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Helga Webcast

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Webcast—The Underlying Positive World Dynamic the British Empire is Trying to Hide from You

Listening to the Western news media, you would think the world is all chaos, no ordering principle whatsoever. However, stepping back and putting U.S. and European ‘current events’ in context of what’s occurring worldwide, it is easier to see what’s going on in the West is an establishment reaction to the positive forces of change shaping up across the globe. Xi-Kim talks are moving forward, foreshadowing a possible second Trump-Kim summit, potential progress in U.S.-China trade talks, Trump decision to pull U.S. out of Syria, in conjunction with Astana process, China’s successful Chang’e 4 landing on the far side of the Moon, and more.

Hear Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche, and Harley Schlanger discuss all the things the media is trying to hide from you!

Webcast: Trump Dumps British Empire’s Agenda of Permanent War, Provokes Hysteria

The announcement by President Trump of an immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from Syria, and reduction of troops in Afghanistan, has prompted a hypocritical and hysterical response from the pro-war party, which includes “leftists” and “liberal” media, in addition to the usual suspects among the neocons. Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise, to end regime change wars, opening the promise of the emergence of a new era in southwest Asia, based on reviving the principle of the Peace of Westphalia.

So why the hysteria? In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche explains why if Trump follows through with his pledge, and then proceeds to coordinate closely with Putin and Xi Jinping, it is a death knell to British geopolitics. That he is now acting on his own authority as President, ignoring the advice of his would-be controllers, has heightened the hysteria. This fear was signaled in a piece in “Foreign Affairs” earlier this year titled “The End of the Democratic Century,” i.e., the liberal British Empire. The ongoing collapse of many of the Trans-Atlantic governments, due to revolts by their people, such as in the Brexit vote and the “yellow vest” movement spreading from France, demonstrates the failure of neocon strategic policy and neo-liberal economic policy.

And while these regimes totter, the Belt-and-Road Initiative continues to pick up steam and gain adherents, such as Paul Kagame, President of Rwanda. The progress of the “Singapore model” on the Korean peninsula further exemplifies the potential for the coming year to be the year of the triumph of the New Paradigm.

It should provide some food for thought over the coming weekend, as we come to a tumultuous end of the year.

Webcast—Lies About China, Russia & Trump Come from Neo-liberals Who Have Bankrupted Their Own System

With the success China has had in raising the living standard of its population over the last four decades, why is it being subjected to a campaign of such “malicious fabrications” (in Foreign Affairs, ARTE documentary and in the media in general), especially as it is working to help other nations achieve similar results, with its Belt-and Road Initiative? Why the constant attacks on Putin and Russia? And why the escalation by Mueller against Trump, as he has failed to produce any evidence of “collusion”, which is what Russiagate was supposed to be about?

In today’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche calls on viewers to study the works of the great philosophers, including Plato, Cusa, Leibniz, Schiller, Einstein, and her husband Lyndon LaRouche, to develop their capacity to hear their own inner voice, so as to be able to engage in “self-thinking”, so they may answer these questions for themselves.

While the House of Lords is lamenting the prospect of the end of the “special relationship”, Trump took two major steps against the old paradigm, agreeing to work with Mexico in projects of economic development in Central America, and in announcing the end of U.S. military intervention in Syria.

She challenged our viewers to use the holidays ahead to read, and discuss great ideas with family and friends.


Webcast—French Mass Strike Decimates Globalists and Climate Change Hoax

French President Emmanuel Macron has capitulated to the Yellow Vests revolt in France—what’s really going on?

The uprising in France is not a series of “protests”—this is the type of phenomenon that Lyndon LaRouche has previously identified as a “mass strike” (referring to the insights Rosa Luxemburg).

As the Schiller Institute has warned for decades, the so-called “climate change” scare is a cover story for a Malthusian policy of radical austerity—a British-globalist plan to reduce living standards, reduce energy consumption, and reduce population.

Now we’re seeing that underlying reality bursting through.


Image credit:

Webcast – The Battle Lines are Clear: New Paradigm, or Economic Chaos and War

We’re happy to bring you this week’s webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche.

There is a rebellion in Europe!  From the Yellow Vests, to Brexit, to the political crisis in Germany—mass ferment continues to build against the imploding neo-liberal order.  The exception in Europe is Italy, which is the only stable government fighting against the EU insanity (with Portugal and Spain starting to make some interesting moves as well).

Looking at the global situation, we do have some positive developments coming out of the recent G20 meeting in Argentina.  Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping held critical talks, concluding that the U.S. and China can work together.  Unfortunately the anti-Russia chaos operations did succeed in preventing Trump from meeting with Putin, but Trump is continuing to fight back.  In a recent Tweet, Trump emphasized the need to work with with Xi and Putin to stop the arms race.

In the United States, we see an important development involving the Congress.  46 of the newly-elected Democrats have released a letter saying their intention is to focus on addressing real issues, like health care and infrastructure, and they didn’t focus on the ridiculous charade of calling for Trump’s impeachment.

And we have some new progress with the Belt and Road Initiative, with Portugal now signing on!


Image credit: A standoff at the Arc de Triomphe led some to draw parallels between the Yellow Vest protests and France’s revolutionary past. [Ruptly / Screengrab]


Webcast: Ukraine Provocations Staged to Cancel Trump-Putin Summit

In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger discuss the causes and consequences of Trump’s cancellation of he and Putin’s summit at the upcoming G20 meeting in Argentina. Zepp-LaRouche reiterates Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov’s assessment that the provocation was conducted by the same forces out to destroy the Trump presidency.

Zepp-LaRouche also discusses the so-called “Integrity Initiative” and how the “cluster groups” running anti-Russian propaganda from British embassies must be investigated, as British meddling, with dangerous consequences!

Also discussed is the significance of Chinese diplomatic/economic initiatives and conferences in Europe. Helga has called for surrounding Germany with nations working with China—it is happening, e.g., with Xi in Spain.

Whatever happens at the G20—and don’t expect much of anything from the G20, but the side meetings are important—we must keep our offensive going, for a Four Power agreement leading to a NBW, and LaRouche’s Four Laws.

Webcast: Only Mr. LaRouche’s Program Can Reverse the Economic Breakdown

In this week’s Schiller Institute webcast, Helga Zepp-LaRouche covered the following subjects:

1. Various people are now warning of a coming crash—this confirms the warnings of Lyndon LaRouche, and underscores the need to move from a monetarist focus to an emphasis on physical economic development!  This is not just a “financial” crash, but a physical breakdown that’s already taking lives, just look at the U.S. state of California: record forest fires, a homeless crisis, the spread of “third world” epidemics, etc.  And, across the Atlantic, we have the “yellow jacket” revolt in France.  LaRouche’s 4 Laws economic recovery program must be implemented now.

2. Going against the western media attacks on China, we have a major media outlets now raising a reassessment of China.  The U.S. New York Times and France’s Le Monde are now discussing the success of China’s “different model!”

3. The upcoming G20 summit in Argentina could be incredibly important.  We can have “careful optimism” that President Trump’s meetings with President Xi and President Putin can initiate a global strategic shift, but there must be a mobilization to support Trump’s desire for this (given all the anti-China and anti-Russia hysteria).

4. In the U.S., the Trump administration needs to move forward with the declassification of documents showing that it was the British that interfered in the U.S. 2016 Presidential election.  Americans must again reclaim their republic from the British Empire!

5. We’re organizing a Renaissance!  Real economic change requires a change in culture, back to the classical method, and we saw an excellent demonstration of this with the recent Schiller Institute concert in New York City.

Thumbnail Image Credit: DoD photo by Master Sgt. Christopher DeWitt, U.S. Air Force

Webcast: With Brits Preparing a New False Flag in Syria, Citizens Must Choose: War or New Silk Road

As the Russians and Syrians have exposed preparations for a new false flag chemical weapons attack in Idlib province, to be blamed on Syria, the choice of war and peace is now directly posed to the people of the Trans-Atlantic region. That the same dirty imperial intelligence networks responsible for previous incidents, which led to U.S., U.K. and French military strikes against Syria, and played a role in imposing new sanctions against Russia, shows how desperate they are to counter the emerging force of a potential four power arrangement, to replace their collapsing system with a New Bretton Woods system.

Further, that the same networks preparing this new war provocation have been exposed as behind the Russiagate attacks on President Trump means that the stage has been set for taking them down. What is required is a mobilization, leading up to the crucial mid-term elections in the U.S., of those who elected Trump in 2016, and those in Europe who have supported the continuing insurgency against the brain-dead establishment parties still running the neo-liberal post cold war order, demanding that governments join the New Paradigm associated with the New Silk Road policy.

Helga Zepp LaRouche and the Schiller Institute have been at the forefront in this mobilization. Join her this Thursday for the latest update in this fight, and for necessary marching orders to put an end to the provocations of the neo-liberals and their dangerous geopolitical intentions.

Webcast: Missed Opportunity in France, Huge Potential at G20

Helga Zepp-LaRouche discusses the following matters:

How Macron’s vanity prevented an opportunity for a crucial discussion between Trump and Putin taking place, during Nov. 11 Armistice commemoration: Macron put forward a new “European Empire” as opposed to “nationalism”, precisely as the European project is collapsing: Brexit, Italy versus EU.

There is NO threat from China: contrasting the positive developments from the Singapore summits, and the reopening of U.S.-China talks (Kudlow, Ross) with the insane war mongering from Rubio and Congressional neocons.

The Democratic Party, caught between the Obama-Hillary tradition, favor of impeachment and war, and those who wish to do something about the collapse of living standards, etc.— especially now, as the devastating fires in California call for a reconstruction policy above parties.

A final appeal to join the Schiller Institute to address the deep moral crisis confronting mankind, with a new Renaissance, based on cooperation for mutual benefit.

Webcast: Use Trump’s Victory to Build Momentum for the New Paradigm

Forget what the pundits and anti-Trumpers say.  The midterm election was no victory for Democrats, but changes, for the better, the situation in the U.S.  Helga discusses this, with its implications for U.S. politics, and for Europe, in this week’s webcast.  Ironically, as a result of Trump’s success, he will be coming to Paris this week in a stronger position than either Macron or Merkel!

She also identified the enormous potential of the Shanghai expo, with its implications both for resolving trade problems between the U.S. and China, but also to move towards a New Bretton Woods.

Speaking of Paris, Helga emphasized the urgency of using the Nov. 11 commemoration of the end of World War I, to learn the lessons of why the era of British geopolitics must be brought immediately to an end.

She called on viewers to study Xi’s speech in Shanghai, as an example of what Lyn has spoken about for years, on how creativity and innovation must be a continuous process, for the betterment of mankind.


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