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David Dobrodt

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Chang’e-5 Prepares for Future Manned Missions

Leading officials from the China National Space Administration (CNSA) held a press briefing to report on the results of the Chang’e-5 mission, which was deemed a resounding success. But the press was obviously very curious about where China would go in space after this, and, of course, when they would send people to the Moon.

Yuanhua, the Vice Administrator of the CNSA, said that Chang’e-5 was the result of over a decade of development. The 23-day mission now enters the stage of scientific investigation. An entire institute has been built to conduct, store and study the samples and a back-up storage facility has been constructed in Shaoshan in Hunan province, the birthplace of Mao Tsetung, because of his push for a Chinese space program in the 1950s  [“Two Bombs and One Satellite”, was the motto in the 50s]. Hu Hao, the chief designer of the China Lunar Exploration Stage 3, said that the handling of the samples also represents a new capability for China which would aid in its technological advancement. “We need to explore more in space in order to advance our technology,” Hu said. The samples would also be available to research and university institutions for their study. And in the not too distant future, some of the samples would be placed on view in the National Museum of China.

Wu also congratulated the countries that had worked with China on the program, including ESA, Namibia, Argentina and Pakistan. In reply to a question about China’s cooperation, he said that China was prepared to work with “like-minded institutions” in other countries. At one point he was asked specifically by Reuters about cooperation with the U.S. Wu then discussed the restrictions of the Wolf Amendment, which prevented cooperation with the U.S. and at one point  he said that cooperation had to be based on equality,  mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

He also noted that the series of Chang’e missions had involved thousands of institutions and tens of thousands of scientists and engineers. He noted that China through this process had now developed a tremendous capability for space development in the interest of mankind. “Our goal will be different from the U.S. and the Soviet Union,” Wu said. “In those days, it became something of a “star wars.” We want to conduct scientific research and serve mankind.”

The Chang’e-5 mission was more complicated than it had to be for a simple sample return. But Wu indicated that the technologies that were used would also be a vital element for a  human exploration mission. As China’s newly named “space ambassador,” Professor Yang Yuguang, succinctly put it: “We did it that way not because it was easy, but because it was hard,” reflecting the words of Kennedy with regard to Apollo.

Wu Yunhua was also queried about China’s future space plans and he was not reticent in talking about them. “We have a number of plans for the coming years, some of which have been made public,” he said. In exploration, they still have Chang’e-3 and Chang’e-6, which were backup missions If other missions failed. They would now be utilized in some form, perhaps to do a sample return from the South Pole of the Moon. Then there is Chang’e-7 and 8, which he said would be used to work with other countries in exploring  the possibilities of establishing a lunar space center.

There were also other planetary missions, he noted. Tianwen-1 is already on its way to Mars and is scheduled to land on Mars in May of next year. There are also three other planetary missions, an asteroid-return mission, a Mars return mission and a Jupiter exploration mission. In terms of manned space, there will be 11 missions in the next two years, utilizing the space station, including the launch of a core capsule with 4 people.

And there will also be innovation in China’s launch capability. Long March-5 which carried the Chang’e-5 (labeled the “Fat Five mission”) will continue to be utilized. China also announced the development of a new Long March-8 rocket which will fly at the end of December. With the Long March series of 5, 6, 7 and 8, Wu said “we will be working with a whole system of new generation rockets to meet the need of the space missions

China is also making progress in its satellite department, Wu noted, which created the basic infrastructure for the Chang’e-5 mission. These include navigation satellites, communications satellites and remote-sensing satellites. “These are an important staple for our civilian space program,” Wu said, “and an important supply-side component of our  country’s development.” Wu also noted that space innovation needed science satellites, and pointed to China’s collaboration with Italy on the development of an electromagnetic satellite, which will help improve earthquake predictions.

Webcast: Building a Mass Movement to Counter the Collapse of the International System

In reflecting on the just-concluded Schiller Institute two-day conference, Helga Zepp LaRouche emphasized the significance of the question posed by Jacques Cheminade, a former candidate for President of France, in his address during the 4th panel.  Cheminade asked, “Why is there no mass movement to counter the present global crisis?”

In her review of the developments of the last week — from the ongoing battle to overturn election fraud in the U.S., the escalation of anti-Russia, anti-China actions by the same networks behind the fraudulent Russiagate, and aggressive moves to impose the Global Reset — Zepp LaRouche came back to the importance of creating a cultural Renaissance to address the systemic collapse underway.  It is crucial that we take the advice of her late husband, Lyndon LaRouche, to “Think Like Beethoven,” so that we can rise to the level of thinking needed to overcome what otherwise is a crisis which threatens the survival of humanity.  She urged people to celebrate the 250th birthday of Beethoven by listening to his music, viewing the Schiller Institute (SI) conference, and then joining the SI to move mankind into a new paradigm.

Webcast: Use Trump’s Victory to Build Momentum for the New Paradigm

Forget what the pundits and anti-Trumpers say.  The midterm election was no victory for Democrats, but changes, for the better, the situation in the U.S.  Helga discusses this, with its implications for U.S. politics, and for Europe, in this week’s webcast.  Ironically, as a result of Trump’s success, he will be coming to Paris this week in a stronger position than either Macron or Merkel!

She also identified the enormous potential of the Shanghai expo, with its implications both for resolving trade problems between the U.S. and China, but also to move towards a New Bretton Woods.

Speaking of Paris, Helga emphasized the urgency of using the Nov. 11 commemoration of the end of World War I, to learn the lessons of why the era of British geopolitics must be brought immediately to an end.

She called on viewers to study Xi’s speech in Shanghai, as an example of what Lyn has spoken about for years, on how creativity and innovation must be a continuous process, for the betterment of mankind.


Webcast: Time Has Come For a New Bretton Woods, Based on LaRouche’s Four Laws

Does anyone really believe that more Quantitative Easing (QE) will solve the accelerating world financial crisis?  That creating more unpayable debt, through Central Banks increasing the volumes of QE funny money surging through system, will rebuild a single bridge, a kilometer of rail, or produce one productive job paying a livable wage?  Or that more free trade, privatization and deregulation are the keys to economic prosperity?  These are the “solutions” being pushed by the imperial elites of London and Wall Street who are still dictating policy in the Trans-Atlantic region.
But the axioms behind these failed policies produce paper profits only for the few, at the expense of growing numbers of lives, lost through the combined effects of deindustrialization and cultural degeneration, which have destroyed the optimism which should characterize the outlook of youth, who are turning instead to deadly opiods and suicide.   Voters throughout the Trans-Atlantic world have shown in the that they no longer trust or believe the pronouncements of the financial oligarchs, who cling to these failed axioms to keep their decaying system alive.
And many governments in the emerging sector have shown the same mistrust, as they are increasingly turning to China, and its now-global Belt-and-Road Initiative, rejecting the neo-liberal axioms to overcome the disasters imposed on them by those elites who have overseen the “post-colonial system” of looting and destruction.
The post-colonial system came into virtually unchallenged control nearly fifty years ago, with the decision on August 15, 1971, to break away from Franklin Roosevelt’s Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate financial system.  At that time, and since, Lyndon LaRouche and his wife Helga have been the leaders of the fight for a New Bretton Woods, based on bringing together the leading powers of the U.S., Russia, China and India to implement it.  With the election of Donald Trump, who shares LaRouche’s opposition to the establishment running this order, it became possible for the U.S. to fulfill the mission LaRouche had outlined since that fateful August day in 1971.
John Brennan, a hitman working for this London-based system, who intends to stop Trump, is now on the hot seat, facing the possibility of prosecution, along with many of his collaborators, for their crimes, including concocting the fraudulent case of Russiagate.
This Thursday, Helga Zepp LaRouche will advise you on what you can do to bring the New Bretton Woods fully into being, and put Brennan and his pals where they belong, in prison.  Don’t miss this opportunity!

Webcast: War or Peace — US Midterm Elections Hold the Key

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly webcast discusses the orchestration of the “chaos scenario” leading to the U.S. midterm election, where the real issue is “war or peace” between the old paradigm of the British Empire versus the New Paradigm of growth and development. In conclusion, Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche issues a powerful summary of the potential for post-election diplomacy, with meetings scheduled between Trump and Putin at an event commemorating the end of World War I, a war which occurred due to the geopolitics of the British Empire.

Webcast: Business-As-Usual Is Deadly — We Must Elevate the Quality of Strategic Deliberation

Following the disastrous bellicosity against Trump and whole sections of the American people which characterized the Democratic Party convention, the Republican convention has provided a notable contrast. This was especially evident in Senator Rand Paul’s comments about how President Trump is the first President in a generation who has not started a new war, and remains committed to end the permanent wars his predecessors started, unlike Biden, who Paul warned is likely to start new wars.

Yet, as Helga Zepp LaRouche emphasized in her weekly webcast, it is essential that the discussion about politics be elevated, in order to address the present crises, which threaten to plunge the world into new wars and depression. There are those who are fully supporting a further devolution, she said, citing as examples the comments by Hillary Clinton that Biden must not concede defeat — even if he is defeated! — and Pompeo’s provocative speech against China delivered from Jerusalem. Pompeo’s threats coincided with a near military confrontation over the Gulf of Bohai, and new sanctions against 24 Chinese companies, which are part of a move toward economic decoupling between the U.S. and China.

The quality of deliberation required will take place at the September 5-6 Schiller Institute online conference. She urged viewers to register for the conference, and engage in a full discussion of reindustrializing the U.S., as part of a program of global economic development.

A Community of Shared Future for Mankind: The Strategic Perspective of China until 2050

Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s address to the RAS Institute of Far Eastern Studies Academic Council for Comprehensive Studies of Contemporary China, 23rd International Academic Conference: “China, Chinese Civilization and the World: Past, Present, and Future”

Moscow, October 24,2018

The big question which should concern all human beings on this planet, is essentially the same which was hotly debated in the young American republic as reported in the “Federalist Papers”; is human society capable of an efficient form of self-government, only that this time it is not a question of one nation, it concerns all of humanity: The need for a new paradigm in the world order.

Tensions in a world plagued by multiple crises seem to increase towards a breaking point. The danger of a new this time systemic financial crash of the financial system, an unprecedented polarization inside the United States around the ongoing coup attempt against the President of the United States, false flag operations, Goebbels-like deception operations against entire populations, drug epidemics which are a new form of Opium Wars, the global migration crisis, terrorism and Nazism, an increase of centrifugal forces in the EU, the re-emergence of aggressive geopolitically motivated efforts to defend an order, which no longer exists — just to list some of the challenges. The world is in disorder.

In light of such a complex and seemingly completely disunited world, how realistic is then the perspective laid out at the 19th National Congress of the CPC by Chinese President Xi Jinping where he defined the goal for China until the year 2050 is to become a “strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful” fully modernized country and even spoke at some point of the building of a “beautiful world” for all nations to participate in?

If one looks at the crises and challenges listed above as unrelated individual problems, one ends up in a “bad infinity,” where the solution to many of them seems impossible. But if one recognizes, that all of these problems have common threads in that they are the derivatives of the old paradigm of an epoch going under, one can find the solution by being informed by the principles of the new epoch.

There are two “game changing” topics in the near future, which will create totally opposite pathways for the future. The first one concerns the monumental battle fought out at this point in the United States where either the coup attempt against President Trump will be successful and he be driven out of office by one way or the other; or, if the collusion of the heads of intelligence agencies of the Obama administration with the British intelligence GCHQ and MI6 in orchestrating “Russiagate” against Trump, in order to prevent him from realizing his intention to put the relationship between the U.S. and Russia on a good basis, will lead to the criminal prosecution of the perpetrators. Were the Democrats to win the House of Representatives in the mid-term election, they will try to bury the ongoing investigation in the Congress, and the confrontationist policies we have seen in the sanctions against Russia and the trade war against China and the recent speech by Vice President Pence, will be escalated instantly. If Trump can consolidate his position, despite the many hawkish tones coming from the U.S. now, there does exist the potential that he will be able in the second half of his first term to improve relations with Russia and return to his initial positive attitude towards China.

The second related game-changing issue is a perspective to overcome the “Thucydides Trap,” the apparent conflict between the power dominating the world up to now, the U.S., and the rising power, China, by defining a solution which goes way beyond the bilateral situation of the two and which addresses the existential dangers for {all} the nations and thus shifting the level of discussion and thinking to a higher plateau.

What my husband, Lyndon LaRouche, has already proposed several years ago is still valid: The four most powerful nations in the world — the U.S., Russia, China, and India — supported by others like Japan, South Korea and others, must set up in the short-term a New Bretton Woods system, to avoid the potentially devastating consequences of an uncontrolled financial collapse. This new international credit system must correct the flaws of the old Bretton Woods system, which was not carried out in full by Churchill and Truman as intended by Roosevelt. It must guarantee the unconditional sovereignty of each and all nation-states participating in it, and it must promote their unlimited opportunities to participate in the benefits of scientific and technological progress to the mutual benefit of each and all. This New Bretton Woods system must have as its most important feature a profound change in the monetary, economic, and political relations between the dominant powers and the so-called developing nations. Unless the inequities lingering in the aftermath of modern colonialism are progressively remedied, neither can there be peace, nor can such challenges as the migration crisis or terrorism be overcome.

The basic conception for such a new credit and economic system already exists in principle in the Belt and Road policy of President Xi Jinping. In the five years of its existence, it has created an unprecedented dynamic of hope and optimism among the approximately 100 countries participating in it. And given the rate of progress in such a short time, it is obvious that the goal defined by President Xi Jinping, of a “beautiful world” by 2050 for all of humanity is absolutely achievable.

The new set of relations required for the New Paradigm is already in the process of being built. The increasing integration of the Belt and Road Initiative, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Global South organizations, are progressing successfully and are already creating completely new strategic alliances for the mutual benefit of all participating in them. The “New Silk Road Spirit” has caught on in most countries of Asia, Latin America; it has given for the first time hope to Africa. Many in Europe are participating, despite the reluctance of the European Union and the present Berlin government, there are an increasing number of people in Europe, who want to be fully integrated in the New Silk Road.

The biggest, and unavoidable challenge, however, will be to find a solution, which includes the United States. Given the actual level of militarization of the United States, both in terms of the armed forces as well as the arming of the population domestically, the chance that the United States would disintegrate or accept to be excluded from an alternative world system as peacefully as it happened with the Soviet Union is probably tending towards zero. The military policy of President Putin, announced on March 1, regarding Russian military science and the strategic alliance between Russia and China, shows the Russian and Chinese clarity on this. So, if the Thucydides Trap is supposed to be avoided, there has to be a design of a solution, which integrates the United States in a higher order of organization of the world order.

The common political platform offered must be conceptualized from the standpoint of what Nikolaus Kusansky defined as a completely new form of thinking, in his famous {Coincidentia Oppositorum}; the One, which has a higher order of reality than the Many. This is already implicit in President Xi Jinping’s conception of the “Shared Community for the Future of Mankind.”

Rather than approaching the question of the new set of relations among the nations of the world from the standpoint of proceeding from the status quo, the vision, how the human species will have grown into adulthood in 50 or 100 years from now must provide a concrete set of policy cooperation proposals. By that time, according to the scientific theory of Vladimir Vernadsky, the Nöosphere will have advanced its dominance over the Biosphere qualitatively, and new generations of scientists and classical artists will communicate with each other based on the search for new physical and artistic principles.

As the German rocket scientist and space visionary Krafft Ehricke elaborated, the extension of infrastructure into nearby space, as a precondition for interstellar space travel, is the necessary next level of the evolution of the human species. As the collaboration on the International Space Station and the eye opening findings of the Hubble Space Telescope have demonstrated, the emphasis on mankind as a space-faring species completely changes the sense of identity of all astronauts, engineers, and scientists involved. It has also completely replaced the notion that we are living in an Earth-bound system, where opposing geopolitical interests have to quarrel about limited resources; with the idea that Mankind has just begun to make the very first baby steps into a universe, in which there are an estimated two trillion galaxies.

The Chinese space program will soon provide another unprecedented game-changer by leading the world into a new scientific and industrial revolution. The ongoing Chang’e lunar missions include an ambitious program to bring back helium-3 from the Moon as fuel for controlled thermonuclear fusion on Earth. Once the human species can control thermonuclear fusion, we will have energy and raw material security for the entire human kind for the foreseeable future to come.

Going in the same direction, the Chandrayaan-2 mission of the Indian Space Research Organization will analyze the lunar crust for traces of water and helium-3. President Trump declared manned space travel, the return to the Moon, and missions to Mars and “worlds far away,” to be back as a national mission. These, and related missions by other space nations, will not only benefit the countries involved, but all of Mankind. Space science will transform every aspect of life on Earth, as the same general technologies and approaches to create habitable conditions in “wastelands” on the Earth, as with Umka, the Russian city planned for the Arctic, will be used to create villages on the Moon. Space technology will completely revolutionize the access to advanced medical care on every spot on Earth, agriculture will benefit from many aspects of space research. The combination of a fusion economy and the industrialization of the Moon, as the next steps in an unlimited process of mankind’s continued mastery of the laws of the universe, will mean an entirely new economic platform in the sense defined by Lyndon LaRouche.

If the many human beings in distress in the world — be it fleeing as refugees from the scourges of poverty and war, or seeing society falling apart with an increase of violence, alcoholism, drug abuse, or depression, or any other expression of desperation — knew about the immediate potentials for a breakthrough to a new era of mankind, the New Silk Road Spirit would catch on and become the beacon of hope for everybody.

The ordering principle for a disunited world today can become the basis for joint leadership of the Presidents of China, Russia, India and the United States. I’m convinced that this vision of a shared destiny for mankind is absolutely possible; because mankind is the only creative species known in the universe so far.

Webcast: As Financial System Teeters, a New Bretton Woods is the Solution

Sign our petition for a New Bretton Woods!
Only a fool could ignore the signs of an impending crash of the financial system. The whole international order is disintegrating, driven by the efforts of City of London/Wall Street financial oligarchs to grab more loot to prop up their speculative, casino economy, and its volume of unsustainable debts of all sorts.

Decades ago, Lyndon LaRouche forecast that this was inevitable, as those running the financial empire adopted increasingly insane strategies to protect worthless debt. As the Cold War division of the world ended, the neocons and neo-libs believed that they could keep the racket going, by employing U.S. military power to impose a unilateral order, based on the same geopolitical assumptions that led to two devastating world wars during the 20th century. In response, the populations of the Trans-Atlantic region rebelled, with Brexit, the Trump election and numerous other examples demonstrating the emergence of a full-scale insurgency against “mainstream” institutions, including political parties and the media.

At the same time, LaRouche’s call for an agreement among major powers is becoming a reality. LaRouche proposed an alliance between the U.S., Russia, China and India to form the core of establishing a New Bretton Woods. The advances made in the last years, centered around China’s Belt-and-Road Initiative, and the election of Donald Trump in the U.S., represent the only way out, for if the unilateralist geopoliticians maintain control, the world is heading for financial chaos and war.

This battle for the future has been the ongoing focus of Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s weekly webcasts. Join us this Friday for the latest update.

Webcast: The Time Has Come to End the Russiagate Fraud!

Helga Zepp-LaRouche discusses the growing (though futile) efforts by the British Empire to derail the momentum of the New Paradigm.

Webcast: To Prevent World War III, a Summit of the P5 Nations is Needed Now!

As the Democrats are showcasing at their convention their commitment to remain within the geopolitical geometry which is driving the world toward war, it is especially urgent that the summit of the Permanent 5 members of the U.N. Security Council proposed by Putin take place, as soon as possible. A New Paradigm committed to a “sweeping reform” of strategic relations and economic/financial policy is not only necessary, but possible.

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche honed in on Michelle Obama’s convention address to highlight the hypocrisy of the Democrats. When Obama criticized President Trump for a lack of “empathy”, she was conveniently ignoring her husband’s lecture to South African students, about how improving their living standards would cause the planet to “boil over”, or his participation in organizing drone attacks that targeted wedding parties, among non-empathetic activities of the former President. The instability caused by the endless wars and neoliberal economic policies can only be addressed by such a summit, as Lyndon LaRouche repeatedly urged, to implement a New Bretton Woods. Especially compelling was her analysis of the escalation of the effort to “contain” China, and the Senate Intelligence Committee report on Russiagate, which show that the war party intends to continue the dangerous policies which increase the danger of war. The upcoming conference of the Schiller Institute provides an opportunity for our viewers to participate in the mobilization to insure that such a summit can be convened, before the U.S. election.

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