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Afghanistan opportunity for a new era

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The World Is Watching The Schiller Institute

China’s international news agency, China Global Television Network (CGTN), produced a six minute video of excerpts from the keynote speech by Helga Zepp-LaRouche at the July 31 Schiller Institute Conference, “Afghanistan: A Turning Point in History After the Failed Regime-Change Era.” The CGTN video is…

BOOT THE WAR HAWKS OUT: Now Is the Time for Mutually Beneficial Development!

Two weeks before the fall of Kabul, the Schiller Institute presented a dialogue on how the U.S./NATO failure in Afghanistan can be turned into the basis for a New Paradigm of peace and development for the world.  Events since then have shown how prescient the speakers…

Webcast: Learn from the Present Crises: There is No Need for a Systemic Breakdown

The upcoming events of the Schiller Institute will make clear that there is no need for humanity to suffer from the accelerating breakdown crisis of civilization. On July 24, we will present an in depth dialogue, “There Is No Climate Emergency;” on July 31, a…

Helga Zepp-LaRouche interviewed on CGTN’s Asia Today

Helga Zepp-LaRouche was interviewed by Zhong Shi today, the host of the “Asia Today” program on CGTN, as part of its lead coverage on the crisis in Afghanistan. Zhong Shi: I want to now also bring in Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the president and founder of the…

A Conversation with NSA Whistleblowers: Rescuing the Republic from the Surveillance State

Moderated by the Schiller Institute’s Dennis Speed, the speakers included Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Bill Binney (former NSA technical director), Kirk Wiebe (former NSA senior intelligence analyst), and Michael Billington (EIR). Held at the Thalia Theater on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, the dynamic between the speakers and…

The Necessity of Redefining “Sustainable Development” as “Sustained Development”

The Belt and Road and Apollo Program: Sources of Inspiration By Hussein Askary and Jason Ross In just a few days, world leaders will gather in New York for the 74th U.N. General Assembly summit, whose theme this year is “Sustainable Development.” The gathering is…

Schiller Institut⁠e⁠ in China⁠—Xinjiang Province: China Rejects All Accusations

by Christine Bierre, Hardly had the breakthroughs of the Xi-Trump meeting occurred at the G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan than London and its neo-conservative allies, in and out of the Trump administration, escalated a new flank in the war of nerves against China. Following the…

Concerning the Fate of the Nation

The following talk was given to an audience in Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, September 29th.  It is being specially released for distribution at the United Nations, for the purpose of inoculating responsible diplomats, elected officials, members of the press and representatives of NGO and other…

Why China’s ‘Debtbook Diplomacy’ is a Hoax

by Hussein Askary and Jason Ross, co-authors of Extending the New Silk Road to West Asia and Africa August 30, 2018 “And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or…

Conference Berlin 2016 June 25-26

  Press Release „Creating A Common Future For Mankind And A Renaissance Of Classical Culture“ June 28, 2016 —The Schiller Institute’s international two-day conference gathered more than 300 guests from 24 nations and four continents for an intense and profound dialogue on how to stop…

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