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Dr. Fauci: Up to 400,000 Americans Could Die of COVID-19 If Measures Aren’t Adopted This Fall and Winter

Dr. Anthony Fauci of the NIH told an American University audience on Oct. 6 that as many as 400,000 Americans could die of COVID-19, if the proper measures are not adopted as the flu season hits, this Fall and winter. That’s higher than a University of Washington study from August that talked about possibly 300,000 deaths by Dec. 1. The total as of Oct. 7 was about 211,000. According to The Hill, Fauci also said “that a vaccine will probably not be available to most Americans until next summer or the fall… `Maybe 50 percent of you hate me because you think I’m trying to destroy the country, but listen to me for six weeks or so, and do what I say, and you’ll see the numbers go down’”.

Conference: War Drive Towards Armageddon — Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?

PANEL I (Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT)
Overcoming Geopolitics: Why a P-5 Summit Is Urgently Needed Now

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), founder and President, Schiller Institute: Keynote Address
  2. Andrey Kortunov (Russia), Director General of the Russian International Affairs Council
  3. Dr. Edward Lozansky (U.S.), President, American University in Moscow; Professor, Moscow State and National Research Nuclear Universities
  4. Martin Sieff (U.S.), Senior Foreign Affairs Correspondent, UPI; Senior Fellow, American University in Moscow
  5. James Jatras (U.S.), Former advisor, US Senate Republican Leadership
  6. Q&A, part 1
  7. Marco Zanni (Italy), Chairman of the “Identity and Democracy” faction of the European Parliament
  8. Colonel Richard H. Black (USA Ret.), former head of the Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia
  9. William Binney (U.S.), former Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis and Reporting section, National Security Agency & Kirk Wiebe, former Senior Analyst, National Security Agency
  10. Q&A, part 2

PANEL II (Saturday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT)
The Role of Science in Creating Mankind’s Future

  1. Jason Ross (U.S.), Schiller Institute Science Advisor
  2. Dr. Bernard Bigot (France), Director-General of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER), former director of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
  3. Dr. Stephen O. Dean (U.S.), President, Fusion Power Associates
  4. Michael Paluszek (U.S.), President, Princeton Satellite Systems
  5. Dr. Sergey Pulinets (Russia), Principal Research Scientist, Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences
  6. Paul Driessen, Senior Policy Advisor, Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT)
  7. Philip Tsokolibane (South Africa), head of LaRouche South Africa
  8. Dr. Kelvin Kemm (South Africa), CEO, Stratek Business Strategy Consultants, former board chairman, South African Nuclear Energy Corporation
  9. Q&A

Point of clarification to a question posed in the proceedings of Panel 2.

PANEL III (Sunday 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. EDT):
The Belt and Road Initiative Becomes the World Land-Bridge: FDR’s Unfinished Business

  1. Dennis Small (U.S.), EIR Ibero-American Editor
  2. Dr. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), Doctor of Economics, Chairman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, People’s Deputy of Ukraine, II and III convocations of the Supreme Rada (1995-2002)
  3. Michele Geraci (Italy), former Undersecretary of State for Economic Development
  4. Hassan Daud Butt (Pakistan), former Project Director, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor ; CEO of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Board of Investment & Trade
  5. Marcelo Muñoz (Spain), founder and President Emeritus of Cátedra China, dean of Spanish businessmen in China
  6. Dr. Björn Peters (Germany), physicist, entrepreneur and political advisor
  7. Q&A, part 1
  8. Dr. Joycelyn Elders (U.S.), former Surgeon General of the United States
  9. Jim Evans, State Representative, District 70, Miss., (1991-2015)
  10. H.E. Ambassador Ayikoi Otoo (Ghana), Ghana’s High Commissioner to Canada
  11. Marlette Kyssama-Nsona (Republic of Congo), pharmaco chemist, political executive of the Panafrican League UMOJA and specialist in public health issues
  12. Q&A, part 2

PANEL IV (Sunday 3:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. EDT):
Building Trust in International Relations: The Role of Classical Culture and Combating World Famine

  1. Keynote: Jacques Cheminade (France), head of Solidarité & Progrès, former presidential candidate
  2. Marcia Merry Baker (U.S.), EIR Editorial Board
  3. Bob Baker, Agriculture Coordinator, Schiller Institute
  4. Ron Wieczorek, South Dakota cattle rancher, LaRouchePAC
  5. Nicole Pfrang, Kansas Cattlemen’s Association Secretary-Treasurer, cattle rancher
  6. Mike Callicrate, Colorado, cattle rancher, Owner, Ranch Foods Direct
  7. Paul Gallagher (U.S.), EIR Editorial Board
  8. Fred Haight (Canada), Schiller Institute
  9. Michael Billington (U.S.), EIR Asia Intelligence Director
  10. Q&A
  11. Beethoven Mass in C, performance by the Schiller Institute NYC Chorus

Progressive socialists appeal to UN over government repression and neo-Nazis’ terrorism

Oct. 3, 2018

Delegates to the XXXII Extraordinary Congress of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU) voted up an appeal by the Congress to the United Nations Organization (UN), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), and the European Parliament, in connection with government repression against the PSPU, terrorism carried out by neo-Nazis, and the threat of election fraud in Ukraine.

PSPU Press Service

To UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet

The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe

The OCSE Office on Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)

The European Parliament

Stop terrorism and repressions! Defend democracy in Ukraine!


Of the XXXII Extraordinary Congress

of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine

October 3, 2018

Dear members of human rights organizations, dear Members of the European Parliament,

The delegates of the XXXII Extraordinary Congress of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU), a systemic opposition party, urgently request that you investigate the political, informational, inter-ethnic, interconfessional, and socioeconomic processes taking place in Ukraine, in order to make an objective evaluation of their correspondence to the norms and principles of international law; the Ukrainian government’s fulfillment of its obligations with respect to defense of the rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens; and the correspondence of the current reform policy to European values.

We are forced to appeal to you because many facts, including ones concerning the opposition PSPU and its leaders, demonstrate that, in place of the promised European democracy in Ukraine, what is being carried out is political, moral, psychological, physical, and informational terrorism against opposition political parties and public organizations. Taking part in this terrorism are agencies of the state, as well as Nazi fighters who enjoy protection from Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. Under conditions of socioeconomic catastrophe and civil conflict, which has crossed the boundary into civil war, a way out, and into a peaceful democratic process, may be found in the process of honest, competitive elections of the President and Parliament of Ukraine, scheduled for 2019. Under current conditions, however, in which democracy and democratic procedures are absent, we believe that it will be impossible for the upcoming Presidential and Parliamentary elections to realize the fundamental democratic principle of the free expression of the will of the citizenry, because politically motivated repression is being carried out against opposition parties and politicians.

Our Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, in particular, has been a victim of such repressions. Specifically:

  1. On October 28, 2016, bandits, among whom were fighters from the Azov organization,seized the central office of the PSPU, the party’s documents, the party archive, its symbols, and the personal dataof party members. The editorial office of the party newspaper Predrassvetnyye ogni was seized simultaneously, including its computer equipment and archive. Property belonging to the party’s leader Natalia Vitrenko and to the editor-in-chief of Predrassvetnyye ogni Vladimir Marchenko was also seized: their large libraries, personal belongings, and computer equipment.

The criminal cases opened on this crime have practically not been pursued for two years. And this has remained the case despite court rulings, which obligated the raiders to remove impediments to the use of this office.

  1. The Ministry of Justice of Ukraine has blocked the activity of our party(an opposition party!) by illegally failing to acknowledge (i.e., to register) the resolutions of three Congresses, so far, of the PSPU, which took place in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In compliance with the requirements of new Ukrainian laws, these Congresses amended the Charter and Program of the party and the membership of its leading bodies. Thus, since 2015 the PSPU has been deprived of the possibility of taking part in elections.

The Kyiv City Appeals Court, in a decision dated July 4, 2018, in case N82618543/17, ruled that the actions of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine with respect to the documents of the XXXI Congress of the PSPU were illegal. To this day, however, the Ministry continues to throw up obstacles to registration of the party’s documents, and the PSPU has been forced to conduct the present XXXII Extraordinary Congress, in order to fight for its right to participate in the upcoming 2019 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in Ukraine, and to conduct full-fledged, lawful political activity.

  1. 3.Ukrainian law enforcement agencies are not making a proper investigation and are not calling to accountthe Nazis from the National Corps, S-14, and other rightwing radical organizations for violations of the law in regard to peaceful actions conducted by the PSPU. The violent attack on a peaceful, lawful PCPU demonstration on March 17, 2016 has also not been investigated. The prevention of the PSPU’s holding a peaceful action on May 9, 2016 has not been looked at.

Also not properly investigated is the terrorism committed by the National Corps against the party’s leaders—People’s Deputy of Ukraine (1995-2002) and candidate for the Presidency of Ukraine in 1999 and 2004 Natalia Vitrenko, and People’s Deputy of Ukraine (1990-2002) Vladimir Marchenko—when the militants attempted to break into their apartments on May 9, 2017. The police have refused to open criminal cases on instances of crimes by the neo-Nazis. Attempts to force the police to open such cases and conduct investigations, in accordance with court decisions, is de facto being sabotaged for political reasons. And this is happening despite the decision of the Kyiv Administrative Appeals Court, dated September 5, 2018, in case N826/6463/17, which ruled that the non-action of the National Police of Ukraine regarding these events was illegal.

The S-14 Nazis’ attack on the PSPU leaders outside the building of the Kyiv City District Administrative Court on April 26, 2018 is not being properly investigated.

There are many instances of thorough violation of European values and the rights and freedoms of citizens, as well as of preparation for falsifying the outcome of the elections. The question arises: Do such processes correspond to the values you declare and defend? Does this correspond to the norms and principles of international law and the responsibilities of the government of Ukraine to obey them?

We are counting on you. We are counting on you to read our Appeal, study the facts stated here, and others, and make public your evaluation of them.

Political rights are inalienable for every person, every citizen. Without respect for them, life will not change for the better.


On behalf of the delegates of the XXXII Extraordinary Congress of the PSPU

Chairman of the PSPU Natalia Vitrenko

Webcast: Trump Invites Putin to DC, Xi Jinping Tours Africa: Momentum Builds for New Paradigm

The screaming you are hearing against Presidents Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping from the imperial geopoliticians and their flunkeys in Congress and the media is a sign of their growing desperation, in the face of the dynamic for peace and development unleashed by China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI). Long championed by the Schiller Institute’s Helga Zepp LaRouche as the means to overcome the dangers implicit in the old paradigm, dominated by geopolitical confrontations leading to wars, and financial swindles, the New Paradigm is within reach, as its leading adherents are moving with thoughtful determination, and everyday are being joined by leaders of other nations. President Xi’s successful visit to African nations is an example of the power being unleashed by this dynamic.

What is needed now is a mobilization of thoughtful citizens, who understand what is at stake in the battles ahead. Will legal hitman Robert Mueller and his deranged anti-Trump cheerleaders succeed in taking down the President, or will the revolt which thrust him into office act to insure that the real colluders — led by Obama and his team, acting on behalf of, and in collaboration with the British crown and its intelligence agencies — take the well-deserved fall? Will President Trump and Putin continue their successful dialogue, as the announcement of a second summit implies, or will the Russophobic crazies succeed in undermining the two statesmen and put the world on a course toward nuclear war? Will the ill-advised tariff policy designed to punish China break the friendship between Trump and Xi, or will the President bring the U.S. into full cooperation with China and the BRI? Will the EU splinter into chaos, due to the monetarist policies imposed by London and Brussels, or will Europe find new leaders who wish to cooperate with the emerging new paradigm? The answer to these questions cannot be left to chance, or to the existing stable of political leaders, who have repeatedly proven to be unable to come up with solutions to these existential problems — you must help us build the movement of thoughtful citizens, to determine the future.

Get the latest update from Mrs. LaRouche on this Thursday’s webcast, and make the decision to join the Schiller Institute, to become part of the movement which is recruiting citizens to win this crucial fight for the future.

Egypt’s East-West High-Speed Railway Project Launched with China Support

In an article draft for the Belt and Road Institute in Sweden, Hussein Askary of Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) reported that he has confirmed with senior officials of the Egyptian Ministry of Transportation, that the building of an East-West high-speed railroad across Egypt has been contracted. This will be only the second electrified, high-speed railroad in Africa, and longer than the one in Morocco, serving a larger population. Askary’s article will be on the subject of “The African Infrastructure Renaissance along the Belt and Road – Case Study: Egypt”.

He reports that in September, specialized railway websites that a consortium of the state- owned enterprise China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation (CCECC and Egyptian companies Samcrete and the Arab Organization for Industrialization have won a $9bn contract to build a 543 km-long high-speed railway in Egypt. The line would link the Mediterranean coast at El-Alamein to the Red Sea at Ain Sokhna, at up to 250 km/h speed cutting the journey to three hours. “This is an unprecedented project in the history of Egypt connecting the east of the country to the west,” Askary writes, “rather than following the traditional centers along the Nile (south/north). This is major sign of the shift the current industrial and infrastructure revolution is creating in the demographics of the nation of 100 million people. The horizontal expansion of the population and its economic activities centers … is completely intertwined with the development projects defined by the current government.

“The new railway’s importance to Egypt was compared to the Suez Canal by the chief executive of Samcrete, Sherif Nazmy, who told Arab-language newspaper Al-Masry Al-Youm that it would be the first new electric railway in Egypt since 1854. What is even more important is that not only Egyptian construction companies, engineers and workers will work shoulder to shoulder with their Chinese colleagues, but the project also will include technology transfer and industrial investment in Egypt. According to Nazmy, the trains would be manufactured in east Port Said, with Chinese technology transferred to Egypt. Furthermore, as in the case with the major Suez Canal tunnels, most of the building materials will likely be produced inside Egypt. This will give Egyptian companies a very important “foot in the door” in the international railway construction sector which will become significant for the African and West Asian markets.

“The railway will pass through and connect some of the most important new industrial zones and urban centers that are the flagships of the new Egyptian strategy such as Ain Al-Sokhna Port and industrial zone in the Gulf of Suez on the Red Sea, to the New Administrative Capital, and crossing the Nile River at the old capital Cairo to the new city of the 6th of October and further to Burj Al-Arab industrial and urban center (on the Mediterranean south of Alexandria), terminating in El-Alamein…. West of El-Alamein a new city is emerging, housing Africa’s largest nuclear power and technology complex, Al-Dabaa.”

Successful Launching of the BRIX at Belt & Road Business Forum in Stockholm

First Silk Road cargo shipment from Sweden celebrated

“If you want to get rich, build a road first!” With this old Chinese proverb the moderator Hussein Askary opened the 2nd China-Sweden Business Forum, which was hosted by China-Sweden Business Council (CSBC) and the new association called the Belt & Road Executive Group in Sweden (BRIX) at the Grand Hotel Winter Garden in Stockholm on September 28, 2018. This year’s main theme of the Forum was the Belt & Road Initiative (BRI). One hundred members and guests took part in the event.

AmbassadorIn his opening address, H.E. The Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China, Gui Congyou, received a spontaneous applause when he brought the news to the audience that the first New Silk Road cargo shipment from Sweden to China had been sent off the week before. A train with containers left the community Insjön in the county Dalarna for the long route via Gothenburg and Hamburg to Ganzhou International Port bringing high-quality wood for a furniture producer in the Jiangxi province in Southern China.

The authorities and media in Sweden have been oblivious to the BRI so far. But this Forum provided the insights necessary to change that attitude. The association BRIX that co-hosted the event was launched at the Forum to promote an open dialogue and greater awareness of the BRI and its benefits for Sweden in particular, and the world community in general.

One key aspect of the BRI is that it is not only about links to China, but an initiative to promote global connectivity. All nations of the world are invited to participate on their own terms in the BRI. Stephen Brawer, BRIX vice Chairman, in his presentation, pointed to a world map where all continents will be connected, in the future even with links reaching out to the Americas and Australia. He pointed to the September 3-4 Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing where 53 African nations linked up with BRI to fulfill the African Union’s Agenda 2063 for a continent wide modern infrastructure network and eliminating poverty in the continent.

“to foster a new type of international relations” and “forge partnerships of dialogue with no confrontation and of friendship rather than alliance.”

The BRI should not be seen only as a “practical” transport system for trade, a U.K. strategy and PR senior adviser for Sino-European public relations, underlined that the BRI, since its launching by President Xi Jinping in 2013, also has a philosophical dimension of creating harmony, “to foster a new type of international relations”, and “forge partnerships of dialogue with no confrontation and of friendship rather than alliance”. She advised Sweden to establish institutions capable of developing long term BRI cooperation with China, just as the UK had done with an office for the BRI/related Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a regional cooperation mechanism called Northern Powerhouse, the all parliamentary China-UK group, and the government’s Permanent Envoy to the BRI.

DSC_4887The typical misunderstandings of the BRI in Swedish business circles were dissected by Ali Farmandeh, chairman of the CSBC. The BRI is much more than Chinese production of Swedish goods. Furthermore, he stressed, “the New Silk Road is also not something far away, as many in the northern corner of Europe think. Among the 70 nations that have joined the BRI, there are also neighbors in Europe, who are already building their parts of the world connectivity network, projects where Swedish businesses can take part immediately.”

Working with China is sometimes challenging to the old world due to cultural differences, as Ying Wu, a former Student of Royal Technical School (KTH) in Stockholm and now CEO of SinceUs, explained in the final presentation at the Forum. Turning many Swedish business habits upside down, she brought many insightful and humorous examples of problems she has met in assisting Swedish clients to enter and expand in the Chinese market of 437 million e-commerce shoppers. She presented the case study of a Swedish brand Airnum, which she had helped bring from unknown to a bestselling brand in just one year.

These opportunities for small and medium size enterprises (SMEs) are important to make well known as best practices for further understanding in Sweden of the importance of the BRI and the opportunities for innovative businesses it opens up in so many countries worldwide.

The Swedish Wood products have a long tradition of being in the forefront of reaching out to new markets, since the industry was established in a big way as a pure export industry in the second half of the 19th century. A Swedish sawmill in Dalarna becoming a first explorer of the New Silk Road routes through Eurasia is very good news for the whole Swedish industry that is curious about the tremendous growth of new markets, cities and new industrial parks stimulated by the BRI.

Further information:

Webcast: Trump-Putin Summit Brings World Closer to New Paradigm

Though there has been a tremendous backlash against the results of the Trump-Putin summit, those who are denouncing it are running out of time to stop the consolidation of a New Paradigm. The diplomatic offensive, of which U.S. President Trump is playing a key role, is bringing together most nations of the world, representing the majority of the world’s population, into agreement around a new strategic architecture, which rejects that of the post-Cold War order. The old order is collapsing, under the weight of unsustainable debt, war weariness of subject populations, and the lack of ideas from its leaders.

It was the much-maligned Lyndon LaRouche who presented the principles which offer a safe escape from that collapsing system: the emergence of a Four-Power alliance, of the U.S., Russia, China and India, introducing a New Bretton Woods economic policy.
Using the ideas of Franklin D. Roosevelt as a starting point, and incorporating the approach of the best thinkers among scientists, philosophers, musicians, poets and artists in history, LaRouche’s method has helped shape the New Paradigm, which is explicit in the advances of China’s New Silk Road policy, which is today becoming the World Land-Bridge.

Keep in mind, those who maligned LaRouche are the same people today — including Robert Mueller — who are rejecting President Trump’s efforts to break the U.S. out of the stranglehold of the British imperial geopoliticians, who dictated the policies of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.


Webcast: In the Face of Grave Dangers, There Are Solutions

With hot spots escalating to shooting wars, and with provocations deepening at the borders of Russia and China, Helga Zepp-LaRouche reiterated her view that this is a time when people must rise to a different level of thinking. There is no doubt that the war danger, and the coup threat in the U.S., result from efforts by the geopoliticians and neoliberals to save their system. Instead of changing course after the Crash of 2008 proved the neoliberal system, which promoted speculation over physical economy, is a threat to humanity, they used the old imperial idea of using wars to divert attention from their corruption. Under this old imperial system, little wars can rapidly become big wars.

But there is a solution, she said, pointing to the Youth Conference of last weekend, which examined the life’s work of her husband, both as it represented a real alternative to the imperial system, as well as an opportunity for young people to take up the challenges of the future. The idea of creating 1.5 billion new jobs worldwide, which some thought was a wild exaggeration when we first proposed it, was brought into focus with the ILO report, that 500 million jobs will be lost this year, and addressing the pandemic crisis and famine requires many more new jobs.

She concluded by reminding viewers that this is the Beethoven year, and through engaging in great classical culture, one can develop the inner strength necessary to handle the crises we face today.

Concerning the Fate of the Nation

The following talk was given to an audience in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, September 29th.  It is being specially released for distribution at the United Nations, for the purpose of inoculating responsible diplomats, elected officials, members of the press and representatives of NGO and other organizations against being “bamboozled” into supporting the ongoing attempted coup against the Presidency of the United States and its duly elected representative, Donald Trump. 

Urgent matters of war and peace, including the danger of thermonuclear conflict, are being successfully addressed for the first time in recent history, in an extraordinary diplomatic process involving Russia, China and the United States. This is best expressed in the momentous developments involving the ending of the 65-year-old Korean conflict, and the advance of a treaty between Russia and Japan to end the Second World War. These developments are due to the Trump Presidency, and are the first substantive victories in a campaign to reverse the doctrine of “preventive war” first launched by Great Britain’s Tony Blair “Responsibility To Protect” speech at the Chicago Board of Trade in 1999. Similar actions have been proposed for other areas of the world, but are being prevented through the means, “legal and otherwise,” detailed in the presentation by author Barbara Boyd below. The Presidencies of both George W. Bush and Barack Obama advanced that war agenda, which, had it not been interrupted by the Trump administration, would have inevitably led to a thermonuclear World War Three.

Anyone, anywhere in the world, not actively supporting the ongoing process involving the Trump Administration’s successful campaign to break with the Bush and Obama-era “preventive war” policies, as implemented in Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011), for example, reveals himself or herself to be an advocate of that “preventive war” policy, including “winning thermonuclear war,” as expressed in the “Prompt Global Strike” doctrine adopted by both the Bush and Obama Administrations. Responsible persons and observers in the international arena were reminded of this very real danger of “ultimate war” by the March 1 address of Vladimir Putin to the Russian Federal Assembly. Anyone calling for the impeachment of the President of the United States, at this time, is either a foolish or witting advocate of the impending self-extermination of the human race, through war. All responsible persons on the planet, regardless of political affiliation, or “personalized” view of Donald Trump, must therefore act to prevent such a foolish course of action.

The fairy tale of collusion by Trump with Russia to win the election, was also concocted against the Trump Presidency, well before Trump was even elected, by British Intelligence operatives, particularly “former agent” Christopher Steele and his controllers, including MI6’s Sir Richard Dearlove. This has been thoroughly exposed in previous LaRouche PAC publications readily available. There is, in short, no factual basis for any continued support for that lie, which will, as documents are declassified, become clear even to the morally opaque. The visceral prejudice voiced against President Donald Trump is not based on his faults. One can have many policy disagreements with his administration without claiming that it is illegitimate—which would mean that the U.S. Constitution itself were illegitimate. 

The truth is, that the treasonous “anti-Trump” opposition—as opposed to legitimate disagreement, expressed both outside and inside the United States—is fueled by banking and financial interests that are dead set against a US–Russia–China–India partnership dedicated to removing the shadow of British colonialism, and British shadow banking from the planet. As the Trump–Kim “Singapore Model” successfully negotiated and essentially resolved the decades-old Korean conflict, could not the same be done in Southwest Asia, including in Afghanistan, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Israel, and Palestine? True, each situation is different; but, who thought a year ago, at the United Nations, that the Korean situation would have been resolved as it has, along with the cooperation that is emerging between Japan and Russia?

For such negotiations, nations need to know that the President of the United States can deliver on his intentions. This President has proven his intention to stop war. A “Four Powers” agreement, proposed by the United States, for world economic development, to include Russia, China, and India (as well as Japan and other nations where appropriate) simultaneously resolves the American debt and employment crises, prevents war, enriches many other nations, and advances the goals of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative in ways completely congruent with the “Make America Great Again” mission of the Trump Presidency. That done, any legitimate contenders against Trump, or his Presidential legacy, will have to offer their alternative to this vision of the world, in the proper way: in the electoral arena.

Recognizing the puzzling picture that American domestic politics may present to outside observers, the following report is supplied. The author states:

“Many have told me that there is much confusion in the international community about the situation in the United States and the Trump Presidency.  They are bombarded every day with the British and EU generated propaganda image of Donald Trump: an unhinged bully, an abuser of women, a racist tearing mothers from babies, and, most of all, an authoritarian personality who loves other such alleged monsters. I will tell them that the LaRouche movement is not defending everything Donald Trump says or does; but, it does support the unprecedented opportunity this Presidency represents by attacking and seeking to change the institutions which have enslaved the world in the wake of the death of Franklin Roosevelt. That opportunity will be lost, however, if Trump’s battle against failed globalist institutions is not lifted to the higher level found in the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche.

“I would also ask my international friends, at the same time, why they fell for the positive image of Barack Obama floated endlessly by the same propagandists now attacking Donald Trump… Obama’s disdain for the forgotten men and women of the United States, people destroyed by the Wall Street bailout, which he supported before he was President, and implemented after he was President. He echoed the hatred expressed by Hillary Clinton for the working men and women and those in the middle classes in the United States—“deplorables,” tribalists, people unworthy to engage in public discourse, when he said, “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.” It was Barack Obama who killed people throughout the world in sanitized targeting sessions every Tuesday, using CIA-produced baseball cards for easy reference.  It was Barack Obama who mocked the black citizens of Flint, Michigan whose water had been poisoned with lead. It was Obama who told a South African assembly of students in Johannesburg that if they sought to possess the same automobiles and air conditioners—that is, to consume the same amount of electricity and the world’s resources—as existed in Europe or the United States, “The planet would boil over.” It was Barack Obama who signed the National Defense Authorization Act into law in 2012, mandating indefinite military detention of anyone anywhere in the world, without charges or trial.

“Trump, because he was completely outside the establishment, had to use the leftover intellectually bankrupt shards of the Bush and Obama Administrations to form his government.  That is why you very often see Trump declaring one thing and his government sticking to simple extensions of the views of Bush and Obama—that, and the insurrection which has been run against the President since he began his term. Those citizens of European and other nations who have suffered through regime-change operations should readily understand what this is all about.

“The way to help the Presidency of the United States make the breakthrough it needs is by defeating the coup and building the movement around Lyndon LaRouche’s Four Laws. Further, we need a New Bretton Woods monetary system to create the breakthroughs in science and technology which will put humankind on its next development platform. If we don’t defeat the coup here, God help the United States and the rest of the world, because you will have put the anarchy and insanity, which I describe below, into power, in the most powerful nation on earth.”

Now Available: The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, Vol. II

We are happy to announce the publication of this second volume, “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge: A Shared Future for Humanity,” in which we bring you an updated picture of the progress of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, including detailed region-by-region analysis and newly updated maps.

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