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Helga Webcast

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Webcast: Following Geneva, Putin Makes Generous Offer

Reviewing events since the Biden-Putin summit in Geneva, Schiller Institute founder Helga Zepp LaRouche pointed to the history lesson Putin gave, which was published in Die Zeit, as a further example of his commitment to make sure that the lessons of World War II are learned. That the war hawk faction in the U.S. is proceeding with more sanctions against Russia and attacks on China — including the hilarious threat to “isolate China!” — shows that these lessons are still badly needed. This weekend’s online Schiller Institute conference comes at just the right moment, to give citizens an opportunity to intervene in shaping history. With new waves of COVID threatening, electricity flickering in Milan and bridges collapsing in Germany, what kind of idiocy is it to spend more money on wars, instead of building new platforms of infrastructure?

Webcast: Deaths From Power Outages in Texas Foretaste of Things to Come with Green New Deal

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche warned that the totally unnecessary deaths and suffering in Texas and other U.S. states, due to a polar cold front, offer a sign of what will happen if the Great Reset and its Green New Deal are not stopped. These deaths are not the result of a “natural catastrophe”, but a warning for the future if the takedown of coal and nuclear power electricity production is not reversed. The new EIR Report, “The Great Leap Backwards” provides both an analysis of the dangers explicit from adopting a Green Agenda, and an alternative based on the scientific ideas of her late husband, Lyndon LaRouche.

She also discussed how the drive for confrontation with Russia and China exposes humanity to the threat of nuclear war, at a time when cooperation is not just imperative, but also achievable. If NATO insists on sanctions against Russia over the much-hyped Navalny affair, nations such as Germany, France and Italy should leave NATO. Similarly, the failure of the European Union to protect its citizens from the COVID pandemic, by botching the delivery of vaccines, demonstrates again that this kind of supranational institution is incapable of providing for the needs of the citizens — a failure seen also in the likely devastating effects of its drive for a European Green New Deal, which could lead to a breakdown of the European energy grid.

She contrasted the unfolding tragedies of economic and strategic policies of the Trans-Atlantic nations with the optimistic potential of the three concurrent missions to Mars. That the United Arab Emirates initiated its space program only six years ago offers hope that, with international scientific cooperation, nations can move toward the peaceful exploration of our universe, with enormous benefits for all.

Webcast—Neocons Move to Box Trump In, While Italy Points Toward the New Paradigm

The ongoing battle between two paradigms was center stage in Italy this week, as the conference cosponsored by Movisol and the Lombard Region, demonstrated the potential for the Belt-and-Road Initiative (BRI) to break the power of the London-run geopoliticians in Europe. Helga Zepp LaRouche’s report on the conference, at which she spoke, and was joined by Michele Geracci, an Undersecretary of the Italian Finance Ministry and head of the government’s China Task Force, highlighted the significance of the upcoming trip of Xi Jinping to Italy, and the signing on an MOU for Italy to join the BRI. If Italy and fifteen other EU member nations can participate, for mutual benefit, with the BRI, what of France and Germany? Why are the EU bureaucrats and the London neo-liberals so distressed by this development?

Contrast this potential to the hysteria coming from EU bureaucrats, from NATO officials such as Gen. Scaparroti, and from U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo, which is part of a neocon contingent trying to rein Trump in. Helga presents a clear picture of how the neocons are moving, aiming at sabotaging the trade talks with China, denuclearization of North Korea, and pushing for regime change in Venezuela, to force Trump to move away from his campaign promises.

She appealed to viewers to use the mobilization to exonerate Lyndon LaRouche as a means of bringing down the war party, which is continuing its efforts to destroy the potential of the Trump presidency.

Webcast: “We Have So Much to Discover” About Our Universe

In her weekly dialogue today, Helga Zepp-LaRouche contrasted the exciting horizons opened by three near-simultaneous space flights arriving at Mars, with the polarizing circus underway in the U.S. Senate trial of former President Trump. The Mars’ missions, she said “show where mankind should be going….We have so much to discover.” She pointed to the successful development of COVID vaccines by Russian and Chinese scientists, and their willingness to share them, as another example of the kind of cooperation required at a moment of crisis like this.

Instead, look at the unbelievable situation in the U.S. around the targeting of Donald Trump and his supporters. The latest revelations which show that leaders of the riot from the “Proud Boys” and the “Oath Keepers” were tied to the FBI makes it clear that the assault on the Capitol on January 6 was not incited by Trump, but was actually a “sting operation.” And while the show trial continues, there is an escalation for regime change against Putin and Xi, run on behalf of those pushing for the Great Reset. She urged viewers to study the upcoming EIR Special Report on the Great Reset/Green New Deal, and to join us for the Round Table discussion on Russia this Saturday, as necessary steps to becoming the educated citizens required to bring about a New Paradigm of cooperation among sovereign states.

Webcast—Italy joins with China in battle for the New Paradigm, Geopoliticians Flip!

This week’s webcast with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Harley Schlanger focuses on three developments, first, Italy’s indication that it will join China’s Belt and Road Initiative (a big deal, it’s a G7 country),  the “New Green Deal” proposal being pushed by the so-called Progressives in the United States, and finally, they discuss the campaign for the late Lyndon LaRouche’s exoneration, and its implications on the current witch hunt against President Trump.



Webcast—Defeat the Murderous British Empire — Raise Mankind to a New Level of Creative Thinking

The underlying theme of Helga Zepp LaRouche’s strategic presentation in this week’s Schiller Institute webcast is that, as the clash between the Old and New Paradigms is becoming more obvious, it is the quality of thinking characterized by human creativity, which alone can bring the world to realize the shared common aims of mankind represented by the New Paradigm.

Nowhere was this more obvious than in the contrast between events in Hanoi, where President Trump was meeting with North Korea’s President Kim, and the nasty circus in Washington, D.C., featuring the dirty lawyer Michael Cohen and the foolish Democrats, salivating over the hope that Cohen’s lies will pave the way for impeachment. Trump was acting explicitly with a cooperative strategic alliance with Russia and China, as well as with South Korea and Japan, in his talks in Hanoi, while the pro-coup forces in Washington were doing the dirty work of the British Empire, to keep humanity hostage to their dying system.


Helga presented what is required to move humanity, to not just avoid nuclear war, but to bring about a future driven by the most exciting exploration of the universe. Referring to the beautiful ideas about letting the future shape the present which her husband discussed in his book, “There Are No Limits to Growth”, she issued an impassioned call to mobilize to win this fight.

Webcast—To Shut Down the Coup Against Trump, Exonerate LaRouche

The regime change coup against President Trump has been increasingly visible, as positive developments based on his initiatives have forced the coup plotters into the open. Look at the intelligence officials who presented the “Worldwide Threat Assessment” to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence on January 30. On virtually every single issue, those delivering the report—DNI Coats, CIA Director Haspel and FBI Director Wry—contradicted the President’s strategic policies. Responding to them, Trump called them “naive”, and expressed optimism that his diplomatic initiatives have been effective.

Helga Zepp LaRouche provided a concise report on those contradictions, on North Korea, Syria, relations with Russia and China, etc. The Old Paradigm, the neoliberal British imperial model, has failed, she said, and much of the world has moved into a New Paradigm, based on win-win cooperation. Typifying this Old Paradigm, is George Soros, who attacked China in his speech at Davos as the biggest threat to his “Open Society.” Zepp LaRouche said this is true, as his “Open Society” is nothing more than the collapsing British neoliberal system.

The same regime change forces behind Russiagate are now pushing a regime change coup in Venezuela, with potentially dangerous consequences. She asked, How can we avoid feeling as though we, who are fighting against this coup, are on a roller coaster, going up and down? It’s a question of understanding the principle of the Common Good. Study the works of Lyndon LaRouche, to become true representatives of the Common Good. And fight for his exoneration, as those who put him in prison thirty years ago are the ones running coups around the world, and in the U.S., today.

Webcast — People Are Being Tested: War or Peace Depends on Individuals Acting for the Common Good

Helga Zepp-LaRouche said the confluence of crises facing mankind means that citizens must now act with an awareness that war or peace will depend on the decisions they make and the actions they take. The forces allied with the globalist empire centered in the City of London and Wall Street are continuing their push for geopolitical confrontation with Russia and China. Their allies from the Bush-Clinton-Obama war party have been forced to rally to defend their pathetic candidate for President, Joe Biden, who has been exposed as running a criminal extortion racket while Vice President,. Now, to aid his candidacy, they are relying on censorship, and reviving the lies against Russia, claiming the Hunter Biden laptop, which shows a wide-extent of criminal activity, is a “Russian disinformation” operation. The pushback against these lies came from DNI Ratcliffe, with strong reinforcement from the LPAC press availability featuring Bill Binney and Kurt Wiebe, who warned that a civil war is already underway.

At the same time, Defense Secretary Esper is pushing for military encirclement of Russia and China, which includes the creation of a Quad of forces in the Pacific, to link up with an extension of NATO into the Pacific!

The way to counter these insane war plans was presented at an online conference cosponsored by the Schiller Institute, which brought together people from 30 countries, who heard from a panel of experts, including Helga, Jacques Cheminade and Schiller Institute allies. Major presentations developed the idea of the common principles which have guided the development of China, as well as nations in the west, and that the differences which exist between them are not only not irreconcilable, but susceptible to a solution based on the idea of the common good. Transcripts from this conference will be forthcoming.

Webcast—The British Empire that Jailed LaRouche 30 Years Ago is Same Apparatus Assaulting the Trump Presidency Today!

Thirty years ago, on January 27, 1989, Lyndon LaRouche and a number of his associates were imprisoned, in a case described by former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark as the worst example of government persecution he had ever seen.  The networks responsible for this outrage are the same as those behind the regime change coup drive against President Trump, beginning with high level officials of British intelligence, who initiated the targeting of LaRouche and Trump, and including the same legal assassin, Robert Mueller.
In this week’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche outlines why this network of British oligarchs has continued to “meddle” in U.S. affairs:  Why they are launching a coup in Venezuela; why they continue to attack China; how they are wrecking Europe, through their European Union operation; and how a New Paradigm is emerging, explicitly committed to replacing the era of imperial geopolitics.  The time is ripe for this New Paradigm, as is clear from the insurgency, from Brexit to the Yellow Jackets, which has put the Brits on the defensive.
Understanding Lyndon LaRouche’s intellectual guidance of this New Paradigm explains why he was targeted 30 years ago, and how the leadership of the Schiller Institute and its supporters is necessary today for it to succeed.

Webcast—Brits Panic grows; Will Trump’s Missile Defense Plan Become LaRouche and Reagan’s SDI?

While one of the Empire’s favorite leak sheets, Buzzfeed, exposed itself with its latest lying story targeting President Trump, he opened the prospect that LaRouche’s design for the SDI might be back on the agenda. And while May and Macron continue in their vain attempts to prop up the collapsing neo-liberal model, the Italians continue to forge ahead.

This week’s Schiller Institute’s webcast with Helga Zepp LaRouche presents an optimistic perspective on what it will take to finish off the era of British imperial geopolitics.

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