which he was elected: end the endless wars, restore the U.S. industrial infrastructure, establish friendly relations with Russia and China. There are no solutions to the many crises facing mankind on a one-at-a-time basis. The British and their U.S. assets are doing everything in their power to prevent the urgent meeting of Vladimir Putin, Xi Jinping and Donald Trump, even if it means war in this age of thermonuclear weapons. Do not be pessimistic — it is a rare and fleeting moment of opportunity, for those willing to fight, for victory.

Now Amsterdam is Connected by Rail to China’s East Coast

Mar 8 – On March 7, a block train departed from the Port of Amsterdam on its 11,000-kilometer journey to Yiwu on China’s east coast. It will travel through through Germany, Poland, Belarus, Russia and Kazakhstan, and will reach its destination on March 23, Rail reported today. Thanks to this new train connection, the Netherlands is now connected to the One Belt, One Road project.

“We are proud to add Amsterdam to our Chinese railway network, in addition to our existing connections between China, Russia and Germany. Amsterdam is the largest European port after Rotterdam, Antwerp and Hamburg, which makes it an important hub. The new connection will make it even easier for operators, retailers and brand manufacturers in the Netherlands to do business with and from China,” Erwin Cootjans, CEO of Nunner Logistics told Rail The Belt and Road’s international cross-border rail network has so far connected 35 Chinese cities with 34 European destinations over the past six years.

“The new train connection is an initiative of Nunner Logistics. This logistics service provider noticed the increasing demand for goods transportation from and to China. The need for this new kind of transportation increases now that cargo ships sail slower in order to save fuel. Transport by train is a faster alternative compared to sea transportation, and the costs are much lower compared to transport by airplane,” wrote Netherland’s Hong Kong Business Association in its website.

Ukrainian Opposition Party Fights for Democracy

February 14, 2018—The open letter below was sent by the Central Committee of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine from its meeting on February 9, 2018, in advance of a court hearing scheduled for February 20. The context of the hearing, and this appeal, is the following:

On July 6, 2017 the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) went to court, seeking a judgment that the decisions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine with respect to the PSPU are in violation of the law. The decisions in question are a refusal to make formal acknowledgment of the Charter, Program, and composition of the governing bodies of the party, adopted at its XXXI Extraordinary Congress (March 18, 2017). Prior to that decision, two earlier congresses of the PSPU (in 2015 and 2016) were likewise ignored by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine. As a consequence, full-fledged activity on the part of the PSPU has effectively been halted since 2015. Consideration of this matter by the court has been postponed twice. The next session in the District Administrative Court of the City of Kyiv is scheduled for February 20, 2018.


European Commission for Democracy

through Law (Venice Commission)


Defend democracy in Ukraine!

Defend the rights of an opposition party!


of the Central Committee

of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine

February 9, 2018

The Central Committee of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine appeals to you, the members of an authoritative international organization, which regulates and affirms the fundamental values of European democracy, and European values, to review and evaluate the actions of the Ukrainian authorities in regard to the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, a Ukrainian political party.

The Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) was established in 1996, and is one of the few Ukrainian parties to have won seats in Parliamentary elections. The PSPU twice nominated its leader, Natalia Vitrenko, as a candidate for President of Ukraine. The party also won seats in local elections and had its representatives in the self-government bodies of many regions of Ukraine.

Since its founding, the PSPU has acted in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, the norms and principles of international law, and in accordance with the PSPU Charter, voted up by a congress of the party. During the entire period in which the party has been active, government supervisory agencies have made no complaints against us, neither against the party’s activity under its charter, nor against the activity of its regional organizations. Throughout these years, our party’s activity has been monitored, as required by law, by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine and the Central Electoral Commission of Ukraine. The PSPU’s report-and-election campaigns, regular and extraordinary congresses, and procedure for the election of the party’s governing bodies have always been acknowledged as legitimate. The party’s candidates for deputies of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, local self-government agencies, and the Presidency of Ukraine have always been acknowledged as legitimate and lawful, and have taken part in electoral campaigns, exercising their rights to run for office.

Unfortunately, at the present time the Ukrainian authorities, in the person of law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, are conducting a policy of discrimination against our opposition party, which is unacceptable in a democratic society; it extends to informational and political harassment, and physical terror, directed against the party’s leaders and activists. The party’s activity has effectively been halted. It is kept out of the broadcast media, and its peaceful public actions are impeded by the dispatch of neo-Nazi bands against our supporters, with acts of physical violence against them as members of the PSPU.

We believe that a policy of discrimination, forbidden by both Ukrainian laws and the norms and principles of international law, is being conducted against our party. This discrimination hinders members of our party from exercising their political rights and freedoms in Ukraine, guaranteed under the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (articles 10, 11, 14), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (articles 19, 22, 26), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights articles 19, 20), the European Union Charter of Fundamental Rights (articles 12, 21), the 1990 Document of the Copenhagen Conference on the Human Dimension (point 7), the Guiding Principles for the Legal Regulation of the Activity of Political Parties, documents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and documents of the OSCE/ODIHR and the European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

We believe that the Ukrainian government is failing to fulfill its obligations to the citizens of Ukraine who have associated within the PSPU, with respect to the guarantees, under the Constitution and conventions, of freedom of association in a political party, the right to freedom of speech, and the right to participate in democratic elections. As a consequence of the actions of government agencies, the activity of the PSPU has now been effectively shut down for three years, and the rights of the party’s members are being grossly violated. This is confirmed by the following.

1. On Oct. 28, 2016, the central office of the PSPU and the editorial office of the party newspaper, Predrassvetnyye ogni, were illegally seized by force. For more than 10 years, both the PSPU and the editorial board of the newspaper had rented, on an entirely legal basis, non-residential premises from Siver Ukraina LLC, where their offices were located and they conducted their lawful political activity there. Without any court order or notification to the party or the newspaper’s editorial staff, after the forcible seizure of the offices the Security Service of Ukraine conducted a search of the premises, and confiscated archival material, computer equipment (including hard disks from desktop computers), party documents containing the personal data of PSPU activists, party letterheads, documents on financial operations and bookkeeping reports, party symbols, and the personal property of PSPU leaders Natalia Vitrenko and Vladimir Marchenko, including their personal libraries and laptops.

The illegal, forcible seizure of the premises and property of the party and the editorial offices of the newspaper Predrassvetnyye ogni led to the opening of criminal cases under articles 170 and 171 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Impeding the Lawful Activity of Political Parties, Impeding the Lawful Professional Activity of Journalists). Investigations related to these cases have been ongoing for more than a year. Thus, the lawful renters and owners have not been permitted access to the party and editorial offices, or to their party and personal property.

2. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine refuses to acknowledge or register the amendments to the Charter and Program of the PSPU and changes in the party’s governing bodies, adopted by legitimate and competent congresses of the party, which amendments and changes the party was required to make, in accordance with new versions of the Law of Ukraine “On Political Parties in Ukraine” and the Law of Ukraine “On the Condemnation of Communist and National-Socialist (Nazi) Totalitarian Regimes and Prohibition of Propaganda of Their Symbols.”

Three times, on September 8, 2015, June 25, 2016, and March 18, 2017, the PSPU, in complete accordance with the party’s Charter, held the XXIX Extraordinary Congress, the XXX Regular Report-and-Election Congress, and XXXI Extraordinary Congress of the party. Three times, we submitted a complete package of required documents from these congresses to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, and three times the authorized officials of the Ministry, in violation of the aforementioned norms and principles of international law, refused to acknowledge and register the decisions adopted by the PSPU’s congresses.

They are thereby interfering in internal party relations, insofar as, by interpreting the norms of the party’s Charter as they wish, they are giving illegal, tendentious evaluations of the legitimacy of the party’s congresses, and are failing to carry out the responsibilities they bear by law, to conduct an expert legal evaluation of the PSPU documents, submitted for purposes of registration.

There have been no instructions on holding congresses or on correct implementation of the legislative norms. It has been impossible to obtain advice from Ministry of Justice of Ukraine staff, concerning their demands with respect to holding congresses and to what, in their view, is the correct application of the norms of the Charter. The PSPU leadership’s numerous requests for clarification of these demands have been met with only one answer from the Ministry: “Find a good lawyer and he’ll write everything for you.”

As a result of this attitude toward the PSPU on the part of the Ministry of Justice, the party has twice been unable to take part in elections to local self-government bodies. The ability of the PSPU to take part in the upcoming Parliamentary and Presidential elections is threatened.

3. Central TV channels have aired direct threats to the PSPU by leaders of government law enforcement agencies (head of the Security Service of Ukraine V. Hrytsak).

4. On March 17 and May 9, 2017, Nazi groups under control of Ukrainian law enforcement physically impeded demonstrations and beat up members of our party who were taking part in legal, peaceful PSPU actions. Criminal cases have not been opened on the basis of these blatant violations of the law, and the guilty parties have not been called to account.

5. Harassment and physical violence continues against the leaders of the PSPU—Doctor of Economics, Academician, People’s Deputy of Ukraine in the II and III convocations, candidate for the Presidency of Ukraine in 1999 and 2004 Natalia Vitrenko and People’s Deputy of Ukraine in the I, II and III convocations, leader of the PSPU caucus in the Supreme Rada of Ukraine, III convocation, Vladimir Marchenko.

On May 9, 2017, a group of neo-Nazis blockaded the apartments where N. Vitrenko and V. Marchenko live, smashed their doors, threatened physical assault, and defaced the hallways with offensive graffiti and threats. The police, although called repeatedly, took no action to protect the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian political and state figures N. Vitrenko and V. Marchenko. The police found no provocations in these acts by the Nazis. Court decisions requiring the authorized personnel of the National Police of Ukraine to open criminal cases on the basis of these facts have, in effect, not been implemented by the police. A proper investigation is not being done, and the guilty parties are not being called to account.

Thus the government encourages violence by neo-Nazis against its political opponents.

Analyzing what is happening in Ukraine with regard to our party and the above-described actions of law enforcement agencies and the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, we believe that they are carrying out a general plan of reprisals and political repression against their ideological and political opponents—members of the PSPU.

We ask you to analyze the facts outlined above and to evaluate them from the standpoint of European values and the norms and principles of international law.

Chairman of the PSPU Natalia Vitrenko

Webcast: To Change The Dynamic In World Affairs, We Need A Chorus Of Voices Demanding A Summit

In reviewing events of the last week, Helga Zepp LaRouche kept returning to the need for an open discussion of the “larger picture” shaping events.  For example, with the Corona pandemic, the danger of “politicization” has caused many to ignore the real threat to humanity as it continues to spread, while the hedonism unleashed in the culture has made many indifferent to the suffering of millions living in countries with little or no health care system.

In contrast, she quoted from a statement by Putin from April, when asked if he fears that his statements of concern over the pandemic will lead people to conclude that he is “part of the conspiracy.”  In his answer, Putin came back to the image of man which must underlie policy, saying that for him, “life is the highest value”, and must be protected.

Combine this statement from Putin with the efforts in China to save lives during the hot period of the pandemic there; then look at Boris Johnson’s statement of endorsing FDR’s New Deal approach, and President Trump’s powerful assertion of the passion for a sovereign republic of the Founding Fathers in his speech at Mt. Rushmore — and what is clear is that a summit today could bring these nations together around the ideas of the American Revolution, FDR’s New Deal, and LaRouche’s Four Laws.  This is why the Brits and their allies are trying to rally behind the Russian Bounty fraud, which she called “the most ridiculous story I’ve ever heard.”

We must change the dynamic, she concluded, by creating a “chorus of voices demanding a summit.”  She emphasized the importance of the growing international youth movement in order to do this.

Beethoven Insists on Agapic Solidarity in His Great ‘Credo’

John Sigerson

A detailed working-through of the latest scholarly edition of Beethoven’s stupendous Missa Solemnis (published by Bärenreiter in 2019), reveals many aspects of the work which have yet to be performed in the way Beethoven clearly specified.

One aspect of Beethoven’s specifications that has been generally ignored, is the relation of the soloists to the chorus. In the “Sanctus” movement, for example, a sloppy copyist’s error resulted in most printed scores indicating that both the opening “Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus,” and also the following Allegro “Pleni sunt coeli” section, should be sung by soloists only. Most conductors have more or less instinctively concluded that the latter “Pleni” section was obviously meant for the full chorus, yet they have left the opening to be sung by soloists only. However, the new scholarly edition’s notes clearly demonstrate that the opening “Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus” should likewise be sung by the chorus, and not soloists.

Even more revolutionary is how Beethoven deals with the soloists and chorus in the great profession of faith in the Creator and in human creativity, the “Credo.” In four of the main source manuscripts—namely in (a) Beethoven’s own working manuscript, (b) the version he presented to his benefactor Archduke Rudolph, (c) the version sent to the publishers for engraving, and (d) the subscription copy he sent to King Frederick VI of Denmark—Beethoven clearly specifies that the soloists should join with the chorus in singing all those sections that do not include separate solo parts! I.e., the soloists must sing everything in the “Credo” and must never be sitting idle as mute “specialists” while faith is being professed.

To quote from the scholarly note on page 278 of the Bärenreiter edition:

“The solo voices are marked ‘Col coro’, written across the four staves, in the first few bars in BCDE [the four aforementioned manuscripts], though not in A or M [the autograph score, and the first 1827 published edition by Schott]. In NGA [Neue Gesamtausgabe published in 2000 by Henle] the annotation is noted in the Critical Commentary but the solo voices are given rests in the main score [!]. The instruction ‘Col Coro’ must have originated with Beethoven, however, and so solo voices should be asked to join with the chorus for the relevant sections of the Credo, as indicated in the present edition, in any performance that is attempting to follow Beethoven’s instructions [emphasis added].”

The Schiller Institute NYC Chorus continues to rehearse the Missa Solemnis via Zoom during this socially-distanced Year of Beethoven, and will definitely follow Beethoven’s instructions at the earliest opportunity, in the hopes that many others will follow.

Webcast: Change For the Better Is Coming, If You Fight For It

There is an ongoing transformational shift underway in the world, as the era of geopolitics, with its destruction of nations through financial manipulations and wars, is being challenged by the emergence of a new era of “win-win” policies of mutual benefit, spearheaded by China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Developments in Asia, with the Trump-Kim summit in Singapore and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Qingdao, China, provide examples which show that peaceful economic cooperation is not only possible, but is already underway. The benefits of this new era can be seen in new infrastructure projects throughout Eurasia, Africa, and in South and Central America, and the clamor to be included is also heard now in a number of nations in Europe.

The growing likelihood of a Trump-Putin summit is part of this new geometry, an indication that the U.S. President is breaking out of the containment intended by the fraudulent, so-called Russiagate allegations. For this moment of great opportunity to be realized, there must be an elevation in both the capabilities of creative thinking, and passionate activation, of citizens of all nations. Schiller Institute founder and President Helga Zepp LaRouche’s weekly webcasts are a critical part of elevating populations to the level required by this promising moment of history.

Help us organize to make these webcasts available to growing numbers of people, to bring new activists into the fight for the New Paradigm each week.


In India, COVID-19 Sweeping Into Great Rural Heartland

COVID-19 is now spreading through the vast rural heartland of India, after it struck hard at large urban centers. India has the third largest number of COVID-19 infections in the world, at nearly 1.3 million, and just passed France for the rank of country with sixth most COVID-19 deaths, at 30,601. What is particularly concerning is the rate of new novel coronavirus infections; with 47,520 new infections on July 23, India ranks only behind the United States for new daily infections.

It is reported that the vector of migrant workers, who were working in larger cities until the work dried up, brought COVID-19 to India’s rural belt, home to 900 million Indians—70% of India’s 1.3 billion people. This rural region has health and hospital infrastructure that ranges from moderately to considerably inadequate.

West Bengal, a state of 100 million people—whose capital is Kolkata—has a rural town called Dokangora, The village has been distributing thousands of bottles of sanitizer and bars of soaps and masks, often limited to two masks per family—one family of eight shares two bars of soap—and basic food supplies including rice, dal and cooking oil. The local ambulance is little more than an SUV with no special medical equipment.  The driver ferries people with symptoms —  sometimes more than five at a time—to get testing and help. The July 23 {Wall Street Journal} reports that the regional health centers have “148 beds, but none equipped to look after coronavirus patients.”

Were coronavirus to spread through this area, the medical barriers for resistance would be minimal.

In the larger state of West Bengal, its capital, Kolkata,  has announced a bi- weekly lockdown, which appears to mean, in this setting, two days per week. Banks, post offices, and ration shops are not allowed to open. But in three districts—North 24 Parganas, Birbhum, and Bardhaman—total lockdowns have been imposed.

The success of these operations will depend on enforcement of the lockdowns, but also on a build-up of all the features of health and hospital infrastructure, greatly insufficient, which needs to be built on an emergency basis, as per the LaRouche plan to create 1.5 billion productive jobs.

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