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Afghanistan opportunity for a new era

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Paris Schiller Institute to Stage Afghan Civil Society Protest Exposing UNESCO Sanctions Against Cultural Heritage Cooperation

Paris, Feb. 13, 2024 – On Thursday February 22, between 10:00 am and 1:00 pm CET, members and supporters of the International Schiller Institute, founded and presided by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, will gather peacefully in front of one of the main buildings of the headquarters of…

Keynote Address – 2024 and 2074: A New Paradigm for the Next Fifty Years

International LaRouche Youth Movement Statement in Support of South Africa On Saturday, January 20, 2024, the Schiller Institute hosted an International Youth Dialogue to discuss the “10 Principles for A New Development and Security Architecture,” proposed by Schiller Institute Founder and President Helga Zepp-LaRouche. Over…

Afghanistan: Mes Aynak Copper Mine Will Open, But Buddhist Archeological Site Will be Fully Preserved

On November 10, in Kabul, an eminent Afghan archaeologist gave us some excellent news, disavowing what we read in the mainstream press in the West. Having been involved for a decade in the excavations at Mes Aynak, where an archaeological site on the surface is…

100 Seconds to Midnight on the Doomsday Clock: We Need a New Security Architecture!

by Helga Zepp-LaRouche · February 6, 2022 PDF of this statement “A nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought,” the five nuclear powers and permanent members of the UN Security Council affirmed in a joint statement on Jan. 3 of this year.…

Pakistan TV Special Broadcast on OIC Extraordinary Meeting On Afghanistan Gets Briefing From Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Hussein Askary

Dec. 17 (EIRNS)—What follows are the exchanges with Helga Zepp-LaRouche and Hussein Askary on Pakistan’s PTV panel discussion on the Organization of Islamic Countries’ Extraordinary Meeting on Afghanistan. PTV’s host was Faisal Rehman. The two-part broadcast included in-studio guests, former Ambassador Naila Chuhan, and defense analyst…

Seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark: Afghanistan: What now? Peace through Economic Development

On October 11, 2021 the Schiller Institute in Denmark held a seminar in Copenhagen, Denmark. Now that the war in Afghanistan is over, and many people in the West are shaken by the events, there is an opportunity to exchange the policy, which has been…

Schiller Institute Internet Dialogue — ‘Need Creative Genius of the World to Bear on Haiti and Afghanistan’

Sept. 25 (EIRNS)—Today the Schiller Institute held an international webinar titled, “Reconstructing Haiti—America’s Way Out of the ‘Global Britain’ Trap.” The two-and-a-half-hour discussion featured elements of a proposed development outline for Haiti, as well as immediate emergency action required, and brought together experts, with ties…

As War Hawks Press for New Wars, Addressing the War Danger More Urgent Than Ever

The moment of opportunity opened by the end of the war in Afghanistan, for multilateral cooperation for economic development, could close very quickly.  A False Flag event, occurring in the midst of almost daily military encounters by U.S.-NATO forces with Russian and Chinese military forces,…

Schiller Institute Aug. 21 Afghanistan Conference: Rush the Economic Projects; Talk with The Government-in-Formation

Aug. 21 (EIRNS)–The Schiller Institute hosted an international webinar today, “Now, More Urgent Than Ever: Afghanistan—Opportunity for a New Epoch for Mankind,’ bringing together speakers with wide experience, from six nations—United States, Germany, Pakistan, Canada, and Italy. Three main themes were struck repeatedly in the…

“What Just Happened in Afghanistan?”

The Schiller Institute will hold a dialogue among leading officials on August 21, at Noon EDT, on “What Just Happened in Afghanistan?” It is past time that we face the reality that continuing to make decisions based on 19th century imperial geopolitical doctrines and neoliberal…

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The Schiller Institute