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Depopulation Ghouls at FLOP26; Dems Blow Virginia, Possibly New Jersey

It is dangerous to cling to old beliefs at a moment of global systemic collapse.  The belief in “limits to growth” is behind the “climate change” scenarios driving the push to reduce human population, which is the goal of those running the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  The ghouls can be outflanked and defeated, provided the opposition to the Green New Deal and Great Reset adopts the strategy developed over fifty years by Lyndon LaRouche.  Clinging to old beliefs is what led to the smashing defeat of Democratic Party candidates in Virginia, and possibly in New Jersey as well.  The reality of hyperinflation of food and energy prices, supply chain shortages, etc., was of greater concern to the voters, than the spectre of the return of Donald Trump, which Dem “strategists” foolishly believed would lead voters to cast ballots for their candidates! 

The Battle of Jerusalem: Another Strategic Flash-Point Is Exploding

As Greater Israel fanatics move to expel Palestinians from their East Jerusalem neighborhood, the predictable response has occurred: Hamas militants fire rockets into Israeli cities, while Israeli jets bomb Palestinian homes in Gaza.  Despite calls for de-escalation, fighting continues.  As this flash-point has been ignited, Cold Warriors with backgrounds at the NSC and RAND Corporation promote “Decisive Nuclear Retaliation” against Russia — which they describe as our eternal enemy — in a podcast of the Military Industrial Complex’s Atlantic Council.  Has nuclear war become “thinkable”?

Someone Doesn’t Want You To Know About the Schiller Institute

Schiller Institute YouTube Strike Response

A YouTube video from ten months ago is being used in an attempt to censor the Schiller Institute just days before its November 13-14 international conference! But the conference is NOT cancelled. You can still participate this weekend on 

Early in the morning on Wednesday, November 10, the Schiller Institute was informed that YouTube, after having “reviewed your content,” has concluded that “unfortunately, we think it violates our Community Guidelines.” The Schiller Institute has therefore been banned from YouTube for one week and thus cannot use the platform to stream its conference this weekend.

Entitled “A More Perfect Union through the Coincidence of Opposites: MLK and the American Presidency,” the banned video was posted on January 18, 2021, ten months ago, but has only now been taken down.

The video is a three-hour discussion among participants of varying political persuasions about issues surrounding American elections, decisions by “big tech” about which voices to allow and which to suppress, and the non-violent creation of a more perfect union. Helga Zepp-LaRouche’s speech was titled “Beauty Over Violence: Beethoven, Schiller, and the Idea of the Sublime.” Video excerpts from civil rights leaders were presented in a segment called “Love Conquers Hate: A Schiller Institute 1995 Conference on Creative, Non-Violent Direct Action.”

Absurdly, YouTube claims that the Schiller Institute event violates its policy on “harassment and cyberbullying,” defined as “content glorifying or inciting acts of violence.” This is preposterous.

Although the video is gone, you can read this EIR report on the event.

The Schiller Institute is appealing YouTube’s decision and will be arranging alternative streaming arrangements for its November 13-14 event.  The event will still be live streamed on

Fight back against censorship by spreading the word about this weekend’s event, “All Moral Resources of Humanity Have To Be Called Up: Mankind Must Be the Immortal Species!” Defeat Big Tech by co-streaming it on your own platform.

Contact us here to become a co-streamer:

China’s Evergrande Case — How to Handle Bankruptcy!

Remember the Crash of 2008, when the U.S. housing bubble popped?  How Bush, then Obama, bailed out the speculators, while 7+ million families lost their homes?  And how trillions of dollars of bailouts went to the speculators, driving inflation and increasing unsustainable debt, while credit to productive industry was choked off, to the present day???  Now, check out what China is doing in the Evergrande case — forcing speculators to take a giant haircut, a “pre-emptive bubble popping”, while protecting the homeowners, and continuing to direct money to physical production.  China is putting people first, while the Federal Reserve is engaged in “socialism” for bankers and speculative swindlers, under the theme of protecting those “Too Big to Fail”! 

Reality Is Hitting Globalists with a Vengeance

While the globalists may be preparing to declare a Pyrrhic victory as their blab fest in Glasgow heads toward the end, the reality in the world is different than they believe.  Many nations reject the fraudulent science the Davos elites have produced to bludgeon them into giving up their sovereignty.  But the dynamic of history often proceeds in  a different direction than that intended by the would-be Gods of Olympus: just ask for East German dictator Erich Honecker!  Today we celebrate the birth of Friedrich Schiller, 262 years ago, whose poems, dramas and aesthetical writings give us a glimpse into how the beautiful soul, which exists as a potential in all of us, can be brought into being through true art, which is the pathway to truth.  Join us this weekend, at the Schiller Institute conference, to participate in the noble endeavor of blazing that path for the future. 

`… Soaring Food Prices and Conflict’ Increases Hunger by a Third in West Africa

`Explosive Mix of Soaring Food Prices and Conflict’ Increases Hunger by a Third in West Africa

April 19 (EIRNS) — The hunger situation in Africa continues to deteriorate, as relief efforts continue to be overwhelmed with new crises, and receive little help in response to their calls. In an April 16 release under the above title, the World Food Program warned that “more than 31 million people in [western Africa] are expected to [become] food insecure and unable to feed themselves during the coming June-August lean season – the period when food is scarce before the next harvest. That number is more than 30 percent higher than last year and is the highest level in the best part of a decade.

“Food prices have increased dramatically across the region. Local staples are up by nearly 40 percent over the 5-year average, and in some areas, prices are up by more than 200 percent. This is caused in part by the economic impact of measures put in place to contain the spread of the coronavirus over the past year. People’s incomes have plummeted due to reductions in trade, tourism, informal activities and remittances.”

Chris Nikoi, WFP’s Regional Director for West Africa, explained that, “In West Africa, conflict is already driving hunger and misery. The relentless rise in prices acts as a misery multiplier, driving millions deeper into hunger and desperation. Even when food is available, families simply cannot afford it – and soaring prices are pushing a basic meal beyond the reach of millions of poor families who were already struggling to get by. The needs are immense, and unless we can raise the funds we need we simply won’t be able to keep up. We cannot let 2021 become the year of the ration cut,” he warned. [emphasis added]

This year, almost 10 million children under 5 are acutely malnourished across the region,” the WFP says, “with the Sahel alone accounting for half of that number. This number could rise significantly alongside the projected 30 percent increase in hunger, and the high prices of nutritious foods.”

Should the U.S. Risk a Nuclear War Over Taiwan, Ukraine or Syria?

Daniel Ellsberg, who courageously released the Pentagon Papers 50 years ago, which exposed the lies of the military and intelligence community which led to the disastrous war in Vietnam, insisted that there be a public discussion NOW of whether we should risk a nuclear war over Taiwan, Ukraine or Syria.  He reported on a RAND Corporation document — still classified — which reveals that John Foster Dulles favored a nuclear strike against China during the Taiwan crisis in 1958.  Ellsberg called for whistleblowers to come forward today, to “Let us know what the inside plans are,” so they can be countered before a new, devastating war can be unleashed. 

Glasgow Proposes Limiting Food Production and Distribution to “Reduce Carbon Emissions”

The genocidal intent behind the “climate change” puppeteers was on display yesterday, as they discussed how to reduce carbon emissions which result from farming!  This discussion occurred as the World Food Program director Beasley reported that 45 million people face starvation, with Afghanistan at the top of the list.  Klaus Schwab says the intent to improve people’s lives is bad for the climate!  Join us to make sure that climate fraud is not used as an excuse to commit genocide far beyond that of the Nazis! 
Register for the Nov. 13-14 Schiller Institute conference.

A World Divided

While western nations, led by the U.S., the U.K. and the European Union, are hurtling toward a systemic collapse, driven by commitment to a Green New Deal and the Great Reset, many other nations are moving in a different direction.  Led by China, Russia, India and many Asian and African nations, they are rejecting the demand for an immediate, drastic “carbon transition”, as they are defending their sovereign rights to put the priority on economic growth, which would be shut down by adherence to the looney-tunes being screeched at the COP26 summit in Glasgow.  The {Financial Times} even admits that the idea that the shift can be financed by private banks and equity funds is not credible, meaning more government intervention and investment is necessary for the transition to occur.

Register to participate in the Nov. 13-14 Conference

Friday Questions: How Can We Organize People to Recognize the Common Interests of Mankind?

As we are dashing headlong into a systemic economic collapse and a danger of annihilation through nuclear war, how can we organize our fellow citizens to recognize the common interests we share with citizens of all nations?  In today’s Update, we hear the words of President John F. Kennedy from June 1963, shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis, when he presented an approach to peace through dialogue, not a “Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war.”  JFK called on us to “direct attention to our common interests and the means by which those differences can be resolved….For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we inhabit this small planet.  We all breathe the same air.  We all cherish our children’s futures.  And we are all mortal.”
As you reflect on these words, remember to register for the Schiller Institute’s online conference on Saturday May 8, at 9 AM, where such themes will be the central topic. 

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