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Harley Schlanger Morning Update: House Impeachment Vote Paves the Way for Global Banker’s Dictatorship

The second impeachment of President Trump has nothing to do with the accusation that he engaged in “incitement of insurrection” — how do you incite something that was pre-planned, and known to be operational? It was the latest in a string of frauds, e.g. Russiagate, Impeachment 1.0, etc. — designed to bring the U.S. back into full participation in wars and geopolitical provocations, and financial swindles, run by global corporate cartels, which now include those Big Tech firms run by Davos billionaires and hedge funds. Their system is collapsing, so they are racing to set up the “Great Reset.”

Webcast: We are Sitting on a Powder Keg—It’s Not Just About Vote Fraud

In her weekly dialogue, Helga Zepp LaRouche looked at the events of January 6 from the top down, providing the viewers with a strategic overview which will never appear in the mainstream media, or from the so-called experts. She excoriated the line that the events of that day were the result of the unleashing of a “fascist mob” by Trump, saying instead it was a “Reichstag Fire”, a pretext for a fascist coup to impose the “Great Reset.” Besides serving as a justification for social media/Big Tech censorship of the President and his supporters, the investigation into fraud was shut down, and there is a push to criminalize anyone speaking out against the intentions of an incoming Biden administration.

Meanwhile, the escalations announced this week by Secretary of State Pompeo are aimed at increasing the danger of war involving four hot spots, Yemen, Cuba, Iran and Taiwan, locking the west into geopolitical confrontations. The world sitting on a powder keg, and facing an accelerating financial disintegration, which can be reversed only by creative thinking that looks to a plateau above the ground from which the present crises have been created. This is the method behind the creation of the Committee of Coincidence of Opposites, which she initiated with a commitment to creating a New Paradigm for mankind.

A Matter of Life or Death— Call for International Mobilization of Food Resources To Fight Starvation in Africa

My name is Ramasimong Phillip Tsokolibane. I am the leader of the LaRouche movement in South Africa. But I make this urgent appeal not as a citizen of my country, but as a spokesman for all those who are now starving or who will soon face starvation in Africa, and have no one to speak on their behalf.

Right now, many millions of my fellow Africans are starving. They are starving thanks to a combination of deliberately enforced underdevelopment of my continent—enforced by the neocolonial power of the British Empire, acting through their financial power in the City of London and Wall Street—now intersecting both a global pandemic and locust plagues and other natural disasters affecting food production on the continent. To use the technical language, they are suffering from “Acute Food Insecurity Phase 4: Emergency,” one step away from “Phase 5: Famine.” If you drop the polite jargon, they are already starving, while millions more will also face starvation unless food is made available to them quickly.

“Humanity is facing the greatest crisis any of us have ever seen. It’s time for those who have the most to step up, to help those who have the least.’ That warning came from David Beasley, Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme, on 17 September. He wrote that 30 million people are now in danger of dying from starvation. Most of them are in Africa.

I want to stress that this is not a matter of what will happen—it is already happening. And unless something is done and done soon, millions and millions of people will die in the immediate weeks and months ahead, as David Beasley warned. He had already addressed the UN Security Council in April, warning that 300,000 people could die every day.

While various charitable and other organizations have sounded alarm bells and have appealed for money, the issue we face, if we want to save lives, is securing massive amounts of food, as soon as possible, to hungry and starving people. Given the state of infrastructure on the continent and the fact that much of this starvation is occurring in isolated, rural areas, the distribution that must take place is well beyond the means of individual governments and those of relief agencies.

I believe we must mobilize the logistical capacities of the world’s most capable military forces and design a strategy to bring food supplies from such food-producing nations as the United States and Canada, and bring them directly to those who need them. Let allies and adversaries alike, join forces, in this greatest of all humanitarian efforts. In his most recent encyclical letter, Fratelli Tutti (On Fraternity and Social Friendship), His Holiness Pope Francis wrote that it is finally time for mankind to give up the idea that war is justifiable—any kind of war that takes human life. But this is rather a war—or more precisely, an international battle—to save that most sacred of things, human life.

I appeal to the American President, Donald Trump:

Take up this challenge. Give America’s farmers the mission to produce the food to feed the starving, while deploying the vast resources of the U.S. military on this mission of mercy to bring food to those who need it on my continent. Do this, in the spirit of your wife, the gracious First Lady Melania, who pledged to help Africa and especially its children in any and every way possible, while visiting the continent in October 2018. By emergency action, take whatever steps are necessary to make this happen.

This should be sufficient reason to convene that international great power summit called for by the great lady, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, chairwoman of the Schiller Institute.

We can save lives, but it will take an international effort to do so. The U.S. did this once before. I am reminded of that great effort to get food to the starving people of post—World War II Europe, that involved a mobilization of the noble and good American people, who sent those CARE packages and food supplies.

My African sisters and brothers can be saved if the will is there, and if people see themselves as acting in the spirit of caritas (agapē), rising above petty differences to do something good and great.

This new 17-minute video gives excerpts from eight farm, health and other participants—North America, Africa, Europe—at the Sept. 5-6, 2020 Schiller Institute Conference, “War Drive Towards Armageddon—Or a New Paradigm Among Sovereign Nations United by the Common Aims of Mankind?”

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Events of January 6 a Pretext for War, Global Banker’s Dictatorship

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Forget all the pious moaning about how the events of January 6 were an “insurrection against our democracy.” It was in reality a pretext, to be used to bring about a phase change, just as 9/11 was used to put the U.S. into permanent wars and a surveillance state. Today, the impeachment against President Trump is intended to show his 74 million voters that no opposition will be tolerated to what the Trans-Atlantic establishment intends: more wars and censorship, as they move to impose the Great Reset, which is a global banker’s dictatorship designed to dramatically reduce the world’s population.

Webcast—Lies About China, Russia & Trump Come from Neo-liberals Who Have Bankrupted Their Own System

With the success China has had in raising the living standard of its population over the last four decades, why is it being subjected to a campaign of such “malicious fabrications” (in Foreign Affairs, ARTE documentary and in the media in general), especially as it is working to help other nations achieve similar results, with its Belt-and Road Initiative? Why the constant attacks on Putin and Russia? And why the escalation by Mueller against Trump, as he has failed to produce any evidence of “collusion”, which is what Russiagate was supposed to be about?

In today’s webcast, Helga Zepp LaRouche calls on viewers to study the works of the great philosophers, including Plato, Cusa, Leibniz, Schiller, Einstein, and her husband Lyndon LaRouche, to develop their capacity to hear their own inner voice, so as to be able to engage in “self-thinking”, so they may answer these questions for themselves.

While the House of Lords is lamenting the prospect of the end of the “special relationship”, Trump took two major steps against the old paradigm, agreeing to work with Mexico in projects of economic development in Central America, and in announcing the end of U.S. military intervention in Syria.

She challenged our viewers to use the holidays ahead to read, and discuss great ideas with family and friends.


Video: Why the Great Reset Won’t Work — How to Understand the Present Global Strategic Conjuncture

Excerpt from a presentation by Harley Schlanger from a LaRouche Organization meeting on January 9, 2021.

“One of the first things I learned from Lyndon LaRouche was a concept that he called the conjunctural perspective, as the basis for his forecasting. That is, how to evaluate a crisis, to act effectively to solve it, but incorporating history, science, economics, politics, social policy. And especially in a period of breakdown, you have to take into consideration all of these facets.”

Global Food Price Inflation Starts To Recall 2008

As there is threatening food shortage and famine in regions of Africa, South Asia, and Ibero-America, there is also a global food price inflation underway, which recalls the severe food price shocks of 2007-08 before the financial crash.

The 15% inflation this year in the price of the average market basket of food in Africa, in a private institution’s survey, was already reported a week ago. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) on Oct. 8 reported cereals price inflation of 5.1% in September, worldwide, and 13.6% from September 2019. Vegetable oil prices averaged a 6% jump in September, and 14.1% from a year earlier; meat prices averaged a 9.4% increase from September 2019. Some prices had not risen: dairy, for example; and sugar prices were actually falling.

What this means in the United States will be further indicated Oct. 13; prices for food at home (where most Americans are now eating the great majority of the time) had already risen by 4.5% through August. China has had particularly high food inflation: its average pork price is 53% higher than a year ago, and fresh vegetables 11.7% higher for the year, according to the China National Bureau of Statistics. Typically for China, the government is conducting a national “don’t waste food, clean your plate!” campaign involving President Xi Jinping personally, personalities like Jack Ma, and so forth; it denies that China faces a food shortage, having large grains reserves in particular.

Video: What Is China Really Planning? What Americans Should Know About Today’s China

Richard A. Black, the Schiller Institute representative at the UN in New York, recently published an article in Executive Intelligence Review, titled, “Science Driver and Culture — Not Money — Ignite Progress,” describing the thrust of China’s newly announced Five Year Plan. Chinese government officials described their choice to make innovations in many fields of hard science into the engine for all economic growth, and simultaneously, to move towards devoting “10% of GDP” on upgrading the culture of their population of 1.4 billion. We interviewed the article’s author.

Conference: China and the West Face to Face: Rivalry or Cooperation — October 21, 2020

Cátedra China and the Schiller Institute invite you to an international videoconference discussion.

Register here

Languages: Spanish and English (with simultaneous interpretation)
Via Zoom — RSVP below for the link

The direction of relations between China and the West may well be the decisive issue that determines the future of all mankind – from economics to politics to culture. And yet those relations today are characterized by rising tensions.

Cátedra China and the Schiller Institute are hosting an international videoconference dialogue on this subject, because we firmly believe that the current slide into rivalry and disagreement must be stopped before it is too late. China and the West are part of a “community with a shared future for mankind,” and it is essential to learn about, share, and promote the best in each of our respective cultures. The joint efforts that will come from such a dialogue, and its adoption by leading political figures and governments in the West, are the key to working together to solve the existential crises facing all mankind, including the current COVID-19 pandemic and the related economic crisis.

We invite you to participate in an in-depth dialogue with leading international experts in the field. There will be participants from Spain, France, Italy, Germany, the United States, and various countries in Latin America. The event will also be broadcast live over YouTube.

Moderator: Rosa Cervera, President of Cátedra China, architect, professor at the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid).


— Yao Fei, Minister Counsellor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to Spain: “China’s View” 

— Michele Geraci, former Italian Undersecretary of State for Economic Development.

— Marcelo Muñoz, Founder and President Emeritus, Cátedra China, Spain: “China and the West: Two Worlds”

— Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Founder and President, Schiller Institute, Germany: “Confucius and Schiller: the Aesthetic Education of Man”

— Dr. Ángel Álvarez, Dr. Engineer, Cátedra China, Spain: “China’s Weaknesses in ICT in View of the Current Conflict with the U.S.”

— Jacques Cheminade, President of Solidarité & Progrès, France: “Economic Coexistence to Overcome Geopolitics”

Register here

Helga Zepp-LaRouche: The Capitol Assault Was Another 9/11

Helga Zepp-LaRouche on Saturday, January 9, speaking on The LaRouche Organization webcast, described how the orchestrated assault on the Capitol Building in Washington Wednesday, Jan. 6, was another 9/11, intended to justify fascist dictatorship in the United States by the incoming Biden Administration, turning power over to the Central Bankers’ Green Finance destruction of industry and agriculture.

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