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Russian Troops Enter Ukraine: What Comes Next? Urgent Call for Establishing a New Security and Financial Architecture

Russian military moves into Ukraine are the inevitable result of the rejection by Trans-Atlantic leaders to seriously negotiate the draft treaties presented by President Putin, which would offer security guarantees to Russia.  Putin has called the bluff of the Bidens, Blinkens and BoJos, knowing that they actually wanted him to launch an attack so they could unleash sanctions aimed at destroying Russia.  It will not succeed, but could trigger a nuclear war.   The Schiller Institute is circulating an emergency call for an international conference to negotiate a security and development architecture that advances the interests of all people in all sovereign nations.  Read it, sign it, and circulate it.  You can find it here:

PETITION: Convoke an International Conference to Establish A New Security and Development Architecture for All Nations

In light of the escalating Ukraine crisis, people around the world are urgently asking themselves and their political leaders where this will all end. Is this heading towards a very big, perhaps even thermonuclear, global confrontation? Are we facing a reverse, more dangerous Cuban Missile Crisis? Will Mankind even survive?

Behind this very real danger of war, and the cause of that danger, is the blowout of the entire trans-Atlantic financial system. A nearly $2 quadrillion speculative bubble of derivatives and debt is already blowing apart. A hyperinflationary process has been unleashed globally, with an accompanying collapse of the physical economies of the Western nations. The City of London and Wall Street, the owners of that bankrupt system, are desperate to destroy any functioning alternative to their system — such as Russia and China’s alliance around the Belt and Road Initiative, which now incorporates nearly 150 nations — and the financial Establishment has openly stated that this is what is at stake.

So has Vladimir Putin, who has correctly said that the U.S./U.K./NATO relentless expansion eastward up to Russia’s very borders, is driven by this economic policy, and that it threatens Russia’s national security in ways Russia cannot accept.

Therefore, to stop the drive to war, it is necessary to adopt a more fundamental approach, which is to establish an entirely New Paradigm that will ensure the security, and the economic development, of every nation on the planet. The only recent precedent for this in the West, is the 1648 Treaty of Westphalia, which put an end to 150 years of religious wars in Europe. It was crafted only at the point that all parties realized that, if they continued on their current path, there would be no winners and very few survivors. They chose to create a New Paradigm based on the defense of the interest of the other, and on the premise that the security of all was the first requirement for the security of each party.

That is the key lesson of the Treaty of Westphalia for today. The world today stands at a similar crossroads. If the current geopolitical policies continue, nuclear war becomes a very real possibility — after which there would be no winners, and most probably no survivors.

Instead, an international conference must immediately be convoked along the lines of the Peace of Westphalia. The fundamental interest of all of the parties is to ensure that the central economic and security interests of each are taken care of — in other words, an order based on the benefit of the other, on the common good or the General Welfare, and on an underlying love of all Mankind.

The economic system must also be drastically reshaped to express this outlook. The renowned American economist Lyndon LaRouche specified in great detail how such a system would work, based on what he called his Four Laws:

  • The immediate re-enactment of the Glass–Steagall law instituted by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, without modification, as to principle of action. This means putting the entire speculative financial bubble through bankruptcy reorganization.
  • A return to a system of top-down, and thoroughly defined, National Banking, as specified by the U.S. first Treasury Secretary, Alexander Hamilton.
  • The purpose of the use of such a Federal credit-system is to generate high-productivity trends in improvements of employment; with the accompanying intention, to increase the physical-economic productivity, and the standard of living, of the persons and households.
  • Adopt a fusion-driver ‘crash program’ to promote the fundamental breakthroughs in science which unlimited economic growth and development require.

The Schiller Institute and its founder Helga Zepp-LaRouche issue this call to initiate the urgent international discussion that is needed to convoke such a conference, and stop the so-called “Doomsday Clock” before it strikes midnight. It is time for institutions and individuals from every nation to step forward and join the mobilization for an international conference to establish a new security and development architecture for all nations.

Sign the petition here.

Still Time to Stop World War III — Citizens of the West Must Become Informed!!

How much do you know about the reasons behind Putin’s decision to recognize the independence of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics?  How much do you actually know about Ukraine, whose people are being used as cannon fodder in a war between Trans-Atlantic financial oligarchs, and Russia and China?  The west has poured over $5 billion in new weapons into Ukraine, paid for by loans, when Ukraine already is facing default on $4 to 5 billion in debt.  And did you know that “democratic” Ukraine has shut down opposition media, jailed and threatened opposition leaders, and placed hard-core Nazis is leading positions in its security and defense forces? To learn the truth, watch Ukrainian economist and political leader Natalia Vitrenko, in her Feb. 19 address to the Schiller Institute.

Putin Responds to Western Refusal to Accept Russian Request for Security Guarantees

Putin just called the bluff of the War Hawks who are trying to prop up their collapsing unipolar order.  By recognizing the independence of the “breakaway republics” of Ukraine, Donetsk and Luhansk, he is offering to protect them from the escalating shelling and shooting coming from the Ukraine side of the Line of Contact.  He said no matter what Russia did, the West would respond with sanctions, because their goal is not peace, but the destruction of Russia’s economy, to force a regime change there, which he will not allow.  The alternative is to organize a new security architecture — is anyone in the West listening?

How Do You Know That Tony Blinken Is Lying? His Lips Are Moving!

Blinken’s difficulty with truthful dialogue was again on display yesterday, in an interview with ABC-News, and in a speech before the U.N. Security Council (UNSC).  At the UNSC, he presented lie after lie, asserting that Russia will invade Ukraine, Russia has violated the Minsk Agreement, is preparing a false flag event in the Donbas as an excuse to invade, etc., etc.  Expect more of the same today from him and NATO spokesmen at the annual Munich Security Conference.  To hear the full, actual truth, be sure to register for the online Schiller Institute Conference on Saturday:

What Is the Truth About the War Danger Between the U.S./NATO and Russia?

This interview with Alexander Rahr was done on February 17, at a time of continuing escalation of tensions between the U.S.-NATO forces and Russia, ostensibly over Ukraine. Rahr is an historian, a business consultant and an active proponent of German-Russian friendship, who writes frequently on this subject and is often featured in interviews. In this interview, he presents what is generally censored in the western media, answering: What is really behind the crisis in Ukraine? What are Putin’s goals? Can war be avoided? In the second section, he takes up the question of diplomacy, emphasizing the importance of a French-German role in countering the insistence of the proponents of 19th and 20th century British geopolitics, who argue that east and west cannot work together. He discusses the potential for collaboration in energy and technology, including space exploration, and how this can form the basis of a security architecture stretching from the Atlantic to Vladivostok, which could include the United States. The interview was conducted by Harley Schlanger of the {Executive Intelligence Review}.

The War Drive Comes from the West, Not Russia

The Schiller Institute conference of Feb. 19 intervened in the midst of a continuing war drive to make two vital points. 1.) The war danger is driven by the ongoing systemic collapse of the authority of the Unipolar world, led by the economic collapse; 2.) The solution is a shift to a multi-polar world built upon a new security architecture, which recognizes the right to sovereignty of all nations, and promotes mutually beneficial economic policies, centered on making scientific and technological progress available to all.  The efforts by war hawks in the Trans-Atlantic to provoke a Russian invasion of Ukraine will serve as an excuse to impose sanctions designed to destroy Russia’s economy, as various western spokesmen have confirmed — and to divert attention away from the failed economic, social and cultural policies harming all nations, produced by the Unipolarists! 
Here is a link to Schiller conference.  

Also, watch my interview with Alexander Rahr HERE

U.S. Intel Is Wrong Again

Speaking to reporters yesterday, President Biden seemed to be facing reality.  The invasion of Ukraine by Russia, which his intelligence team had predicted for February 16, did not happen.  While not acknowledging the error, he said he will address the security concerns raised by President Putin, and engage in continuing dialogue.  But one of the major factors behind the war drive — the collapse of the Trans-Atlantic economic/financial system continues, with investment guru Jeremy Grantham saying he believes we are at “the beginning of the burst.”  The Schiller Institute will address the interconnection between economic collapse and the war drive this Saturday, Feb. 19 at 10 AM EST — register for the online conference here:

Conference: 100 Seconds to Midnight on the Doomsday Clock – We Need a New Security Architecture!

International Schiller Institute/ICLC online conference February 19, 2022

Panel 1 — Saturday, February 19, 10am EST
Who and what are driving the rush towards world war? How close are we?

Moderator: Dennis Speed (U.S.), The Schiller Institute

  1. Keynote: Harley Schlanger (US), The Schiller Institute: “What Happens After D-Day? Will Russia Invade Ukraine?”
  2. Natalia Vitrenko (Ukraine), Chairwoman, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine (PSPU): “Ukraine’s Role in Present World Affairs”
  3. Col. (ret). Alain Corvez (France), International Consultant, former Counselor for the French Defense and Interior Ministries, “Evaluation of the Strategic Situation; a French Perspective”
  4. Jens Jorgen Nielsen (Denmark), “Why we need a new security architecture,” Former Moscow correspondent for the Danish daily Politiken, author books on Russia and Ukraine, Director, Russian-Danish Dialogue and assistant professor, communication and cultural differences. Niels Brock Business School.
  5. James Jatras (US), diplomat, former advisor to U.S. Senate Republican leadership: “The Evolution of NATO in the Post-Soviet Period”
  6. Shakeel Ahmad Ramay (Pakistan), Political Economist: “Imran Khan’s Proposal for Pakistan to Mediate the U.S. and China”

Panel 2 — Saturday, February 19, 2pm EST
Crafting a new strategic architecture: The Russian–Chinese Feb. 4 joint agreement, the World Land-Bridge economic development perspective

Moderator: Dennis Small (US), Ibero-American Director, Executive Intelligence Review

  1. Keynote: Helga Zepp-LaRouche (Germany), Founder and chairwoman of The Schiller Institute: “Long-Term Survival: A New International Security Architecture”
  2. Dr. Wang Wen (China), Executive Dean, Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies; Professor of Silk Road School, Renmin University: “The China-Russia Agreement of Feb. 4, 2022”
  3. Alejandro Yaya (Argentina), Civil Institute of Space Technology: “Argentina Joins the Belt and Road Initiative”
  4. Graham Fuller (US), 25 year career as a CIA operations officer, author: “The Validity of the Concept of Spheres of Influence” [10 min.]
  5. Dr. Carlos Gallardo (Peru), President, Christian Democratic Party of Peru: “Development Is the Name of Peace in South America”
  6. Tony Magliano (US), Internationally Syndicated Catholic social justice and peace columnist: ”War Is Not Inevitable! We Have a Moral Obligation To Save Afghans from Starving! The Need To Create a New, Human-Centered Paradigm”

Webcast – Historical Truth Emerging, Trans-Atlantic war Propaganda Machine Takes a Hit

Join the Schiller Institute Feb. 19 for an international conference

Though the strategic situation around Russia and NATO remains highly dangerous, Helga Zepp-LaRouche stated today that there has been a change. Putin succeeded in provoking a discussion about Russia’s security concerns, effectively making the case that one nation or bloc of nations must not improve its security at the expense of others. She noted forward motion in the meeting between German Chancellor Scholz and President Putin, even as Trans-Atlantic war hawks keep insisting that Russia may invade “any day.”

In reporting on a message from Ukrainian stateswoman Natalia Vitrenko, she said the situation in Ukraine remains very complicated, but the possibility of a Minsk-2, as part of a broader Helsinki 2.0 discussion, may enable a change in which Ukraine becomes a bridge between East and West, instead of a war zone. It is noteworthy that participants in the discussions at the end of the Cold War, former French Foreign Minister Dumas, and former U.S. Ambassador to Russia Matlock, have publicly intervened to “set the record straight” on the origin of the crisis, i.e., the broken promise from the West that no eastward expansion of NATO will occur, which reveals historic truth against the lying narratives coming from the Trans-Atlantic side.

She called on all viewers to join us in mobilizing to build the Schiller Institute conference this Saturday, February 19, so that it will become clear there is an alternative to the economic collapse behind the war drive, and that is the unique set of solutions generated by Lyndon LaRouche.

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