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Helga Zepp-LaRouche

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Zepp-LaRouche Covered in Russian Press: The BRITISH Meddled in the US Elections

On November 27, Sputnik News published an article covering Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s insights into the British interference in the 2016 US elections. The article starts,

“Washington has accused Russia on multiple occasions of allegedly meddling in the 2016 presidential elections, leading to a special investigation into the matter. Moscow has firmly denied the accusations, pointing out that no evidence has been presented so far to prove them. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the founder of the Schiller Institute, headquartered in Washington, DC, told Sputnik that British intelligence agencies сould have been behind the alleged meddling in the 2016 US presidential elections…”

Read the full article here here: Pundit Suggests UK Could Have Meddled in 2016 US Elections

Zepp-LaRouche: U.K. Integrity Initiative Aims To Preserve British Control

On November 27 the United News of India and Pakistan’s UrduPoint news republished a Sputnik wire featuring Helga Zepp-LaRouche (speaking on behalf of her position as the head of the German Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party (BusSo). The article begins,

“The main goal of the United Kingdom’s Integrity Initiative project is to keep the UK influence in global affairs, including by countering Russia as a key player in the international arena and deterring China’s geopolitical ambitions, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the leader of the German Civil Rights Movement Solidarity party, told Sputnik…”

Read the full article here here: UK Integrity Initiative Aimed At Keeping UK Influence In Global Affairs- German Politician


Image credit: Jim Bowen (Hope Mills NC, US)

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Briefs China Radio on EU-China Investment Accord

Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche gave an interview on Dec. 31 to China Radio International’s “World Today” broadcast coverage of the EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI). The interview can be found here:, it starts at 29.47, and includes Dr. Qiao Hai [ph] of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

What follows is the exchange between CRI’s moderator and Helga Zepp-LaRouche:

CRI: Let’s begin this second half with the big investment deal between China and the European Union. The negotiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI) was first launched in 2014, just before another new year. Both sides say the negotiations are complete. The announcement was made via a video link following a meeting between Chinese President Xi Jinping, his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel, and heads of the European Council [Charles Michel] and European Commission [Ursula von der Leyen]. President Xi Jinping said the agreement show China’s determination and confidence in further opening up its economy to the rest of the world. He said, it would help the world’s two major economies make a significant contribution to the world economic recovery in the post-pandemic era.

To talk more about this, we’re joined by Helga Zepp-LaRouche from Germany. She’s the founder of the Schiller Institute, an political and economic think tank; and Dr. Qiao Hai from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Thanks for joining us.


CRI: Speaking of the importance, Helga, how do you understand the significance of this agreement for both sides?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think it’s extremely beneficial. But if favors so far the larger firms and I think it needs to be more extended, also, for the smaller and medium enterprises. But I think the fact that President Macron from France participated in the signing ceremony is extremely important, because he has no title in that leadership of the EU, but it signals that both Germany and France are in total agreement.

Also I think it is very important that not one ambassador was against it: This is very important, because this agreement still has to be signed by all the national parliaments and EU, so the prospect that it will go through smoothly is actually looking very good. I think this is a major breakthrough for the whole world.

CRI: Helga, according to a transcript of an online meeting between the EU leaders and Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron offered to visit China in the coming months, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, to discuss other areas of cooperation, such as healthcare and the environment. Are we going to see a stronger tie between China and the EU and stronger ties between China and European nations?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I definitely hope so. We are definitely in a world of great challenges, the pandemic is not over, international cooperation, and therefore my hope would be that European leaders would turn to Leibniz, who already in the 17th century said that is so happens that the most advanced cultures are situated at each end of the European continent, and they should join hands and develop the region in between. Now, I would hope that with China having made major concessions in this China-EU Investment, that Europe, in the other side would also be more open to cooperation with the Belt and Road Initiative. Because that would really give the framework to address all the many challenges, such as the underdevelopment of the developing sector. In order to overcome the pandemic, it is not enough to throw cash at the crisis when it is there, but I think that China and the EU should work together to industrialize Africa, Southwest Asia, and other regions, because otherwise, the danger of new pandemics will always exist.

I would hope European leaders would turn to Leibniz in their approach, because Leibniz, was an absolute admirer of Chinese culture. And I think Europeans have so much to discover if they study Chinese history and culture and philosophy, poetry, painting—there are so many things to be discovered, and I would hope that this agreement opens the way for a new renaissance in relations between the two.

CRI: Helga, what’s your take? Are those concerns from the U.S. society legitimate?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: I think The “concerns,” so-called, are purely ideological and motivated by geopolitical thinking. In the recent period there has been an unprecedented anti-China campaign in the United States, which is blaming China for every problem on the planet, which is completely hysterical. But there is no way how the rise of China—which is really the motive for this—can be stopped! China is a country of 1.4 billion people, with a policy based on innovation. And China has been the leader of technological development for many centuries. So if China is now coming back as one of the most important four nations in the world, people should be happy about it, because, from everything I have studied and seen, China is a benign factor and does not do what the U.S. is accusing it of.

So I think it will be beneficial for U.S. firms, as Mr. Qiao just said. The anti-China sentiment, by the way, is not shared by many U.S. firms, by many of the governors, by many of the elected officials. So hopefully the example which is set now by China and the EU will also influence the situation in the United States.

CRI: Helga, many believe the conclusion of the agreement also shows the EU respects its relationship with the United States, but will not wait for the United States any longer. Do you detect a change of the EU-U.S. relations, when it comes to trade?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, it’s a mixed situation, because despite the fact that this ceremony was signed, Michel, from EU Council, still called China a “strategic rival.” But I think there is a general tendency in Europe to assert more sovereignty. Also within the different nations in Europe, there is a growing sense that national sovereignty is important. I hope this will lead to a new paradigm, because I think we need a completely new paradigm in in international relations, where geopolitics must be overcome. Geopolitics led two times to a world war in the 20th century, and the proposal by President Xi Jinping for a “shared future of mankind,” is, I think, a very important expression of this new paradigm. And if people start to study that and realize that in the post-pandemic world, either we find new ways of relating to each other or we will be doomed together. This is a branching point in history, where hopefully people will be open with new visions about the future of humanity.

CRI: Helga, do you think this deal will be a stepping stone to an EU-China free trade agreement?

ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Well, I think it will be a stepping stone, hopefully, for an even larger conception, because we need, really, a new world economic order. I think that the most challenging question is the development of the developing countries. We have a famine, which, according to the World Food Program threatens 270 million people’s dying by starvation in 2021. And I think there needs to be a crash program to overcome that. And I think the most important economic powers have to work together, and I really think the combination of pandemic and danger of world famine should be a motivation to really go for a completely different design, where the common good of the people is being put first and not the maximization of profit. This is a very important challenge to humanity that we take this step, and go away from what has been the financial system, where only the maximizing the profit of the speculators was what counted. This is a challenge to the sovereign governments of the world to respond to the need for the common good of their people. That is what people should think about.

Sputnik France Covers Schiller Institute Nov 6 Paris conference

Paris, Nov. 24Maxime Perrotin from Sputnik France, authored two in-depth articles covering the ideas presented at the Schiller Institute’s November 6 conference in Paris. Our conference was held to announce the publication of the French edition of the Institute’s report The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge Vol. 2.

The first article was entitled, “The Chinese economic miracle, a defeat of the West’s neo-liberal model” and published on November 2. The second article was published on November 23, entitled, “The new Chinese silk roads also go through … Africa,” and starts with the provocative question: what’s the connection between a canal in the African Rift, the Port of Gwadar in Pakistan and the idea of the coincidence of opposites of Nicolas of Cusa, a German thinker of the middle ages? Answer? The BRI initiative of president Xi Jinping. The article said, Helga Zepp-LaRouche started the conference with the provocative statement, “This dossier contains the solutions to all the major problems that we are undergoing in this planet.”

Zepp-LaRouche outlined the enormous scale of the project, in terms of countries which have joined and overall investments, noting however that it is not a one way road: president Xi Jinping in his opening statements to the China international import export fair in Shanghai early November stated that China would “import” the equivalent of 40,000 billion dollars in the course of the following 15 years! She qualified the project as “the most important at a strategic level on the planet today,” because of its win/win cooperation, the idea that no country is to dominate another one, and because of its adoption of the peaceful coexistence principles laid down by the Bandung conference of the non aligned movement, of 1955, such as respect of sovereignty and peaceful coexistence.

The BRI is not Chinese, reports Perrotin citing Schiller Institute Africa advisor, Sebastien Périmony, who said it has sparked up the desire everywhere to “develop Africa.” After outlining the achievements of the last FOCAC conference in Beijing, Périmony presented ongoing projects promoted carried out by Europeans in Africa such as the Lake Chad Bonifica/Power China studies of feasibility, but also the Inga 3 hydroelectric plant in DRC with participation of a Spanish firm, ACS. But also projects that France could take up: such as the Togo, Niger, Burkina, Ivory Coast loop, which can be coupled to the trans-sahelien Nouakchott-N’Djamena railway.

Perrotin reports also that the Schiller Institute rejects the West’s accusations that China is leading countries into a debt trap, reporting that Zepp-LaRouche turns those attacks around against the IMF and its conditionalities. The author also picked up on the fact that in the 1990’s Lyndon and Helga LaRouche campained, at the end of the cold war, for a Eurasian landbridge. This was their response to the collapse of the Soviet Union, a peace project for the 21st century which would have used the COMECON industrial capacities to relaunch the economy of the former East bloc; a project that was killed by Bush, Mitterrand and Thatcher whose shock-therapy lead to a rapid deindustrialization of the former communist countries.

For Helga LaRouche, Xi Jinping’s concept of “a shared community of principle for all humanity,” is a conception coincident with the thinking of Nicolas of Cuse, and his coincidence of the opposites.

Helga Zepp-LaRouche Revives Call for P5 Summit Now

Helga Zepp-LaRouche, on Dec. 28, in a discussion with Schiller Institute members from the United States, Canada, Gambia, Ireland, Denmark, Italy, and Germany about the insanity of Secretary of State Pompeo amidst the danger of extreme international tensions amidst the pandemic, and the threat of a famine of biblical proportions, said that it was of urgent importance for President Donald Trump to call Russia and China immediately to convene the P5 summit called for by Russian President Putin in January of this year.

She said:

“I think that President Trump, no matter what happens on January 6, whether or not he will be in the White House on January 20, he could do one thing. He could immediately call up Russia and China and say that because of the crisis, because of the pandemic, because of the famine, because of the danger to world peace, that he wants to respond to the offer of Putin to have the summit of the permanent five members on the UN Security Council, which President Putin has been advocating since January. Trump should say that he wants to have that summit right away. And that would be the very best thing he could do to counter all of this propaganda.

“The more people call the White House to suggest that, and who express [the need for the summit] in any other way, the better. I have no idea why Trump has not kicked out Pompeo. He is the same as Bolton on many of these issues. President Trump did have the courage to kick out Bolton. That was one of the best things he ever did.

“But I think to outflank [these dangers], in this incredibly complex situation, is for President Trump to now follow up on Putin’s offer for this summit, and meet with Putin, and Xi Jinping. This meeting can happen. French President Macron has already said he supports having such a summit, [U.K. Prime Minister] Boris Johnson has said he is in favor of it. But the truly important people are Presidents Trump, Putin, and Xi Jinping, who will be the difference in such a meeting. Johnson and Macron could not ruin such a combination. That is the one thing that Trump must be encouraged to do. I’m 100% sure that Russia and China would absolutely go for it immediately.”

Webcast: Only Mr. LaRouche’s Program Can Reverse the Economic Breakdown

In this week’s Schiller Institute webcast, Helga Zepp-LaRouche covered the following subjects:

1. Various people are now warning of a coming crash—this confirms the warnings of Lyndon LaRouche, and underscores the need to move from a monetarist focus to an emphasis on physical economic development!  This is not just a “financial” crash, but a physical breakdown that’s already taking lives, just look at the U.S. state of California: record forest fires, a homeless crisis, the spread of “third world” epidemics, etc.  And, across the Atlantic, we have the “yellow jacket” revolt in France.  LaRouche’s 4 Laws economic recovery program must be implemented now.

2. Going against the western media attacks on China, we have a major media outlets now raising a reassessment of China.  The U.S. New York Times and France’s Le Monde are now discussing the success of China’s “different model!”

3. The upcoming G20 summit in Argentina could be incredibly important.  We can have “careful optimism” that President Trump’s meetings with President Xi and President Putin can initiate a global strategic shift, but there must be a mobilization to support Trump’s desire for this (given all the anti-China and anti-Russia hysteria).

4. In the U.S., the Trump administration needs to move forward with the declassification of documents showing that it was the British that interfered in the U.S. 2016 Presidential election.  Americans must again reclaim their republic from the British Empire!

5. We’re organizing a Renaissance!  Real economic change requires a change in culture, back to the classical method, and we saw an excellent demonstration of this with the recent Schiller Institute concert in New York City.

Thumbnail Image Credit: DoD photo by Master Sgt. Christopher DeWitt, U.S. Air Force

Humanity Is At a Crossroads for a New Paradigm: A Dialogue with Helga Zepp-LaRouche

In order for humanity to do what it needs to do, it should be focused at its highest cognitive capability and inspired by the work of the poet Friedrich Schiller. There’s nobody on the planet that is more capable of getting that across to humanity, and to you, than Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Enjoy this dialogue between Mrs. Zepp-LaRouche and an audience gathered in Manhattan.

Webcast: With Brits Preparing a New False Flag in Syria, Citizens Must Choose: War or New Silk Road

As the Russians and Syrians have exposed preparations for a new false flag chemical weapons attack in Idlib province, to be blamed on Syria, the choice of war and peace is now directly posed to the people of the Trans-Atlantic region. That the same dirty imperial intelligence networks responsible for previous incidents, which led to U.S., U.K. and French military strikes against Syria, and played a role in imposing new sanctions against Russia, shows how desperate they are to counter the emerging force of a potential four power arrangement, to replace their collapsing system with a New Bretton Woods system.

Further, that the same networks preparing this new war provocation have been exposed as behind the Russiagate attacks on President Trump means that the stage has been set for taking them down. What is required is a mobilization, leading up to the crucial mid-term elections in the U.S., of those who elected Trump in 2016, and those in Europe who have supported the continuing insurgency against the brain-dead establishment parties still running the neo-liberal post cold war order, demanding that governments join the New Paradigm associated with the New Silk Road policy.

Helga Zepp LaRouche and the Schiller Institute have been at the forefront in this mobilization. Join her this Thursday for the latest update in this fight, and for necessary marching orders to put an end to the provocations of the neo-liberals and their dangerous geopolitical intentions.

Webcast: Missed Opportunity in France, Huge Potential at G20

Helga Zepp-LaRouche discusses the following matters:

How Macron’s vanity prevented an opportunity for a crucial discussion between Trump and Putin taking place, during Nov. 11 Armistice commemoration: Macron put forward a new “European Empire” as opposed to “nationalism”, precisely as the European project is collapsing: Brexit, Italy versus EU.

There is NO threat from China: contrasting the positive developments from the Singapore summits, and the reopening of U.S.-China talks (Kudlow, Ross) with the insane war mongering from Rubio and Congressional neocons.

The Democratic Party, caught between the Obama-Hillary tradition, favor of impeachment and war, and those who wish to do something about the collapse of living standards, etc.— especially now, as the devastating fires in California call for a reconstruction policy above parties.

A final appeal to join the Schiller Institute to address the deep moral crisis confronting mankind, with a new Renaissance, based on cooperation for mutual benefit.

RIA Novosti Covers Helga Zepp-LaRouche on British Meddling in US Elections

Following Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s recent trip to Moscow, RIA Novosti (the Russian language state news agency) published two short reports covering Helga’s analysis of the world situation (translated below).

The first wire is headlined “American expert suspects Britain of interfering in the US elections:”

“MOSCOW, October 24 – RIA News. British intelligence agencies may have interfered in the US elections in 2016, said Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the US-based Schiller Institute, a research NGO.

“According to her, employees of the team of then-President Barack Obama and of British MI6 could have interfered in the US presidential election.

“’The reason is that (Donald) Trump during the 2016 election campaign promised to improve relations with Russia. But the British did not want this, because they saw a threat to their position, in that they would not be able to manipulate the situation if the United States and Russia joined forces. The Skripal case and the Syrian chemical dossier emerged in this connection,’ she told reporters.

“According to Zepp-LaRouche, if the intervention of the British in the elections is proven, this scandal will be the biggest in US history.

“This scandal will be bigger than Watergate, the greatest in US history. The midterm elections will show this,” she said.

“An investigation of alleged Russian interference in the US elections, as well as Trump’s supposed ties with the Russian Federation, which are denied by the White House and the Kremlin, is being conducted by independent special prosecutor Robert Mueller, as well as in both houses of the US Congress. A spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, called the accusations of interfering in the elections ‘absolutely unfounded.’”

RIA News,

The Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s charges against British intelligence created such a stir in Russia, that journalist Vladimir Solovyov brought it up during his popular evening talk show, citing at length the above-mentioned RIA Novosti quotes on the British role. His guest, American neoconservative Ariel Cohen of the Atlantic Council, quickly offered an explanation, in which he attempted to dismiss Lyndon LaRouche and his Helga Zepp-LaRouche as unreliable “conspiracy theorists.” Cohen’s intervention, in turn, was forcefully countered by Natalia Vitrenko, the chairwoman of the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, in a video rebuttal she released.

The second wire ran under the headline “Trump could improve relations with Russia, expert believes:”

“MOSCOW, October 24 – RIA Novosti. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, founder of the Schiller Institute, a non-governmental organization in the United States, believes that, thanks to a meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin in Paris and the G-20 summit in Argentina, U.S. President Donald Trump could improve relations with Moscow….

“’In the near future there will be a meeting between President Putin and President Trump in November in Paris, followed by the G20 summit in Argentina. If President Trump can, shall we say, ‘free himself’ from the conspiracy taking shape around him, then he will be able to return to those election promises he made in 2016 (on the development of relations with the Russian Federation – ed.),’ she told reporters.

“According to her, if Trump does this and thereby improves relations with Russia, and also tries to improve relations with China, then this ‘will bear fruit, and we can talk about the beginning of a new era, there will be a cardinal jump’ in the global conjuncture.

“As Speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko noted earlier, Russia has a positive assessment of the prospects for the upcoming November 11 talks in Paris between Russian and US leaders Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, and expects new prospects for Russian-American cooperation to be outlined there.”

RIA News,

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