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Reality Is Hitting Globalists with a Vengeance

Reality Is Hitting Globalists with a Vengeance

While the globalists may be preparing to declare a Pyrrhic victory as their blab fest in Glasgow heads toward the end, the reality in the world is different than they believe.  Many nations reject the fraudulent science the Davos elites have produced to bludgeon them into giving up their sovereignty.  But the dynamic of history often proceeds in  a different direction than that intended by the would-be Gods of Olympus: just ask for East German dictator Erich Honecker!  Today we celebrate the birth of Friedrich Schiller, 262 years ago, whose poems, dramas and aesthetical writings give us a glimpse into how the beautiful soul, which exists as a potential in all of us, can be brought into being through true art, which is the pathway to truth.  Join us this weekend, at the Schiller Institute conference, to participate in the noble endeavor of blazing that path for the future. 

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