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Lunacy of Brit geopoliticians, U.S. “Deep State” on Display in the Black Sea, U.S. Courtrooms

A naval incident provoked by the British in the Black Sea yesterday led to shots fired over the bow of the HMS Defender. Former British Ambassador Craig Murray asked what business it had in the Black Sea, describing its deployment there as “lunacy.” Court documents released on the January 6 “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol demonstrate the involvement of a legion of FBI provocateurs embedded among the demonstrators. These actions have nothing to do with “protecting” us from “aggressive” Russians or domestic terrorists, but in justifying further war build-up and security state spying and psychological warfare in the U.S.

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Panel 4 — The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process

Panel 4, 2pm EDT — The Coincidence of Opposites: The Only Truly Human Thought Process

  1. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, President and Founder, The Schiller Institute
  2. Russian Federation speaker
  3. Dr. Khadijah Lang (US), Chairman, National Medical Association (NMA) Council on International Affairs; President, Golden State Medical Association
  4.  Marcia Merry Baker (US), Editorial Board, Executive Intelligence Review
  5. Dr. Joycelyn Elders, former United States Surgeon General 
  6. Diane Sare, Candidate for United States Senate; founder, Schiller Institute NYC Chorus
  7. Pedro Rubio (Colombia), President of the Association of Officials of the General Accounting Office of the Republic

Harley Schlanger Morning Update: Will the Texas Deep Freeze Lead to the Rejection of the Green New Deal?

The promoters of the Green New Deal, including in the media, are lying that the failure of “renewable” energy sources, such as wind power and solar, had little to do with the dangerous loss of electricity in Texas. How do we convince people that the GND is not modeled on FDR’s New Deal? How much of a factor in the Texas breakdown is the application of the neoliberal model of deregulation and privatization? Is it right to describe Prince Charles and the other leaders of Davos as “Satanic”? And why does there seem to be so little interest in the convergence of three nations’ space programs on Mars?

Interview — BlackRock, Inc.: How ‘Green Finance’ Forbids Modern Fuels

Mike Billington, Asia Intelligence Desk for Executive Intelligence Review, presents how BlackRock uses its power to threaten and intimidate nations— both advanced and developing— to accept “green” technology and abandon energy dense fuel sources, according to the genocidal diktat issued from the British Monarchy. Mike’s recent article on BlackRock, “BlackRock INC. How ‘Green Finance’ forbids modern fuels” appears in the EIR Special Report.

Campaign Video: Defeat the Great Reset with the LaRouche Movement

The LaRouche movement is conducting a month-long series of events to mobolize the population of the world to defeat the Great Reset and accompanying danger of world war. Defeating this policy opens the door for implementation of Lyndon and Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s policies of economic development aimed at increasing the number of people on the planet and our standard of living.

Saturday, Feb. 27, 2pm EST: Roundtable Discussion with Helga Zepp-LaRouche on U.S./China Relations on

Wednesday, Feb. 17, 8:30 pm EST: The LaRouche Organization Youth Town Hall: Philip Ulanowsky: “An Unexpected Step on the Path to a Renaissance” on Zoom, RSVP for info:

Thursday, Feb. 18, 9 pm EST: Fireside Chat, “Green New Deal is a Famine Policy”, Marcia Baker and Diane Sare:, or call in: (712)770-5505, access code 536662#

Friday, Feb. 19, 8:00 pm EST, Sare for Senate NY Symposium, with Bob Hux and Dennis Small on NABRI (North American Belt and Road Initiative) on Youtube:

Saturday, Feb. 20th, 11 am – 2 pmEST, Schiller Institute International Youth Discussion with Helga Zepp LaRouche: “Stop the Great Reset, Develop Every Nation” Call Sylvia for more information and to register: 323-522-8363

Saturday, Feb. 20, 2 pm EST: Manhattan Project Weekly Meeting, Sunday. Feb. 21, 4 pm EST: “The Art of the Negro Spiritual” RSVP at:
Event is free, donations are welcome

Interview — In the Footsteps of George III: Prince Charles Invented and Runs the ‘Green New Deal

Richard Freeman of Executive Intelligence Review, author of the article, “In the Footsteps of George III: Prince Charles Invented and Runs the ‘Green New Deal,’” outlines the role of Prince Charles in orchestrating the decades long push by the British Monarchy for global depopulation in the name of the environment. Watch out for new interviews to be released daily this week by the authors of the report.

Censorship and Psy-War, Courtesy of the City of London

This week’s {Executive Intelligence Review} features the story of Who’s Who in controlling the narratives which appear in social media.  You know you’re being lied to, but who are the liars-in-chief?  The same networks which fabricate lying narratives such as Russiagate, Putin’s legions of hackers and poisoners, and Chinese concentration camps in Xinjiang, control the “fact checkers” who protect the real liars, centered in the intelligence community in London, Wall Street, and Washington, working hand-in-hand with Silicon Valley tech giants.  For more on this, watch the report by Mike Robinson, the co-editor of “UK Column”, available here: Sanctions Are Killers, and Are Driving the World Away from the U.S. and the Dollar – The LaRouche Organization

Rick Perry — the Green New Deal Is Anti-science and Kills

Rick Perry, the former Governor of Texas and  Energy Secretary under President Trump, spoke from power-less Texas Monday night on the Tucker Carlson show on Fox News, blasting the Green New Deal as anti-science ideological disaster which is killing people, and will kill more everywhere if not stopped. 

With over 4 million people without power in Texas — including Perry, whose power went down just as he appeared on TV (he was able to turn on a generator) — Perry described the freezing up of the wind turbines and the failure of the solar panels in Texas, adding: “We started taking down the coal plants, then the nuclear plants.If the country is going to continue to grow, to have an economic base which is competitive in the world, we’ve got to have a diverse energy supply which will be there when you call on it. That means fossil fuels, LNG, compact nuclear reactors. We have to look at fusion reactors — there’s great progress being made in that field right now. I don’t hear the new administration, the Green New Deal, talking about anything other than solar and wind. That’s fine, but you have to be thinking long term — there are not enough people thinking long term. You have a group of people so bent on their ideology — they don’t care about the future, they don’t care about your lives.”

He looked ten years ahead to life in an “AOC world” with only solar and wind. “What happens when we have this kind of event? It’s 9 degrees in Round Top, Texas. If you don’t have power to keep warm, you’re going to die! There are countless lives that can be lost with the kind of reckless adhering to a philosophy like that. It’s not scientific. We heard all the time during the campaign, `You have to stick with the science.’ Well, the science tells us, if you have just wind and solar, it’s going to get awfully cold in the winter, and awfully hot in the summer.”  

Naval War College Professor Warns of Nuclear War Danger

Lyle J. Goldstein, research professor at the U.S. Naval War College and founder of the China Maritime Studies Institute there, has been speaking out against the continued deterioration of US-Russia relations recently. On Feb. 5, he was interviewed by radio host Scott Horton and had placed an op-ed in the Washington Times on Feb. 3, in which he warned of the danger of nuclear war. In the op-ed, Goldstein praised the extension of the New START arms reduction treaty but warned “it would be foolish to pat ourselves on the back and think we have genuinely stabilized the smoldering train wreck of the U.S.-Russia relationship.”

“Mr. Biden made clear in October 2020 his view that Russia represents the most serious threat to U.S. national security. After December reports alleging Russia perpetrated a wide-ranging hack of the U.S. government, one might reasonably expect that Moscow and Washington remain practically on a war footing,” Goldstein wrote. “The Russian defense minister revealed just before Christmas that U.S. military forces are now making bellicose approaches proximate to Russian borders at a rate 15% higher than last year.”

“The Western press is now fixated on the fate of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny and related protests,” Goldstein noted. “However, this mixing of domestic political issues, along with the various cyber complications, has created a troubling ‘perfect storm’ for U.S.-Russia relations.” Goldstein dismisses the alleged about Russian cyber-intrusions, and alleged Russian efforts to “divide America” as “silliness.” Instead, we should “turn to a genuinely grave national security threat — namely nuclear weapons issues in U.S.-Russia relations.”

Not only is Russia engaged in high profile exercises of its nuclear forces, “unnecessary American and NATO provocations are also clearly contributing to heightened tensions with Moscow.” This is not only going on along Russia’s borders but also in Ukraine and Syria as well, where US/NATO forces are operating in close proximity to Russian forces. “The Biden administration could actually attempt to improve this most critical bilateral relationship. The new president might, as a first constructive step, order his appointees to stop referring to Russia as an ‘adversary,’ much less as the ‘preeminent threat,’ Goldstein writes. “Such rhetoric may serve momentary psychological needs (e.g. othering) and swell the stock price of various defense contractors, but it also fuels the military tensions that are obvious and increasingly dangerous.”

Goldstein notes that there are those in the West who would welcome a “Maidan” in Moscow but “a Russia consumed by chaos and violence would actually not accord at all with U.S. interests.” He concludes: “Americans need to know that Russia’s massive nuclear forces are under singular, stable, and rational control — not in the grips of a fracturing state facing the possibility of civil war. Moreover, a stable and prosperous Russia will also be critical to the world’s recovery from an economic crisis wrought by the global pandemic.”

In the interview with Scott Horton, Goldstein noted that the Cold war ended suddenly, and triumphalism on the part of the US was the response. The power went to our heads, since the USSR collapse we might as well rule over the rubble, he said (paraphrase -ed.) This kind of contested zone where there was a power vacuum (referring to the former Soviet republics along Russia’s eastern and southern periphery) and NATO said we’ll take care of it. Russia’s power has ebbed and flowed over this region for five centuries, Goldstein said, and it’s power plays to try to settle where that power ends. NATO involvement in Belarus, he warned is a very dangerous situation and could lead to a NATO-Russia conflict. “We better think hard about how to avoid this,” he said. The US has no national interest in Belarus and there’s no reason to consider how the US would use force in Belarus and some in Ukraine. There’s no credible threat at this point to the Baltics, he said.

NATO Must Be Dissolved

Col. Richard Black (ret.), prerecorded remarks
For Schiller Institute Conference, Dec. 12-13, 2020

SEN. RICHARD BLACK: I’m very pleased to be here with Schiller
Institute, and I want you to just know in advance that I come at this as a
very patriotic American. I’ve risked my life hundreds of times in combat.
So I’m very patriotic but I’ve very concerned about NATO.
NATO, in my view poses a very grave threat to world peace. In fact, it
is the centerpiece of the deep state. Going back, in 1949, NATO was
formed as a defensive alliance against the Soviet Union, which was
massively powered by nuclear weapons. The Soviet Union, in response
formed the Warsaw Pact, six years later in 1955. Many years of Cold War
went on. Fortunately, there was no nuclear war, or conventional war. The
Cold War ended in 1991, when the Soviet Union dissolved and communism
was discredited. The Warsaw Pact dissolved that same year.
Now, by 1991, NATO served no practical purpose, and it should have
been dissolved. It would have been a great thing for world peace had it
been dissolved. The prospects for a permanent peace were very bright.
The distance between Germany and Russia was over 3,000 miles, a huge
buffer against any sort of an accidental missile launch, or a hostile invasion,
one way or the other. So at that point, the prospects of a World War III
were extremely remote and this was a very fine time.
Backing up just a year before that, in 1990, President George H.W.
Bush and the top brass from NATO guaranteed President Gorbachev of the
Soviet Union that if he would not interfere with the reunification of
Germany, that NATO would not move one inch to the east, towards Russia,
and he accepted that agreement, and carried it out loyally. But, NATO lied,
and they lied massively. Instead of observing their promise, NATO rapidly
advanced, until today, they lie within 20 miles of the Russian border. So
NATO has advanced the same distance, approximately, as from coast to
coast in the United States, from New York City to San Francisco.
Instead of dissolving NATO, the Alliance grew from 16 members, to
30 members, and they did this by falsely portraying Russia as the
reincarnation of the Soviet Union — which it was not, at all.
Now, it’s important to realize that Russia’s population is half that of
the United States, and its economy is only the size of Italy’s. A good
measure of the genuine risk from Russia, is that Germany, which is the
industrial powerhouse of Europe, assessed the threat of Russian invasion
as so remote that they have reduced the number of tanks from 5,000
during the Cold War, down to 200 today, almost nothing.

Now, Donald Trump campaigned on withdrawing from NATO,
because it was obsolete, and he made a pledge to normalize relations with
both Russia, with Syria; however, the problem with this is that it would have
destroyed the {raison d’être}, the very reason for the existence of NATO
and the deep state. And it is that principal reason, in my opinion, that
caused President Trump to face a continuing coup, that began before he
was elected and that culminated in the massive election fraud that we have
just seen.
The Russian hoax put President Trump’s back at the wall. He was
forced to modify his anti-NATO rhetoric and sort of morph it into a demand
that NATO simply purchase more weapons. They’ve done this, and of
course, this has only further exacerbated the arms race between NATO
and Russia.
NATO and the military-industrial complex, the entire deep state,
employing millions of influential bureaucrats, they depend upon public
perceptions of nonexistent threats for their existence. There are millions of
defense-related jobs that are involved in this. But the fact is, that except for
minor border skirmishes with Mexico, the United States has never been
invaded by a foreign nation since the War of 1812. Back then, we were a
small, weak nation, and today, we are now the monolith of the world. The
U.S. defense budget is so large that it’s now larger than the 10 largest
defense budgets of other nations. We have three times the budget of
China; fifteen times the budget of Russia; and forty times the budget of
Iran. The U.S. Navy has three times the naval tonnage of either Russia or
China. Their navies are primitive: While we have 11 massive carrier task
forces to project global power, both China and Russia have only one,
modest aircraft carrier apiece.
Marine troops, naval infantry, are a measure of a nation’s power to
invade other countries from the sea. The U.S. has 15 times as many naval
troops as Russia and 8 times as many as China. So anyone who imagines
that perhaps we’re threatened by some sort of an invasion, need only look
at the size of the U.S. Marine Corps, and the size of their marine forces and
realize that that is a fantasy.
With the U.S. in the lead, NATO has taken recklessly provocative
actions against Russia, to deliberately heighten the tensions, we repeatedly
fly nuclear capable missions directed towards the border of Russia, and
just before they reach the border of Russia, they peel off and go off in their
directions. But just in the month of August, it forced Russia to scramble
jets to intercept these bombers on 27 different occasions.

The provocations, both naval and by air, have become so militant and
so risky, that in 2019, President Putin made the decision to unveil his
previously secret hypersonic nuclear weapons program. He did this, not to
bluster and impress the world, but he did this to ward off any possible
offensive action towards Russia. He’s followed that up by announcing that
he’s going to arm the Russian Navy and Russian submarine force with
hypersonic missiles.
With virtually no buffer between NATO and Russia, these missiles,
which cannot be intercepted, are able to reach Washington, D.C., or New
York City from Russia, within an hour, and for missiles that are fired by
Russian submarines offshore, within several minutes they can literally
exterminate the entire population of Washington, D.C., or of New York City.
This is an extraordinary danger to the American people.
One thing we need to understand: {Russia does not want war.} They
don’t want a nuclear war, certainly. And they cannot fight the United States
and NATO conventionally. But the U.S. has dismantled all of the nuclear —
almost all of the nuclear disarmament treaties. They were painfully
negotiated over decades, and now we are developing small-yield nuclear
weapons whose only purpose is to make nuclear war a more practical
So, NATO, which once defended Europe, is now fighting aggressive
wars in the Middle East and they’re being recruited to confront China and to
join in on that venture, which is very likely to occur. Each of these
expansions of NATO raise the specter of a nuclear war. If World War III
breaks out, it will kill vast numbers of American citizens, and NATO will be
to blame. The death toll will exceed any war that has ever been fought by
many, many times! It would poison the Earth with radiation. It would cause
a total breakdown in trade, transportation, and food production. It possibly
would end civilization, altogether.
Now, it’s important for Americans to understand the geography of the
world. The United States was blessed by having massive oceans on either
coast: the Pacific, the Atlantic, that extend for many thousands of miles. So
we are not threatened. No nation can invade the United States, and unless
we threaten others, there is absolutely no realistic fear of war. Ordinary
Americans gain nothing by the endless wars that we’re fighting, under the
aegis of NATO and our allies. And it’s important to realize that when the
balloon goes up, top government officials and the global oligarchs will
shelter in prepared underground cities. But the rest of us will be
incinerated by their folly. We will have NATO to thank for the demise of
Western civilization.

Thank you very much.

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